How beautiful to make napkins on the New Year's table. Napkins for the New Year: crafts and decorations. Delicate greenery and garlands of light bulbs

Good afternoon. Today we will cook New Year's Eve table. I will show you the most interesting examples of decoration and table setting for the New Year. And most importantly, I will draw your attention to simple, inexpensive tricks and that will help make your New Year's table setting original and stylish. Your New Year's table will not be the same as before. Your guests will remember this New Year and will definitely reflect your holiday serving. First, I will show you individual ideas - piece original ideas. And then I will give overview photos of the tables already decorated for the New Year, laying out the New Year's table settings by color - gold, red, silver, blue and other colors.

In this article, you will learn…

  • How to original use cones in the New Year's serving.
  • How to use paper and felt material
  • How simple paper snowflakes can change the beauty of your table.
  • How to complement the New Year's table setting composition with candles.
  • simple homemade DIY crafts to decorate the New Year's table.

So, let's decorate the table for the New Year with our own hands.

New Year's table decoration

Idea Pack #1

"New Year on a plate"

Any serving consists primarily of plates and cutlery. Usually the plates are empty. And all the New Year's beauty is located around them (candles, napkins, figures of New Year's characters). Let's do it differently. Fill the guests' plates with Christmas decorations. Small presents - cute symbols that decorate this holiday.

In the photo below, we see how ordinary pine cones have turned into a cute New Year's boutonniere to decorate every plate on the New Year's table.

The pin can be dyed from a can gold or other paint (cans are sold in hardware stores or auto stores). Or the bump can be painted, dipping it into a glass of pva glue, diluted with colored gouache. So the cone will be evenly colored both outside and inside, under the scales.

And maybe a bump only POWDER with gouache, dip the foam sponge in gouache and poke it into the bump. Only the edges of the scales will be painted (the effect of an aged retro painting will turn out). Such a cone will look good paired with other retro elements (a dried orange slice, cinnamon sticks, an asterisk cut out of cardboard and a napkin). Of course, you need to understand that the color of the painting is chosen according to the tint palette of the general New Year's serving.

Or you can put 2-3 Christmas decorations on a plate. Place a napkin tied with a colored ribbon next to it, a golden bag with cookies in the form of stars or angels.

You can wrap Christmas decorations in a bag of bright colored paper napkins, tie them with a ribbon, slipping a coniferous branch under the string.

Or you can simply not throw away the lower branches-paws cut from the Christmas tree, but cut them into small fluffy paws, decorate them with a large crystal bead and tie them with a ribbon. If there are no beads, then you can make a voluminous paper snowflake (miniature delicate shape) with your own hands, or crochet it, add a ribbon, a piece of a picture cut out from a New Year's card - and a beautiful coniferous decoration for the New Year's table is ready. Cheap, fast and original - beautiful for your guests.

If you do not have coniferous paws from a Christmas tree, find an evergreen fir in the city, and break off branches from it. Combine them with a picture from a postcard, or with New Year's caramel - and you get an original decoration for the table for the New Year.

New Year's serving

Idea Pack #2

"Coniferous greens + candles"

Using coniferous paws (spruce or pine) is the most natural way to create a New Year's feast atmosphere. Living green needles smell like a holiday, heated by the heat emanating from candles, the needles will exude a forest spruce aroma. And besides, this is conditionally free material for decorating the New Year's table - I just drove into the forest and cut it here and there with a knife, without damaging nature, I just thinned out the Christmas trees.

Candles can also be interestingly arranged inside these coniferous legs. Arrange small glasses, lower the candle-tablets into them. Or take an ordinary round log (small diameter) and cut a hole in it - using a drill and a knife. Insert a candle-tablet into this recess too.

Next to the coniferous paws, you can lay out shiny Christmas balls - you get the effect of a Christmas tree right on the table. This is the most successful decoration for the table, which you do not plan to clutter up with snacks, since you are planning a change of dishes, which will be served by specially hired staff.

Well, if you cannot make the whole table such a wide coniferous-Christmas tree path, then for you there are decorations with spruce paws that are smaller in area. You can decorate the New Year's table with small (plate-sized) compositions with candles. In the photo below, we see that an inverted glass can be an excellent stand for thick candles. Coniferous spruce paws will serve as a decoration for such a New Year's candlestick.

You can make a table wreath on the New Year's table from coniferous branches and cones, as in the photo below. Such a composition will not take up much space on the table - and it does not hurt to arrange salad bowls and cold cuts around such an installation with candles.

How to decorate the New Year's table

Idea Pack #3

"Cones in serving"

Simple pine, spruce or cedar cones can be a key decoration for your New Year's table. Large cedar cones can be placed upside down inside the container - and we will get the shape of a Christmas tree (in the photo below on the left). You can hang the cones on the corners of the table, or along the edges of the plate. But care must be taken that they do not interfere with the guests, do not hang too low, catching the tights of the invited ladies.

From large cones, you can make green desktop Christmas trees and arrange them here and there between plates of snacks (right photo below). Or from a bunch of small pine cones you can glue a fluffy voluminous Christmas tree. It's simple enough. From thick paper (A3 format) we make a cone, and glue this cone with cones on hot glue. Previously, the cones can be painted with gouache, using a foam sponge for washing dishes.

You can arrange the cones in serving vases, or here and there on the table, alternating with fresh straw or pieces of forest moss. You will get a New Year's table decoration in a fashionable eco-style.

If the cones are painted with gouache, you can turn them into an elegant decoration of the festive table. We mix pva glue with gouache - there is less glue than gouache, and in this liquid we drown the cone, take it out and dry it by hanging it by a thread) we get an evenly colored cone.

New Year's table decoration

Idea Pack #4

"Crafts from paper and felt"

Simple silhouettes cut out of cardboard can become small but important serving elements. New Year's outlines of a deer, a snowman, a Christmas paper angel can completely change your New Year's table. They can decorate a glass (photo below).

Cardboard silhouette of a bust of a deer can be stuck in a chocolate bar Baunt and, put 2 ice cream sticks at the bottom - and we get original crafts to decorate the New Year's table. Or, for example, a white marshmallow can turn into an iceberg where you can stick a cardboard penguin. Your imagination can continue to generate ideas from sweets and cardboard to decorate the table for the New Year 2018.

And you can also cut and fold small voluminous Christmas trees from paper with your own hands. For example, the Christmas trees from the photo below are made from just two pieces of cardboard, and even a child of 4 years old can cut, cut and insert such a Christmas tree crosswise into each other.

But below the Christmas trees folded from round paper silhouettes. We have a tutorial article on our website where you will find detailed instructions on how to assemble such paper Christmas trees, and not only these.

And from white cardboard, you can cut out such slots for inserting napkins. We insert the triangular tip of the folded napkin into the slot and get the image of Santa Claus. The protruding end of the napkin imitates his hat, and the bottom of the napkin looks like his red robe.

Also from soft felt (or thick cardboard, it doesn’t matter) you can make these cutlery pockets. These crafts will decorate your New Year's table.

Even the simplest shapes cut out of felt (or puff paper napkin) can set the Christmas mood on a festive table. Below we see how a small slot in the silhouette of a CHRISTMAS or STAR makes it possible to insert cutlery or a paper napkin into it.

You can also sew (or glue) a table napkin ring out of soft felt. Also a simple solution for decorating the New Year's table in an original way.

And you can also cut out small silhouettes of Christmas trees from felt and wrap them around a glass - you get candlesticks as in the photo below (dance of Christmas trees around a glass). And besides, from the cotton napkin itself, you can fold a New Year's star, or a red New Year's flower. Detailed instructions for origami from table napkins for the New Year I will post it in a separate article a little later and then the link will work here.

New Year's serving

"Red + Green"

The classic color combination of the New Year's palette is red and green. Green is the color of the Christmas tree, and red is the color of Santa Claus and his bag of gifts.

You can create a green and red New Year's table setting with a combination of green and red tableware. Or red dishes + green napkins and green decorations (Christmas decorations, beads, etc.).

Here is an idea for a floating candle made in the same juicy New Year's colors - green twigs and red cranberries.

New Year's table decor

"Red + White"

Usually we do not have red dishes in our house, more often we buy white plates. And then we can combine the white color of the dishes with the red color of other paraphernalia - napkins, candles, Christmas balls.

You can sprinkle red beads on the table (of course, provided that there are no small children in the house who want to put them in their noses or ears). In this case, it would be better to scatter snowflakes and stars cut out of red paper on a white tablecloth.

You can modify a boring white tablecloth with a nice addition, buy a piece of red fabric in a fabric store, trim the edges on a typewriter (so as not to fray). We place the red canvas in the center, along the table. On a red background, we scatter snowflakes and stars cut out of white paper. Part of the paper silhouettes can be sewn with threads (small stitches) to the canvas itself. So that even hanging from the edge of the table, the red canvas would keep this New Year's pattern on itself).

You can buy red felt pads for white plates (as in the photo below). Or make such coasters from felt with your own hands. In stores, felt is just sold in squares of 30x30 cm, it remains only to pick up a hole punch (ordinary office) and stamp openwork holes of the pattern along the red felt squares. You can cut the felt in the form of a circle or a heart with scissors (as in the photo below).

And you can also do something very original and make a New Year's table setting in the form of snowmen. We go to the store or to the market and buy the same rectangular plastic napkins there (they cost mere pennies). If you want even cheaper, you can buy a roll of wrapping paper for wrapping gifts and cut out such rectangles-napkins (with a wavy edge) from it. Or even more budgetary - the remains of expensive embossed wallpaper with a textured white pattern can also be used as a source of hand-made napkins.

Next - we will need two plates of different diameters. It will be a snowman. Olives and a piece of orange pepper - will become the nose, eyes and buttons. We make a scarf from a red napkin, a bucket hat from black paper.

How to decorate the table for the New Year

"Red and Gold Serving"

If you want to celebrate this holiday on a grand scale, then the combination of the energy of fire and the energy of gold will help you feel the real luxury of the holiday.

The glare of the garland reflected in the golden sides of the Christmas balls on the table will create a feeling of fireworks. Golden sparks of champagne, gold-plated red cones, shiny gold ribbons on napkins, golden chocolate coins scattered across a red tablecloth - and other red and gold ideas that you can think of.

You can order on the Fair of Masters website designer napkin rings, those masters who quickly weave from beads. From gold beads, gold ribbons, you can make many interesting attributes to decorate the New Year's table.

You yourself can make an interesting thing with your own hands to decorate the table setting. Below in the photo you see a scattering of green and red beads. We buy a thin wire (copper or special for crafts) and buy a string of red beads and a string of gold beads (Christmas tree or jewelry does not matter). Next, we string them on a wire, and twist them in different directions (forming branches of a very different shape).

You can lose such a wire with beads among the spruce branches laid out on the festive table, mix with large Christmas balls, bright ribbons.

New Year's serving

"Gingerbread Tale"

And here is an interesting idea on how to decorate the table with New Year's pastries. You can bake figured cookies decorated with icing and decorate them with a New Year's coniferous garland on the table.

Gingerbread cookies can be combined with other elements of the New Year's table decoration, candles, Christmas balls and toys, figurines, garlands, beads and shiny tinsel.

You can bake several (or one) gingerbread houses - and make them a key decoration for the New Year's table. In fact, a gingerbread house is very easy to make.. Just roll out the gingerbread dough into a single layer on the cardboard. Then we cut out the outlines of the walls on the dough - two facade walls + two side walls + two halves of the roof. And that's it. Directly on a sheet of cardboard lay out these parts on a baking sheet and bake. Then we cool the finished shortcakes and glue them into a house. We make glue from caramel (melt the caramels in a saucepan) or make it (cream from proteins and powdered sugar) - it also glues perfectly. And when the house is glued together, it is a pleasure to decorate it with pieces of marmalade, chocolates, marshmallows, sugar dragee and other sweet decor. You can learn more about the recipe for strong gingerbread dough and confectionery sweet glue from any article about gingerbread houses.

You can bake less complex designs from gingerbread dough - for example, an edible candlestick (in the photo below, on the right at the glass). From the dough (rolled out on a baking mat) cut out a circle the size of a saucer, cut a hole inside with a glass. Lay the cut-out cookie shapes next to it. We bake all parts. We insert a candle-tablet into the hole in the circle, cut holes on the side with a knife where we insert the gingerbread cookies. And our gingerbread candlestick for decorating the New Year's table is ready.

New Year's serving

"Frost Breath"

And your white dishes can become a participant in another serving setting. You can become the director of a winter frosty fairy tale. Collect on the table blue and silver details, glass transparent ice, gray beads of glossy glass beads, decorative crystals and rhinestones in blue, cold white transparent shades.

Place large, long candles in tall glasses. Fill the space between the candle and the wall of the glass with beads, sparkles, artificial ice fragments, which are easy to do with your own hands if the old CD is cut into small pieces with scissors. Or another cheap version of the filler - to goop a fluffy Christmas tree garland made of foil and cut its “fluffy fur” into small pieces with scissors and pour it into glasses with candles. Perhaps you yourself will come up with more options for filling the candlestick.

We also have an article on our website. There you will find options that you can embody in blue material and decorate your table with them.

Buy at a hardware store (or auto store) a can of silver paint. On the street, cut birch branches (it is possible with the remains of leaves on them), cover the branches with silver paint. Beautifully lay silver branches, as if frozen by winter breath, on a wide dish next to put candles, spread out silver New Year's balls. And scatter beads in the form of crystals on the table (cheap beads (wholesale in a large bag) can be bought at a craft store, or in stores “everything for beading.

The easiest way to decorate the New Year's table setting is to put blue and turquoise Christmas balls into a deep vase made of transparent colorless glass, mixing them with a string of Christmas tree beads. Pour blue sparkling beads into cups (a little on the bottom) and drown tablet candles in it.

You can make a silver Christmas tree in the center of the New Year's table with your own hands. Everything is simple from thick paper cut out a semicircle. We turn it into a cone, fastening the connection with a stapler. Next, we cut out a ribbon from silver paper (preferably a scalloped shape) - or buy silver lace, scalloped or even lace. Now, starting from the top of the cone, we make a pasting-winding of this braid (from paper or from a store) around the cone - in a spiral - from above and down in a circle we wind the turns, helping them to stick to the walls of the cone. Glue is better to use their gun - a special hot melt adhesive. A gun can be bought for $ 2 at any craft or hardware store (market) and glue sticks for it cost a penny.

Table setting for the new year


Winter early morning. Gentle frosty dawn. The play of the morning sun on the frozen windowpanes, covered with a bizarre pattern. All this gentle play of color and light can be an inspiration for creating a unique New Year's table setting.

Let the dishes be white and the tablecloth too. But napkins can be sewn from fabric of the color of a smoky dawn (just buy such a fabric in the store, cut it into squares and take it to a clothing repair shop so that you can drive their edges on a sewing machine).

Can buy can of silver gray paint and cover pinecones, apples, and ordinary white candles from the store with it.

Buy bags of beaded dawn color- and pour them into cups with candles. Add more stuff from clear colorless glass- to convey the airiness and transparency of a frosty morning.

Purchase a clear, heavy plastic file folder (made of hard plastic). Using stencils from the Internet, cut out New Year's silhouettes from this plastic (Christmas trees, snowmen, etc.) - arrange them on the table (for stability, sticking into soft pieces of marshmallow - excellent marshmallow coasters are obtained). Some transparent figurines can be covered with nail polish, sprinkled with lilac sparkles from the same nail powder.

You can buy a hairpin with a lilac rose in a hairpin store and also put it in the composition on the table. In the sewing accessories store, find beautiful rhinestones, ribbons and braids of the right color. All this can be laid out on a table in a cloud of snow fluff made of feathers, or a small “boa” (also sold in a sewing finishing accessories store). As you can see, ideas for decorating the New Year's table can be taken from anywhere. Just set a goal for yourself ... remember in your mind the color palette of your future New Year's table setting and when walking around the shops, just grab the accessories of the shade you need with your eyes.

New Year's table decoration


You can take a completely unexpected color to decorate the New Year's table setting. Clear spring shades (more Easter than New Year's) can look unexpectedly interesting on the table in the New Year. We take gouache, and cones - we dilute gouache with PVA glue in a glass, dip the cones - hang them to dry by strings - and we get a budget version of the decoration. In a flower shop, we select flowers of the same shades and form a bouquet composition for the New Year's table. This design looks good in high-tech modern cold design apartments.

You can take only 2 colors of the palette (for example, pistachios and pale blue) and combine them in different versions of decorative compositions to decorate the New Year's table.

Table setting for the New Year

"Golden luxury"

A beautiful version of New Year's decoration is a combination of white and gold. Of all the golden shades, we choose the one that is light, not heavy, but light in saturation. So it easily docks with snow-white dishes and other white attributes of New Year's serving.

Simple solutions are everywhere. Tie white candles with a gold ribbon. Coat the bumps with nail polish and sprinkle with gold glitter for nails. Buy a golden fluffy garland in the store, and golden Christmas toys (balls, stars, boots, angels).

Buy a can of gold paint and cover ordinary nuts (walnuts, peanuts, pistachios) with it. Shells, cones, wooden snowflakes from ice cream sticks are also covered with gold spray from a can.

Buy gold paper and cut flowers out of it. will help you implement very simple things. You will be surprised what simple solutions there are to solve this problem, in fact, a 5-year-old child can make a three-dimensional paper flower.

You can cut out a round piece of cardboard from a pizza box and use decorative material (ribbons, rhinestones, beads, gold paper) to make a clock with New Year's hands set to five minutes to midnight. Romantic table decoration for the New Year.

These are the ideas for decorating the festive table I have collected in this article. But that is not all…

There are articles on our website that contain many more ideas on how to make original decorations for the New Year's table with your own hands.

Happy New Year to you.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.

    Napkins are an excellent material for crafts and decorations on the table for any holiday, especially for the New Year.

    In addition to the traditional layout of napkins on a plate in the form of a Christmas tree, paper napkins can be used to make snowflakes, ballerina snowflakes, a Christmas tree or a Christmas wreath (for this, the napkins need to be given splendor, as shown in the first photo).

    It is important to choose multi-colored napkins.

    You will need scissors, glue and your imagination.

    From napkins you can make a chic Christmas tree. It is better to take green or blue napkins. Fold the napkins in four and cut out circles. Then we fluff them, we get flowers that will symbolize twigs. For a change, you can take a couple of white napkins.

    Crafts for the New Year from napkins can be not only voluminous, like, for example, Christmas trees, but it can also be applications on New Year's themes.

    There are several different techniques here.

    The first napkin appliqué technique is called the trimming technique, when squares are cut out and glued to the appliqué pattern in the center.

    Another technique is when the napkins are folded into balls, the balls can then be painted in the desired colors and glued according to the pattern.

    The third technique is quite simple - you can glue arbitrarily torn pieces of napkin or thinly cut strips according to the pattern.

    Below is a selection of ideas for crafts for the New Year from napkins that you can do with your child in kindergarten or school.

    From ordinary paper napkins, you can make very beautiful decorations for the new year: for the Christmas tree, for windows, or just for home decorations. For example, here are such ballerinas with puffy tutu skirts:

    Or such a Christmas tree marshmallow bride (how to make one is shown in this master class):

    Or such a snow beauty (master class):

    Snow Maiden:

    DIY Christmas decorations are becoming more and more popular.

    Ordinary snowflakes in this regard look a little banal, they can be embellished a little, made more delicate and refined.

    You can make a ballerina, and put on a non-snowflake instead of a skirt. It will look like this.

    We cut out a ballerina according to the template, it is better to cut it out of thick paper, a drawing paper or an album for drawing will do.

    One of the main objects associated with the new year is the lka. So from napkins it’s quite possible to make a beautiful loch like this:

    We need green napkins from which we need to make a lot of flowers, and then glue a paper cone over them.

    And such flowers can be done like this:

    Only for a greater resemblance to the bow, the ends of the petals should be cut into stripes.

    You can also cut out such snowflakes from napkins for the new year:

    And you can also make a gorgeous bouquet of roses:

    You can do this: Take a beautiful pot, stuff more newspapers into it (you can put a circle of newspapers right in. The edges of the pot can be decorated with green umagina, and then stick roses from napkins in the middle.

    If you have lace napkins, then working with them is very easy and pleasant. Both white and green give you the opportunity to create. If it's a different color, that's fine too. Then you need to choose a favorable background. From lace napkins, you get an elegant Christmas tree and a skirt for a ballerina.

    But if you have any napkins or corrugated paper, you can still make beautiful crafts out of it. The same Christmas tree, but in a different form. It will be fluffy and voluminous. We cut a lot of circles, or even squares. Pieces five or seven. Then we fold them in a pile, then either pin them with a beautiful pin on the base, or sew them on. It is better to use sequins or beads, then it will be an additional decoration.

    And you can just wind the balls from napkins and lay out different figures and applications from them.

    Every day the New Year is getting closer. It's time for needlewomen. After all, how much you need to do yourself to someone in kindergarten, someone in school. And who will decorate the house and rooms for the holiday.

    What can be the easiest thing to do is to make a Christmas tree. And the easiest way to make it from napkins is preferably three-layer.

    We take a napkin, cut out circles, fasten each circle in the middle with a stapler, then bend it over a piece of paper and twist it in the center.

    It remains only to twist the cone of thick cardboard and stick roses in a circle.

    Napkins can be bought in multi-colored, green or white colors. And if you also decorate the Christmas tree with beads or tinsel, you will get an unusual New Year's beauty.

    In addition to the Christmas tree, you can come up with just such a mitten. Stick a snowflake on it.

On the New Year's table, everything should be perfectly beautiful.

And the question arises, how to fold napkins for the New Year in an original way, and not just serve them in a pack in your favorite napkin holder?

You can make a Christmas tree from a napkin with your own hands in 1 minute, without any additional equipment in the form of scissors, glue or a stapler.

The napkin should ideally be green, in association with the color of the Christmas tree, but you can use whatever paper napkins you have.

Step-by-step instructions for a Christmas tree from a napkin

1. Lay the napkin on the table in front of you with the fold-free ends towards you.

2. Bend them up in turn, leaving a small distance between them. Flip this side down.

3. Bend the bottom corners of the triangle, which are at the base, towards the center. Turn the napkin over again.

4. Extend the top corner like the top of a Christmas tree. Bend the second corner under the base of the resulting triangle. And do the same with the remaining three.

5. Do-it-yourself Christmas tree from a napkin is ready. You can decorate its top with a bow and surprise guests with such a New Year's craft on each plate.

Master class on how to fold a napkin with a Christmas tree video

In the same way, you can make a Christmas tree from a fabric napkin. Happy creativity!

Christmas tree from napkin number 2

To decorate the New Year's table, you do not need to come up with various complex compositions. Even a green napkin folded in the form of a Christmas tree is enough to create a festive mood.

This is a very simple and beautiful idea of ​​​​folding a Christmas tree from a napkin. Green paper napkins are used as the basis.

Roll them up as shown. A couple of decorations laid out on a napkin will not only keep the Christmas tree in place, but also decorate it.

Arrange the same Christmas tree from a napkin on each guest's plate, then set the table as usual.

The festive table decoration is ready.

Already on the threshold of the New Year and we are in a hurry to prepare everything for the festive feast. And what's a table without napkins! You can, of course, arrange them under plates and even buy them with a New Year's pattern, but I I think this is very banal and not original way.

The first rule to follow is that the napkins should be in New Year's colors (red, white, green, gold). Align napkins in one way for all plates - different shapes only distract the eye and spoil the overall impression.

Near the napkin, you can also put a spruce or cypress branch, New Year's beads, small Christmas decorations, even rain - everything will only emphasize the theme of the holiday.

Also, buy plain napkins. The New Year's drawing looks beautiful, but it will look ridiculous when folded.

The easiest way is to fold the napkin with an accordion and tie it in the middle with a ribbon with Christmas tree decorations.

I present a few more simple ways, for those who do not like to “work with their hands” for a long time.

The first is a peacock tail napkin. Use it only if you have tall glasses on the table, because the napkin will turn out to be tall and will cover small glasses.

The second way is a fan, also a high napkin in the end, but not so many folds.

Both of these options can be put not only on a plate, but also in a glass.

The third is a pyramid, but it can be decorated as a Christmas tree. On the peak of the pyramid you need to "install" a star. But don't stick it on! It will be inconvenient for guests to use a napkin.

Christmas tree-shaped napkins are especially popular with us.

A method that does not require great skills is a Christmas tree made from round napkins. For this option, you will need two round napkins of different colors (preferably green and red).

We lay both napkins together, fold in half and fold the herringbone - diagonally.

Another version of the Christmas tree, but only with a "stump".

We use one napkin and lay it according to the following scheme.

A voluminous herringbone turns out to be a napkin if it is folded with the corners inward.

And the top can be decorated with a Santa Claus hat, a snowflake or a brocade ribbon.

If you have napkin rings, then the option in the form of an open flower is suitable.

But the closed lily also looks original on the table.

If you don’t have candles on the New Year’s table, then I suggest folding the napkin in its form.

I use napkins not only for each plate, but also lay them on the table separately. And as you already understood, I add them in an unusual way too.

I fold it in the shape of a large pineapple. Such a “fruit” consists of a large number of napkins, so it can be disassembled and used napkins.

We take 60 pieces of napkins, a stapler, a bowl and a silk ribbon.

We make the first row of our pineapple. It should be stable and dense, so we use three to five napkins at once. Next, we turn them according to the scheme.

Then, we make eight pieces of such blanks and chop them together.

We wrap the bowl with a napkin and set the base for decoration in it.

We proceed to the second row of napkins. We fold them in the same way as in the previous version, with only one napkin.

We lay the corners of the blanks, connecting the petals of the previous row together.

The third row will be gold, then red again, and so on.

We form a pineapple tail from napkins folded in a corner and simply insert it into the upper part.

The result is a very beautiful table decoration! I advise you to use these options for folding napkins and please your guests!

Happy holidays!