How to draw a realistic cut with pens. How to make artificial wounds at home. Creepy bleeding eyes

Despite the fact that the tradition of celebrating Halloween in our country has appeared recently, this cheerful and slightly creepy holiday has managed to gain great popularity among young people. To have a good time, you should not only choose a costume, but also think over makeup.

To create the image of a zombie or a risen dead man, you need to learn how to make artificial scars and open wounds. Made by professional make-up artists, the simulated Halloween wound looks very realistic. If you wish, you can learn how to do such makeup yourself.

To give the “wound” a natural look, it is worth using professional makeup. Special kits designed to create makeup for this holiday are very convenient, they include not only paints, but also various accessories - overlays, artificial blood, etc. But if you failed to purchase special tools, you should not be upset. You can make a wound on Halloween using the usual cosmetics that almost every girl has in her arsenal.

If this is the first experience, then you should not take on complex makeup, it is better to limit yourself to a relatively simple option - a cut or scar. Consider how the creation of this makeup goes in stages.

To make an artificial wound on the arm, you must first prepare the materials. Depending on the complexity of the idea, you may need:

  • PVA glue, even better if you have silicone glue for gluing false eyelashes;
  • food coloring red and blue;
  • decorative cosmetics or make-up: foundation, blush, shadows (well, if there is a large professional palette);
  • sharp knife;
  • brushes, cotton buds and swabs, sponges for applying foundation;
  • food gelatin, two-layer napkins or toilet paper (white), plasticine.

If you want to make Halloween makeup even more scary, you can stock up on a plastic fake razor or shards of "glass". These things can be fixed in the wound to make it look realistic and intimidating.

IN important! Never try to use real blades or glass! Using these items to create makeup can cause serious injury!

Next, you need to think about how to protect the surrounding space from stains. Furniture should be covered with paper or plastic wrap. To avoid damaging the make-up when changing, it is recommended that you first put on a suit before proceeding with the make-up.

Read also: Light and natural makeup for brown eyes

If the "cut" is on the body, then you need to think about protecting the suit from staining, although if a little artificial blood gets on the clothes, the image will only benefit (of course, if you use your own suit, not a rented one). In the event that the “wound” is planned to be located on the face or neck, then it is enough to wear an apron to protect clothing.

Step two: create artificial skin

A cut is an injury to the skin. Naturally, we will try to leave our skin unharmed, so when creating an open wound on Halloween, you need to create artificial skin.

To make a realistic Halloween laceration, you can use different methods:

  • Glue for eyelashes. This is a fairly simple option, with its help you can create an imitation of small cuts or burns. Glue is applied to the skin in the place where the wound is planned to be made. If bubbles form on the surface - it's okay, the glue wound will look even worse. Now you need to sit quietly for a while, waiting for the glue to dry. To make things go faster, you can use a hair dryer, but you need to dry it with cold air, otherwise the glue will spread.
  • Glue and paper. If a large wound is required, additional fillers must be used. For example, toilet paper or napkins. To create a skin imitation, it is better to use eyelash glue or diluted PVA glue. A wound is made from napkins simply. You can glue wipes directly on the skin, but then it will be difficult to remove the makeup, it is more convenient to use double-sided tape. It is necessary to cut a blank from adhesive tape, which will be a little larger than the “wound”. On top of the adhesive tape, you need to stick several layers of napkins soaked in glue. The more layers to stick, the more voluminous the “wound” will be. Then you need to make a cut with a knife or a toothpick, cutting through the layers of napkins. If you use a toothpick, the edges will be uneven, torn. Now it remains only to paint the wound with paints and stick it on the skin.

Read also: Correct makeup for an oval face

  • Plasticine. The easiest option that can be done at home is to make an imitation of plasticine skin. Skin or white material should be used. It is necessary to form a "sausage" of the desired length and volume and fix it on the skin. The disadvantage of this option is fragility. To keep the wound better, it is worth fixing the plasticine "sausage" on double-sided tape using glue. To simulate a cut, you need to cut the plasticine. The blank needs to be painted, and covered with a matte colorless nail polish on top so that the plasticine does not wrinkle.
  • Gelatin. If you plan to insert fragments of artificial glass or a blade into the wound, then you need the material to be strong enough. In this case, it is worth making an imitation of the skin from a mixture of glycerin and gelatin. It is necessary to mix powdered gelatin with water and let it swell. Then pour glycerin into the mixture (all ingredients are taken in equal volumes). Take a tile or flat plate and lightly heat it in the oven until it is warm but not hot. The gelatin mixture must be heated in the microwave for 10-30 seconds, depending on the power of the oven. It is important that the gelatin is completely dispersed, but the mixture does not have time to heat up to a boil. Now you need to get the heated tile out of the oven and apply gelatin on it in an even layer. It is better to work with gloves so as not to get real burns. Cool the tile a little and put it in the refrigerator until the gelatin is completely solidified. After that, you can make cuts on it, insert objects into it. You can fix the "wound" on the body using double-sided tape.

Halloween celebrations are getting more and more popular. The common image of a zombie is complemented by artificial scars and wounds that are created using special makeup. But even without the addition of a costume and other attributes, they will look intimidating. Professional makeup artists can make scars look very realistic, but if you want to do it yourself, you can purchase a special kit that includes everything you need to create a scar. But if you couldn’t find a set, you don’t need to abandon this idea - scars can be made with simple cosmetics.

You will find instructions on how to make up scars on your face for Halloween celebrations, as well as photos and videos below!

What will be needed?

Such a detail as an artificial scar can be combined with any costume and image, it all depends on your imagination and desire. But it is important to know that simple makeup is not enough to create a scar or cut on the face.

For an interesting Halloween look, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • PVA glue, but it is best to purchase silicone, designed for gluing false eyelashes;
  • tonal base;
  • blush;
  • a set of shadows;
  • brushes, cotton swabs, sponges for applying cosmetics;
  • napkins (preferably dense) white;
  • plasticine;
  • red, blue food coloring.

It is worth taking care to protect the furniture, work surface from stains. Therefore, you need to cover them with paper or film. Before you start applying makeup, put on a suit in advance. If you want to create a scar not on the face, neck, put on an apron so as not to stain the outfit while doing Halloween makeup.

Video: step by step makeup application to create a scar on your face for halloween.

How to make faux leather

A cut involves damage to the skin, so the first step is to create an artificial skin to make the scar look more realistic.

So, below you will find ways to make Halloween scars at home:

  1. You can go the easiest way - to make a "decorative" skin from plasticine, a shade suitable for the skin. The disadvantage of this method is fragility. Roll up a "sausage" of the required parameters, attach it to the skin. In order to keep it longer, fix it on double-sided tape with glue. To make a cut, cut the plasticine. Color the resulting blank and cover it with transparent nail polish so that the plasticine blank remains voluminous.
  2. With eyelash glue. This is a simple option, it is used to create small cuts, burns. Apply glue to the area of ​​skin where you want to make a scar. If bubbles appear in the process - do not worry, this will make the cut even more terrifying. Then wait for the glue to dry. A hair dryer will help speed up the process, only use cold air for drying so that the glue does not spread.
  3. With glue and paper. If you want to make the scar more voluminous, then you will need additional fillers in the form of paper or napkins. By the way, if you use PVA glue, it must be diluted. You can stick wipes directly on the skin, but then it will be more difficult to remove the makeup. It's best to use double sided tape. Cut out a piece of tape that is larger than the scar/cut. On the adhesive tape, place napkins in several layers soaked in glue. The more layers you make, the more voluminous the cut will look. Using a knife or toothpick, cut through the layers to make a cut. The toothpick will make the edges torn. Next, paint the cut with paints and place on the skin.

Video: how to make scar makeup for halloween at home.

Scar decoration

To make the most realistic scar makeup at home, you need to decorate it with suitable colors. Before applying cosmetics or make-up, wait for the final solidification of the glue, and then proceed to make-up. The edges of the cut can be torn and shaped with your fingers.

So that homemade Halloween scar makeup does not harm the skin, you should pay attention to coloring agents: you can choose gouache or acrylic paints, but it is best to use makeup or ordinary cosmetics.

Important! Dyes that are not initially suitable for application to the skin can cause redness or rashes.

Also for painting, make a solution of red and blue food coloring. To make the transition more inconspicuous at the site of the scar, use a toner - this way the borders of the artificial skin will not be visible.

Wieder: halloween nose scar makeup.

Photo gallery of makeup ideas and images with scars, cuts and wounds

To make a scar or cut for Halloween at home, it is not necessary to have the skills of a professional make-up artist or special cosmetics. The main thing is to approach the work creatively to create a realistic image. Just do not overdo it so that the drawn scar looks aesthetically pleasing.

For inspiration, you can look at the photos of Halloween scar makeup:


Hi all! My name is Dzyuba Daria, and today I will tell you how to make a bloody torn wound with protruding tendons on. Let's start.

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Complexity: Just

Outcome: hand lacerated bloody wound

And for those who have a weak Internet, the article is presented below. It's the same thing, only in text form.

To create this effect, we need disposable handkerchiefs, or any thin napkins. The most important thing is that they are thin.

Cotton buds, and the more the better, because there are not enough cotton buds in this business.

You can replace the pigment with any make-up, lipstick, and if you wish, you can gouache, but I do not advise.

We continue to apply a colored texture, as long as fantasy allows you. Everything here takes into account how much you see, how much you want to make your wound trashy, whether you want it to be super natural at all, or whether you want it to be a little bit toy.

I want a trash, I like it more, that is, either super natural, or it’s better not to do it at all. I'm such a categorical adherent of makeup. It seems to me that the pathologist died in me, I chose the wrong profession.

In fact, our hand is ready.

And the very last touch, without which any makeup will look cool, trashy, but not completely cool, is blood.

You can mix the blood yourself, you can buy ready-made. I have both ready-made and mixed by me. How to interfere with blood, I told in a separate one. And now I’ll just show you with the example of the one I mixed, because it’s very easy to show the purchased one, I went, bought it and showed it, and we are pros.

We fill our wound with blood. By the way, my mixed blood smells like a bomb, but I would not recommend eating it. We disperse it unevenly, since we need to directly create the effect of liveliness, we do not fill all the purity, we arbitrarily distribute the blood, as if it had just flowed and flowed.

If we have something leaked somewhere, it's not scary. Our blood is quite liquid, plastic, and moving your hands during communication, you will perfectly stain everyone.

Under our skin, which we tore off, I also pass a little bit of blood.

I will not waste time now on evenly smearing it from the inside, but ideally you can leave it in the version when it looks anatomically correct, or you can smear everything completely and frankly.

As you can see, making a tattered hand is very simple - cotton buds will help you. And then I say goodbye to you. Subscribe, put likes. Bye everyone!

Used cosmetics:

Liquid Latex by Graftobian Liquid Latex

Lipmix Liquid Pigment by M.A.C.

Gray and taupe eyeshadow


Tools and fixtures used:

Paper tissues or disposable handkerchiefs