How to teach a child to love learning psychologist's advice. How to help your child love learning. What should parents do? Psychologist's opinion


From an early age, children already have the ability to explore the world. Throughout the entire period from birth (and even a little earlier) to adulthood, the child learns the world around him. The child is constantly learning. Use hands and feet, hold objects, speak, give emotional signals, etc. In general, before the moment when a person goes to school, he is already a professional in teaching. But what happens to him when he starts school? And why can't smart kids come to school to study at 5 at once? And how to make children love to learn?

So your child is going to school. The first thing to do is to equip him with a place. It should be comfortable and like the child. But apart from that, there should not be anything superfluous in this place. Check whether it is comfortable to sit at the table, whether the child's legs reach the floor, whether it is well lit, etc. Prepare a chair for the parent.

Now you can do your own studies. Praise your child for success. Make it a rule to work with your child. This does not mean that you will do tasks instead of him. This means that you will support him in the learning process. The first rule is that children in elementary grades need praise. And if they are praised for their educational achievements, they will try to get this praise from their parents. Never be indifferent to the fact that your child shares his achievements. Always show him how happy you are for him. It's important to him. Praise your child for success. But what about already "spoiled children"? You will need some patience. And this is the next step.

Do not scold your child for poor study. Let's say a child brought a deuce. Talk to him and find out why he got it. It is important not to blame the child, but to really understand the situation. Perhaps he did not understand something in the topic and then it is necessary to explain this topic again. Understand why a deuce was received, find a solution and agree for the future that you will jointly solve complex issues. And then - to praise for every smallest achievement. But praise should not be empty. The child himself must understand that he is being praised for this small achievement.

At the very beginning, children have little perseverance. Therefore, homework should be short. At the very beginning, it is better if it is 15 minutes. Watch your child - how long can he concentrate on the lesson, then reduce this time by a few minutes.

Learn in a fun and exciting way. Finish classes on interest or victory. Your activities should be interesting for the child. Cramming and will not bring the child interest in learning. At each of your homework, the child should be interested. Then, into adulthood, he will transfer his interest in research and teaching activities.

Be interested in and notice for yourself the achievements of your child. If you yourself are interested, then your child will be interested. Give him an emotional sense of interest in learning new things.

In the Child Genius training, we always bring up the question of motivation, and sometimes parents ask: “How can I make her (or him) love learning?”

Usually I answer a question with a question, and retort: ​​“Do you really think that you can make someone love something?”

Indeed, you can either force the child to do something (but then there is no point in worrying that the child does it reluctantly), or the child will love learning.

But he loves her.

You can only help the child to love the process of learning, you can help the child kindle the thirst for knowledge.

To do this, you need to simplify the learning process for the child (so that it is not difficult) and increase the interest and value of learning (so that you like the process).

Yes. It's the process.

The fact is that the intrinsic motivation of adults and children is different.

For the sake of the result, an adult can engage in a rather difficult or boring, uninteresting process.

But the result that an adult will receive in the end outweighs the labor costs to achieve it.

Children are different.

The internal motivation of the child does not come from the end result, but from the process that the child has to deal with.

The result for the child is secondary.

For him, the process is primary. Difficult or easy. Interesting or boring. It turns out or not.

If learning is easy, the child succeeds and he is interested, then the child will love to learn. Love with all your heart, for real. But myself.

If you discard “love” and just force the child to learn, he will resist, whine, say that it is boring or difficult, make stupid eyes or look helpless, sabotage lessons and much more.

Today I propose to speculate on the topic of how to help your child fall in love with learning. What can be done for this?

In fact, for this you need to do a fairly simple action - to simplify the learning process.

But before I tell you how to do it, let's understand why children do not like to learn?

What difficulties does your child face in learning?

  • He gets scolded at school
  • He doesn't want to study
  • He doesn't like school, teachers
  • He is not interested
  • He needs to constantly cram something
  • The child is tired and overworked
  • He is more interested in the computer
  • He is asked a lot
  • He fails
  • It's hard for him

Only 1-2 such difficulties already discourage learning. What if there are more?

So, we have a pool of children's problems.

Now let's pretend that all the problems are solved. With a wave of a wonderful magic wand.

Imagine a child:

  • Praise
  • He wants to study
  • He likes the teacher
  • He is interested
  • He does not need to cram, he remembers himself
  • He has no fatigue
  • He is more interested in class than in the computer
  • He is either little or not given homework at all, and what is asked can be done in 15 minutes
  • He succeeds
  • He is easy to learn

Do you think such a child would sabotage the learning process?

It seems to me that it won't.

Yes, of course, in ordinary life, no one will wave a magic wand, and the child's education is a complex process, which, of course, he sabotages.

But parents can help their child simplify the learning process, and who knows, maybe magic will happen and the child will love learning?

7 steps parents can take now to make learning easier for their child:

Step #1 - Talk to the child, praise him and show him what happened.

First note the pros, and then count the errors.

Here you can use the "Green Pen" technique when you take a green paste and note that the child succeeded.

Step #2 - Increase the “Value” of Learning.

For this you need:

  • Create a working atmosphere
  • Anchor working state
  • Make a workplace where the child is not distracted
  • Consider types of perception (LAVK technique)
  • Rely on the psychotype of the child (Syntax of Love)
  • Use Achiever and mark progress

We study and implement these techniques in detail in the Child Genius course, a program for parents that teaches you how to help your child with their studies using effective learning techniques.

Step #3 Look for the best teachers who care about their work.

A creative teacher is half the success in teaching a child. When a teacher's eyes light up, they light up the entire class.

If your child is unlucky and the child's teacher's eyes are dimmed, you can become the person whose eyes are on fire, or find such a teacher for him, for example, by changing schools.

Step #4 Reduce the “price of education”

Simplify the learning process by introducing effective learning techniques, teach how to structure textual information, create "mind maps", use the "from general to specific" method, develop both hemispheres of the brain, learn techniques for memorizing poems and definitions.

In general, we simplify the process of obtaining and maintaining the knowledge of the child.

Step number 5 Develop memory and attention

Memory and attention are best developed in the game, and you can also introduce mnemonic techniques into training.

To do this, you need to develop the imagination, and use the power of associations.

It can be very difficult at first, but after a few sessions, even the most “poorly imaginative” children are drawn in and develop this superpower in themselves.

As they say, there are no people with medical or hairdressing thinking right away.

But it is being formed.

Step #6 Use Warm Ups, Rest Techniques

It is very difficult for children to keep their attention on one wave. To do this, it is important to switch the type of activity, change the type of occupation.

Both funny songs and finger gymnastics, warm-ups or various exercises for the eyes and brain are suitable.

Step #7 Create Success Situations for Your Child

It is not enough for children to talk about their successes. Children must see the evidence for themselves.

For example, if a child learns 30 new Spanish words in 20 minutes, this will be the best confirmation that he can easily learn the language.

If a child remembers 20 facts about a new country in 15 minutes, this will be the best confirmation of a strong memory.

When a child can speak on one topic for 2 minutes without a break, this will be the best confirmation that he can speak beautifully.

When a child, after one reading and filling out the “fish” helper, remembers the paragraph and is able to retell it, this will be the best confirmation that learning can be easy.

But, unfortunately, the school does not provide effective teaching techniques. In general, the learning process at school is at the level of the last century.

With cramming, lots of repetition, rewriting, copying.

All the things that are outdated.

It's like driving a 1960 Moskvich 407

It seems to be going, but it constantly breaks down, and there is little comfort.

So in the process of teaching children, the child uses outdated principles of the brain and can barely cope with the school load.

But for almost a century there has been a Ferrari in the principles of the brain, with which your child will “ride” through school subjects faster than all his classmates, while spending much less time and effort on studying.

And then the question "How to make a child love studying" will go away by itself.

You shouldn't be forced to drive a Ferrari, should you? But not many will sit down to ride on the "Moskvich 407" ...

We invite you to help children fall in love with learning together with a team of like-minded people in programs for children and parents:

"Brilliant child. Techniques for effective learning”.

In this program for parents, we study and implement effective learning techniques (so that you can learn to learn on your own, pass on the experience to your children and become the best ally and competent effective assistant)

In just 6 evenings, you will learn the most modern techniques for effective learning, learn the most advanced brain technologies and be able to become a person for your child, with a magic wand that turns complex into simple.

And in the “With curator” version, you will additionally receive a person who will personally introduce the learned techniques into the child’s educational process with you and your child.

Right now there is a special price for the program, which increases as the program start date approaches.

Join the program now at the lowest cost and give your children the best learning techniques that will allow them to love learning and become successful in life.

It is no secret that for many parents, the question of how to get a child to do homework is especially relevant. And this is not an idle question. After all, often preparing homework becomes a big test for the whole family.

Remember how many tears, experiences it took to learn what century Yuri Dolgoruky was born in or how to calculate the integral equation! How many children remember with hatred their school years, the teachers who tortured them with exorbitant household chores, the parents who forced them to do these jobs under duress! Let's not repeat these mistakes. But how do you teach your children to learn? Let's try with the help of psychologists to give some answers to these difficult questions.

Why does the child refuse to work?

The first question that parents must answer for themselves is why the child does not want to study at home? There are a lot of answers to it.

A child may simply be afraid of making a mistake when doing homework, he may simply be lazy, afraid of the parents themselves, he may simply lack motivation for homework. Also, a child may simply be tired of the fact that he has a lot of study load, because, in addition to a regular school, he attends a musical institution, an art circle and a chess section. It's like A. Barto, "Drama circle, photo circle ...". At this point, it’s true, there are too many things for a child to do, so he has to unconsciously refuse something. So he refuses to do homework.

However, schoolchildren have plenty of other motives for refusing to complete lessons. But parents must go through all the options in their minds and find the only correct answer that fits the character of their child. Moreover, it should be remembered that homework in a modern school is a very difficult task, often, in order to complete it, the efforts of literally all family members are needed. After all, programs are becoming more and more complicated, even in the first grade today a child should already read about 60 words per minute. It's in the third quarter! But before, our mothers and fathers, being first-graders themselves, learned only to add letters.

Well, if the parents have identified the reasons why the child refuses to do homework, then they need to accustom themselves to patience and understand that the difficult mission of home mentors awaits them.

Let's talk about motivation

The key to success in this case is the positive motivation of the child to do homework. It takes a lot of effort to build that motivation. First of all, these efforts are based on positive school experience. If your child is not doing well at school, then he will perceive homework as a continuation of school torture.

Therefore, positive motivation is developed, first of all, within the walls of the school, and only then at home. Here we can talk about the need for close interaction between the school and the family.

Well, what about those parents who understand that they cannot find an answer to the question of how to make a child do homework without scandals, due to the fact that the child simply does not like the school that he has to go to every day? Such parents can be advised to solve this issue on principle, up to changing schools or finding another teacher.

In general, fathers and mothers need to be very sensitive in matters of schooling. It also happens that in the classroom the child gets the unenviable role of “stuffed animal”, “whipping boy”, relations with classmates do not add up, others offend your child. Naturally, he does not want to study at all. After all, how can you go to school if you are not loved and offended there? What is the right way to do homework...

Does age play a role?

Much in this matter is decided by the age at which the child himself is. It happens, for example, that a child does not want to do homework, grade 1, in which he is still studying, simply has not yet formed the correct positive motivation. In this case, it is much easier to interest such a first grader than an older student.

In general, parents of first-graders need to remember that their children go through an adaptation process in the first quarter. Therefore, the problem of how to make a child do homework without scandals is not yet so significant. There will be scandals in this case. But there is a chance that they will stop when your son or daughter goes through the difficult process of adjusting to first grade.

Also, parents of first-graders need to remember that it is the 1st grade that is the “golden time” on which all the future successes or failures of their child depend. After all, this is the period when your son or daughter understands what school is, why you need to study, what they want to achieve in their class. The personality of the first teacher is also very important in this matter. It is a wise and kind teacher who can become for your child that guide to the world of knowledge, a person who will show the way to life. Therefore, the personality of such a teacher is very important for children! If a first-grader is afraid of his teacher, does not trust him, then this, of course, will have a very bad effect on his studies and the desire to do homework.

How to make a high school student do homework?

But this is a more difficult question. After all, parents can still put pressure on the baby, they can force him, using, in the end, their authority, but what about the offspring, who is in a transitional age? After all, nothing can force such a child to learn. Yes, it is much more difficult to cope with a teenager. Here you need patience, tact, the ability to understand. Parents need to think about the question of how to do homework with a child without screaming, because, perhaps, often they themselves simply provoke a conflict, unable to stand it and blaming their grown-up son or daughter for all sins. And teenagers react very sharply to criticism, it is difficult for them to cope with it, as a result they simply refuse to do the work that is given at home at school.

The transitional age in which schoolchildren are from 12 to 14-15 years old can seriously affect a student's progress. Children at this moment experience serious physical and psychological stress, often they experience their first love, strive to impress their peers. What kind of education is there? And parents at this age become a kind of opponents for children, because a teenager seeks to break away from his family, to get the right to manage his own life. Overly authoritarian parents in this case begin to put a lot of pressure on their children to call them to obedience. But they do not always achieve this obedience, but it happens that the child begins to protest. And often the refusal to do homework is the result of this protest.

Teach Children Responsibility

A good help for all parents who seek to build relationships with their child, and at the same time make their son or daughter study well, is to find the answer to the question of how to teach a child to do homework on his own? After all, if you teach your child from the very first years at school to the fact that he himself must be responsible for his actions, then perhaps this responsibility will accompany him all the remaining school years. In general, it is very important to teach children to understand that everything in life depends on their actions, on their desires and aspirations.

Think about why your child is studying, what did you inspire him? Did you tell him that he is studying for a career that lies ahead of him in a nebulous future? Did you explain to him that the learning process is a kind of work, difficult work, the result of which will be knowledge about the world of people that cannot be bought for money? Think about what you are talking with your child, what are you teaching him?

Therefore, before analyzing the problem of if the child does not learn lessons, what to do with him, try to understand yourself. And don't forget about the example you set for your children. After all, your attitude to work, housework will also become a kind of incentive for your children to study. Therefore, with all your appearance, demonstrate that studying has always been an interest to you, continue to study with your children, even if you are already 40 years old!

Use methodical techniques!

Of course, it is worth remembering about modern methodological techniques. There are many such methods. Most of them, however, are aimed at helping children of primary school age. These are various games that are held before and after doing homework, stimulating the cognitive activity of children, retelling, and so on. An old methodical technique is to draw up a daily routine for a child. Even your first grader needs to know how much time he has for school, extracurricular activities, games and, of course, lessons. After all, you, being preoccupied with the problem of how to make a child do homework, should help in every possible way in this.

Do not do homework instead of your son or daughter!

Very often, parents make another pedagogical mistake. From a very early age, they teach their child to what lessons do with him instead of him. The child quickly realizes that his task is simply to do, to rewrite what mom or dad has already prepared for him. Don't make this mistake! Thus, you accustom your child to the fact that without labor, at the expense of others, much can be achieved in life. And it turns out, as in Dragunsky's story "Vasya's dad is strong ...". Don't be like mom and dad. Remember, you must know the answer to the question of how to teach a child to do their homework on their own. This is your parental duty!

Another common mistake is the excessive ambition of parents who want to make young geniuses out of their children at all costs. Moreover, such parents often simply “break” the psyche of their children themselves, simply forgetting that they should be concerned about the problem of how to teach a child to do homework, and not about how to raise a young talent in all subjects.

Very often, homework in such families turns into torture for children. Mom or dad forces a son or daughter to rewrite the same task several times, achieving its perfect completion, parents find fault with trifles, they are stingy with praise. So what is left for the kids to do? Of course, after some time, children refuse to work, fall into tantrums, showing with all their appearance that they simply cannot become young geniuses, as their parents want from them. But this is still the easiest case. But it happens that parents inspire their children with a “complex of an excellent student or an excellent student”, setting him tasks that their children simply cannot complete.

For example, an ambitious mother, who has raised her son alone all her life, dreams of him becoming a great violinist and giving his concerts all over the world. Her son really successfully studies at a music school, but he could not rise above the level of a music school, let's say this: he simply did not have enough talent and patience. And what should such a mother do, who in her imagination has already elevated her son to the rank of great musicians of our time? She does not need an ordinary loser son ... And how can this young man be reproached for the fact that nature did not make him a genius?

Or another example. Parents dream of their daughter defending her doctoral dissertation. Moreover, it is not even very important for them that scientific direction within which this should be done. The girl is instilled with this family dream from a young age, she is required to achieve wonderful results in a scientific career, but the girl has intellectual abilities only above average, as a result, her desire for a degree ends in a mental hospital.

Agree that these examples are sad, but they are the very flesh of our real life. Often, very often, parents do this with their children.

What if the subject is simply not given?

It also happens that the subject is simply not given to the child. Well, your son or daughter does not have the ability for physics or chemistry, for example. What to do in this case? How to make a child do homework if he does not understand anything, simply does not understand how to solve this or that task? Here, parental patience alone is no longer enough. You need endurance, tact, and another person who can explain a difficult task to a child. In this case, it would be wiser for parents to hire a tutor for their son or daughter to help resolve this issue in a positive way.

Is it possible to do lessons for money or gifts?

Recently, parents have begun to use a simple method of manipulation, which is simply called bribery. Its essence lies in the fact that a father or mother, without thinking about an objective solution to the question of how to do homework with a child, simply seek to bribe their child with various promises. It can be both sums of money, and just gifts: a cell phone, a bicycle, entertainment. However, it is worth warning all parents against this method of influencing children. This is ineffective because the child will start demanding more and more over and over again. There are a lot of homework every day, and now your child is not satisfied with just a smartphone, he needs an iPhone, and he has the right to it, because he is studying, fulfilling all school requirements, etc. And then, imagine how harmful the habit for their daily work, which is the responsibility of the child, to demand from their parents any handouts.

What should parents do? Psychologist's opinion

Experienced specialists in the field of psychology advise parents to help their child do homework. You need to help with a mind and a loving heart. In general, a sense of proportion is ideal here. In this case, the parent must be both strict and demanding, and kind, and fair. He must have patience, remember tact, respect the personality in his child, not strive to make a genius out of his son or daughter, understand that each person has his own character, inclinations and abilities.

It is very important to show the child that he is always dear to his parents. You can tell your son or daughter that the father or mother is proud of him, proud of his academic success and believe that he can overcome all his academic difficulties on his own. And if there is a problem in the family - the child does not do homework, the advice of a psychologist will come in handy in resolving it.

Finally, all parents should remember that children always need our support. Studying for a child is a real job with its problems, ups, successes and falls. Children change a lot in the process of schooling, they acquire new character traits, learn not only to understand the world, but also to learn. And of course, teachers and their closest and most faithful comrades, parents, should help children along this path!

How to take care of the future of children? What kind of education should be given to them? What is the best way to prepare them for life?
Perhaps these questions come to the mind of every parent. Of course, everyone wants to give their children a good education, but all children are different, and it is rather difficult to determine what they will want to do in the future and what profession they will choose.

How to take care of the future of children? What kind of education should be given to them? What is the best way to prepare them for life? Perhaps these questions come to the mind of every parent. Of course, everyone wants to give their children a good education, but all children are different, and it is rather difficult to determine what they will want to do in the future and what profession they will choose.

At the same time, it is important to understand another sad truth that is so relevant to us today: teaching children at school is one of the most boring things in the world.

Alas, it is precisely at the time when the child is most open to new things, when he sincerely strives to make his little discoveries, and the world plays for him with the brightest colors ..... we give him a heavy satchel in one hand, and a bouquet of flowers - to another. And we go to school.

Studying at school sometimes becomes a kind of inoculation against the thirst for knowledge. And now, the child does not seem to want to learn.

This, of course, is not true. Children are the most inquisitive creatures in the world. And the whole question comes down to how to properly present the material. In fact, positive changes in the system and methods of teaching children are already taking place, but as often happens, they begin in a commercial environment.

Take, for example, English courses. Why did we decide to stay with them? The answer lies on the surface: today in Russia this is the most demanded niche of children's education in a non-state environment; and the fastest growing.

And for good reason: such classes contribute to the development of creativity, logic, critical thinking, initiative, erudition, the ability to work in a team, and only lazy people do not talk about the benefits of English today.

Now new English language schools for children have begun to open. In particular, the International Center for the Study of English EF English First announced the opening of new children's schools.

Of course, with its direct focus on working with children. It can show up in everything.

Firstly, teachers work in children's schools, who are selected, among other things, for their personal qualities - the ability to get along with children. After all, children are more impressionable than adults, and therefore contact with the teacher is the basis for further motivation of the child to learn.

In such children's schools, the audiences in which classes are held also play an important role. At an early age, it is especially important to create a cozy environment so that young students feel comfortable learning.

An important role is played by the training programs themselves, adapted to a certain age group of children, taking into account their needs and interests. In addition, a number of schools provide free six-month education for children. One of these proposals was made by the EF English First school, which declared its readiness to support talented children. You can learn more about this and much more by asking a question in an online consultation conducted by a representative on the website of the site Svetlana Vasilievna Shulzhik.

Today, the methods themselves have changed significantly: new technologies are being actively introduced into curricula. These are all kinds of multimedia materials, and interactive programs, as well as various applications. For example, the free iPad app is EF High Flyers, designed for kids aged 7-9. It combines game and educational elements - a variety of educational games, vocabulary cards with 3D graphics, with which the child memorizes English words.

On the one hand, the use of the latest technologies contributes to the assimilation of the material, and on the other hand, it makes the learning process exciting. Many parents complain that their children are overly addicted to computers, but few think that their interest can be channeled into a useful direction.

An example of this is the online component from EF. It is an addition to the full-time course created for children aged 10-13. A distinctive feature of the course is that it is built on the basis of a fascinating story, plunging into which the guys learn English. This is an interactive online program in which you can perform various exercises to develop reading, writing, speaking, listening comprehension skills. You can get acquainted with its demo version absolutely free of charge. For kids aged 4-6 and 7-9, interactive online programs have also been developed. Get free access.

But the variety of techniques is not limited to the use of computer technology. There are many other ways to make learning interesting: schools can hold thematic events, field classes, where language skills are developed in a relaxed atmosphere of live communication.

In fact, there are many ways to turn the learning process into a hobby. Moreover, you yourself can come up with something of your own. Your direct participation in the education of children is the key to their success. And it is in your hands to make learning an exciting and natural part of life. And that's exactly how it should be!

EF Englih First invites everyone to the Olympic Knowledge Day on September 1st and Open Day on September 10th. Come along with your children, chat with highly professional teachers, look into cozy classrooms and find out about upcoming promotions.

When a child appears in the family, parents experience joy, happiness, just euphoria from the very fact of his appearance. The kid is growing. The older he gets, the more questions young parents face about his upbringing. One of these: "How to help your child love learning?"

At what age and how should one begin to instill a love of learning?

Starting from 2-3 years old, you can begin to maintain in the baby the quality laid down by nature - curiosity. It is this that underlies the love of learning, knowledge.

There are ways to help you instill a love of learning:

- Books. You can't love something that mom and dad don't do. To instill a love of reading is possible only by reading books to him. Start with light rhymes, add fairy tales and stories as your baby grows up. Read emotionally. This is the only way to keep the child interested.

- New discussion. Be interested in the opinion of the child about certain events, incidents of everyday life, listen to him. Ask him to explain why he thinks one way or another. Do it carefully, do not "push". This will teach your child to express his opinion and think logically without fear and embarrassment.

- Games. Play with your child in various educational games. With a three-year-old kid, you can guess riddles invented by you and him, count dogs running past, name the color of passing cars. With an older child, you can start playing checkers, and then chess. You can try the exciting experiences that are on the site

- Independence. As soon as possible, let the baby do simple things himself: peel a banana, feed a pigeon. When your kid goes to school, independence will help him in his studies.

- Just in moderation. Don't overload your baby. Give him enough time to rest. The development of the child will be much more successful if he can dream up, dream and think about what he has learned new. This develops the imagination and makes it possible to understand that learning, exploring the world is fun.

How to solve the problems that have arisen in the study of the student?

- Respect for education. First of all, parents should show their already grown up child that teachers are people who simply need to be respected. You can not criticize teachers and school in front of a child. The child takes everything from his father and mother. Show him that you are interested in the life of a student, communicate with teachers, participate in the life of the class. This will show both the child and the teacher that you care about your son or daughter.

- Don't panic. Take your child's grades lightly. Discuss with your son or daughter the topics that he did not learn well at school. Help your child, show your participation and provide support. And the fear of learning will disappear and give way to curiosity and a thirst for knowledge.

These simple tips will help you get closer to your child and teach them to love learning.