How to clean the ceramic soleplate of an iron from burnt fabric? How to clean the inside of an iron from scale at home

Sooner or later, scale or carbon deposits form on the soleplate of the iron, which is very difficult to clean and interferes with ironing. This problem arises due to the fact that many people incorrectly operate the device and ignore the manufacturer’s instructions. If you are faced with the task of cleaning your iron, this can be done in several ways.

How to clean an iron at home?

  • The easiest way to clean carbon deposits from your iron is with a wet cloth. Heat the device to maximum temperature, place a wet cotton or linen cloth on the ironing board (water should not drip from it). Hold the fabric on the board with one hand. Dr. Take the iron with your hand and run it over the wet fabric.
  • The sole of the device should touch the fabric where the edge of the ironing board begins. Make several such movements, trying to forcefully press the soleplate of the iron onto the fabric. After some time, the sole will be cleaned, and the dirt will remain on the rag.
  • Besides a rag, a good option is to clean the iron with salt or paraffin. Pour a small amount of table salt onto a white sheet of paper, distribute it evenly and run a hot iron over it several times. Wipe the sole with a dry woolen cloth.
  • If the carbon deposits are not removed, you can do it differently. Fold the gauze into 3-4 layers and place it on an ironing board. Sprinkle salt on one half of the gauze and cover it with the other half. Using a prepared salt bag, clean the dirt on the sole of the hot iron and wipe with a dry woolen rag. For irons with an aluminum or Teflon surface, a mixture of salt and grated paraffin is suitable. Paraffin will soften the abrasive effect of salt and prevent damage to the surface.
  • Carbon deposits from Teflon irons can be easily cleaned with soda. Place 3 tsp in a bowl. substance, pour a little boiled water and bring it to a mushy state. Preheat the iron to 120 degrees, apply soda slurry to the soot. After 5 minutes, remove the composition with a damp soft cloth, then wipe dry. If the carbon deposits are not removed the first time, repeat the procedure. You can use detergent instead of water - it will enhance the effect.

  • If the burn on the iron is very fresh, use regular soap. Lather the burnt area generously on the warm appliance and let it cool. Take a damp cloth or sponge and gently rinse the soap off the soles. Wipe the surface of the iron dry.
  • You can remove carbon deposits from the surface of any iron using vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. Rub the stains vigorously with a rough cloth soaked in vinegar. If necessary, repeat the procedure. Once you have cleaned the surface, heat the iron to high and run it over the waste cloth.
  • Instead of vinegar, you can use hydrogen peroxide: soak cotton wool in the liquid and wipe the surface of the iron. In extreme cases, you can use acetone or nail polish remover. Be careful not to get chemicals on the plastic parts of the appliance.
  • A paraffin candle cleans the iron well. To do this, wrap a paraffin candle in thick cotton cloth. Wipe the hot iron thoroughly. The candle will begin to melt, so the iron should be tilted so that the hot liquid flows onto the tray. After cleaning, remove any remaining dirt and paraffin.
  • To clean the soleplate of the iron, you can use a special pencil. Turn on the device, warm it up well, turn it off and rub the stain with a pencil. After some time, a chemical reaction will begin, and the carbon deposits can be easily removed with a dry cloth.

How to descale your iron?

Most modern irons include a self-cleaning function. This is the easiest way to keep the device in working condition for many years. If your iron does not have this function, you can use home remedies. Regular citric acid or lemon juice works well against scale.

Pour some acid into boiling water and remove the pan from the heat. Dissolve the substance in water and pour it into the iron reservoir. Preheat the appliance to maximum, unplug it and, holding the iron over the basin, press and hold the steam button. Shake the device lightly for more effective cleansing. After cleaning, repeat the procedure with clean water, without lemon, to wash away any remaining acid.

You can descale your iron using carbonated mineral water. Pour sparkling water into the tank, heat it to maximum and release steam and water over the basin. For the second time, pour boiled water and rinse it to remove any remaining mineral water.

If the listed cleaning methods do not help you, you can resort to special descalers. Quality products are TopHouse, MagicPower, Topperr, Flat, Astonish, CleanPoint, Wpro, GreenClear, Menalux, etc. Use the products that are suitable specifically for your iron.

An iron is an indispensable thing for every housewife. But sooner or later the question arises - how to clean the soleplate of the iron? There are many ways to do this, some of them are most effective. You can use traditional methods, turn to professionals for help, or purchase special cleaning products.

But first, I want to tell you, dear housewives, about the features of cleaning various types of soles from carbon deposits, as well as how modern self-cleaning systems cope with the problem of scale in the iron tank.

So, irons can handle scale on their own if they have:

1.Built-in self-cleaning system. Irons equipped with this system are cleaned at high temperatures. The cleaning process occurs as follows:

    • fill the liquid container with water;
    • set the maximum temperature setting and turn on the electrical appliance;
    • when the heater turns off automatically, turn on the self-cleaning mode;
    • now you will see how a powerful jet of steam will simply “push” through the holes on the soleplate all the scale that has already accumulated in the iron’s reservoir;
    • To completely clean the inside of the iron, you should repeat this procedure several times(do this until only clean steam comes out of the holes without scale flakes).

2. Anti-lime cartridges. In the reservoir of irons, which are equipped with an anti-scale protection system, there is a cartridge with granules. The substances contained in these granules soften tap water.

Some iron models are equipped with anti-lime cartridges that are designed to last for the entire service life. In other irons, they need to be changed periodically.

Lime does not settle on the iron elements because the rods filter the water mechanically. In order for the iron to serve you for many years, I want to tell you how such filtration occurs. Every housewife needs to know this. After all, understanding the principle of self-cleaning, you will handle the iron correctly and carefully.

Well, dear friends, let's figure out how the anti-scale system works in your favorite iron:

    • in the water steam supply regulator there is a rod that determines the direction of water supply to the base of the electrical appliance;
    • moving through the internal elements of the iron, water leaves salt deposits on the rod;
    • there is no need to replace the rod; it is enough to periodically clean it of limescale;
    • it is necessary to remove it once every 30 days and place it in a special solution, which is prepared from the following components: soda, vinegar or citric acid must be dissolved in water in equal proportions;
    • after a few hours, the limescale on the rod will completely dissolve;
    • After this, carefully rinse the rod and place it in the iron.

And now, dear friends, let’s figure out together how to clean the soleplate of the iron from carbon deposits:

1.Teflon surface Can be effectively cleaned using a vinegar solution:

    • soak a dishwashing sponge in the solution;
    • get rid of excess moisture;
    • Use a rough layer of sponge to wipe the surface of the iron in a circular motion;
    • soak a small piece of cotton fabric in the same solution and iron it with a well-heated iron.

2. Ceramic and cermet coatingCan be easily cleaned using a special pencil for irons. An alternative to professional cleaning products can be toothpaste, special dish cleaning products, the familiar baking soda or hydrogen peroxide.

3.Chrome and aluminum sole It can be easily cleaned from any burnt material using a wooden spatula. It is important that the soleplate of the iron is well heated. This type of cleaning does not damage the chrome plating.

Now you know how your iron works from the inside. I assure you that, starting from today, you will treat him completely differently.

I would like to give you advice on my own behalf: fill the liquid reservoir with purified water that you drink yourself. And then the question “How to clean the iron from scale” will never arise before you - I guarantee you this.

How to clean the soleplate of an iron at home?

Sooner or later, any housewife asks herself the question: “How and with what to clean the soleplate of the iron at home?” No matter how high-quality and expensive your iron is, there comes a time when you are faced with such an unpleasant problem as carbon deposits on the sole.

If you notice that your iron has become less gliding across the surface or that carbon deposits have become very noticeable, then it’s your turn to clean it. Don't even think about scraping off carbon deposits with sandpaper, a scraper or a knife.: This will ruin your iron forever. The sole of any modern iron is covered with a special non-stick coating so that it easily glides over even the most delicate fabrics and does not catch them. It is necessary to clean the iron as carefully as possible so as not to spoil the smooth surface.

Therefore, now I want to tell you, our dear housewives, about all the secrets that will help you clean the soleplate of your iron from carbon deposits at home. All the supplies we need are in your home. Therefore, you can easily and quickly clean the smooth surface of your favorite electrical appliance.

Tool at hand

How to use?


Cleaning the iron with table salt is the most popular cleaning method among housewives. There are several ways to clean a smooth surface using salt:

  • Method one: Sprinkle a few tablespoons of fine salt (preferably extra class) onto a sheet of white paper. It is better not to use newspaper for this, since a hot iron can “copy” the printed text on its sole. Set the temperature to the highest possible temperature and wait until the iron heats up, then iron the salt until the carbon deposits are completely gone.
  • Method two: take a small piece of gauze and fold it in half. Place a few tablespoons of salt in the center of the shred and wrap it in a bag. Heat the iron well. After this, use a salt bag to thoroughly clean the contaminated area. In this way, you will not only clean the iron of carbon deposits, but also restore the mirror shine of the smooth surface.
  • Method three: Sprinkle some salt on the stained area and rub it with a rough damp cloth. There is no need to heat the iron. Clean the surface until the carbon deposits disappear. After completing the procedure, wipe the soleplate of the iron with a dry cloth.

Dear ladies, any of the proposed methods cannot be used to clean a Teflon-coated iron.

Paraffin candle

  • wrap a small piece of paraffin wax or paraffin candle in cotton cloth;
  • heat the iron well;
  • clean contaminated areas of smooth soles;
  • since the candle begins to melt, tilt the iron so that the wax flows into a previously prepared container;
  • If there are holes on the sole of the iron for steam to escape, this must be done first. Otherwise, the paraffin will remain in the “holes” and will stain your things the next time you iron;
  • At the end of the procedure, clean the surface of the iron from any remaining paraffin and carbon deposits.

Vinegar + ammonia

  • thoroughly wet a small piece of gauze;
  • clean those areas of the iron where carbon deposits are present;
  • if the carbon deposits are too ingrained, then you can add a little ammonia to the vinegar;
  • This mixture can be used to clean cold iron only.

If these components do not help, then soak a small towel in vinegar and place the iron on it. Leave it like this until the morning so that the acetic acid destroys the carbon deposits.

The next morning, thoroughly wipe the sole with a rough cloth or a rough layer of dishwashing sponge.

3% hydrogen peroxide

  • moisten a cotton pad with hydrogen peroxide;
  • heat the iron slightly so that it is warm (peroxide will destroy carbon deposits more effectively if the temperature is increased slightly);
  • Wipe contaminated areas with a disc until the carbon deposits are clear.

Acetone or nail polish remover

  • heat the iron to medium temperature so that the acetone works more effectively;
  • soak a sponge or rag in acetone or nail polish remover and work on those areas where stains are present;
  • if such treatment does not produce results, then moisten the cloth generously and place the iron on it;
  • leave it overnight so that the carbon deposits soften and peel off;
  • In the morning, treat the soleplate of the iron with a small piece of wool.

Dear housewives, if there are traces of polyethylene on the smooth sole, or you accidentally burned synthetic fabric, this product will perfectly clean your iron.


You won’t believe it, but you can clean your iron from carbon deposits using a regular matchbox:

  • heat the iron well;
  • With the side where the sulfur is located, clean the surface from carbon deposits.

In order for you to see the result faster, it is better to take a new box so that the layer of sulfur is thicker.


Buy a hydroperite plate at the pharmacy. One tablet can effectively clean the soleplate of your iron from carbon deposits.

So, to clean the iron you need to follow these steps:

  • first of all, open the windows, since hydroperite has an unpleasant odor when heated;
  • heat the iron to medium temperature and move the tablet over areas where carbon deposits are present;
  • To clean the surface faster, apply a little pressure on the tablet;
  • when the carbon deposits peel off, its remains and particles of hydroperite can be removed with a damp cloth.

Special pencil

Perhaps the most effective means for cleaning the soleplate of an iron from carbon deposits is a chemical pencil. It can be found in any hardware store or supermarket section.

Found it? Now let's get started:

  • heat the iron well, then unplug it from the power supply;
  • carefully rub the sole of the iron with a pencil;
  • soon you will see that a chemical reaction begins, and the carbon gradually breaks down and peels off;
  • After this, its remnants can be removed with a dry, clean cloth.

Chemical pencil creates an unpleasant odor. But there is no need to worry, since the vapors released when heated only contain ammonia.

After the iron has cooled, you can wipe the surface with a damp cloth. After the first use, you will feel the result - the iron will sparkle like new. And, cleared of carbon deposits, it will glide even better over delicate fabrics.

Toothpaste or powder

It is enough to wipe the surface of the iron with toothpaste or a prepared paste of tooth powder and water, then rinse thoroughly with a soft gauze cloth or sponge and wipe dry.

If you are afraid to experiment, then I have several more gentle means in my arsenal with which you can carefully clean the smooth surface of the iron:

1.Laundry soap. Soap will effectively clean the surface of fresh stains.

In order for the effect of using laundry soap to be noticeable, you should:

    • heat the appliance a little and then turn it off;
    • Rub the contaminated areas with laundry soap;
    • Wash the surface from soap deposits with a damp cloth and wipe dry.

2.Baking soda. Soft soda will carefully clean the iron from carbon deposits:

    • mix a small amount of soda and warm water until a liquid paste forms;
    • Using a soft sponge or cotton pad, apply the resulting paste to areas of the surface where there are carbon spots ( the iron does not need to be heated);
    • After this, rinse the surface with a gauze cloth soaked in clean water and wipe the sole dry.

Always remember that you cannot use abrasive products to clean smooth soles. The use of knives, scrapers and other metal objects is contraindicated. This may render your electrical appliance unusable.

We all know very well that preventing problems from occurring is much easier than solving them. Therefore, after each ironing, wipe the soleplate with a damp cloth, and you will not soon think about how to clean the iron.

How to descale?

If scale has appeared in your iron, then in this article you will find the most effective methods that will help you clean it from the inside. The main cause of this global problem is the hard water that we pour into our favorite irons.

But there is no need to despair, since we have effective methods to solve this problem.

Descaling agent

Mode of application

Lemon acid

Citric acid is an excellent remedy for getting rid of scale at home. To effectively clean your iron, you need to do the following:

  • Dissolve one tablespoon of citric acid in a glass of hot water;
  • thoroughly moisten cotton pads in the resulting solution and apply to the holes on the sole of the iron;
  • after 15 minutes, heat the iron, since scale is effectively destroyed at high temperature;
  • those particles that could not be removed can be removed using cotton swabs soaked in the same solution.

And now I want to tell you, dear friends, how to clean the inside of the iron using citric acid:

  • dilute a sachet of the proposed product in hot water and pour it into an empty water tank;
  • leave it for 10 minutes;
  • after that, heat the iron to maximum temperature and shake several times;
  • press and hold the steam release button and watch the scale flakes come out;
  • hold the iron over the bathtub or basin;
  • all scale that has collapsed under the influence of citric acid will irrevocably leave your iron.

Mineral water

Ordinary mineral water can effectively clean the iron from scale. To do this, you will need a glass of mineral water and an empty basin into which water will be poured along with the destroyed scale.

So, let's begin:

  • slowly pour a glass of mineral water into the reservoir of the electrical appliance;
  • connect the iron to the mains and set the temperature to the highest possible temperature;
  • after that, holding the iron over the basin, turn on the steam release button;
  • scale, which has peeled off from the walls under the influence of mineral water and high temperature, will be thrown out along with a stream of steam.

This procedure must be repeated several times. Only after you see that the scale is no longer expelled through the holes along with the steam, pour boiled drinking water into the tank. Carry out a similar procedure again.

If you notice residue of scale on the holes, you can use cotton swabs, which must be soaked in vinegar.

Table vinegar

Clean the iron with vinegar in the same way as citric acid and mineral water:

  • mix vinegar and boiled water in equal proportions and pour into the water tank;
  • leave the iron with this solution for half an hour;
  • after that, heat it and start releasing steam.

To clean the soleplate from any remaining scale, soak a gauze cloth in a vinegar solution and iron it thoroughly.

With this product you will effectively clean your iron from scale inside and out.

Special anti-scale products

Of course, there is no doubt about the effectiveness of such means. Their composition is specially designed to destroy limescale on the internal elements of various electrical appliances.

Now the choice of such means is quite wide. The most effective are German products, which not only destroy scale, but also protect the metal from its further formation.

You must strictly follow the instructions and recommendations for use.

Cillit Cleaner

Yes, yes, you read that right. It is the use of this product, which is designed to remove rust and plaque, that can help cope with scale in the iron:

  • set the iron to the maximum temperature;
  • disconnect from the power supply;
  • place it with the sole up;
  • “drip” the holes with the suggested cleaning agent and leave for 15-20 minutes;
  • Collect all scale and dirt that has come out with a soft damp cloth;
  • thoroughly rinse the iron inside and out to remove residues Cillit.

Purified or distilled water

To extend the life of your iron, use only purified drinking or distilled water for ironing. It is not recommended to pour tap water into the tank of an electrical appliance.

But before using distilled water, carefully study the recommendations for use, since such water is not suitable for all models.

Self-cleaning system

If you are the lucky owner of such an iron, you are very lucky. There is no need to apply all the above recommendations. You need to do the following:

  • pour purified water into the tank and heat the iron to maximum temperature;
  • wait for the temperature to automatically turn off;
  • repeat this procedure again.

Dear housewives, I assure you that the chosen method will effectively deal with the problem of scale and clean the iron both outside and inside. However, I want to say that you should always remember about preventive measures and basic recommendations for handling electrical appliances.

Many simply do not follow the ironing regime or adhere to a certain temperature regime. For example:

    • cotton must be ironed at 200 degrees;
    • silk can be ironed at a temperature of 100-110 degrees;
    • wool must be ironed through gauze cloth at a temperature no higher than 130-140 degrees.

If such a problem happened to you and you tried to clean the soleplate of the iron from carbon deposits using sandpaper, do not rush to throw away your “helper”. It is quite possible to revive a smooth surface - just do the following simple manipulations:

    • grate a little paraffin on a fine grater and mix with table salt;
    • pour the resulting mixture onto a clean sheet of paper, cover with a thin paper napkin on top;
    • iron it all with a very hot iron;
    • Finally, polish the base with GOI paste.

You won’t believe it, but after these manipulations the sole of the iron will again become mirror-like and smooth. This procedure must be repeated periodically in order to completely “restore” the damaged surface.

Not a single modern housewife can imagine how to get clothes or home textiles into perfect shape without using an iron. The problem is that during long-term use, stains of different sizes from hard water scale, as well as deposits from fibers or starch, gradually appear on the sole of the iron. The material from which the sole of the steam iron is made is cermet. This substance is highly durable and scratch resistant. And although the manufacturers of almost all modern iron models unanimously insist that the soles are supposedly made from completely non-staining materials, in reality things are not so ideal.

How do you know when it's time to clean your iron?

If carbon deposits have been noticed on the sole of the iron or during ironing it has become much less gliding across the fabric, this means that it’s time to clean it.


But, under no circumstances should you try to scrape stuck-on plaque from the sole using a knife. You should also not rub the device with sandpaper. After such a “cleaning” there will only be harm. In the worst case scenario, you will have to buy a new product altogether.

Do not spoil the smoothness of the surface

When manufactured, the soleplate of the iron is carefully polished in a special way, which makes it very smooth and does not cling to fabric fibers at all. But rough, mechanical cleaning will make it unsuitable for further use. Contaminants should be removed so as not to spoil the smoothness of the surface.

Homemade methods for cleaning the soleplate of an iron

Fine salt

The simplest, most accessible, and therefore often used method for cleaning the surface of the soleplate of a home iron is to use the most common fine salt. You need to pour it on the newspaper and iron it with an iron, previously heated to the highest possible temperature. When the salt crystals darken, the sole of the iron will be clean.

Table vinegar

Another way to help get rid of carbon deposits from fibers that are firmly stuck on the sole of the iron is table vinegar. This product is probably available in any home. You need to take an old and unnecessary rag, soak it in vinegar, and then diligently wipe the surface of the iron. You will need to do this until it turns into perfectly clean. After this, you need to wipe the sole with lukewarm, clean water.


A similar option would also be to clean the surface of the iron sole using ammonia. You need to wet the unnecessary cloth and then iron it with a well-heated iron. And then the dirt will transfer from the device to the cloth. Afterwards you need to wipe the iron with plain water.

Baking soda

Baking soda will help clean and make the surface of the iron smooth, removing deposits. To do this, mix baking soda and detergent in a bowl until the mixture becomes a paste. Then you need to smear the sole of the iron with it, and then leave it like that for about 40 minutes. When all the dirt on the iron is completely corroded, all that remains is to rinse the soleplate with slightly warm water.


Dark streaks and stains that appear on the soleplate of the iron after wearing dark clothes can be removed with acetone. Use a rag soaked in it to wipe the surface of the sole and then dry it thoroughly with a towel.

Hydrogen peroxide

You can also use hydrogen peroxide to clean your iron. You need to apply peroxide to a cotton swab and use it to clean particularly dirty areas on the sole of your iron. By the way, many housewives like this method for its simplicity and effectiveness.


It is also possible to clean the soleplate of the iron using a hydroperite tablet. But, this manipulation should be performed on the street or on the balcony. As a last resort, a well-ventilated room will do. After all, after unpacking, the tablet will immediately begin to emit a very strong and pungent odor. Next, you will need to heat up the iron and run this tablet along its sole. The dirt will gradually begin to peel off. It will need to be removed with a slightly damp cloth.

Special means for cleaning the iron

You can, as an option, clean and make the surface of the iron perfectly smooth using special, rather than homemade, products. There are corresponding pencils in stores. Such a special product can be easily purchased at any hardware store or household appliance store. Immediately after the edge of its protective packaging is cut off, there is no need to remove it completely from there. Instead, heat the iron to the highest possible temperature. Next, you need to disconnect the iron from the electrical power and smear its sole with this pencil. When foam begins to form on its surface, you need to immediately wipe it off with a cloth before it has time to cool completely. This procedure must be repeated until the ironing sole is completely clean. At the end of cleaning, it is advisable to wipe the iron with a barely damp cloth.

Many people simply do not pay attention to non-compliance with the temperature regime when ironing clothes. For example, 110 degrees is enough for silk, but cotton requires all 200 degrees, while wool needs to be maintained at no more than 140 degrees. By the way, it is optimal to iron woolen items through wet gauze with a not very hot iron.

If a smooth surface is damaged – no problem!

If you tried to clean the iron with a knife or sandpaper, turning the surface into a rough one, this can still be corrected. You need to take paraffin and grate it on a very fine grater. Next, you need to mix paraffin with table salt and pour this mixture onto paper. The paper is covered with a napkin and ironed with the hottest possible iron. It may be necessary to carry out several such sessions in a row to return the iron to its previous appearance.


To avoid having to try in practice the effectiveness of each method of cleaning the soleplate of an iron, it is advisable to observe the correct conditions for its use. If you decide to clean your iron using the home method, it is advisable to first test it on a small area of ​​the soleplate of your iron to see the effect and evaluate the feasibility of this method.

How to clean the soleplate of your iron

Tips for cleaning your iron

Every housewife, after a certain time of using the iron, is faced with the problem of cleaning it from internal scale or from the scale that has formed on the surface of its sole. It is quite possible to do this at home, the main thing is to extend the “life” of the equipment and not damage it.

If you have a steam iron, fill it only with distilled water, since ordinary hard and untreated water forms scale inside the device. If a rusty deposit forms on the fabric during ironing, get rid of it using an anti-scale agent. Prepare the solution according to the instructions and pour it into the liquid container in the iron. Heat the device and leave the liquid inside it for half an hour. After this, wash any loose scale from the iron. Citric acid will also help deal with internal scale: dissolve 2 teaspoons of lemon powder in 200 ml of water and pour the resulting liquid into the reservoir on the iron. After some time, heat the device to maximum temperature and clean it with steam emissions.

Make sure to adhere to the temperature range recommended by the manufacturers. For each type of fabric, there is a certain degree of ironing - silk and synthetics should be ironed with a low-heat iron, and woolen items should be processed through damp gauze.

To clean the soleplate of the iron from scale stains that appear due to hard water, there are very few offers in stores that could cope with this problem. The simplest solution is to prevent scale formation: to do this, after each ironing, wipe the soleplate of the iron with a damp soft rag.

If scale, deposits and soot appear on the sole of the iron, use a special pencil. Apply the product to the surface, preheated to the temperature specified in the instructions, the soles and wipe clean with a soft sponge or rag.

Sprinkle a mixture of salt and paraffin shavings onto a newspaper or sheet of paper. Heat the iron and clean it with the prepared mixture. All dirt from the surface of the sole should be easily removed. Afterwards, wipe the surface of the iron with a damp cloth, and then with a dry one. This method can also be used to clean a Teflon-coated iron.

A gruel made from a mixture of equal parts of soda and dishwashing detergent can remove carbon deposits from the surface of the iron from any coating. Apply the prepared mixture to the stain (do not turn on the iron). After a while, wipe the surface with a sponge using vigorous movements, wash it and wipe dry.

Vinegar will also help remove the yellow scale that forms on the surface of the appliance due to hard water. Iron the fabric soaked in this liquid until the soleplate of the iron is perfectly clean.

Never clean heavy stains with hard or abrasive materials, a knife, a hard sponge or sandpaper; you can easily damage the surface of the iron soleplate so that it becomes unusable. Only a wooden spatula can be used to remove burnt synthetics.

Hydrogen peroxide can cope well with dirt on the soleplate of the iron, and this can be done quickly and without the appearance of any foreign odors. Twist a cotton swab and apply the solution to it. Treat the surface and wipe until clean.

By following all operating recommendations and taking all preventive measures, you will not have to think about cleaning your iron for a long time, and if necessary, by properly cleaning the internal and external surfaces of the electrical appliance, you will extend its service life.

Many iron manufacturers provide a guarantee for their products and promise in advertising texts that the operation of the device will not require additional care for the ironing surface.

In addition, most irons are equipped with a special self-cleaning sole.

But practice shows that violation of instructions, baked synthetics, and hard water can lead to unwanted contamination of the sole:

  • interfere with ironing things by reducing the smoothness when sliding.
  • When the iron heats up, such contaminants can be imprinted on the material of the clothing, thereby ruining it.

Before choosing a method for cleaning the soleplate of your iron, you need to understand the material from which it is made.


Today, the most common iron soles are made of the following alloys:

  • Aluminum. Considered the most difficult material to care for, it scratches easily and promotes sticking of synthetic fabric.
Teflon (Teflon coated aluminum). This sole is difficult to care for; you need to select a special sponge or use vinegar essence. Under no circumstances should you use salt or toothpaste.
  • Stainless steel. All methods can be used to clean this coating.
  • Ceramics. This coating can be cleaned with a pencil. You can also use soft non-abrasive alloys, toothpaste, soda, hydrogen peroxide. The main thing is not to rub with hard sponges or brushes.
  • Metal ceramics. Requires the same care as ceramics.

When considering ways to clean the soleplate of an iron, it is important to choose the most affordable, economical and effective method.

Indelible pencil

Chemical pencil is the most common and safe professional means for removing carbon deposits from the surface of an ironing device.

A special product produced by the chemical industry must be used in the following sequence:

  • turn on the iron and heat it well;
  • turn off the iron;
  • rub its sole with a pencil;
  • wait for the chemical reaction;
  • remove softened plaque with a soft cloth;
  • Wipe the sole again with a damp cloth after it has cooled.

You can buy a pencil at any hardware store. It is necessary to prevent it from getting into the holes of the iron.


Hydroperite is a pharmacological agent produced in the form of white tablets.

Its properties are similar to those of hydrogen peroxide, so you can dissolve two tablets in a glass of water and clean the surface of the iron in exactly the same sequence as when using a chemical pencil.

During the cleaning process with hydroperite, a lot of unpleasant gas can be formed, which is absorbed into furniture and wallpaper. To prevent this, you must remember to open the window before using the product.

You can wipe the surface of the iron with a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide. You can use acetone or nail polish remover instead.

The main thing is to ensure that chemical compounds do not get on the plastic structure of the device. An undeniable advantage of this method of care is the absence of an unpleasant odor.


If the dirt is strong, it should not be scraped off using sharp objects that can scratch the soleplate of the iron. In this case, a good solution would be a dish cleaning powder (for example, “Shine”).

To do this you need:

  • rub the rusty surface with powder;
  • wipe it with a dry cloth to remove dirt and powder.


Unfortunately, there are not many special products for cleaning irons sold in stores. Substances known in home economics will help you get out of the situation.

It's easy to remove unwanted plaque with soap. To do this you need:

  • heat the household appliance;
  • rub the plaque with soapy water;
  • let the iron cool down a little;
  • wipe the surface with a damp cloth.


Almost every home has paraffin candles in case of a power outage. They can also be used to clean your iron. To do this you need:

  • wrap the candle in thick cotton cloth;
  • prepare a tray for melted wax;
  • heat the iron;
  • rub the device with the resulting package (the candle will begin to melt);
  • try not to get wax into the holes of the iron, because then the wax will leak out and ruin things.

The candle is well suited for cleaning the ironing surface as it does not damage or scratch it.

Another interesting way: heat the iron and rub its surface with a sulfur strip of a matchbox. It's better to use a new box.


Lemon works in the same way as hydrogen peroxide. Its acid removes scale well from the surface of the iron and holes.

This method is safer for the housewife, because natural lemon does not emit harmful fumes.

Before cleaning the iron with lemon, it is important to clean the inside of the electrical appliance: pass clean liquid through the water tank several times.

Soda and vinegar

Another home method for cleaning your iron is using baking soda and vinegar. To do this you need:

  • place a coarse cloth (a waffle towel will do) on something hard;
  • sprinkle soda on top;
  • crush lumps;
  • drizzle a little bit over the bite. For better effect, you can add ammonia. If there is no vinegar, one ammonia will be enough;
  • Rub the iron thoroughly on the towel. The resulting foam will clean the metal sole from dirt.
  • If the iron is not clean, try heating it and repeating the manipulations.


It is better to take finely ground salt of the “Extra” brand. Cleaning must be carried out in the following sequence:

  • pour salt onto clean material or paper;
  • heat the iron;
  • Pressing it hard, move it over the salt layer several times, as if smoothing it.
It is not advisable to take newspaper, as the iron may get dirty with printing ink. The best results are achieved by using salt with crushed candle paraffin, which restores the damaged surface of the iron from scratches and unevenness.

Ear sticks

If the question arises of how to clean the soleplate of the iron from adhering fabric, you can take some hard wooden or plastic object: a scraper, brush, spatula or ear stick.

Holes in the soleplate of the iron can be wiped with a damp cotton swab. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to moisten the stick with ammonia and soda or vinegar.


You can use the cold method to clean the soleplate of the iron. This method will save you from unpleasant fumes. For cold cleaning you need:

  • take a teaspoon of baking soda;
  • moisten it with water or dishwashing detergent;
  • stir, distribute evenly over the surface of the iron that needs to be cleaned;
  • Wipe vigorously with a wet cloth or sponge.
Using toothpaste, you can remove dirt from the surface of the iron, which is coated with metal: steel, aluminum. But it should be remembered that the Teflon surface will most likely be damaged, and the iron will become unsuitable for further use.

How to protect your iron

Here are a few tips that will help you easily protect the soleplate of your iron from getting dirty:

  • It is important to set the appropriate temperature for the fabric: do not iron silk, synthetics, corduroy, thin, light fabrics at high temperatures, as they can melt and stick to the sole. It is better to iron wool and suede through gauze so that the fibers do not stick.
  • Do not clean the surface of the iron with metal scrapers or abrasive materials. This will cause scratches and damage to the surface.
It is better to clean a cold iron with a nylon sponge, and a hot iron with wooden or plastic scrapers, brushes and terry cloths.
  • After each use, wipe the soleplate of the iron with a soft, damp cloth. And properly selected chemicals can solve the problem of how to clean the soleplate of an iron from burnt marks.
  • Do not use tap water for the iron container. It is better to take boiled water.