How to identify your gem. Complete information by date of birth

"Golden mean" - the character is so named because he knows how to get along with all the other characters. It will be correct to dominate over the weaker one, and skillfully adapt to the stronger one and even sometimes argue on equal terms. However, he often shows himself to be very conflicted, challenging other leaders and society.

Examples 111

◦ Kim Jong Un - former ruler of North Korea
◦ Bill Gates - CEO of Microsoft Corporation, one of the richest people in the world, philanthropist
◦ Pavel Durov - creator of the social network Vkontakte and its former owner
◦ Artemy Lebedev - founder of design studio number 1 in Russia, public figure, blogger

Energy, charisma - 2

"Energy shortage" - the batteries are only enough to catch the most necessary things. Large groups, audiences and noisy parties are exhausting. Multi-day hikes and monotonous work - there too. But moderate sports, fitness, yoga, well, or at least walking and normal sleep are vital.

Cognition, creativity - 33

"Basic abilities" - with such a potential, if desired, one can master the exact sciences, technology, algorithms or a system of knowledge quite deeply. Or follow the path of art and invent novels, music, films. And even just thanks to imagination, such a person is sometimes able to generate original ideas. But self-realization along this path will require a lot of work and skill development.

Examples 33

◦ Mikhail Bulgakov - Russian classic, writer, playwright, director
◦ Boris Strugatsky - a classic of Soviet science fiction of the 20th century
◦ Vladimir Vernadsky - scientist, philosopher, creator of the noosphere theory

Health, beauty - No

“Low health” - health is weak and it is not worth exposing it to unnecessary stress. Fitness, yoga, proper nutrition, prevention are best friends. Such a person should not bet on external data and beauty. It is better to pay attention to other strengths and focus on them in finding yourself.

Logic, intuition - 5

"The makings of logic" - logic is present in a person. If he didn’t master something the first time, then he will definitely figure it out with a calculator and paper. Quantum physics is unlikely to submit to him, but for elementary life tasks it should be enough. The channel of intuition is open, these people make fewer mistakes.

Diligence, skill - 6

“The makings of diligence and skill” - according to the mood, a person can quite well cope with any work that requires the application of diligence, accuracy and process technology. Of course, he won’t become a jeweler right away, but whether it’s building a house, repairing it, or something that doesn’t require super skillful skills, it will most likely work out. And in the process, he will also be able to hone his skills.

Luck, luck - No

“There are not enough stars from the sky” - you need to achieve everything yourself. At the same time, make many attempts, not expecting sudden success. But you must admit: to achieve honest success with your own work and random success at the behest of fortune are two different things. Therefore, look at your other strengths and realize yourself by revealing them. A person will become talented in his subsequent transformations. And in his present life, a difficult fate awaits him.

Call of Duty - 888

"Pravdorub" - for them, the desire to convey themselves and their ideas (of course, "correct" and "kind" from their point of view) to society is often placed above their own or family interests. And, of course, all this is done, ostensibly, for the public good. In general, the social orientation of people of this type can sometimes go off scale. And sometimes, no matter how strange it looks from the outside, such people may experience a period of isolation. Until the moment when they again sharply enter a stormy social life.

Examples 888

◦ Confrontation during World War II between two pairs of chiefs and their commanders:
Stalin-Zhukov vs Hitler-Lindemann - all 888 in the code and the strongest ideology of "truth" behind them
◦ Natalia Vodianova - supermodel, public figure, actress and philanthropist
Man is called to serve the people

memory, mind 99

"Bright head" - any study or work with information is very easy. And this often causes boredom and reluctance. It is easy for such a person to become an erudite and intellectual. But in fact, you should look for a really interesting and deep subject of applying your mind. And the more difficult it is, the greater will be the interest and, accordingly, the result.

Examples 99

◦ Sergey Brin - co-founder of Google, mathematician
◦ David Beckham - soccer player, playmaker known for clever strategy play
◦ Dmitry Medvedev - Prime Minister, founder of the Skolkovo innovation center

Self-esteem - 6

"Inflated" - most often a person inadequately appreciates himself. In addition, positions in the spirit of “I deserve more”, etc. are characteristic. Well, in this case, you must either work to achieve what you deserve, or reduce your ardor. Note that high and inflated self-esteem is the most real incentive to achieve something in life. But most of these people will face a crisis at some point, when they look back from the height of their years and realize that they have not become what they would like to become. And here they either go into a deep depression, or make a leap forward with renewed vigor.

Goal-aspiration - 3

"Unpredictable" - likes to set goals, and then suddenly change them. By the way, reaching the goal is not included in his favorite pastime - it is much more pleasant for him to dream of patronage over the world than to conquer it. Sometimes he tends to overestimate himself, first putting something heavy on his shoulders, and then throwing it halfway.

Spirit - 6

“Higher spirituality” - an example of the purity and high orientation of their thoughts can be a person with 5 numbers in this diagonal. Oddly enough, but there are many examples of businessmen and public figures with this sign. And this suggests that they are doing their job not just for the sake of money, but also for something higher.

Family - 5

The “family man-idealist” presents the family and everything that happens in it as a kind of ideal. Therefore, first he carefully checks his partner for ideality, and then, already in marriage, he tries to bring himself, his partner and family relationships to that very ideal. Not always the partner is ready to withstand this.

Body - 3

"Impulsive" - ​​this temperament can adapt to almost any partner: moderate your ardor with a partner whose temperament is lower, and, conversely, be hotter with someone whose temperament is higher. If the partner is temporarily absent, then he can rush into promiscuity. Often this temperament tries to appear very hot in the eyes of the opposite sex.

Stability - 5

"Very stable" - habits and environments do not change much. Trust what he's used to. It may not change the familiar, even if the new is better. What is it: tediousness or predictability? One way or another, some of those around him appreciate it, and some people hate it. But it is believed that such a person can be trusted.

Making money - 2

"Worrying" - the thought of the need to provide for oneself introduces anxiety. On the one hand, if possible, I would be glad not to work at all. On the other hand, if there is a need, then he agrees to work, as long as they pay.

Talent potential - 5

If a person has talent, i.e. it is clearly expressed (you can pay attention to other cells) and the person is working on it, then this figure indicates the potential for the development of this talent.

Since ancient times, people began to notice that various minerals have different effects on humans. How to find out which gemstone according to the zodiac sign is right for you?

Experts have identified certain patterns. It is important to figure out which stone according to the zodiac sign will help you feel more confident in everyday life. For some people, specific jewelry has a positive effect: they feel good, they are lucky in all their affairs and undertakings. And others with the same stone feel unwell, they do not succeed, things are not going well.


How to determine the right gemstone by zodiac sign? Aries can acquire one of the most expensive and rare minerals - a diamond. An uncut stone is rather plain, but if it falls into the hands of a real master, it will become a real treasure and will be four times more expensive and stronger. So Aries, if he does not rush and fully understands the situation, will be an indispensable and very strong player in his field.

Decoration will add perseverance and determination to Aries, he will want to actively develop and move forward. The stone will provide an opportunity to gain some elegance and caution in work matters. To solve problems on the personal front or to awaken passion in a relationship, Aries needs to wear rubies. You can use rock crystal, agate and onyx in your jewelry.


For Taurus, an emerald will become a real talisman and helper. How to choose the right gemstone according to your zodiac sign? Astrologers assure that the emerald will help to gain the power and power of Taurus, which are so necessary for him to achieve success. In fact, the stone contributes to the fact that people of this sign feel confidence, determination and a taste of real life.

It is obligatory for Taurus Women to wear an emerald, as it is considered a symbol of fertility and serves as a defense against a bad look. It would be nice for representatives of this sign to also purchase turquoise, which has an individual pattern. It has a positive effect on Taurus. According to experts, it is a stone of friendliness, hospitality and good income. Turquoise will allow its owner not only to draw attention to themselves, but also to find a common language with others. Carnelian and bull's eye have a good effect on Taurus.


The main stone of this sign is agate. He will help the owner to fulfill his cherished dream and realize his goal. This stone is useful for people who doubt and do not believe in their abilities, hoping for a miracle. It is advisable to choose a bright color agate.

Other minerals that suit Gemini are topaz and citrine. The first will give patronage and strength, and the second - lightness, understanding and sociability. All these stones balance active people and make hidden and enslaved Gemini sociable. Wearing such jewelry has a positive effect on the general condition of people born under this sign. Jade and tiger's eye can also be used to manifest the positive qualities of Gemini.


Who is moonstone suitable for? The sign of the zodiac, whose representatives can safely choose such jewelry, is Cancer. Selenite perfectly reveals the whole essence of these people. It enhances the positive qualities and reduces the manifestation of the negative character traits that Cancer carries.

Moonstone calms when people are upset or very upset. He helps those born under this sign in solving problems related to children. Another mineral suitable for Cancers is pearls. It also allows you to find peace and ease, contributes to the choice of the right decision in important life issues.

Chalcedony has a love effect. It gives a feeling of lightness, correctness and simplicity, which Cancers sometimes lack. Representatives of this zodiac sign are also suitable for such mineral stones as emerald, quartz, carnelian.

a lion

For Leo, the most important minerals are tourmaline, ruby ​​and opal. Tourmaline will help in undertakings, both creative and related to monotonous work. The ruby ​​will take on the negative influence of the surrounding world, since the Lion is one of the symbols of power and patronage. And such people always have envious people and competitors. In addition, this stone loves hardworking and resourceful people.

Ruby gives a good impetus to action. Opal protects from unnecessary thoughts and unnecessary information. It fills with energy and gives strength to achieve the desired impact on others. Leo would do well to have jewelry with such interesting stones as hyacinth and aventurine. They help to show restraint and intelligence in various situations. Diamond and amber will be beautiful and appropriate on Leo.


For Virgo, chalcedony is perfect. He will reveal all the tenderness and loyalty that lurks inside the people of this sign. Chrysolite will endow its owner with sharpness of mind and frugality. These two minerals provide Virgo with the opportunity to get rid of melancholy. Rock crystal is also suitable for this zodiac sign. It is recommended to wear it as a decoration for work, because it increases efficiency.

Virgos who are prone to frequent stress and nervous problems are better off wearing jade jewelry. It promotes balance and calmness. You can wear jewelry made of aventurine, pearls, onyx, heliotrope, garnet, citrine.


It is best for these people to purchase opal jewelry. The stone balances all the feelings and thoughts of Libra. It perfectly meets all the qualities and characteristics of the representatives of this sign. People who are interested in how to choose the right gemstone according to the zodiac sign should pay attention to the diamond. His firmness will allow him not to deviate from his principles in a wide variety of situations. In addition, the stone will make its owners the happiest.

Tourmaline will help you find exactly what can emphasize all the positive aspects of a person. As you know, Libra is a changeable nature, it is difficult for them to make a choice. The stone will help determine work, clothing and other things that excite or will excite those born under this sign. Also in the arsenal of jewelry can be such beautiful stones as rose quartz, rock crystal and lapis lazuli.


As with some other signs of the zodiac, topaz will be a good companion for Scorpio. He will calm and balance all thoughts and help put things in order. Pomegranate will cheer up, and will also look harmoniously on the hand or on the neck of its owner.

How to choose a gemstone according to your zodiac sign? It is necessary to take into account all its properties and characteristics. The diamond will help to fully reveal the power that lies in the "scorpions". Also suitable are minerals that emphasize strength, courage and endurance: hematite, jet, serpentine and amazonite. The romanticism of Scorpios, which is hidden in the depths of their souls, will be emphasized by alexandrite. It will also help in solving mysterious and interesting problems.


Topaz jewelry emphasizes all the good characteristics of this difficult sign. It is in perfect harmony with the fiery energy of Sagittarius and draws attention to the inconsistency of Taurus. The tiger's eye will help to lead others, and will also give you the opportunity to understand people well.

Amethyst has the ability to open a person from the inside. The stone is especially good for Sagittarius if it was presented from a pure heart. Moonstone zodiac sign Sagittarius, or rather, a person born under this sign will wear with pride and joy. After all, such a stone looks great on a ring or in a necklace. It will suit creative individuals and will help them to be in harmony with the world around them. Minerals such as turquoise and agate will also help this Sagittarius to manifest themselves.


What should Capricorn pay attention to? It will not be difficult to pick up stones according to the zodiac sign if you study all the information and connect your intuition. Tourmaline will help Capricorn make their dreams come true, stand out from the crowd and play by their own rules. It looks good in jewelry that is suitable for everyday life.

Many people think about the question: “Which stone to choose?” Magical properties, zodiac sign - all this is important to consider when choosing jewelry. Capricorn will get along well with onyx. The stone will bring sublimity to all feelings and deeds.

Chrysoprase will be a good companion for Capricorn. It allows you to appreciate all the bright colors of the outside world, because it is known that most people born under this sign are pessimists. Some people think about the question: "What properties does a garnet (stone) have?" The zodiac sign Capricorn endows people born during this period with perseverance and hard work. Wearing jewelry with garnet enhances their manifestation. Agate, rock crystal and obsidian can also correspond to Capricorn.


For such a peaceful air sign, turquoise and sapphire will be good helpers in life. The first will help Aquarius to find friends and keep friendship for many years. She will endow communication skills and ease of communication.

Sapphire, in turn, adds strength, so necessary for important matters. Another such stone will help Aquarius to show creativity. Amazonite would be a good addition. This mineral removes rose-colored glasses from Aquarius and returns to reality. Stones will also help develop abstract thinking and show the right path in the search for love. Citrine, rock crystal, garnet, lapis lazuli, rhodonite are also well suited for Aquarius.


Which mineral corresponds to the zodiac sign Pisces? Coral stone. It will protect from the evil eye. Emotional Pisces will help to calm down aquamarine. It contributes to the concentration of its owner in certain situations. Aquamarine is suitable for people of all ages. It is also recommended to use it in any undertakings. The most powerful aquamarine stone is the one given to Pisces with love.

What other jewelry should you pay attention to people whose zodiac sign is Pisces? Pearl stone. He is advised to thrifty people with professions that are associated with care and return. He will not only bestow positive qualities, but also give a little royal charm. Stones such as heliotrope, opal, lapis lazuli, jasper will balance all the qualities of Pisces, and emphasize those that are necessary for life.

It is necessary not only to know which stones are suitable for the signs of the zodiac, but also to be able to use the information received. Each mineral has many characteristics, but the same mineral is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, before choosing jewelry, it is necessary to study all the properties of the selected stone. It is up to you to decide which mineral is most suitable as a talisman for you or your friends. When studying stones according to the signs of the zodiac (photos are presented in the article), pay attention to the positive and negative characteristics of a particular gem and be sure to make sure that it does not harm its owner.

Natural minerals fascinate us not only with their beauty, but also with amazing qualities. Since ancient times, there has been a belief in their miraculous ability to protect a person from misfortune and illness, bring good luck and wealth, and inspire creativity.

The stone is full of secrets. It can become a powerful amulet for its owner, or it can do harm. Everything will be fine if, during the selection process, you do not forget about a few simple rules when choosing your talisman stone according to the zodiac sign.

How to find your talisman

According to astrologers, natural minerals depend on the position of the Sun, Moon and planets in the zodiac constellations.

A stone of one or another receives vibrations of this sign from space and, thereby, accumulates powerful energy in itself. That is why even in ancient times there was a tradition to select jewelry depending on the date of birth.
If the talisman stone is selected according to the horoscope, then it exhibits the following qualities:

  • makes the owner invulnerable to negative energies;
  • strengthens his immunity, protects against diseases;
  • gives strength and activity, enhances the taste for life;
  • develops innate abilities and the best character traits;
  • attracts wealth and good luck to the owner;
  • colors his personal life with new colors;
  • exacerbates sensitivity to danger.

In the Middle Ages, the first lists of precious and semiprecious stones belonging to the zodiac constellations were compiled. It should be noted that the knowledge of the ancestors was appreciated today by the International Association of Jewelers. This organization has developed modern tables based on centuries of experience.

Table of correspondence of stones of talismans to the signs of the Zodiac

(March 21 - April 20)

(April 21 - May 21)

(May 22 - June 21)

(June 22 - July 23)

(July 24 - August 23)

(August 24 - September 23)

(September 24 - October 23)

(October 24 - November 22)

(November 23 - December 21)

(December 22 - January 20)

(January 21 - February 19)

(February 20 - March 20)

Acquaintance with the tables of correspondence of stones to the signs of the Zodiac helps to understand which stone will become a friend and protector, and which one will become an enemy.

The role of intuition when choosing a talisman mineral

The inner voice plays no less important role than the recommendations of astrologers and jewelers. It also happens. Gorgeous gemstone matches yours. Those around him are delighted. But you don't like it. Do not buy! This is not your amulet!

For a stone to become a talisman, you must love it.

Price and prestige do not matter here. Sincere affection can be experienced not only to jewelry. A modest artificial item, even a piece of a mineral found on a beach or roadside, can become a lifelong talisman. The main thing is that there must be contact between you and the stone, and the priority according to the zodiac sign is not so important. But if, however, you are lost in a sea of ​​information, then the first choice should be made according to the table of correspondence of stones according to the signs of the horoscope.

How to Avoid Harm

  • The wrong choice immediately makes itself felt. A person is haunted by a feeling of discomfort and mental anxiety. He feels a breakdown and an inexplicable antipathy even to the most expensive and exquisite jewelry. To avoid more serious consequences, you should quickly part with the wrong stone.
  • Do not buy jewelry in pawnshops and thrift stores. Perhaps the jewelry was stolen. In this case, they will take revenge on their new owner.
  • Acquire stones with defects in the form of spots, cracks, inclusions. They harbor negative energy.
  • An unexpected crack in a natural mineral indicates that he took the hit himself, protecting the owner from an invisible disaster. You can't wear it anymore.
  • If the ring slips off the finger, the beads crumble, which means that the jewelry is chosen incorrectly and should be discarded.
  • Stones can be at enmity with each other. Do not wear several different minerals at the same time.

Human nature changes with age and life circumstances. It is possible that at some point you will want to give preference to a new stone as a talisman, and you will choose it again according to your zodiac sign. This is the natural course of life. The world of natural minerals can be discovered endlessly. Its study gives a person not only new knowledge and vivid aesthetic experiences, but also contributes to the spiritual enrichment of the individual.

The name that the person bears and the date of his birth. A properly selected stone can become a real amulet that can bring good luck, help in difficult situations and protect against dangers. Talisman stones by date of birth and name will become your true friends for many years to come.

Select by name

There is no unequivocal opinion on how exactly to choose a stone by name among magicians. One of the most famous ways suggests taking into account the meaning of the name when choosing a talisman. According to esotericists, each stone has one property or another, which it will certainly pass on to its owner. The characterization of your name will help you know what you need to restore balance. Examples might be:

Choosing a stone for a male name follows the same way: first you need to find out what meaning your name carries.

Select by date

When choosing a talisman stone, numerologists require to take into account the date of their birth, insisting that numbers, like nothing else, can influence a person’s fate. There are several ways to choose an amulet based on your date of birth. The year is rarely counted as it becomes a common number for too many people, which means its energy is dissipated. You can choose a stone by month:

  • January. The second month of winter is associated with ice and cold. Rock crystal, which personifies a piece of ice, will suit you.
  • February. This is a winter month. However, the approach of spring can be felt already in mid-February. Sapphires and amethysts will remind you of the new season.
  • March. Winter has not yet ceded its rights to spring, but its time has already passed. Jasper is one of the best ways to show the transition from one season to another.
  • April. Spring is in full swing - this is exactly the information that olivit can convey.
  • May. And the new season is coming again. Numerology claims that the transition from gentle spring to scorching summer can well show agate.
  • June. The atmosphere of the coming summer will be created by bright green malachite.
  • July. Traditionally the hottest month of the year. Ruby suits those born in July.
  • August. The best talisman for those born in August will be amber - a symbol of the still hot, but already fading summer.
  • September. The September sun is no less hot than the July or August sun, but the first yellow leaves appeared on the trees. A yellow cat's eye is suitable for you, simultaneously conveying both the yellowness of the leaves and the warmth of the first autumn month.
  • October. Experts believe that aquamarine is best suited for those born in October, despite the fact that this stone is not associated with autumn.
  • November. Opal is suitable for those born in November.
  • December. Another cold month of the year. However, on closer inspection, December has significant differences from January. The first winter month is associated with the moonstone.

Talisman stones and amulets by date of birth and name will be selected most accurately if you, first of all, take into account the number on which your birthday falls. The energy of this number is more individual and extends to a much smaller group of people. If you were born on the tenth, eleventh, etc., add two numbers together to make one:

  1. Unit. Those born on the first day, as well as those whose birth number adds up to one, may prefer carnelian.
  2. Deuce. You need pearls to unlock your inner potential.
  3. Troika. The best decoration for triplets is always made of turquoise.
  4. Four. These people are especially vulnerable and can suffer from spoilage much more often than others. Jade will help protect against negative magical influences.
  5. Five. A number that pushes in search of adventure and adventure. The emerald will awaken your prudence and endow you with wisdom.
  6. Six. A precious stone is suitable for you - a diamond.
  7. Seven. Sevens need extra energy. Ruby, a vibrant red stone, can become your talisman.
  8. Eight. Pomegranate suits you - a symbol of friendship.
  9. Nine. Rock crystal will help the nine "cool down" at the right time. In addition, such a talisman endows its owner with sharpness of mind.

A stone is the same living being as an animal, insect or plant. You could say it's just a different form of life. Soulless at first glance, the cobblestone has its own character and even history. It is no coincidence that there are many legends about jewelry that bears the burden of a family curse. When choosing talisman stones by date of birth and name, it is important to consider not only numerical or nominal compatibility. Your future talisman should definitely please you and evoke only positive emotions.

Talismans occupy an important place in the lives of many people. When choosing amulets, astrologers advise, first of all, to pay attention to the signs of the zodiac, by the way, jewelry and stones can also be a kind of amulets.

A stone according to the sign of the zodiac favorably affects human health. According to esotericists, minerals have incredible energy, which makes them excellent talismans.

Charm stones that suit people according to the signs of the zodiac are able to attract good luck. In addition, they have various magical properties. A properly selected amulet helps the one who wears it to achieve their goals.

Rules for choosing a talisman crystal

The answer to the question of how to recognize your stone is quite simple. When choosing talismans, you must take into account your zodiac sign and personal preferences regarding the shape and size of the crystal. When purchasing an amulet, you can also choose stones by date of birth.

It is recommended to have several crystals. One is to attract good luck, the other is to achieve success on the personal front, and so on. Precious, ornamental and semi-precious stones are used as amulets.

Often, crystals donated by someone or inherited can act as talismans. In this case, it does not really matter whether the mineral is suitable for a person. If he believes in the magical powers of the stone, then they really work. Many esotericists are inclined to believe that we choose amulets intuitively. However, not everyone is able to determine their own stone.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of an amulet, you should pay attention to the words of astrologers. They have long talked about which stone suits a certain zodiac sign.

Before purchasing a talisman stone, you should familiarize yourself with all the properties and features of each mineral. At the same time, it is not enough just to know which stones according to the horoscope suit you. In order for the crystal to show all its magical properties, it is necessary to choose the right shape. This will enhance the positive qualities inherent in your zodiac sign and weaken the negative ones.

While the talismans lie idle, they accumulate energy, if necessary, the stones give it away. Astrologers advise taking amulets for negotiations or for some other important events. Jewelry can also act as amulets. You should pay attention not only to the stone, but also to the features of metals. Some crystals show their magical powers best in combination with gold, others with silver.

Amulet crystals do not lose their popularity today. Talisman stones are chosen according to the sign of the zodiac, taking into account the exact date of birth. If you still do not know how to choose a stone that could suit you, refer to the advice of astrologers and esotericists - they say that each person has his own specific amulet.

Talismans for different signs of the zodiac

The choice of a particular mascot should be based on personal preferences. This primarily concerns color, size and shape. We must not forget about the magical meaning of stones, by which you can understand whether the mineral is suitable for one or another sign of the zodiac:

  • Charm for Aries. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. People of this zodiac sign have a strong energy, but it can be difficult for them to concentrate on anything. The following options are more suitable as an amulet:

    • diamond - will help Aries to concentrate their energy and achieve the desired goal. He is also able to instill confidence and determination in a person;
    • amethyst - has a relaxing effect, helps to get rid of excess negativity;
    • ruby - able to pacify the temper of Aries. He makes them kinder and more generous;
    • sapphire - awakens wisdom and prudence.
  • Amulets for Taurus. Taurus tend to be decisive, straightforward, and very reliable. When choosing talismans for themselves, it is better for them to focus on such stones:

    • emerald - gives wisdom, relieves depression;
    • chrysoprase - helps to get rid of fears and doubts;
    • agate - gives a good mood.
  • Amulets suitable for Gemini. Gemini are creative people who know how to make important decisions at the right time. This sign needs communication. Focusing on the distribution of stones according to the sign of the zodiac, Gemini is suitable for:

    • agate - will help control emotions, will become a source of additional energy for the twins;
    • alexandrite - relieves excess negative energy and depression;
    • beryl - inspires strength and self-confidence, which are necessary to achieve any goal;
    • prehnite - enhances the concentration of energy, helping to overcome difficulties.
  • Talismans for Cancers. When asked which crystals are more suitable for such an unusual sign, there are several answers:

    • apatite - crayfish are very sensitive. Any carelessly spoken word can offend them. Apatite helps to get rid of unnecessary unreasonable grievances;
    • emerald - allows you to better control your emotions;
    • moonstone - helps Cancers behave more confidently in the process of communication;
    • sodalite - will give a flight of fancy and help you quickly find a way out of a difficult situation.
  • Talisman for Lions. Leos are very confident people who can achieve their goals. Correspond to their strong energy and have a beneficial effect on it will be:

    • citrine - a sun stone gives Leo peace;
    • chrysolite - can help in the process of communication. He slightly smoothes the pressure of the Lions, forcing them to listen to the opinions of others;
    • ruby - helps to maintain health.
  • Helper stones for Dev. Virgos love attention and are pretty self-confident. The horoscope advises them to choose one of the following stones:

    • chrysolite - reveals the natural beauty of the Virgin;
    • jasper - helps to establish friendly contacts;
    • rhodochrosite - reveals the organizational abilities of the Virgin, given to them by nature itself;
    • jade - protects against negative environmental influences.
  • Charm for Libra. Libras are unpredictable people, they are characterized by frequent mood swings. Stones suitable for those who are Libra according to the zodiac sign can help drown out excessive emotions:

    • aquamarine - brings harmony and a sense of balance to life;
    • opal - helps Libra to concentrate on a specific goal;
    • tourmaline - gives impetus to creativity, promotes the development of creative thinking;
    • diamond. If we talk about which gemstones are suitable for Libra according to the signs of the zodiac, one of the best options is a diamond. It helps to consolidate the status in society.
  • Stones suitable for Scorpions. Scorpios are complex natures. They have an extraordinary mind. Speaking about which natural stones according to the signs of the zodiac will correspond to them, it is impossible not to highlight:

    • pomegranate - enhances the positive qualities of Scorpios, helping them to show their perseverance and willpower;
    • aquamarine - softens irascibility, helping to establish interpersonal relationships;
    • Opal is another stone that Scorpio needs. It helps to make the right, thoughtful decisions and concentrate on what is really important;
    • aventurine - relieves anger, irritation and negativity, improves mood.
  • Amulets for Sagittarius. Usually Sagittarians are not prone to conflicts, they have a very active life position, they easily make contact with people. At the same time, they often succumb to laziness and have a strong temperament. Given all these qualities, it is worthwhile to select talisman stones for them with special care. According to the distribution according to the signs of the zodiac, the following stones are suitable for Sagittarius:

    • chrysolite - sometimes conflict-freeness can do harm. Helps to avoid the troubles associated with this character trait of chrysolite;
    • topaz - struggles with another negative character trait - excessive perseverance;
    • turquoise - is the main amulet for Sagittarius. She attracts good luck to them, helps to go to her goal.
  • Talismans for Capricorns. Capricorns know how to work, even if the goal seems far away to them. As amulets, Capricorn is best to choose:

    • ruby - adds self-confidence, enhances the best qualities of Capricorns;
    • onyx - adds courage to Capricorns;
    • opal - helps to get rid of the negative accumulated in the process of communication, relieves depression. Opal also saves a person from trouble.
  • Charms for Aquarius. Aquarians get along well with others, but the circle of their close acquaintances is very narrow. Suitable for Aquarius:

    • amethyst - this crystal helps to overcome isolation, restores energy strength, relieving fatigue;
    • sapphire - returns Aquarius the meaning of life, encourages them to act;
    • zircon;
    • citrine - the main amulet of Aquarius, activates all the positive qualities of this sign.
  • Talismans for Pisces. Pisces combine two contradictory qualities: they are independent, but at the same time compliant. Easily adapt to the environment. They are best suited for:

    • Aquamarine is the main stone for those who are Pisces according to the zodiac sign. It helps in the fight against impermanence;
    • amethyst - attracts luck and harmony in all aspects of life;
    • aventurine - muffles the excessive complaisance characteristic of Pisces.

The table will help you not to make a mistake with the choice of stones. In it, the answer to the question of how to pick up a stone is presented in a concise form:

Aries diamond; amethyst; ruby; sapphire
Taurus emerald; chrysoprase; agate
Twins agate; alexandrite; beryl; prehnite
Cancer apatite; emerald; Moonstone; sodalite
a lion citrine; chrysolite; ruby
Virgo chrysolite; jasper; rhodochrosite; nephritis
Scales aquamarine; opal; tourmaline; diamond
Scorpion pomegranate; opal; aventurine
Sagittarius chrysolite; topaz; turquoise
Capricorn ruby; onyx; opal
Aquarius amethyst; sapphire; zircon
Fish aquamarine; amethyst; aventurine

Each mineral that exists in nature has a unique energy. One and the same crystal, for some people it can be useful, for others it can be destructive. Therefore, it is so important to choose a stone that is right for you.

Few know how to determine whether a particular crystal suits them. However, everything is quite simple: you need to choose stones according to the signs of the zodiac, and even better - by date of birth.

The mineral must also correspond to the year of birth and personal preferences of the person. A lot also depends on the right choice of color and shape. For the signs of all the zodiacs there is a talisman. Almost everyone will be able to choose a suitable amulet for themselves.