How to give a birthday present in an original way: the secrets of the magical design of a surprise and its enchanting presentation. How to give a man a birthday present in an original way How to give a birthday present in an original way

We are used to presenting gifts to relatives, friends, loved ones and just acquaintances in a simple way. Of course, wrapping the thing in wrapping paper or putting it in a bag is the easiest way, sometimes we even do without it. But, having learned how to give a gift in an original way, we can arouse a double interest in a person. Yes, and we ourselves will have fun watching this.

From the article, you will first learn about unusual ways of presenting gifts for all occasions. And a little later - about thematic ideas for presenting for each holiday separately. Well, are you ready to present creative gifts and inspire others to the same inventions? Then go ahead to get acquainted with unusual ideas!)

Ideas for any holiday

Let's start with ways to present a gift that can be done on any day.

Mail Surprise

Let's think about mailboxes. Agree, we often look at them automatically, taking receipts or notices. But we do not expect to find even a hint of a gift there. Now imagine your surprise and delight from the find!

You can send a gift using mail services, but it is almost impossible to calculate the exact delivery date. Therefore, you have to play the postman yourself.

This is how you can use it for congratulations on any holiday. Just take care of it on the eve of an important event. And, of course, the gift should be small in size and fit compactly in a box.

Courier visit

Great idea for an original gift. Especially if it's big. Catching the hero of the occasion by surprise, you will certainly cause a storm of emotions. And positive, if you choose the right delivery time. In any case, presenting a gift in this way is already unusual.

As a rule, courier services take into account its weight when shipping a gift. Everywhere is different: somewhere you will pay 700 rubles. for delivery weighing no more than 3 kg, somewhere around 500. It is necessary to clarify.

foundling present

You can present a gift in an original way by throwing it in a bag or pocket. The recipient will sooner or later find it at work or in public transport - it does not matter. Most importantly, you will be pleasantly surprised. Only you need to make sure that he does not see him ahead of time, for example, at home. Or so that it does not accidentally fall out along the way.


Well, you already get the idea from the title. The main thing is to find several boxes that differ in size. You can hide a small but worthwhile gift in this way. Perfumes, beauty products, jewelry. Opening box after box, the interest will grow more and more.

Present with deceit

You can give a gift by arranging a small draw. Again, it should be small enough to hide in a sock, towel, or soap wrap. Seeing such a present, the recipient will obviously be slightly upset. But then he will surely be covered with joy. It’s better to do this with those who have a good sense of humor, don’t tempt fate)

The balloon scam

How original can you give a cash gift, certificate, invitation to a concert or theater? And try to put it in a balloon. You can inflate several balloons at once, hiding wishes in them. The hero of the occasion will have to carefully examine each ball before finding a present.

And it will also be cool if the presentation of the ball with a gift takes place on the street, and you accidentally release it from your hands. Add a little drama to this incident. Say how sorry you are, and that there was something you can only dream about. After all the regrets, unexpectedly give a real gift.

To give a gift not only original, but also beautiful, go to Funburg shop: you can order excellent balloons of various colors, sizes and shapes, holiday paraphernalia and unusual gifts, holiday decorations and stylish flower gift sets.


An unusual way of presenting a gift can be a quest. But for this you will need to think carefully about everything. Where will you hide it and what clues will you give to the recipient. The search range can be extensive: an apartment, a work space, a separate area, a city center - it all depends on your imagination.

If the hero of the occasion is your loved one, then use the information that both of you know as ciphers.

Thematic Ideas

And now let's see how you can unusually give a gift on specific holidays:

For a birthday

Birthday is the most pleasant and long-awaited holiday for any person. To give attention to the birthday man is a matter of course. But how to give a gift in an interesting and creative way?

For the beloved

Let's say you decide to surprise your boyfriend. Try recording a video wish with the participation of family and friends. And in order to strike on the spot with your originality, connect passers-by to the shooting. At the end, remove your wish with a present in your hands. Tell him that another pleasant surprise awaits him at the meeting. Send the video in the morning in a message.

Do you want to please your husband? Don't give him a gift at all. Well, that is, do not do it in person, but just leave it in a conspicuous place. Or you can throw it in the glove compartment of the car, attaching a note that in the evening another unforgettable surprise awaits him. Well, think about how beautiful it is to meet him and arrange an evening of love)

For the beloved

Dear men, if you are currently reading this article, there are a couple of ideas for you too.

You can prepare unexpected surprises for your beloved girl the day before. If you live together, then scatter a few gifts in the places where she most often looks. Here, she reached into the cabinet in the bathroom, and there a gift in the form of a cosmetic product with a bow looks at her. I looked in the fridge - I saw my favorite yummy. I bent down for a boot, and there the gift lies in it)) and so on.

If you are still dating, then your girlfriend would really like a 2 in 1 gift. For example, buy her gloves and put a ring in the finger of one of them. In which finger it is up to you) in any case, this is already an original presentation of two gifts at once!

You can organize a super-delivery for your beloved wife. For example, you want to give vouchers for a long-awaited vacation. Ask mutual friends to send her a message like: “Well, you are lucky, you will soon soak up the sand!”. Of course she won't understand. And here you are, taking advantage of her bewilderment, handing her vouchers for two. Well, isn't it cool?)

Colleague at work

In the case of a colleague, you can also get a little creative. Ask the security guard (if there is one in the institution) to detain a colleague at the entrance. Let him arrange an interrogation with passion: who is he and how long has he been working here, and why does he not remember him? Well, then, having changed anger to mercy, let him good-naturedly give a colleague a gift from you personally or from the whole team.


  • I spied on one video in which they present. So, the relatives handed him a barbell in wrapping paper. Well, how to say a barbell, it was just the design. He began to unpack it, and there were two whole gifts around the edges. What a twist!
  • For a dear hero of the day, you can also order a congratulation of the courier. Here he comes to him in a business suit with a straight face. He gives a piece of paper against signature for receiving gifts: for a share of happiness, a huge portion of love, good health, success. And he gives the last piece of paper for receiving a real present with the signature: "I have no complaints."
  • A woman can also be presented with a present by courier. And if you have, then the courier can be dressed up accordingly.
  • There is another way - to send an annoying distributor of household goods to her. So that he gets one product after another from the suitcase and offers to buy at least something. And in the end, having pretty much taken her out, I would give her a prepared gift.

For a wedding

  • What is usually given to the newlyweds for the wedding? Of course, a gift with money in an envelope. But how to make it impressive? I propose to place the banknotes in a frame under glass in a chaotic manner. But even cooler if you exchange them for the currencies of other countries, hinting at travel in this way.
  • How else to beat a cash gift in an original way? Give the newlyweds an umbrella, but not a simple one, but a cash one! To do this, open the umbrella and hook the banknotes to its mounts with strings so that they hang down. It will look very cool.

For the birth of a child

What is the best way to present a gift for the birth of a child? You can start congratulating even before discharge, while a young mother and child are waiting for discharge in the ward. In the meantime, you are tying a poster with congratulations to helium balloons and a little lower - a present. The main thing is to release the balls to the desired height in front of the windows of the ward.

It is better to use this method of congratulations in the warm season, so that mommy can open the window and drag the balloons with a gift into the ward. In cold weather, it is better to simply release balloons with a congratulatory poster in front of the window.

On February 14th

  • also deserves creativity. You can give a girl blooming rosebuds. And in one of them it is beautiful to invest decoration.
  • You can give your loved one a gift hanging on balls in the form of hearts. Also an unusual idea. Look.

On February 23rd

  • How to give a gift to her husband on February 23, when the fantasy has dried up? Present yourself to him, and unusually. If you're still that comedian, dress up in a funny costume and hide yourself in a nicely packaged box. Well, or by wearing sexy lingerie, you will present yourself no less original. Any man or boy will want to open such a box)
  • There is another option for an unusual present. Order on congratulatory services a text spoken by the president or a celebrity. After such an unexpected call, presenting a gift will be very fun!

On the 8th of March

How can you give a gift in an original way, for example, to your mother? I propose to hide in a bouquet of flowers a certificate for a relaxing Thai massage or tickets to a performance. Just make sure that mom does not send the present straight into the vase.

Beloved girl, wife, you can create a little intrigue. Give a bouquet of flowers and some trinket in the morning. Let her think that the surprises are over, and by the evening surprise her with a real gift.

For the New Year

You can present a gift to your husband or boyfriend on December 31 by dressing up as a Snow Maiden. And now you come in all in the image and tell your beloved that Santa Claus rushed off on deer, but ordered to give him a present. And you simply could not refuse an important mission and came to him personally. It will be a lot of fun to organize such a double gift!

Dear men, a magical New Year's Eve - why not an ideal moment for a marriage proposal?) And by doing this in the costume of Santa Claus, you will conquer her even more with your ingenuity.

I propose to hide the ring in a kinder surprise and put it in a sweet gift. Present it to a girl by asking her to try sweets. If the kinder does not choose, then carefully slip it to her. Let him try, because I wonder what kind of toy is there)) and then ta-dam! Marry me, be mine forever...)

For wedding anniversary

You can have fun giving a wedding anniversary gift by coming up with a crossword puzzle. Encrypt the main word in it - its location. For questions, come up with the simplest questions that any couple can answer. For example, parents would definitely like this way of finding a gift. And the process of inventing a crossword puzzle is fascinating.

On the 8th of July

Our country celebrates the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity relatively recently - since 2008. Many have not yet had time to feel the atmosphere of the holiday, but its symbol is a delicate chamomile. Therefore, to present a bouquet of these summer flowers to your beloved woman will be a surprise. Especially if she doesn't know what day it is.

You can also prepare a present for your beloved man and present it with a wreath of daisies on his head. Perhaps he will not understand why you wove a wreath and what is the occasion today. Then you will tell him about the pure holiday of love and fidelity. And may you continue to celebrate this sacred holiday in the future!


Whichever of these methods you use, the main thing is that you are already doing it from the bottom of your heart. After all, not everyone will start to invent something in order to pleasantly surprise a person. Therefore, I wish your undertakings to be crowned with success and encourage many to the same ideas!

And we are always full of ideas! Therefore, visit us more often, and better - to always be with us)

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We always choose gifts for our relatives and friends with imagination and excitement, but how do we feel about the process of giving? After all, I want to present such a carefully selected gift with humor and in an original way. Direct delivery of a gift is a crucial stage of its giving. A gift should not only be bright and memorable, but its presentation should remain in the memory of the person who receives it. How to give a gift in an original way? Often the characteristics of a gift depend on the way it is presented.

Extraordinary ways and individual approach

How to give a birthday present in an original and unusual way to a husband, man, child, wife, mother, girlfriend, girl, boyfriend, colleague...

  • For a child, for example, you can arrange a search for a gift with hints, a kind of quest. Remember such a team children's game? If you make an additional gift a sweet present, then you can involve all the friends of the birthday present in this game.
  • It is better to present a gift suddenly. Can you hide a gift? in a certain place. You need to tie a very long thread to the present. And attach the other end of this thread to the hand of the person to whom you are giving the gift. It is best to do this when the loved one is still sleeping. This will be an unexpected factor upon awakening!
  • For congratulations, you can choose an unusual way. For example, arrange a themed costume party for the birthday boy. You can choose different styles - from a pirate gathering to an oriental-style party. To do this, you need to gather all the friends of the birthday boy in one place and warn about the thematic outfit. And of course, prepare contests and treats on the chosen topic. This birthday will be remembered for a long time!

  • Another great way to surprise a person is to use the “matryoshka principle”, that is, to put boxes one into another, of ever larger sizes. Indeed, in anticipation of a gift, the congratulatory one will open the box, and there a surprise awaits him - another box, and so on. A friend of mine decided to propose to his girlfriend. He bought a ring. But just to pack it in a velvet box and give it to him, he considered banal. Therefore, I used the "matryoshka principle". To begin with, he took a packing box from under ... the refrigerator, placed a box from under the TV inside, then five more boxes came in smaller and smaller sizes. Can you imagine the reaction of his girlfriend, who, initially delighted with a huge box as a gift from her beloved, soon began to quietly hate him, unpacking another smaller box?! The end of this story with boxes is very predictable - in the last box there was an ordinary envelope with a bow and a ring inside. The girl was moved to tears and of course said "YES!"

  • Also, instead of a large number of boxes, you can use one large one filled with helium balloons. Can you imagine the surprise of the birthday boy at the moment of opening the box? Multi-colored balls will scatter around the room and will be a real decoration of the room. Some holiday agencies offer colorful butterflies as a service. The meaning is the same as in the case of balls ... Very beautiful and spectacular, I do not argue, but ... somehow inhumane, or something. Or give a gift in the summer, in the garden, in the open air? Presenting a gift in this way is, of course, bright and colorful, but do not forget about the gift itself. Put it in a box with balloons, butterflies, etc. in advance.

  • You can organize your surprise through an intermediary. Do you know exactly the route that your beloved man or girl walks every morning or evening? Find a person who always gets in his way (for example, a coffee seller). Agree that he will give your gift. And it does not matter that it will be just sweets or flowers, it is better if the gift is with a postcard. From such a surprise, the surprise will be even more pleasant.

There are a lot of ideas how to congratulate. The main thing is the desire to stand out with originality and congratulate the birthday man with all tenderness! And his happy eyes themselves will say that you guessed right!

And what gift delivery do you still remember with a smile and joy?

Sometimes the way we present a gift makes a stronger impression than the gift itself. Packaging, words of congratulations or an unusual manner of presentation can easily save a not-too-successful present and multiply the pleasant impressions of a long-awaited surprise at times. Today we will talk about gifts for men. We will share with you the most creative gift ideas for any occasion and celebration.

original packaging

Unusual packaging is the easiest and at the same time original way to present a gift. When decorating, it is best to use male attributes: tie, bow tie, suspenders, paper mustache, bowler hat, pince-nez, etc.

With the help of paper origami art, you can fold a shirt or suitcase. But alcohol should be put on the sleeve of the same shirt or sweater, bandaging the neck with a strict bow.

Kind with healthy

If you do not want to deal with complicated decoration, then pack your surprise in a box of socks or mittens. If your friend or loved one is into football, then buy tickets for a match or a certificate for a master class for him and put them in the goalkeeper's gloves. Thus, you will present a useful present, which will surely come in handy for your favorite hobby, and give unforgettable emotions!

pirate treasure

Men at any age love to play pirates and look for treasures! Right in the morning, give the hero of the occasion an encrypted treasure map adapted to your apartment.

Let the secret path not lead immediately to the main gift, but only intrigue with its secret messages. Parts of the main puzzle will be hidden in the top drawer of the chest of drawers, behind the picture, in the bathroom cabinet ... It all depends on your imagination!

romantic path

If you are preparing a surprise for a husband or a young man, then try to create a romantic mood and wrap the hero of the occasion with care and love. One of the warmest and most memorable ways to give a gift is a paper heart path laid out from the bed (or threshold) to the very present. Ideally, if along the way you will hear poems of your own composition or your favorite song.

air surprise

An equally romantic way to give a gift is to send it by air directly into the hands of the hero of the occasion. Buy a few helium balloons and tie a surprise to them (the number of balloons depends on its weight), and then hide the bundle in the closet. Most likely, your man or brother opens the treasured door every morning, so the original plan should succeed. We offer especially brave ladies to tie the balloons outside the window, but only very securely so that the gift does not fly away from the birthday man.

Crossword about love

Another good option for playing hide-and-seek is a crossword puzzle, the questions of which are related to your relationship: date of acquaintance, place of the first kiss, affectionate nickname, etc. Try to make the process of solving as interesting as possible: encourage with pleasant words, turn on the video sequence, show photos. As a result, the hero of the occasion should receive a keyword - the name of the gift or the place where it is hidden.

In the bag

If hidden acting abilities are dormant in you, then be sure to please your loved one with them. On New Year's Eve, dress up as a snow maiden, put on a military uniform on February 23, and choose a hobby theme on your birthday. What is your husband's hobby? Cowboys, Middle Ages, fantasy worlds, etc. In any case, the costume should evoke only positive emotions, and a small congratulatory program should include an original congratulation and the presentation of the gift itself.

My best present is you!

Yes, yes, now we need to remember the finals of the famous bachelor parties, when a beautiful girl crawls out of the cake in one swimsuit. We only propose to take this classic idea as a basis, and its implementation will depend entirely on your imagination and capabilities. Instead of a huge cake, make a beautiful big box with your own hands and fill it with notes with compliments or declarations of love, and then climb into it yourself.

Now you know how to originally and simply congratulate your loved one, friend or relative. Show more imagination, and this holiday will become unforgettable!

You have been married for several years and know everything about each other? Try to surprise your missus. Before handing, you can make her a little worried. But just a little:

  • Present flowers and some trinket in the morning, let him decide that the gifts are over. The courier ordered by you should hand over the present, only after a while. Which one is up to you, the intrigue can be kept until the gala dinner. It all depends on your endurance and the state of the nervous system of the spouse. And do not forget to accompany the gift with a signed postcard - in order to avoid ambiguity in the situation.
  • The second option is suitable if you are going to give your wife a trip abroad or to a resort. Enter into an agreement with her friends - let them attack her with SMS from the very morning with approximately the following text: “You are lucky, you are going to ... (name of the country or city where tickets or a ticket were bought)”. The wife will be perplexed, and after you open the cards - rejoice.


Family ties allow you to be original with your sisters in a serious way:

  • Arrange a quest for her with hints, where the gift will play the role of the main prize. To do this, you will have to get the key to her home under any pretext (for example, help her prepare for the celebration) and prepare everything. The situation is easier if you and your sister live together.
  • Prepare a lot of boxes with different small items and one with the main gift, take them out of the bag one by one. Clarify each time that they were mistaken and this surprise was not intended for her. The most important present should come last - when she is already completely disappointed in getting anything worthwhile.


The most relatives and friends also need to be pampered with pleasant surprises:

  • Give a "gift within a gift." As a "Trojan horse" use warm angora wool socks, mittens, an apron with a pocket. In general, everything where you can hide a small but significant present. And inside already put what you really wanted to give - phone, jewelry, watch. At first she will rejoice at the first (mothers are glad for any manifestation of care), then she will be delighted with the second.
  • Under any pretext, get mom out of the house. The situation is alleviated if she works that day or is going to go shopping. During this time, you need to have time to inflate and lay a bunch of inflated balloons on the floor in her room. Hide a gift in one if it is not large and not too heavy. Otherwise, just leave it among the balls - the environment itself will become its colorful presentation.

We present a birthday present in an original way and surprise men

The stronger sex is more tempered in relation to practical jokes, give free rein to fantasy and creativity.

Beloved guy

Emphasize the romance of your relationship with an appropriate gift presentation:

  • Have you bought as a gift a watch that your beloved has been dreaming of for so long? Leave them in a room in a visible place or send them by courier. Attach a note to the present with an appointment at the certain hour in your favorite place.
  • Hide the gift in a storage room and send an SMS to your loved one from an unknown number with its location, number and code. If he has any doubts, persuade him to solve this riddle. A note in addition to the gift is required.


Treat your spouse not only with good birthday gifts, but also with an unusual way of presenting. Moreover, there are conditions for you:

  • Prepare a long ribbon (knitting thread, twine is suitable). While your spouse is sleeping, tie one end of it to his hand, the other to a gift hidden in another room. Confuse the ribbon around the house - let her take turns leading her husband to small intermediate presents (you can even use a cup of coffee and breakfast in the form of your favorite croissants).
  • Does your husband plan to stay at home on his birthday? Prepare small gifts for him to give every hour. Save the most important for last.

Unusual ways to give a gift. Playing Friends

To present a birthday gift to a girlfriend or friend in an original way, use all your resourcefulness:

  • The birthday boy is not going to celebrate his birthday - throw him a party as a gift. Dash to him unexpectedly, warn that a surprise awaits him, but you need to get to his location blindfolded. Take a friend or girlfriend around the area, take a ride with him in public transport, while the rest will prepare a table at the birthday man's house. Alternatively, take him to a cafe or restaurant where all your friends have gathered.
  • Among your acquaintances is there a policeman or a firefighter whom your friend (girlfriend) does not know? Ask them to appear at the moment of celebration "in full dress." At the same time, a police officer can say that they robbed the neighbors and the birthday boy - the main suspect, and the fireman - that the apartment below is on fire and everyone needs to be evacuated urgently. A friend (or girlfriend) will be upset, but the joy from the person presented in the form of a gift and, most importantly, from the fact that in fact all this is a prank, should compensate for everything.

How to present a gift in an original way and please a child on his birthday

The reaction of the baby to gifts is sometimes difficult to predict. "Make sure" by handing it in an original way:

  • Rent a costume from a party agency that is your favorite cartoon character. Put it on yourself or ask a friend to do it - if you want to capture the presentation of the gift in a photo or video. Alternatively, hire an actor from the same agency.
  • For older kids who can already read, have a treasure map under your pillow and clues around the house. With their help, the child must unravel the location of his gift.

Unusual gift for a colleague

If the relations in your team are slightly informal, no one bothers to surprise your colleague in an original way on his birthday:

  • Ask the security guard at the entrance to detain the birthday boy under the pretext that his photo in the pass does not match the original - in fact, he is younger and prettier. After a little trial, let him present your gift and tell the name of the author of the draw.
  • The next surprise can work if the whole team (including the boss) congratulates the colleague. Give the birthday man a call "on the carpet" to the authorities. He must go in full confidence that at least a reprimand awaits him. The whole team is sent next, congratulations and a gift are presented in the boss's office.

Often women say: “It doesn’t matter what he gave, it’s important how.” This time, both “what” and “how” are important, because we will talk about how to give jewelry and surprise your loved one.

We offer you 5 ideas that will help present the decoration in an original way.

Surprise - inside

Can you guess what it takes to make a gift delight even the most serious person? Just a bunch of balloons!

It has been proven that balloons create a sense of celebration and give a truly childish joy at any age. Even on a normal day, when you see a bright multi-colored bunch of balloons in someone's hands, you will involuntarily smile.

Give your beloved balloons, one of which will contain your surprise - decoration. This will be a pleasant surprise, and there will be no limit to joy.

Four-legged postman

This is the case when you discover that your four-legged friend can not only spoil everything, but also help.

Attach the jewelry to the collar with a ribbon or tie a bow with a treasured box on the back in the form of a backpack to the little postman. So, waking up in the morning from a sonorous bark or a demanding purr, the beloved will see the desired gift. Believe me, she will remember this morning for a long time, but your four-legged friend will be forgiven even a newly scratched sofa.

Like a true gentleman

What is one of the favorite moments of all women in Pretty Woman?

Of course, the moment when Edward Lewis presents Vivian with a necklace before a visit to the opera. So why don't you take the idea into service and give your beloved jewelry along with ballet or theater tickets. Such a gift seems to say for you: “You are so beautiful! I want your beauty to shine this evening, and everyone can see what a dazzling woman is next to me!

Your chosen one will appreciate not only the gift itself, but also the reason to wear it.

surprise effect

No wonder they say that the best gift is the one you get when you don't expect it.

Send a piece of jewelry and a bouquet of her favorite flowers by courier at the height of the work day, or when she is unsuspectingly chatting with her friends in a cafe or doing yoga. You will see, the effect of surprise, multiplied by the beauty of your gift, will work wonders.

Holiday mood

It is believed that before flying to another country, you must definitely buy other perfumes. The new smell will be associated with the trip and convey the flavor of this country.

This interesting tradition can be applied to jewelry gifts. Give her a piece of jewelry a few days before the holiday. You can show your imagination and choose a product-symbol. For example, before a trip to Paris, give a pendant in the form of the Eiffel Tower, before a trip to the Netherlands - a piece of jewelry inspired by Van Gogh's paintings, and before an unforgettable vacation on the islands - a pendant-fish, a piece of jewelry with turquoise or coral.

Lots of options. The main thing is that a jewelry gift will definitely keep the most pleasant memories of the trip, and will be associated with this country for a long time.

Don't forget to make surprises! As you know, only a gift without a reason is a real gift.