How to weave a Husky dog ​​out of Rainbow Loom Bands. Weaving baubles "Rainbow How to weave a rainbow from rubber bands

    I want to note that we will use colors in weaving in the order described above. It is with this sequence that a very beautiful color transition is obtained, reminiscent of a rainbow.

    In addition, we will need:

  • Slingshot for weaving;
  • Special clasp.

How to weave a rainbow bracelet from elastic bands on a slingshot - a master class with a photo:

1. On a special slingshot we put on two red rubber bands, twisted once in the middle.

2. We string a double orange elastic band onto the pegs.

3. We throw off the red loops to the center.

4. We put on two yellow rubber bands.

5. Remove the orange loops.

6. We continue weaving according to the principle described above.

7. We select the required length of the bracelet by trying it on your wrist.

8. Carefully attach the clasp to the edges of the baubles, threading the rubber bands into small rings.

All is ready! Now you know how to weave a rainbow bracelet from rubber bands. Its production took no more than fifteen minutes. I hope you enjoy the process and the result.

This is how it looks on the hand.

Jewelry is always present in our life. And at present, the so-called irises - bracelets made of multi-colored rubber bands - have become a fashion accessory. Weaving such bracelets is not only not difficult, but also exciting.

In order to weave a rainbow bracelet, the following materials are needed:

  • rubber bands of seven colors;
  • forks;
  • hook;
  • clips.

Weaving stages

1. To begin with, we need to glue two forks together from below with tape as tightly as possible.

And now you can get to work. The whole bracelet will be held on white rubber bands, so we start with them.

We put on both sides of the forks an elastic band in the shape of a figure eight, that is, we simply twist it.

2. Now we pull one red rubber band onto the cloves of the fork.

3. Then we remove the white elastic band from both forks and transfer it to the center.

4. We take a new white rubber band and put it on one side (fork). We put it on so that it is below the red elastic bands.

5. Next in the rainbow is orange. Pull the orange rubber bands over the tines of the fork.

6. We put on a new white elastic band on the second fork.

7. We hook the red (lower) rubber band with a hook and remove it in the middle.

Recipe for the occasion::

8. We do this from all the cloves on both forks.

9. We take the yellow rubber bands and pull them in the same way as the red and orange ones.

10. Hook the white rubber band on the fork below.

11. And we remove it in the middle.

After that, remove the lower orange rubber bands from the cloves of the fork.

On one fork there are yellow rubber bands and one white one. And on the other only yellow. Here we put on a new white rubber band again. We make sure that it is below the colored ones.

12. In the same way we weave all subsequent colors.

13. After several rows, the bracelet can be pulled out from the side to make it more convenient to weave.

How to weave a Husky Dog out of rubber bands Join our VKontakte group: AND HERE WE LEARN HOW TO WORK WITH YouTube! After watching this tutorial, you will learn how to weave a dog from Loom Bands. Subscribe to our channel and you will never miss new lessons: Watch online how to weave gum bracelets. You will learn from my video tutorials how to make a bracelet. The simplest bracelets made of rubber bands on the machine or on the fingers. Rubber bracelets are a fun activity. Here you will find lessons on weaving from RAINBOW LOOM elastic bands (Loom Bands) in Russian. After watching them, you will learn how to weave not only bracelets from Rainbow Loom rubber bands, but also funny 3D figures and other products: How to weave a Pavement bracelet bracelet "Northern Lights" How to weave a bracelet from elastic bands "Meteor Shower" How to weave a bracelet from elastic bands "Rainbow" How weave a Fishtail bracelet How to weave a Pearl bracelet How to weave a Monster high bracelet watch?v=cOn8i6LIxeI How to weave a Chain bracelet Learn About my collection How to weave a Braid on a handle https://youtu. be/pixBlUhw4VQ How to weave a Flower How to weave a Lovely Handbag How to weave a Boy figurine v=DY43kRsqIvQ How to weave an Easter egg How to weave a Girl figurine How to weave a Star bracelet How to weave a Caterpillar bracelet https: // How to weave a merry Strawberry How to weave a Masquerade bracelet How to weave a Star Shine bracelet How weave the number 9 from rubber bands After watching a few weaving lessons, you will learn how to make great DIY gifts for family and friends for any occasion!

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How to weave a Husky dog ​​from rubber bands
Join our VKontakte group:
After watching this tutorial, you will learn how to weave a dog from Loom Bands.
Subscribe to our channel and you will never miss new lessons:

Watch online how to weave rubber bracelets. You will learn from my video tutorials how to make a bracelet. The simplest bracelets made of rubber bands on the machine or on the fingers. Rubber bracelets are a fun activity.
Here you will find lessons on weaving from RAINBOW LOOM elastic bands (Loom Bands) in Russian.
After looking at them, you will learn how to weave not only bracelets from Rainbow Loom rubber bands, but also funny 3D figurines and other products:
How to weave the Pavement bracelet
How to weave the Northern Lights bracelet
How to weave a bracelet from rubber bands "Meteor Shower"
How to weave a bracelet from rubber bands "Rainbow"
How to weave a Fishtail bracelet
How to weave a bracelet from rubber bands "Pearl"
How to weave a Monster high bracelet
How to weave a Chain bracelet
Learn about my collection
How to weave Braid on a handle
How to weave a Flower
How to weave a Beautiful Handbag
How to weave a Boy figurine
How to weave an Easter egg
How to weave a Girl figurine
How to weave a Star bracelet
How to weave a Caterpillar bracelet
How to weave a fun Strawberry
How to weave a Masquerade bracelet
How to weave a Star Shine bracelet
How to weave the number 9 from rubber bands
After watching a few weaving lessons, you will learn how to make great DIY gifts for family and friends for any occasion!

From rubber bands, you can weave not only monophonic or two-color. The very name of this technique - Rainbow Loom - speaks for itself: these products can and should be made bright, choosing the most cheerful tones. Today we will try to weave a bracelet called "Rainbow" out of rubber bands.

How to make a rainbow bracelet with rubber bands on a fork?

We start weaving the bracelet with the preparations:

  1. Stock up on a regular four-pronged fork and a wooden toothpick. And since we are learning to weave a bracelet from “Rainbow” rubber bands, then the rubber bands must be of all colors of the rainbow - for this you have to remember the famous rule about the hunter and the pheasant.
  2. Take the first red rubber band and put it on the two middle prongs of the fork, after twisting it with a figure eight.
  3. Do the same with the next red elastic band, only put it on the first two teeth. Don't forget to twist it.
  4. And we repeat the action with the last two teeth of the fork. We used up three red rubber bands.
  5. Next - pay attention - you need to remove the gum first from the third prong, transferring it to the back of the fork, and then in the same way - from the fourth. Instead of a toothpick, you can use a hook.
  6. Next, we take the elastic band of the next color in turn and put it on the two middle teeth. This time we twist the rubber band not with a figure eight, but simply put it on in two turns.
  7. Again, we take the toothpick and remove the gum of the first level located below, first from one tooth, then from the second.
  8. We put on two elastic bands of the same color on the side teeth as shown in the figure.
  9. And we remove from each tooth those rubber bands that are in the bottom row.
  10. We change the color again - we put an orange elastic band in two turns on the two middle cloves of the fork.
  11. Remove the bottom row of rubber bands under the orange ones.
  12. Then we repeat the steps described in paragraphs 8 and 9.
  13. Thus, we alternate rows where one elastic band is put on the middle teeth and those where two elastic bands are put on the extreme ones. We repeat these steps with the rubber bands of all the prepared rainbow shades in turn.
  14. We repeat the rapport of the pattern of the seven colors of the rainbow until the bracelet reaches the length you need.
  15. After the end of the last row, one elastic band of the last, purple, color should remain on the fork.
  16. Turn the fork upside down, pick up the elastic band from the extreme prong and put it on the one that is located next to it. After that, pull the bottom purple loop up.
  17. Repeat the same steps for the other two teeth, keeping symmetry.
  18. Next, move both remaining loops one tooth, one above the other.
  19. Pull the bottom through the top.
  20. Hook a transparent plastic clasp in the shape of an English letter S into this last loop, and thread the second part of it into one of the central loops of the beginning of the bracelet.

Give your work a rainbow flair with these rubber band bracelets that are bright and eye-catching even from afar!

For the day of the Rainbow bauble, as for any other, we need multi-colored floss threads. In our case, these are the colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. We cut off a piece about 1 meter long from a skein of threads (if the wrist is full, then the length should be longer, respectively).

Then we lay out the cut threads, according to the arrangement of the flowers on the rainbow, and carefully collect them together, trying not to disturb the order of the colors.

At a distance of about 10-12 cm from the edge, we tie them together into a knot. For convenience, the knot can be attached with a pin to the bedspread if you are weaving on the sofa, or to the pant leg - if on your knees.

We take the second thread in our right hand, and wrap it with the first thread with our left hand.

We tighten the knot and repeat the procedure again with the same threads. Next, the second thread, which was held in the right hand, is put aside to the left, passing it under the first.

Then we take the third thread in the right hand and wrap it with the one that was originally the first and remained in the left hand. Tighten two knots in the same way.

Weave the whole row in the same way.

We begin the next row again from the left side in the same way. It is worth noting that it is not necessary to tighten the knots very tightly, but “very weak” weaving will not bring good results either.

Without changing the technique, we also weave the entire bauble, not forgetting to leave about 10 cm of thread for the lock at the end.

A lock, in fact, is a thread divided into three parts and woven in the form of an ordinary pigtail.