How to cheer yourself up for the New Year? Creating a New Year's mood: effective tips

Christmas mood - a special kind good mood, which everyone is waiting for on the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays. In order for it to surely settle in the soul and warm the heart, you need to adopt simple tips on how to create and not miss the New Year's mood.

Mood is a long and relatively stable emotional state. Mood colors in its tone everything that a person does and thinks about.

Christmas mood is an emotional state

This special, magical mood can be created! And it's not as difficult as it might seem! You just need to turn to the traditions and customs, both folk and family, as well as those that a person has developed during his own life.

Association and corresponding emotional reaction will definitely arise if a person sees or does something that he is used to doing on New Year's Eve or what people usually do.

A striking example is the smell of tangerines. For the vast majority of people, it is associated with the New Year and therefore cheers up!

Do not complain about the lack of New Year's mood! Better get started!

12 ways to create and keep the Christmas mood

  1. Workplace decoration. Many people work and study until the last days of December, and some have to work on New Year's Eve. Since a person spends most of the daylight hours at work, special attention should be paid to decorating the workplace. A few festive attributes, such as tinsel, rain, Christmas decorations, a small artificial Christmas tree, will transform the workplace. You can also put a New Year screensaver on your computer desktop, and upload holiday music to the playlist.
  2. House cleaning and decoration. It is better to start decorating a house with cleaning. The house needs to be cleaned and washed, all broken and old things should be thrown away, as well as those items that remind of failures. Cleanliness is also a symbol of the new year and renewal. In addition, cleaning is a great way to cheer yourself up! After it, the house can already be decorated with toys, garlands, tinsel and other things. The hand-made production of New Year's decorations perfectly cheers up: paper snowflakes, Christmas trees, balls of thread, origami Christmas trees, and more. For those who do not have enough time to do needlework, printed publications, for example, the book “Getting Ready for the New Year. 100 blanks for home decoration.
  3. Listening to the festive musical compositions and view New Year's films. There are quite a few domestic and downloaded films that citizens are used to watching on the eve of holidays, and even though they have already been memorized, watching them still cheers up! New Year's songs are more fun to relax and work. The same general cleaning before the holiday is best done to music or a movie.

  4. Christmas scents and lights
    . What smells, colors and lights are associated with the New Year? Of course, it is fresh coniferous, invigorating frosty, sweet citrus, smells of cocoa, chocolate, cinnamon, homemade cakes and salads; colors - red, green, gold and silver; light - multi-colored flashing lanterns of garlands, glitter of tinsel, sparklers, light of candles. If you turn off the light in the room, turn on the garland, watch a New Year's comedy and treat yourself to tangerines, the New Year's mood will not keep you waiting.
  5. New Year's dishes. Why not start incorporating New Year's dishes into your menu in advance? Fortunately, there are many cookbooks to help housewives (for example, “New Year's dishes and table decorations”). You don’t need to cook the entire New Year’s table, but adding something traditionally New Year’s to your diet is both tasty and healthy, and it improves your mood. And to improve the mood of everyone around you, you can bake Christmas gingerbread in the form of little men, angels, Christmas trees, bunnies, and so on.
  6. Christmas tree decoration. This is a special occupation, to some extent, a magical ritual, which should be given special attention and separate time. It is better not to decorate the Christmas tree in a hurry, alone, with bad thoughts and feelings. You need to get together with the whole family and with respect for the forest beauty and love for each other, dress her up as best as possible. The Christmas tree should contain symbols of everything that you want to have in the new year. When decorating a Christmas tree, you need to think about your dreams and plans, make a wish and wish happiness to people. When the Christmas tree is decorated, you can sing a song to it and dance around.
  7. New Year's Eve Planning. It’s better to think over New Year’s Eve in advance so that you don’t rush and fuss later, and the planning itself will cheer you up by mentally immersing yourself in the holiday. Where and with whom to celebrate the New Year? What will be on the holiday table? What to wear and how to decorate yourself on this day?
  8. Buying gifts for family and loved ones. Not everyone likes to go shopping, but on the days before the holidays, when they are decorated with sparkling garlands and other New Year's paraphernalia, there are Christmas trees at the entrance, New Year's music plays in the trading floors, and the goods on the shelves are more beautiful than one another - you can get both pleasure and a great mood. Thinking about that, relatives and friends, you should not forget to treat yourself with a souvenir.
  9. New Year and Christmas divination. A great way to immerse yourself in a mystical atmosphere, spend time outside the box with friends and look into the future. In order not to miscalculate when choosing a fortune-telling, read the article “L” or purchase literature, for example, books such as: “We guess for Christmas. The best fortune-telling” and “The best New Year and Christmas fortune-telling”

  10. Winter fun
    . Skates, skis, sleds, snowball fights, "angels" in the snow and snowmen in the yard - but you never know what other New Year's active and sports games you can remember! They are cheerful and mobile, which is very, very useful for a modern person who spends most of his time at the computer and in virtual reality.
  11. Analysis of the past year and planning for the future. The most serious, but, nevertheless, capable of creating a New Year's mood, point. If you analyze the outgoing year, you can understand how much has changed, that there were both joys and sorrows, but everything always, in the end, happens for the better. You need to praise yourself for your successes, and designate current problems as tasks that need to be solved next year and, of course, set new goals for yourself.

If you want to start a completely new, happy life in the coming year, we recommend that you read the article.

  1. Letter to Santa Claus. On New Year's Eve, it is customary to make wishes. There is no need to be shy about doing this with a childish faith in life as in a fairy tale, where everything is possible for the main character. When making a wish, you need to believe that it will come true! Only strong faith, without even a shadow of a doubt, can work miracles! And to increase the likelihood of a dream come true, you need to write it down on paper, making a note like a letter to Santa Claus!

You will learn about other ways to make a wish from the article.

Are you in the Christmas mood?

A very important attribute of the holiday is the appropriate mood. But how to create a New Year's mood for yourself, how to feel the spirit of Christmas and feel the general magical atmosphere? Desire itself plays a big role in achieving a festive mood. After all, if a person is mired in routine and gray everyday life, does not understand what good the New Year can bring, has a negative attitude towards the hype around the holiday, then no advice and recommendations will help. However, if you really want to feel the festive upsurge, feel the taste of the New Year, expect this holiday and crave miracles, then it will not be so difficult to tune in to the right wave.

  1. Listening to themed music. Music has a huge effect on the mood of many people. No wonder there is even such a psychotherapeutic method as music therapy, with the help of which the mood and thinking of a person change. Music can successfully treat painful conditions, for example, it has been proven that some musical compositions relieve headaches. The right music helps to survive many difficult moments, energizes, inspires. To create a New Year's mood, you should add themed tracks to your playlist. If you don’t want to make a New Year’s music selection on your own, then you can turn to the relevant resources, where there are already thematic playlists.
  2. Watching videos and movies. The visual range, almost the same as the background music, affects the mood, thoughts. Therefore, watching New Year's movies or videos on the Internet can create an appropriate atmosphere. Especially if you watch all this in a pleasant company or with a mug of aromatic cocoa, wrapped in a blanket.
  3. Food and drinks. Perhaps, for every season you can find the perfect food and drink. Tangerines and oranges, chocolate, gingerbread and sugar cookies, cinnamon rolls or caramelized apples - all these goodies can positively affect your mood and help you catch the spirit of the New Year. Among the drinks, you can and should choose hot chocolate with marshmallows, cocoa, various tea blends with spices and spices.
  4. Smells. Aromatherapy is something that not only affects mood and emotional background, but also affects physical well-being. For the New Year, you can pick up characteristic smells that will fill the space around with an atmosphere of celebration and magic. Such aromas undoubtedly include: coniferous and citrus smells, chocolate, coffee, the smell of snow and ice, cloves, cinnamon, vanilla, ginger, caramel. You can also play with your personal associations. Ask yourself what smell the New Year is associated with. Candles, essential oils, incense can be used to aromatize the room.
  5. Appropriate decor. Perhaps nothing better creates a New Year's mood than colorful lights and garlands. Christmas decorations, New Year's paraphernalia in the form of figurines and exquisite candlesticks, a Christmas tree or pine, cones, other New Year's and Christmas home decor - all this creates comfort, returns to childhood, cheers up, gives faith in miracles.

To all of the above, you can add a few more actions that will recharge your New Year's mood and let the expectation of a holiday and miracles into your soul:

  • city ​​walks;
  • trips to Christmas markets or shopping;
  • buying and wrapping gifts;
  • winter games and fun;
  • visiting the theater with a themed New Year's performance;
  • New Year's or just a winter photo session;
  • creating holiday cards or New Year's decor with your own hands;
  • adding a large number of classic New Year's flowers to everyday life;
  • making to-do lists or goals for the year ahead, creating a collage of wishes for the coming twelve months;
  • summarizing the results of the year;
  • the very process of preparing for the holiday: choosing an outfit, creating a New Year's menu, and so on;
  • replacing screensavers and backgrounds on gadgets with themed New Year pictures and photos;
  • decoration of the workplace, if possible;
  • making typical Christmas or New Year dishes with your own hands, for example, you can bake gingerbread men or gingerbread cookies in the shape of snowflakes, deer;
  • cutting out snowflakes from paper and writing a letter to Santa Claus.

Friends, welcome! Accumulated here for you whole 50 ideas on how you can help create a New Year's atmosphere for yourself in your soul and around you. I dedicate this post to all those who are still not imbued with the feeling of a holiday and need friendly and ideological support! 😉


  • Think and decide how you would like to celebrate the New Year. Understand how you feel and what you want. And if you don’t want anything, you don’t need to force yourself. It is important to allow yourself to relax and just enjoy life and current affairs without having to fuss and worry like everyone else. Let this holiday be for you a time of rest from duties and imposed values. Well, if you still need to get a festive mood, then proceed to the following points.

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  • or invest your own in them. It is we who single out for ourselves how this day can be different from all the others and why it should be special for us.
  • playlist. Music is able to charge the New Year mood in its brightest colors. Evenings seem much more comfortable, and things get done faster and more fun, acquiring a slight hint of magic and a New Year's miracle.
  • You can look for New Year's inspiration and in the social networks: various publics in VK, in or on Pinterest. The main thing is to approach this matter in a dosed manner. Otherwise, you can go too far and get disgusted with New Year's pictures and, accordingly, the whole pre-holiday atmosphere.

  • Make or buy new toys. This can turn out to be a pleasant family tradition, and each toy will eventually be associated with a specific year and special memories.
  • Christmas tree. Dress it up in a traditional way, remember your childhood and hang up Soviet toys, or come up with something out of the ordinary and build the most unusual and original Christmas tree.
  • Dressy house. Decorating an apartment or house does not have to include glitter and tinsel in all available places. These can be elegant blankets and pillows or individual items of a special color scheme or combination of colors. Rooms can be dressed up quite discreetly, but at the same time create incredible comfort and a sense of magic.
  • Present. One has only to go shopping, choosing something valuable and useful for loved ones, or make something with your own hands, as a festive feeling will come right there. It is especially inspiring to invent original packaging for gifts. For me personally, this is perhaps the most interesting stage.
  • Snow. When there is no snow, creating a New Year's mood is not so easy. Especially if it rains, fogs and green grass around the clock (like ours). However, nothing prevents us from conjuring snowy weather, at least in our apartment or house. Thankfully, there are so many options now. You can cover the Christmas decorations with a layer of artificial snow from a spray can. Or use small foam balls for these purposes, scattering them on the windowsill or in the New Year's composition. And for this, glued on glass or painted snowflakes are perfect.

  • Eat chocolate Santa Claus or a hare. And do not think that such entertainment is exclusively for children. This taste always brings back to childhood. Admit it, you liked to make fun of the figurines? I have always been fascinated by these chocolate patterns. And I liked the hare, first of all, to bite off the ears, peer into the emptiness of the figure and hope to suddenly find something interesting there. Children...
  • Hot chocolate. The coziest, warmest and most delicious drink, which always helps me personally to fight a bad mood. Proven way.
  • Tea with cinnamon. From time to time replaces chocolate and so gives gingerbread! The taste of comfort and winter evenings.
  • Mulled wine. Warms and relaxes. It smells like a real frosty winter and a festive atmosphere.
  • Gingerbread. As it should, I tried them only this year. And, it seems to me, they cannot be replaced by any other sweetness. This is a special Christmas treat.

  • Books. It would be nice to reinforce the winter atmosphere with novels, stories or stories about New Year's or Christmas night. Skillful metaphors and epithets can sometimes convey the mood even better than our own imagination.
  • Movies. Arrange an atmospheric family viewing or immerse yourself in an interesting movie alone, gobbling up various holiday goodies, which can be no less enjoyable.
  • City. Walk around the city in the evening, enjoying the illuminations and fantasy city scenery.
  • Ornate houses. Or look into the neighbor's windows, which are nicely decorated with garlands. You and I know perfectly well that everyone decorates windows not only for themselves :).
  • Candles. Create a festive composition (only according to all fire safety rules), light candles in the room, turn off the lights and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of warmth and night lights.

  • think over holiday menu, looking for new easy and interesting recipes.
  • take care of original festive table setting and various small cute decorations that can make the New Year's dinner the most memorable.
  • Dishes. All kinds of mugs and plates with festive patterns, textures, reliefs.
  • New Year's goodies. Why not allow yourself to eat whatever your heart desires during this wonderful time.
  • Remove all unnecessary. How beautiful is the morning of the new year? The fact that everything around shines and sparkles with cleanliness and spaciousness. For some reason, it is on December 31 (or the day before) that we rush to clean up and declutter as soon as possible, as if other days are not enough for this. So why not bring a sense of purity and freedom into your life at least a few weeks earlier?

  • hang calendar. My favorite January ritual. So many plans for a wonderful and yet unknown future.
  • Remember childhood and return the feeling of a long-awaited miracle by looking at photos of family holidays and these cutest children's New Year's costumes, or dive into a box of old toys, smell and texture again and be filled with associations from a distant beautiful past.
  • Cut out the snowflakes. From paper or napkins. And stick them, as in childhood, on glass with water and soap, decorate them with a Christmas tree or any other suitable place.
  • Make Hand Made jewelry and decor items. When I looked into a New Year's toy store the other day, I was horrified: the shelves are full of low-quality, shabby plastic toys with glue sticking out at prices that are not at all commensurate with the quality. And then I was finally convinced that there is nothing nicer, more exclusive and sincere than handmade things.
  • Bed sheets New Year's theme or just festive colors, which you certainly associate with the upcoming celebration.

  • Paint the window. With white paints or the old-fashioned way with toothpaste, draw snowflakes or frosty patterns on the glass. Or create a magical story in the drawings on glass with your own hands.
  • Write a letter to Santa Claus. On the most beautiful paper, list all your most cherished desires and gratitude for the past year.
  • Make yourself a gift without fail. After all, who can please us more than ourselves?
  • Learn to dream. At this fertile time for writing wishes, it's time to figure out what is really important and necessary and what you would like to think about before going to bed, what goals to set and what to strive for in the end.
  • Realize what you have long dreamed of. At least a minor victory or a burden thrown off your shoulders can energize you for several days and motivate you to even more productive “moving mountains”.

  • New Year Wallpapers. Another holiday tradition of mine. And no one bothers to do this at least every day.
  • Blind a masterpiece snowman. If, of course, the weather allows.
  • Get a Christmas wreath. And it is much more pleasant to create it ourselves from everything that only falls into the hands and what our imagination is capable of.
  • Attend a New Year's event. The right company can give the right mood in high concentration.
  • Create a Christmas moodboard or collage and hang it in a conspicuous place to please yourself with amenities and prettiness, reminiscent of the beautiful, every day.
  • hug more. With family, loved ones and friends. They say that during this process, a decent proportion of endorphins and oxytocin are produced, which give us joy, harmony, tenderness and tranquility.

  • The smell of spruce branches. We haven't put up a live Christmas tree for a long time. But every year we bring a few pine branches, the aroma of which spreads throughout the apartment and evokes holiday associations.
  • Tangerines. In all my articles, I kept repeating that this is the smell and taste of childhood. But this year I have a small puncture with my joy. All of a sudden, an allergy that had been dormant since childhood woke up to wonderful orange sweets. I am glad that I ate them in November. And I am sad that December and January will pass without the most important attribute.
  • Clothes and accessories. All kinds of sweaters with deer and Scandinavian patterns, earrings, rings and pendants in the form of gifts, New Year's sweets, Christmas trees, etc. It's time to get all this from home storage or acquire new items at least on the eve of the holidays.
  • Collect photos of Christmas trees. I know that some people have such a tradition: to photograph elegant Christmas trees on the streets of the city, in shops, shopping centers, or simply to collect images of the original and most unusual Christmas trees.
  • Try to set the mood for others. If you don't have it yourself, don't despair. Try to give a feeling of magic to relatives and friends, friends or just strangers so that there is a feeling of happiness and warmth that will fill your soul with such pleasant sensations that you yourself will not need anything else for joy and a festive mood.

Share your ideas on how to create a New Year's mood in the comments. What techniques and methods do you use? Maybe there are some unusual pre-holiday rituals and traditions?

To make the main holiday of the year truly memorable, it is not necessary to go on a trip or book a table in an expensive restaurant. New Year's Eve can become special at home if you show imagination and think in advance how to create a festive mood. Especially for you, we have prepared 8 inspiring Christmas decor ideas.

1. Set the tone for the holiday

First of all, choose the base color for decorating your holiday. The house for the New Year can be decorated in colors characteristic of the winter season - pastel, blue, red, brown or green. When choosing the right color, keep in mind that it should be in harmony with the interior of the house. Having decided on the base color of the design, add additional accents: for example, decorate the tablecloth and Christmas decorations with silver or gold paint.

2. Decorate the Christmas tree correctly

The main element in the New Year's decor is, of course, the Christmas tree. But this does not mean at all that you need to hang all the toys in the house on it. Choose only those that are combined with the base color of the design and are in harmony with the interior. The Christmas tree should not be overloaded with decor. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase new, more suitable toys, buy tinsel - it is cheaper, but looks stylish.

3. Turn off the light and light the candles

You will be surprised how much the atmosphere in the house will change if you replace the lamps and fixtures with ordinary candles. With the help of glue and sewing materials (beaded beads, ribbons, strips of bright fabrics and unnecessary buttons), you can easily give them a festive look. Create whole arrangements of candles throughout the house, grouping them into New Year's wreaths. To keep the candles burning longer and not going out before morning, put them in a bag and put them in the freezer the day before the holiday.

4. We hang garlands

Garlands hung around the house will also create a New Year's mood. Hang them literally everywhere - on the railing of the stairs, along the dining table, on the walls, windows and, of course, on the Christmas tree. Thanks to this, the house will immediately change and shine with new colors.

5. We decorate the house with natural materials

Let the winter nature into the house - cones and spruce branches can become an original decoration. Decorate them with silver paint or tie them with ribbons, and you can safely decorate the Christmas tree, the festive table, as well as the doors and windows of the house with them.

6. Serve the table

Like the Christmas tree, the New Year's table should also not be overloaded with various accessories. Lay a tablecloth (it is desirable that it matches the base color of the design), arrange beautiful dishes. The picture will be complemented by candles, New Year's wreaths, decorations from cones and fir branches.

7. Decorate the windows

Draw frosty patterns on the windows. To do this, mix toothpaste with water, dip a sponge into the resulting mixture and blot the windows with it. Now let your imagination run wild and draw snowflakes and frosty swirls on the glass.

8. We select textiles

Soft decorative pillows with themed prints and inscriptions are perhaps the easiest and most effective way to create a festive mood at home. Decorate sofas and armchairs with them - and your home space, as if by magic, will begin to be filled with the long-awaited atmosphere of celebration and magic.

The editors of the Vegetarian are shocked: there is a little more than two weeks before the New Year, and there was still no festive mood. If you, like us, do not know how to create it, then we suggest you follow these tips and create a New Year's atmosphere on your own! We solemnly swear to do the same, who is with us?

As we get older, it becomes more and more difficult for us to awaken the magical spirit of the New Year. Remember the time when you were a child: you yourself wanted to decorate the Christmas tree, went to the New Year holidays, brought sweet gifts from there with true delight, put them under the Christmas tree and looked forward to the evening of December 31st to see what Santa Claus brought. To create a New Year's mood, you need to become this child in your soul. Here are some obvious but powerful things to help you do just that.

Set up and decorate a Christmas tree

It's time to get the main character of the New Year from the mezzanine / closet / balcony / garage and decorate it. Think about what color balls you will hang on it, what tinsel, garlands and a star. Create a tradition: before each New Year, buy at least one new Christmas decoration to welcome the coming year.

If you have small children or playful pets at home, you can decorate a small Christmas tree or hang Christmas tree garlands on the wall. Check out Pinterest or Tumblr for some great ideas for Christmas and New Years!

And if you have not yet decided whether to choose an artificial or live Christmas tree, then read ours on this topic.

Decorate the house

Don't stop at one Christmas tree lest it be the black sheep in the room. Let the LED garland under the ceiling, decorate doors, cabinets, put New Year's toys on the shelves, hang snowflakes, wrap yourself in a magical atmosphere!

As you know, helping others helps us too. Help your neighbors! Hang a Christmas ball on their door, preferably at night or early in the morning. They will definitely be delighted with such an unexpected surprise and will puzzle over who did it.

Turn on New Year and Christmas music

You can put it in the background while decorating your home, cooking, even work. Remember what New Year and Christmas songs you love: Frank Sinatra's Let It Snow, Jingle Bells, or maybe Five Minutes by Lyudmila Gurchenko? You can even set one of them as an alarm clock! New Year's mood from the very morning is provided to you.

Prepare cookies, New Year's gingerbread ...

...or any other truly New Year's pastry! Cook using deer, tree, bell, cone molds and decorate with frosting, sweet multi-colored sprinkles and glitter. Add winter spices, including ginger, cloves, cardamom, and more, to your cookies, pies, and drinks. If you have kids, they will love this activity!

Go for gifts

Agree, gifts are nice not only to receive, but also to give. Make a list of friends, family and think about what you would like to give them for the New Year. It is not necessary to make expensive gifts, because the New Year is just an excuse to do something nice. Let it be warm gloves and socks, sweets, cute trinkets. In general, something that will make your loved ones smile. For shopping, head to malls that already have a festive atmosphere, but be sure to follow your list so you don't oversell.

Host a New Year's Movie Night

After decorating the house and making cookies, invite your family or friends (or both) to watch New Year and Christmas movies. Turn off the lights, turn on the LED garlands and turn on the atmospheric film: “Home Alone”, “The Grinch Stole Christmas”, “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” or even “Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!” (despite the fact that the latter will soon go on all channels).

Plan your holiday menu

It may not create a festive atmosphere, but it will certainly reduce the stress levels on December 31st. Think about what you would like to see on the New Year's table? What outlandish dishes will surprise the household? Write a list of dishes and ingredients and go to the store for those that will definitely “survive” until the end of December. Feel free to buy canned corn, peas, chickpeas, beans, canned coconut milk, flour, cane sugar, chocolate (if you make your own dessert), and more.

Come up with contests for New Year's Eve

Down with the boring feast! Do not think that contests are purely childish entertainment. Adults will love them too! Search the internet for different options and buy or make your own small prizes for the winners. Let it be the same sweets, toys, scarves, mittens or even notebooks with pens: it is not the prize itself that is important, but the joy of the winner. Thinking through such things in advance can create a New Year's mood today.

How do you get yourself in the holiday spirit? Share your secrets!

Ekaterina Romanova