How to show your boyfriend that you love him and only him. How to show a man that you are interested in him: practical advice for women

Don't know how to tell him about your sympathy? The best psychologists are ready to give effective advice on how to express your sympathy without words.

Are you dreaming about the guy you've been liking for so long, but not sure how to let him know? Or are you afraid of rejection and embarrassment? Not worth it! Today, relationship psychologists offer seven tips on how to express your sincere feelings and achieve the best result.

Use non-verbal communication

Insinuate that you like him using non-verbal communication and observe his behavior to see if the feeling is mutual. If mutually, then it will be much easier for you to say in words about your interest. The eyes are the best way to tell what we think and feel. Active eye contact at short intervals will let you know that you are interested in him. If his eyes sparkle when looking at you, or if he glances at you and immediately looks down, this is often an indication that he is attracted to you. Eyes are an amazing way to tell a lot without saying a word.

Take the lead. Play it with humor

Take matters into your own hands and be brave. For example, wink at him with a cheeky smile and say something like, “Okay, I'm on a date! Where shall we go?" If he's not interested, you can both pull off the joke. But if you're attracted to him, his body language will change and he'll ask you out on the first date you just initiated.

Be bold and outspoken

Tell him everything directly and specify why you like him. Genuine flattery will work with a bang, but insincere flattery can make you look like an unreliable player. Sincere sentimentality will awaken pleasant feelings in him, and even if he does not answer you in the same way, most likely he will gently refuse without offending you.


Start a casual conversation about what he likes the most in a relationship. If after that your interest in him does not disappear, either immediately or after a couple of days, say something like: “Do you remember, you once said that ...? I wish I could meet someone who thinks the same way." If the hint is not transparent enough, add: “Can you advise someone?”.

Prove why he should date you

Thoughts are playful, adventurous and out of the box. For example, organize a treasure hunt with a couple of puzzles to solve in order to reach the final goal. As a treasure, leave tickets to the cinema or somewhere else, or just an invitation to a date at a certain place and at a certain time. Thus, by your actions you will show that you are not indifferent to him and that you can add emotions and colors to his life and do everything possible and impossible for him.

Constantly invade his personal space when you meet. If he doesn't try to move away from you, you have every chance that he likes you. Your behavior will tell him the same. Now you know that your offer to be more than friends will not be rejected. If you have been friends for a long time, judge for yourself how much you invaded each other's personal space and take the next step, exceeding this space ...

Lightly touch the object of your sympathy when you ask him out on a date. A light touch can enhance a positive response, in part because it releases the brain hormone oxytocin. Back in 2007, an experiment was conducted that proved that men are more likely to get a positive response from a woman by inviting her to a dance or asking for a phone number if he lightly touches her hand.

Good luck and courage!

For several centuries it was believed that it was men who should show feelings and demonstrate their actions, but, as practice shows, it is women who have to think about how to show their love in a relationship so that a man feels loved and in a couple there is an atmosphere of love and trust. Let's study!

14 ideas on how to show your love to a man

It so happened that men and women are completely different creatures by nature. The strong half prefers stinginess in emotions and, as a rule, do not speak, but do. Women can talk and write about their feelings endlessly. And the main way to show your love to a man is to give all the tenderness, affection, try to achieve complete understanding and hone the art of making concessions and compromises.

The best way to show your love to a man is to talk about it. At the same time, you should not be too intrusive, even if a volcano of emotions just explodes inside you. Speak every word of your love sincerely, looking into your eyes.

Jealous of each pillar, you will not show your love, but you can easily achieve the opposite effect. Do not encroach on the freedom of men - they do not like it.

Don't make your loved one jealous. After all, jealousy is a kind of distrust.

Never compare your man to others. On the contrary, to show your love to a man, repeat more often that he is unique to you and that you don’t need anyone else. After all, men are like children or pets - they need to be made clear that you are nearby and will not go anywhere.

Show care. Start to be interested in his hobbies, work. You should be there if he wants to talk, or leave him alone if he really needs it.

Unfortunately, men have a very poor memory for dates and events. You will have to remember everything for two and, in no case, do not reproach your beloved for forgetting what day your cat's name day is. And you are calmer, and the man will appreciate.

Whatever men say, they are all romantics to the core. But they are not always ready to take the initiative. But a romantic dinner or a present for some, albeit insignificant date, perhaps even understandable only to the two of you, he will appreciate precisely as a manifestation of love.

There are times when, due to unsuccessful previous relationships, men become terribly distrustful. If you are jealous of every passer-by, trying to completely control you, or grinning skeptically at your sincere “I love you” - this does not mean that he does not love you, or does not believe you. This can only mean one thing - this man is afraid of losing you. And you will have to put in a lot of effort and patience to show your love for this man and earn his full trust. And, if you still succeed, you will have a strong and happy family.

If a man himself urges confirmation of your feelings, think carefully about whether you need to be with him. Such behavior, in most cases, is a manifestation of a complex within oneself, and most importantly, an indicator of distrust of you and your feelings.

If the initiative comes directly from you, and you do not understand how to show your love to a man, then the most important thing, of course, is to talk about them. Confess your love to your chosen one more often, but only do it sincerely. But if in fact you do not experience any feelings, then it is better not to lie, because the lie is felt immediately.

Do not force your loved one to be jealous of you and do not try to make him jealous on purpose. Naturally, a woman is extremely pleased when she is jealous, that's for sure. But think carefully about what a man feels at this moment, put yourself in his place. It would most likely be very unpleasant for you to be in such a situation. Therefore, if a loved one tells you about it himself, it means that it is really unpleasant for him. And if he says to delete the contacts of other men or not to talk to one of them, then it's better to do it.

And, of course, try not to torment the man with scenes of jealousy yourself. This is a bad way to show your love to a man. No need to constantly call him and find out where he is now and with whom. Probably, at the initial stage of the relationship, too frequent calls seem quite romantic, but this will gradually begin to annoy and cause a feeling of annoyance.

Never try to compare your loved one with former men and in general try to remember them as little as possible. You should never point out to a man that he is doing something worse than the former. This can destroy his feelings. It is necessary to praise him repeatedly and say that he is the best.

Show care for your loved one, which will be expressed even in small things. A delicious dinner prepared with love will delight every man. If a beloved man returned home after work very tired, then you do not need to load him with your problems and empty information.

It is better to ask how his condition is, it is likely that he needs to be listened to or, on the contrary, left him alone. Such care will be the best proof of your love for him and the answer to the question: "how to show your love to a man."

The tips are simple, and almost every girl knows them. Therefore, if you really love someone who is nearby, you yourself will do everything to show the sincerity of your feelings. And the most excellent result will be that you will never again think about the question "how to show your love to a man."

Why is it so important to show your love to a man

A loving person wants his chosen one to express his emotions in words, express them in actions. Compare love with fire, its warmth must be constantly maintained, even if both partners know that they are loved.

How is it possible to show your love to a man who knows that you are madly in love with him? A single declaration of love will not be enough, you must constantly make it clear to a person that you love him, this is done as follows.

It is worth remembering that a declaration of love is not a business area of ​​communication, here it is necessary to shorten the distance in order to feel your loved one as closely as possible, and give him the opportunity to feel you most fully. To show your love to a man, you need to close the distance, and this works flawlessly when you want to convey to your loved one the idea that you love him.

Tell him more about it. Look into his eyes, take his hand, and say, "I love you." Once again, call from work to say about it, write a message and so on. These actions will make a lasting impression on your partner, and if he does the same, then your relationship will develop harmoniously and stably, since you know how to express your feelings to each other.

Taking care of how to show your love to a man, sometimes give him gifts, they will become a reminder of your love. Do not be mistaken that the more expensive the gift, the brighter, better or more colorful it will remind you of your feelings. It happens that a gift made by your own hands will become much closer to your heart than expensive jewelry or bracelets.

Literate speech lessons will help you make a beautiful declaration of love, you will be able to choose words and epithets that your chosen one or chosen one will simply be delighted with. Don't think about looking like a fool or anything like that. Let the attempt to show your love to a man turn out to be funny as a result, but, in any case, the person will appreciate it, and the attitude to the current situation with a certain amount of humor will only add points for your ingenuity.

It is always worth remembering that the main thing in a relationship is mutual understanding and love. By supporting this more and more, your relationship will become better, brighter and more harmonious, the longer your love star will burn. The main thing in relationships are feelings that constantly interact with each other. May your relationship be successful!

How to Express Your Love to a Guy

There is nothing shameful in confessing your love to a guy or a man - it will be equally pleasant for both him and you. This can be done romantically or creatively, with messages, postcards, or any other means - the main thing is to do it differently each time. Today we will show you how to show your love to a man in different ways.

Even the smallest signs of attention on your part can say a lot to your soulmate. All sorts of cute souvenirs - plush toys, key chains and other little things are quite inexpensive - the joy of the person to whom you present this is much more expensive. You can attach cards with touching love confessions to such gifts;

You can make such a valentine card yourself. For example, you can stick dry flowers, your joint photos on thick paper or cardboard, and write beautifully about your feelings inside. Believe me, such a confession will not leave your boyfriend indifferent - he will definitely react to your attention and think about the response gesture;

Another option to show your love to a man is a walk. Invite him to walk around the evening city. You can probably hide small candles in your purse. Arrange them in a heart shape on the alley of the park and light them. The guy will certainly understand about your attitude towards him. In the same series there are confessions written on the snow or on the asphalt with paint.

If your young man is a music lover, and you know which radio station is always broadcasting in his headphones, you can order him a beautiful love song and say a few gentle words. The ideal option is when you personally have a beautiful voice - then you can sing a romantic song for him personally. You can record a song in the studio and present him with an audio CD in a gift box;

Today, temporary tattoos are also made using organic or chemical inks. Choose a stylish ornament with your boyfriend's name, write a declaration of love - such a surprise will definitely hit him right in the heart!

You can express your love for a guy by giving some souvenirs or key chains. Such trinkets are not expensive, but the very fact of the attention paid is important. In addition, a postcard or a small letter with a declaration in the language of love can complement such small presents. As the saying goes: "A trifle, but nice."

But the most important, simple and main answer to the question “how to express your love for a man or a guy” is an unexpected confession when you yourself, without thinking about it, tell the guy about your feelings that overwhelm you.

Whatever advice we give, no doubt, all the best things happen to us by accident. Therefore, the most sincere confession can be one moment when, under the influence of the moment, you, looking directly into his eyes, will say about the infinite and bright love for him!

Although you should try to get along with people from all walks of life - even with people you don't like, sometimes it's better to show a person your true attitude in order not to prevaricate. For example, you need to make it clear to the person that you are not the kind of friend that he can invite to his party or that you do not want to spend time with him. In such cases, you must explain to him that you will never be more than good acquaintances.


be polite

be honest

avoid the person

    Pretend that you just don't hear the person and just keep walking. If he continues to follow you, quickly go to the nearest restroom and wait for him to leave. If there is no restroom nearby, quicken your pace and blend in with the crowd, sneak into the room, or strike up a conversation with someone he hates.

    Try not to accept his invitations. If you were invited to a walk, to the cinema, to the pool, and so on, do not agree. Say "you have other plans". If this person asks, “What about next weekend?” say that you won’t succeed. Don't skimp on explanations.

    Don't invite the person to events you host. If you're organizing an event, don't invite him. Not inviting someone to a party is one of the clearest social indicators that you don't want to interact with the person.

    Don't talk to this person for a long time. If he asks you something, just stay serious and get to the point. In the end, he will feel that you are not interested in talking to him and will leave you alone.

    If you happen to be at one event, don't pay attention to it. If he comes up to you, greet him briefly, but don't say anything more than that.

be decisive

deal with guilt, doubt or negativity

    Look at things realistically. Rejecting a person is as hard as being rejected. The problem is that it's mostly advice on how to deal with rejection, not the fact that you had to reject the person. It's a matter of defining boundaries; sometimes there are people who do not understand the meaning of boundaries and believe that they can invade your personal space. It is important to understand that all people are equal and should be respected, so listen to your inner voice and be honest.

    Imagine how events would develop if you pretended that you liked this person. This is how bad relationships start. Pretending that you're nice to the person when you're not can get you bogged down in a strained or even toxic relationship that ends up having to feign emotion and wanting to get rid of the person as soon as possible. By looking at this perspective, you can deal with guilt by nipping in the bud a potentially unfortunate relationship.

    • Moreover, the pretense will cost you dearly. By pretending, you will have to behave differently - and this is not fair to yourself and will mislead the other person, because You you are not who you want to be!
  1. Understand that early termination of friendships or romantic relationships is not a reason to be rude. You can be polite and friendly to someone you don't like without committing yourself to anything more between you. Recognize this and you will feel better, because you will stop thinking about it in a negative way. Stay positive and communicate like good friends, but don't let the person into your personal space. It will soon become apparent that you can control the situation yourself.

  • Do not waste your time on worries - have fun and let nothing spoil your mood.
  • Always try to be sensitive to the feelings of others.
  • Try to understand what a person is like from the inside, and if you really don’t like him, start ignoring him, but still do not forget that every person has self-esteem.
  • Try to be on good terms with everyone, especially those around you.

Neither the age-old experience of mankind, nor emancipation, nor all sorts of instructions on how to properly behave with representatives of the opposite sex can solve the problem of gender relations. It's especially hard for us girls. Very often we experience confusion when we want to get to know one of the guys. How to approach him? How to smile? How not to scare away the wrong behavior? What to say? Too many girls do not find answers to these questions for themselves and get lost when they are in close proximity to the guy they like.

The power of stereotypes

Not surprisingly, women are the main problem in this area - unlike men, we have not had the opportunity for centuries to develop effective methods for attracting attention to ourselves. Even now, there are much more thematic pages for men on the Internet - about meeting girls from "a" to "z". Women's guides on this issue are much smaller, and often too one-sided.

Still, questions like “Does he like me? What to do to please? How can I make him understand what I like? don't disappear anywhere. And go up to him and ask directly: “Do you like me?” Not every girl is capable. And not every guy will respond adequately to this.

It's funny, but at the moment there is a kind of cold war of stereotypes - women are still mostly based on the idea that the initiative should come from men. The latter, tired of dragging women into their caves, castles and houses over the centuries, seem to increasingly prefer to become objects of women's initiative and attention. Or, at least, they do not want to act at random, that is, to begin with, they expect some kind of sign from the girls they like, and only then begin their courtship.

Secret female weapon

And yet there are many ways to show a man or guy that you like him. There are only three main points - laugh at jokes, make compliments, but speak only sincerely, from the bottom of your heart, and do not be afraid of communication: do not hide your eyes, do not be afraid of tactile contacts. Of course, often men simply do not see the seemingly very clear signs of sympathy for them. Do not be upset, in such cases, either you need to continue the chosen line, or change the strategy to a more obvious one.

Of course, for starters, it’s not bad to learn at least something about the subject of your interest - for this you can carefully interview mutual friends, view a page on social networks; in general, make inquiries. It is clear that the information will be incomplete. But even a grain of knowledge is better than none at all.

The easiest way to show your chosen one that you like him is a special look. No wonder “eye shooting” is a traditionally female “discipline”. With some experience, one can demonstrate an impressive range of feelings with the help of a glance. But the easiest way is to carefully look at what is called “eye to eye” - if the guy does not look away, then it is quite possible that he likes you. So, either he himself will take the initiative in the near future, or you can continue to act in the chosen direction.

If you do not have enough courage for such directness, use fleeting, sliding glances. Hold them on the chosen one for a few seconds, and as soon as he notices this and looks at you, look somewhere else. Remember, eyeball shooting is only effective when visible. But don't overdo it so you don't look stupid. In addition, you should be careful with persistent views, they can be misinterpreted. Learn to look carefully, but gently.

Remember touch too. This is a very good and quite frank way to "tell" a man about his interest in him. But you have to be even more careful with this. Light, seemingly casual touches can help tell a guy that you like him. Too frequent, persistent and deliberate can lead him not to the thoughts that you expect from him. In addition, too clearly demonstrated interest still scares off men who are not too confident. Be careful - inadvertently shake off a speck of dust from his shoulder, talking, touch his hand. Touching is an excellent tool: even a not very attentive man will understand that you want to attract his attention.

If that's not enough, move on. There are signs known to men that the girl is not breathing very evenly towards the interlocutor. In all men's magazines they write: "If a girl begins to straighten her hair and involuntarily preen - that's it, she's yours." If they think so - use it for your own purposes! But again, make sure that everything is natural, without pretense. Flap your eyelashes a little more often, smile a little absent-mindedly, wind strands around your fingers while you are talking with him. All this will undoubtedly attract his attention and arouse interest.

Of course, now it’s much easier for us than at least ten years ago: you can write to a guy you like on a social network, start a meaningless conversation, during which, as if inadvertently, find out about what he loves. In addition, there is usually quite a lot of interesting information on his profile page as well. In this way, you will have points of contact, or you can make an effort to their appearance, having studied in detail something that suits your chosen one. For example, you can start communicating on the basis of interest in the work of a musical group, and then offer to go to a concert of your favorite group. Usually, after being told about two extra tickets that happened to be in your hands, even the biggest slow-witted person begins to guess something ...

Unfortunately, for many years football has not been a universal topic for conquering men. Now it's easier to start a conversation about computer games, if you understand this topic, and thereby capture the guy's attention. Most importantly, be yourself. Do not play the role of some girl unknown even to you yourself - if suddenly you succeed, you will either have to remain in that same mask, or explain for a long time that all this was done to attract his attention, that in fact you are completely different, and you pretended to be something because you really liked him.

Yes, sometimes it works, the guys are imbued with such victims and study with interest the almost unfamiliar girl that you have become; but more often it turns out that your boyfriend fell in love with a completely different you, and such a discovery can only cause him disappointment. Thousands of comedies and series have been made on this subject; But the screenwriters do not take such stories from the ceiling - they are based on life experience. Watch a couple of such films at your leisure or invite a guy you like to the cinema. After watching, you will have a good topic for conversation.

Speaking of conversations, don't raise your voice when talking to a guy. Men like low, quiet voices; they like girls who pronounce words slowly, without straining or swallowing vowels. It is believed that for a guy, a female voice sounds like music; who knows, perhaps that is why, having listened to “music”, a man usually does not perceive about half of the information that a woman wants to tell him. In addition, music is different music. But, you must admit, it’s much more pleasant to hear “I’m sorry, your beautiful voice distracted me, and I missed what you were talking about” than “quiet down, please, why are you talking so loudly?”

Remember also that no one likes a sharp, shrill laugh. If suddenly you are unlucky and you laugh that way, work on your laugh, and your voice at the same time. If you develop a gentle voice and a melodic laugh, then you may not have to be the first to take the initiative in dealing with guys.

There is another way to show a guy that you like him - to involve a third party. If you have a mutual friend you can trust, ask her for help. She can tell him in between times: “You know, I think that Masha likes you, she looks at you so thoughtfully”, - and this phrase will allow you not only to inform the object of your sighs about hidden feelings (and you remain as if nothing to do with it), but also find out what he thinks about this.

How to know if you are on the right path

It is possible that you decide to act not bypassing, but directly. Then the main thing to remember is not to be excessive in the manifestations of your emotions. A sudden, unexpectedly sounded declaration of love will frighten off even the most friendly and interested person in you. Especially if he has nothing for you but friendly feelings. Fortunately, almost always by the non-verbal reactions of a man (unless, of course, you communicate with him live, and not on the Internet), you can understand whether he is interested in you, whether he reciprocates. Here are the main signs that a guy likes you:

  1. He unconsciously tries to impress you - he straightens up, straightens his shoulders, draws in his stomach. When a guy comes across an interesting girl for him, he kind of tenses up, prepares for action, tries to seem more attractive.
  2. He preens - yes, this seemingly feminine habit is also characteristic of the stronger sex. Whether he's straightening his tie, brushing off dust, fiddling with his watch strap, or pulling his shirt in front of you, it's an unmistakable sign that he likes you.
  3. A "undressing" look is a very characteristic sign. If you notice that he does not take his eyes off you and, as it were, slides them all over your body, this guy undoubtedly likes you. In this case, try not to be embarrassed and look him straight in the eye. This is where the so-called "chemistry" should work.
  4. Hand position - if a man puts his thumbs in his belt or in his pockets during your conversation, this signals that he is intrigued and ready to court, flirt and woo you.
  5. He tries to casually touch you, usually this is a gentle, as if by chance, touch to the hands or elbow. Yes, yes, here men and women are similar and act the same!
  6. He copies your movements. Psychologists usually recommend repeating the movements of the interlocutor with a slight delay, placing him towards himself. But many of us do it even unconsciously. So if a guy copies you, then either he likes you, or he wants to like you. Which is also good.
  7. His voice becomes quieter and lower - a guy interested in you will instinctively lower his voice, "placing" himself in the framework of an ideal partner designed by nature.

Unfortunately, today there are so many manuals for the cold war of the sexes that sometimes both sides mechanically follow some recommended set of actions, so that it is not even clear who likes whom, whether they really like it, or it's just a game for their own benefit. If you doubt whether you can trust a man, try to remember that an insincere person will touch his lips and nose with his hands, thereby giving himself away.

How not to harm yourself

It is worth talking about things that can scare a man away (and you will have to talk about them, because all the tactics described above can fail if you make a few gross mistakes). First of all, it concerns the habit of talking a lot. A man wants to be listened to. No, not always, but a girl who can sympathetically listen to a man, somehow comment on his words and support, will win him over easily.

But the one who will only talk about herself, about her problems and topics that are of no interest to the interlocutor, is unlikely to enjoy his location, even if in the course of her monologue she “accidentally” touches her hand and looks directly into his eyes. And although the guys like to listen to the female voice, which they associate with music, but, alas, not enough to listen to it endlessly without the ability to insert even a word.

Don't criticize him. You just met or just started a dialogue, and now you have already found a reason to criticize him to smithereens. Agree, it’s rather strange: on the one hand, by your behavior, show how much you like him, and on the other hand, with the help of words that are much more understandable than the non-verbal component, tell him that you question his competence in something and authority. No man will like this. And even if you embody his ideal with your appearance, he is unlikely to want to continue communication, since you position yourself this way at the very beginning.

Don't flirt with other guys when he's around. Even if you are devoted to your chosen one to the core, and flirting with others for you is just an innocent coquetry or even a sophisticated way to tie a man to you even more tightly, causing jealousy in him, this would be a mistake. No guy likes a girl's behavior like that. You don't like it when a man you like looks back at passing women! But these are phenomena of the same order.

Unfortunately, in life it does not always happen that if you like someone, then he certainly likes you. Most often, one of the two begins to experience feelings first, and then he has to make an effort to interest the second. It is easier for men - they can not beat around the bush, but directly tell a woman about their sympathy for her. But even if he still does not dare to talk about it, the girl will still understand very quickly what is the matter. No wonder they say that a woman always knows when someone likes her. It is men who have problems deciphering our signals.

But the time has long passed when the girls had no choice but to simply wait for the guy she liked to pay attention to her. Nowadays, nothing prevents a single woman from once gathering her courage, approaching a man she likes and being the first to start a conversation. And then - how will it go. At least, you don’t have to wait until the man she likes decides on the same thing. And you need quite a bit for this - only courage and faith in yourself; they will perfectly replace any, even the most detailed guides on seduction and tell you how to show your interest to a man in the right way.