As pregnancy tests show. What time to take a pregnancy test. When is the best time to take a pregnancy test: video

Pregnancy tests for home use sold at any pharmacy differ not only in cost, but also in the way the test itself is taken, and most importantly, in the level of sensitivity.

Household pregnancy tests determine the result based on the level of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin, produced only during pregnancy) in the urine. This hormone is produced by the chorion (the membrane of the embryo) after it is fixed in the uterine cavity. From this moment on, the concentration of hCG in the urine of a woman begins to rise, and it depends on the quality and sensitivity of the test when you can get an accurate answer whether pregnancy has occurred.

The sensitivity of pregnancy tests is marked with the numbers 10, 20, 25, 30, which corresponds to the concentration of hCG in the urine in mIU / ml (international units per ml) that they are able to capture. The lower the number, the higher the sensitivity of the test and its accuracy.

Before missed period

The most sensitive and most expensive tests recognize the appearance of a baby even before the expected date of the onset of menstruation - as early as seven to ten days from the moment of the alleged conception. Carefully read the information on the package, the sensitivity of such a test should be 10 mIU / ml. As a rule, inkjet tests have the desired characteristics.

An hCG blood test is another way to find out about early pregnancy. On the 12th day after the date of the intended conception (that is, with a long cycle even before the delay), according to the results of this analysis, it will already be possible to say whether pregnancy has occurred in this cycle or not, and to accurately name the period. The presence of hCG in the blood can be determined earlier - already on the seventh day after conception, however, the results may be inaccurate and you will need to retake blood again in a week to confirm them.

When choosing the time to take a pregnancy test, keep in mind that it is best to take a blood test for hCG in the morning on an empty stomach. If you arrive in the afternoon, be prepared to not eat for four to six hours before the blood draw. It is also recommended to avoid physical activity before the procedure. If you are taking any hormonal medications, discuss this with your doctor before donating blood.

First or third day of delay

Most home tests have a sensitivity of 20–25 mIU/mL and are accurate from the first day of a missed period. It is useless to use such a pregnancy test when it is too early to do it - the answer will be negative, even if the pregnancy actually occurred.

Fourth to seventh day of delay

An unambiguous answer can be obtained after a significant delay in menstruation. At this time, any test, if it is working, will show the exact result. At the same time, it is worth considering that with the help of a home test, you can only determine the presence or absence of pregnancy, and its exact period - only when taking a blood test for hCG.

What time to take a pregnancy test

It is better to do a home pregnancy test in the morning, when the concentration of the hCG hormone in the urine is maximum.

If it is more convenient for you to do a pregnancy test in the evening, be sure to choose the most sensitive inkjet test, for which the exact time of the test does not matter.

How to make the right choice in favor of one or another pregnancy test, without succumbing to the advertising, marketing tricks of manufacturers? Are all pregnancy tests the most accurate? Can such a “home” diagnosis be trusted in principle?

Very often, when buying a product, we ask different questions. What can we say about the purchase of products confirming pregnancy. In such a delicate and intimate purchase, one does not want to be deceived and get a "pig in a poke", but to purchase a really high-quality, and, importantly, reliable product.

What is the most accurate pregnancy test

Today, the range of rapid tests is quite rich. Pharmacy stores, kiosks offer products, as they say, for every taste and budget. In the segment of pregnancy tests, the following categories are presented:
  1. conventional strip, strip tests;
  2. cassette, tablet tests;
  3. jet;
  4. digital disposable/reusable instruments.
When choosing a pregnancy test, the buyer should be guided by the following factors:
  1. research accuracy;
  2. ease of use;
  3. ease of reading the result.
The principle of the home test is to detect the hCG hormone in urine. At the first stage of conception, when the embryo is attached to the uterus, the amount of "pregnancy hormone" increases rapidly, especially from 8 to 10 weeks of conception. Just during this period, pregnancy tests can work and detect an existing pregnancy.

The most highly accurate, easy to use and the best pregnancy tests in general, according to experts, are inkjet and electronic tests - third-generation products.

best pregnancy test

Looking through the dialogues of girls on various forums on the topic of "pregnancy", I noticed that the issue of quality is often raised, as well as the principles of applying tests to confirm fertilization. Many girls ask for advice on a good and inexpensive brand of tests.

Referring to consumer reviews, as well as having studied the positioned products, I note that express tests of foreign production have proven themselves excellently. Good pregnancy tests are considered products under the brands:

  • Clearblue (UK);
  • Frautest (Germany);
  • Evitest (Germany);
  • Test for Best (USA);
  • Duet (Canada) and others.
The cost of the mentioned tests ranges from 80-250 rubles, depending on the type of test. The price for electronic disposable / reusable devices varies between 15-40 USD.

Domestic products are presented under the Bona brand. These are the first generation tests - strip tests. The price of such a test is approximately 25 rubles. Not all Russian buyers support a domestic manufacturer, conditioned their choice by the low quality of the product, and as a result, the untruthfulness of the study. Other users consider it a stereotype not to support "their" manufacturer, explaining that the research method and the principle of evaluating the results are identical to the foreign analogue.

Which pregnancy test to choose

From the huge range of pregnancy tests, you can immediately get confused. On which of the existing ones to stop your gaze and not be deceived?
To make sure which pregnancy test is better to buy, consider them in more detail:
  1. Strip tests or strip tests are the first signs in the segment of pregnancy-determining products. The sensitivity of such tests reaches 20-25 mIU/Ml. By choosing this type of test, you can confirm your interesting situation on the first day of the delay in menstruation. To do this, dip the strip into a bowl of urine for a couple of seconds and interpret the result in 5 minutes. Despite the fact that strip tests have been replaced by more innovative “brothers”, many buyers still believe that it is better to choose proven strips.
  2. Tablet or in other words cassette tests are second generation products. The sensitivity of those reaches 15-20 mIU / ml, which, according to experts, is an indicator of the accuracy and veracity of information. The argument in favor of the acquisition, according to manufacturers, is the design of the device and its ease of use (you need to drop urine into the window with a special pipette and see the result after a while). However, according to buyers, this type of test is actually inconvenient to use and differs from the previous one only in the presence of a beautiful tablet.
  3. Inkjet - the third "call" in the segment of pregnancy tests. The opinions of consumers, manufacturers are unanimous in favor of this type of test. It is an effective and reliable product, and it is also very easy to use. You just need to substitute the rod under the stream of urine, and within five minutes you will find out the result. The sensitivity of the inkjet test is 10-15 mIU / ml, which indicates its accuracy. Unfortunately, the cost of such a product is not small.
  4. Electronic pregnancy tests are an innovative approach to determining pregnancy. The diagnostic method is similar to the inkjet, with the difference that using a digital device, you can confirm not only the presence of the fetus, but also find out the gestational age and the date of the expected birth. The degree of sensitivity is 10 mIU / ml, so this product is the most truthful in the indications. Cost from 15 c.u. and higher.

What test will show pregnancy before a delay

As mentioned above, rapid tests with high sensitivity are the most truthful and often applicable in determining pregnancy, especially in the early stages. The best pregnancy test that is used before a delay, as experts explain, is a product with a sensitivity marker of 10-20 mIU / ml. These include:
  • jet tests;
  • digital (disposable and reusable) devices.
That is, through these tests, it is possible to confirm the fact of pregnancy after two weeks after fertilization, a couple of days before the start of menstruation. Just during this period, the hCG hormone increases in a pregnant woman.

The range of pregnancy tests is huge. The choice is always yours. According to the recommendations of gynecologists, no matter what pregnancy test you choose, a 100% indicator of pregnancy is a laboratory blood test.

A pregnancy test is the easiest and fastest way to determine pregnancy before a delay. Today, there are many types of pregnancy tests with different sensitivities. Which and how is it better to choose, what pregnancy tests are generally, what are their reliability and accuracy, the principle of operation and the probability of error, when to take a pregnancy test, how to conduct it correctly - all the most important things about pregnancy tests are collected in one place.

How to use a pregnancy test

Despite the fact that this is a very simple device, its uniqueness and value cannot be overestimated! Modern girls cannot imagine life without home pregnancy tests, because without leaving home or in any place convenient for this, you can conduct express testing and urgently find out whether you are pregnant or not.

The pregnancy test is truly one of the greatest inventions of mankind! But in order for it to show a true result, it must be done correctly, in compliance with all instructions. Detailed step-by-step instructions on how to use a pregnancy test and how to conduct it correctly are included with each package of tests, regardless of their quality and cost. But the experience of other girls and women is also of great importance in conducting such tests and reading the results! The online community is the best place to learn all the nuances and details. Experienced women and medical specialists share their knowledge with girls who are just getting acquainted with tests, their purpose and capabilities, advantages and disadvantages.

When will pregnancy test show pregnancy?

In addition to the fact that a pregnancy test must be carried out without fail, following the instructions and without violating the rules, you also need to know when exactly you should or can do the test in order to get a true result.

It matters not only the day of the menstrual cycle, the duration of the delay of menstruation, the time of day. Many women specially prepare for a future pregnancy, plan it, undergo a number of procedures and activities aimed at achieving their cherished goal - conceiving a child. And they are interested in when they can do a test to find out if their attempt was successful in this menstrual cycle.

Other women, on the contrary, fear a possible pregnancy and resort to various methods of terminating it. And they are also interested in when a pregnancy test should be performed after taking Postinor, after an abortion or after a miscarriage.

The answer to any question that interests you can be found! Just do not worry ahead of time: in any case, it will be as it should be!

With the invention of tests for early, and most importantly, simple determination of pregnancy, women can become happy before the prescribed 6-8 weeks of an interesting situation, when the gynecologist confirms the fact of the development of a new life.

Two cherished stripes bring a lot of joyful emotions to future parents. In this article, we will talk about all the intricacies of home express pregnancy diagnostics, teach you how to do the test correctly and understand the result.

How does the test work?

All tests are based on a single mechanism - the determination of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin or hCG in the urine, the production of which begins from the moment the villi of the growing placenta enter the uterus, i.e. attachment of the embryo. Every day its quantity is growing, but at the very beginning, the growth of this hormone can only be determined by a special study of venous blood (the result will be positive 5 days earlier than the most sensitive tests begin to strip).

The sensitivity level of most rapid tests starts at 25 mUI hCG. Some manufacturers write on the packages that the test is sensitive already at 10 mUI hCG, but this is difficult to prove. As pharmacists say, this is more of a publicity stunt than the truth. Another tricky advertising ploy is the inscription that the test has the highest probability of determining pregnancy before a delay, an accuracy of 99.5-99%, etc.

If you have a regular menstrual cycle

The release of a mature egg, ready for fertilization, falls in the middle of the cycle. With a 30-day cycle, this is the 15th day, with a 28-day cycle, the 14th day. Within the next two days, fertilization can occur. After the fusion of the egg with the sperm for another 4-5 days, it “floats” to the placentation site in the uterus. Those. at about day 22 of the cycle, a blood test can already see a growing hCG. The most sensitive and high-quality tests can show 2 strips even 4 days before the expected period, when the level of hCG in the urine becomes more than 25 mUI.

Thus, you can do a highly sensitive test on the 26th day of the cycle with a 30-day cycle, and on day 24 with a 28-day cycle!

If you have an irregular menstrual cycle

To determine when ovulation occurred, you can use:

  • increase in the level of basal temperature;
  • appearance .

Having designated for yourself the date of approximate ovulation, 12 days are added to this number - you can already detect an increase in hCG in the blood (see). 15 days after approximate ovulation, you can do a test with high sensitivity.

What time of day should you take a pregnancy test?

As a rule, the instructions for the test strips do not recommend what time of day to test. This means that during pregnancy, the test will show 2 strips at any time.

Gynecologists also advise doing the test in the morning, using night urine. In this case, the result will be reliable, especially in early pregnancy. If you test during the day, there is a possibility of an error, since the urine is not as concentrated due to the liquid consumed during the day. The same is possible if you do the test in the evening - the content of hCG in the urine will be less. If there is a need to test during the day, then it is better to do this after a four-hour abstinence from urination, while limiting fluid intake to obtain more concentrated urine.

General rules for the correct use of pregnancy tests

  • The pregnancy test must be stored under the conditions specified by the manufacturer on the package;
  • The packaging with the dough must not be damaged;
  • Expired tests cannot be used;
  • You cannot use the same test 2 times;
  • It is best to test on night urine;
  • The packaging with the dough is opened immediately before use;
  • Before urinating, you should wash yourself and dry yourself with a towel;
  • Urination should be carried out in a clean container;
  • It is very important to strictly follow the instructions: dip the test into the urine exactly to the indicated level, keep it in the urine no less and no more than the recommended time, evaluate the result only at the indicated time.

Pregnancy test - instructions for use

Pharmacies sell a variety of tests. All of them have a different cost, but they promise the same exact result. We will figure out how to use them correctly and which ones will still be the most reliable.

  • The most popular and reliable are Frautest and Evitest pregnancy tests. The tests of these German manufacturers occupy an average price niche (100-140 rubles), but do not sin with false results.
  • All other tests can be considered equally reliable if used correctly, especially the time to delay. The most reliable result can be obtained by testing in the first 1-3 days of a missed period.
  • The cheaper the test, the cheaper the reagent that is used in it.

Strip test

Popular and inexpensive tests in the form of a paper strip coated with a layer of antibodies in hCG. The hormone contained in the urine reacts with the impregnation of the strip, and a second strip appears on the test.
Instructions for using the test. For testing, you will need a clean container in which a few milliliters of urine is collected. The test is lowered with the tip into the urine to the designated mark and held for 10 seconds. The result is evaluated within 1-10 minutes (the less hCG in the urine, the later 2 strips will appear).
Reliability - from the first day of delay.
Pros: cheap.
Cons: not convenient to use, does not show the result before the delay, may be wrong.

  • FRAUTEST Express
  • Evitest №1
  • secret
  • Femitest Practice

  • BBtest (140 rubles)
  • Femitest Practic Ultra
  • Itest Plus

tablet test

Produced in a special box with two windows. The principle of operation is the same as the strip test. The kit includes a cup for collecting urine and a pipette.
Instruction. In one window you need to drip 4 drops of urine. The result is evaluated in the second window after 1-10 minutes (1 or 2 strips).
Reliability - from the first day of delay. Until the delay does not show pregnancy.
Pros: Inexpensive, easy to read result.
Cons: Requires a lot of work.

  • Frautest Expert
  • Evitest Proof
  • Sezam
  • KnowNow optima

  • LadyTest-C
  • Femitest handy
  • clear blue

Inkjet test

The name itself suggests that it can be placed under the stream of urine.
Instruction. The test is placed under the stream of urine or in a container with urine with a filter tip for 10 seconds. The result is evaluated in 1-10 minutes in a special window (1 or 2 strips).
Reliability - determines hCG 5 days before the delay. One of the best tests.
Pros: accurate, most convenient to use.
Cons: expensive.

  • Femitest jet ultra
  • clear blue
  • clear view

  • Evitest Perfect

Electronic pregnancy test

Another name is digital. The most modern rapid test.
Instruction. The test is dipped into the urine with a filter tip until it is soaked. The result is evaluated after 3 minutes: in case of pregnancy, the “+” sign or the inscription “pregnansy” appears in the window.
Reliability. Can show pregnancy even 4 days before the delay. It is considered 99% accurate when tested 2 days before the expected period.
Pros : The result cannot be misjudged, the most highly sensitive.
Cons: the result is visible only for about a day, then the inscription disappears, it will not work to leave proof of pregnancy as a keepsake. The most expensive.

Can there be a negative pregnancy test result?

HCG levels rise differently for everyone. Within 2 weeks after the delay, the test may still be negative if the woman has endocrine dysfunction or a threatened miscarriage. It will also be a false negative test if it is used too early, some women start doing tests from the day of a possible conception. Well, there is nothing harmful in this, but is it worth tormenting yourself, expecting a miracle?

Another reason is non-compliance with the rules for using the test.

False positive test result

This happens in the following cases:

  • in the first 2 months after delivery;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • the development of a hormone-producing tumor (chorioncarcinoma,);
  • when using an expired test.

Is the result of a test carried out during menstruation reliable?

For some women, menstruation may continue even during pregnancy. However, menstrual blood in no way affects the sensitivity of the test, so the result will be reliable. Even if a woman did a test in urine stained with spotting, if there is a proper level of hCG in her, the test will show bright 2 stripes.

Test results for ectopic pregnancy

With an ectopic pregnancy, as you know, the attachment of the fetal egg occurs outside the uterus, more often in the fallopian tube. But hCG begins to be produced in this case too. A feature is the lack of hCG growth or its slight increase.

Thus, a regular pregnancy test will show the same 2 strips. Probably, the second strip will be barely visible or more blurry than during a normal pregnancy, and the test will become positive only after the onset of a delay in menstruation.

A special INEXSCREEN test allows you to suspect an ectopic pregnancy a couple of weeks after the delay. Diagnosis is based on the detection of the level of the modified isoform in the composition of hCG, which in ectopic pregnancy is significantly lower than the prescribed 10% characteristic of normal pregnancy.

Test results for a missed pregnancy

If a clear, positive result obtained several times during the week becomes doubtful, and then the test shows only one strip at all, it is highly likely that the pregnancy is frozen. You should urgently visit a doctor.

How to decipher a dubious result?

A doubtful result occurs when there is doubt whether there is a second strip. It can be faintly visible, blurry or slightly translucent as if from the inside. Causes:

  • a low level of hCG, borderline with a minimum, at which the test becomes sensitive;
  • unusable test, non-compliance with testing rules;
  • a woman's great desire to see 2 stripes. Too often we wishful thinking.

What to do if the test showed a questionable result? Repeat it after a few days, and preferably 1-2 days after the delay.

Pregnancy test anti-rating

Unfortunately, it also happens that, with strict adherence to the rules for conducting express diagnostics, a pregnancy test shows a result that does not correspond to reality. Tests sin with false positive and negative results:

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