How to dye black jeans. All ways to dye trousers or how to dye jeans in a washing machine, as well as hair dye and other available methods

Invented during the gold rush by Lew Strauss, jeans exceeded his wildest expectations. They not only remain popular after a century and a half, but almost every inhabitant of the planet has them.

The fabric for jeans is characterized by increased strength, while it tends to quickly lose color. Having refreshed the color of your favorite trousers by painting, you can postpone the purchase of new ones for several months.

The chemical industry has provided a decent arsenal of dyes that are suitable for jeans. Among them:

  • powder paints- provide lasting color, but have a very limited color palette;
  • blue easy to use, cheap, but not resistant; giving a rich blue color to the trousers, be prepared to see your legs, underwear, jacket also blue;
  • potassium permanganate provides persistent specific color;
  • hair dye offers an interesting choice of colors, durability significantly depends on the chosen brand;
  • acrylic dyes they are suitable, first of all, for decorative painting, they are quite resistant, but they crack with washing, lose their gloss;
  • aniline dyes- a variety of colors, ease of use, but not particularly resistant;
  • aerosols simple and interesting to use, they are usually persistent, but harmful to the respiratory tract, it is advisable to use a protective mask when using;
  • "Dillon"- special fabric dye, resistant, provides rich color.

preliminary work

Dyeing fabric at home involves working with chemicals, it will be inconvenient to be distracted. It is better to prepare everything in advance.

Preparing jeans for dyeing

Pants to be dyed must be clean and all pockets empty. Any contamination, especially greasy stains, will prevent uniform painting. The result may be disappointing.

Choice and preparation of dye

The choice depends on individual preferences, goals, the presence of color at home. Having set a goal to return the native color to your jeans and carry them as long as possible, it is advisable to use a special fabric dye.

If you want to complement your wardrobe with creative pants, less traditional methods are suitable: acrylic, aniline, aerosol.

Deciding to freshen up old jeans, but not wanting to look for dye, why not use blue or potassium permanganate? Especially if the remedy is already at home.

Regardless of the chosen dye, it must be mixed with water until completely dissolved and mixed until absolutely homogeneous. Otherwise, the color may be uneven.

Using a special dye, it is important to act strictly according to the instructions. In the absence of instructions (potassium permanganate), provide the color with sufficient time to dissolve, at least 5-10 minutes. Then strain through a strainer or even filter the liquid by putting a cotton swab, napkin, or coffee filter into the funnel.

Instructions - dye jeans black in the washing machine beautifully

A special dye, powder or liquid, is suitable for a washing machine. Due to the ease of use and high quality of painting, Dylon dye is rapidly gaining popularity.

Some colors are sold with rubber gloves. When working with paint, it is better to use them. If there are none in the kit, you can use household or medical ones. For painting you need:

  • dilute the color in water, observing the proportions strictly according to the instructions;
  • pour the resulting solution into the drum;
  • if the instruction of your dye requires it, add salt or soda to the color;
  • put the jeans in the drum of the machine;
  • immediately start the program that meets the requirements of the instructions for the parameter of temperature and duration; usually the most suitable - "Jeans" or "Cotton" at 60-95 ° C;
  • prepare a fixative for paint; to do this, pour water and vinegar into the basin at the rate of 1 tablespoon of acetic acid 9% per 1 liter of water or 1 teaspoon of vinegar 70% per 2.5–3 liters of water;
  • immediately after washing with a washing machine, soak the trousers in the prepared fixative for 30-40 minutes;
  • after the specified time, run the pants for a normal machine wash at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C;
  • at the end of washing, straighten the jeans and hang them on clothespins by the ends or lay them out on a flat surface to dry.

Attention! When drying, take care that there are no strong creases. Because of them, accumulations of water and unevenly colored areas can form.

How to dye jeans by hand

For dyeing fabric in a bright color, aniline dyes, aerosols, acrylic, and in some cases hair dye are suitable.

The most common way is aniline paint. The painting process is quite simple:

  • pour water into an enameled bucket or similar large container and dilute the color, the amount of color may vary depending on the desired shade and saturation; you may want to mix 2 dye colors;
  • mix thoroughly, put on the stove;
  • put jeans in the solution;
  • bring to a boil and reduce the burner to a minimum;
  • leave the container with the pants on the switched on stove for 40–50 minutes, while stirring occasionally;
  • rinse;
  • fix the paint in an aqueous solution of vinegar, soaking for 30-40 minutes;
  • wash jeans with warm, but not hot water;
  • hang or lay out without creases to dry.

Painting aerosol does not require any special rules. Point the can and spray paint. Ready! When spraying, you can apply templates and stencils for ornament.

When working with an aerosol, it is important to ensure that the room is sufficiently ventilated so as not to inhale excessive amounts of fumes.

take advantage hair dye to transform jeans, a bold and risky act. Showing up on the pants, the color may not meet your expectations. However, this method does not require boiling and can be used to dye pants that, after boiling, most likely will not fit due to shrinkage.

When using hair dye:

  • dilute 1-2 packs of paint in a bath of water;
  • put jeans in the solution for 45–90 minutes, periodically turn over and drown them;
  • rinse;
  • dry.

Acrylic paints are more suitable for coloring rather than dyeing jeans. You can work with them like ordinary paints, with the help of brushes. Some pre-apply the drawing with a pencil.

After completing the drawing, let the paint dry, for example, from evening to morning or vice versa. Turn inside out, iron, after placing the paper on the picture.

How and how to dye jeans blue

In addition to special dyes, blue will return the color to jeans. It is sold in dry and liquid form, suitable for regular maintenance of color. Washes out very quickly.

Blue is easy to use:

  • mix color with water in a basin, choosing the desired color saturation and concentration, a few tablespoons of salt, mix;
  • put the jeans in the basin for 2-3 hours;
  • add a little vinegar to lukewarm water and rinse;
  • dry by shaking.

How and how to dye jeans black

The most high-quality and long-lasting dye is a special powder, such as Dylon.

If necessary, refresh the appearance, you can use hair dye. The method is described above.

How to "boil" jeans for painting

The concept of “cooking” jeans often raises doubts about the famous “varenki” or not. Let's figure it out in order.

Most painting methods require high temperatures. The solution has to be heated with a washing machine or a kitchen stove to a state of almost boiling (90-95 ° C). For uniform dyeing, the water with the dye should completely cover the jeans, it is recommended to turn them over periodically.

A separate digestion technology serves to obtain a “boiled” model:

  • put a container of water on the stove, add whiteness at the rate of 1 liter of whiteness per 10 liters of water;
  • tie jeans with a strong knot; the tighter you twist the knot or knots, the richer the ornament will be;
  • put the pants in the water to boil for 15-20 minutes, constantly drown them;
  • rinse with cool water, dry.

How to fix the result of painting

When working with dyes, the color is fixed most often with the help of acetic acid. Proportions: 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of acetic acid 9% per 1 liter of water or 5 ml (1 teaspoon) of vinegar 70% per 2.5 liters of water.

In order for the color to become durable, jeans are placed in an acetic solution for at least half an hour.


The most reliable way of painting is the use of special dyes. Sometimes you don't want to leave the house to look.

Considering that we think about dyeing jeans after they have worn them decently, experimenting with colors available in the household is interesting.

What is your assessment of this material?

It is not necessary to throw away your favorite jeans if the color of the fabric has lost its brightness and former attractiveness. Any clothes can be refreshed with a little ingenuity. How to dye jeans at home? We try and experiment.

Where to begin?

In Soviet times, the assortment of clothes was not very diverse, so for our grandparents, such a procedure as dyeing pants with your own hands was in the order of things. Reliable and inexpensive means - blue and white - helped to stand out. It was then that the word "varenki" appeared, which was called fashionably bleached jeans.

Modern clothing stores do not know the word "deficit", they can find jeans of any color and texture, with or without decor. But even today, many needlewomen are happy to use proven grandmother's recipes, wanting to extend the life of their favorite pants, with which they went through fire and water.

So, how to dye jeans with your own hands? First of all, two questions need to be addressed:

  1. How to dye jeans.
  2. How to do it - manually or using a washing machine?

Let's analyze each of them in more detail.

Coloring agents

It is easy to navigate in the variety of fabric dyes if you know exactly what color you want to get and how durable it should be:

  • Aniline dyes are universal products designed to update denim or other dense fabric.
  • Powder paints are permanent dyes in the form of a powder that must be diluted in water. Powders are presented in a narrow range of colors. Recently, a new Dylon powder has been gaining popularity, offering pleasant shades.
  • Acrylic. Acrylic paints are distinguished by increased durability and a variety of color palettes.
  • Potassium permanganate is one of the most inexpensive means. Requires some skill and experience.
  • Blue - present in the house of most housewives in the form of a liquid or powder. Linen is dyed with blue in order to give white fabric freshness. Updating your blue jeans is easy, but be prepared for constant touch-ups.
  • Alternative means - hair dye, aerosol sprays, dyes for ordinary fabrics. Jeans are not intended for dyeing, so it’s difficult to navigate in the palette of shades, and you can’t expect durability.

Denim is lightweight, comfortable and durable. Dense fabric, resistant to wear, cuts, from which any clothes are sewn. There is hardly a more popular material on the planet. It can be cut, embroidered, pressed, decorated with beads, buttons, sequins.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the question of how to dye jeans worries people again and again.

How to dye jeans? Preparation stage

Novelty. If a person buys a piece of clothing or fabric in a store, then everything is simple. You can safely paint such a thing, given other features. And if a person reuses denim, which was once clothing, then you will have to consider it in more detail. If there are scuffs and damages, then during bleaching the places with such defects become thinner. Pieces with such shortcomings should be avoided when painting, because they are torn in the process.
Thickness. The thicker the fabric, the longer it takes to bleach and then dye. If it is not visible to the eye, then the fabric can be weighed. The ratio of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cloth to the weight will tell about the thickness quite definitely.

Density. Few people evaluate this indicator when painting jeans. After all, it is known that the fibers are tightly intertwined. But now different fabrics are produced - from light, summer to very warm, winter. In this case, light, summer models will be painted much faster than warm, winter ones.
Source of additional difficulties. Now ordinary jeans are not at a premium, so you should keep in mind: the more complex the item is sewn, the more difficult it will be to dye it. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the seams, as well as other decorative details (flounces and ruffles, folds and tucks).

The answer to the question of how to dye jeans involves a preparatory stage, when a person evaluates the quality of the material. Is it possible to dye these jeans at all or is it better to throw them away.

How to dye jeans blue?

If a person is pleased with the traditional color of most jeans, but it needs to be updated, you can use a folk recipe - soaking jeans in a blue solution. To dye your jeans blue, you need to take:

Barely warm water (temperature is checked by touch).
Dilute the chemical bought at the hardware store in it. Color density is determined by eye.
Completely immerse the fabric or thing in the solution, leave for at least a few hours, and preferably for a day. For greater durability of staining, add a handful to the solution, and then rinse in a weak solution of vinegar. The method of preparing the latter: pour half a mug of vinegar into each liter of cold water.

The disadvantage of the recipe: the color washes out very quickly, especially if you wash denim in an automatic washing machine.

How to bleach jeans? simple recipes

Pour two glasses of whiteness into ten liters of water. Use a bucket or basin. Put the mixture on the stove and heat until bubbles appear. Place the product or fabric there. Make sure that not a single edge remains dry and nothing sticks out of the water when boiling. For more even bleaching, agitate the fabric with slow sweeping movements. Determine the degree of readiness by color. Overexposure means thinning of the tissue. Take out the white item and rinse under cold running water until the last traces of color come off with the whiteness solution. If the fabric is not completely or unevenly bleached, repeat the procedure in a new solution.
You can lighten jeans slightly in a gentle mode if you add a pack of soda to hot water when washing with powder (take about half a kilogram). The longer you wash, the lighter the color will be. There are people who add this amount of soda to machine wash, but they shorten the life of the equipment in this way.

The procedure is carried out in strong whole household gloves. Carefully inspect them before use: holes or cuts lead to serious damage to the skin of the hands.

Sometimes lemon juice or citric acid is added instead of soda.
like bleach. Two large spoons or about a quarter of a medium glass of this wonderful remedy should be added to the powder compartment when machine washing in hot water. However, peroxide should be handled with extreme care, it easily corrodes fabric and plastic elements of equipment.

Whitening can be done partially. If you leave folds on jeans, pinch small areas with clothespins or rubber bands, you can get very interesting effects.

The question of how to whiten jeans does not imply a definite answer, because it all depends on the needs of a person, how radically he wants to change the look of jeans.

How to dye jeans at home with hair dye?

If you want to radically change the color of denim clothes, then at home you can resort to such a simple and affordable tool as.

Please note that for medium pants you will need at least two packs of paint. But it is better to take with a margin.

No need to desperately ask: “How to dye jeans at home with hair dye?” Instead of this:

Take an enamel basin or bucket.
Dilute the active ingredient in warm water.
Place bleached items of clothing or fabric there.
Make sure that the staining occurs evenly.
Keep the thing in the solution from a quarter of an hour to an hour.
Rinse in a mild vinegar solution.

This is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Final parting words

Do not mix different paints in the same water. Do several procedures in a row to achieve the desired shade.
Always wear gloves.
To be sure, practice bleaching and dyeing first on a small area of ​​the fabric.
Dry things naturally - away from radiators and radiators.

January 16, 2014

Hi all!

Today I want to tell you about an amazing discovery - a dye for fabric "Tekhnokhim".

Many of us have experienced such a phenomenon as lightening black jeans after washing. Usually, even expensive specimens flew into the trash, as they lost their aesthetic and presentation. I was going to do the same with these Austin jeans. But, my hand trembled .. I couldn’t just part with them like that, because I really liked them in all respects. But, alas .. time takes its toll.

I want to say right away that I wash things in the washing machine, and in compliance with all the rules. Usually I even buy special products for black things. But, unfortunately, the effect of them is not significant. Therefore, I firmly decided - I will try to paint, I will always have time to throw it away.

I ordered different types of paint for fabrics, both in boxes and in bags. I did not find any differences in quality, only in the design of the packaging. For the future I will take in cellophane, it's cheaper.

One package is enough to dye 2 pairs of my jeans or 1 pair of men's, size 54)

So what do we need?

- an old basin;

- hot water;

- table salt 200 gr;

- table vinegar.

We heat the water, pour salt and dye into it, stir, and immerse wet, pre-washed jeans in the solution. And cook, stirring, on the smallest "fire", for about 30 minutes. Then I set aside, let it cool. And then I rinse in vinegar, also soaking for 20 minutes.

But after - I rinse in the drum of a washing machine with air conditioning to beat off the smell of vinegar.

And here is what we get:

The seams, the fly were stained, which I will show closer:

Thus, I updated a lot of my things, things of my husband, and also repainted some of my daughter's things into things for my son)

It is very good that the dye on the fabric lasts a long time, does not stain hands, and is not washed out.

BUT, you need to be careful when working - it paints your fingers, and if it gets inside, it can be poisonous.

Due to the strong soiling, I did not dare to paint things in a typewriter. I'm not sure it will be easy to clean the drum. I am satisfied with the option with a basin. But instructions for dyeing things in an automatic machine are also provided, located on the packaging. Also comes with a pair of gloves.

The price of "New" jeans is 45 rubles. And this is with a six-month guarantee that the jeans will remain bright, dark, like new! Before and after. (visible along the seam line)

But in general, these are all nuances, and the result is simply excellent! I am satisfied, I advise everyone!

Every year, fashion designers create a certain design of trousers, which instantly flies around most countries of the world. Blue or "boiled" jeans, decorated with rhinestones, sequins, beads, are approved by most of the fair sex. The pricing policy varies depending on the decor and the original shade, as a rule, it is quite high. In order not to spend hard-earned money, many girls resort to home dyeing, which helps restore the original color of jeans.

Ways to dye jeans

  1. Blue. The first place is rightfully occupied by blue, it belongs to more affordable drugs and fits perfectly on the fabric. A negative characteristic of staining is short-term durability. The composition is washed out of the fiber structure almost after the first wash. If you prefer this method, be prepared for the fact that the color of the trousers will have to be updated regularly.
  2. Powder. Bulk dyes are very popular because they can be poured directly into the washing machine. During wet processing, the color of the fabric is updated. A negative feature is that powder dyes have a fairly small color range.
  3. Potassium permanganate. Staining technology requires attention to detail, the method is not considered simple. However, in the end, you will be able to get everyone's favorite "varenka", which occupies a leading position in the fashion world.
  4. Acrylic. Paints on a similar basis are considered ultra-resistant, thanks to the unique composition, jeans can be washed in a household machine and even boiled. After the final drying, the drawing with acrylic paints ceases to react to external factors, which is an indisputable plus.
  5. Special composition. You can purchase a gel or suspension at a hardware store to change the original color of denim. The disadvantage of the method is considered to be a high pricing policy, the advantage is a long-term effect. An analogy to technology is the use of hair dye as a means of updating the color of trousers.

How to dye jeans in a washing machine

  1. Pick up the coloring powder of the desired shade, dilute it according to the instructions. As a rule, 45 gr. product accounts for 0.5 liters of water.
  2. After dilution, stir the solution with a spatula so that the granules are completely dissolved, make sure there are no lumps.
  3. Next, add to the solution 15 gr. crushed salt and 10 gr. soda, stir again. Such components are needed to maintain color, they are added to the powder if the manufacturer's recommendations are available.
  4. Send jeans to the machine, set the longest wash (about 2 hours). Usually the function of processing cotton and linen is suitable, the main thing is that the temperature regime is at least 90 degrees.
  5. Pour the dye solution into a special compartment, wait for the cycle to complete. After that, pull out the jeans, proceed to the preparation of the soaking composition.
  6. Pour 5 liters of water into the basin, add 325-350 ml. table vinegar (concentration 6-9%). Place trousers in a container, wait a quarter of an hour.
  7. Rinse the jeans with your hands, then send them back to the machine, set the shortest wash (20-30 minutes) at a temperature of 35-40 degrees. Be sure to add powder to wash off excess paint.

In subsequent washes, treat jeans separately from light-colored laundry. After washing the trousers, put the machine on a double rinse, pour in bleach or bleach to wash the pigment from the drum cavity.

  1. Choose the optimal container in which jeans will be dyed. An enamel pan with a thick bottom and walls or a bucket is suitable.
  2. Dilute the powder dye according to the manufacturer's recommendations, stir until the crystals dissolve. Add soda and salt, if required by the instructions, then proceed with the procedure.
  3. Pour 8 liters of water into a pre-selected container, add the prepared pigment there, mix thoroughly again. Place the bucket/pot over medium heat, bring the solution until the first bubbles appear, then reduce the power to a minimum.
  4. Place the jeans in a container, drown them with tongs or a wooden spatula, boil for 1 hour. Periodically stir the solution, turn the trousers over so that they are evenly dyed.
  5. After the specified period, wait for the solution to cool at room temperature, then remove the jeans from the container with tongs. Rinse them by hand.
  6. Prepare a solution by mixing 5 liters of water with 300 ml. vinegar, soak in jeans, wait 20 minutes. After that, wash them in the machine at 40 degrees, add conditioner and powder.

how to dye jeans blue

  1. It is important to understand that blue is suitable for short-term staining. It does not give the jeans a completely new color, but only makes them an order of magnitude bluer. The pigment is washed out after 2-3 washes.
  2. The inefficiency of the method is easily offset by the relative simplicity of the procedure. Prepare the blue solution strictly according to the instructions, soak the trousers in the resulting mixture, leave for 3-4 hours.
  3. Do not forget to periodically stir the composition so that the trousers are stained evenly. After the specified time, proceed to the preparation of the soaking solution.
  4. Dilute table vinegar in a basin, rinse jeans in it. Repeat the procedure until the water becomes clear. Replace the old vinegar solution with a new one as you use it.

  1. Every year, the so-called “boiled jeans”, which came to us from the 80s, are gaining more and more popularity. A similar effect can be done using the well-known potassium permanganate.
  2. A positive feature of the technology is considered to be the complete absence of boiling, coloring is performed without heat treatment.
  3. To create a "varenka" cook 80 gr. potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) and 135 ml. table vinegar with a concentration of 6 to 9%. You will also need a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution in an amount of 30 ml.
  4. Mix the listed components in one composition, dilute with water in a ratio of 2: 1. Twist the jeans with a tourniquet, fix with white hair ties.
  5. Place the pants in the solution, leave for 20 minutes. Every 5 minutes, “drown” the product in the mixture so that it does not float. After the specified period, remove the jeans.
  6. Rinse them with your hands, then send them to the machine for a double rinse. Add gel powder and fabric softener.

It is not difficult to dye jeans if you have sufficient knowledge regarding the available methods. Carry out the technology using potassium permanganate, purchase a special powder in the hardware store to change the color of the fabric. Decorate the trousers with acrylic paints, giving them the desired pattern. Consider dyeing with special gel pigments that are designed for denim.

Video: how to dye jeans