How to understand what intentions a man has. How to understand the intentions of a man - is it worth hoping for a serious relationship or is it better to put an end to it right away

Your relationship has been going on for a very long period, but there is still no recognition and a hint of the seriousness of the relationship from the man. You can put up with this for a while, but sooner or later you will start to wonder: what is the reason for this behavior, how to understand what?

And there is another situation: at the first meeting, a man does not take his eyes off you, but does not dare to invite you on a date or get to know each other. Girls rarely discard principles and get to know each other first, so the moment that can develop into a serious relationship is often missed.

It should be understood that a declaration of love for men is a serious step and, being afraid of rejection, they do not risk confessing their feelings. However, how to understand that a man is serious and is not interested in just a fleeting romance with you?

Signs of a serious man

Today, the psychology of relationships defines the four most important signs that indicate the seriousness of a man's intentions for his chosen one:

    The first thing you notice when a man feels sincere sympathy for a woman, and maybe even love, is the desire to spend as much time with her as possible. Your chosen one will find not only time, but also a reason to stay with you as long as possible.

    The manifestation of care and tenderness, while not demanding anything in return, is the second sign of a serious attitude towards you.

    Your requests are not ignored, while the man takes the initiative and all appeals do not go unnoticed.

    When you hear from his friends that in your absence, the chosen one becomes more withdrawn, his mood plummets.

When a man is truly in love, he will not necessarily talk about it every day. But there are cases when for the opposite sex, words of love are an empty phrase, so they are "sprayed" by them quite often, without putting much meaning. But silence is often a signal of sincere feelings. So, how to understand the true intentions of a man? Often, it is enough just to look at the sign language and try to analyze them.

At the sight of his chosen one, for whom a man has an insane passion, he will begin to draw in his stomach, straighten his shoulders, shake off non-existent dust particles from his shoulder. You can notice how the pupils of a man dilate at the sight of you. Many psychologists argue that such a reaction occurs only in people in love. Pay attention to his body position. Your partner will try to be as close as possible to you, hold your hand, try to fence off others. A man in love, as often as possible during a conversation, will try to look into your eyes, catching your every movement.

An important point in understanding the relationship of a man to a woman is the emotions that he shows next to her. Communicating with the chosen one, with whom a man is in love, you can see how the smile does not leave his face, while he will constantly look into her eyes.

A serious-minded man will constantly look for ways to please you and pleasantly surprise you, without waiting for a special occasion.

If you still doubt the sincerity of your chosen one, and think about how to understand the guy’s intentions, then try to find out what kind of relationship he had before you. You should not continue the relationship, and even more so wait for a declaration of love from or a married man. Being married, a man is unlikely to want to destroy it for you, and for a womanizer you will be another beautiful girl in his "collection".

When you know that a man is not fond of short novels and does not support them, and is also lonely, then the chances of his sincerity towards you increase exponentially. Feel free to observe your partner, his emotions and ask his friends about past relationships. After all, the continuation of your communication depends on such information.

The seriousness of the intentions of the chosen one: how to recognize?

You have been with your man for quite a long time. The candy-bouquet period is left behind and you are tormented by the question of the seriousness of the intentions of your chosen one. A woman is especially worried in the case when she has been with a man for more than a year, but there are still no marriage proposals. At such a moment, doubts and worries are quite natural.

So, how to understand about the seriousness of a man to you, about his desire to connect fate with you? First of all, take a closer look at his behavior, as well as the topics of conversation. A serious-minded man, at least occasionally, will hint at you about living together and even marriage. He will want to get to know your parents as well as introduce you to his. Do not forget that for such a chosen one you will always be a priority and he will prove it in every possible way. Such a man will not disappear for a week after the next date, but will try to call or see each other as often as possible.

Another important point is proximity. The chosen one in love will not rush you, and at the moment of intimacy he will not be limited to his own pleasure, forgetting about his companion. Other women will become taboo for him, he will not allow himself familiar communication with him, let alone easy flirting.

Frame from the film "Diary of Memory", 2004.

How to find out if the chosen one loves you and understand that the man is serious? Of course, the most accurate answer can only be obtained from your chosen one, but what to do when there is no strength to wait and you want to understand what he feels for you.

At the first stage, you can try to ask his friends. He probably discussed your relationship and feelings for you more than once. However, there is a risk that friends will not want to give you such personal information or you will not like the answer. Do not be upset in this case, because the words of strangers do not always contain the truth. As already described above, the only sure way to understand the intention of a man is to observe his behavior. Another sign of a serious attitude towards you will be jealousy on his part. He will not allow the opposite sex to show you excessive attention, if necessary, delicately explain that you are not alone.

It would be nice to say in jest about living together and look at the reaction of the man. If he joked in the direction of the fact that he is not yet ready, then here we are hardly talking about a serious attitude towards you. When a man decides to be together, he himself offers to come together and as soon as possible. Thus, your boyfriend will show that he is set for a serious relationship.

Frame from the movie "Dear John", 2010.

It is important to understand that not all men will prove true love with every minute attention and expensive gifts. In many cases, your chosen one will start to take care of his career more diligently, perhaps looking for a new job. Most likely, he sees you as a future wife, so he will try to do everything to make life together as comfortable as possible.

Unfortunately, men do not always show their love in the way that we (women) would like to see or are accustomed to seeing in romantic films. Do not forget about the psychological characteristics of men. Often, your chosen one can show sincere feelings not with a bouquet of dozens of roses, but with banal care, in the form of a warm scarf and hot tea when you are sick.

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The first month flew by swiftly and dizzily after meeting the most charming, strong, kind man. The young body, exhausted from the persistent caresses of well-groomed and strong hands, demands the continuation of the love feast. A fiery heart, energetically pumping blood at the sight of this beloved and dear man, asks for even more passion. However, the clouded mind, which has subsided for a while, whispers more and more insistently that it is time to find out the true intentions of the man. The consciousness, relaxed for the period of romantic courtship, more and more boldly begins to hint that there are some trifles and certain circumstances indicating that a man may have other plans for the future, which are clearly different from our fantasies.

Indeed, such a situation occurs at every turn, when a couple is excellent together, but love confessions, proposals to legitimize relationships from a guy are not at all heard. When partners have a great time spending rare hours of divine idyll, however, there is no slightest hint of a serious relationship on the part of the young man. For a certain period, uncertainty can be tolerated, but over time, every self-respecting woman has a logical question: “How to understand the true intentions of a man she likes? How do you know if the guy you love so much has serious plans?
The fact that the soul of another person is darkness, and the device of the male psyche is a completely dense forest, was well known to our mothers, and grandmothers and distant ancestresses. The camouflaged behavior of the guys, their silence and unwillingness to show emotions is a natural and natural phenomenon. All this is due to the fact that it is much more difficult for a man to recognize the presence of love than to conquer the expanses of the Universe and break scientific stations in distant galaxies.

In a declaration of love and the narration of their plans, young people are frightened by absolutely everything. And the fear that they will not be able to find the right words. And anxiety that they will be misunderstood. And the fear that they will be ridiculed. And the anticipation that others will find out about their plans. However, the greatest obsessive and all-consuming male fear, which does not allow aloud to talk about their intentions, is due to the fact that the guys naively believe that as soon as the lady of the heart can find out about serious plans, she will certainly reject him.
Stealth is a natural instinct of men, which, in their opinion, allows them to survive and succeed on the love front. We will not reshape the male psychology, but we will accept this feature of the guys as a fact. And we will begin to act like a spy who has penetrated a complex male life in order to find out: he is attracted only by a short-term relationship, or he has serious intentions. We take the advice of psychologists for guidance.

How to know that a guy has serious intentions: signals of his sympathy
A huge mistake that many women make is to pass off sweet dreams for harsh reality. To get rid of the chaos in the head, eliminate the confusion in the soul and determine the true plans of the guy, the main action is to take off the rose-colored glasses, put out the heart fire and turn on the mind. We, as sages who have taken the lotus position and are watching life from heaven, should look at our relationship with the guy from the outside. To impartially assess the essence and quality of our contacts. Analyze the behavior of the partner, his statements about life values ​​and plans. Do not try to embellish his personality, do not justify his actions and do not distort the true meaning of the meetings.
To determine if the guy’s intentions are serious or if he longs for a short pleasant pastime, attentiveness, observation and prudence will help. We should study very carefully how he specifically relates to us: what he says, how he helps, what advice he gives. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, but even if a man opens the car door for you, whether he offers his jacket on a cool evening, can tell a lot about his upbringing and manners. We need to pay attention to what opinion he expresses in general about the female gender, respectfully or dismissively talks about his parents, whether he appreciates family traditions.

To find out the intentions of a young man, it will help us to enter his social circle. We must understand what his friends live and breathe. Find out if he prefers to contact established family people or likes to spend time in a cheerful and noisy company of bachelors who dilute their leisure time with fun with women.
To tell if the guy has serious intentions, his statements about his previous relationships can also. Whether he accuses the previous passion of all mortal sins, stigmatizes her, attributes devilish flaws, or responds with warmth. If, as a result of his former relationship, he became a father, we must carefully examine how he relates to his own child. We remember that if a man speaks cynically and angrily about a previous companion, we cannot be insured that such negative diarrhea will not happen to him after our separation. We take into account that if a man does not help and does not contribute to the upbringing of an existing child, then he is unlikely to become a caring parent in the future.

Pay attention to whether he tries to introduce you to his circle of friends, how he introduces his companion to his friends. We take into account that a young man with serious intentions tries to “show off” his lovely bride to his friends and therefore is happy to be with her in companies. We remember that if a man is building some kind of global plans for you, he will not delay the moment of acquaintance of his chosen one with his relatives. Of course, you can’t expect that after the first date, the guy will definitely introduce you to his parents as a bride. However, if a man does not make any attempts to get to know his family after a year of meetings, then he is unlikely to make serious plans for you. This phenomenon is often observed among married men who lead their mistress by the nose, assuring that they are single.

A sign that a man has serious intentions is trust. If a person boldly trusts you with secrets, without concealment tells the details of his past, shares his experiences, then, for sure, your presence in his life is included in his plans. Another sign that speaks of the serious intentions of a guy is a conscious choice of topics for conversations regarding the prospects for a life together. A guy who talks about how wonderful and happy you will be together is definitely interested in continuing the relationship.
A weighty signal confirming that you are valuable and dear to a man is his hint of a clear desire to procreate. A man will never discuss the topic of raising children if he does not see the current companion as their mother. Unless, of course, he is a notorious liar and a cynic.
An important evidence that the guy has serious intentions is his desire to spend as much time with you as possible. A man in love will regularly call you on the phone, write messages on social networks. He will try to meet you after work and offer to spend the evening together. He will definitely want to be with you on the weekend.

Many women believe that if a young man invited them home, then this is a guarantee of his serious intentions. However, this is not entirely true. There are guys for whom native penates are a sanctuary, where the entrance to mere mortals is not available. But there is also a large group of guys who simply do not have the opportunity to find another place for intimate meetings with a woman. Their house looks like a passage yard, where fifty young ladies visit every month, and not only his girlfriends, but also the chosen ones of his friends. Therefore, it is not necessary to draw a conclusion about men's plans just because you crossed the threshold of his apartment. But if a guy persistently demands that you pack your bags and move to his paradise in a hut, then this is a serious argument that confirms his interest.

When a man feels sympathy for a young lady, he will show care and tenderness. And for his help, he will not demand anything in return. A guy who is interested in a woman will never ignore her requests, will not refuse to perform those things that he is capable of doing. He will not evade cutting dead trees in the garden of his beloved grandmother. He will courageously carry a rotten sofa from the bedroom to the living room. A man in love will patiently teach your little brother how to ride a tricycle.
Some ladies believe that if a guy is in love, he will talk about his feelings without stopping. However, young ladies forget that for some young guys, vows of deep love are an empty sound that they reproduce daily. That is why most often the silence of men is a confirmation of their serious intentions. His gestures, facial expressions and movements speak about the true feelings of the guys. A young man in love with his whole body will strive to get closer to his chosen one. He will look the lady of the heart straight in the eyes.

A serious guy will look for ways to surprise and please his chosen one. Moreover, he will not necessarily arrange surprises if there is an important reason. It is not necessary that his gifts will be expensive, but you can definitely count on the originality of the ideas of a man in love. Of course, there are some guys who are unable to think beyond sweets and bouquets.
Another important point that reveals the essence of a male relationship is direct intimacy. A man in love will not insist on intimacy and rush a woman. At the moment of an intimate meeting, he will not be limited solely to his own pleasure, but will try with all his might to make his lady pleased. A man in love will not immediately turn to his smartphone after the meeting, he will not rush to a spontaneously organized business date.

In the morning after a stormy night, a man in love will offer breakfast or at least make coffee. He will not be indifferent to how the lady of the heart will get to the house from his apartment: he will deliver the woman to the entrance by car or order a taxi for her. A man interested in a companion will not limit the time of her stay in his house, hinting that at eight in the morning a conference is being held in his apartment. Moreover, he will not disappear for a month after the first sex.

How to find out the plans of a man? Remember that a man in love will not:

  • talk exclusively about sex;
  • avoid meeting with you and look for a reason to cancel a date;
  • issue ultimatums;
  • interrupt you when you talk about your feelings;
  • "hide" you from the public;
  • disappear for a long time;
  • demand the impossible from you.

  • Remember: if something is bothering you a lot in a relationship with a man, the best way to find out his plans is to talk to him frankly. If the young man plays up and tries to get away from the conversation, it is quite possible that his intentions are not at all too serious, or he has another woman.

    In order to recognize the intentions of a man and find out that a young man is sincerely in love and is going to build a joint future, a girl should look at her partner very carefully. Then she will be able to see some signs in the behavior that will indicate his plans. When a woman receives important answers to her questions, she will be able to feel much more confident and begin to trust her lover.

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    How to understand the intentions of a man?

    To understand the intentions of a man, you should forget about feelings and analyze the behavior of a partner. You should give up heart impulses and sensibly assess the current situation. You need to pay attention to the actions and words of the young man. Do not embellish events and try to wishful thinking.

    You should observe how the companion treats other women. If he does not pay attention to them, then he does not need anyone except his girlfriend. When a man finds someone with whom he would like a serious relationship, he stops flirting with the rest.

    A few signs that will help understand the seriousness of the guy's intentions:

    1. 1. A serious-minded young man will quickly introduce the chosen one to people close to him: friends and parents. It is necessary to take into account his behavior towards the lady in the company, to analyze how he introduces her to his comrades.
    2. 2. If a guy finds his only woman, then after a while he will invite her to his parents' house. He will show a desire to meet her relatives, reporting that they are future relatives. These actions ensure that the girl has an important place in the heart of a young man.
    3. 3. Most often, men are secretive personalities who keep painful topics and experiences in themselves. If the chosen one opens his soul to the girl and begins to tell her about personal problems, he takes her seriously.
    4. 4. If a man often starts a conversation about a joint future, makes plans for a future life with his beloved, or talks about children, then he wants a serious relationship.
    5. 5. A guy who appreciates his beloved will try to spend a lot of time with her (always walking together or just being at home with her). This suggests that he is as comfortable as possible with this lady and he is not looking for other options.

    Behavior that betrays frivolous intentions

    A man who is not going to build a serious relationship with a girl will often arrange secret meetings and try not to introduce her to friends. He will not always answer calls and SMS. Sometimes he avoids meetings and comes up with many excuses not to stay close to a woman.

    If he constantly communicates with other girls too closely, then he treats his companion as a friend.

    Much can be determined by how a young man behaves if a girl asks to wait a little with an intimate relationship. If he tries to hint or says directly that he wants to move to the next level faster, he is unlikely to make distant plans. Some guys may report a breakup if they don't get what they want. You should not consider such people as life partners.

    If a man at the beginning of a relationship at meetings constantly talks only about himself (about friends, hobbies and problems), then he sees in front of him not his beloved girl, but an interlocutor to whom he can speak out and, with the help of this, ease his soul. A guy whose intentions are serious will not immediately tell everything about himself, because he does not want to scare a woman.

    Anyone who likes to show off and report on achievements just wants to seem like a real macho who can handle everything in order to persuade the chosen one to have an intimate relationship.

    Communication by correspondence

    If a man tries to find new topics for dialogue in correspondence, he is afraid to lose a girl and he tries to interest her in communication. He constantly asks her to talk about herself and asks about how her day went.

    Sometimes a young man regrets that the girl was not around at any time. He will compare her with others, saying that such good, smart and beautiful no longer exist. A man will definitely try to spend as much time with her as possible, he will constantly write and call. For the next meeting in the social network, he will find the Internet anywhere in the world.

    If he does not seek to communicate, constantly disappears, sometimes forgets to answer messages and most often tries to talk about intimate topics, then the guy does not take his chosen one seriously.

    The behavior of men in love of different zodiac signs

    Behavior that betrays serious intentions in men of different zodiac signs is described in the table:

    Zodiac sign Behavioral Features
    AriesIf a man is seriously passionate about a woman, he will not rush things and will try to make the relationship cozy and calm.
    TaurusThe serious intentions of Taurus are courtship in the classical tradition. He will acquire expensive bouquets and sweets. The more he spends, the more valuable a woman is to him. This zodiac sign is not too decisive, so the period of flowers and sweets may be slightly delayed.
    TwinsIf a guy does not make fun of a woman's shortcomings and is always touched by her weaknesses, then he is counting on a serious relationship. Generosity and caring are a guarantee of serious intentions
    CancerHe will fulfill any request and even a whim, he will be faithful and reliable.
    a lionA man will stop talking about himself and listen to his chosen one with pleasure. The true feelings of Leo men betray a keen interest in a companion
    VirgoThe Virgo man will not wait and will soon propose to his beloved. Even if she does not agree, he will get his way and hope that the woman will change her mind.
    ScalesThe guy will try to introduce the girl to his family and friends, introduce her to his friends and begin to hint that the time has come to move on to the next stage of the relationship. Most often, this zodiac sign is relaxed and "hovers in the clouds", so such actions are extremely revealing.
    ScorpionHe will immediately notify everyone that the guy and the girl are a couple. Scorpios are owners, so a man will behave as if the girl is completely his
    SagittariusHe will forget about the penchant for adventurism and will try to spend as much time as possible with his beloved. Will tell a lot of interesting things, try to attract a girl with intelligence, erudition and erudition
    CapricornThe man will constantly consult with the chosen one and show other signs of loyalty
    AquariusHe will try to elicit from the companion her views on core values ​​and talk with her on practical topics.
    FishIf a guy born under this zodiac sign counts on a long union, he will forgive the girl everything and always

    August 11, 2015

    There is an opinion that a woman did not take place in life if she could not get married and give birth to children. Indeed, the truth is that not everyone finds their other half, many remain single all their lives.

    Answer the question "Why is this happening?" It's hard enough. The most common situation is that a man shows attentiveness, beautifully looks after a woman, they start an affair. But as soon as there is a hint of marriage, the potential betrothed decides to end the relationship, while their duration does not matter, whether it be a couple of months or several years.

    Women have been trying to unravel the causes of the “fear syndrome” in men before legal marriage for many years. But do not exaggerate the excessive male mystery. Representatives of the stronger sex are prosaic and very transparent in their desires. Many of them also want to get married, but the difference with the desires of women is obvious: at least a man needs more time to reach the stage in a relationship when he wants more.
    To avoid self-deception and at least shake the female faith in miracles, consider the five basic laws of male behavior:

    1. Create your own rules in a relationship with a man and talk about your intentions.

    Most likely, a young man will not refuse to follow the rules in a relationship if he finds out that they exist and what exactly they are. How often does it work out? Two young people begin to build relationships on the principle of "Let's go with the flow, let's see what happens in the end." After some time, a woman begins to think about a full-fledged family, and to see her boyfriend as a husband, and even summer is on the nose, why not an ideal time for a solemn wedding? But the difference is that the man does not even think about the plans of his beloved.

    This happens when each of the couple did not initially indicate the ultimate goal of their intentions. Maybe the man even started a relationship for regular sex, delicious homemade food and care from the weaker sex.

    Naturally, no one says that such a serious conversation should be started on the first date. With cries of "Marry me," a woman would rather bring her potential life partner to a heart attack than receive an engagement ring. But after some time of relationship, in a very delicate and unobtrusive manner, it is worth indicating your intentions.

    For example, casually add one of the phrases to a general conversation: “For me, family is the most sacred thing. I would very much like to have a loving husband and two kids”, “I am against civil marriages. If people love each other, then they don’t need any checks”, “For example, I would not want to date a guy who is not serious about me, fleeting intrigues are of little interest to me”, “Open relationships are not for me, I am a serious person”, etc.

    There can be many options for phrases, everyone chooses the one that best suits his life situation.

    If a young man is serious about a girl, then at least the relationship will not change, and as a maximum, it is worth waiting for further serious steps. If everything was started as temporary entertainment, then after such confessions, most likely, the relationship will end.

    1. A man in love is able to declare his feelings to the whole world.

    If we are not talking about first dates, but about more or less long-term relationships, then getting to know parents, friends and relatives should not frighten a man. If he comes up with excuses why he can’t introduce you to his loved ones, then most likely you are a temporary option, and he just needs you to satisfy his own needs.
    A loving man who has serious plans for a girl will show her to his friends, colleagues and even parents without hesitation. Here it is worth considering that the opinion of loved ones plays an important role for a man. Therefore, a positive impression of acquaintance will favorably affect further relationships.

    1. A man in love will protect, provide and take care.

    Sometimes such a trifle as helping to carry a heavy bag will tell a lot more about feelings than all the love cards in the world. Moreover, not every guy is capable of romantic deeds and even words. But if someone offends his woman, the man is able to protect her from all existing threats and troubles.

    For someone who sincerely loves, it is important that the beloved is happy, protected, healthy and well-fed. If a man sees his beloved as the mother of his future children, he is able to do the impossible, surround him with care and all the benefits, this is at the level of instincts.

    1. A decent man will be honest about his intentions.

    In practice, the representatives of the stronger sex are simple, and this simplicity makes them very beautiful. Even in kindergarten, boys pull the pigtail of the girl they like, and they seem to want to offend her, but all from deep feelings. A few minutes later, the offender gives out - "I'll grow up and marry you!" One way or another, but with age, men in this respect change little. A good man is one who does not want to fool a girl in vain.

    Many happily married women recall that the husband, already at the first meetings, announced his readiness to marry. Although most often it is said as a joke, but, as they say, in every joke ...

    No wonder they say that you feel “your” person right away, such marriages are often long-lasting and full of happiness.

    In general, if the words “wedding”, “children”, “family” begin to slip in your man’s speech, then you can confidently declare the seriousness of his intentions.

    1. If he does not want to marry, then he does not love.

    If you truly love, you are afraid to lose. There is even an anecdote on the topic:

    “If you look at a girl for a long time, you can see how she gets married.”

    Constantly postponing the wedding for later can end in a breakup, because there will always be an attentive and sensitive friend nearby who will lend his shoulder to your girlfriend in difficult times. Therefore, it is not worth the time with the registration of marriage for a long time.
    The best manifestation of your love and seriousness of intentions will be an engagement ring and a trip to the registry office, after which the wife will bear her husband's surname and equip the family nest.

    So why has the formalization of relationships become a problem in today's world? One of the reasons may be the following. There was love, but the girl chose another, and in order to forget her beloved, the man began dating another. But she did not become as beloved and desired as before.

    For many men, the needs remain at the level of reflexes, they need homemade food, regular sex and full care. As long as the young man receives all of the above without unnecessary demands, he will be next to his companion. If she begins to hint at marriage, then the man remembers that the feelings are not so strong, the food is not so tasty, and somehow there are no common children in the plans for the future. Discarding emotions, it is worth recognizing that a man who does not show obvious signs of love is next to such a girl only because he did not find someone more suitable for himself.

    At the first opportunity, he will leave the girl, finding her a more worthy alternative. The moral is, it makes no sense to waste your young years on a person with whom your life principles and plans do not coincide. You need to learn how to easily say goodbye to such people so that the one who truly loves can come and be there at the right time and for the rest of his life.

    Very often, a woman in a relationship is tormented by the question of how serious a man is towards her? He cannot figure out where in his actions there is a border between a pleasant pastime and a deep feeling, a desire to create a strong long-term union. Therefore, let's try to clarify when a man's serious intentions begin - how to understand and support them?

    The main female mistake at the initial stages of a relationship is her impatience, haste, desire to quickly get guarantees that she does not waste time in vain, on a relationship "without a future." Because of this, she takes promises, beautiful deeds, an abundance of attention for seriousness. I suggest separating the wheat from the chaff.

    Do you know what secret words will help to fall in love with a man very quickly?

    To find out, click on the button below and watch the video until the end.

    The importance of the time factor

    No matter how much you want to hurry - it will not work. Love, respect, responsibility for another person are not born instantly. It is strange to expect (and demand) seriousness after several meetings, no matter how well they went.

    Therefore, in the first couple of months, you should not think about seriousness at all. No, of course, as long as you get to know each other better, it becomes clear how much a man, in principle, suits you (and you suit him), and it is important and necessary to look at this. But until the relationship has been tested by serious situations (conflicts, for example), while the first passion and tenderness are burning in them, there is no need to look for seriousness in a man. I assure you - it is not in it.

    Men “swing” much longer than women, and everything that they do at first is dictated at best by enthusiasm in your direction and the desire to please you, at “worst” (but quite natural) - by the desire to satisfy their passion (in fact, this is far from the worst case.

    Did he take you abroad for the weekend? It only means that he wants to go somewhere with you, nothing more. He bought you half a lingerie store, which means that he wants to see it on you, nothing more. Does he pick you up from work every day and take you to expensive restaurants? It means he wants you to eat well and be safe and spend more time together, nothing more.

    Now about the depth of communication, this is also important. Do you know how he lives, what he dreams about? Whether to share his difficulties, whether he asks for advice. Tells what he will do in your absence. Simply put, is the intimacy in your communication growing, are you becoming important and necessary for him? Actually, if this is so, the main thing is that it depends on you that his intentions become serious, you did.

    How to find the key to a man's heart? Use secret words that will help you conquer it.

    If you want to know what to say to a man in order to charm him, click on the button below and watch the video until the end.

    What are the serious intentions of a man

    Three main markers allow you to define. That a man is serious about a woman. She admires him, and he cannot contain his admiration (although they have been together for more than a month). He wants to take care and takes care of her, tries to make her life better in all aspects. He is afraid of losing her - expressed in jealousy, the manifestation of possessive feelings in other ways. These are the three main psychological bases.

    If a woman has doubts about the serious intentions of a man, as a rule, they are not unfounded. That is, if enough time has passed since the start of the relationship, and during the first three to five months they have not fallen apart, by this time the man begins to understand what he feels in relation to his beloved, what he wants. And it starts to broadcast, consciously and unconsciously.

    Actions, words, all your attitude. A woman does not have questions whether a man is serious if he is serious. In such cases, he is attentive to her emotional state, takes care of her, helps. If there is no respect for you or your feelings in his behavior, if a man constantly shows neglect, looks for reasons to quarrel, provokes or manipulates you - this is a reason to think.

    What to do if a man has no serious intentions, but he does not let go

    It is important to understand the wording here. What does "do not let go" mean? Do you put into these words the meaning that he continues to see you when he wants to, or disappear without explanation, behaves in such a way as to keep you “on a short leash”, but all of the above does not happen (care - interest - fear)?

    He behaves the way you let him behave. You hope that something may change in his attitude towards you, and you are waiting for this. But it is not he who does not let you go, but you do not let him go. It doesn’t suit you with what is happening (he, as I understand it, everything is in order), but you continue to meet with him.

    Clearly state your desires to him (if you think you are wrong, and he is already choosing an engagement ring for you), and see what he will do with them. If a man's intentions are serious, your desires are important to him. Like your condition, your joy and good mood.

    Has anything changed in his attitude towards you and actions in your direction? I think everything is obvious, and the question of whether this man has serious intentions and what kind to understand them disappears.

    What to do if a man has no serious intentions

    The main recommendation that can be given in such a situation is to stop deceiving yourself. That he will change, that he has not yet seen how wonderful you are. Or that he will come to his senses if you become even more wonderful. Many women are drawn into long-term relationships with men who do not choose them to the end, without serious intentions, the desire to start a family with them. They even agree to live with them, give them warmth, care, sex.

    They are driven by fear. Loneliness, the fact that another meeting will not happen. For years they deceive themselves that he will appreciate everything, realize and change. Do not do that. Don't settle for being with a man who doesn't take you seriously and doesn't hide it. This is detrimental to a woman, and in 99 cases out of a hundred it ends with the man choosing someone else.

    And even if he does not choose, their life together turns into a very sad sight. Because in this situation neither he nor she can be happy, they remain unsatisfied. He has the one that is given, she has the one that is received.


    Take your time to judge a man's intentions in the early stages of a relationship. Time needs to pass. As the relationship develops, this issue will clear up by itself. If a man starts taking you seriously, you will feel it. He will take care of you in all plans, become your close person and gradually you will develop. If this does not happen, you will feel it too, and the main thing here is not to deceive yourself, and not to think that everything will change with time.

    There are only a few secret words, upon hearing which a man will begin to fall in love.

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