How to properly clean a coat at home? How to clean leather, cashmere, wool and drape coats? How to clean a coat made of different types of fabric

A coat is a must-have item in a classic wardrobe. Most people prefer this type of demi-season clothing, because it does not go out of fashion and fits into any style. But it has to be cleaned, because even on black fabric, traces of dust and dirt become visible over time. How to properly refresh a coat at home, as well as maintain its original appearance, we will learn in this article.

How to clean a coat at home

There are several types of home cleaning of outerwear. Depending on the degree of soiling and the type of fabric, you should choose the best option.

  1. Dry cleaning. Produced with a soft bristle brush and cleaning agent. Suitable for cleaning from dust and hair products from any kind of fabric.
  2. Wet cleaning. It can be used to remove individual stains or dirt on the collar, sleeves and pockets. For this, special stain removers are used, selected according to the type of fabric. Dry cleaning is recommended before wet cleaning.
  3. Wash. It is used for products that have a corresponding mark on the label. Usually this is a coat made of synthetic fabric.

It is important to choose the right drying method. So that the product does not lose its appearance, first it is laid out on a towel or natural white cloth, squeezed slightly, and after a while it is hung on a coat hanger.

Cashmere coat

Cashmere is a very delicate fabric that requires delicate wear and cleaning. When purchasing a coat made from this type of wool, many wear it only on special occasions in order to keep it clean and tidy for as long as possible.

Be extremely careful if you want to clean your cashmere coat yourself. Be sure to read the manufacturer's recommendations, which are usually written on the label. If machine or hand washing is allowed, then it must be done in water whose temperature does not exceed 30 degrees. It is also worth putting the machine on a delicate mode and removing the spin function.

To remove individual stains, hang a dirty coat on a coat hanger and use special products. If they are not at hand, then try proven home methods.

  1. Traces of coffee, tea and food. Cleaned with vinegar or ammonia diluted with glycerin in proportions of 1: 1. Then the stains are wiped with soapy water.
  2. Oily spots. Gasoline will come to the rescue, and if the cashmere is light, then talc. Treat the coat with gasoline from the wrong side, placing it under the front paper or fabric. Wipe the stain with a cotton pad soaked in gasoline until it disappears. You can simply sprinkle with talc, and after a few hours brush it off.
  3. Fresh pollution. If you have just planted a stain on your coat, sprinkle it with salt and leave until it is absorbed. Then clean with a brush, a cloth, and, if necessary, wipe with soapy water.

In the event that your coat has dried dirt and old stains, it is better to take the product to a dry cleaner, where it will be delicately cleaned with professional products.

Draped coat

Drape products are more practical than cashmere, so you can safely clean them at home. For the standard procedure for removing dust and dirt accumulated on the villi, you need a sponge and warm water. Hang the product on a coat hanger and wipe until it is clean. Then wait until the coat is dry and put it on. In order for clothes made of drape to serve you longer and get less dirty, it is recommended to treat it with products for suede products.

If stains remain, then bread will help remove them. Spread the coat on the table and roll the crumb over the dirty places. Then remove the crumbs settled on the villi with a brush.

The advantage of drape fabric is that it can be processed with a steam cleaner. This device will simultaneously remove dirt and smooth the coat.

Wool coat

If you want to remove dust and fluff from your coat, then use a sticky clothes roller. Walk it over the fabric without pressing. If necessary, repeat the cleaning several times.

Grease stains on wool can be treated with gasoline, thinner, talcum powder or starch. How to do it correctly was described above. Stains that have appeared from food or drinks are removed with a mixture of vinegar and ammonia, taken in equal parts.

The wool coat is easy to wash in the machine if you select the hand wash cycle without spinning. For this, liquid powders or synthetic detergents for woolen fabrics are used. After washing, rinse the coat several times in cool water and lay it out on a towel or plain cotton fabric. Such a coat should be dried without the use of heaters and an iron.

Synthetic coat

The advantages of such coats are that they have a long service life and are easy to care for. A quality polyester coat will last you for several seasons and you can wear it as long as you like as it will never go out of style.

To refresh the appearance, it is enough to wash the product in the machine on a delicate mode with minimal speed. Use detergents with a liquid consistency, they do not leave streaks and make the fabric softer. If, after drying, the coat looks wrinkled, then you can walk on it with an iron in the first mode, putting gauze or cotton fabric on the surface.

Tips on how to wash a synthetic coat:

  • observe the water temperature. Usually it is not more than 30 degrees;
  • do not wash the coat with other things;
  • turn on the extra rinse function;
  • wring out the product at minimum speed;
  • dry the coat on a horizontal surface, straightening the fabric well.

If the composition contains wool in addition to polyester, then use the tips for wool products to clean it.

Remember to clean your coat when it gets dirty, or at least once a season. This will help to avoid the appearance of stubborn stains and traces of wear. Store the product in a closet in a special cover for outerwear to avoid the penetration of unpleasant odors and protect against moths.

Video: how to iron a coat at home

A drape coat is a beautiful and warm demi-season clothing that requires careful wear and regular care. Drap is a heavy two-layer fabric that is not recommended for washing in a washing machine. In order for the product to serve for a long time and not lose its original appearance, you need to use chemical treatment or an independent delicate cleaning at home.

Types of self-processing

Types of self-treatment There are two ways to clean a drape coat - dry and wet. How exactly to clean depends on the degree of contamination of the product, the time allotted for the procedure, and the availability of the necessary funds.

Dry way

It involves quick cleaning of the product without moisturizing and the need to use additional time to dry things. For this procedure, you will need coat hangers, a brush, rye bread, a clothes roller, rubber gloves, Vanish hand washing detergent and soda. Before you start cleaning, you need to place the coat on the coat hanger and inspect the product to determine the most soiled areas.

At this stage, it is necessary to clean the fabric of dust, threads and hair with a clothes roller or a natural brush. Cleaning should be done in the direction of the pile.

For moderate soiling, cleaning can be done as follows:

  1. It is required to take a dry washing powder for woolen products, for example, "Weasel", and evenly sprinkle it with a coat previously laid out on the table.
  2. Then you need to put on gloves and lightly rub the product over the surface of the product.
  3. Leave the coat like this for one hour, then remove the powder with an elastic brush or a slightly dampened sponge.

When cleaning light, including white models, it is better to use as a powder Vanish, it will gently clean the surface and leave no residue. Instead of powder, soda can be used, which can only be removed with a dry brush.

The disadvantages of this method include the impossibility of its use for cleaning clothes of dark colors.

Foam treatment can also be attributed to the dry type of cleaning. For its implementation it is necessary:

  1. Take any carpet cleaner, dilute it in water and lather well.
  2. Apply the foam to the coat, avoiding wetting of the material, and leave to dry completely.
  3. Then use a brush to remove its remnants.

The method is good in that it can be used to clean and refresh clothes with sufficient quality without resorting to washing and excessive moisture.

Dry cleaning of the drape can be done at home with the help of bread crumb or sawdust. For processing, it is better to use varieties of rye bread: it rolls well into balls and adsorbs dirt. You need to crumble the bread crumb on the coat, and then start rolling it up. When using sawdust, it is necessary to evenly scatter them on the unfolded product, cover with gauze and start rolling the sawdust through it with a clothes roller.

After processing, the coat must be knocked out and cleaned with a medium-hard brush.

Wet cleaning

It is more labor-intensive and requires more time:

  1. For processing, solutions of detergents for washing wool, laundry soap, suede detergent and fabric softener are used.
  2. They must be dissolved in warm water and applied with a rag to the contaminated surface.
  3. With light movements, you need to rub the solution into the material, then leave it for half an hour.
  4. Then rinse the fabric with warm water and blot with a dry cloth.

In order to prepare a liquid detergent from laundry soap, you need to rub it on a coarse grater and grind it with a blender with a little hot water. After obtaining a homogeneous composition and cooling the liquid to 30 degrees, cleaning can begin.

Dark and black products can be cleaned with black tea. To do this, you need to brew leaf tea, moisten a sponge in it and treat the contaminated areas. After 40 minutes, rinse the tea leaves with running water and blot with a dry cloth.

Stain removal

Heavy soiling can also be removed at home. If the collar, pockets and cuffs are heavily greasy, it is necessary to prepare a mixture of salt and ammonia in a ratio of 1: 4. Then you need to moisten a sponge in this solution and wipe the shiny areas. Can be used instead of salt vinegar, taken in equal proportions with alcohol.

Before you start cleaning, you need to test the compositions on the inside of the product, and making sure that the material does not change color, you can start processing.

Stains can be removed with a balm conditioner:

  1. In this case, dilution with water is not required - a concentrated solution is used.
  2. With the help of microfiber dipped in balm, you need to wipe the stain, and then remove the solution with a wet cloth.
  3. When removing stains, cleaning should be done from the edge of the contamination to its center, placing a dense cloth under the stain from the inside of the product.

This will avoid the appearance of the boundaries of the contaminated area after cleaning.

When removing greasy stains, processing is carried out from the wrong side of the product:

  1. To do this, you can use talc or starch, abundantly covering the stain with them and leaving for several hours.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide and refined gasoline also work great on grease. To remove the stain with their help, you need to put a cloth soaked in gasoline or peroxide under the contamination, and a clean and dry napkin on top of the stain.
  3. A freshly planted greasy stain will easily disappear if you put a paper towel on top and iron it with an iron.

Old contaminants are removed according to the following algorithm:

  1. If the pollution is old and dried up, then before proceeding with its removal, you need to hold it over the steam.
  2. To remove stubborn stains, mix half a cup of water, 4 tablespoons of dishwashing detergent and a teaspoon of ammonia. The mixture is applied to the stain and left for half an hour, after which it is thoroughly washed off with water and wiped dry with a napkin.
  3. After treatment with cleaning compounds, it is necessary to immediately rinse the fabric with running water and blot with a napkin.

Beer stains are cleaned with a peroxide solution, and coffee and tea stains are cleaned with a mixture of ammonia and glycerin, taken in a 1: 2 ratio.

Drying and ironing rules

It is recommended to dry draped coats in a straightened and unbuttoned form, using hangers. The room must be dry and ventilated. To reduce the drying time, thoroughly wipe the fabric with dry napkins or a towel.

Exposure to direct sunlight and placement of the product near heating devices is not allowed.

A real wool coat is a stylish and warm wardrobe item that will never go out of style. And in order for such clothes to serve you as long as possible and not lose their visual appeal, it is important to properly care for them. Of course, the easiest way is to dry-clean a woolen product, because professionals know exactly how to handle it. But even at home, you can put your coat in order. Next, we will detail how to do this.


Of course, before you start cleaning a woolen or wool blend coat, you should carefully study the information on the product label. There are clearly written recommendations for the care of this particular clothing. For example, can the material be washed or dried. Some types of wool may only be dry cleaned from dirt and under no circumstances should it be wet. Other models can be washed or wet-treated without consequences. One way or another, it all depends on the particular coat.

Now let's take a closer look at the stages of cleaning a woolen product.

Thorough inspection of the product

After you have studied the information on the coat label, you should carefully inspect the product along the entire length. View not only the outside, but also the lining. Also, special attention should be paid to under the collar, near the pockets, and also on the cuffs. After all, it is in these areas that most pollution occurs. After you find the most problematic areas and spots, you will know exactly what to pay attention to first.

Removal of surface contaminants

Before you start cleaning and removing stains, you need to clean the woolen product from pellets, excess lint, dust and threads. This is very easy to do at home using a special sticky roller. It is sold at any hardware store and is inexpensive. At the same time, such a device significantly improves the appearance of a coat without washing. With regular processing of the fabric in this way, it will be possible to keep clothes in excellent condition for as long as possible.

Be sure to take note of this simple and effective method. Small stains that cannot be cleaned with a roller can be removed with a dry or slightly damp brush with soft bristles.

The main thing is not to use aggressive detergents and large amounts of water.

Removing tough stains

Difficult stains are those that could not be removed with a brush, cloth or soapy solution. You can try applying a small amount of the solution to the problem area, wait ten or fifteen minutes, and then work with a clean, soft brush. Just don't push too hard on the material, as you won't damage it.

For more severe contamination, other methods are required. So, if there is a greasy stain on the coat, then it will be possible to remove it with the help of a small amount of starch or ordinary talc. Pour the powder on the dirt, cover with a paper or thin cloth towel and wait a few hours (about six or even ten). After this time, simply remove the remaining powder with a brush.

Greasy areas on a wool coat, such as the cuffs of the sleeves, the area near the pockets, are easy to clean up with vinegar and alcohol. To do this, you need to mix these two components in equal parts and apply the resulting solution to the problem area with cotton wool. Leave for fifteen minutes, and then treat the area with a soft, clean cloth or brush. In the same way, it will be possible to quickly remove contamination from food or drinks.

It is customary to eliminate contamination from engine oil using conventional gasoline. It is only necessary to soak a cotton pad in fuel and process wool products from the inside. And traces of a tea or coffee drink are easy to eliminate if glycerin is applied to the solution.

When you need to refresh and remove dirt from a white or light-colored product, it is best to use a solution based on ammonia and table salt. And dark-colored clothes are best treated with warm black tea. Also a very effective tool in the fight for the purity and freshness of products made from natural wool is the well-known powder Vanish. Use it following the instructions and you will get excellent results in a fairly short time and without effort.

In addition, on the shelves of modern stores it is easy to find ready-made powders and solutions that are designed specifically for the care of natural wool. The main thing is to carefully choose the composition of the product and make sure that it does not contain alkali and chlorine. Otherwise, you can just ruin a beautiful coat.

Washing rules

If you decide to choose not dry, but wet cleaning of wool products, you should be very careful. Use only delicate detergents and shampoos designed specifically for wool. The water temperature should not exceed thirty degrees. Otherwise, the product is deformed and will look just awful. Never twist or wring out the coat. This can seriously damage the fabric and ruin the look of the garment.

Much depends on the quality of the material from which the coat is sewn. There are quite a few ways. In this text we will try to tell you the most proven methods that are truly effective in cleaning a wool coat.

Caring for wool and wool blend coats

Many of us have such a model made of wool in the closet, which after some time, due to spools or dirt, loses its presentability.

If you accidentally notice a stain, you need to remove it immediately. Pellets, hair, threads that are collected in lumps, it is advisable to clean several times a week.

Dry cleaning methods

At home, cleaning most often occurs dry, as it is more convenient and faster. You can use a brush or a Velcro roller. The brush should be gentle so as not to damage the surface of the fabric.

However, if you still decide to wash, be sure to read the label. So it will immediately be clear whether this coat can be cleaned wet or not. If not, then it is better to take it to the dry cleaners and the problem will be solved.

For easy cleaning of the product, hang it on a hanger and go over it with a brush. Instantly, all the threads and spools will be on Velcro. If desired, before cleaning, you can wet the brush or roller with water, this will improve the process of getting rid of the collected dirt.

Look at the coat - if there are stains, it is advisable to remove them immediately, as over time it will be more difficult or even impossible. Detected stains must be cleaned from the edges to the center, so there will be no traces of rubbing.

After cleaning, we leave the coat on a coat hanger so that the fabric dries and acquires its freshness. It is advisable to keep clean outer clothing in special cases. Thus, the thing will last longer and always look great.

There is not always time to wash the product, but it is possible to clean the clothes with dry methods. For this you need:

  • Place the product vertically on the shoulders;
  • Clean with a Velcro roller, then brush in the direction of the villi;
  • The stain can be treated with soapy water. Soap can be liquid or solid, if it is solid, grate it and dilute it with clean water. The proportions are as follows: mix a spoonful of soap in one liter of water and stir well until foam is obtained. After applying this solution to the stain itself, if it is difficult to remove, leave for 5-10 minutes and then rinse;

  • Grease stains can be removed with starch, gasoline or talc;
  • A fresh food stain can be easily removed with vinegar and alcohol;
  • A white coat will save salt and ammonia;
  • A permanent stain can be removed with a special wool product, which can be easily purchased at the store;
  • Ventilation will greatly help in cleaning the product. For example, this way you can get rid of the unpleasant smell of sweat. Hang the coat on a hanger and take it to the balcony, it is desirable that the sun does not shine on the thing.

The best option would be to take the coat outside in the cold if you have a private house, or to the balcony and leave it there for a few days. It is believed that frosty air destroys all extraneous odors.

  • A great solution is to clean the coat with a steamer, very easy and fast. A couple of movements - there is no smell and no stains. Of course, if there are old stains, you first need to process them and only then go through hot steam.

When using laundry detergent, always pay attention to how the fabric behaves, it is advisable to experiment on the back of the item so as not to damage its front side.

How to wash?

The product can be washed if it is not 100% wool, otherwise it is prohibited. Before washing, be sure to read what is written on the label so as not to make a mistake and not spoil the item.

For washing, there are special products that will carefully remove all stains and dirt. You can use a balm to rinse, so that the water will become softer and the fabric too.

In the washing machine be sure to wash at a temperature of 30 degrees, in the "Delicate wash" mode. Before washing, the item is placed in a special bag for washing, so as not to damage anything. A gentle wash will keep your coat fresh and smelling good. You can also wash the product by hand. It will certainly take more time and effort. You can wash it in cold water under a large jet, so the washing powder is washed out more easily. Rinse preferably two or three times until the water runs clear. You can’t push hard, everything should be in moderation.

The drying process is also very important. Products must be hung vertically on a coat hanger and straightened, leaving to dry. Do not use a hair dryer or dryer, the fabric will deteriorate.

How to clean a white or light coat?

White and light coats have the same procedure as colored ones, the only difference is that they need to be rinsed more thoroughly than products of other colors, as yellowish marks may remain that will spoil the attractiveness of the product.

Dry cleaning

The easiest way to clean a coat is to take it to the dry cleaners. They will quickly and efficiently remove any stain and put the coat in order. With the right knowledge and with all the necessary tools at hand, they can easily take care of the product. After dry cleaning, most often the thing takes on a new life, it feels like you just bought it. The advantage of this solution is saving time and no worries about the coat.

Minus - high prices, which sometimes bite very much.

There is one tricky and easy way to easily tidy up a coat. Run hot water in the bathroom and close the door to form a kind of steam room. Take your coat, hang it on a hanger, and take it into the bathroom, where there is already a lot of steam.

Leave it there for about 20 minutes, then work the fabric with a gentle clothes brush, scrubbing out any dirty spots. Open the door wide open to let everything air out, but do not take the coat away, it should cool and straighten out. If desired, later, when the product is dry, you can iron it, but very carefully - through gauze or thin cotton fabric.

Wear woolen coats, it is warm and beautiful. Fashion does not stand still and in the store you can find many unusual and attractive models, different colors and styles. Do not be afraid to buy them, because now you know how to care for them.

How to iron a coat at home, see the following video.

Next, carefully read the labels, where you will find the manufacturer's recommendations for cleaning and caring for the coat.

How to clean your coat from dust and dirt

If your coat is made of raincoat fabric, cleaning it is easy, just soak a foam sponge in a foamy solution of any detergent and wipe the coat material with it, then rinse off the foam with water and let dry.

The suede material is wiped with a sponge along the pile, and to remove dust particles, roll the crumb of white bread into a ball and run it over the fabric.

To clean lapels, sleeves and pockets, dissolve ammonia in water (400 ml of water 100 ml of ammonia) and treat the contaminated parts.

Gray plaque from light suede is perfectly removed with the use of special steam cleaners.

The drape coat is cleaned with a saline solution and a stiff brush.

After cleaning, hang the coat on a hanger and use a spray bottle to apply a solution of water and wool conditioner to it.

In this case, the coat will smell nice, and will also stop electrifying.

If you have soiled your tweed coat with ordinary dirt, then simply dry it, then brush off the dirt with a brush. As a rule, this is enough.

If the coat is dusty, vacuum the fabric.

Practical advice:

When dirt has become deeply embedded in the tweed coat, try removing the dirt with soap and water. Do not use powders, detergents, in any case, do not wash the item in the washing machine.

How to clean greasy stains on coats

Too frequent washing negatively affects the material of the coat, so if greasy stains appear on clothes from intensive wear, remove them using one of the following tips:

  1. Take gasoline, pour starch into it until the consistency of sour cream. Then apply to the dirt, rub with a brush, let dry. Then brush off the residue.
  2. The second way is as follows: put a sheet of paper on the stain, and wipe the dirt from the wrong side with a cloth soaked in gasoline. After that, air and dry the coat.
  3. If you don't want to use gasoline, dust the cloth with talcum powder and wait a couple of hours, then brush off the powder. If necessary, repeat the procedure as many times as required.

Getting rid of food stains

  1. Wine traces can be reduced in several ways.

    Sprinkle a spot of spilled red wine that has not yet dried with table salt, then rinse in running water.

    So you do not need powders and gels for washing. If the coat is wool, mix glycerin with wine alcohol in equal proportions.

    Saturate a clean cloth or sponge with the solution, wipe the marks, leave for 4 hours, then rinse it with clean water.

  2. Contaminants from fruits and fruit juice are removed using lemon juice and salt, which are rubbed into the soiled cloth, then washed in soapy water.
  3. Beer stains are removed using a solution of alcohol or vodka and acetic acid in equal proportions.


If you don't know what the nature of the spot is, look at its outline. If the stain is blurry and it is difficult to determine its border, but it is oily to the touch, then this is fatty contamination. The boundaries of all other spots are well distinguishable.

How to clean a coat from pilling

On tweed, drape, cashmere coats, pellets often form, spoiling the appearance of outerwear. You can remove them in several ways:

  1. Take a razor, straighten the material of the coat, then carefully cut off the rolled wool with it. Repeat the procedure until they are removed.
  2. Take a wide sticky tape, and layer by layer remove the pills and fluff from the coat.
  3. Rub the material with an old toothbrush along the pile.

It is much easier to use a special machine that cuts rolled lumps.

It effectively removes the pellets, so no other additional procedures are needed.

So, if you intend to clean your coat, remember:

  1. Try not to wash the item completely, just clean the most contaminated areas
  2. Remove grease stains with gasoline, wine with salt, beer with vinegar and ammonia.
  3. Woolen pellets are easily removed with a razor and tape
  4. To prevent damage to clothing, try any product on an inconspicuous part of the coat.

But, of course, the best option to clean your coat is to go to a dry cleaner!