How to check if genuine leather. How can you tell real leather from faux leather? How not to make a mistake when buying a leather bag and not fall for a fake

Many are interested in the question: how easy is it to distinguish genuine leather from eco-leather? After all, manufacturers go to great lengths to satisfy the demands of demanding customers. They try to simultaneously use high-quality, durable and cheap materials. So, for example, furniture items, clothes, jewelry, souvenirs, shoes and much more are made from leather. There are opponents of the use of leather, who call for the use of substitutes for this material in order to save the lives of many animals. And there are also unscrupulous manufacturers who are trying to mislead their customers. To avoid unpleasant surprises, it is worth learning to recognize these materials.

How can leather be distinguished from eco-leather?

When buying clothes or shoes, you need to pay special attention to the material from which it is made. It is worth remembering that manufacturers are different, so you need to trust your knowledge and feelings.

  1. First you need to familiarize yourself with the information on the tag, because it is very difficult to immediately identify the material in terms of appearance, color and tactile sensations. On leather clothing, such as a jacket, there should be a special tag with the skin depicted on it.
  2. It is necessary to carefully examine the seams, especially at the joints and in places where the lock is sewn. If a thing is made of natural material, manufacturers will not hide the cuts. They should not have protruding threads.
  3. If you need to check a sofa or bed, you can simply sit on a piece of furniture and put your palm on it. If the upholstery is made of eco-leather, then under the palm it will get warmer, but the hand will not sweat much. Leatherette does not heat up at all, and on the skin, the part of the body that comes into contact with the material sweats more.
  4. Things "eco" do not have a strong smell and are completely hypoallergenic.
  5. To the touch, as a rule, they are both pleasant, tactile sensations depend on the processing of natural material.
  6. Breathability is good both in leather, as it is a natural material, and in eco-leather, a material on a woven basis.

What is eco-leather and what is it made of?

This is not environmentally friendly leather, as many might think. It is made by humans and no animals were harmed during the production process. The inventors set themselves the task of making a material that would be as similar as possible to genuine leather. They succeeded, because these materials are almost impossible to distinguish.

Environmentally friendly raw materials are used. The basis of the material is cotton fabric, on which a layer of polyurethane is applied. Therefore, the product does not have any foreign smell and does not contain substances harmful to the body or the environment.

Materials in use

Leather is the skin of an animal that has undergone special processing. Due to its natural features, it perfectly passes air and moisture. Since eco-leather is mainly composed of cotton fabric, it has the same ability. Clothing made from these materials is comfortable to wear.

Problems will begin if the eco-leather is damaged. Not too big scratches on the skin are easily eliminated, while on the eco-material they can no longer be masked. If clothes, shoes or furniture are subjected to mechanical damage, then it is almost impossible to save these things, because under the polyurethane layer there is an ordinary woven base.

Both materials have hygroscopic properties and good air permeability. Therefore, things from them retain their original shape for a long time.

Quite often, buyers complain that after severe frosts, shoes and clothes begin to swell and crack. Neither leather nor eco-leather react like this to sudden changes and exposure to high and low temperatures. In the heat, they do not deform, and in cold weather they do not tan and do not begin to crack. Even in severe frosts - up to 30 degrees - the products remain soft.

Clothes, shoes and furniture made of eco-leather keep their shape for a long time, but over time they are still subject to deformation. Genuine leather products, if they have the opportunity to "rest", gradually return to their shape without much additional care.

Genuine leather is more durable than PU-coated fabric substitutes.


It is worth knowing some features of genuine leather and its "eco" imitation.

  • Not everyone can distinguish between these two materials, because eco-leather completely repeats the pattern of genuine leather.
  • Many people are allergic to natural leather, which can be avoided by buying products from eco-material.
  • Genuine leather can only have the form that is obtained after processing the skin. All flaws, scars that took place during the life of the animal will be visible. But eco is a perfectly even material with a beautiful pattern without flaws. The size can be varied and limited only by the capabilities of manufacturers. Eco-leather is also a very soft and pliable material. It is convenient to work with him, to sew things of different sizes.
  • As for color, it is quite difficult to achieve too bright colors on leather things. With the development of new technologies, a lot is possible, but things in acid colors are most likely made of artificial material.
  • Do not forget that leather is a natural material that simply cannot be very cheap. To reduce the cost of production, synthetic substitutes were created.


The main thing is to remember that any thing, in order to last longer, requires care. picky. It is enough to wipe it with a damp cloth to remove dirt, and then dry it.

With strong pollution will help to cope with ammonia.

For eco-leather, almost all products that are suitable for natural leather are perfect. Do not use detergents or cleaners containing chlorine.

The skin is more whimsical. It is better to store it in a box: if you use plastic bags, things may lose color.

The skin takes on the shape of its owner. To return things to their original form, she must “rest” for some time.

If leather shoes need to be dried, then first they straighten it, and then dry it at room temperature. When choosing a cleaning agent, first you need to try it on a small internal area.

Each material has its own characteristics, pros and cons. But every buyer should have a choice, which is why it is so important for a purchase to be able to distinguish genuine leather from eco-leather.

There are never too many accessories - this is known to any woman. Maybe that's why every self-respecting fashionista has several pairs of shoes, handbags, belts and gloves hidden in her wardrobe. And although the materials for their manufacture are very diverse, genuine leather is undoubtedly the leader. However, manufacturers have learned how to make artificial leather in such a way that it is sometimes very difficult to distinguish it from natural. It is understandable, because it is cheaper to produce goods from leatherette, and they wear out faster, which means that the consumer will buy more and more.

When choosing a leather product in a store, you will have to use some senses.
  1. Smell. Genuine leather has a peculiar smell, while artificial leather smells unpleasantly, sharply. By the way, this smell can not be inhaled for a long time, it is harmful. Unfortunately, modern technology allows you to add synthetic flavors and fake the smell of natural leather.
  2. Touch. Place your palm on your skin. The natural one will heat up in a few seconds, the artificial one will cool the hand, and after taking the palm away there will be a slight fogging on it.
  3. Vision. It is very difficult to distinguish genuine leather from artificial leather by texture. But you can pay attention to other distinguishing features.
    • Front side. When choosing shoes, bend them slightly towards the heel or press your finger on the toe. Wrinkles will appear immediately, but after straightening on natural skin, the place of the fold will not be visible.
    • Wrong side. Genuine leather has villi on the wrong side. In addition, it looks thicker than artificial.
    • The edges. Pay attention to the edges of the product. The edge of a product made of genuine leather is dense, uniform, and it cannot be stratified. The imitation leather has many small holes, as if it had been pierced often with needles; it can be easily split. In addition, such a product may have threads sticking out from the textile substrate.
    • Package. Manufacturers that do not save on packaging, most likely, have prepared goods made of genuine leather for you.
How to determine genuine leather at home?
  1. If possible, apply water to the skin. Nothing will happen to artificial leather, but natural will darken.
  2. A radical way is to pierce the skin with a needle in an inconspicuous place. Natural will be hard to pierce, and artificial - easy.
  3. Another radical way is combustion. If you bring a burning match or a lighter to artificial leather, then a singed place will remain, and natural leather will endure such an experiment with virtually no visible changes.
The leather bags have an extra probe that they come with. That's it to him and you can apply radical methods. Just be sure to make sure it looks the same as the material of the bag. Because some dishonest sellers can specially put a probe made of genuine leather into leatherette bags.

If there is no probe, then there should be at least a sign about what material was used in production. This emblem is located on the inside of the product and looks like the outline of an animal whose skin was used to make the product, or a rhombus if the product is made of leatherette.

To be sure of buying really genuine leather, you need to purchase products in trusted places - in stores. Well-known manufacturing companies will also not risk their reputation, so you should pay attention to their products. In addition, conscientious manufacturers indicate on the box information about all the materials used.

How did our grandparents check the skin for naturalness? Yes, very simple. The main criterion was the smell. The smell of genuine leather is very difficult to confuse with another. But technology does not stand still, and now good leatherette has a similar smell and approximate structure, so it is very difficult for an ordinary person to distinguish genuine leather from an analogue. Let's figure out how to check the skin and what you should pay attention to.

- Ability to transfer heat.

You pick up leather ones, as the seller claims, and you want to make sure that his words are sincere. How to do it. Take the boot in your hands and hold it for a while. Very soon, the skin will become warm, and at the same time remain dry. And how will the leather substitute behave? It will take much longer to heat up from your hands, and since it is an artificial material and it does not let air through, your palm will become a little damp. So you will immediately understand that the seller is telling you a lie and the boot is made of artificial leather substitute.

- Size of the border edge thickness.

If the first test did not help you decide, then there is another way to check the skin for authenticity. Pay attention to the edge of the border: in genuine leather it is quite thick and a little rough, while in the substitute it is thin, smooth and even.

How to distinguish leather from leatherette

In order to distinguish leather from leatherette, you need to know a few tricks.

1. The elasticity of the leather product.

Bend the shaft and see how the material behaves. If it is really leather, then small wrinkles will appear on the fold, which will disappear when returning to its original shape. And even with a slight stretching of the leather product, it will immediately return to its original shape, which cannot be said about the artificial analogue.

2. The skin does not change color.

In order to check the skin for naturalness, stretch it a little, or bend it, and press it, if there are no changes with the material and it has not changed color, you have a natural copy. And if the seller asks you to take his word for it, and is categorically against you doing anything with a supposedly leather boot, then most likely it is not natural.

3. Pungent smell.

Yes, no one canceled the smell test. Just don't go for it alone. In this case, a strong, non-natural odor will immediately tell you that you have an artificial analogue of the skin in front of you.

4. Holes in the form of pores.

Checking the leather on the shoes and making sure that it is natural is also not difficult. Take a closer look at the top layer of the boot, do you see the same pattern of pores on the entire surface? So this is real skin. And if the drawing differs in depth and shape, then an artificial copy.

5. What is the base made of.

Pay attention to the cut of the product. Can you see fabric or knitwear in the gap? It's definitely leatherette. But if the base consists of chaotic fibers, then the product is leather.

There are several other ways to check the naturalness of the product. But, unfortunately, they can only be used at home, in confirmation that you really bought a leather product. This is a test with water and fire.

If you light a match and quickly bring it to the product, then if it is really leather, nothing will happen, and if not, then it will gradually melt. The test must be carried out on some inconspicuous area of ​​the product.

You also need to carefully test with water. Genuine leather does not absorb water, but its analogue does it fully.

By the way, genuine leather also has varieties. It all depends on what animal it is made from.

  • Pigskin is the most common and also the most affordable option.
  • Coarse men's jackets, belts and sometimes are made from bull skin. It is rigid and durable.
  • High-quality shoes are made from cowhide, which will not wear out for a long time and at an affordable price. It is very similar in quality to bull skin.
  • Soft calf leather is used to make the bulk of bags, elegant shoes and stylish jackets. There are almost no creases on it, so in the sock it shows itself from the best side.
  • Sheepskin is one of the elite leathers that is suitable for the production of high-end products such as gloves, jackets, belts and bags.

We determine the quality of the skin. The fastest and easiest way!

We live in such a time that, unfortunately, we often have to doubt the quality of certain things. And leather is no exception. The market is overflowing with leather clothing, and it is completely incomprehensible how to understand this variety. Therefore, in order not to buy a pig in a poke and not overpay for dubious quality, right now we will learn to determine what exactly is in front of you: leather or leatherette? High-quality well-made leather or a dubious self-made product?

Get comfortable, it will be interesting!

Determine the type of leather: artificial or natural? 4 ways!

Tactile way

The easiest way to determine whether the leather in front of you is genuine or artificial is to touch it. Genuine leather will quickly become warm, while remaining dry. Leatherette, on the contrary, will only heat up after a while and even become a little wet from your hands.

Experimental way

For this method, we need water. Put a couple of drops on the skin, somewhere from the inside of the jacket. Genuine leather will absorb water and darken a little. Artificial water will not absorb, and a droplet will simply roll off its surface.

However, this method does not give a 100% guarantee of the result, because. modern products are treated with water-repellent impregnations.

visual way

For this method, our main tool is the eyes. Take a close look at the skin. For clothes made of genuine leather, the edges (edge) will be slightly rough and not processed. If the edges are processed and tucked, then you have leatherette.

In general, cuts can tell a lot. This is, so to speak, the visiting card of the material. In artificial leather, the cuts are usually smooth and feel like plastic or foam. And at its core, artificial leather has fabric, knitwear or non-woven material. In genuine leather, on the cut, you can see the fibers intertwined with each other. But on jackets in the store, there is usually no way to show the cut.

If possible, be sure to look at the inner surface of the skin - the wrong side. In professional language, the wrong side of the skin is called the terrible word "mezdra". In natural leather, the mezra is similar to suede, velveteen, velor or velvet.

Now look at the texture of the skin - its natural pattern. In natural leather, it does not repeat, in leatherette it is the same over the entire surface. The same goes for skin pores. On natural leather, they are arranged randomly, on artificial they have the same depth and shape.

High-quality leather feels delicate and soft to the touch. Squeeze the skin in the palm of your hand and release sharply. What do you see? High-quality leather will not wrinkle much and immediately, in front of your eyes, will begin to straighten out.

Olfactory way

This is an incredibly simple, but at the same time the most unreliable way to determine whether the leather in front of you is genuine or artificial. Just smell it. Faux leather usually has a strong chemical smell. But technological progress has stepped so far that artificial leather can also be given the smell of natural with the help of special flavors. So it's better not to trust the nose in this matter.

We determine the quality of the dressing and dyeing of the skin

We figured out how to quickly distinguish natural material from artificial, now we will learn how to understand the quality of leather dressing and dyeing.

To determine the quality of leather for jackets, we need a small piece of white damp cloth. Rub it on the surface of your skin. If the fabric is not dyed, then the quality of the painting is good. But there is bad news - high-quality dyed leather is a rarity today. Therefore, when buying a jacket, do not forget to treat it with water and dirt-repellent agents. In addition to their main function, they will help preserve the original color of the clothes and ensure that wearing a brown leather jacket in winter, you will meet spring not in yellow.

Now take a close look at the seams. In a quality product, all lines should be even. This is pleasing to the eye and speaks of factory, not basement production.

It's so easy to determine the quality of the leather of leather jackets!

Now you are a pro!

Armed with this simple knowledge, you can easily determine whether you really have a leather trigger or a masterfully made fake. For example, eco-leather, which is now popular, looks very similar to genuine leather. But this is only a superficial resemblance. It is unlikely that artificial leather will have the same high quality characteristics as genuine leather. It will not "breathe" because it has no pores and will not be able to boast the same durability.

Don't let yourself be fooled. Choose only high-quality material and do not overpay for fakes.

Happy shopping!

How to distinguish genuine leather from artificial? Manufacturers are required to label products, but, unfortunately, labels cannot always be trusted. Modern technologies make it easy to imitate the skin. And what if you want to buy a leather item, for example, in a market in Europe or in a small family boutique?

By what signs can you quickly determine what is in front of you: leather or leatherette?

1. Skin keeps you warm

The artificial material does not retain or transmit heat, while genuine leather will warm up in your hands almost immediately and retain its temperature for a while.

Leatherette from touch can also heat up slightly, but its surface will be slightly damp. The skin is always dry.

If you hold leatherette and natural leather in your hands, you can almost immediately feel the difference.

2. Unique pattern

Genuine leather has its own natural and unique pattern, while artificial material is characterized by a repeating pattern and “islands” of the same size. But in this case, there is a risk of confusing leatherette with printed leather - its pattern is also monotonous.

In addition to a special structure, genuine leather has pores, and if you look at it up close or through a magnifying glass, you can always see them. The pores are also arranged randomly. Modern technologies can already imitate them, but still, if you look closely, you can see that this is just a pattern, not holes.

3. Check the wrong side or cut

Not on all products it is so easy to see the wrong side, by which one can judge the naturalness of the material. Try to find an unprotected cut to see the structure.

Genuine leather is a large amount of suede fibers, and the basis of artificial material is natural fabric or synthetics.

Thus, it is possible to distinguish from natural leather and high-quality artificial material - eco-leather: the appearance can be almost identical, but the basis of eco-leather will always be fabric.

4. Weight is an argument

Genuine leather is always heavier than artificial leather. This is noticeable even in small items, and is especially noticeable in the example of leather jackets. Of course, different types of leather can also have different weights - for example, sheepskin weighs less than bovine.

But artificial leather will still be lighter than any natural leather. Moreover, it can sometimes be even lighter than some fabrics.

Everyone who has ever bought shoes made of leather substitute knows what this difference is: new shoes have a sharp chemical smell that disappears for quite a long time.

Leather things have an unobtrusive and light smell (if we are talking about high-quality material). However, manufacturers may use special fragrances that mimic the smell of leather. But such fragrances can deceive the buyer only if the artificial material is of good quality, because the smell of cheap chemical ingredients cannot be interrupted by anything.

6. Reaction to moisture

This is a very easy and visual way to distinguish leather from leatherette, but it is quite difficult to use it when buying. Genuine leather always absorbs moisture. This is especially noticeable on light skin: a dark spot will show off on the product until the moisture is completely eroded.

Leatherette will not absorb water and will not change color.

7. Tactile sensations

Genuine leather (except patent leather) will never be smooth. The texture may be different, but to the touch it is always a little rough. Artificial material is smooth and slippery.

If you bend the skin, it will change color slightly at the fold, but there will be no trace of a crease. Leatherette will not change color, but there will definitely be a trace.

Experts advise to pay attention to price A:Good quality genuine leather can't be cheap. But at the same time it is necessary to take into account the types of skin.

Budget price segment

Pigskin, bovine, cowhide - these inexpensive varieties are distinguished by thickness, density and rigidity. For budget shoes and jackets, pig or cow leather is often used, and belts and backpacks are most often made from durable bovine leather.

Middle price segment

Calf, sheep, goat leather - soft and durable varieties. There are practically no creases on them. The leather is thin, but at the same time it is of very high quality and keeps its shape perfectly.

High price segment

Rare and expensive types of skin - deer, crocodile, snake, ostrich. Products from them are of the highest quality and original appearance, but such a thing will cost the buyer a round sum.