How to soften heels at home. How to soften rough feet at home Softening foot bath at home

Skin care is required constantly: at any time of the year, it needs cleansing, softening, moisturizing and nutrition. In cosmetic stores today there is a large selection of a wide variety of skin care products: these are creams and gels, tonics, lotions and masks, but their effect is not always as wonderful as they say and show in colorful commercials, but many of them are quite expensive.

However, it is quite possible to make the skin softer and softer with the help of home remedies: it will not require large expenses, and the components for preparing homemade cosmetics to soften the skin are always at hand.

Today we will talk about the best folk remedies to soften the skin of the heels, hands, elbows and legs at home.

Most often, we have coarsened skin on the hands, on the legs - mainly on the knees and heels, and on the elbows - they are subjected to loads and external influences to a greater extent than the rest of the body. How to soften the skin in certain areas of the body, we'll talk right now.

The best products for hands

Perfectly soften the skin of the hands homemade masks from ordinary foods - for example, flour and butter.

It is better to take olive oil (2 tablespoons), and mix it in a deep bowl with an oil solution of vitamin E (1-2 capsules) and cornmeal (¼ cup). Apply the mixture on your hands carefully, holding them over a plate - on both sides of the hands, on the wrists, rub it into the joints, age spots and cuticles. Hold hands like this for 5-7 minutes, then wash with warm water and mild soap (preferably liquid), and pat dry with a towel. Such a mask can be done once a week, and once a month is enough for prevention: it improves blood circulation, cleanses, softens and rejuvenates the skin of the hands.

Oatmeal has long been known for its softening properties. You can take ready-made flour, or grind cereal in a coffee grinder or mixer - you should get about 1/2 cup. Pour flour into a bowl, add aloe juice (1 tablespoon) and a little water if the mixture is thick. Apply and wash off this mixture in the same way as in the previous recipe.

Baths are another great tool for softening the skin of the hands. You can make them with potato broth, whey, sauerkraut juice and fresh cabbage, 1-2 times a week. After the baths, you need to apply a greasy cream and wear gloves, so it's best to do this at night.

An excellent bath-mask to soften the skin of the hands at home is obtained with semi-liquid mashed potatoes: you need to lower your hands into warm mashed potatoes for 10 minutes, then wash them with warm water, and rinse with water with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice.

A decoction of flax seeds softens the skin of the hands well - it is especially useful to use it after washing, cleaning or washing dishes.

Softening the skin of the legs at home

When it comes to softening the skin of the legs, most often women think of the feet, and especially the heels, but the skin on the calves, knees and hips also needs care - the knees should be remembered first of all. It often happens that a woman looks quite fresh and young: there are few wrinkles, and the figure is slender, but her knees betray her age in the most treacherous way. It is convenient to take care of your feet in a sauna or bath, but you can do it at home - at least do not forget to lubricate them with cream after a shower and bath - chlorinated water is very harmful for the skin of the knees.

Masks and wraps can be done not only on the knees, but also on the entire skin of the legs, from the hips to the ankles. Ordinary kefir (4-6 tbsp) is mixed with eucalyptus oil (2-4 tsp), the mixture is rubbed into the skin of the legs, wrapped in cling film and a thick warm cloth. The wrap is kept for 20 minutes, then the feet are washed with warm water. It is enough to do this 2-3 times a month, and on the knee area - 2-3 times a week, and the skin of the legs will be soft and smooth.

You can add cucumber juice (2-4 tsp) and lemon (4-8 drops) to kefir - then the effect will also be whitening. This remedy is very useful for those who sunbathed a lot in the summer: the brown and rough skin on the knees will become tender and pink - you need to rub the mixture well into them in a circular motion.

To soften the skin of the legs, many women like a ground coffee scrub. You can take coffee grounds - for example, after you have brewed coffee for several people, or use freshly ground coffee, adding a little warm water to it. The legs should be rubbed with it completely, in a circular motion - hips, knees, calves, ankles, feet, and then all the skin will be cleansed of dead cells, and become soft and smooth. After the scrub, you can lubricate your feet with a nourishing cream.

Take care of the skin of your legs, and you can safely wear mini-skirts: no one will ever doubt your youth.

An excellent remedy for knee care is ordinary table salt, and in general it can be used to soften the skin on the elbows, feet and other parts of the body - a positive result appears quickly. Even the darkest and most rough areas of the skin become light and soft. To prepare a knee scrub, you need to mix salt with honey (50 g each), add 1 tsp. castor oil, and a few drops of your favorite essential oils. You can also add coffee grounds if you wish. It is good to use the scrub in a bath or after a bath, when the skin is steamed, and after the procedure, lubricate the problem areas with a greasy cream - a cream with beeswax is perfect.

Home remedies for skin on elbows

And now about the skin on the elbows - why does it darken, become rough and peel off? Why does the skin on the elbows need to be softened? There are few sebaceous glands on the skin of the elbows, and there is practically no protective film there, which is why cracks, calluses and small wounds appear. And if you also wear synthetic sweaters and turtlenecks, and even in the cold season, the skin on your elbows will constantly peel off, and a rash may even appear. No need to lean on your elbows if there is no need for it: you can read books in a different position, and while eating it is also better to sit upright - we try to put our elbows on the dining table; and it’s not at all worth opening the doors with your elbows - they are not intended for this.

Dryness and roughness of the skin on the elbows can indicate problems in the endocrine system, so you should also consult a doctor: a specialist will help balance the diet and select the necessary vitamin preparations - for example, elbows often suffer from a lack of vitamins A and E.

To soften the skin on the elbows, it is enough to use some kind of scrub, purchased or homemade, 2 times a week, and even just rub the elbows with a hard washcloth - they must be lubricated with a greasy cream every day, and even the usual "Children's" will do.

If the skin began to coarsen and peel off, it is worth using compresses, baths and masks.

To soften the skin on the elbows at home, compresses are more effective, but they are best done at night - disks or tampons moistened with vegetable oil must be fixed on the elbows. During the day, you can make baths with oil: sunflower, corn, olive, almond, burdock or even avocado oil - keep your elbows in warm oil for up to 15 minutes, and then gently wipe with a napkin and gently rub with a washcloth - dead cells are easily removed. Even if you just rub oil on your elbows when you are in the kitchen, the skin on them will no longer be dark and rough.

To soften the skin on the elbows, it is good to use fresh cabbage leaves for compresses: they should be slightly kneaded, applied to the elbows, tied with a bandage and left overnight.

Mask with powdered milk and lemon: powdered milk (1/4 cup) is mixed with lemon juice so that a slurry is obtained - you can add water. The mixture is applied to the damp skin of the elbows, kept for 20 minutes, washed off and gently rubbed with a hard washcloth for several minutes, then the elbows are lubricated with a fat cream.

How to soften the skin on the heels

There is a lot of talk about foot care, but not everyone understands the importance of this care: people think that their feet and heels are unworthy of attention, or they deserve it in the very last place. Meanwhile, there are many biologically active points and nerve endings on the feet - by acting on them, you can improve and restore your health, however, when the skin is rough and cracked, this is almost impossible.

How to soften the skin of the feet and heels at home? The skin of the feet and heels must be made softer - for example, with the help of baths from herbal decoctions.

The following infusion softens the skin of the heels and feet well: chamomile, birch leaf and mint are mixed in equal parts, pour 5 tbsp. mixture with boiling water (2-3 l), and insist for about an hour; filter, add warm water, dip your feet into the infusion, and take a bath for 20-25 minutes. After the bath, the roughened areas are gently rubbed with a pumice stone, the feet are lubricated with a nourishing cream, and lemon peel compresses are applied to the problem areas - it softens the skin and heals wounds and cracks. It is more convenient to do this procedure before going to bed, and leave the compress on all night.

And another inexpensive universal recipe to soften the skin of the heels. Mix glycerin 1:1 with ammonia, and rub this mixture in the morning and evening on the knees, elbows and feet - the skin will become soft and pink.

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In winter, the skin of the feet especially needs care and hydration. With constant contact with shoes, dryness increases, small cracks and corns appear. Simple remedies will help get rid of them.

What to do with rough skin on the feet

The main causes of rough skin on the feet are:

- improper care;

- wearing uncomfortable and hard shoes;

- violations in the work of the endocrine system;

- lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.

When choosing shoes, pay attention to their size and shape. The foot should feel comfortable inside the shoe. In no case do not choose shoes if they press or press on the toes. A high and unstable heel increases the risk of corns, corns, and skin roughness.

When taking water procedures, it is advisable to use a pumice stone weekly to exfoliate old and dry skin. This allows you to improve the process of cell regeneration and soften the rough skin of the feet. After taking a bath, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer to the feet.

It is better to choose more fatty products, as they perfectly soften the skin of the legs.

Baths and masks to soften the skin

With rough skin of the feet, various baths and masks help, which are quite easy to perform at home. Before carrying out a pedicure, it is necessary to thoroughly steam the skin in hot water with the addition of a small amount of soda, laundry soap and ammonia. After 20 minutes, the skin will soften, after which you can begin to manipulate the removal of the stratum corneum and cuticles.

If corns and corns appear, which spoil the appearance and cause pain when walking, baths with the addition of a decoction of medicinal herbs will help. The most effective and beneficial herbs for the skin are chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, nettle. They relieve inflammation, increase tone, soften the skin. After steaming, carefully treat the soles with a pumice stone, and at night apply oily cream or petroleum jelly to problem areas.

To soften the skin, apply a thick layer of Vaseline and leave overnight.

Perfectly softens the skin bath of oatmeal. Brew 2 tbsp. hercules in a glass of water and add to a basin of water. To improve the result, you can mix oatmeal with infusion of needles.

The milk bath makes the skin soft and smooth. Mix warm water with hot milk in equal proportions and place the legs for 20-30 minutes. After the first procedure, the feet will become much better. After the bath, wipe the skin of the legs with lemon juice, which has a whitening effect.

Baths with the addition of essential oils can not only eliminate rough skin, but also get rid of fungal infections of the feet. For example, mix 2 drops of bergamot, tea tree, lavender oil, add to prepared water and hold your feet for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, dry the skin and apply a nourishing cream.

How to soften rough feet at home

The rough skin of the legs is quite an unpleasant thing. And if such a phenomenon is excusable for a man, then the girl must certainly ensure that her heels do not look as if she had been walking barefoot on asphalt for a week. You, too, will not be superfluous to know how to soften the heels and make the skin on them pleasant enough to the touch. Consider a few "recipes" that will help you put your feet in order.

Causes of hardened heels

Before getting rid of the hated keratinized layer of skin on the heels, figure out the reasons for its appearance. They may be as follows:

  • Uncomfortable shoes and the constant wearing of high heels are often the cause of hardened heels. Try to at least occasionally give your feet a rest and wear more comfortable shoes.
  • Insufficient hydration of the skin of the legs. You probably use face and body creams. Do not forget that the skin of the heels also needs to be moisturized.
  • In extreme cases, the cause of the appearance of keratinized skin on the heels is associated with the occurrence of a fungal infection. You can't do without the help of a doctor.

So, now you know why the skin on the heels hardens. Now let's talk about how to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon.

We soften the skin of the heels: tips

So, you've decided to soften the skin on your heels and don't know how to do it? Follow the tips listed below and after a while you will get the desired result.

  • Herbal baths

If your skin on your heels is not only rough, but also covered with cracks, hot baths with the addition of herbal decoctions such as oak bark, calendula, St. John's wort and a string will help you. Heat the water to such a state that you can endure without pain, and keep your feet in it for at least fifteen minutes. At the end of the procedure, apply a very oily nourishing cream to the feet. It is better to do such a bath before going to bed, when the legs are relaxed and perceive external influences well.

  • Soda + soap

Bath with baking soda and soap. Use two parts soap for one part baking soda. Keep your feet in the bath until the water cools down. Then treat the heels with a pumice stone (do not use metal graters, only natural ones). Apply a nourishing cream or castor oil, put on old socks and go to bed. In the morning you will see how softened your skin is.

  • cosmetic oils

Use cosmetic oils. Choose any you like - the oil perfectly nourishes the skin.

  • Vegetable compresses

Tie compresses with grated potato gruel or compresses with juice from cabbage leaves to your feet at night. You can also apply honey on the heels. In order not to stain the bed, tie a compress with a bandage.

  • Propolis

If you already have deep enough cracks on your heels, it is fraught with infection. In this case, buy ointments and creams with the addition of propolis in pharmacies.

Try to carry out one of these procedures every day and you will get a wonderful result.

How to soften your heels? Step-by-step instruction

Of course, the ideal option would be to go to the nearest beauty salon and entrust your feet to professional pedicure masters. But if you don’t have the money or time for this, you can easily carry out an almost salon procedure on your own at home.

  1. Step 1. Buy a pumice stone (preferably natural), sea salt, a rich cream (preferably regular baby) and a scrub. You can also purchase additional special foot masks at your discretion.
  2. Step 2. Make a foot bath with sea salt, soak your feet in it for 15 minutes. Then clean the heels well from the keratinized skin with a pumice stone. Work on your nails.
  3. Step 3. Thoroughly remove the remaining moisture from the legs with a warm towel. Apply nourishing cream to your feet. These procedures are carried out at least twice a month or more often, as the keratinized layers of the skin form.
  4. Step 4. Exfoliate your feet several times a week with special scrubs. After using the scrub, apply a softening mask or cream to the heels, put on socks and leave them until the morning.
  5. Step 5. Apply a mixture of olive oil and burdock oil to your feet daily with the addition of liquid vitamins A and E.

Gradually, applying these procedures, you will make your heels soft and pleasant to the touch.

If the skin on the feet becomes dry, cracks appear on the heels, first of all, these are signs of a lack of vitamins, a deficiency of nutrients in the body, dehydration or illness.

Dryness of the feet and skin of the body in women may be due to hormonal failure, and in adulthood - a symptom of menopause.

Whatever it is, anyway To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you need to find out the real causes and factors that provoke them.

Of the diseases that most often lead to similar symptoms, experts distinguish the following diseases: fungal infections of the skin and nails, eczema, allergies, psoriasis, beriberi (lack of trace elements and essential vitamins).

If the problem of dry heels interferes with life, before doing something at home and in order to avoid this in the future, you should definitely find out the cause of dryness and cracks

However, not only diseases, but also some factors contribute to the appearance of problems with dry skin of the extremities and the formation of cracks. These include such unfavorable cases and phenomena for the legs:

  • low-quality shoes;
  • dry indoor air;
  • acclimatization;
  • side effect on the action of certain drugs;
  • chlorinated water;
  • a small amount of fluid taken per day;
  • stress, nervous strain.

What means and methods can be used to treat dry heels at home

At home, therapeutic baths, compresses and scrubs are considered the most effective in the treatment of dry feet and heels. The latter are used to exfoliate dead parts of the skin and quickly regenerate a new layer of the epidermis.

For medicinal purposes, the following products are commonly used to restore skin health.

  • paraffin;
  • coconut oil;
  • aspirin;
  • vinegar.

Paraffin in the treatment of dry heels

Paraffin (a wax-like mixture) effectively fights the appearance of roughness on the heels, it softens the skin well. Paraffin must be heated in a convenient way, then add a little coconut oil.

Coconut oil enhances the effect of paraffin. To eliminate dryness and cracked skin, smear a mixture of paraffin and coconut oil on the heels and leave for 12 hours. The procedure should be applied within 14 days.

coconut oil

Applying coconut oil is one of the things you can do to get rid of dry heels at home. It not only softens the skin of the feet, but also disinfects the heels, fights fungus and other infectious diseases of the feet.

Coconut oil should be applied after steaming the feet in hot water. Rub coconut oil on your heels before going to bed. Wash off the oil from your feet in the morning. The duration of treatment depends on the degree of the disease.


Mix 10 aspirin tablets with a glass of vodka and add a few drops of iodine. The mixture should be rubbed on the heels and left for 20 minutes.

The procedure can be performed daily for a week. This period is enough to get rid of the problem. The solution must be stored in the refrigerator.

table vinegar

Table vinegar is also used in the treatment of dry heels.½ tsp white vinegar must be added to 2 tbsp. water. After wetting a non-synthetic fabric with a solution, you need to wrap your legs. After 15 minutes, remove the fabric and treat the legs with a pumice stone. Next, you should moisturize the skin of the legs with a special cream.

Therapeutic baths for the skin of the feet and heels

Baths are another way to get rid of the problem of rough feet. You can prepare foot baths using sea (table) salt, red wine, apple cider vinegar, medicinal herbs.

sea ​​salt bath recipe

Sea salt is rich in silicon, iron, bromine. It helps to remove the keratinized skin of the heels, relieve tired legs, and remove unpleasant odors.

You can prepare a sea salt bath as follows: 1.5 tbsp. l. Add salt to warm water and soak your feet in it for 15 minutes. After, rinse them and apply a moisturizer.

The procedure time should not exceed 20 minutes, otherwise the salt will begin to corrode the skin.

red wine bath recipe

The fact that red wine has beneficial properties and is widely used in beauty recipes has long been known.

The ingredients in its composition help to make the skin soft. Many cosmetics contain red wine extract.

If dry heels, then at home you need to prepare a bath of wine. Red wine is mixed with water, and the feet are placed in a basin for 20 minutes.

Then you should wipe your feet and spread them with cream. Wine baths should be done 1 time in 7 days.

Herbal baths

Medicinal herbs well relieve fatigue of the legs and relieve dry heels. To prepare herbal baths, you can use chamomile, lemon balm, mint, lavender, calendula, wormwood and some other herbs.

The proportions of herbs may vary. They need to be poured with boiled water and insisted for half an hour. Feet should be kept in water for up to 20 minutes. After the procedure, dry your feet and apply a moisturizer.

apple cider vinegar

Dilute 30 ml of apple cider vinegar in water and dip your heels in the liquid for 15 minutes. After the procedure, rinse your feet and moisturize them with cream.

Soap and baking soda

14 gr. baking soda and the same amount of laundry soap shavings should be added to room temperature water. Feet in this liquid must be held for 15 minutes. Rinse your feet afterwards and apply the cream.

Compresses for dry heels

Another way to combat dry heels is to make foot compresses. They can be prepared from ordinary products.

Hydrogen peroxide compress recipe

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective remedy in the fight against rough and dry skin of the heels. To prepare a compress, mix 1 part peroxide with 5 parts warm water. Moisten the gauze with the solution and apply on the heels. After 2 hours, remove the gauze and apply the cream on the heels.

Olive oil compress

Olive oil is a true helper in the fight against dry skin. The feet are rubbed with oil, put on cotton socks and left overnight. In the morning you need to wash your feet and apply cream.

Oatmeal and linseed oil

Oat flakes need to be boiled and linseed oil added to them. Place the mixture in bags (cellophane) and put them on your feet. From above it is necessary to fix socks. The compress is kept for at least 2 hours. Then wash off with warm water and apply a fat cream.

Compress of honey and cabbage

Before applying the compress, soften the skin of the feet with a bath. After, apply honey on the feet. Cover them with cabbage leaves. Fix in a convenient way. The compress must be left overnight. Wash off with warm water in the morning.

How to soften heels and how to get rid of rough heels

Heels, like hands, need good care. Feet should be regularly moisturized with special creams. Various recipes of traditional medicine help well in foot care.

Before using these or other methods, you should steam your legs well. Only regular care will eliminate the problem of rough heels.

Homemade scrubs for dry feet

So that the skin on the heels always remains smooth and soft, it is necessary to use foot scrubs from time to time. You don't have to buy them, you can make them at home. Scrubs remove dead skin on the legs.

Before scrubbing, you need to carefully steam the feet. Then rub with a pumice stone. Then rub the heels with salt and put on socks. It is necessary to apply this method until complete recovery, not forgetting to treat the skin of the feet and heels with medicinal ointments and herbal baths.

A homemade scrub can be made from simple products (sugar, salt, semolina, oatmeal, coffee, chocolate, orange, honey).

The table below shows recipes for scrubs to remove rough skin on the heels.

Ingredients Recipes
Sugar, coconut oil, tea, lemon juiceIn a cup of tea, add sugar, juice from half a lemon, and 2 tsp. coconut oil. Stir the mixture until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Rub it for 2 minutes on the heels, then rinse without using soap.
Rice, honey, apple cider vinegar, almond (olive) oil2 tsp. honey, almond oil and apple cider vinegar must be mixed with a handful of ground rice. You should get a thick slurry. After steaming the heels, you should carefully scrub your legs with the resulting mixture. Then wash off the scrub from the feet and apply a nourishing cream. The procedure can be repeated several times a week.
Coarse coffee, sea salt, olive oil1 tsp. coffee and sea salt should be mixed with 2 tsp. olive oil. The resulting scrub should be rubbed well on the heels after the foot bath. Then rinse off the scrub with warm water and apply cream on the heels.
Radish, olive oil, rice flour, foot creamTo treat dry heels at home, you can also use a radish-based scrub. It must be rubbed on a coarse grater. Add 1 tsp. rice flour and fat foot cream, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. Mix all ingredients well. Soften the heels with a foot bath, then thoroughly scrub them with the resulting mixture. Wash your feet afterwards and dry them.
Sugar, baking soda, olive oil, honey2 tsp are added to a cup of sugar. honey, baking soda and olive oil. The resulting mixture should be rubbed on the heels with massage movements for several minutes. Then wash off the scrub and apply a nourishing cream on your feet.
Brown sugar, aloe juice, oatmeal, lemon juice, honey, olive oil2 tbsp. l. oatmeal must be ground, add 2 tbsp. l. brown sugar and aloe vera juice, and 1 tsp. honey and olive oil. The scrub is carefully rubbed on the heels for several minutes, then washed off with water. The mixture can be stored in a glass container for up to 6 months.

Pumice heel treatment - how to do it right

After baths and compresses, the heels should be well treated with pumice stone. However, it is important to use it correctly. Regular pumice is used only after steaming the skin. Electric and fine pumice stones can be used for dry skin.

Delicate areas should never be treated with pumice. When buying pumice, you need to pay attention to what materials it is made of. Natural materials cause less harm to the skin of the legs.

The correct procedure for cleaning the heels takes place in several stages:

  • Steaming. First of all, you should steam your legs well in slightly hot water. You can add salt, potato starch, herbal decoctions to the water.
  • Drying. It is best to dry your feet with a terry towel.
  • Rubbing with pumice. Work with pumice stone carefully so that delicate areas of the skin are not damaged. Then wash off the layer of rough skin.
  • Cream application. The last step in cleaning your heels is applying a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

Treatment of dry skin of the heels with drugs from a pharmacy

Pharmaceutical products well help to get rid of problems associated with hyperhidrosis, cracks, roughness of the skin on the legs.

Among the majority of drugs can be distinguished cream "5 days". The cream helps to get rid of sweating, bad breath and cracked heels. It is applied to clean and dry skin 1 time per day. The duration of treatment is 7-10 days.

Like any pharmacy drug, this cream has its own contraindications. The cream can not be used in case of sensitivity of the body to the components of which it consists.

People undergoing treatment with hormonal drugs should consult with their doctor.

Cream "Sea Wolf"

The cream is suitable for the treatment of dry and rough skin. The composition is mainly natural components - seaweed, extracts of medicinal plants, sea minerals, formic alcohol.

Cream "Sea Wolf" promotes rapid healing of cracked heels. It nourishes the skin with microelements and protects it from external factors for a long time. Reduces inflammation and effectively moisturizes the skin.

Cream "Bepanten"

The cream has regenerating properties. Well moisturizes the skin and heals wounds. Restores the skin. Cream "Bepanten" is used for burns, peeling, abrasions.

If dry heels - then at home you can use the cream or ointment "Bepanten". There are no special differences in them. The ointment has a thicker consistency and is used for medicinal purposes. The cream is more suitable for use in cosmetic procedures.

Proven folk remedy

In ancient times, when there were no pharmacy products, women used improvised means. Acetic essence was mixed with glycerin and smeared on the heels. This is a time-tested folk remedy in the fight against roughness of the skin of the feet.

Before use, you need to steam your feet and thoroughly clean your heels with a pumice stone. Then, moistening cotton swabs in the mixture, treat the rough skin. Next, you should put plastic bags on your feet and fix them with tight socks.

The effect depends on the condition of the heels. With very strong roughness and cracks, the procedure must be done daily. When the skin of the legs returns to normal, it is enough to use 1 time per week.

Cleansing kefir peeling for feet and heels

To prepare peeling, you need kefir with a fat content of 3.2%. The liquid must be heated to a warm state. Next, add some olive oil and fresh strawberry or peach juice.

Pour the mixture of 100 ml into plastic bags and put them on your feet. From above it is necessary to warm the legs with woolen socks. The procedure time is 2 hours. After, wash off the kefir from the feet and apply a moisturizer.

Note! When treating dry heels at home, you should consult your doctor!

Contraindications can be such factors as the presence of varicose veins, pregnancy, high temperature, diabetes, individual intolerance to the components, thrombosis.

You should also refrain from any procedures for eczema, skin allergies, open wounds on the legs.

Homemade ointments for the treatment of dry heels

With the appearance of dry heels at home, you can prepare ointments. For their preparation, you will need the most common products.

Recipe number 1. An egg, vinegar and olive oil are mixed in an enamel bowl. The resulting ointment is applied to the heels before going to bed. Wash your feet thoroughly with soap in the morning.

Recipe number 2. Sour cream, honey and cottage cheese must be mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Before applying the ointment, steam the heels well. Apply ointment and wait 20 minutes. Next, wash your feet and apply cream.

Recipe number 3. This recipe calls for vegetable oil, one egg yolk, and vinegar. All ingredients are taken in 1 tsp. By mixing them, you can get a yellowish ointment. Heels should be smeared with this ointment before going to bed. Rinse thoroughly in the morning. After several times, the skin of the feet will soften.

In addition to the above procedures, it is worth eating fresh fruits and vegetables every day, as they contain a large amount of vitamins.

If after applying homemade recipes there is no improvement, then you should consult a doctor.

Dry heels. What to do at home. How to make miracle cream:

A useful video on how to prepare an effective ointment to get rid of dry heels from simple ingredients:

Foot problems can occur at any time of the year. In winter, feet get tired of heavy, hot, often leathery and non-breathable shoes; in the offseason - from getting wet and heels; in summer - from dust, fatigue, corns, rough skin of the heels, spurs ... All these problems can be solved by gentle care. You can make foot baths from the most affordable ingredients.

Foot baths with sea salt

It will suit you if you want to solve the problem of puffiness, constant fatigue (working on your feet), tension, clogged pores, nail problems and fungus. It is worth making baths with salt in autumn and spring, as they help protect against rhinitis and acute respiratory infections. And besides, they do prevention of varicose veins - an excellent solution for lovers of heels, as well as pregnant women (but it is better for "waiters" to consult a doctor before use).

Salt also has contraindications: scratches, cracks and other skin problems.

Salt bath recipes: Dissolve 1 large spoonful of sea salt in warm water (1 liter). Keep your feet in a basin with this water for about 20 minutes. When the bath has cooled, add more saline solution, hotter. Course: 2 to 3 times in 7 days.

Pine bath with salt: enrich the previous composition (a liter of water, a spoonful of salt) with one drop of coniferous ether or extract, and you need to drip it on the salt before adding it to the water. Duration of the procedure: up to 30 minutes. Result: relief of cold symptoms, better rest for tired and swollen legs, excellent blood circulation in the skin.

With tea tree oil. Tea tree oil (1 drop per liter of saline solution) is added to the bath to treat fungal infections, to improve circulation in the feet, and relieve fatigue.

Salt bath with herbs. If you prepare a saline solution with a decoction of herbs, we will get a moisturizing, softening and relaxing effect on the skin of the feet. The most useful will be decoctions of chamomile, linden, calendula, birch, sage, nettle, mint. It is recommended to steam the legs in such a bath for 15-20 minutes.

Salt + iodine. This popular recipe softens and deodorizes the skin of the feet, eliminates excessive sweating, improves blood circulation, relieves swelling, and strengthens nails. 5 g of salt (sea or table), dissolve in a liter of water and add 5 ml of iodine. Dip the legs in the composition for fifteen minutes. Then rinse with water and dry with a towel.

Salt with ethers. Essential oils will help relieve fatigue and swelling of the legs, are an excellent deodorant, improve skin tone and strengthen nails. One of the most popular pedicure oils is lavender. It relaxes and soothes the feet. We prepare the bath at the rate of 1 drop of oil per liter of brine. The bath is more effective to do in the evening.

Bath with salt and ammonia It will help to remove rough skin growths and make the feet soft. To do this, add three tablespoons of ammonia to a bath of warm saline.

Baths with soda

Soda helps soften very rough and keratinized skin; fights bacteria and odor, reduces sweating; Helps dissolve stubborn dirt.

Soda bath with salt for skin cleansing. For one liter of warm water, you should take two tablespoons of sea or table salt and one tablespoon of soda. Instead of soda, you can add laundry soap to the bath.

Soda - soap bath for legs. Very simple and effective remedy for corns. With regular use (1-2 times a week), all calluses will come off, the heels will look like a baby's. Rub laundry soap on a coarse grater. For 1 liter of hot water, add a tablespoon of soap chips and 2-3 teaspoons of soda. It is recommended to steam your legs for up to half an hour, adding hot water as it cools. Softened rough skin should be cleaned with a pumice stone or a heel file. Then rinse your feet with clean water and apply moisturizer.

Soda bath with white clay with rough skin. For a liter of warm water, add 2 tablespoons of white clay, 2 tablespoons of liquid soap, a spoonful of ammonia. Steam the legs in the resulting composition for about 20 minutes. As a result, the skin becomes soft and smooth.

Soda with herbs for swelling and fatigue. If the legs get tired and swollen in the evening, soda baths on a decoction of herbs will help. Suitable chamomile, calendula, linden, sage, St. John's wort. Herbs will accelerate the healing of wounds and cracks. A tablespoon of soda and a spoonful of honey are added to a liter of broth.

Foot baths with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a proven anti-fungal agent that removes bad odors. It will also help with rough skin. But do not forget: peroxide will return smoothness to the heels only if they did not suffer from a serious illness; in addition, measure the peroxide dosage carefully so as not to overbake the skin.

Basic recipe: 1.5 liters of water (hot), 4 large spoons of peroxide. In such a bath, the feet should be kept for no longer than 5 minutes, after which the softened skin is processed with a nail file. For your own safety, it is better to make the first procedure even shorter - soar the legs for only 2.5 minutes. Course: no more than 2 times for 7 days.

Paraffin foot baths

This substance is very popular with masters from expensive salons, who add it to baths not only for feet, but also for hands. Paraffin effectively softens the skin, moisturizes it, strengthens the nails, and also relieves limbs from fatigue. Finally, the right bath can warm up the skin, which is great for women suffering from joint pain.

But it is not necessary to go to the salon for this procedure - you can do it on your own. It is done simply:

1. Buy cosmetic paraffin. Place it in a water bath and heat until it melts and is pleasantly warm.

2. While it is “leaking”, prepare your heels by treating them with a scrub or lotion.

3. Dip the legs in paraffin, count to 10, take them out.

4. Repeat the procedure five times. At the end, your heels will be generously covered with paraffin "plaster".

5. Wrap your feet in cellophane, pull your thickest socks on top. Keep this warming from 30 minutes to night.

6. Remove the "plaster", soothe the skin with cream.

Course: 1 to 2 times in 7 days.

Vinegar foot baths

This kitchen "acidifier" saves from corns, rough heels, fungus and unwanted odor.

Basic recipe: Pour 2 tablespoons of vinegar (apple vinegar is highly recommended) into 2 liters of water at a pleasant temperature. Keep the legs in the bath for about 15 minutes, then rub the problem areas with a pumice stone or brush. After that, dip your feet in cool water for 15 seconds, wipe, and when the skin calms down (after 30 minutes), pamper it with a moisturizer.

Important! Do not do such baths if you notice a crack on the foot, even a small one. Also, vinegar will not like scratched, blood-rubbed skin.

Foot baths for sweat and odor

Potassium permanganate. Pour this product into water to turn it a soft pink (if it turns crimson, you can burn your skin). Course: 2 weeks, every 2 days.

Oak bark. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over one large spoonful of bark, boil for up to 7 minutes, let cool under the lid. Pour about 300 ml of hot water into the broth to warm it up and have enough volume for the procedure. Do a bath until it cools down. After it, the feet should be rinsed with clean water and dried thoroughly.

Essential oils. Eucalyptus, tea tree, citrus oils are best suited for your situation. These products remove bad smell, tone the skin, and normalize sweating. In a bowl of water, drop no more than 4 drops of any ether, soak the legs for up to 20 minutes. At the end, treat the skin with a solution of boric acid (2%).

Foot baths for corns and cracks

Oatmeal bath. Pour 250 ml of "Hercules" with a glass of boiling water, let it steam for about 20 minutes. Stir these flakes in a bowl of hot water. Result: soft skin.

White clay. Stir 2-3 tablespoons of white clay in an identical amount of liters of hot water. Steam your feet for up to 20 minutes, and then moisten them with cream.

Starch. For 1 liter of pleasantly warm water, you need 1 large spoonful of starch. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes, it is advisable to do it before going to bed. The bath makes the legs softer, as well as the prevention of cracks.

Esters and milk. In 1 glass of milk (only not from the refrigerator, but warmed up), add up to 6 drops of lemon, pine or cypress ether. Pour this case into a bowl of warm water, steam the legs for up to half an hour. Get a home spa treatment as well as a treatment for painful fissures. By the way, this bath can also be done without essential oils, simply by mixing fresh (pasteurized milk is also possible) with water, just keep the legs in it for up to 15 minutes.

With honey. Add 50 g of natural honey (that is, 1.5 tablespoons of thick or 2 tablespoons of liquid product) to a liter of water. Let the legs "sour" in this bath for 20 minutes. This procedure is considered the most useful of all listed.

With potato broth. Drain the slightly cooled (so that the hand enters painlessly) broth into a basin, steam the heels for up to half an hour. Rinse them with clean water, dry with a towel, rub with castor oil.

With sauerkraut juice. For 1 liter of water, take 200 ml of this juice. Hold the legs up to 20 minutes.

With boric acid. For 1 glass of water, 50 g of boric acid is taken. The bath is done in the evening. The legs in it should “sour” no more than 15 minutes, after which they must be wiped, treated with petroleum jelly and insulated (ordinary socks will do). In the morning, the feet are rinsed with plain water under the tap. Course: 5 procedures.

Oil baths. Olive, sunflower, jojoba, apricot, and grape seed oil are suitable for you. These products nourish and soften the "keratinized" skin very well. The most popular recipe is this: pour 5 ml of orange oil and 1 large spoonful of any other oil into a liter of warm water.

Ammonium chloride. Mix 3 tablespoons of ammonia with the same amount of salt. Course: 1 time in 7 days. Result: gradual softening of the most “wooden” heels. Another recipe: 1 tablespoon of ammonia, the same amount of soap chips and soda, 2 liters of hot (but without busting) water. Keep your legs up to 40 minutes.

Tonic foot baths

Dry mustard. This pharmaceutical agent well "erases" fatigue, disinfects, makes the blood run faster ... But attention: it also warms, due to which perspiration increases. However, do not rush to abandon this procedure, because it normalizes sweating, and also removes bad odor from the skin. The procedure is especially recommended for women who have a cold or suffer from chronic rhinitis, as well as hypertensive patients. The basic recipe is as follows: stir 1 tablespoon of the powder in a liter of hot water, hold the legs for 15 minutes.

contrast bath. You need 2 basins with water of different temperatures: -15 and +40 degrees. Put your feet in the first, count to 20, then move them to the second.

Tea room. Brew 1 tablespoon of tea (green), cover it to infuse. Add hot water to make a bath. Steam your heels for about 15 minutes.

Essential. Dissolve 2 large spoons of salt (sea salt) in water, add 2 drops each of rosemary, eucalyptus and lavender oils.

How to do foot baths?

1. You can steam from a quarter to a half hour. It is better not to keep the legs in the bath longer - the skin will dry out, and wrinkles will appear on the heels.

2. Do not add more ingredients than indicated in the recipe. Even commonplace salt can harm in an immoderate amount.

3. Prepare a soft towel immediately. After any of the above procedures, you need to wipe the skin dry. Even if you lubricate wet heels with the best cream, it will not be absorbed, that is, it will not bring the desired benefit. In addition, fungi or bacteria settle faster on wet skin.


Women in position

Suffering from problems with blood vessels, thrombosis,

If you have a burn, scratch, sore on your leg, or have suffered frostbite,

With diabetes,

At elevated body temperature,

In the presence of psoriasis, dermatitis,

Hypertensive patients (with exceptions in the form of baths designed specifically to lower pressure).

Autumn is coming and the ladies sigh with relief. After all, now closed shoes hide all the imperfections of the legs. They walk calmly all winter, and with the advent of spring they grab their heads. Soon you need to put on open sandals or sandals, and your heels look like a baked potato. Of course, you can go to the salon. But with the modern rhythm of life, then there is no time, then money, then opportunities.

How to soften heels at home? To do this is easy enough. The most ordinary baths, masks and pumice are always on guard for charming legs.

Those who say that they have tried many recipes to no avail, did not take into account one circumstance. Regularity. It is not enough to do one procedure a week and hope that the heels will become pink and soft. Foot care should be constant, all year round. Then you don’t have to rush about in the spring to find a miracle cure.


The principle of any bath is reduced to one. Certain substances are diluted in hot water. Then the feet are dipped for 30-40 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the legs are rubbed with a hard brush, a piece of pumice stone or a special file. Then rinse, wipe dry. And be sure to apply a rich nourishing cream.

There are a lot of compositions for such baths. The most effective and affordable are described below.

  1. Baking soda. 1 tbsp is enough for 1 liter of water. l. with a small top.
  2. Lemon and salt. For 3 liters of water 3 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt and the juice of one lemon.
  3. Blue clay. 100 g per 1 liter of water.
  4. Green tea and linden flowers. For 2 liters of water, 2 tbsp. l. raw materials.
  5. Milk and liquid soap. 200 ml per 2 liters of water.

For maximum effectiveness, every 10 minutes, the heels are lightly rubbed with a hard washcloth.

The apparent simplicity of recipes may seem inefficient. But if you apply them regularly, alternating with other procedures, the result will be noticeable in a week.

Some sources advise doing any baths twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Well, if there is time for this. In the evening it is quite possible, especially after a hard day at work. But what about in the morning? You need to have time to get ready for work, cook breakfast at home, gather the children ... Don't be upset if you don't have the strength to get up an hour early to do your morning routine. The bath can be completely replaced by the use of scrub and cream. And in the evening before going to bed, you can enjoy a well-deserved bath with peace of mind.


In nature, there are many herbs, vegetables and fruits that perfectly soften rough skin on the heels. Each of them has its own exposure time. You don't need to increase it. Because instead of soft skin, you can get damage to the epidermis. It is better to do masks regularly and at the recommended time than once a month to try to soften the crust on the heels with a five-hour procedure.

  1. Apple. The most ordinary green apple should be eaten. Finely chop the core together with partitions and bones. Pour 250 ml of milk and boil for 7 minutes. Mash the resulting mixture with a fork and apply on the heels. Wash off after 15 minutes.
  2. Zucchini. Grate a young green vegetable on a fine grater. Add a teaspoon of any vegetable oil. Apply to the skin, cover with polyethylene. After half an hour, gently rinse with warm water.
  3. Onion. Cut a ripe onion in half, attach slices to the heels. Wrap with a bandage or cloth, then go to bed. In order not to smell the onion smell all night, you can wrap your feet with cling film. In the morning, be sure to scrub the skin, then smear with a moisturizer.
  4. Apricot. Mash the ripe pulp of two fruits with a fork and add 1 tbsp. l. rye flour. Spread the resulting slurry on the heels and leave for half an hour. Can be covered with foil. Rinse after.

In general, almost all fruits and vegetables that contain acid are very suitable for softening the skin of the heels. After such masks, it is good to use any soft scrub. For example, based on ground coffee or sugar. Scrubs of industrial production also cope with rough heels. And by all means use your favorite cream! Always.


For lotions, it is not at all necessary to use completely natural products. Some chemicals also have a softening effect on the skin. The meaning of lotions is to apply the product to the skin several times in a row with a certain interval. Then rinse, clean the heels with a pumice stone and smear with cream.

  1. Glycerol. Sold in a pharmacy, it costs a penny. The bubble is not poured down the neck. Add apple cider vinegar to it to the top. Shake before use. Apply to the heels three times with an interval of 5 minutes. Then wash off. Get ready for the acetic ambergris. But you need to be patient, because the result is visible almost after the first application.
  2. Peppermint and cornflower flowers. Take 1 tbsp. l. each and steamed with 100 g of boiling water. Allow to cool slightly and apply to the heels. Close for 30 minutes with polyethylene or cling film. There is no need to rinse off this product.
  3. Corn oil. Applied to soften the skin of the heels all night. In order not to stain the bed, you can cover the legs with a film and put on socks. Rinse in the morning and apply a light moisturizer.
  4. Egg yolk and potato starch. Grind the yolk from a domestic egg with 1 tsp. starch. Apply the mixture on the heels, wait for it to dry. Then another layer and dry again. Repeat this until the mixture is finished. After rinsing, rub with a brush and apply a nourishing cream.

  1. Why is a pumice stone or a brush mentioned after each item? Why is it not written about cutting off a thick layer of dense skin? Never use a blade as is customary in pedicure salons. They need you as a regular customer. And cutting off the top layer of the epidermis, the growth of new cells is provoked. As a result, the skin on the heels thickens and coarsens even more.
  2. In the summer, when you come to sunbathe, you probably use sunscreen. But forget about the feet. Be sure to oil them. And of course, after sunbathing, apply a moisturizer.
  3. Now the industry offers special disposable socks. They are put on the feet, hold for a certain time. Then the legs are rinsed. After three days, the top layer of the skin begins to peel off and peel off in pieces, and under it remains smooth and soft. The action is due to the presence of lactic acid in the composition of the impregnation. Reviews are completely different, from the most enthusiastic to cursing to the seventh generation. Therefore, we will not recommend them, as well as name the manufacturer. If desired, all information can be freely found on the net.
  4. The only thing that should be mentioned is the impossibility of using such socks for any skin damage. Because wounds or cuts will corrode even more with acid.
  5. After achieving the desired results, you can not abandon the procedure at all. Their frequency can be reduced, and used more for preventive purposes. But be sure to do a light foot massage with a nourishing cream every day. This will keep your heels from getting rough.

How to soften heels at home? Don't forget to take care of them. Hands are always in sight, they are groomed and cherished. And they forget about the legs from time to time. Just regularly give them due attention, indulge in masks and baths. And then they will compose poems about your legs, as it was before.

Video: how to care for the heels of the feet