How to make fabric balls for a snowman. Master class on making a snowman with your own hands from fleece. Snowman made from plain colored paper

For one sock you need
1 white or white with patterns sock. Any size sock, I took a child's size because I wanted small snowmen.
2. What to stuff it with: synthetic padding, cotton wool (just not the kind that’s already rolled up into pieces, it will look bad), even rice and old newspapers, some sources suggested!
3. What to put on the bottom if you want the snowman to stand and not just hang. I put a little raw rice at the very bottom; in a large snowman, one aunt advised putting a lid from a jar on the bottom - which is used for twisting all sorts of jams; here at a conference from Dinna** there was a proposal to put a heavy coin (5 rubles, it seems).
4. Well, whatever your imagination suggests for decorating a snowman - pieces of fabric, buttons, beads, beautiful threads, lace, your cosmetics, permanent markers, I bought “pom-poms” and special eyes, they are cheap, but you can just use the same buttons, and make the pom-poms yourself. You also need a strong thread or elastic band to pull the snowman and separate the head from the body.

We put a “stabilizing element” on the bottom of the snowman - something heavier, like rice, then stuff the sock with padding polyester, cotton wool or rice. We fill the sock somewhere up to the shin, adjust the degree of “fatness” yourself. At first I hid my heel back, and then, on the contrary, I began to glue my eyes on it, etc. - I thought it was more convenient. The sock can be turned inside out, so it often looks “terry”, and you can also pre-soak it in strong tea and then it will become a “sepia” tone. And if the tea is fragrant, like mine, then the pleasant smell will remain.
When the snowman is stuffed to the height you need (i.e., right up to the heel), sew up, tie, and twist the rest of the unstuffed sock; you can tie it strictly in the center or a little more towards the “back” of the snowman - this is more convenient if the sock has a heel , and the hat fits better. We divide the snowman into 2 unequal parts and put on an elastic band or tie a thread to separate the body from the head (later we hide the elastic band under the scarf). We take the unstuffed part of the sock and pull it over the snowman’s head - it turns out to be a hat. Then we decorate as we want - glue and sew on eyes of any size, buttons, mouth and nose, buboes on a hat, scarf, etc. You can use almost anything. You can make a blush using a match with cotton wool and regular blush. That's basically it!

Marshmallow snowman

A cheerful snowman, sweet and appetizing, will decorate the holiday table.
This sweet treat can be made from marshmallows, rafaelo, toothpicks, and tangerine peel.
Two marshmallows are connected to each other with two toothpicks for strength and you get the body of a snowman. The third marshmallow is attached vertically - this will be the head. Attach the rafaelo to the snowman's body with toothpicks. Cut out a hat, scarf, nose, mouth from tangerine peel. Eyes can be made from coffee beans or peppers. Everything is decorated with rafaelo. You can also decorate with cream.
Bon appetit!

Snowman made of threads

What do you need: small balloons, spools of thread, needles, pin cushions, silicate glue, colored paper, scissors.
How to do:
1. To begin, thread the end of the thread into the needle without tearing the thread off the spool, and then pierce the plastic bottle of glue through it and pull a small piece of thread through it. The thread should be easily pulled out of the bottle and well lubricated with glue.
2.Remove the needle from the thread and stick it into the pillow.
3.Grab the ball with your right hand. Use your left hand to wind the thread around it, making turns in different directions. The winding should be loose, with gaps. Make two of these balls.
4.Let the balls dry.
5.Puncture the ball that remains inside and remove it through one of the holes between the threads.
6. Glue both balls together.
7.Use colored paper to make the snowman’s eyes, nose, mouth, bucket for his head and broom.

Snowman from "garbage"

Material: Shampoo packaging caps; scissors; threads or serpentine; glue "Moment"; awl; Double-sided tape; hard wire (the diameter of the wire must be equal to the diameter of the inner hole of the cocktail sticks), Chupa Chups candy sticks or cocktail tubes, material for designing and decorating crafts; artistic oil paints or markers for discs or for writing on plastic. To make a Snowman, you can use shampoo bottles of a certain shape, broken toys of a certain configuration, three plastic balls of different sizes, and a ring from a pyramid.

Manufacturing technology

Snowman made of balloons

1. We connect balls of different sizes to each other using Chupa Chups candy sticks. To do this, carefully make small holes in the balls, equal to the diameter of the stick. We insert the stick into the hole of one ball, then carefully insert it into the other ball. We fix the balls tightly together.

2. The base for the Snowman will be the ring from the pyramid. We fix the balls on the ring with glue.

Snowmen based on other shapes

1. We make the Snowman's head from a plastic ball. Using a stick, we attach the ball-head to the form for the body.

2. We make the Snowman's hands using a Chupa Chups candy stick strung on a wire.

Almost all children look forward to winter only because it brings a lot of snow - the most fertile material for unusual outdoor crafts. Well, what if someone lives where there is no snow at all or there is so little snow that it is impossible to make even one snowball? In this case, children can make a snowman with their own hands from scrap materials. They can be cotton wool, socks, plastic bottles, disposable cups, cotton pads, paper, balls, threads, foam, fabric and much more. Such a cute craft, created at home, will be a wonderful souvenir for the New Year 2018 or a gift to a friend. We are sure: master classes with photos, videos and step-by-step explanations of the process will help you choose the material from which you will make your “snow” man just flawlessly.

Unusual DIY snowman from scrap materials for New Year 2018

What do real craftsmen use to create their crafts? There are probably no things from which a good craftsman could not make something special. For example, a very unusual do-it-yourself snowman from scrap materials for the New Year 2018 can be made from old mittens and socks, bottle caps and tennis balls, balloons and wooden sticks, cans, bottles and even pebbles.

New Year's "melting" snowman made of pebbles - Master class with photos

Not only builders use stones in their work. For example, children can be very enthusiastic about the idea of ​​​​creating an unusual “melting” snowman with their own hands from scrap materials (pebbles) and making it for the New Year 2018. Read this simple master class carefully and make a cute New Year’s souvenir. But first, still find a couple of flat stones or pebbles on the street, different in size. So, after that, buy super glue, nail polish (white, black, orange and red) or acrylic paints in the same colors.

You can coat the craft with glitter varnish, attach a scarf to the snow man instead of drawing his eyes and nose, and make the details of the craft from beads or buttons.

Do-it-yourself openwork snowman made of threads - Video master class and step-by-step instructions

You have probably already seen unusual “airy” crafts more than once, hollow on the inside, but on the outside looking like a bizarre cobweb that has taken on a wide variety of forms? You most likely admired the skill of the craftsmen who created such beauty? Then you will like the idea of ​​​​making an openwork snowman from threads with your own hands, and our video master class and step-by-step instructions will help you understand the technique of creating such an original product.

How to make a snowman from threads - Master class with video and explanations

In order for you to make an openwork snowman made of threads with your own hands - a video master class and step-by-step instructions are included on the page - prepare the following:

  • PVA glue;
  • White threads;
  • Felt in red and orange colors;
  • Glue gun;
  • Beads or buttons;
  • Twigs;
  • Air balloons.
  1. After inflating 3 balloons of different sizes, wrap them with threads like a cobweb and coat them with PVA glue. After waiting for the glue to dry completely, remove the balls by first piercing them with a pin.
  2. Glue the balls together with a glue gun.
  3. Once all the balls are glued together, attach felt button eyes or beads, a nose and a mouth to the snowman's head.
  4. Make handles from branches by drawing balls of thread from inside and securing them on the outside with a glue gun. Give the snowman a “broom” made of twigs tied to a long stick.
  5. Put a scarf and a red felt hat on the snowman. All is ready!

The simplest DIY paper snowman - Templates for free download

Paper crafts are the easiest and fastest to make. In addition, their cost is tens of times lower than the price of products made from other materials. For example, the simplest DIY paper snowman, templates for which you can download for free on our website, will cost you literally a penny. However, it will bring a lot of joy to the person who received a cute craft for the New Year 2018.

New Year's paper snowman templates for free download

In order to please your friends with a pleasant New Year's gift, you don't need to save money for this present all year. Give your friend the simplest snowman made with your own hands from paper - templates for free download of the craft are included.

After downloading the templates, glue all the parts of the craft with PVA glue. You can make a whole family of snowmen, giving each of them to your household and friends. Write New Year's wishes on the back of the product.

How to make a snowman from plastic cups and garlands for the New Year

Sometimes popular manufacturers have no idea how craftsmen use their products. For example, it would never have occurred to them how they came up with the idea of ​​making a snowman out of plastic cups and garlands and decorating their house with such a work of art for the New Year. Meanwhile, more and more people are trying to create similar home decor for the winter holidays.

New Year's snowman made from plastic cups - Master class on video

Try to create the figure of this New Year's character at home. Well, you will learn how to make a snowman from plastic cups and garlands for the New Year from the detailed master class in the video.

Interesting: when the snowman is ready, you can hide little surprises for each family member and sweets for children in the empty spaces of his cups.

How to make a snowman from disposable cups - Step-by-step master class instructions

The main New Year's decoration, of course, is the Christmas tree. On December 31, under the fluffy beauty, all family members find gifts left there in advance by their loved ones. Well, what if there are so many presents that they simply don’t fit in one room? In order not to purchase a second Christmas tree, read how to make a snowman from disposable cups - the step-by-step instructions of the master class will help you with this. A New Year's figurine will decorate the nursery - at its foot you can leave gifts for the little ones.

Large snowman made from disposable cups—Master class with photos

If you want to learn how to make a big snowman from ordinary disposable cups, read this master class to the end, study its photos and step-by-step instructions.

How to make a snowman from plastic bottles - Step-by-step instructions with photos

You already know what ideas a person’s rich imagination can suggest. No one remembers who first thought of how to make a funny snowman out of plastic bottles, but whoever it was, we share his knowledge in our step-by-step instructions with photos. By the way, please note: using several dozen milk bottles, you can make a large snowman - a yard decoration.

Little snowman from a plastic milk bottle - Master class with photos

Before you make a snowman out of plastic bottles (step-by-step instructions with photos are located just below), you and your children will have to drink milk, kefir or yogurt. Moreover, the more crafts you want to make, the more dairy products you will have to consume. It’s tasty, and most importantly, it’s good for the kids’ creativity. So, get your bottles ready and get started.

How to sew a snowman with your own hands from socks for the New Year 2018

Before the end of 2017, start collecting recommendations for creating New Year's souvenirs into your collection of useful tips and master classes. For example, save there step-by-step instructions telling you how to sew a snowman with your own hands from socks for the New Year 2018. Having completed them, you can give many of your acquaintances and friends cute homemade gifts.

Homemade New Year's snowman 2018 from socks - Step by step instructions

Do you have time, imagination, a desire to please your loved ones with New Year's gifts? Then you will be curious to know how to sew a cute little snowman with your own hands from simple socks for the New Year 2018. Follow the step-by-step instructions and you'll make some cute souvenirs over the course of the evening.

Before starting work, prepare:

  • White long socks or knee socks;
  • Threads;
  • A needle;
  • Multi-colored buttons;
  • PVA glue;
  • Textile;
  • Beads;
  • Elastic bands;
  • Rice or pearl barley.

The photo shows the sequence of your actions.

  1. First, cut off the top of the sock. After attaching the elastic band to the end of the sock, turn it inside out and fill it with pearl barley or rice. There should still be a little empty space left at the top of the sock.
  2. Tie the top end of the sock with an elastic band. Pull a thin string or rubber band over the middle of the already stuffed future craft - you will get two balls.
  3. Glue beads or buttons for the snowman's eyes, nose and mouth to the small ball. Instead of a nose, you can use a bright elongated button.
  4. Glue buttons onto the snowman’s white “kaftan,” and put a hat made from the remnants of a used sock on his head. Decorate the hat with bright fabric. Tie a scarf to a fairy-tale character.

Do-it-yourself fluffy New Year's snowman from cotton pads - Step-by-step master class

This photo master class with step-by-step explanations of the master’s work sequence will help you make a fluffy New Year’s snowman with your own hands from cotton pads. Creating one such craft will take no more than 10-15 minutes, so in an hour you can make at least 4-6 small snowmen and decorate the Christmas tree with them for the New Year 2018.

Making a “Snowman” applique from cotton pads - Master class with photos

A do-it-yourself fluffy New Year's snowman made from cotton pads (you can find a step-by-step master class on our website) will be an excellent gift for your mother or grandmother on December 31st. Help your child make a neat applique on colored cardboard and sign the craft with words of wishes on the back.

Place on the table:

  • Blue cardboard;
  • Three cotton pads;
  • Figured hole punch;
  • Snowflakes, snowdrifts, snowman's cap and carrots, prepared in advance;
  • Black felt-tip pen;
  • Glue stick;
  • Scissors;
  • Oilcloth.

How to make a snowman out of cotton wool with your own hands - Master class with explanations and photos

If you have an idea to please your family with original crafts and gifts, we will teach you how to make a snowman out of cotton wool with your own hands, and a master class with explanations and photos of each step will help you make a very unusual gift. However, it will be enough for experienced craftsmen to watch this video.

Homemade New Year's snowman made of cotton wool - Master class with photos

In order to learn how to quickly and accurately make a snowman with your own hands from cotton wool and the base of a toilet paper roll, study this master class with explanations and photos.

  1. Prepare cotton wool, a cardboard toilet paper roll, scissors, glue and colorful woolen threads.

  2. Apply glue to the roll and start wrapping cotton wool around it. Each layer of cotton wool must be glued.

  3. Cut out a rectangle measuring 6.4cm x 5.1cm from black construction paper.

  4. Start making a hat for the snowman (see photo).

  5. Cut out a long rectangle from orange paper and decorate your hat with this “ribbon”.

  6. Glue the snowman's nose and eyes from beads.

  7. Use seven tiny paper circles to create a mouth for the snowman.

  8. You can attach handles like these to the snowman.

  9. The craft is almost ready and is very nice to iron.

  10. Now all that remains is to attach a rope or woolen thread to the snowman, and the craft can be hung above the table or on the Christmas tree.

How to make a snowman with your own hands from threads and balls at home - Video and photos with explanations

After reading how you can easily and quickly make a magical snowman with your own hands from threads and balls at home, watching the videos and photos presented here with explanations, you will learn how to make beautiful, unusual New Year's souvenirs.

Snowman made of threads and balls for the New Year 2018 - Master class with photographs

Before you make a snowman with your own hands from threads and balls at home - videos and photos with explanations will help you figure it out - prepare all the materials and tools:

  • Balloons;
  • White threads;
  • PVA glue;
  • Wire;
  • Scissors;
  • Red yarn;
  • Black buttons.

Now, having carefully studied all the master classes with step-by-step instructions, photos and videos telling you how to make a snowman with your own hands for the New Year 2018 from any available materials at home, you can please your family with unusual crafts for the holiday. Create the best works from balls and threads, paper and cotton pads, socks, disposable cups, plastic bottles and cotton wool and share your skills with friends!

DIY snowmen for the New Year are very common as a decorative element. It’s not difficult to figure out how to make a snowman from paper, fabric, or thread, which is why they appear in apartments in various designs and forms. The cute winter character brings a special touch of coziness to the atmosphere. It reminds us of fun children's yard games and good cartoons.

Paper snowmen are easy to make. They fit into homemade garlands, are conveniently located on the branches of the New Year tree, but can also be stable to serve as a figurine or table decoration.

Figurine made of cylinders


  • a sheet of white paper;
  • scraps of colored paper;
  • marker;
  • plasticine (optional);
  • glue.

The paper should be cut into three strips. The length of the workpiece determines the height of the product, and the width determines the thickness of the snowman. Each next one should be a little shorter and narrower than the previous one. The strip is rolled into a cylinder and glued together. While the fastening dries, it is convenient to secure the joints with clothespins. The three cylinders are glued together in ascending order. It is worth making sure that the smaller parts are located in the center of the larger ones.

The finished form is decorated with plasticine buttons. The eyes and mouth are drawn on the smallest cylinder with a marker or cut out of paper. Carrot nose - a triangle made of orange paper is glued only with the base. The loose top gives a voluminous look to the face. Decorative elements can be molded from plasticine.

Models from flat figures

Snowman balls can be formed from paper strips. About 6 pieces 1-1.5 cm thick are rolled into rings, secured at the ends with glue and assembled into a single structure. In this way, 2 parts are made. The smaller one is decorated with eyes and a nose made of an orange cone. The junction of the two balls is decorated with a ribbon or strip of fabric to look like a scarf.

A ball of white circles of the same size can be decorated with a flat image of a snowman’s face and dressed up according to the example of the previous snowman. To assemble a ball from flat circles, you need to glue the semicircles of two parts together until the first is closed with the last.

Fluffy snowman

A cute fluffy model is assembled from corrugated paper and plasticine. To do this, you need to roll 2 balls of different sizes. It is better to use white plasticine; if there is a shortage, a workpiece of any color can only be coated with it. The base for large pieces can be rolled out of napkins and just wrapped in plasticine.

The paper is cut into squares with sides of 1.5-1.7 cm. A pen rod or any oblong narrow object is placed on the square. The corners of the part are connected and the workpiece folded in half is wrapped around the rod so that a tube is formed. The rod with the workpiece is stuck into the plasticine. The part is fixed in the ball, and a new one of the same type is rolled up on the rod. So you need to continue row after row from bottom to top until the entire snowman is covered with a fluffy layer.

Cone figurine

You need to cut an even circle from a sheet of paper. Using a simple pencil, draw 2 perpendicular lines on the reverse side. One of the resulting 4 sectors should be cut out, and the edges of the cutout should be overlapped and glued. One side is decorated with applique or drawings of a face, hands and buttons. The headdress, scarf and nose are cut out of paper. A carrot can be perfectly replaced by a triangle of double-sided orange paper, folded in half and glued with the apex away from the part. The character looks original in a top hat, but you can simplify the design by simply putting a smaller cone of a different color on top. The cylinder is glued together from two strips of paper and one circle.

Snowman made from a sock

You can make a snowman from a sock with your own hands even without sewing skills. The result will be dense soft figurine in suit.


Step-by-step instruction.

Making crafts from threads

Every home has white threads. Without special molds, you can use them to make balls for crafts.

For the first option You will need two balloons. They need to be inflated to the required size and given a spherical shape using tape. A needle with white thread is threaded through a tube of PVA. The needle is removed, and the thread is carefully wrapped around the ball, laying the turns crosswise so that there are no large bald spots left on the surface. The second one is treated similarly. All parts are glued together and decorated according to the principle of the previous ones.

For the second option make two pompoms. To do this, cut out two identical rings from cardboard. The thread is wound around the rings. The more yarn you use, the fluffier the pompom will be. After the entire surface of the ring is hidden under several layers of winding, the tip of the scissors is inserted between the cardboards and cutting of the threads begins. The template parts are moved apart slightly, and the threads in the center are firmly tied. For small pom poms, you can use a fork.

Ready-made eyes for soft toys, or beads and an orange pencil lead are attached to the smaller pompom. The finished head is sewn to a larger pompom.

Snowman made from scrap materials

Almost anything unnecessary that can be found in the house that even remotely resembles a sphere is suitable for a snowman. You can easily turn a burnt out light bulb into a snowman using gouache. Hands-branches and buttons are depicted on white painted glass. The base without additional manipulations resembles a bucket; you need to draw a face under it. The ribbon at the transition to the expanding part will replace the character's scarf.

A figurine made of cotton wool looks realistic. To work, you will need a container of water and soap. In order for there to be enough cotton wool, it must be divided into three unequal parts in advance. The smallest is for the head, and the largest is for the lower part. The fingers are soaped and a sphere is formed from a small piece of cotton wool. Material is added gradually until the part reaches the desired size. This technique involves rolling three pieces. The resulting balls should be dense.

Finished parts must be left until completely dry. The snowman is glued together using a special gun or PVA. Hands can be made using the same technique, from wire or from two branches of a suitable size. The nose and eyes are molded from plasticine or colored cotton wool. If you wish, you can sew clothes for a snowman from unnecessary scraps of fabric. A hat and scarf suit the character.

An old shabby ball is easy to renew, turning him into a snowman with his hand. The toy should be painted white. Draw a smiling face on one side with a marker.

Flat snowmen

Flat snowmen are successfully combined into long chains and replace garlands. The silhouettes of characters holding hands require only small touches to complete the look. Snowmen made from two parts look original. The bottom ball is depicted by an ordinary snowflake, the top one is a circle with a drawn face. Snowmen are decorated with top hats, scarves and brooms. A ribbon is threaded through the pattern of snowflakes and the figures are fixed on it.

To make it more fun for children to wait for the cherished holiday, you can glue together a special hybrid of a clock and a calendar in the form of a snowman. The outlines of the head, scarf and headdress should be cut out of thick paper. The face will serve as the dial. Instead of the traditional twelve numbers, 31 sectors will need to be marked on it for each day of December. The surface will be decorated with the painted face of a snowman, and a carrot nose will replace the arrow. To do this, its wide edge must be fixed in the center with a bolt so that rotation is carried out with light force. The arrow should not move on its own.

Three circles of different sizes, glued together, form a decoration in the form of a snowman with his head raised up. The smallest circle is decorated with eyes and a voluminous nose sticking up. The flat silhouette of the hat is located along the edge, and the branch arms are glued opposite each other from the second part. This craft can also be made from felt.

Cartoon characters

Children love to recognize characters they know in decorative toys. Small changes in the design can make the craft look like a snowman from a cartoon. Adults will appreciate the reference to Soviet animation.

DIY Olaf

Olaf is different from the traditional three-sphere snowmen. Any method above can be adapted to make Olaf, but you need to take into account the characteristics of the character's physique and image.

Character traits:

  • Cartoon Olaf's hands replace branches.
  • The snowman's balls are flattened, and his head is slightly larger than the average figure.
  • The upper segment has an oblong shape with a noticeable expansion in the cheek area.
  • A wide, large, smiling mouth takes up almost half of the face.
  • A hairstyle of three branches located close to each other is a must-have attribute.
  • The snowman's legs are two lumps of snow, and his costume is decorated with large black coals.

To do Olaf from polymer clay You will need to roll two white balls. Both need to be squeezed between your fingers so that they become shaped like a round low pouf. For the legs you will need two smaller balls. They are rolled along the board to the shape of a low truncated cone. Pieces of toothpick are inserted into the lower sphere, and the legs are attached to them. A toothpick is inserted on top for the head.

The head ball is tapered towards the poles with your fingers. You should get a figure similar to a rhombus with rounded outlines. For the face, the rounding is slightly flattened upward, and a small space at the bottom and top is straightened. A sharp object outlines the cavity of the mouth. The outlines stretch forward a little. In the center above, two holes are pierced side by side for the eyes and another one for the nose, a little lower between them.

Alternating flat circles of black and white colors, eyes are formed. The oral cavity is filled with black clay. A carrot made of orange plasticine takes the place of the nose, and two flat white teeth are glued to the edge of the thickening. The hairstyle can be made from a thin cherry cutting. There should be thin brown stripes above the eyes - rounded eyebrows.

When Olaf's face is ready, his head is placed on a toothpick. Arms-branches are inserted into the middle ball on the sides. Three black plasticine balls are glued to the structure in a vertical line, like buttons. The finished figurine is baked.

Snowman Postman It differs from Soyuzmultfilm by its massive belly. The transition from the thoracic to the abdominal part is smooth and weakly expressed. Distinctive features are a brand new bucket on his head and a bright red scarf. The nose is long and tapered, and the eyes are set wide. The facial features are thin and medium-sized. The hands are snowy and long, clutching a traditional broom. The character from the cartoon “When the Christmas Trees Light Up” is similar to the Postman, but his hands are replaced by branches in mittens, and the bucket on his head is complemented by a crack.

You will need:

A pair of long white socks



Thread and needle or PVA glue

Beads, pins or buttons

A small piece of fabric.

1. Cut off the top of one sock, starting from the heel.

2. Turn the cut piece of sock (the top part) inside out and attach an elastic band to one end.

3. Turn the sock inside out again and fill it with rice. Do this so that the bottom of the sock has a round shape, and there is still some rice left at the top.

4. Secure the top end of the sock with another elastic band.

4. Now put on another elastic band just above the middle. Do this so as to form two balls - one large on the bottom and a small one on top.

5. All that remains is to decorate the snowman:

*Use a piece of fabric to add a scarf to the snowman.

*Use beads, pins or buttons to make eyes and nose.

*Use the remaining piece of sock as a snowman hat. To secure it, you can use a thread and a needle or PVA glue.

* Sew a medium and large button onto the snowman.

* You can sew a piece of fabric cut in the shape of a flower to the hat.

DIY snowman made of cardboard and white thread

You will need:

White thick thread

Plates or compasses (to draw a large circle)

Thick cardboard or foam


Orange cardboard or faux carrot (for making a snowman's nose)

Scissors or utility knife

A piece of fabric for a scarf

Wire and twine

1. Using a compass or plates of different diameters, draw three circles of different sizes on cardboard or foam.

2. Cut out the drawn circles - if you have cardboard, then use scissors for cutting, and if foam plastic, then a stationery knife.

3. From pieces of cotton wool, scrunch up many balls and place them evenly on each cut out circle.

4. Now you need to wrap each circle with cotton balls with white thread. To do this, first secure one end of the thread to one circle with glue. Start winding the thread around.

Repeat the same with the remaining circles.

5. Connecting the circles. Place one circle partially on top of the other and use glue to connect the large circle to the medium one and the medium one to the small one.

6. Prepare the snowman’s hat and hands. For the arms, you can use wire wrapped in twine or thin branches attached with glue to the circle.

To make the hat, use wire or cut a hat out of black cardstock and glue it to a small circle.

7. Glue the buttons to the middle circle. You can also glue buttons on the top circle to act as eyes.

8. Cut out a carrot from orange cardstock and glue it to a small circle. If you have an artificial carrot, you can simply glue it to the center of the small circle.

DIY "Chocolate Snowman" craft

You will need:

White chocolate

A little dark chocolate


Container for melted chocolate

Baking paper

1. Inflate a small balloon.

2. Melt white chocolate in a container. This can be done either in the microwave (read the microwave instructions carefully) or on the stove.

3. Spread the ball with butter (a little more than half) to prevent it from sticking to the chocolate.

4. Dip the ball into a bowl of melted white chocolate. If necessary, dip the ball several times to create a thick layer.

5. Quickly remove the ball and place it on baking paper. Let a little chocolate flow down - this will be a stand for the snowman vase.

6. To make the eyes and mouth, you can melt just a little dark chocolate, dip a match into it and apply a few dots on the white chocolate vase.

If you want to add a nose, you can cut out a small triangle from the peel of an apple or orange, dip it in white chocolate and glue it on.

* You can also use edible paints to decorate the snowman and his face.

7. The balloon can be deflated to create an edible chocolate bowl for candies and marshmallows.

Snowmen made from light bulbs for the New Year

You will need:


PVA glue

Super glue


Small branch from a tree

Fabric paints, gouache or markers

1. Apply glue to the light bulb.

2. Cover the light bulb with glitter. Wait for the glue to dry.

* You can find glitter glue in stores - then you won’t need separate glue, and you can apply glitter straight from the tube.

3. Tie a string or ribbon around the light bulb so you can hang it on the tree.

4. Divide the twig into two parts and use superglue to attach them to the light bulb so that they look like the arms of a snowman.

5. Using paints or markers, draw the snowman's eyes, mouth, buttons and nose.

What can you make a snowman from: bottle caps

You will need:

Bottle caps (one snowman needs 3 caps)

Acrylic paint (white, black, orange and red)


Glue stick or hot glue



Glitter (if desired)

1. Paint the entire inside of each lid with white paint. It may be necessary to apply several coats. If you wish, you can paint the outside as well, but this is not necessary. Wait for the paint to dry.

2. Prepare a small piece of tape and glue 3 painted lids to it. Apply a little glue between the caps to hold them together.

3. Make a loop at the end of the braid and secure it with glue.

4. Using a thin brush, carefully draw the eyes, nose, mouth and buttons of the snowman.

5. When the paint is dry, you can add some glitter.

6. To make a scarf, tie a braid or thin rope around the snowman. You can glue a small button to the scarf.

DIY Christmas snowmen made from wooden spoons

You will need:

Wooden spoon

Acrylic paint


A small piece of fabric (to create a snowman scarf)

1. Paint a wooden spoon with white paint. Leave to dry.

2. Use markers to draw a face for the snowman.

3. Tie a scarf from any piece of fabric.

You can put such a snowman in a vase or tie it to a Christmas tree or to a certain gift as a decoration.

Try making several of these snowmen with different faces.

DIY snowman from a jar (master class)

You will need:

Any glass jar

PVA glue


Salt or artificial snow

Plasticine or colored clay

A small battery-powered candle

Thin pipe cleaners (white and red) and pompoms if you want to make headphones for your snowman (optional).

1. First, glue two buttons to the jar - the eyes of the snowman, then attach the nose from plasticine or clay. If necessary, the nose can be secured with superglue.

2. Apply PVA glue to the entire surface of the can.

3. Sprinkle the jar with salt or artificial snow and leave to dry.

The snowman is ready, but you can decorate it. In this example, it is decorated with headphones.

To make headphones:

4. Prepare a red and white thin pipe cleaner and intertwine them as shown in the image. After this, bend them in an arch so that the ends touch the edges of the jar or jar lid and do not fall off.

5. Glue red pom poms to the ends of the pipe cleaners.

6. Place the headphones on the snowman.

7. Add a battery-powered candle to the jar and you're done!

DIY big snowman

You will need:

Circles made of thick cardboard, plywood or chipboard

Scissors or saw

PVA glue

White acrylic paint


Salt or artificial snow

Brush (if necessary)

1. Cut three circles of different diameters from a sheet of cardboard or plywood.

2. Paint each circle with white paint and leave to dry. If necessary, cover the circles with a second coat of paint.

5. Using colored markers, draw the snowman's eyes, mouth, nose, and buttons.

6. Apply glue to the snowman with a brush and sprinkle it with salt or artificial snow.

3. Glue the circles together as shown in the image.

4. Prepare the braid and glue it to the back of the future snowman.

Wait until the glue dries and you can hang your piece on the wall or place it next to the Christmas tree.

Snowman made from plastic cups

You will need:

Plastic cups


Colored paper or pom-poms in black and red

Scarf or fabric for a snowman scarf

Superglue (if necessary)

1. Start folding the cups in a circle as shown in the image, securing them with a stapler. You will get a large circle.

* Do everything on a flat surface.

2. Start making a second circle, placing some cups on top of the others and securing everything with a stapler.

* Decide on the size of the future snowman and, based on this, choose the size of the circles and continue placing them one on top of the other until you get a hemisphere.

3. Flip the hemisphere over and complete the circles to make it almost a full sphere - leave a small hole so that the snowman can stand better and also so that a small lamp can be placed inside.

4. As you know, a snowman is made of several balls, which means you will need to make another smaller sphere for the snowman’s head.

5. Using a stapler, connect the head to the body of the snowman.

6. Wrap a scarf around the junction of the two spheres.

7. To make the snowman’s eyes and buttons, you can insert sheets of black paper or pom-poms crumpled into a ball into the cups.

* In the center of the balls that play the role of eyes, you can glue small white circles - pupils.

*You can also just cut out some paper circles and glue them to the cups.

*For the nose, you can make a small cone out of orange or red paper.

If you wish, you can put a cap or a simple hat on the snowman.

DIY snowman made of threads

You will need:

PVA glue

Cotton threads

Colored paper or plastic (toy) eyes

Scotch tape (if necessary).

1. Inflate three balloons of different sizes - for the torso and head.

2. Prepare a thread and soak it with PVA glue. There are two ways to do this - pour glue into a container and put a thread in it, or thread the thread into a needle, pierce the tube with glue with the needle and pull until the entire thread is saturated with it.

3. Start wrapping the balls with thread. Try to make sure that there are no large empty spaces on the ball.

4. Leave all the balls in a warm place for the glue to dry. This may take a day.

5. When the glue has dried, the balls can be burst and carefully pulled out.

6. Now you need to glue the balls to each other. If there is no or not enough glue, the balls can be connected with thread.

7. If you wish, you can make handles for the snowman. They are made in the same way as the body, only even smaller balls are used.

8. To make a snowman smile, simply glue on a thick thread.

Also glue plastic (toy) eyes or cut them out of paper.

For the nose, you can use a fake carrot or make a cone out of orange paper and glue it (or secure it with tape).

9. Add a scarf to the snowman.

If you wish, you can cut out circles from colored paper and glue them as buttons.

* You can make a broom from branches, and put a plastic bucket or a cap made of fabric or paper on your head.

What is the symbol of snowy winter? Of course, a snowman! Unfortunately, not all areas of our homeland are lucky with winter precipitation... However, you can give the interior a winter flavor and decorate the Christmas tree by making snowmen from ornamental materials.

We have prepared several interesting master classes for you and your children.

1. Snowman made from a sock.

Here a piece of white children's leggings is used for the body, and a hat and jacket are made from a striped sock. The nose and eyes are made of beads. The ends of a piece of leggings need to be tied and stuffed with synthetic padding or cotton wool, tied with thread to form a body, and then put on our hero.

Another similar option, but here we add cute fabric scarves.

2. DIY snowman made from old hats.

This beauty is made from two old children's hats, stuffed with padding polyester and decorated with large bright buttons.

2. From pompoms

This furry friend is made from two pompoms, which are also easy to make using string. Or you can use pompoms left over from old hats and scarves.

2. Snowman made of wooden buttons.

Your little one will have fun painting large wooden buttons with a felt-tip pen. All that remains is to tie them with threads and put on a hat made from the finger of an old glove.

2. From salt dough.

Amazingly cozy and homey little snowman! By following the link, you can read about New Year's.

2. Crochet

Even little knitters can cope with this task. Two circles knitted with a single crochet, the mouth is made of thread, the eyes are made of buttons.

2. Snowman made of lids.

Even from ordinary bottle caps you can make something interesting. You need to glue a ribbon to the back surface, decorate the hero’s neck with a ribbon and a button, and draw a face with acrylic paints.

2. Snowman candle holder from a jar