How to make a rubber band ring for boys. How to weave a ring out of elastic bands: we make various rings on a slingshot and a loom with a bow and a spider. Weaving on a slingshot

    It is very easy to weave a ring of colored elastic bands, by choosing elastic bands of the same color as the bracelet, you can make a beautiful set of accessories from rubber bands for weaving. There are as many options for rubber band rings as there are for bracelets.

    Here are some options for weaving rubber rings.

    This video shows how to weave a flower ring out of rubber bands without a loom:

    And this video shows how to weave a set of a ring and an elastic band bracelet:

    Here is how to weave a rubber band ring on a loom:

    To weave such a ring, we need rubber bands of three colors:

    twelve orange;

    six green;

    thirteen yellow rubber bands.

    This video shows how to weave a rose ring out of rubber bands on the loom:

    Here is how to weave a bow ring out of rubber bands:

    From rubber bands you can weave various jewelry: bracelets, rings. For girls, this is just what you need. First, it is an entertaining hobby. Secondly, these are bright, beautiful, and most importantly cheap jewelry.

    Here is a video on how to weave a sidewalk ring:

    Rainbow Loom Bands attracts with its simplicity and originality.

    The most valuable jewelry for children is handmade jewelry.

    For parents, the good news is that this hobby is also quite budgetary.

    To weave a ring, you first need to decide which model you like best, since in this type of needlework there is a huge variety of forms and methods of weaving.

    I propose to pay attention to the video tutorial on weaving a diamond ring on the loom. You will need two types of elastic bands: for the base and for the diamond itself. You can also use rubber bands that glow in the dark.

    Now both girls and boys and even adults weave everything from rubber bands. After all, the technique is quite simple and if there is no machine, then you can weave on a fork or on improvised materials, for example, 2 pencils.

    I propose to weave such a pretty flower ring.

    and you can also make a forget-me-not kit

    and another one with beads

    Almost all girls began to get involved in colored rubber bands, now you can even meet girls on the street who are hung with these rubber band decorations, and learning this is not even very difficult, this training video can help girls in learning, where they show in detail the process of making these jewelry.

    Here, in this example, they make a ring in the form of a flower.

    Little fashionistas can weave beautiful rings from colored elastic bands. It is not difficult to weave them. In this video, a master class on making a ring.

    And in this video, how to weave a spider ring.

    And you can weave such a ring on the loom.

    All sorts of little things made of colored rubber bands have now become a very popular decoration among children. Beads, bracelets, earrings, straps, necklaces, pendants, rings are woven from such elastic bands. Rubber rings are made very simply, but they look beautiful.

    Here's how to weave a beautiful ring of colored rubber bands.

    Recently, weaving different figures from rubber bands has become a very popular activity. This is primarily due to the cheapness of the material and the variety of all sorts of interesting things that can be done.

    How to make a rubber ring, see the video:

    Today another one of my questions is recognized as a duplicate. But the search did not show me that there are already similar questions. But oh well!

    The children in the class, the girls have already woven a lot of rings for themselves and wear them. I liked this ring the most and the weaving here is simple.

    Now girls can weave anything from colored little rubber bands. Sometimes such masterpieces are obtained that even at first glance you can’t understand: is it made of rubber bands or not? It's good that there are those who film detailed mother classes on how to make this or that product. Rubber bands are also no exception. In this video you can see how to make a ring with a rose:

You are invited to a master class, which tells in detail how to make a ring from rainbow rubber bands. The lesson is designed for beginners. If the craftswoman has no experience with rubber bands, she can safely get down to business!

Weaving from rubber bands has become widespread. Millions of people around the world pick up looms, hooks, slingshots, as well as various improvised tools to weave jewelry, stylish cases, handbags, clothes for dolls and toys.

The master class tells about the formation of rings from such material as soft rubber bands. Thanks to him, novice craftswomen, using a specific example, will get acquainted with the technique of weaving from multi-colored silicone rubber bands. To make this pretty ring you will need:

  • colored rubber bands, 12 pieces;
  • machine;
  • hook;
  • padlock.

We begin a step-by-step lesson by installing a special machine on a flat surface. Its bulges should look in the opposite direction from you. Mastery training is done on a loom with 4 rows, but it requires 3 of them to work. There are different models, so if you wish, you will use any option. Pull the pink elastic between the first and second column of the central strip. With the next element, connect the 2nd and 3rd ledge in this row.

Put on a pink iris between the 3 ledge of the first and center row. After that, hook the rubber band of this color to the 3rd and 4th column of the first row. Then return to the central row again, and place the part as in the photo.

Do not change the pattern of action and continue weaving in the round. Make both sides of the ring symmetrical, that is, attach 2 more pink details to the upper weaving sector. The next part of the tutorial involves the transition to the formation of a pattern. To do this, hook 2 red elastic bands crosswise, as shown in the photo.

Now for beginners, the crucial step of the lesson is coming - weaving using a hook. Position the main tool so that the bulges on the pegs are facing you. Then remove the part from the 2nd ledge in the center row and transfer it to the third. After that, the pink rubber band from 3 ledges is transferred to 3 peg on the left.

Move the loop from 3 columns to 4. Move the new element from 4 pegs on the left side to 5 in the middle. According to this scheme, we continue to work on the right side. Then we continue in the middle part of the weave. We remove the light iris from the fifth ledge, and put it on 6. We transfer the next iris from 6 to 7 peg. The training workshop has come to an end. It remains to put the lock on a light detail.

Then all the loops are alternately removed from the machine. To prevent the product from falling apart, remove the second pink piece and attach a lock to it.

A ring of multi-colored rubber bands for beginners is ready!

For those who are seriously interested in the topic of needlework and creating rings from multi-colored rubber bands, we recommend watching the tutorial video. It shows how to make a chamomile ring. The work is described in stages, so learning will be easy.

Video: Options for weaving rings from rainbow elastic bands

Many fashionistas and needlewomen strive to create jewelry for themselves with their own hands. Weaving crafts from rubber bands is an interesting and exciting activity. Such products do not need care, they are not afraid of water, and it is very simple to make them. Let's try to figure out how to make a rubber band ring.

Weaving methods

You can weave this decoration in the following ways, using:

  • fingers:
  • forks;
  • slingshots;
  • pencil
  • using a special machine.

Important! Particularly beautiful are products made from multi-colored elements of rich colors.

Weaving on the fingers

In this case, your own fingers are the working tool. Moreover, one hand will be leading, and the other - auxiliary.

Important! For right-handers, the main hand is right, for left-handers - left. To make it convenient to pick up the elements, use a regular crochet hook.

So let's get started! We will weave a ring of details of two colors:

  1. Put the rubber band on your finger, twist it with the “eight”. You will get a loop, which you place on the next finger. Ready! Lower the “eight” closer to the palm so that it does not interfere.
  2. Put the second silicone ring on two fingers, but without twisting.
  3. Pull the bottom element to the center through the top.
  4. Repeat the same steps, but with the other finger.
  5. Put on the next piece without twisting.
  6. Remove the bottom element from two fingers sequentially, in the center, through the top.
  7. After putting on the next elastic band, repeat the whole process from the beginning.
  8. Continue to put on new elements and remove the lower ones. The result is a chain.
  9. Hook one side of the S-fastener into the first loop. Hook the other end over 2 loops on the other side to secure.

The ring is ready!

Fork use

This is a common cutlery that can be used for needlework. With the help of a fork, you can even weave a set of rings and bracelets. The principle of their manufacture is approximately the same, the difference is only in length.

We start weaving to make a ring of rubber bands:

  1. Put a rubber band on 2 prongs of a fork. Twist the "eight", put on the remaining two.
  2. Slightly lower the "eight" to the base of the teeth.
  3. String the next part without twisting.
  4. Hook the bottom, pull up and to the side, release in the center.
  5. Repeat the same steps on the opposite side.
  6. String the next element.
  7. Remove the lower part so that it is centered between the fork tines.
  8. Repeat the steps until you get the product of the desired length. Then fasten the clasp.

Making decorations with a slingshot

To make a ring, you can use one or more shades.

Important! The product on a slingshot turns out to be more interesting and looks more beautiful than woven on fingers or a fork.


  1. Put the elastic on one of the protrusions, twist. Place the second part of the "eight" on the second horn.
  2. String another elastic band on both horns, but without twisting it.
  3. Grab one end of the bottom element with a crochet hook, pull it up. In the same way, hook the edge on the other side of the slingshot, lift it up.
  4. Put on the next elastic band without twisting, repeat the whole algorithm from the beginning.
  5. Performing the entire sequence of manipulations with each of the stringed elastic bands, follow the length of the product.
  6. After the chain is the desired length, attach the clasp.
  7. After that, a completely finished product can be removed from the slingshot.

Important! The resulting decoration is universal. It is suitable for both boys and girls. Shades can be chosen arbitrarily.


You can make a ring of rubber bands in the shape of a spider on a special machine, fork or slingshot.

Important! If you use black, it will be a great addition to the “villainous” carnival costume for the New Year or Halloween. If you use bright and juicy tones, you get a cheerful tropical handsome.

So, for such an unusual product you will need:

  • Slingshot.
  • Knitting hook.
  • Rubber bands (10 pieces).
  • Scissors.

Position the slingshot so that it is facing towards you. Then follow this algorithm:

  1. Throw one elastic band over the left horn. She will not take part in the manufacture of jewelry, but will be used as an auxiliary.
  2. Screw on the right horn 1 rubber band, making four turns.
  3. Throw one elastic band over both protrusions in two turns, slightly slide down.
  4. Drop 4 turns of the lower part from the right column to the middle between the tabs.
  5. To make the legs, fold 2 rubber bands in barrels to the middle so that the top one is on the right.
  6. Hook under the bottom element, take it by the right side. Pass through the loop on the left, tighten well. Using 2 more pairs of rubber bands and doing the same manipulations with them, you get 3 pairs of legs.
  7. Put the loops of the “legs” on the slingshot and lower them lower so that they do not interfere with further work.
  8. Throw one elastic band over both tabs in 2 turns.
  9. Drop the bottom two turns from the right ledge towards the center.
  10. Lift up the very first rubber band that sags and dangles. Place it exactly in the center.
  11. Throw off the bottom two turns of the gum from the left horn to the middle.
  12. Pull and hold the dangling rubber band with your fingers. Transfer 2 turns from the right ledge to the left.
  13. Drop the 2 bottom turns from the left ledge to the middle. Now you have 3 loops hanging freely on each of the ledges. Cut them down the middle. These will be the paws.
  14. Remove 2 turns from the left ledge and tighten with a knot. Two loose loops serve as the head of the spider.

The decoration is ready, you can put it on your finger!

Important! The paws can be straightened, but randomly located, they will look much prettier.

How to make a flower ring out of rubber bands?

The product is easier to weave than a spider, but it will look much more spectacular:

  1. Position the slingshot so that it is facing towards you.
  2. Screw the red elastic band around the right “horn” in 3 turns.
  3. Take 2 yellow rubber bands and put them on both ledges.
  4. Using a crochet hook, remove the red element to the center so that it hangs on the yellow ones.
  5. Throw 2 yellow “ears” from the right “horn” to the left. You have made the first petal of the future flower. Without removing it from the ledge of the slingshot and following the same algorithm, prepare 4 more “petals”.
  6. When all the petals are ready, put 2 yellow rubber bands on both horns, and then remove all the elements to the center. Pull off the ring.

All! Can be worn.

Weaving Rainbow Loom accessories is a developing, interesting process for children, which stunned the whole world. This kit for creativity develops imagination, manual dexterity, is an excellent material for jewelry. Create and fantasize together with your own kids, forming elegant, original, multi-colored accessories. How to weave a beautiful ring from small rubber bands, you will learn by reading this article.

What rings can be made from rubber bands? They allow you to make a variety of jewelry elements for boys, girls, using ordinary or difficult schemes of various types.

How to weave a ring on a slingshot from rubber bands with your own hands

It is most convenient to make a ring from rubber bands on a slingshot. This tool is made for weaving jewelry and is more favorable to use than an ordinary fork.

On a slingshot, a ring is made according to the same principle as on fingers or a fork. Put an elastic band on the slingshot, folding it into a figure eight, and throw 1 more elastic band on top without twisting it. After that, remove, using a hook, the right and left loops of the figure eight so that it is tightened on the upper elastic band.

Then put 1 more rubber on the slingshot without twisting and remove the bottom one using a hook. A special knot will be tightened on the proper elastic band again, and we will continue to make a ring from elastic bands until we get the right length. Then the ring is removed from the slingshot and tightened with the support of another elastic band.

We make a stylish ring "Spider"

And it is also possible to weave a “Spider” ring on a slingshot, for which we need dark rubber bands. In order to weave this extraordinary ring, you need to put on 1 elastic band on the left lobe of the slingshot, and screw the second one on the right 4 times. Then we take 1 more elastic band, put it on the left pin of the slingshot, twist it twice and put it on the right side.

When you create a rubber band ring, the key rule is not to make a mistake with the number of turns. If you add too much or, on the contrary, twist the elastic one time less, the accessory may not turn out so beautiful.

Finally, when the elastic is twisted into a double figure eight, it is necessary, with the support of the hook, to move the elastic on it, which is planted on the right side of the slingshot.

Next, leave the slingshot with weaving and take 2 more elastic bands. They should not be completely laid on top of each other, and in the gap that appears between them, push the edge of the right gum. In this way, you need to weave 3 more pairs of elastic bands - in total you will have 4 pairs of spider legs.

Further, the weaving of a ring of black rubber bands will continue on a slingshot. All 3 pairs of legs must be thrown onto the horns of the slingshot and lowered down. Then we put another elastic band on top, twisting it with a figure eight. After that, two pieces of the lower gum and the gum that was planted on the left side of the slingshot should be thrown onto it. Then, from the same side, we catch 2 more rows of elastic bands and transfer them to the middle.

Weaving such a difficult ring is complicated by the fact that we transfer part of the rubber bands from the right column to the left. We unfold the slingshot and raise the lower elastic bands up on the hook. As a result of all these manipulations on the right and left columns, you should have 3 rows of elastic bands each. These rows must be cut with sharpened scissors. Here is a ring that can be made without a machine.

Weave a bow ring with a description of the step-by-step work scheme

To make a bow ring, you need to prepare 30 rubber bands. The state of the machine is shifted 1 row down. Fasten the scarlet irises on the left and right on the 2-3 and 3-4 columns on the machine, throw them into the middle from the second ones. Throw left and right from the middle. Repeat these effects, moving up, 2 times. Do not forget that you need to omit the weaving. On the very last pins, add 3 turns of wrap.

Then turn the machine over and proceed to weaving. On the left, remove the lower loops - first to the right, and then up (reflect for the right side). Then remove from the middle to the left side and to the right. Then repeat in a similar way for similar pegs, i.e. pull the loops the way you put on the irises. On the very first pegs, remove the lower loops, tighten the knots. Remove the system from the machine. Slightly long protruding loops mask from the inside of the bow using a hook. Take a double rubber band and drag it through the middle of the bow in a certain number of turns.

Next, you need to start preparing the ringlet. On 2 rows of the loom, fasten 7 elastic bands in a zigzag, then weave 4 loops, put the hook into the base bow, fix it on the zigzag, then weave the others. Put the plastic S-clasp on the last elastic band, pull off the product, and then connect the ends of the ring together.

How to make a diamond or flower ring, see the following videos.

Video on the topic of the article

A new hobby of the last decade is Rainbow Loom rubber bands. In this article we will talk about weaving rings from rubber bands in the form of flowers. And also at the end you will find a selection of videos with other product options.

Five years ago, there was a fresh wave of active passion for products made from colored pieces of rubber. They capture the minds of people of all ages, young and old. And this is not surprising, because this type of weaving has a lot of advantages:

  • low price of the material;
  • reusable;
  • development of fine motor skills in children;
  • bright, colorful items.

violet ring

On the hands should be: a special slingshot, a hook, 16 elastic bands (11 petals and 5 specks). Irises can be taken in two colors, or multi-colored. Don't be afraid to experiment.

Screw the speckled gum onto one clove in 3 turns. Hint: it is better to hold the tool so that the open parts of the columns look at you. This makes it easier to hook the loops.

Put 2 “petals” on both parts of the slingshot.

We pull the "speck" from the column with a crochet so that it is on the elastic band between the horns.

Throw all the rubber bands from the right clove to the left. The first leaf of the flower is ready.

Do 5 more, repeating the previous steps.

Put one elastic band “petal” on the posts of the slingshot.

Remove all the leaves from the left clove in the center between the horns.

Transfer the right rubber band to the left tooth.

Gently remove the lower iris from the prong of the fork and tighten well to secure the circle.

Insert the hook into the center of the flower from the back and pull the loop to the wrong side. It turned out to be a pretty violet flower.

Now on the Internet there are only a few options for rings. They do not deserve to remain in the shadow of bracelets. Metal products are still the most popular in the world. An interesting fact is that in the West the practice with mother rings is common. Women wear as many stones in their jewelry as they have children.

Another advantage of rubber bands is their versatility. They can decorate not only your pen, but also a pencil, for example, or a hairpin. Thus, you can upgrade your things easily and not expensively.

Flower ring "six petals"

Like the previous one, this product is made on a slingshot with a hook.

You will need 30 elastic bands in pink (or whatever you like) and 3 contrasting colors for the center of the flower (like purple).

Wrap the first iris 3 times on the right tooth. Then put 2 elastic bands on both horns at once.

Transfer the bottom three turns to the center and pull 2 ​​more elastic bands on top.

Remove the previous gum from both teeth and bring them to the middle.

Transfer all loops from the right side of the slingshot to the left and lower to the very bottom. The first flower petal is ready. Make 5 more blanks according to the template.

Do not transfer the last detail.

Pull the elastic for the core over both cloves.

All the petals that you made should go to the purple iris.

Move the loop from the left to the right column.

Gently slide the lower part of the gum for the core of the flower off the prong. Then remove the product with a hook from the slingshot and tighten the loop as tight as possible.

Now we start working directly on the center of the flower. Put the remaining loop on the decoration so that six petals are divided into different sides in equal numbers.

Throw the second purple gum between the leaves that have not yet been separated. Then twist the iris and thread it between the remaining free petals.

On the wrong side, hook the twist point and use the crochet hook to pull the last purple piece under it.

Put the stretched rubber band on the tool.

Pull one part of the iris through the other so that you end up with a large loop. It is through it that you will put on a rubber jewelry on your finger.

You can try on your ring.

Unfortunately, the slingshot is not always in the access zone. Unlike your hands. There are models of rings that can be made on the fingers. Here is one of them.

We twist the first elastic band with a figure eight and place it on two fingers. Stretch the second one from above. We move the first iris to the center, taking turns removing the loops from each finger. Then we put on another rubber band. We repeat the entire action according to the pattern (1-3) until the chain reaches the desired length. Use the S fastener to connect the ends. We hook one hook for the very first elastic band, and the second holds the last two loops.

So, very quickly and simply, the ring will begin to show off on your finger.

Video on the topic of the article

We bring to your attention a selection of videos with different models of rubber rings. There is decoration for every taste.