How to make a mannequin with your own hands. Mannequin making master class. DIY individual mannequin

They can perform several functions at once:

  • Used to display clothes, underwear, hats or various accessories.
  • Help to combine things with each other.
  • They set trends, suggest the need to complement the costume with accessories.
  • They zone the space in the store, dividing the sections into women's, men's or children's goods, they can be used to form the area of ​​​​certain departments selling suits, outerwear, blouses and other things.
  • Properly selected models significantly increase the saleability of goods.

In addition, they remind of the need to purchase this or that thing, the purchase of which is postponed until later, by potential customers passing by. The role is played by the presence at the fitting stage, the need for which may disappear completely when the buyer is in a hurry. A perfectly formed piece of clothing display, its impeccable appearance makes the buyer feel that by purchasing this product, he can also become a model of excellence, which provokes and accelerates the purchase process.


Models of the human body are divided into the following groups: natural, children's, stylized, sports, torso models, as well as demonstration forms. In addition, they can be divided according to their sexual maturity: female, male and children's figures, color, type of fastening and other features.

Parents always want to see their child dressed elegantly. Children are restless natures, it is quite difficult to convince a child to try on several clothing options, so for the children's department it is best to buy a children's mannequin or several different (types and sizes) models that will make it easier for parents to buy things for one or several children in the family at once. This commercial equipment will clearly demonstrate to mom or dad the current trends or styles in clothes for babies and teenagers.

Men who lead an active lifestyle rarely go to stores, they do not have time to sort through things on hangers or shelves. Seeing the desired images on the demonstration equipment, they are usually willing to purchase things. Female mannequins attract the attention of both the female and male half of the population, men who notice a tastefully dressed demonstrative female figure often have a desire to see their woman in the same image.

Modern mute demonstrators can be made from different materials. The most popular models are made of polystyrene and fiberglass. Expensive stores can afford natural, bendable models that can be given different poses and shapes. Chrome products are fashionable, they are quite expensive. But at the same time, they provide ample opportunities for creating and decorating the interior of the trading platform.

Mannequin - it seems that everything is simple. Most likely, you immediately presented a black female torso on a stand. Classic! In fact, there are many types, and each has its own mission. If you have a vague idea of ​​how one differs from the other, study the educational guide Royal Dress forms.

Tailor's mannequins

They are also called tailors. Used for tailoring. Clothes are modeled on a tailor's mannequin, a future product is tried on. With its help, they level the bottom, determine the position of embroidery, pockets, decorative elements. Any sewing person will say that a mannequin is needed in the same way as, for example, an overlocker. There are different:

Soft.The classic tailor's mannequin can be shrunk to fit inextensible garments. The soft base allows you to stick pins and work in the tattooing method. Often there are marking lines on the sewing mannequin - they allow you to quickly and accurately assess the fit, the accuracy of the cut.

Sliding.Their feature is the ability to change the size with the help of special regulators. Waist, chest, hips are adjusted to specific parameters. The main disadvantage of the expandable mannequin is that it is impossible to work in the dummy method.

Large-scale.These are reduced copies of sewing mannequins. The most popular scale is 1:2 and 1:4. Used for training, modeling, when you need quick results. A big plus is the low consumption of fabric and a lot of time saved.

Individual.There are 2 ways to get a mannequin that exactly repeats the figure of the customer. The first is to make it yourself (or contact a more experienced craftsman). The second is to order a personal mannequin from us. Its creation is a complex, sometimes jewelry process. First, specialists scan the figure using a non-contact 3D scanner. The model is processed on a computer, taking into account the wishes of the customer, manufactured on a high-tech 5-axis milling center with an accuracy of 0.5 mm and covered with fabric.

Demonstration dummies

Their task is to show clothes, accessories and other goods in all their glory. It seems that it could be easier than a mannequin in a shop window? But they also have varieties.

With a high degree of detail.These are the ones that are easily confused with a living person. Manicure, makeup, eyelashes, skin tone - all this is worked out in detail.

Stylized mannequins. The most common type. Sketchy facial features, like an unfinished sculpture. And some may not have a head at all.

Design (abstract).They can look like anything and be made from anything - that's why they are designer. Most often used for interior decoration.

Partial.When it is necessary to demonstrate to the buyer a bracelet, hat, tights and other accessories, they use just mannequins-forms - legs, busts, heads, arms separately.

Crash dummies

The most short lived. This is because they are the ones who are put in the car to test its safety. Such a mannequin must withstand the same loads as a real person. By the way, one American company that produces crash test dummies has created prototypes with current trends in mind. The new models are an obese middle-aged man and an overweight older woman. These categories of citizens are very vulnerable during an accident, so tests with their dummies are logical and necessary.

Animal mannequins

There are more and more shops and brands producing clothes for pets every day. Therefore, mannequins of cats and dogs of various breeds and sizes are gaining popularity. They are also sometimes used to decorate the windows of clothing stores for people, recreating scenes from real life.

Museum mannequins

They can be conditionally divided into realistic mannequins, recreating a person wearing an outfit, and more abstract ones, whose task is to show clothes.

Slim models walking the catwalk and dummysartorial connected by a strong thread, because the names of both are derived from the Flemish "maeneken", which means "little man". As soon as our ancestors shed their skins and learned how to sew, they thought about a form that would help them both try on and show off the outfit. Thus, according to ancient manuscripts, clay figurines 8-25 cm in size appeared in Ancient Rome, on which samples of clothing were shown. The mannequin, close to the modern and familiar to our eyes, appeared in 1573. It was made by the Italian monk San Marco. To create this tailoring unit, he used wood and clay. Later, attempts were made to make mannequins out of wax, but they ended in failure - wax figures could not withstand high temperatures and melted.

In the 18th century, tailor's mannequins appeared, made of papier-mâché in full human growth. And at the same time, mass production of mannequins began in France and the Netherlands. They were mainly used for sewing. They were made in full human growth and were made of wood and papier-mâché.

And only in the middle of the XIX century, the famous French couturier Charles Frederick Worth (Charles Frederick Worth) began to use mannequins to show his collections. Soon the first fashion model, Worth's wife, appeared on the catwalk, demonstrating outfits sewn by her husband. Appreciating the practicality and usefulness of the innovation, the mannequin began to be actively used by seamstresses and fashion designers in all corners of the Earth.

In the modern world, plastic models have said goodbye to facelessness and now act as a visual embodiment of the conceptual directions of fashion brands. Refined, with perfect proportions and beautiful faces, they reflect the everyday consumer's quest for perfection. That is why many trading houses take the choice of mannequins very seriously, turning them into a kind of calling card. Their main task is to attract a buyer, present clothes in a favorable light, and, as a result, induce them to buy. An analysis of the level of sales in retail outlets showed that where mannequins are installed, the number of purchases increases by 4 times.

The process of creating a demonstration mannequin is quite expensive and technically complex. First, the designer draws an image, then a project is made, a special matrix is ​​formed, and on its basis, a mass casting of models begins.

1. Types of mannequins

Choosing a mannequin is not difficult, but you need to clearly understand for what purposes you need it. Three types of mannequins can be found on the market today:

  • anthropoid;
  • tailor;
  • demo.

anthropoid models are of three types:

  • naturalistic (they have a wig, makeup, manicure);
  • sculptural (stylization of a human figure);
  • profiled (children, adolescents, simulating pregnancy).

Tailoring in the classic version, they consist of a wooden or metal leg (tripod) and a polystyrene mold covered with fabric.

Demo are made of plastic and imitate parts of the human body with anatomical accuracy.

From the view sewing mannequin also depends on its cost. The cheapest option will cost you $50-100, while the price of sculptural and naturalistic models can go up to several thousand dollars. Such amounts are due not only to the appearance of products, but also to their technical capabilities. In expensive models, the arms and legs are hinged, allowing them to be bent at different angles.

2. What should I pay attention to when choosing a mannequin?

When choosing a mannequin, you need to rely on your own needs. Depending on whether you are going to sew according to individual measurements or if you plan to mass-produce clothes according to GOST sizes, determine the type of model. Suitable for tailoring extendable mannequin and immovable. But what are their differences, and what modifications are there? Read about it below.

  1. Sliding tailor mannequins with infinitely adjustable Designed for custom tailoring. Their design includes the possibility of changing the waist circumference, the distance from the shoulder to the waist, and the chest circumference. The "body" of the mannequin is placed on a plastic or metal stand with a stand and covered with a special material that perfectly holds the fabric, preventing it from slipping. The range of models includes large and small sizes, men's and teens, as well as trouser with a side-mount rack that allows you to wear trousers and jeans on them. This is the best option for those who sew for themselves or for individual orders.
  2. Sliding mannequins with adjustable size change the proportions not individually, but only from size to size, according to given standards. A great option for design studios, fashion designers and those who prefer to work with standard figures.
  3. Fixed size fixed mannequins - this is a model of a certain size, corresponding to GOST, which cannot be changed. They are "soft" and "hard".
  • For "hard" ones, a frame made of rigid cardboard or fiberglass is used, which is covered with knitted fabric of increased strength. The fabric is not glued over the entire surface of the base, which allows you to stick pins into it.
  • The tailor's soft mannequin is divided into two types: completely soft, without a solid base, and having a hard base, glued with foam rubber 1 cm thick. The former are easily pressed through and return to their original size, the latter facilitate work with the fabric.
  • Both options are often used in workshops and clothing factories, where exactly the size range of mannequins is in demand.

Having found out the design features of all types, we will dwell on each of them in more detail.

Fixed Size Mannequins

The entire model range is made according to the dimensions established by GOST. They do not have adjustment devices, so the best option for their use is the mass production of clothes in factories and large sewing workshops. They are very heavy because they do not have an internal cavity. They are covered, as a rule, with soft materials, but you can also find samples with hard upholstery, into which it is difficult, almost impossible to stick a pin.

Pros: Inexpensive and durable

Cons: Only one standard size and the impossibility of trimming the dress according to the height of the client.

Adjustable size mannequins

Equipped with sliding regulators that allow you to fix the circumference of the waist, chest or hips in the desired range. For example, you can set the hip size to 42 or 44 cm, but 42.5 will not work. That is, on such a male or female mannequin, you can set the size according to GOST without taking into account the individual characteristics of the figure. They use a plastic frame as a basis, equipped with metal guides for changing the size. The frame is covered with a thin material that prevents the fabric from slipping. Such a mannequin weighs no more than 5 kg.

Pros: Compact and lightweight: Moves comfortably and easily. Ergonomic, because it does not require the purchase of several mannequins of different sizes.

Cons: No settings for a non-standard figure.

Variable size mannequins

These are convenient and comfortable models when working with individual clients. Size adjustment is important if you plan to use dressmaker's mannequin female, because the female figure has more parameters that require a special approach. The basis of the model, made of plastic, is located on a metal or plastic stand with a stand. To cover the frame, a thin, slip-retarding fabric is used. The outfit put on her is easily fixed with pins.

Pros: Lightweight, easy to move, adjusts to any size, making it ideal for working from home.

Cons: Since the regulators are made of plastic, it needs to be handled with care. There is a risk of breaking the threaded section when adjusting the size sharply.

Now that you have an idea about the various modifications of mannequins, it will be easier for you to make a choice.

In our review, it will not be superfluous to recall the opinion of professionals using sewing mannequins various brands for work or business for more than a year. Considering both types, traditional classic and innovative sliding, they note the advantages and disadvantages of both types.

  1. classic mannequin reliable and durable. On it you can design and try on, fit and dowalize (in a soft base). You can increase the life of the mannequin by wrapping the base with a stretch film or bag. The absence of gaps in the base of the dummy increases its strength and helps in work. The main disadvantage of classic models is a fixed size. In addition, they are usually produced by foreign companies and do not meet our standards. Add to this the features of the client’s figure, and then you will have to prick additional volume in problem areas. All this leads to the purchase of several mannequins, which is difficult both in terms of finances and their placement.
  2. Sliding mannequins easily solve the problem of both places and fitting the product according to the figure. They are more expensive, but they also provide more opportunities for creativity. The sliding mechanism allows you to accurately try on products for non-standard figures and immediately make the necessary adjustments. It can be adjusted to a specific size and waist, and neck, and chest, hips, and back length. However, we must not forget about the difference in the standards of some countries. There is a significant difference from the accepted dimensions in Germany and China with domestic ones. The dummy is easy to assemble and disassemble, weighs little, it is easy to store and transport.

4. The range of online store TekstilTorg

Useful information for those who are going female mannequin to buy on the website of our online store.

Dummy Donna equipped with a scale located on the neck, where all changes in volumes are displayed. Referring to its indications, you can set the size you need with a high degree of accuracy. This is convenient if the client does not have the opportunity to visit you frequently for fittings. The advantages of the model include the absence of holes in the base, as it is covered with a dense elastic fabric. The model also has a special lever that raises or lowers the level of the chest and changes its volume. The disadvantage of the design is that with an increase in height, an automatic increase in the volume of the hips occurs.

This group includes:

  • Diana Mannequin tailor's sliding (B 50-58)
  • Diana Mannequin tailor's sliding (A 42-50)
  • MyDouble Tailor's mannequin female extendable M size 50-56
  • MyDouble Tailor's mannequin female extendable S size 42-52
  • Mydouble Mannequin F 58-66

English "MyDouble" equipped with a trouser bottom limiter, it is convenient when trying on the shoulder and waist groups of products. Unfortunately, it is also not without a drawback: by pushing the back and chest, you will automatically get an increase in the shoulders.

In our store you will find the following models:

  • Tailor's mannequin My Double Legform, size M (50-56)
  • My Double Mannequin Male Form (male) 46-56
  • My Double Mannequin Junior (male) 30-38
  • Dressform Extendable mannequin M (size 50 – 56)

The latest model should be mentioned separately. It has full-length shoulders, which makes it easier to sew in sleeves and allows for adjustment of 12 sizes. The mannequin weighs only 4 kg, it is stable and delicate in use.

The presented samples are not designed for adding and steaming products. There are also problems with performance: after a year and a half or two, they become loose, begin to creak, and it is difficult to find spare parts for them.

5. Advantages of buying in the TekstilTorg online store

As you can see, we tried to objectively and professionally approach the demonstration of the mannequins' capabilities, openly talked about their advantages and disadvantages. Which one to choose is up to you. Whether you carry heavy mannequins, use fixed-size models, or opt for mobile and flexible expandable models, it's up to you. Nevertheless, the task of filling the assortment range of TekstilTorg was performed perfectly by us. And you do not hesitate and do not be afraid to look here - we have the largest selection and only the latest offers - everything is in stock right now, and not tomorrow or the day after tomorrow or in a week or a month!

And we also guarantee timely delivery, high quality products, low prices and consulting assistance when buying online. We will advise how to choose a mannequin for sewing. We hope you will not be disappointed and, taking into account our recommendations, make a useful purchase for your business.

The shape of the dummy and its stability

Quite important factors when buying a mannequin are its shape and stability. If the mannequin is too light, then it is difficult to work with it. It is easy to drop it when putting on the product, it can turn on the leg when trying to prick something on it. It's like doing a fitting on a restless girl who cannot stand even for one second.

The heavy mannequin is free from this shortcoming. Its monumentality makes it easy to work with it. But because of the weight of such a mannequin, it is difficult to rearrange it from place to place, if the need arises.

Most dummies are in the middle position between light and heavy. But preference should still be given to heavier, and as a result, more stable mannequins. They are much more pleasant to work with! These are, for example, American mannequins. The strong and beautiful form of a dummy is covered with dense cotton and is established on a heavy molded support. The mannequin is incredibly stable and pleasant to work with! It has only one drawback - it is noticeably more expensive than simpler domestic options. But it fully pays off with the quality of the mannequin and the pleasure of working with it!

Separately, I would like to draw your attention to the shape of the mannequin. Like different female bodies, mannequins from different manufacturers can have different shapes. The mannequin can echo the forms of a mature woman, or it can imitate the figure of a teenager. The shape of the body is subject to fashion, so manufacturers regularly create new mannequins with fashionable lines of the figure.

The change in shape concerns not only the proportions of the figure, but also the contour of the shoulders, chest and buttocks, as well as the curve of the back and posture. In sum, all these factors can significantly change the visual shape of the mannequin!

Needless to say, the closer the shape of the mannequin to your figure, the better it is for trying on clothes? I repeat that the form concerns not only the size of the girths, but also the general proportions and outlines of the figure. And they can differ quite noticeably, even if the measurements of the figures are the same.

If the mannequin is used more for design work or for showcases, then the shape should please the eye with its aesthetics. By no means do you want to work with every mannequin, and not every form inspires creativity.

Comparative table of the cost of mannequins

As you already know, the cost of a mannequin is affected by many different parameters - the material from which the torso is made, the quality of the stand and neck plugs, the covering material, and the manufacturing process of the mannequin. The table shows the average cost of mannequins when buying in Russia.

The process of manufacturing a mannequin can be divided into several stages.
1. Film for food or construction. We put on the linen on which we will put on future sewing masterpieces in the future. I remind you that the shape and size of the bra of different companies differ significantly from each other. And this, of course, affects the fit of the product. We wrap ourselves over the linen (naturally with the help of an assistant) with food or construction film. The construction one is denser, but the food one is smaller in width and easier to handle. We wrap the film around the body in several layers, observing some freedom of fitting (in the future, the adhesive tape will greatly tighten the body). We wrap the body from the middle of the thigh to the chin, hands to the elbow, paying special attention to the armpits (adhering adhesive tape from this tender place is torn off very painfully).
2. Scotch reinforced and construction. After a protective film is applied to the body, we begin to wrap the body with two layers of reinforced (gray) tape and one layer of brown construction tape on top. This amount is enough for your cocoon to keep its shape.

Start this process in the morning, do not put it off until the evening (you need to wrap the tape at a time, make a cocoon and plaster it so that it does not lose its original shape). We glue the layers of adhesive tape without tightening the body: from the waist down, then up to the chest area, the back completely and the arms to the middle of the forearm. We glue the chest area in the penultimate turn (it will be difficult to breathe), and the neck last. Remove hair before taping the neck.

We cut the adhesive tape into small pieces and carefully form all the curves of your body. The better you form the cocoon, the more believable your mannequin will be. We several times cut and placed the area between the breasts and the back deflection in the waist area, because. the adhesive tape was stretched and the existing bend did not immediately work out. Scotch tape for the chest area is cut into very small pieces and glued in the form of chamomile petals, then the edges to the center. Don't overtighten your chest. In a soft bra, this happens very easily, which subsequently leads to deformation of the shape of the breast in a cocoon (especially in girls with a size of 4 and above). Girls with large breasts do not glue the adhesive tape crosswise - this creates an irregular shape. During winding, one of my breasts flattened out - “the first pancake is lumpy”, but the second one turned out to be plausible. On it, in the future, I aligned the asymmetrical chest with the help of papier-mâché.
Warning: the process of cocoon formation is very laborious and difficult for all participants in the process. Be patient. The winding process took me 4 hours. For some, it takes from 1.5 to 3 hours. Probably, it depends on the features of the figure (the more bends, the longer this stage), the quality of winding and the quickness of the assistant. During this time, it will not work to sit down, not to mention other natural needs. Prepare several pairs of scissors (in the process they stick to the adhesive tape and stop cutting), rags (to clean the scissor blades), a brush or a long stick to scratch (something will definitely itch at this time), a chair or stool (you can kneel on it, it becomes a little easier), water (with a straw), and validol. On the forums, some write that they cannot withstand this stage and bring themselves to life with the help of ammonia. I didn’t get to that, but validol dissolved more than once.
After the adhesive tape is pasted, it is necessary to “beat off the level”. We measure the same distance from the floor to the bottom line of the cocoon and draw a line (as in sewing, when we align the bottom line of the product). Then, using a plumb line from the seventh cervical vertebra, we measure and draw a line in the middle of the back. We outline several transverse lines (we will combine and glue the shape along them). We cut along the line of the middle of the back (there is no need to cut in a zigzag), and glue the cut place with several layers of adhesive tape. We cut off the bottom of the mannequin along the marked line (after that it should stand exactly on the table). We put thick cardboard under the bottom of the mannequin and draw the same line. This will be a guideline for the volume and shape of your hips and the bottom of the mannequin. On this form, you will later expose the center of the mannequin to install the mannequin stand. Do not remove the inner food film.

3. Gypsum. After the film cocoon is ready, we begin the gypsum process. For this we use plaster bandages. In Moscow, this is a terrible deficit. Bypassing 11 pharmacies, I found only 2 bandages!!! Therefore, on the first day, I plastered from the bottom up with plaster bandages, and above with ordinary bandages with alabaster. I did not like working with alabaster. It’s not convenient, it takes a long time, and even then, when the plaster is removed, the dust from it is terrible. The next day I was much more fortunate, I bought 9 more bandages at the “Don't be sick” pharmacy. This is enough to gypsum the entire cocoon in two, and in the chest and back - three layers. The casting process must be carried out from the bottom up, and spacers should be inserted inside the mannequin in the chest, arms and hips (in order to maintain the original shape). So that the cocoon of adhesive tape does not fall, I put a hanger inside and fastened it to wire extensions, which I tied to the cornice and a hook on the wall. I glued the bottom of the cocoon to the table with adhesive tape so that it would not move or change shape. I unfolded it in such a way that it was convenient to approach with plaster on each side. She put wet gauze on the cocoon in one layer and fixed it with threads. Gypsum dries best at a temperature of +28 degrees. The usual temperature in the apartment + 24 degrees is not enough. I turned on the kitchen heater for the night and closed the door. By morning it was already +31. But the gypsum dried up in a day. To be sure, I waited two more days.

4. Mounting foam. After the plaster has dried, you can begin the main stage in creating a mannequin - pouring foam from the inside. I did this step myself and alone. From my own experience, I was convinced that it is better to entrust foaming to a man with hands and experience in this field.
After reading the recommendations on the forums, I bought a cylinder of Titan winter mounting foam, a gun, acetone, gloves and a mask for it. I already had glasses. You need to fill the mannequin in several stages, because. the foam must dry. The first portion of the foam was poured into the chest and abdomen (previously sprinkled inside with water from a spray bottle). Approximately 1/3 of the width of the mannequin in volume, remembering that the foam expands over the course of an hour and increases in size. In my case, the gun turned out to be defective, and the foam came out not from the nose of the gun, but from the connection between the gun and the cylinder. Hair stood on end, but because there was no other way out, I began to collect it and lay it with my hands in the places I needed (especially since it is impossible to get into a mannequin with a gun and a balloon wound on it, unless you are size 60). The foam was fairly thick and easy to apply. For some reason, the foam from the next two cylinders of the same company did not want to be distributed and fell off as soon as I touched it with my hand. In the foam (in order to reduce its consumption), I added pieces of foam (it is well cut with a kitchen knife).
Then I inserted, centered and fixed inside the broomstick wrapped in cellophane (I didn’t have a mannequin stand at that time). Left to dry for a day.
The foam dried up the next day. I, as an experienced young lady, bought two more foam bottles, but the one that can be worked without a gun (the tube is screwed to it), they are smaller in volume, but the foam was enough for me for the entire mannequin. With one balloon I completely filled the top of the mannequin (through the neck and arms), with the second - the bottom of the mannequin (adding pieces of foam). Foam climbed from all sides for another three hours, even pushing out the foam. In these places, small voids subsequently formed, and places that did not dry out. At the last moment, you need to insert and fix what your mannequin will stand on, or at least leave a hole for the stand. I inserted a cellophane-wrapped broomstick. It didn't work out very well for me. I fixed it correctly, but apparently not enough, and the stick was warped. When this was discovered, it was already too late, everything dried up and a new hole had to be made.
Before working with foam, put on something that you don’t feel sorry for, gloves on your hands, twist the film up to your shoulder, put glasses on your nose. The mask was needed when I wiped the kitchen and myself from the foam with acetone. The foam in the mannequin dried for another three days. After hardening, cut off the foam exactly along the edge of the bottom of the mannequin.

5. We remove the plaster. The most exciting and solemn moment in the whole process. With a construction knife, I first cut the plaster along the side and shoulder lines into two halves. Then a cocoon of duct tape. She took off the tape. And here she is your Galatea. My Young Lady (this is the name of my mannequin) - came out extremely nice. In several places, not dried holes (back area, buttocks and shoulders) I filled with foam, and covered with pieces of dried foam on top. The volumes turned out to be a few centimeters smaller than mine, which I later corrected with papier-mâché. I cut off the mannequin at the shoulder about 19 cm from the junction of the shoulder and neck. On the foam mannequin, irregularities are cut with a construction knife, and the missing volumes are increased in several layers with the help of papier-mâché.

6. Papier-mâché. To bring the appearance of the mannequin to the ideal, you can use papier-mâché. To do this, we buy the cheapest gray toilet paper. We cut it from a roll and fill it with hot water. After 10 minutes, drain the water and squeeze a little and knead the paper. Add PVA glue to the desired consistency. All is ready. We begin to glue papier-mâché on the mannequin. The paper does not dry very quickly. Even an increase in ambient temperature did not affect the drying rate in any way. A thin layer dries for 2 days, and a thicker one can take 4. In a week, I completely corrected the mannequin and prepared it for the final stage.

7. Mannequin stand. I ordered the rack from the store. I really wanted a wooden tripod and certainly the color of natural wood. Waited for her 2.5 weeks. During this time, all work on the formation of the mannequin was completed, and the shortcomings had to be corrected. The hole I provided for the mannequin stand turned out to be much smaller in diameter than the mannequin stand itself (the store gave incorrect information). I had to heat up the metal part of the rack and make a new hole. My mannequin turned out to be much longer than the standard store mannequin (it ends at the middle of the thigh). In order to lower the mannequin and bring it closer to my height, I fixed not only a metal stick inside, but also a part of a wooden stand. At this stage, the wooden part of the rack cracked. I had to go to the store to buy a new all-metal rack. The rack was fixed in a ready-made hole. Secured with a metal ring for the rack.

8. Cotton cover. The papier-mâché shape is quite hard, and sometimes rough. In order to add a soft layer to the mannequin in which to fix the pins, I bought a thin batting. The option with synthetic winterizer did not suit me very well, because. there were not very flattering reviews about him on the forum. From batting I sewed a cover. He fit perfectly on the mannequin himself. It is better to sew parts of the batting end-to-end so that the seams are not visible. On top of the neck of the mannequin, I made a pincushion by sewing together 5 layers of batting.

9. Cover of their supplex. The top layer is sewn from supplex. We sew in the same way as a fitted dress. We lay the tucks where they ask. We collect them on rubber bands.

10. The cost of materials.
- mounting foam Titan - 3 cylinders - 200 + 200 + 250 = 650 rubles.
- rubber gloves - 2 pairs - 40 + 40 = 80 rubles.
- reinforced tape - 2 rolls - 150 +150 = 300 r.
- brown tape - 2 rolls - 40 + 40 = 80 r.
- acetone - 1 pc. - 50 r.
- PVA glue - 3 cans - 140 + 140 + 140 = 420 r.
- construction knife OLFA - 1 pc. - 250 r.
- blades for a construction knife - 1 pc. - 200 rub.
- marker - 1 pc. - 15 p.
- gauze - 1 pc. - 55 p.
- plaster bandages - (6 pcs. - 32 rubles each, 1 pc. - 55 rubles each, 4 pcs. - 22 rubles each) = 337 rubles.
- toilet paper - 10 rolls - 5 p. =50 p.
- batting - 1, 20 = 60 p.
- supplex - 1, 10 = 550 r.

Total: 3097 r. + stand for mannequin - 1400 rubles.
11. Elapsed time: 1 week (not including drying time for all mannequin layers).
12. Conclusion: I liked working on the mannequin. The result was satisfied. The mannequin fully corresponds to my parameters and individual characteristics. I even managed to use it for its intended purpose - I sewed a jacket with a hood for yoga. The fact that before I would have corrected for two hours, or I would have to call a friend - to pick up the back and sides. I did it on a mannequin in 5 minutes. I have never had such a perfect back.