How to make a large pom pom out of thread. How to make pompoms with your own hands and why you need them

Modern fashion trends are varied and interesting. Everything new is well-forgotten old. The good old pompom is back at the peak of popularity. We wore them as children on hats, even earlier they flaunted on the tops of French sailors and on the uniforms of soldiers and officers of the Red Army.

Types of pom-poms depending on the material

Modern ways of using pompoms have gone even further. Now they are worn not only on hats and scarves, but also as a bright accessory on their bags and backpacks, as well as for decorating curtains and blankets, creating toys and ottomans. In connection with such an extensive field of application of the materials from which they are made, there are many:

How to make pom poms from yarn with your own hands

Making pom-poms at home is a simple process, but quite laborious. You should be patient: the finished decoration should have the desired size, be even and beautiful. To get the desired result, you need to follow step by step instructions. There are several ways to make them:

  1. you can use a special device - pompom. Usually it is made of plastic and has various sizes depending on the required volume. Its advantages are reusable and time saving. The pom poms are the same size. Such devices are sold in specialized stores for needlework.
  2. manual way- the fastest. When it is not possible to use various aids, your own hands are suitable for making a pom-pom.

Handmade pom poms

We clamp the end of the thread between the fingers and freely wind the required amount of yarn on several fingers of one hand until a small ball is formed. Depending on the number of fingers on which the threads will be wound, the product will be large or small. How more yarn will be used, the fluffier the pompom will be. You do not need to spare the threads, as the pompom may turn out to be too loose.

As soon as the required amount of yarn is wound, you need to cut the thread and release the original tip, sandwiched between the fingers. Carefully remove the threads from the fingers and tie a knot in the middle coiled ball is very tight. We straighten the yarn around the circumference and cut along the edges. After cutting, the ends will most likely not be perfect, so you need to give the product the shape of a ball and trim the ends of the threads with very sharp scissors.

If you need pompoms of small diameter - 3-4 cm, and even more so if you need several of them, you can use a simple affordable method and make them on a regular kitchen fork. To do this, in the middle between the teeth of the fork, leave the tip of the thread about 15 cm and carefully wind the required amount of yarn around all the teeth. We cut the thread and tie it with a tight knot with the original tip. If this is done weakly, then during the operation of an already finished product, threads may fall out of the pompom. We cut the yarn along the sides of the fork and fluff the pom-pom, giving it the shape of a ball. Trim protruding ends if necessary.

Making pom poms using cardboard templates

Alternatively, you can use cardboard templates. This is the most labor intensive method of all. He has a number of advantages that deserve to tinker and make blanks with your own hands.

Advantages of the method:

  • allows you to make a product of almost any required diameter;
  • cheap. In contrast to a special pump, where for each required size you need to buy another device.
  • when applied correctly, the result is excellent.

For work, in addition to scissors and yarn, you will need thick cardboard and a pen, as well as a compass if you need high dimensional accuracy. On a sheet of cardboard, 2 circles are drawn that have a common center. The radius of the circle depends on the required size - the height of the pompom will be equal to the distance between the outer and inner circle. From a sheet of cardboard, we cut out the blank first along the outer edge, and then a smaller circle - thus, we get a circle with a “hole” in the center. Threads will be wound through this "hole". If the skein of yarn is large, then it is better to unwind the required amount into a small ball. It should be borne in mind that the more yarn is wound for a pompom, the more magnificent, smoother and more beautiful it will turn out.

Two similar cardboard blanks are needed. Between these patterns, you need to lay a thread that will be used to tie the pom-pom. We put 2 cardboard circles together and wrap the required amount of yarn around their circumference. When winding, be sure to monitor the tension of the thread - it should turn out not too loose, but not tight either.

Now you need to cut the threads around the circumference with sharp scissors, for this you can slightly push the cardboard disks apart. Do not forget to drag the product in the middle, left earlier with a thread, tie these 2 ends and only then remove the cardboard completely. With our own hands we give the product the shape of a ball and cut, if necessary, uneven threads.

Some craftsmen approach the manufacture of pompoms with all seriousness and even base them in the washing machine.

There are many ways to make pom poms. You can choose the one that suits you best right now. Large or small, voluminous or loose, colored or plain - there are many options, and even more possibilities for using pompoms.

Good afternoon friends!

Do you know that yarn pom-poms can be made not only for hats and scarves, but also to decorate your home with them? Things and crafts made from pom-poms are so cozy, soft and positive!

I have accumulated a lot of such ideas, and recently I saw a cute panel of pompoms on the hoop on the net, I decided to make this for myself, and at the same time tell me how to make pompoms from yarn in different ways with my own hands: using a cardboard template, on a fork, on my fingers, How to make large and small pom-poms.

This is an updated post from an old article that hasn't been read since it was originally published, but I've been working on it again, so don't be surprised by the comments already there.

DIY yarn pompoms

For the manufacture of pompoms, we will need yarn. What yarn is best for pom poms? In principle, any wool, wool mixture, acrylic is suitable, synthetics can be made. Only cotton is not very suitable, it is unlikely that fluffy pompoms will come out of it.

How much yarn will be needed? From one small skein of yarn you will get a pompom of about the same diameter as the skein, from such considerations you can estimate the consumption of yarn.

For small crafts, you can just use the leftover yarn.

You will also need a thread winder. You can buy a special plastic one or make it yourself from cardboard, or you can generally use any item that is at hand. I will show you different options on how to make pom-poms from yarn with step-by-step instructions and photos.

How to make a yarn pom pom using a cardboard template

I want to say that while I was experimenting with different ways, I came to the conclusion that the most beautiful and fluffy pom-pom is still obtained with the help of such a template. Although other methods have their advantages.

So, first of all, you need to make the template itself.

In this way, you can make large pompoms from yarn by adjusting the thickness of the cardboard rings.

This method requires accuracy and patience, but the result is really excellent.

Colored yarn pompoms

In addition, you can make cute multi-colored patterned pompoms using a round template.

It's very simple. We divide the template visually or with a pencil into the required number of parts and wind each of them with yarn of a certain color. Here you can experiment with both the number and the width of the parts. You can even make just a couple of turns of a certain color and get colored dots on the pompom.

When we cut the threads, we get this beauty!

How to make yarn pompoms quickly

If you don’t want to mess around with cardboard templates, which, by the way, wear out pretty quickly, but want to make a pom-pom quickly, then it’s quite possible to make pom-poms from yarn without cardboard. Once upon a time, I was in a hospital and the girls and I made poodles out of pompoms there so as not to get bored. We simply wound the yarn on a soap dish.

You can wind the threads even on the palm of your hand, then cut them in two places, tie in the middle, form and cut the pompom.

Sometimes they just use a rectangular cardboard or an old plastic card: cut it along the middle not completely, insert a thread for tying through the slot and wind the yarn across.

Yarn pom-poms on a fork

Four years ago, I mastered this method when I was making a pillow with a pom-pom heart. I then dissolved the old pullover, just two sleeves were enough for pompoms.

There were a lot of pompoms to make for the pillow, so I needed a quick and easy way to make pompoms with my own hands.

It turned out to be very convenient to use a regular table fork.

How to make pom poms out of yarn on a fork:

1. We put a small short thread on the fork, it will be needed later in order to tie the pompom.

2. We begin to wind the yarn around the fork. For each pom-pom, I did 100 turns.

3. We wound the yarn, cut the thread and tie the thread lying on the fork, tighten it tightly so that later the threads do not come out of the pompom.

4. Turn the fork over, cut the wound threads in the middle with scissors. It is very convenient to do this on a fork.

5. Remove the threads from the fork.

6. Now we collect the threads into a ball with our hands, cut off the extra ones to make an even ball.

My pompom is 5 inches in diameter.

I made 22 pom poms in total and sewed them onto the heart shaped cushion cover.

How to make a small yarn pom pom

The above methods are more suitable, as I have already noted, for large and medium pompoms. But how to make a very small pom-pom? I heard that such pompoms can be wound on fingers. And here's what I got.

Pompoms on fingers

  1. She put a thread on her finger.
  2. She wound the yarn around her finger.
  3. With difficulty she removed the winding from her finger and bandaged the threads.
  4. Cut, shaped, trimmed the ends.

The pompom turned out to be about 3 cm in diameter.

But I didn’t like this method, as it’s not very convenient, and my finger turned blue from tight winding

Then I came up with the idea of ​​winding threads on an old toothbrush.

small pom-poms on a toothbrush

The process is the same: we wind, tie, cut, cut.

To make pompoms on a toothbrush very quickly, they turn out small and neat.

As a result of my experiments with how to make pompoms from yarn, I got such different pompoms that you can see in the photo.

Crafts from pom-poms

You can make such wonderful crafts and gizmos for home comfort from yarn pompoms!

  • flower arrangements
  • wreaths
  • pendants
  • Christmas decorations and Christmas trees
  • toys
  • panel
  • coasters for mugs
  • key rings
  • bookmarks
  • pillows
  • rugs
  • curtains
  • and much more.

I really liked the idea of ​​making letters with pom-poms. If you remember, I once talked about knitted three-dimensional letters and later received a letter from my reader - a teacher, who, according to my descriptions, connected a whole alphabet for children. I am delighted with such a needlewoman and creative teacher! And the kids would really like the letters from pompons and you don’t need to be able to knit here.

I posted only a few photos of crafts, and you can see even more amazing ideas in my video.

Panel of pompoms on the hoop

Finally, my brag: how I made a panel of pom-poms.

I liked this idea on the hoop, I have not been indifferent to such fashionable little things lately. I already have one panel in the hoop - with knitted flowers of sunflowers.

  1. She fixed a thin mesh in the hoop, pulling it well.
  2. I cut off the edges and glued them on the Moment glue on the reverse side.
  3. With the help of a hook, she pulled the strings from the pom-poms through the net and tied the ends.
  4. But this was not enough, since the pom-poms hung down in a vertical position. Therefore, I also planted them additionally on glue.
  5. At the bottom, I attached a ribbon bow.
  6. I learned how to make a flower from a paper napkin and decorated my composition with it.

Here I offer you such comfort and crafts from pompons, and we figured out how to make pompoms from yarn, large and small, with the help of various devices.

All the best to you, I look forward to your comments, statements, wishes, questions.

A pom-pom is an addition (and sometimes a full-fledged part of an item) to an item. Surely everyone in childhood had hats with pom-poms or mittens, or scarves. They were made from yarn. Currently, pompoms are used not only as an addition to clothing. Needlewomen knit blankets (plaids) from them, decorate socks, make accessories (earrings, etc.), supplement handbags with them and use them as before to decorate clothes. It is possible to make a pompom from yarn with your own hands.

What do you need to make a pom pom?

In order to make a pom-pom out of yarn, you will need:

  1. Yarn (of any thickness and any color, depending on what size of the finished pom-pom you need and what color);
  2. Scissors;
  3. Cardboard (a regular piece of A4 cardboard of any color will do);
  4. Fork (metal);
  5. Table.

Making a pompom (method number 1)

The easiest way to make pom-poms is a method without using improvised materials (you only need yarn and scissors). The main for the pom-pom in this method is the human hand, or rather, her hand and fingers.

The fingers of the hand must be moved close to each other, we take the yarn and wrap the fingers around it. Depending on the size of the pompom a person needs, we choose the width of the winding yarn (the larger the size is needed, the wider we wind it). After the yarn in the right amount (the size of the pompom also depends on it) is on the hand, remove it and tie it along with the remaining tip of the thread. We cut one of the resulting parts (you will get a large loop of several layers of yarn), straighten it with your hands, then do the same with the second, the pompom is ready. In conclusion, it is recommended to tie the separation of the two parts of the pompoms tighter.

How to make a large pompom from yarn (method number 2)

Large pompoms are made, as a rule, for knitting blankets and bed linen (bedspreads, duvet covers, pillowcases, etc.). Interior items are soft and cozy.

To make a large pom-pom, you need: a table, yarn, scissors. The table can be replaced with a chair, but then the size of the pompom will be smaller.

We turn the table upside down, wrap two adjacent legs with yarn (in thick layers, if a lush large pompom is needed). Having finished wrapping, carefully remove the resulting workpiece, pull its middle with the remaining end of the yarn (we recommend leaving it longer). Cut each side with scissors (from the loop). We straighten the yarn evenly with our hands. As a result, using a chair / table, we get a finished pompom.

How to make a small pom-pom out of yarn (pom-pom method #3)

A small pom pom can be made using a kitchen tool - a fork (as well as yarn, scissors).

We take an ordinary fork (it should be made of metal, a plastic one will not work, the cloves will easily bend and break), in the middle between the cloves we stretch fifteen centimeters of yarn. Having fixed the thread, we begin to wrap the plug in the same way as in methods No. 1 and No. 2. You need to stop winding when there are two ends of the yarn two or three centimeters long. Next, we connect the resulting shape in the middle, cut both parts and straighten them with our hands. The pompom is ready.

Small pom-poms can be used as accessories for handbags (in the form of key rings), jewelry (to make earrings out of them), decorations for clothes, blankets, bed linen.

How to make a yarn pom pom using cardboard

It is also possible to make a pom-pom using cardboard. Ideally, this should be cardboard for children's creativity, it is more suitable in terms of thickness and rigidity. However, you can use ordinary pieces of cardboard from the box. We cut out two squares or two circles from it, connect them, start winding the yarn in the middle, then remove the threads from the cardboard and tie them in the middle, as we did in the previous methods. At the end, we cut the resulting loops, straighten them into a manual blank and get a pompom. Its size will depend on the size of the cardboard figure and the amount of yarn.

Thus, we considered a variety of ways to make pom-poms from yarn. Each of them is practical for a specific purpose. The simplest of them is a method of making pompoms from yarn without the use of improvised materials (that is, the workpiece is made on a person’s hand). Pompom blankets have gained particular popularity due to their original and cozy appearance. They are made both from calm bed shades of yarn, and from iridescent, bright ones. The blanket attracts with its appearance and its characteristics: softness, warmth. It is made from many pompoms, interconnected with yarn. Depending on the desired size, the required number of pompoms is used.

Soft fluffy pom-poms can decorate not only knitted warm hats, but also other wardrobe items. Many designers use these elements of jewelry on some of their models. Not everyone will be able to harmoniously decorate clothes with pompoms, but it is quite possible to make cute toys for their children or decorative elements for the interior from them. The main point is to learn how to make the pompoms themselves. It is very easy to do this. Let's look at several ways to form pompoms from threads.

Thread pom pom using a template

This is the most common way to make a pom pom. In this case, the pile turns out to be even, since the threads are wound on a specially prepared template. To implement the idea, you will need:

  • woolen threads;
  • sewing needle with a wide eye;
  • thick cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • a round object (for example, a glass) or a compass.

Draw an even circle on the cardboard using a shape or compass. The size of the figure depends on the desired size of the pompom. In the center of the circle, draw another one, but much smaller - this will be a hole for winding the threads. Now you need to cut out the figure, and also use a sharp knife to make a hole along the contour in the center of the circle. You will need two of these blanks.

The templates are ready, now you can start forming the pom-pom. Align the templates and with the help of a needle, start wrapping them with prepared woolen threads. If the size of the hole allows, you can thread the threads with your fingers.

Make sure that the threads lie flat, leaving no empty spaces. Wind the thread until you close the entire pattern. The more layers of yarn you make, the fuller and denser your pom-pom will be. Therefore, you need a light pompom with sparse threads, then you can stop at one layer. For greater splendor, the second and subsequent layers can be performed not with one thread, but with several, folded together. Now take sharp scissors and very carefully cut the threads around the pattern. Then push the blanks apart and fasten the pom-pom in the center with the same thread, tightly tying it in 2-3 knots.

Cut the blanks from one edge and carefully remove them. It remains only to fluff the finished pompom.

A simplified method for making a pom-pom from threads

This option is easier to perform, although the pile of the pom-pom will not be as even as in the first case. Here you do not have to prepare templates, but you can only use a thread and your own hands. So. Put the index and middle fingers of one hand together, and with your right hand begin to wrap them with thread. The yarn should lay down in an even layer, and the threads should be pressed against each other.

Wrap your fingers until you get the workpiece of the desired size. For larger pom poms, you can put 3 or 4 fingers together. Now thread the thread between your fingers, clasping the pom-pom on both sides, and tie a tight knot.

Remove the pom-pom from your fingers.

It remains to carefully cut the threads with sharp scissors.

The pompom is ready, fluff up the pile and you can use this decorative element to decorate clothes or make toys.

We cut out a square from thick cardboard, the side of which will be slightly larger than the diameter of the desired pompom. We cut in the middle a square piece of cardboard, approximately just below the center point. Next, cut a piece of yarn 30 cm long and insert it into the cut so that both ends of the yarn are the same size.

We begin to wrap the yarn around the cardboard, changing its colors as desired. If your pom-pom is going to be about 6.5 cm in diameter, wrap the yarn about 100 times around the cardboard. If the pompom is with a large diameter, you need to make more turns of yarn, respectively, there should be less turns of yarn if the pompom is smaller. Now we cut the yarn.

Around the turns of yarn we tightly wrap the piece of yarn that will hang from the gap in the cardboard base, and we also tighten the fabric. After this action, we cut the thread turns and use scissors to trim the pompom, giving it the shape of a ball.

1. Cut out two rings from cardboard.

2. We put the rings on top of each other and wrap them tightly with a thread.

3. Cut the threads along the fold.

4. We push the cardboard boxes.

5. We tie the middle of the cardboard with a thread.

6. Cut the rings and remove them.

Consider the classic and most common option for making a regular round pom-pom. Initially, you need to cut a blank out of cardboard, which will be equal to the diameters of two circles from the product you conceived, plus about 1.5 cm. Next, cut out the center of each circle, which is about one third of the diameter.

In the next step, we put the resulting rings on top of each other. And as evenly and accurately as possible, we wind the yarn around the cardboard ring until the side of the workpiece that is located towards the center is completely filled, and the pompom will be fluffier and denser, the more the center of the cardboard circle is filled.

In the next step, we push the tip of the scissors through the wound yarn between two cardboard circles, then carefully cut the yarn, carefully holding it, but at the same time, without moving the yarn from the cardboard. We skip the thread between the two circles of cardboard and tie the yarn that is on the cardboard into a rather tight knot, the long ends can remain - later you can make a pompom mount for your product from them.

After all the threads are connected, we remove the cardboard, having previously made a small cut on the edge of the circle. Using scissors, carefully trim the pompom - and you're done.

If the number of threads wound around the rings is insufficient, that is, the inner hole of the cardboard circle remains empty, then your pom-pom may not be quite spherical. And its diameter may be less than the calculated one. If a sufficiently thick skein of yarn was taken to make a pom-pom, it should be divided into several balls of such a diameter that they can easily pass into the inner hole of the ring. The ends of the yarn can also be trimmed with scissors along the outer cut of the ring until the circles have been removed. In order for a round pom-pom to take on an oval shape, it can be “cut” to imitate the desired shape. Or you can cut oval patterns instead of round ones.

Making a pompom brush

We take a piece of thick cardboard and cut out a rectangle from it, the size of which will be slightly longer than the brush you need, and about 10 cm wide. On the narrow side of the rectangle, along it, we put a cord or thread folded several times, on which our brush will hold. Next, we wrap the yarn around the long side of the rectangle, winding our cord to the warp. Moreover, the brush will turn out to be the more voluminous, the more threads are wound on the base.

Next, we tighten the thread, which is laid along the narrow side of the cardboard. With scissors, cut the wound yarn opposite the knot at the end. Then we cut off a piece of yarn about 30 cm long and wrap the tassel tightly with it two or three times just below the knot about 2.5 cm, then we tie it securely. We thread the ends of this piece of yarn into the needle and hide it inside the brush itself. It remains only to shake the brush and cut off the uneven ends.

A pompom-tassel can be sewn tightly to the product, or a tassel can be made on a cord without cutting off the thread that holds the pompom itself together. You can also decorate the brush, for example, with a large bead. To do this, in the direction from bottom to top, you need to stretch the brush through a bead of the appropriate size.