How to make a pompom from thick yarn. We make beautiful pompoms with our own hands

Soft fluffy pom-poms can decorate not only knitted warm hats, but also other wardrobe items. Many designers use these elements of jewelry on some of their models. Not everyone will be able to harmoniously decorate clothes with pompoms, but it is quite possible to make cute toys for their children or decorative elements for the interior from them. The main point is to learn how to make the pompoms themselves. It is very easy to do this. Let's look at several ways to form pompoms from threads.

Thread pom pom using a template

This is the most common way to make a pom pom. In this case, the pile turns out to be even, since the threads are wound on a specially prepared template. To implement the idea, you will need:

  • woolen threads;
  • sewing needle with a wide eye;
  • thick cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • a round object (for example, a glass) or a compass.

Draw an even circle on the cardboard using a shape or compass. The size of the figure depends on the desired size of the pompom. In the center of the circle, draw another one, but much smaller - this will be a hole for winding the threads. Now you need to cut out the figure, and also use a sharp knife to make a hole along the contour in the center of the circle. You will need two of these blanks.

The templates are ready, now you can start forming the pom-pom. Align the templates and with the help of a needle, start wrapping them with prepared woolen threads. If the size of the hole allows, you can thread the threads with your fingers.

Make sure that the threads lie flat, leaving no empty spaces. Wind the thread until you close the entire pattern. The more layers of yarn you make, the fuller and denser your pom-pom will be. Therefore, you need a light pompom with sparse threads, then you can stop at one layer. For greater splendor, the second and subsequent layers can be performed not with one thread, but with several, folded together. Now take sharp scissors and very carefully cut the threads around the pattern. Then push the blanks apart and fasten the pom-pom in the center with the same thread, tightly tying it in 2-3 knots.

Cut the blanks from one end and carefully remove them. It remains only to fluff the finished pompom.

A simplified method for making a pom-pom from threads

This option is easier to perform, although the pile of the pom-pom will not be as smooth as in the first case. Here you do not have to prepare templates, but you can only use a thread and your own hands. So. Put the index and middle fingers of one hand together, and with your right hand begin to wrap them with thread. The yarn should lay down in an even layer, and the threads should be pressed against each other.

Wrap your fingers until you get the workpiece of the desired size. For larger pom poms, you can put 3 or 4 fingers together. Now thread the thread between your fingers, clasping the pom-pom on both sides, and tie a tight knot.

Remove the pom-pom from your fingers.

It remains to carefully cut the threads with sharp scissors.

The pompom is ready, fluff up the pile and you can use this decorative element to decorate clothes or make toys.

Hello, friends! Today we wanted to learn how to make a pompom from threads with our own hands. We saw a lot of pompoms, we even saw how others make them. But they've never tried it themselves. Now let's try it!

We will provide you with a step-by-step photo report on the work done. And you follow us, if something goes wrong, please let us know in the comments to the article. OK?

So, for work, we have prepared:

  1. Woolen threads of white and orange colors (all that were found).
  2. Very thick cardboard (former shoe box).
  3. Scissors.
  4. Pencil.

To begin with, two circles of the same size, 10 cm in diameter, were cut out of cardboard.

Inside these circles, one more circle was drawn, smaller, 4 cm in diameter.

Cut out from these circles a figure resembling the letter "C"

They put one cardboard blank in front of them, and put a short thread on it.

From above they covered it with another blank. She was caught between them.

We pressed the cardboard boxes together with our fingers and began to wind yarn around our cardboard boxes. The more threads we wound, the more magnificent the bubo turned out (we found this out empirically).

We pulled out our hidden short rope.

They tied her in a knot. We tried to tighten the knot tighter, it turned out to be not so easy.

Well, as they tied up, they tied up. They slipped one blade of scissors between two cardboard boxes and boldly cut the strings.

We removed our future pompom. Fluffed up. And he's ready! It turned out such a charming redhead.

We did not rest on this and also made a white fluffy, following the previous step-by-step technology. Just wound a little less yarn, and therefore it is not so fluffy.

But even this was not enough for us. We also decided to make an orange-and-white shaggy. This time the thread was wound more.

This one turned out to be the most voluminous and the most fluffy. Add puppet eyes to him and there will already be a craft. Yes, and it’s not a shame to sew on such a hat. It remains only to learn how to knit hats)

And here they are all our pompoms, which we managed to make in one evening. For the first time, it worked out really well. What do you think? But, of course, there is something to strive for, we do not argue.

That's all, friends! We wish you pleasant creativity.

Thank you for your attention!

See you on the blog pages!

It is difficult to find a person who does not know about the pom-pom. Each of us in the wardrobe, for sure, has things decorated with these funny fluffy lumps. Sweatshirts, scarves, bags, hats, bedspreads and even slippers - but you never know what can be decorated, thereby turning an everyday thing into something original. Fortunately, no sophisticated materials are required to make jewelry. Let's discuss how to make a pompom from yarn for a hat yourself at home.

Origin story

They are used to decorate clothes, in particular - hats. They even decorate household items, for example, lampshades, curtains, giving things a rather interesting look, hanging along the border of the product.

But the pom-pom was not always the decoration of a hat, bag or scarf? At one time, they were actively used as an element of military uniforms in many countries. So, in the eighteenth century, in the Russian army, the pompom was a distinction. A non-commissioned officer could be easily distinguished from a soldier by the mere color of the pom-poms on his uniform: for ordinary soldiers they were one-color, for non-commissioned officers they were two-color.

For a completely different purpose, the element was used by sailors. Previously, ships had very cramped spaces with low ceilings. The pompom protected the head of the brave French sailor from the inevitable impact on the ledges of the ceiling. Despite the fact that today the premises on ships have become much more spacious, the tradition of using red pom-poms on the white caps of French sailors has remained. The story seems to be sorted out. Let's get down to needlework.

How to make a pom pom for a hat

Everyone likes soft, voluminous pompoms. Decorate a simple hat with them so that it immediately turns into a cheerful headdress, an object of your pride, the envy of other people. Did you know that these cute "fluffies" can be used to decorate garments, make amazing crafts for yourself, your children and friends? These crafts are made with knitting yarn and you don't even need to know how to knit!

  • Thread texture. Pompoms are quite unpretentious, and they can be made from almost any yarn - fleecy, boucle, smooth, loose or just bought. At the same time, pompoms always come out fluffy, funny and so soft! What can we say, it's hard to imagine children's clothes without pom-poms, because they are so cute and kids really like them!
  • Thread material. To make soft, playful and voluminous pompoms, you can use woolen, melange or synthetic thread. What yarn you use is not so important. But if you need a beautiful and very fluffy pompom, it is better to take a bulky thread. You will also need a fairly thick cardboard, which we will use to pattern the future product.

Before you start making a pom-pom, prepare your workplace, prepare all the materials and equipment necessary for crafting.


  • tracing paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • compass;
  • one-sided thick cardboard (color);
  • double-sided cardboard (color);
  • threads of different colors;
  • scissors;
  • cardboard for making patterns;
  • a long needle with a wide eye so that the thread from the ball can easily be threaded into it;
  • a long needle with a narrow eye;
  • felt-tip pens or pencils of various colors;
  • awl;
  • strong threads;
  • stapler.


  1. In order for the products to turn out on a cap of various diameters, you will need patterns. Using a pencil and a compass, make two circles of different diameters with holes in the middle and a slot on the side out of cardboard.
  2. Cut out the resulting patterns. This is your first piece. In general, with regard to the question of what to make patterns from, the best material for this are boxes of sweets, cookies or other pastries. The main thing is that the packaging should be cardboard.
  3. You will need two pieces of each diameter. The holes on the side should be about two millimeters wide.
  4. Yarn preparation. Immediately decide whether the product is planned to be single-color or multi-colored. In the first case, threads of the same color will be required, in the second - several shades. If you want to make a "curly" pom-pom, stock up on loose yarn.
  5. A few nuances about the size and "thickness" of the future product. They will depend on the size of the inner hole in the pattern, as well as the amount of yarn wound around it: the more it is, the fluffier the pom-pom will turn out.
  6. If you need pompoms of different shapes, "cut" them or use oval ones instead of round patterns.
  7. Connect the blanks together, start winding yarn around them, moving in a circle, leaving the slot free. Do everything very carefully.
  8. When you realize that there is already enough yarn, take the scissors, cut the threads along the edge of the circle. To prevent the threads from shifting, hold the middle of the circle with the finger of your other hand.
  9. Now insert a thread about twenty-five centimeters long between the two circles and pull the halves together.
  10. Tie the thread tightly.
  11. Cut the blanks. Be careful not to damage the pom-pom.

☞ Video instruction

The product is ready. Decorate the pompom with large beads - it will turn out elegant and bright. Anyone can make a pom-pom out of yarn for a hat.

What do you choose to make a pom pom?

Sooner or later, any craftswoman faces the need to make a pom-pom from threads. Someone needs to decorate a hat, a scarf, a rug made of bombs ... They decorate handbags, mittens and gloves, children's things. In shops for needlewomen, a special device for making buboes is sold. But not everyone has the opportunity to spend time on a trip, or donuts need to be done urgently. Let's figure out how to make the right yarn pompom.

How to make a yarn pom pom. 4 ways.

There are several ways to make a bombon from yarn with your own hands at home. With the help of a template, with the help of hands, on a fork and on a stool. All options are easy. With a little practice, you can quickly make a neat pom-pom. Depending on what kind of pompom you need, choose the appropriate manufacturing method without special tools. It is most convenient to make a pom-pom from not quite thin yarn for knitting. Mohair or fine
wool, it will be difficult to make a large pompom, only a small one. Threads of medium thickness are what you need.
I hope the following tutorials and step-by-step videos will be clear to you.

How to make a beautiful pompom on a knitted hat?

With this method, you can easily make both a loose and a large fluffy beautiful pompom.
You can also make a colored pom-pom. To do this, wind the threads of different colors. Shape the distribution of colors as you like. Either evenly throughout the bomb, or focusing on one side.

The cardboard template is short-lived. You can make a blank from a plastic jar lid. It is more elastic, so winding will be much easier for you. Yes, and such a template will serve you for a long time.
Knitters often ask: how to sew a pom pom on a hat. How to make it so that it does not dangle from side to side? Very simple! Those ends of the yarn with which you pulled the pompom, always leave them more authentic. Crochet pull to the wrong side, tie tightly. Then
pull them out again on the front side. Thread a needle through one of their threads, pierce the bubo again and pull it out to the wrong side again. If you do this, then the pom-pom will hold firmly on the hat. The double bartack will ensure a beautiful pom-pom position.

Making a pom-pom with your own hands.

When it is not possible to make a template, you can quickly make a pompom from yarn with your own hands. It will turn out less neat, then you will have to cut the yarn a little. But sometimes there is no other way. This way is the easiest.
So let's get started.
- With your thumb we pinch the tip of the knitting thread, we begin to wind it around the fingers. Wrap on one, two, three or four fingers - depends on the width of the bomb. On average, winding on 3 fingers is enough for a hat.
- After you have wound the required number of threads, cut the thread, make two turns across the winding.
- We tighten and tightly tie a knot.
- Cut along the outside.
- If necessary, trim the ends of the pompom.

Thread pom-poms on a fork.

This way you can make small pompoms. We take a fork. Holding the tip with your thumb, we begin to wind across the cloves. We cut the yarn, make two turns across the winding, tie a knot. Cut the loops and shake the pompom. Everything is simple!

Once again step by step:

- Take a fork with 4 teeth in your hand.
- Hold the tip of the thread with your thumb, stretch the thread between the 2nd and 3rd teeth of the fork.
- We make many turns of yarn across the teeth of the fork.
- We make two turns across the winding between the 2nd and 3rd teeth.
- Pull and tie.
- Cut from the outside.
- Fluff and trim with scissors so that the threads in the pompom become the same length.

How to make brushes with your own hands?

Often craftswomen want to decorate their products with tassels. For example, a scarf, a jacket, a bag, a hat ...

How to make a brush simply and quickly?
- Lay out a few pieces of thread.
- We tie it in the middle with the same thread.
- Fold it in half and, stepping back 1-2 cm, make a few turns, firmly fix it.
- We hide the tip inside the brush.

If you need to make a large brush, make many layers of thread. If you need a long brush - cut long pieces of thread, short - small ones.
The second way is using cardboard:
- Lay the thread across the template.
- Start winding perpendicular to the laid yarn.
- When you finish winding, tie the pasma with the thread that you laid across.
- We retreat 1-2 cm and tighten tightly.
- If the ends are not even, trim them.

How easy and quick to make a lot of small pompoms?

- Turn over a stool or a children's table;
- We wrap 2, 3 or 4 legs with yarn (depending on how many donuts are needed);
- With the same thread we pass through the entire pasma, tying strong knots at equal distances.
- Remove the winding and cut in the middle of each segment.
The more you wind the yarn, the more magnificent the pompom will turn out.

How to make a fur pom pom for a hat?

To make a pompom from yarn for a hat, no special tools are needed. True, there are special devices for sale, but not all of them are convenient. And are they needed? If you need to quickly make pompoms from yarn in production quantities, perhaps plastic half circles will come in handy. In all other cases, a good old homemade device consisting of two cardboard rings is sufficient. And our step-by-step instructions will allow you to repeat the weight process quickly, easily and without annoying mistakes.

Size calculation - how to make a large pom-pom out of yarn?

The size of the pom-pom depends on the width of the ring on which we will form the winding of yarn. The ring should be made slightly smaller than the desired size of the pom-pom, since the thickness of the winding will be added, which will adjust the size of the ball upwards.

Therefore, all that is needed to make a large pompom for a hat is to correctly calculate the width of the cardboard winding ring.

How to make a pompom on a yarn hat: job description

First, cut out two cardboard rings. To draw them, it is convenient to use a compass. And here we are faced with a dilemma.

Pompoms come out the neater, the smaller the inner diameter of the ring. But the smaller this diameter, the smaller the size of the coil will pass into it. And to make a pom-pom out of yarn - this very yarn will take a lot, usually at least 25-30 g! What to do?

There are two options here. Or make a slot in the ring, and wind threads through it (see photo below - the cut is indicated by a red line). Or wind the pom-pom yarn into small balls, which are passed through the hole of the uncut ring. We chose the second option and wound three small balls..

We take a ball and carefully wind the yarn onto a cardboard blank.

We fix the tip with several turns so that it does not unwind.

We continue to walk along the perimeter of the ring, laying the threads one by one. You can, of course, wind randomly, but the finished yarn pom-pom in this case will be less accurate. This is only one row of winding.

And you need to do several rows. The larger the pom-pom, the more rows of winding will be needed. This is how the winding for a pompom with a diameter of 10 cm looked like.

We finished winding - and prepared a thread of the same color in 3-4 additions. We take a longer one, so that we can then tie the finished pompom to a hat from the same yarn.

We move the winding threads a little so that the cardboard base is visible, and we insert the blade of the open scissors between the cardboard circles. Carefully cut the yarn, continuing to hold one part of the blade between the circles. We keep the winding all this time on the table, if necessary, we press the yarn to the table with the palm of our hand.

The most crucial moment: between the cardboard circles we lay our thread folded in several layers and cross the ends so as to tighten the winding threads.

We pull the tips in opposite directions, watching how the hole narrows.

Get it like this.

Between the cardboard circles, we again tie the ends into a knot several times to fix the cut threads well. It is advisable to wrap our bundle with a long thread a couple more times and again tie the ends in a knot.

Now the cardboard circles can be torn, cut, or, if possible, simply removed, and the finished yarn pom-pom can be taken by the long ends of the strapping and shaken well.

Sometimes you need to trim the pom-pom with sharp scissors, giving it the perfect ball shape.

And, of course, tie or sew to the finished hat as soon as possible!

Eva Casio especially for the site Master classes in needlework