How to remove a brown purple bruise from the cheek. We remove bruises and hematomas with the help of folk remedies. A working method to remove a bruise on the face overnight

The question of how to quickly remove a bruise at home is asked by many. After all, no one is immune from bumps and falls. If a hematoma has formed in a prominent place, then you want to get rid of it as soon as possible. There are effective ways to help you do this.

We remove bruises at home

The first step immediately after injury is necessary by wrapping it in a towel.

Such a compress should be kept for no more than 15 minutes, otherwise the process of tissue frostbite will begin. Thanks to the cold, it will be possible to narrow the blood vessels and reduce bruising. Moreover, the pain will subside much faster and it will be possible to avoid the appearance of a tumor.

After a few hours, it is recommended to warm the hematoma. This procedure will accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues and contribute to the disappearance of the bruise. For heating, you can use ordinary salt or sand. They need to be calcined in the oven, put in a cloth bag and applied to the site of injury. It is recommended to do up to three procedures per day. You can also simply iron a cotton pad and apply it to the bruise. After a few days, the hematoma should disappear almost completely.

Absorbable compresses from hematomas

Compresses are good for removing bruises. They have a resolving effect, and anyone can find the components for them. You can make a compress of onion and salt. The vegetable is rubbed on a fine grater and mixed with table salt. The resulting slurry is applied to the hematoma three times a day for 30 minutes. In a few days, the bruise will resolve. If there is garlic, then you can make a gruel out of it and attach it to the bruise. The effect will not be long in coming.

Of course, not everyone likes the smell of onions and garlic, but you can use other means. A cabbage leaf will help in this matter. First, you need to crush it in your hands, but it is better to beat it off with a kitchen hammer. Then it is applied to the site of injury. A similar way should be done with plantain, burdock. These plants are excellent remedies for bruises.

Hematoma is well removed by a mixture of red beets and honey. These components can be found in every home. The vegetable should be chopped with a grater and mixed with honey in equal proportions. The ointment is applied in a thick layer on the bruise, gauze and a plaster are applied on top of it. Keep the compress for at least an hour. After 3 days, the hematoma will completely resolve. This recipe is good when the bruise is located on the face. Its components will not irritate the mucous membrane of the eye.

If there is potato starch in the refrigerator, then it can also be used in removing bruises. To do this, you need to take a little money and mix it with water to make a slurry. It is applied to the site of injury, then a bandage is applied, which can be removed only after 3-4 hours. The procedure can be repeated twice a day. Well resolves hematomas and ordinary potatoes. The tuber must be cut into 2 parts and attach one of them to the site of injury. If the potato is from the refrigerator, then you can apply it immediately after the impact. The effect will be amazing, although a hematoma will appear, but its size will be quite small. Disguise it will not be difficult.

Many people have a plant such as aloe. It is known for its miraculous properties that help to cope with many diseases. However, few people know that aloe copes well with hematomas. It is necessary to cut the sheet into 2 parts, attach it to the bruise and fix it with a band-aid. It is recommended to change the compress three times a day. After 3 days, the bruise will almost disappear.

A salt compress will help cure a bruise. It is necessary to make a solution by pouring 10 g of salt into 100 ml of water. Then a cotton napkin is wetted in the solution and applied to the problem area three times a day for 15-20 minutes.

Hematomas will quickly disappear if a compress is made three times a day from the following components:

  • 20 ml apple cider vinegar;
  • 10 ml of salt;
  • 4 drops of iodine.

All ingredients are mixed and applied to the site of injury for 1 hour. This treatment helps to quickly reduce blue-black hematomas, which disappear only after a month. Thanks to this compress, you can get rid of the problem in about a week. You can simply apply iodine to the bruise three times a day. This tool will remove it in a few days. Iodine has a warming property, so the hematoma quickly resolves. Calendula tincture, which is sold in pharmacies, is also used in a similar way.

If bruising appears quite often, it is recommended to prepare parsley ice in advance. To do this, you need to chop a handful of greens, pour 70 ml of water, mix and pour into molds. Then they are placed in the freezer and taken out if necessary. Such a tool allows you to prevent the appearance of bruising, if you use it immediately after a bruise.

You can look for lavender essential oil in pharmacies. They need to lubricate the hematoma immediately after the bruise. It will dissipate in a short time. If the bruise has appeared for a long time and still does not come down, it is recommended to smear it with rosemary essential oil.

Can be quickly removed with flax seeds. They need to be ground almost to dust and put in a cotton bag. Then it is dipped in boiling water for 2 minutes and applied to the hematoma. Keep the bag until it cools down. The procedure is repeated twice a day.

Vodka compress quickly resolves hematomas. It is necessary to moisten a cotton cloth, bandage or gauze in vodka and apply to the site of the bruise. Then it is wrapped first with polyethylene, and then with a bandage. It is best to do this at night.

Wormwood will help get rid of hematomas on any part of the body, including on the face. You will need to grind fresh stems to make a slurry. It must be applied to the problem area and fixed with a band-aid. As soon as the grass dries, the compress should be changed. To increase its effectiveness, it is recommended to add a little honey to the gruel. The bandage should be renewed every 3 hours. The next day, the hematoma will decrease in size. You can remove bruises at home in this way in just a few days.

If scars adorn men, then no one has bruises, but for women this is generally a tragedy. After all, bruises appear at the most inopportune moment on various parts of the body.

Usually a bruise goes away on its own in 2 weeks, but who wants to walk around with such a problem for such a long time. In addition, if a bruise under the eye or on the face is not very aesthetically pleasing and beautiful.

Fortunately, with the help of special tools and recipes, we will be able to reduce the appearance of a bruise and completely get rid of it in a short period of time.

How does a bruise form?

On impact, especially thin and weak capillaries are torn, and a hemorrhage occurs under the skin. In the course of the fact that the blood accumulates under the skin, a blue spot is formed - a bruise. Then there is a destruction of the formed elements in the place where the accumulation of this hemorrhage occurred.

How to get rid of bruises

The main thing is to adhere to this scheme: the first day we cool the place of injury. We warm up the second and third days. So the bruise will go away much faster.

Ice and cold compresses

The most effective and fastest way to get rid of bruises is ice from the freezer or frozen foods, a bottle of cold water is also suitable.

Wrap the ice in a clean soft cloth and apply it to the bruise for 15-20 minutes, the cold does not allow blood to flow into the formed hematoma. The less blood that comes in, the smaller the bruise will be. A cold compress will prevent bruising and help reduce tissue swelling.

It is most effective to apply ice as soon as an injury occurs. Do not apply ice and cold foods without first wrapping them in a cloth or towel so as not to chill the facial nerve.


When it comes to describing home remedies for bruises and bruises, the list would not be complete without the inclusion of Arnica. No athlete is complete without an arnica gel in their bag.

The reason is, in addition to treating bruises, it is also used as a pain reliever for pain, arthritis, and sprains. Arnica is valued for its anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties, and also relieves swelling.

This old family remedy is available in creams, gels, tablets and even as a massage oil.

When applied to a fresh bruise, you may see visible results in terms of swelling, pain, and discoloration within hours. Of course, the sooner you apply this remedy to the swelling and bruising, the sooner it will begin to work.

But don't worry if you've already missed the first few hours. You can still promote recovery speed with the help of arnica. For best results, apply Arnica Gel/Cream 3 to 4 times daily.

Warning: in fact the herb arnica is poisonous. So don't try to use it raw orally for pain relief. Apply externally only.


Our dishes get a bright taste, with the addition of parsley leaves. But the sad fact is that most of us are not aware of the healing properties of parsley. Parsley contains vitamin K and vitamin C, these vitamins help reduce inflammation, strengthen capillaries and reduce pain.

To cure bruises, you need to crush fresh leaves in a small vessel and apply to a bruise or bruise.


Onion for bruise removal is one of the traditional home remedies. The analgesic (pain reliever) and anti-inflammatory properties found in onion make it an excellent remedy for bruising.

Onions are also well known for treating sprains and swelling.

How to apply: the first way is pretty simple. Take a raw onion, cut it into rings and put it on the bruise. Leave for 30 minutes.

The second way is much more effective: chop raw onions or grate them. Add a tablespoon of salt and stir. Now apply this mixture on the bruise. Wrap it in a towel or bandage so that the mixture lasts as long as possible. It is better to leave the mixture overnight, and in the morning you will see significant improvements.

iodine mesh

Before going to bed, make an iodine mesh on the site of the bruise, this will improve blood circulation at the site of impact and have an anti-inflammatory and healing effect.


Honey compresses are the best solution for removing a bruise under the eye and on the face, it not only has a resolving effect, but also nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Add a little aloe juice, quail egg yolk, 1 tsp olive oil and 2 drops of rose oil to honey. Spread the resulting mixture on the site of injury. For lack of ingredients, you can use just honey.

This tool will help get rid of purple bruise

Mix 2 tablespoons of 6% apple cider vinegar and 4 drops of iodine. Moisten a cotton swab and apply to the bruise. It will tingle, but you have to be patient. If the burning sensation is unbearable, then rinse with water, the mixture will still be absorbed and significantly improve the appearance of the bruise.


With the help of raw potato pulp, with the addition of honey, you can also get rid of bruises. Fix the compress with a bandage for 2 hours.

Pharmacy funds

You can buy bruise cream: Rescuer, Bruise - Off with a masking effect, but since these products dry the skin, especially under the eyes and on the face, before using these products, apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream to the skin.


We moisten a cotton pad with warm water, pour badyagi powder on it with a thin layer, apply it to the bruised place and wrap it with a film for 2 hours.

Badyaga has a locally irritating effect, increases blood flow and accelerates the recovery process. Not suitable for use under the eyes and on the face, may cause burns on such delicate parts of the skin. It is better to apply on the 2nd and subsequent days.

A pineapple

Pineapple has a natural component known as bromelain, which relieves swelling and irritation on the bruised part of the body. In addition, it also prevents further blood clots. Mash a piece of pineapple and apply to the bruise, fixing it with a bandage. Keep for about half an hour. Can be applied to the face.


When the swelling subsides from the bruise, on about the 2nd day we make a compress from the flax seed. Pour 3 tablespoons of flax into a linen bag. Boil water, then alternately lower the bag into the water and apply to the hematoma until it cools. Or with the help of a warming ointment, rubbing for 10 minutes 1 time per day, due to blood flow, the bruise will go away 2 times faster.


Bruises are afraid of direct sunlight, because under the influence of UV rays, bilirubin (the protein responsible for the yellow color of the bruise) breaks down. Therefore, from 10 to 15 minutes a day, stay under the sun and bruises will disappear much faster.

Each of us is familiar with what a bump, bruise, bruise is. And no one is immune from their formation on the body. Naturally, we cannot avoid tripping and falling, hitting the sharp corner of furniture, or hitting something at home or at work. Any, even the most insignificant, bruise leads to the formation of a hematoma or bump.

Do you remember how in childhood we received these marks on our body “as a reward” for being too active? As a rule, children do not attach much importance to them: hit, cry, rub and forget. But, for adults, especially for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, these “charms” are completely useless. Yes, men are easier in this situation, although sometimes it is unpleasant to have a bruise on your face, especially if you stick to a serious, solid image.

The number of household items that surround us continues to increase every day. And the way of life is becoming more and more active. At the same time, the risk of getting microtraumas in the form of bruises and bruises, which cannot be avoided, increases.

Therefore, in case of receiving this “decoration”, everyone needs to know folk methods that can save us from them in the shortest possible time. Therefore, today we will talk about how to remove bruises from a blow, quickly remove a bruise.

The methods given below by me were used by healers in those days when pharmacy medicine did not exist. Of course, not all recipes have survived to this day, but still there are methods that we still use today, without even knowing that they have been around for several centuries.

Folk ways to relieve bruises and bruises

1. Vinegar is available in every home. Many years ago, our ancestors used this food product to prepare a remedy that allows you to remove bruises and bruises. To prepare it, mix 0.5 st. 9% table vinegar with half a teaspoon of table salt. In the resulting solution, soak a napkin and put it on the site of the bruise, fix it. In half an hour you will feel how the pain will pass, the bruise will disappear, and the hematoma will resolve.

2. If you have a bump as a result of a bruise, then lubricate this place with butter during the day. How soon the bump passes will depend on its size.
3. With hematomas, badyaga helps very well. Dilute 2st. spoons of powder in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of boiled water. Tie the resulting cake to a bruise. Change the bandage twice a day.

4. Since ancient times, everyone knows that immediately after a blow to a bruise, it is necessary to apply something cold. Ice is a great option. Apply cold to the sore spot and rub it with active movements. Just do not overdo it and do not forget that every 4-5 minutes you need to take a break and remove the cold from the sore spot. Otherwise, pain syndrome may appear from constant hypothermia, and the skin may undergo frostbite.

5. Crumble laundry soap in water, mix until completely dissolved, then dip a cloth in the resulting mixture and apply to the hematoma. After several procedures, the bruise, as it was not!

6. In the old days, ointment from hop cones was widely known among healers, which was used to get rid of bruises. This remedy was prepared on interior fat: they took 50 grams of powder from hop cones and mixed with 200 grams of fat. This ointment relieves pain very quickly. Therefore, it is very useful to have it in your first aid kit. After all, a bruise can be obtained at any inopportune moment.

7. If you had a bruise with skin damage, take 300g. vodka and 30 gr. camphor. Mix them thoroughly. Then dip the cotton wool in the prepared solution, wrap it in gauze (otherwise the cotton wool fibers will fall into the wound) and apply to the damaged area. To prevent suppuration of the wound, change this lotion 3 times a day. You will have to remove bruises, as a rule, 5 days. But if the damage is serious, then this period may increase slightly.

8. Black elderberry helps with bruises. To get rid of pain as soon as possible, make compresses from its crushed raw foliage. Fold the well-ground and crushed leaves into gauze, attach to the bruised area and fix. Change the bandage 3 times a day. Follow the procedure until the bruise is completely gone. This method is best used in the summer, when the black elderberry is in the juice itself.

9. To remove bruises from blows and bruises, make compresses from larkspur leaves. To prepare it, take a handful of raw materials and throw into boiling water. Simmer on low heat for a minute, then remove from heat and leave to cool completely. Strain, leaving only steamed larkspur leaves.

Fold the gauze in 4 layers (evenly distribute the leaves between them). Apply a compress to the bruised area and secure it well with a soft bandage. Wear for several hours, then remove the bandage. In the following days, repeat the procedure until the bruise is completely eliminated.

10. And one of the most remarkable means is a nickel made of lead. Apply it to the resulting bruise, and you will see how it will dissolve before your eyes.

Well, in general, only the application of ice in the very first seconds after the impact allows you to quickly remove a subcutaneous hemorrhage.

Each person has faced this problem more than once: bruises can appear from any careless action. Even from a slight blow, an ugly spot on the body can appear. How to quickly get rid of a bruise?

Unfortunately, there is no instant cure for bruises. If a bruise has already appeared, some time should pass in order to get rid of it. However, if you act quickly, you can prevent it from happening.


The most effective folk remedy for bruises, of course, is cold. We have been familiar with this method since childhood, when our mothers took out something frozen from the freezer and applied it to our broken noses and knees. How to use the cold?

It doesn't matter what kind of cold you use: if there is ice, apply it. If there is no ice, you can use any well-chilled item that is at hand: a cold coin or spoon, a bag of cold water or a package of dumplings from the freezer will do their job just as well. If there is a wound, it is necessary to treat it at the beginning and apply a bandage, and then apply cold.

The cold compress should be removed after 20 minutes. If you are uncomfortable with exposure to cold for such a long time, take a break every 2-3 minutes and remove the compress for 1 minute.

It is important to remember that already 2-4 hours after the injury, ice will no longer help prevent bruising.


If the cold did not help and the bruise still appeared, you can use heat: warming gels, ointments, a warm bath or a heating pad will help get rid of an existing hematoma. It is important to remember that you can start treating a bruise with heat no earlier than a day after its appearance.

If you start using heat earlier, you risk getting the exact opposite effect of what you expected.


Every housewife has vinegar in her arsenal, but not everyone knows that it is used as a means to combat bruises. In order to get rid of a hematoma with vinegar, you need to mix 250 g of 9% vinegar with 5 grams of table salt. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting mixture and apply to the site of injury.


Bodyaga is one of the oldest and most budgetary remedies for bruises. Bodyagu can be purchased at a pharmacy in the form of an ointment, gel or powder. It should be remembered that bodyagu can not be used in the eye area, so as not to provoke irritation and an allergic reaction.

Bodyagu should be used already starting from the first day after the injury.


The traditional iodine mesh can be used to treat bruises no earlier than on the second or third day after the injury. This remedy cannot be used on the face.

In order for the effect of using the iodine mesh to be better, the mesh should be applied not only to the surface of the hematoma, but also to the area around it.


In order to get rid of a bruise, you can use calendula tincture. You can buy it at a pharmacy or cook it yourself by insisting 20 g of calendula per 100 ml of alcohol for two weeks. Tincture is used as lotions and compresses.


Cabbage leaves should be lightly beaten off until juice appears and applied to the site of injury immediately after the injury. Also, cabbage leaves can be used throughout the healing time.

Pepper plaster

Pepper plaster will help from an existing bruise. However, it should be remembered that it cannot be used on the first day after the injury.

rosemary oil

Essential oils are also effective for treating bruises. Rosemary oil, due to its natural properties, is most suitable for this purpose. It can also be used in combination with other treatments.


For the treatment of bruises, Heparin ointment, Troxevasin, Arnica, Rescuer, Bruise-off, etc. are used. It should be remembered that each of these funds has its own number of contraindications that must be taken into account.

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After a fight or an unsuccessful fall, people always have a question about how to quickly remove a bruise under the eye. It can appear from a strong blow, both intentional and as a result of careless actions. Almost everyone has experienced such an effect at least once in their life when they hit in childhood.

The skin near the eye is very delicate, so the mark will be noticeable. A hematoma will certainly attract a lot of unwanted attention, and disguising it in such a place is quite problematic.

If you let things take their course and do not carry out treatment, the defect will last on the face for 14-20 days. At the same time, in 2 weeks, he will have time to change the shade several times (from purple to yellow-brown). So, how to remove a hematoma under the eye in different ways?

First aid

The patient must be calmed, seated or laid down. This will depend on your overall health. Before you figure out how to quickly reduce a black eye, it is important to know the rules of first aid. After all, it is these moments after the injury that are the most important.

Therefore, cold should be applied to the affected area: ice, food from the freezer, or something metallic (spoon, coin, etc.). Such compresses make the vessels narrower, which prevents the spread of blood. As a result, there is a chance to minimize the size of the bruise, after which it usually passes quickly.

So that the ice does not cause frostbite of the tissues, it is wrapped in something. This procedure lasts 15-20 minutes. This makes it possible to stop the hemorrhage and relieve swelling. Since there is sensitive skin around the eyelids, in order not to injure it once again, gauze or a thin cloth is applied on top.

An ice compress helps to get rid of the pain syndrome. If the pain is acute, it is best to take painkillers (Analgin, Tempalgin, Paracetamol, Spasmalgon).

It is not recommended to use Aspirin during this period, since such a medicine irritates the blood even more. Because of this, it does not collapse for a long period, after which the bruise will not only not pass, but will also increase in size. Along with it, there is more and swelling.

If there are pharmaceutical products nearby, you can apply creams or ointments. It is allowed to apply ice every 2-3 hours during the day after the impact. There are people who during this period prefer to use alternative treatment options. It is necessary to use any effective method, the main thing is that the bruises go away.

Folk recipes

Timely action will be the key to success and increase the chances of a speedy recovery. So, how to remove a bruise under the eye with affordable means?

To do this, use natural ingredients. According to the recipes, you can get rid of an unwanted defect in 1-2 days. In addition, they are easy to replace medical drugs.

  1. It is considered effective badyaga from bruises under the eyes.

This is an algae that can be easily bought at a pharmacy. It is sold in powder form. This tool helps to normalize blood circulation, thereby helping to eliminate the bruise. .

For preparation, the powder is mixed with warm water. The solution made can be immediately applied to the bruise or make lotions from it.

The latter are applied in several approaches for 3 days until the bruise disperses. At the same time, it must be remembered that bodyaga greatly dries the skin. Contact with the visual organ should be avoided, as this can lead to serious irritation of the mucous membrane.

  1. Remove bruises under the eyes at home really using beets and aloe.

The first is ground on a grater and mixed with the juice of the second plant and celandine. It is necessary to infuse the mixture for about 2 hours. Then it is squeezed out with gauze, making lotions. Apply them for a third of an hour.

  1. Successfully fights such a defect and the usual cabbage.

For this purpose, the sheet is passed through a meat grinder. The finished mixture is applied under the eye for 20 minutes. Make this mask is not difficult, after which it is washed off with water.

Potatoes will provide the same effect. Prepare it in a similar way. You can leave the product on your face for up to half an hour, after which it is removed with warm water.

  1. A popular product that is easy to remove bruises is considered honey.

It is well suited if a person has significant bruising under the eyes from a blow. To make a compress, mix egg yolk, flour, vegetable oil and honey.

Lubricate the face with the prepared substance and cover with a film or a warm cloth. It takes about 2-3 hours to keep honey on the face, after which the person is washed with plain water. You need to do the event in the morning and evening for several days in a row.

In addition to this method, honey can be combined with other components. For example, it is mixed with fresh beets. A bruise is smeared with a mass, wrapped with a bandage and not touched for several hours, after which it is washed off with water. It is enough to do this procedure once a day, and honey will show its healing properties.

  1. Has a healing effect salt.

It is mixed with water and applied to the defect. Some patients make a mesh of iodine to reduce swelling.

  1. Another option to make the bruise less obvious is to lighten it.

For this, starch is used. It is mixed in equal proportions with water. To discolor the skin, apply to a bruise. Wait until the mass dries. If you apply this tool every two hours, the result will be obvious.

Pharmacy preparations

If you go to a pharmacy and ask how to quickly remove a bruise under your eye, pharmacists will be able to compile a whole list of effective drugs. Usually creams and ointments are used for this.

  1. Troxevasin.

If the ointment is applied immediately after the injury and done regularly, there will be no trace of a bruise under the eye in a fairly short period of time. The medicine does not contribute to the appearance of allergic reactions, therefore it is suitable for almost everyone. Just rub it on the bruised area every hour.

  1. Bruise-Off.

It is based on leech extract. The tool has properties similar to foundation. Thanks to this, it is possible to mask and treat hematomas at the same time.

  1. Heparin ointment.

It helps to increase blood clotting, does not give a chance to develop bruising and inflammation. However, it contains an antiseptic that relieves severe pain. The drug should be used at least 2-3 times a day.

  1. Gela Lyoton.

Strengthens the vascular walls and prevent the development of the inflammatory process. You need to smear them with a bruise at least 3 times a day. The visible result of the application can be seen already on the second day.

There are many other drugs that can be used to remove a bruise (SOS, Rescuer, Anti-bruise). They are inexpensive, and the effect is noticeable almost from the first application.

Relieve swelling and remove the hematoma with drugs that contain arnica extract, horse chestnut and heparin. They are good means to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, as well as to relieve inflammation. There are other ways to remove bruises under the eyes. For example, take pills that strengthen capillaries and blood vessels, improve blood circulation.

Since a hematoma rarely disappears in 1 day or night, and it is not always possible to sit at home all this time, it is better to disguise it. Theatrical make-up will cope with this task. It will help to completely hide the defect. But since not everyone has it, it removes the visual flaw and the usual foundation or powder.

A camouflage remedy for bruises is a concealer or corrector. They are usually applied under foundation or powder. To look more natural during the day, you need to apply the same cosmetics on both sides of the face. If the weather permits, you can resort to sunglasses.

When deciding how to reduce a bruise under the eye, you need to remember that healthy vessels are considered a preventive measure for its appearance. You should include vitamins in your diet, balance nutrition and observe the regime of work and rest. These are also the necessary conditions for the elimination of an existing bruise in people with weak blood vessels.

The doctor will best tell you how to strengthen your body. To do this, you need to use such foods: carrots, citrus fruits and apricots. They enhance the effects of vitamin C and make blood vessels stronger.

There are many ways to remove bruises under the eye in the modern world. Everyone has the opportunity to evaluate any of them and, based on the characteristics of their body, determine how to remove a bruise under the eye from a blow is best for him.
