How to plan your wedding day by the hour? Hourly plan for the wedding. (Wedding Day) Plan your wedding day with on-site registration

A lot depends on a well-planned wedding day! How can the bride best calculate the time to do everything and not be late anywhere?

How to calculate your wedding day

See what a sample bride's wedding day schedule might look like. There are many things that all weddings have in common. There may not be big discrepancies in hours, but the principle of forming the bride's schedule is approximately the same for all weddings.

To properly plan the schedule of the wedding day by the hour, you need to take it as a reference point. When you know the start of registration at the registry office, it will be easier to schedule the entire wedding day. What should you determine first?

  • - determine what time the bride needs to get up
  • Make-up artist arrival time, find out how much time the master will need to work with you.
  • When the makeup artist finishes working with the bride, it's time to do a photo shoot in the morning and it takes 40 to 60 minutes.
  • The arrival of the wedding procession and the ransom of the bride - 20 minutes is enough.
  • Travel time to the registry office
  • Duration of marriage registration + time for accepting congratulations from friends.
  • Calculate in advance the right time to the venue of the front door, the duration is about 2 hours.
  • Calculate the duration of the route to the restaurant.
  • What time do parents need.

Approximate wedding schedule by the hour

  1. Let's say the bride gets up at 7.00 am - the bride needs to do professional makeup and hair, if the bride has long hair, it may take more than one hour to create her hair. I recommend asking the master in advance how much time he needs. The newlyweds need to have a good breakfast, since almost the whole day will pass from the moment of the wedding registration to the banquet in the restaurant.
  2. The make-up artist arrives at 9:00 am.
  3. 10.00-10.15 - arrival time of the wedding photographer.
  4. The delivery of the wedding car also needs to be clarified in advance, if you plan to buy the bride, you need a margin of time of about 20 minutes. If a wedding limousine is ordered, it will take more time to overcome the route.
  5. 11.00 - 12.00 departure to the registry office. Depending on the start of registration, it will be completely clear what time the bride needs to wake up and set the time for the arrival of specialists; makeup artist and photographer. The ceremony usually lasts no longer than 40 minutes.
  6. Allow an hour of time to get to the place of the front wedding photo shoot, if you go to the suburban estate, you will need more time, taking into account traffic jams.
  7. 17.30 - banquet in the restaurant. In front of the restaurant (or inside the establishment just before the entrance), the newlyweds, according to tradition, are met by their parents with bread and salt.

Next comes the entertainment program, the first dance of the newlyweds, gifts, competitions, congratulations, and of course, the removal of the wedding cake and the throwing of the bride's bouquet. Since not all guests will be present until the very end of the holiday, do not postpone the removal of the wedding cake and the throwing of the bouquet until the very end of the evening.

The last hour of the rented time should pass without important and obligatory moments, because some of the guests will already go home, and the remaining guests will be tired and overexcited. Therefore, young people at the very end of the holiday can dance on the dance floor, and the newlyweds will be able to see off their guests with respect and gratitude. Here is a possible plan for the wedding day.

There will be no less turmoil on the day of the wedding than in preparation for it. How not to lose sight of anything and not spoil the holiday? Your wedding day plan will help you. We will tell you how to make it ideally, taking into account various nuances and including fees, a ransom, a photo shoot, a banquet, etc. In addition, you will find out what things you will need to take with you to the registry office. Also here you will find a table of the schedule of the wedding banquet by hours and minutes.

A wedding is an exciting event in the life of every girl. In order to properly plan an event and not miss anything when planning, you must consider the following nuances:

  • day length. If the wedding takes place in the summer, then you can start getting ready later, at 9-10 o'clock, but in winter you will have to get up early (about six cheers) so that the photographer does not work in complete darkness during the holiday shooting.
  • City size. If the wedding takes place in a multi-million metropolis, taking into account traffic jams, it is necessary to devote more time (by 1-2 hours) to the road.
  • Weather. If it is warm outside, then you can organize more events outside, but in winter it is better to spend the vast majority of time indoors.
  • Unseen circumstances. On them in the plan you can take about an hour. This time will be needed if, for example, the bride forgets her bouquet at home, the photo session is delayed, God forbid, the dress is torn, etc.

What should be included in the plan: key milestones

What should be included in the perfect wedding plan? Here is an example scenario:

  1. Fees and ransom of the bride. All this happens in the morning, about 3-5 hours before the registration.
  2. The road from the house of the bride and groom to the registry office. In big cities, you need to take more time for this stage, otherwise there is a risk of getting stuck in a traffic jam and being late.
  3. Wedding or painting. The average duration of the wedding - 1 hour, painting - 20 minutes. You can combine these two events, first registration, then marriage in the church.
  4. Photoshoot. It is better to leave it up to 3 hours, taking into account also the time on the way to the restaurant.
  5. Banquet. Usually lasts about 5 hours.
  6. Transportation of guests to their homes(optional) - it takes about 2-3 hours.

Of course, the bride and groom can add some details to the routine as they see fit.

Between each stage, you need to leave time (about 40-60 minutes) that will be spent on the road. If this parameter is not taken into account in advance, the event will begin to shift, forcing the newlyweds to be late and worry.

So that on a holiday you don’t have to worry too much due to lack of time, you need to choose close locations. For example, the registry office should be located closer to the bride's house, and the photo shoot site should be located near the restaurant.

Before you make a plan, you need to do it right. Here are tips on how to do this, taking into account the opinions of astrologers, various signs, the work of registry offices and other nuances.

And now about the most. Here it is written what needs to be done depending on the time remaining until the celebration. You will learn where to start and what to do next.

Required for a wedding. Read here exactly what. You will learn what needs to be prepared for redemption, what to consider when choosing a menu, who serves on-site registration, etc.

Since there is a lot of work to be done, make sure that in advance. We carefully studied the labor code, and gave an exhaustive answer to this question in another article.

Here's what the wedding planner says:

Sample wedding schedule with 2 o'clock check-in

Usually the bride makes this schedule on her own, but often she needs tips and basic help. What will the plan look like if the painting in the registry office falls at two in the afternoon?

  1. 8:00 a.m. Wake up the bride, take a shower and have breakfast. The girl must try on the dress. For the groom, the rise may be a little later, since he will not have to get ready for so long. Rise can be moved to 9:00.
  2. 9:00-11:00 - work of a makeup artist and hairdresser. While the bride puts on beauty, the groom has breakfast, friends come to him, decorate cars and prepare money for a ransom (if it takes place).
  3. 11:00 -11:30 - dressing the bride, a short photo shoot. The groom does the same.
  4. 11:30-12:00 - arrival of guests.
  5. 11:30-12:30 - bride price and festive buffet (optional). If you exclude this stage from the plan, you will have one extra hour left. You can move the program forward. The ransom should not be too long: a maximum of half an hour and 5-6 contests. After that, the bride and groom invite guests to a short buffet, and they themselves are photographed with everyone.
  6. 12:30-13:30 - road to the registry office, arrival at the institution.
  7. 13:30 - a short photo session in front of the registry office and inside.
  8. 14:00-14:30 - . We wrote about how it goes in another article.
  9. 14:30-15:00 - the road to the place of photography.
  10. 15:00-18:00 - photo session. The bride and groom should prepare the props for shooting in advance, and if they plan to visit several places for a photo shoot, it is worth making a travel plan taking into account the travel time (an average of half an hour for each location).
  11. 18:00-19:00 - the road to the banquet hall.
  12. 19:00-23:00 - banquet.

Here you can highlight your steps:

Time Stage
19:00 the appearance of the bride and groom in the hall and the seating of guests
19:15 buffet
19:30-19:40 first congratulations
19:40-20:00 preparation for the first dance of the young and the dance itself
20:00:20:30 continuation of the buffet and dancing
20:30-21:00 contests
21:00-21:30 congratulations
22:00-22:30 tossing the bride's garter and bouquet
22:30-22:45 takeaway cake
22:45-23:00 fireworks
23:00-23:15 final words of young people and guests
23:15-00:00 departure of guests home.

wedding day plan

Proper timing design

Timing is a kind of table, without which it is impossible to competently organize a wedding. It prescribes all the stages of the celebration, all its key moments, taking into account the time required by each contractor. So, what are the secrets of creating timing? Here is an example of how you can do it:

  1. It must be clearly drawn up, in the form of a table or diagram.
  2. It is better to start compiling 1-2 months in advance, having checked in advance with stylists, artists and banquet organizers the time required for their work.
  3. In your table, be sure to indicate: the name of the contractor and his functions, the start time of his work, his address, telephone number for communication.
  4. The document should indicate the time of even small events - taking out the cake, fireworks, serving the first and second courses.
  5. It is important to leave time in your plan for unforeseen situations (traffic jams, the loss of some details of the celebration, the illness of the master, and so on).
  6. Before the wedding day, you should call all the contractors and check their readiness, make a note in the timing.

The more detailed the timing is and the more comments it contains, the lower the risk of disrupting the wedding will be.

wedding day coordination

If the bride understands that she cannot cope on her own, she should invite an organizer who will think over the plan, help in scheduling and take over the coordination of all movements. The facilitator will need the following information:

  • the time of registration, from which the rise of the bride and groom will be counted;
  • a list of all ongoing events (photo shoot, ransom, and so on);
  • the names of all contractors without exception and their telephone numbers;
  • addresses and names of places where the celebration will be held.

The services of such an organizer cost an average of 10 thousand rubles for the entire work.

Sample wedding day plan

Things that the bride and groom need to take with them

In the turmoil of the wedding, it is easy to forget some important thing, without which it will be impossible to continue the event. Here is just a short list of what newlyweds need to take with them:

  • passports and covers for them;
  • rings;
  • wipes, both wet and regular;
  • hairpins in order to fix the hairstyle;
  • a needle and thread in case something breaks right during the ceremony;
  • a small first aid kit consisting of a band-aid, cotton wool, painkillers;
  • tights, cosmetics, hairspray to correct the image of the bride in time;
  • water.

If the hero of the occasion does not have a suitable clutch to store all these little things, things should be given to the bridesmaid or mother.

Another version of the wedding day routine from blogger Irina Korneva:

To some, organizing a celebration on time may seem like a daunting task, but nothing is impossible here. The bride and groom just need to plan all their affairs in advance, and then this unforgettable day will pass without complications.

A wedding is a long-awaited and exciting event in the life of young people, and when they prepare for it, they have to face a huge amount of work and trouble. Of course, in order not to worry about every little thing on the wedding day and not miss anything, it is better to draw up a detailed plan for the wedding day in advance. This will help to clearly plan the wedding by the hour and confidently follow it throughout the day.

To make a rough wedding day plan, you will have to take into account such important points:

  • How long is daylight. This is necessary so that during photography the photographer works in natural light, and not in the dark. If you decide to get married in the summer, then the fees can be done later. But in winter you have to get up early in order to do everything before dark;
  • What is the size of the city in which the wedding will take place. This is important in the case when you decide the time allotted for the road and walk after the registration of marriage. For huge metropolitan areas, it is better to allocate a couple of hours more time, taking into account the possibility of traffic jams and long distances between wedding locations;
  • Possible weather options. Considering the time of the year for which the celebration falls, you can choose the place for the celebration. For example, in summer you can plan most of the wedding outdoors, but in winter - indoors;
  • Allocate about an hour in reserve, for all sorts of force majeure circumstances.

Important steps to include in your wedding day plan

In order for the wedding to be perfect, you need to focus on an approximate scenario for its implementation:

  • The time for the gathering of the bride and her ransom by the groom should be from three to five hours before the solemn registration of marriage;
  • How long will the groom travel from his house for ransom. Considering the scale of the city and possible traffic jams, determine the time so that there are no hitches later;
  • If you decide to take such a serious step as getting married, be sure to set aside at least an hour for this whole process, not taking into account the road to the church. For painting in the registry office, also not counting the road, they allocate about twenty minutes;
  • It is better to set aside at least three hours for a walk and a photo session, and take into account the road to the banquet hall where you planned to hold a wedding banquet;
  • The approximate time of the banquet in the restaurant is approximately five hours;
  • Include in the plan also the time to take all the guests home and resettle the visitors.

Remember to leave forty minutes to an hour between milestones in your plan to account for travel time.

If you forget to take into account this important point, you will have to be nervous and worried about being late.

It is also important that the wedding and all the locations that young people choose for this day are as close as possible to each other. It is better to register a marriage in the immediate vicinity of the bride’s home, but a photo shoot and a walk for young people are not far from the banquet hall.

Approximate plan of the bride's wedding day by the hour

Based on the fact that the marriage registration is scheduled for 12:00, the bride can draw up a detailed plan for herself like this:

  • 6:00 - The bride needs to wake up, take a refreshing shower and have breakfast to recharge her energy and strength for the whole day;
  • 8:00 - Go to the beauty salon, or wait for the stylist and makeup artist who, by prior arrangement, will come to your house. Do not forget to make sure that the masters are delivered to you exactly at the appointed time;
  • 9:30 – It's time to start getting dressed. This is usually assisted by a witness. Do not forget to pack a handbag with the essentials so that it is always with you;
  • 10:00 - Photoshoot of the bride's preparations and the groom's waiting. Gradually converge guests who can also be photographed with the bride;
  • 10:30 - The groom has already arrived. The witness helps him pass the ransom and get to his beloved. Then all the guests are invited to a small wedding reception, the mother of the bride blesses the newlyweds, and they go to their wedding car;
  • 11:00 - The bride and groom go to the solemn registration of marriage. All guests are seated in a wedding cortege. Arriving at the registry office, you can arrange a mini photo session, if time permits;

  • 12:00 - Here comes the most important moment of the evening for the young. They will finally exchange wedding rings and say the cherished “YES” to each other;
  • 13:00 - The newlyweds are already going to the places of the walk, making a photo session. Guests either travel with them, or go to the banquet hall and are already there waiting for the young from the walk;
  • 17:00 - The newlyweds finally arrive at the banquet hall, where guests and parents are waiting for them with bread and salt. Having blessed the children for a happy family life, the parents offer them to break the wedding glasses for happiness, and escort them to the hall where the banquet will be held;
  • 17:30 - So it's time to start the celebration, wish the newlyweds happiness in family life and give gifts. Further, the toastmaster takes the reins of government in the evening. Witnesses help him in every possible way in this;
  • 20:30 - The sacrament of the wedding day comes. Mom takes off the bride's veil, then the bride throws a wedding bouquet to unmarried friends (if it is too heavy, then it is better to order props in advance and throw it away), and the groom removes the garter from her leg and throws it to all unmarried friends;
  • 22:00 - It's time for the fireworks, cutting the wedding cake and treating the guests to it;
  • 00:00 - All the guests begin to disperse, and you need to see them off, take some to their homes. The visitors will be accommodated in a hotel. Then the newlyweds go home or rent a hotel room to spend their wedding night.

If it is difficult for the bride and groom to come up with a plan for their celebration by the hour, and they are worried that the wedding will not turn out quite the way they would like, then you can resort to the help of a wedding organizer who will do everything himself.

Also, make a list of things that you must take with you on your wedding day. Here is a sample list of such things:

  • rings and documents;
  • wet wipes and paper handkerchiefs;
  • a comb and hairpins in case you need to fix the bride's hair;
  • a needle and thread, if at the most inopportune moment the outfits of the young people are torn, or one of the guests needs help;
  • a mini first aid kit, in case someone becomes ill;
  • the necessary cosmetics, hairspray and a mirror, if you need to correct the appearance of the bride;
  • tights, in case the bride accidentally tears them;
  • water (especially important in the hot season).

There is nothing difficult in making a wedding plan in stages. This will help to avoid all force majeure situations and feel calm and relaxed during the celebration.

Rida Khasanova

The problems that cause the bride and groom to be nervous on the wedding day most often stem from the inability to draw up a detailed plan of the wedding day by the hour. A step-by-step schedule of the day, or as it is called - timing of the wedding day will allow you to get rid of the rush and worries, so that only enjoy happy moments.

How to plan your wedding day morning?

The day of the bride and groom begins with the preparations. This is one of the most important components in the schedule of the wedding day - if everything is planned and done on time, then everything else will go like clockwork.

Conventionally, the morning can be divided into several parts:

  • breakfast;
  • make-up and hairstyle for the bride, groom's preparations;
  • small photo session.

In no case should you skip breakfast, even if you don’t get a piece in your throat from excitement. Then it will not be possible to have a bite soon, besides, there will be champagne, so you definitely need to refresh yourself.

The bride's preparations take the longest time. It will take about 3 hours to do the hair, make-up, put on the dress and lace up the corset.

Therefore, to save time for a hairdresser and makeup artist, it is better invite to the house.

Bride's preparations

The groom's preparations take much less time usually from half an hour to an hour. At this time, the photographer can take several portrait shots, as well as the bride.

Nowadays, the ransom of the bride is rarely carried out, but if the couple decided to observe this ceremony, then about 30-40 minutes should be spent on it.

If you want to have a mini-photo session at home with your parents and close friends, then you need to leave it for another 20 minutes. Also, a videographer can take about 15-20 minutes if a wedding film is being shot on that day.

On the way to the registry office, you can have a photo session for the bride and groom near the most beautiful and memorable places in the city. But do not delay it, so as not to be late and not make yourself nervous. The time and place of the photo shoot should be discussed in advance and discussed with the photographer.

Groom's fees

Gathering of guests and solemn ceremony

Part of the wedding, during which the solemn registration of marriage takes place, is the most nervous and exciting.

Therefore, it is important to clearly plan everything in time so that you can do everything and not get tired of a long wait or a constant rush

The second part of the wedding schedule:

  • gathering of guests;
  • solemn registration;
  • congratulations;
  • photoshoot.

It is best to invite guests immediately to the place where registration will take place. So that they do not get bored while they are waiting for the newlyweds, you can organize a small table with light snacks and drinks.

If registration takes place at the registry office, then the day of the bride and groom will begin a couple of hours earlier, since the time of the marriage ceremony in this institution is usually scheduled for lunch time. In addition, you can be delayed due to other couples who are late for registration.

Therefore, if possible, it is better to organize field registration. When planning this item, the question often arises of how long the official part of the wedding takes. The marriage registration ceremony itself takes place within 15-20 minutes, no more.

The bride and groom at the exit registration of marriage

It is important, after painting the newlyweds, to allocate 20-30 minutes for congratulations from the guests and photos with them. It is also worth considering possible traffic jams, and try to do everything with a small margin of time.

Wedding banquet and entertainment

The wedding banquet most often lasts about 6 hours. This is the most fun part of the wedding, which also needs planning in order to have time to do everything you want and on time.

What is included in this part of the wedding:

  • congratulations from parents and guests;
  • dance breaks and competitions;
  • newlyweds dance;
  • throwing a bouquet and a garter;
  • dessert;
  • the final.

After the start of the banquet, you should not rush into dancing or active competitions. Guests need time to eat hot meals after registration of marriage and transfer to the place of celebration. While the guests are eating, guest artists can perform for them. This should take about an hour and a half.

Banquet table for guests

The entertainment part of the evening can be started with newlyweds dance, and then draw all the guests into the fun. When the guests move around and stop being shy, you can start contests and various interactive activities. This will take the main part of the banquet, about 2.5 hours.

The end of the holiday

The end of the wedding celebration can be divided into 2 parts. The first is the traditional tossing a bouquet and a garter bride and groom for single friends and unmarried girlfriends. This takes about half an hour.

Then - wedding cake treat, his spectacular appearance, the traditional cutting by the bride and groom. The first pieces should be treated to the parents of the newlyweds. For dessert, you need to take a little more time - 35-45 minutes.

After the dessert, words of gratitude are heard from the guests and from the heroes of the occasion addressed to all those present. A bright end to the evening may be fireworks or a fire show, launching Chinese lanterns. Such a wedding day schedule is optional, but it can become the main base for planning.

Fireworks at the wedding

An example of a timing (plan) for a wedding in blocks:

  1. Morning:
  • 9-9.30 - breakfast;
  • 30-12.30 - bride's preparations, photo session;
  • 30-12.30 - groom's preparations, photo session.
  1. Day:
  • 30-14.30 - photo shoot of the newlyweds;
  • 30-15.30 - transfer to the place of registration;
  • 15-15.50 - gathering of guests, buffet;
  • 16-16.50 - registration, congratulations, photo session.
  1. Evening:
  • 17-23 - banquet;
  • 00 - end of the evening, fireworks.

Usually 6 hours of a banquet is enough, but if the guests do not disperse and continue to have fun, then you can discuss with the host and DJ and continue the holiday. This point should also be taken into account when scheduling a wedding.

wedding day timing

A wedding is a celebration of love, the birth of a new family. In order not to worry about trifles during the holiday and not to solve unexpected problems, you should plan everything in advance in detail and take into account a variety of nuances. After careful preparation, the occurrence of force majeure is extremely unlikely. So all that remains is to have fun and enjoy this magical day.

You will learn more about what timing is and how to compose it by watching the video:

March 30, 2018, 00:58

Your wedding day is the most special day in your life. It flies by like one moment, and a huge number of events take place during it. How do you manage to do everything you have planned? The answer is simple - you need to pre-compile wedding day plan.

Our wedding portal decided to help you a little. We have drawn up a rough plan for a "virtual" couple, whose marriage registration is scheduled for 12.30, and the wedding banquet at 18.00. You just have to adjust it for yourself.


Climb. Calculate your rise so that you have at least an hour before the hairdresser arrives. Take a shower, preferably cool. It will drive away the remnants of sleep and invigorate. DEFINITELY HAVE BREAKFAST. This sentence is capitalized for a reason. According to the experience of the former brides of Orel, for many of them breakfast was the only meal on the wedding day. Firstly, there are too many worries, emotions and experiences ahead of you. Secondly, there is simply not enough time for snacks. Even during the banquet, you will have to constantly pose in front of the camera, delight guests with sweet kisses and participate in toastmaster contests. Therefore, even if breakfast is not usually present in your schedule, eat something light: a banana, yogurt, a couple of cheese curds.


Hairdresser job. Depending on the complexity of the hairstyle, it takes from an hour to two. During this time, you will be able to do absolutely nothing, just sit quietly. Tune in to this in advance and do not try to run around giving the last instructions to mom and the witness.


The work of a makeup artist. Often a hairdresser and makeup artist work in pairs. While one conjures over a wedding hairstyle, the other at this time applies mascara to your eyelashes, and lipstick to your lips. Therefore, when negotiating with a hairdresser and makeup artist, find out from them this moment and take it into account when scheduling.


Bride's preparations. Once the hair and makeup are ready, it's time to put on the wedding dress. Do not forget that all accessories must be prepared in advance. During your gathering, as a rule, you will be actively photographed by a wedding photographer. If you want quality photos, there is no need to rush. Some moments (putting on a necklace, garters, lacing a dress) will have to be done deliberately slowly, or even repeated several times.


Bride ransom. Considering that the ransom is taking place without the main character of the celebration, you have another half an hour to be alone with your thoughts. Go to the mirror, smile at the reflection, tell yourself that nothing can upset you today. Everything that you could organize, you have already organized. Now your task is to enjoy this day.

Don't take too long to redeem. Your goal is not to “pump” as much money out of the groom and the witness as possible, but to relax them a little, set them in a cheerful positive mood.


Small buffet at the bride's house.


When calculating travel time, take into account “force majeure” circumstances in the form of traffic jams that have arisen from nowhere.

It is highly desirable to come to the registry office in advance. Especially if your wedding takes place in the "hot" season - in the summer. In this case, even a 10-minute delay threatens to shift the entire queue. Think about it, do you want to spend extra nerves on such a day?


Solving organizational issues in the registry office. Before the start of registration, you need to complete the necessary documents and, if you decide to order a registry office photographer, pay for his services.


Marriage registration. The solemn registration lasts about 10-20 minutes. Approximately the same amount should be allocated to the "Champagne Hall" and photography.


Photoshoot. According to Orel wedding photographers, the optimal duration of a photo session is 2-3 hours, otherwise you will get too tired, and there is still a banquet ahead. However, it may take some time to get to the shooting location. Detour of all the sights also takes time and you have to stand in line until the previous wedding leaves.


Departure to a restaurant. Time to relax and touch up your makeup. The most intense moments are behind us. Ahead of you are waiting for dances, fun contests and many, many good wishes from your guests.