How to be a pretty girl. How to get the perfect look

Becoming perfect is not the ultimate dream of any girl. To be the only, the most beautiful and desirable, the embodiment of a dream - this is real happiness. However, it should be understood that the ideal is not born. A little effort on your part can move you towards your cherished goal. So, how to be the perfect girlfriend for your boyfriend?

How to be the perfect girl for your boyfriend

First of all, you need to look not at others, but at yourself.

For a start, try to look at yourself from the outside with maximum objectivity. Without excessive criticism and self-criticism, but without closing your eyes to the shortcomings, as well as to the virtues that you, perhaps, did not notice in yourself until recently. Is the list of external and internal qualities that need to be adjusted ready? Go ahead.

Having chosen the right moment, so as not to cause a storm in a glass, ask your loved one what exactly confuses him in you. Compare it to your list. It is possible that there are many common points. If you understand quite clearly that the point is not your shortcomings, but a crisis of feelings, then we say: “Stop!”

And we are trying to understand how long your relationship will last. If the guy gave delicate and useful recommendations, we begin to implement them.

Many guys like it when girls change their image: hair color and length, clothing style, makeup, tattoos or piercings. The taste and color, as they say... This is how men unconsciously realize their dream of a "little harem". If the proposed changes suit you - a hairdresser, a gym and a company store and your services. True, you should not refuse things dear to your heart. Vintage in clothes, and in love is always in fashion.

The way to a man's heart lies... Grandmothers knew what they were talking about. We prepare new dishes, arrange a romantic dinner for two. Operates flawlessly.

In search of an answer to the question: "How to be the perfect girl for a guy"? - sometimes, the most important thing is not the end result, but the process itself. Improving yourself, you improve your love, prolong it. Ate, representatives of the beautiful ox who perform this real “female feat” are entitled to small weaknesses and touching cute flaws.

People will always talk. And very rarely will they say good things. If you are worried about how to become the perfect girl for a guy, do not forget that only his opinion is important to you.

Nobody else should worry you. Of course, your young man should help you and support you - not a single girl will be perfect without the support of her beloved man;

Don't "go over the top". In everything. In conversations, in assignments, in help, in the time spent on you. Otherwise, the guy will get the feeling that he is needed only for going to the supermarket or trips to the country with your parents;

Don't forget the most important thing: you love each other. Which means they are perfect for each other. All you need to be the perfect girl for a guy is to remember the little things, give each other time and care. After all, you are still so young, your whole life is ahead of you;

Be everything to him. Hope, support, air and happiness. If a girl loves and is loved, she always turns into a beautiful swan, into the very one, into the only one.

If you want to become the perfect girl for a guy, the one that he will idolize, do not forget to take care of yourself. Today, a well-groomed girl is, first of all, a natural girl.

In an age when Hollywood is replete with glamorous dolls, the era has finally come when naturalness and natural beauty are once again appreciated. Therefore, it should not be neglected. Every beauty is different, but beautiful in its own way.

Appreciate yourself and never change for the sake of a person who is not worth it. There can be many guys, but you have one and only one. Keep this in mind and everything in your relationship will always be great.

Do perfect women even exist? Probably not, if only for the reason that each person has a different idea of ​​ideals. Opinions may not even completely coincide - beauty is important for someone, intelligence is important for someone.

But, nevertheless, there are some factors, views on which differ in a general character, and most people agree in their judgments. So what does the perfect girl look like?

A woman is a beautiful and incomprehensible creature, poets and writers have always portrayed her as mysterious, magnificent, tender, loving, alluring, passionate, interesting, changeable and unusual. But the greatest merit of a woman is to remain the same in life.

But, unfortunately, not every girl can be called perfect. And it's not about dazzling beauty - you just always need to remember your belonging to the female sex, and always look and behave accordingly.

Always be well groomed

Very often one has to see how girls, who always looked imperceptible, manage to simply amaze with their appearance at a holiday. But is it possible to do makeup, hair and dress fashionably only on holidays?

Such an attitude towards oneself indicates low self-esteem, and men are primarily attracted to women who know their own worth. To become an ideal girl for a guy, you also need to be well-groomed in everyday life - light makeup, clean and beautiful clothes, washed and neatly tied hair ... Holidays should only emphasize the opportunity to be even more beautiful.

Don't be vulgar

There is no need to explain much here. Men want to see a girl as a gentle and defenseless creature (as a rule), and a real woman should be cunning enough to hide her strength. Therefore, you do not need to swear, wear too noisy and revealing outfits and flirt with everyone around you.

Get rid of bad habits

Do not smoke in front of a man like a locomotive and do not get drunk - he is unlikely to want to see such a person as the mother of his children. And if you already drink with him - let it be a glass of wine or champagne!

Don't be mercantile

Men are scared away by women who openly encroach on their money. Besides, it's just indecent. If a man is “real”, he will independently make sure that his girlfriend does not need anything.

Of course, there can be a lot of similar tips on what the perfect girl looks like. But the main thing is to feel unique and beautiful!

What does a perfectly well-groomed girl look like?

Looking beautiful is a rather difficult science, because you always have to take care of yourself. You can often hear that men are attracted to well-groomed girls. In this regard, the question may arise: “What does a well-groomed girl look like”?

Every woman can be well-groomed and irresistible. And this is practically not connected with beauty - taking care of yourself and looking well-groomed is a woman's duty.

First, you need to understand that you can’t look well-groomed if everything is done in a hurry. What clothes you will wear, what color to dye your hair is a personal matter for everyone. But some rules must be followed unquestioningly. Looking well-groomed does not mean that you need to spend a lot of money - you just need to take care of yourself regularly in order to become the perfect girl for a guy.

It is rare when you can bring yourself back to normal in a short time, if you don’t take care of your appearance at all. But if you take care of your figure, face, hair and nails, when you suddenly need to go to a holiday, appearance will not let you down. So what does a well-groomed girl look like?

1. Cleanliness

No deodorant will cover the smell of sweat if you do not shower daily. It is impossible to look well-groomed even when the hair has not been washed for several days - therefore, water procedures are required. In addition, before applying any cosmetic product, you must first cleanse the skin, otherwise the result will be zero.

2. Clear lines

Nails of different lengths, hairs knocked out of the eyebrow line, split ends give an untidy look. Therefore, a nail file should always be in your purse. Be sure to visit the hairdresser once a month, even if you are growing your hair.

3. Color

Many women dye their hair. If you have already decided on this, then once a month tint the roots - regrown hair of a different color will give you untidiness. If you decide to return to your natural color, then dye your hair in the color that is as close as possible to your natural one.

4. Skin

Cleanse your face regularly, fight wrinkles, acne, use scrubs to become the perfect girl for a guy. Do not forget about depilation - no matter what you choose (laser, epilator, razor), you should not have a single hair at any time of the year!

5. Nails

Don't forget to get manicures and pedicures on time. Regardless of whether your nails are natural or extended, they should always look well-groomed, not exfoliate, be clean and of the same length. Peeled varnish looks very untidy.

6. Aroma

Try to choose cosmetics from the same series - a variety of fragrances will turn you into a perfume factory. You also do not need to douse yourself with perfume - the smell should be light and unobtrusive, and not leave behind a trail of suffocating smell.

5 signs of a perfect girlfriend for a guy

1. The ideal girl is independent.

The ideal girl should have her own interests and hobbies. She does not live only the life of her man. A girl needs to have her own hobby, communicate with friends, work or study, or you can combine both activities. If you are not yet married, then you can even disappear for a while to let the man feel how much he misses you.

2. Beautiful

Everyone knows that men love with their eyes, take care of yourself, emphasize your dignity with the help of makeup, hairstyles and clothes. However, do not forget that behind the external gloss of an ideal girl, inner beauty should be hidden.

3. Sexy

The main thing here is to know and feel what exactly your man wants, and correspond to his ideas about sexuality. After all, someone is driven crazy by revealing outfits, and someone, on the contrary, is a modest attraction. An ideal lover should know how to become an ideal girl for a guy in bed, and therefore about the most secret dreams of her man.

4. Intelligent and tactful

No matter how beautiful you are, tactlessness and empty talk will bring all your efforts to naught. A man's dream should be able to keep up a conversation and know about manners, it should not be boring with her.

The most annoying feature of a female character is grouchiness. To become the perfect girl for a guy, don't be too grouchy and picky, no one will listen to your whining and sawing for a long time. By such behavior, you will only provoke aggression from the chosen one.

As you can see, these are very simple rules, following which every day, you can become for your chosen one, and maybe not only for him, an ideal girl, a real dream of men.

5. The perfect girlfriend respects her boyfriend

The ideal girl will not insult her man, belittle his dignity, even if he is wrong. A woman should listen and understand her chosen one.

An ideal girl should appreciate and respect her man, which means she should not require constant presence around and give a man time to realize his hobbies and habits.

The further humanity goes, the more demanding we become to our future partners. Yes, in some ways it is possible and wrong, but this process is irreversible. If a couple of decades ago we were worried about the spiritual world of our partner, now appearance, social status and so on and so forth are added to this.

Disadvantages and advantages

Of course, any girl meets a wave of criticism on social networks and on the streets. Among friends who have long been openly expressing their dissatisfaction with everything that can be liked and disliked.

And then the search and questions begin: what is wrong with me? Why am I worse than others? Why don't you like me? Becoming the perfect girl for a guy means being yourself, and not copying others.

How to become the perfect girl? At some point in a relationship, every young beauty asks this question, wanting to please her boyfriend even more or trying to find answers to some questions that torment her. After all, self-improvement is a serious and difficult work on oneself, requiring certain efforts and patience. Trying to become better for her lover and taking some action for this, the girl is already on the way to correction for the better.

Identifying the root of the problem and identifying areas for improvement

In order to start working on yourself and understand how to become an ideal girl for a guy, you need to understand the essence of the problem, if there is one at all. Sometimes these thoughts arise simply because of the attempts of a young lady to somehow improve herself in order to become an ideal for her beloved. But often thoughts about how to change come in view of a particular situation.

The first thing a young lady needs to do in order to determine the direction of further work on the path of her own evolution is to learn to listen carefully to her man. Only by absorbing, like a sponge, his comments, preferences and desires, she will be able to succeed in the business she has begun and understand how to become an ideal girl.

The second thing that the young lady needs to do is to analyze all the points specified by the young man and determine the strategy for her further actions. If his words are reduced to dissatisfaction with her attitude towards him, you need to work on mutual understanding. If the matter is in resentment at some girlish oversight, it is required to work on the mistakes. If we are talking about a guy's dissatisfaction with the behavior of his girlfriend, she needs to work on herself and her inner world. And if the fact is that a young man does not like his young lady's too short skirts or, for example, an excessively deep neckline, she should take care of her appearance.

Work on mistakes

Having identified the root of the problem and realizing that the guy is still angry at some kind of mistake made by his beloved, she urgently needs to start taking actions to make amends. First, apologize for your mistake: if you lied, promise that it will never happen again, if you disobeyed and went to the party without his consent, make a promise that she will not do that again. And, most importantly, in this case, you need to confirm your words with actions. Then the young man will see that his remarks were heard and understood, and he will be proud of himself and his beloved.

Working on mutual understanding

With thoughts about how to become an ideal girl, it is necessary to accept the realization that relationships are work. And the basis of this work is mutual understanding. And a young lady will never be able to become an ideal for her man if she does not accept him as he is, trying to change him or limiting his personal space. Learning to listen and hear the beloved is where the door opens on the way to a single view of the world in one direction.

Work on your inner world

To understand how to become the perfect girl in a relationship, you need to look at yourself from the outside. Sometimes, female representatives underestimate the veracity of the words spoken by a man. But the fact is that there is no smoke without fire: if a young man made a remark to his beloved that she was doing something wrong, then there are reasons for this. And it is worth thinking about how you behave, what you say - perhaps from the outside it looks incorrect.

So how do you become perfect? Tips for girls in search of answers to this question involve following some rules in working on themselves:

Work on your appearance

In addition to internal changes, do not forget about your aesthetic beauty. If a young lady is already wondering how to become an ideal girl in appearance, you need to listen to the opinion of your man on this matter. And if he says that this lipstick is too defiant and does not suit the face, then you need to put it away and no longer use it.

What are the main points you need to be guided in the work on your appearance:

  • be clean - men really do not like sloppy young ladies, so hygiene should come first;
  • be well-groomed - you need to try to dress with taste and look neat; no one says to buy expensive clothes or accessories - not everyone can afford it, but every self-respecting woman is obliged to look well-groomed;
  • go in for sports - men love not only with their ears and stomach, they really like to contemplate beautiful female forms, and the "old", "good" gym and exercise equipment will help to achieve this;
  • get rid of bad habits - young people often smoke or drink themselves, but at the same time they are firmly convinced that "they can"; the smell of cigarettes and alcohol repels a man from a woman, you need to remember this and try to eliminate your craving for such things.

What to do absolutely not in a relationship with a guy

To complete a self-improvement course on how to become an ideal girl, you need to know some taboos in a relationship, the presence of which can ruin all the work done earlier on yourself:

  • you can’t limit the guy’s personal space - in no case should you forbid him to see friends, because this is a sure way to damage relationships;

  • you should not speak badly about his mother - after all, a mother is a mother, and whatever she is, this is the woman most beloved by a young man in his life, so you need to establish contact with her, and not stop him in the bud;
  • there is no need to be offended over trifles - if a girl ignores the guy’s attempts to make peace and constantly reject him, stuffing herself, so to speak, with a price - in the end this can lead to the fact that the young man will simply get tired of looking for a reason to make peace, and he will retreat.

Being perfect for your man is pretty easy. You need to be able to work on relationships and over the mistakes in them.

How to become the perfect girl - 12 wisest tips for all occasions. Take it and do it!

The perfect girl.

It is about her that all the guys dream of, it is about her that all the girls look up to.

She is good in everything, easily achieves goals, boldly goes through life.

« How to be the perfect girl, - the representatives of the fair sex think, - how to become the most-most?

It is not easy to conform to the ideal, but the most difficult thing is to understand what this ideal is, what are its components.

Who to ask?

I think it is reasonable to ask the opinion of both men and women on this issue in order to draw up a complete portrait of the ideal girl and start working hard on yourself.

How to become an ideal girl and why is it necessary?

You know, the opinion of men about female beauty, behavior, knowledge and skills is not new for girls.

These surveys on the pages of magazines and online publications have already been carried out so much that it is impossible to count.

Guys want everything at once: to be beautiful, and smart, and economic, and caring, and to achieve success in her profession, and to be proud of her in front of her friends - in short, a three-page list.

Naturally, the guys themselves (not all, but many) don’t worry too much to match such an ideal girl, so they swim fat, get bad habits, get dumb, don’t develop, earn little, etc.

Do you know why this happens?

Yes, because they do not believe in the existence of ideal girls, considering "all women are the same", which means that you need to find something more or less worthy among them.

Should we accept their position and stop striving for the ideal?

It all depends on what requirements you put forward to your chosen one.

For example, if you are ready to be content with Vasya, a plumber with a vocational education, who will spend half of his already small salary on drink and regularly beat you drunk, then you don’t need to work on yourself at all.

If you set the bar high for yourself and want a smart, handsome, rich groom, then keep in mind that you will have to withstand serious competition among other girls, which means you need to try to become perfect in order to be out of competition.

What should be the ideal girl and who to ask?

When articles appear on the site about what kind of girl guys want to see next to them, I immediately begin to receive angry messages from young ladies: “They love different!”, “I’m fat and nasty, but my husband adores me!”, “I won’t change for the sake of a guy, it's humiliating,” etc.

I will not argue that there is a buyer for every product, I know several happy (seemingly) couples where the wife does not look too good and is inferior to her husband in all respects, I do not force anyone to change.

You can live by your own principles, rules, believe whatever you want, but you definitely won’t deny the fact that beautiful, feminine, well, almost perfect girls have a much larger choice of guys and arrange their personal lives much easier than stupid evil ugly.

If you want to know exactly what the ideal girl should be, then you should ask about this from:

  • myself;
  • familiar guys;
  • girlfriends.

This way you will have a complete image.

As for me, a girl should be:

  1. Beautiful and well-groomed.
  2. Feminine.
  3. Smart and wise.
  4. Caring, kind, faithful, loving, cheerful - in general, to have a whole set of positive qualities.

What should a girl look like?

Appearance is important for a girl.

Don't listen to those who tell you otherwise.

Yes, female beauty is a subjective concept and measuring it with model parameters, hair color, nose shape and long legs is stupid, but there are a number of signs by which you can easily distinguish a beautiful woman from an ugly one.

What should be the ideal girl?

She must be beautiful!

Beautiful perfect girl:

  1. Has velvety skin and clean well-groomed hair.
  2. Always fresh manicure and pedicure.
  3. He loves to play sports, so he has a toned figure.
  4. Does not allow excess vegetation to appear on her face and body.
  5. Fashionable and.
  6. Competently uses decorative cosmetics.
  7. Carefully cares for his face, body, hair, hands, feet.
  8. Smells like a fairy flower, not like a stink bunch.
  9. Monitors the state of his health.
  10. Always has a neat appearance.

It is also very important that you look feminine.

Betting on a sporty asexual style rarely works.

Most men believe that the ideal girl is a feminine fairy, and not a stout grenadier in a tracksuit, so you should bet on long hair, high heels, dresses, beautiful lingerie, exquisite perfume, etc.

And the perfect girl has impeccable taste, so:

  • knows how to combine things;
  • adds chic to itself with accessories;
  • observes moderation in the choice of jewelry, etc.

A girl who strives to be perfect simply has no right to look ridiculous.

The inner beauty of the perfect girl

I agree with my readers who say that outer beauty is not everything, you should also have inner beauty.

It is this combination that allows an ordinary girl to become perfect.

When I talk about the inner beauty of the ideal girl, I mean:

  1. The presence of a sharp mind, a good education, the desire to develop.
  2. Women's wisdom, which helps to establish contact with any guy.
  3. Such positive qualities as: kindness, fidelity, caring, cheerfulness, responsiveness, activity, honesty, naturalness, tenderness, sexuality and sex appeal.
  4. The absence of obvious shortcomings, for example: quarrelsomeness, deceit, a tendency to betrayal, cruelty, aggressiveness, authority, irresponsibility, love of whining and complaints, tactlessness and nervousness.
  5. The ability to be a good housewife (this does not mean scrubbing pots from morning to night) and create comfort in the house.
  6. Passion and responsiveness in bed.
  7. Realization in life, so that you don’t have to jump out to marry the first man who comes across who is ready to support you at the very least.

What should be the ideal girl through the eyes of men, you will learn from the video:

It's not easy to be perfect.

You need to work hard and work on yourself to earn this title.

Not everyone is able to achieve perfection: someone gives up halfway, someone does not want to bother too much, and someone simply does not have enough wise advice.

  1. Think positively and always believe in the best.
  2. Learn to see the beauty around you and create it.
  3. Do not waste time on stupid things: gossip, envy, lying like a seal in front of the TV, stupid TV shows and so on.
  4. Learn to speak beautifully and coherently.
  5. Master the basic rules of etiquette, polish your manners to look like a lady, not a gopnik.
  6. Eat right and.
  7. Our environment characterizes us, if your boyfriend and friends are far from ideal, then most likely you will sink to their level, and not they will rise to yours.
  8. Keep an eye on your dental health and oral hygiene - bad breath can seriously damage the image of the perfect girl.
  9. Smile and enjoy life.
  10. Be polite and friendly, but don't try to please everyone.
  11. Do good deeds, even small ones, but they are the ones that can change life for the better.
  12. Love - people, life, nature, animals, plants, relatives and friends - and they will definitely reciprocate.

Or maybe you discovered your secret, how to be the perfect girl?

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And who can properly score on the "ideal" scale? That's right - no one, because everyone has their own criterion for the ideal. However, there are generally accepted things that girls should pay attention to if they want to get closer to the generally accepted criteria for the ideal.

First, about appearance, because they still meet by clothes

And let's start not with outfits, but with ... smiles. Some advise practicing in front of a mirror to achieve the perfect smile. But will she be sincere? People are very sensitive to falsehood, and an artificial smile will only scare away. It is important to remember that a sincere smile adorns a girl better than any cosmetics, because it comes from the heart. Smile at the sun in the morning, a beautiful flower, enjoy the blue sky and clouds - then a good mood will become your habit, and your smile will be beautiful.

No matter how stylish the clothes are, but if the girl does not have the right posture, no couturier will save her. Therefore, you will have to work on the correct posture: a straight back, an easy gait, not too wide steps, a slightly raised chin. If a girl is used to stooping her back, she will have to work on strengthening her back muscles.

As for clothing - first of all, it should be chosen according to the weather. It is a pity to look at freezing girls with red noses when they want to look fashionable and put on spring clothes in severe frost. The creed of the ideal is naturalness in everything: in cosmetics, in the selection of an image and in all external appearance. Perhaps only teenagers can afford the glamorous image of a doll or a member of an informal group. A serious girl observes the principle of the golden mean in everything - this is the second name of the ideal.

Now about the inner content, without which the outer is nothing.

The ideal girl is a very good conversationalist. And who can be called a good conversationalist? That's right - someone who knows how to listen. But not falsely, without pretending to listen: she knows how to listen and hear. And he can also insert a remark in time without interrupting the interlocutor. And if you follow the theory of the golden mean, then he also knows how to speak. She just speaks when she is ready to listen, that's all.

The ability to keep up with others is also important. Some people like to show off their erudition to show how much they are above this or that person - this approach is not ideal. But it’s also not worth showing yourself to be a fool who does not understand the things that others are talking about. If you are not oriented in something, it is better to tactfully remain silent. We cannot know everything, but we must respect ourselves always and everywhere. The same can be said about jokes: you need to be able to adequately perceive them and respond to them with humor. A cheerful person is always welcome in any company.

Rumors and gossip. Often girls like to discuss common acquaintances, “wash bones” with teachers and complain about a guy or parents. And they don't think it's anything special. However, thoughts and words are living energy that we send to the people we are talking about. Think about what kind of energy comes from you? One of the greats said that complaining about relatives is like betraying them. Surely the ideal girl does not want to see herself as a traitor. On the contrary, she notices only the good in people and compliments with sincere pleasure.

Often girls attach great importance to small dates and events, they are ready to celebrate every step they take and force their loved ones to arrange grandiose events on this occasion. And also that someone forgot to congratulate them on the "cat's birthday." The ideal girl is different: she understands that the world should not revolve around her alone, and that other people also have their own interests. She will be very clever if she tries to find out about these interests and takes them into account in her plans.

About the hostess

Any girl is the future mistress of her nest. It’s not worth it to turn into Cinderella and spend all day cleaning and baking pies. However, the ideal girl can still cook several dishes. He also keeps order in his room. This skill will be very useful in the future, because everyone wants to live in an ideal nest. And if a girl also knows how to organize those around her to help herself in household chores, then it will be just perfect.

Just about a person

Do not think that the perfect girl is something special. It is important just to be a real person who has an understanding of the meaning in everything: in actions and words, in deeds and intentions, in ideas and in life. Nonsense is the enemy of any person, it leads to degradation. Therefore, a harmonious combination of external and internal will lead directly to the ideal.

The wise say that it is not difficult to become an ideal person, but it is not at all difficult to remain one. Therefore, ideal behavior should become habitual and reflective. Then we can say that you have achieved what you were striving for - the ideal. Remember the song from the movie about Mary Poppins: "Oh, what a bliss, to know that I am perfection, to know that I am ideal"? Perhaps it will inspire you to achieve your goal.

For a long time I thought about what the ideal girl should be. There were many thoughts on this subject, but I still tried to systematize them somehow. Here is a list of qualities that should have perfect girl in my mind. As necessary, I will decipher in more detail. So,
1. Be beautiful. Beauty is not 90\60\90. These are just your feelings. A person can be comfortable in their 65 kilograms. And it is at this weight that a girl can feel perfect. Here everyone has their own canons and rules. Of course, it is worth remembering that 1. men are not dogs, they don’t throw themselves at bones. and 2. Rubens' women are no longer in fashion. Everything in between is yours. Decide for yourself. The main thing here is personal feelings.
2. Self-confident. Beautiful posture, head held high. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise He will think that you are a pompous pretentious chicken.
3. Be active. Men love active girls, their eyes burn, they do everything quickly and well. So you have problems with the second one, slow down. And then He will say about you "every barrel plug." This happens very often.
4. Show initiative. Diversify your everyday life. Suggest something out of the ordinary. For example, a sudden trip out of town for the weekend.
5. Surprise. Let not everything in life go according to the worked out scenario. Leave room for surprises. Every little thing matters here. A new fridge magnet with a nice inscription, a sticker on the mirror with the imprint of your lips. Imagine, surprise.
6. Inspire. Teach him to appreciate your every gesture, every smile, every gentle look.
7. Support. A man loves to be told that he is the best / favorite / reliable. They are strong, but always need support.
8. Do not advise. Men rarely love and take into account women's advice. This does not mean that he does not love and appreciate you. They just look at life from a different angle.
If a woman is smart (well, I don’t consider the “be smart” rule, everything is clear with this), she will make the man’s decision be her decision. Only now the man himself does not even guess about it. But to bother and climb to him with your opinion is not worth it.
9. Create coziness. The woman is the guardian of the hearth. It creates coziness and comfort. This is order, things laid out, a deliciously cooked dinner and always a neat look. Coming home from work, a man wants to have dinner and enjoy your company. Be prepared for the fact that he may be in a bad mood. Therefore, the nest you created should distract him from all extraneous thoughts.
10. Social. You must know his friends. And accept them for who they are. You must be in the same company and on the same wavelength. Do you know how men like to introduce their girls to their friends? Yes, and pride for you, the very best, is bursting if they see that you are positive towards them.
11. Be yourself. No need for antics, embarrassment, antics. Stay true to yourself in any situation. Be natural.
12. Smile more often and don't grumble. Men do not like girls who constantly have some problems. Take everything easier and your man will decide everything for you. :)

13. Know the measure. Everything I wrote about above is undoubtedly a very necessary quality. But enumerating any of them will only cause a backlash. Do not overdo it!

I haven't been writing much about my life lately, I know. Somehow, everything is in a heap and very incomprehensible. I promise to fix it in the next few days. :)