How to remove competitors in trading in the market. Prayer conspiracies for brisk trade. To have a profit

This is a strong conspiracy that helps get rid of your main competitors in the trade. Of course, the conspiracy will not eliminate them in the truest sense of the word, but they will begin to have various problems and difficulties, and this, in turn, will help you gain a foothold in the market.

The conspiracy process

The plot is very simple. You will need to speak a pinch of salt, and then toss it into your competitor's store or office. If competitors have a lot of retail space, salt will need to be planted in the main office, where the head of the entire organization sits. The plot must be done on the waning moon at night, at 1-2 o'clock in the morning. And the next day, toss salt to a competitor.

Take a pinch of salt in your right hand and whisper to it:

"Gshai-Aby, help. Take the luck of the one who crossed my path, take everything from him, let him toil over every little thing and not move forward. Let him suffer in vain and suffer. Let him lose everything that he has. Through this salt you find it, please."

It is enough to whisper three times, then pour some salt into a jar and in the morning pour it unnoticed into the room to a competitor. The main thing is that not a grain of salt that has been spoken to you is left at home, this is important, otherwise you will also get into trouble.
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Magic in the market

Market- a specific place of work with very high competition. Moreover, every year the competition intensifies, it becomes more difficult to sell goods. If earlier, in the 90s, they rarely used magic in the market. Now it is difficult to find a seller on the market who would not use magic for sales growth, or connecting to God and the saints to increase sales and eliminate competitors, which is also magic.

In any market - clothing, construction, food - the principles of survival are the same.

How is the market competitive?

In the markets, especially cunning people walk, look out for what product is running at the moment and at what point does it go. The location of the outlet also matters. The owner of the place has already gained a point and potential buyers for his product.

Having looked for a good trading place and goods, cunning traders rent a point next to or opposite a successful outlet. They buy exactly the same product - a product that is successfully sold. This is a proven method of competition, a method of ousting competitors. And that's just fine. This is normal competition.

But they unleash a real psychological, energy and magical war, that is, they begin to be rude in every possible way, insult the seller, from whom they want to intercept the business (customers), whose goods are doing well.

He begins to get angry, nervous, his energy changes for the worse. His merchandise starts to freeze. And more and more buyers go to new merchants. Because they deliberately do dirty tricks and so way capture the customers and the energy of the success of the sale of that particular product.

Thus, such people force once successful sellers out of the market and enrich themselves at the expense of their energy, their ideas.

This happens all the time. And not only in trade.

The above method of ousting competitors from the market- this is a conscious energy vampirism, deceit, a desire for profit at any cost. So unleashed trade magical wars.

If a person has little energy, little knowledge, if there is no specialist working with energies behind him, then he loses and is forced to leave the market, from his old place. Or he changes the goods and begins to develop a new outlet. At the same time, it suffers huge losses - both material and psychological.

If a person has enough energy, he begins to resist.

It is clear that with the help of the mafia, this issue is extremely rarely resolved. Not the level, too little money. In addition, these merchants, as a rule, have the same "roof". Therefore, usually such conflicts are resolved in a magical way..

An offended and offended person, whose business has been intercepted, begins either to induce a magical effect on those who are trying to intercept his sales market, or hires specialist magicians. Naturally, in order to hire, you need significant funds. And we need proven reliable specialists who really know how and know how to induce negative magic. Naturally, such an impact must be done regularly and to the bitter end. Until these cunning, impudent merchants go bankrupt or fall ill. In any case, they will leave this place. And possibly from the market.

If a person himself begins to influence them, here much will depend on his energy, abilities, knowledge of magic, as well as on his determination in resolving this issue.

Sometimes offended people combine their own magical effect with a custom one, so that it works more reliably.

In addition to the magical effect there is a way higher energy applications than an ordinary magical effect - using religious egregors. Depending on the religion, adherence of a particular person to a particular religion, a person can use prayer, mantras, or verbal appeals to God and saints, accepted in his religion.

If a person has strong faith in his gods (God), then he wins.

In addition, there is another way. This regular listening and work with coding, which we have developed specifically to increase the frequency of human energy, to cleanse his soul and body.

If a person uses high-frequency technologies, then no magic and competitors are afraid of him.

In all cases, when a person, his trading place and his goods are subjected to a magical attack, it is advisable to conduct an energy session.

energy session- this is the removal of a magical attack and filling with energy.

A coding is a constant source of energy, a constant filling of energy that is produced in the person himself.

But this coding cannot be used for magical attack. It is used precisely to improve the qualities of one's soul, to enhance health. A person reaches a higher level of understanding of the world, consciousness, his energy is multiplied many times over. And then no magical and psychological influence on him works (does not have the desired effect). And those who act or will act magically, immediately receive a powerful reverse magical blow.

More often magic attack is both on a person and on his trading place and goods. But sometimes, if a person has a sufficiently pure and strong energy (natural protection), then there is a magical attack only on his trading place and goods. At the same time, the person himself is invulnerable to magical attacks.

What should you do in a situation where magic has been cast on a trading place?

When strong or reusable magic is cast on the trading place, then the usual methods of removing magical attacks are ineffective. They help, but only for a short time. In this case, you need to go the other way.

If you are engaged in trading and think that a magical attack has been made on your trading place and it is for this reason that sales have fallen, you can contact us for diagnostics or consultation.

Methods of payment for diagnostics are indicated on the page "Payment Methods".

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Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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At the time of writing and publication of each of our articles, nothing of the kind is freely available on the Internet. Any of our information product is our intellectual property and is protected by the Law of the Russian Federation.

Any copying of our materials and their publication on the Internet or in other media without indicating our name is a violation of copyright and is punishable by the Law of the Russian Federation.

When reprinting any site materials, a link to the authors and the site - Oleg and Valentina Svetovid - required.

Magic in the market How is the market competitive?


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters use our name, our email addresses for their mailing lists, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they drag people into various magical forums and deceive (give advice and recommendations that can harm, or lure out money for magical rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

On our sites, we do not provide links to magical forums or sites of magical healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations by phone, we do not have time for this.

Note! We are not engaged in healing and magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in writing, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that on some sites they saw information that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander, not true. In all our lives, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our site, in the materials of the club, we always write that you need to be an honest decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The time has come when slander pays well. Now many are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to engage in slandering decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience, about faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, he will never engage in deceit, slander, and fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor, hungry for money. The police and other regulatory agencies are not yet able to cope with the increasing influx of "Cheat for profit" insanity.

So please be careful!

Sincerely, Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Probably, every business representative has something to tell about how competitors react to his success. And for some, the competitive struggle ends very sadly: the loss of business and even life.

On the methods by which, it would seem, colleagues act, interview of the correspondent of "DK" with the detective of one of the divisions of the group of companies "Grant-Vympel" Sergey N.

These stories may seem vague to you,” Sergei said. - In fact, for those who are now in a similar situation, they are more than real. I am sure that many of our clients will recognize themselves in these stories, although, as we agreed, we will do without surnames and names.

Spy accountant

One of our clients was jailed by his competitors. As a result of this story, he lost everything: his company, money, he was forced to sell his apartment and car, he was left literally in what he was.

He was engaged in ship chandler activities - ship bunkering - an actual business for Primorye. At some point, he found himself without a chief accountant - an employee went on maternity leave, and he was urgently looking for a new person. Competitors were quick to take advantage of this. They created a certain situation, it was not particularly difficult, and framed our client as an accountant of their own person.

After getting a new job and getting access to the documents, this lady immediately began to "leak" information to competitors. And all - this was the main goal of her employment. The new chief accountant then arranges for the firm to owe tax payments. Interestingly, many companies can be on the list of debtors for years and get away with it, and this company was immediately filed by the tax police. Events unfolded so rapidly that it is simply strange. Without having time to do anything, the head of the company is behind bars. During his absence, the chief accountant brings such "order" in the documents of the company that now the director "shines" a very real term.

At this time, a ship arrives in Vladivostok, which was supposed to be serviced by our client's company. Seeing that the partners are unable to fulfill their obligations on time, the captain is somewhat at a loss. At this moment, very successfully, another company appears that offers its services. The ship is safely refueled, and it leaves for the voyage.

We had to work very hard to get the client out of prison. To avoid a new arrest, he was even forced to go to a mental hospital, and there, as you understand, it is not much sweeter than in prison. And in order to pay the tax debt, he had to sell everything he had.

If the business is family, but the family is not yours

In general, the use of law enforcement agencies to crack down on more successful competitors is a common thing in Primorye. For example, the former administration of the region cracked down on people who interfered with the family business of big bosses. And here's what happened already this year with a group of our friends who dared to do the same thing as a close relative of a current official.

In fact, the company of our friends and clients has been operating in this market for many years, moreover, over the years the company has managed to become the largest in this type of business in the Far East and is deservedly proud of its reputation. This year began for the company with a tax audit that lasted a month.

What it is, businessmen know, in fact, for a month the work of the accounting department was paralyzed. Note that this check did not reveal any violations. Nevertheless, two days after its completion, a higher tax office comes to the company with an audit. The second check, which also did not reveal any violations, lasted another month. The accounting department is again paralyzed, the company has a whole month of problems, it cannot respond to the partners' proposals as quickly as before.

The employees of the company were not at all funny when, a week after the end of the second check, the third one came to the company - this time from the regional tax office. The company, in which colleagues for the previous two months could not identify any violations, was painstakingly checked by employees of the regional tax office for another month with the same result. After that, people from the securities commission come to the company, the form of ownership of which is registered as a CJSC, with a check, and ... that's right, for another month the company's accounting department devotes its time to people from this commission.

Other events are taking place at the same time. The firm has points in different parts of the city. Local police officers come to each of them at the same time and issue fines for the fact that after a snowfall (it was in February) the snow was not removed from the territory of the company's representative office. Then firefighters come to all these points. After them, an investigator from one of the district departments of internal affairs appears at the head office of the company, she takes several copies of the goods (it must be said, very expensive) and declares that there are no certificates for it. When they try to show her certificates and explain something, she literally plugs her ears with her hands and leaves with "samples seized for examination."

A smaller company simply could not withstand such pressure. After our friends turned to us for help, we took countermeasures. Let's just say that we also have connections in law enforcement structures. Seeing that the company was resisting, the enemies retreated.

It's funny that the Moscow company, with which a relative of the Vladivostok official collaborated, after all this story, signed an agreement with a company of our friends. And on very favorable terms for them. Apparently, people realized that if the company survived even after such pressure, it means that it is possible to deal with it.

They ordered the assassination

This client was referred to us by our acquaintance psychologist, to whom this person came after a visit to a psychic. It was there that he first went with his problems. Luckily, people are smart enough. Maybe that's what saved our client's life. I still remember his square eyes and red hair on end. The first thing he said: "They want to kill me." In history, there really were a real killer with a weapon, hired for money, discharged from another city, and a real threat to life.

Three people worked in this area of ​​business in Vladivostok, and they could not divide the market in any way and had been seriously at odds for a long time. Unfair competition as a result of this enmity grew into a war. Moreover, there were no winners in it, because all its participants were so carried away by the idea of ​​crushing a competitor that making their own profit ceased to matter. For example, in order to win over a competitor's customers, they do-dumped to such an extent that the prices for their services fell below nowhere. It was such a heat of passion that at some point it seemed to one of the participants in this war that our client "ordered" it. He decided to get ahead of him and ordered the murder of our client himself.

We managed not only to prevent bloodshed, but even to unite seemingly irreconcilable enemies. These two have become our clients. We were able to convince them that a bad peace is better than a good quarrel. We persuaded them to follow our recommendations. Firms continue to operate in the market today. One of them took up deliveries, the second became a carrier, and together they seriously competed with the third businessman.

Do you know who your assistant sleeps with?

The problems associated with unfair competition are only a small part of those that company leaders face if they do not care about the economic security of the company.

Interestingly, many people still understand security as the physical protection of their person and the presence of a duty officer at the entrance to the office. Meanwhile, the possibilities of economic intelligence should not be underestimated. And, before entering into an agreement with someone, and even better, before entering the market at all, you should study the situation yourself or with the help of specialists. By the way, our group of companies provides such services. Sooner or later, everyone comes to the conclusion that a preliminary collection of information is necessary. And not only about clients and prospective partners, but also about employees. It is a pity that the need for this is usually understood after something has already happened.

For example, at the beginning of my career, I worked as the head of the security service in a large seaside company that produces and sells drinking water. The boundless gullibility of the company's leaders was simply amazing - not to be interested in those to whom you give goods for sale! When I tried to introduce a simple survey just to get to know the people who work for the company, I met with incomprehension. And not only from the staff of the company. It should be noted that women especially protested, who were indignant at "digging in dirty linen." In fact, I was not going to find out the details of my personal life - who sleeps with whom, etc., although this, you see, can sometimes be important. But even the leaders of the company believed that the security service should only deal with protection. This is why I left the company.

Life has confirmed my correctness: how much was dragged from the enterprise because of this carelessness. People stole millions of rubles, the most successful of them left Vladivostok long ago and with this money they got a good job elsewhere.

Business does not tolerate weakness and sentiment, here everyone stands up for himself and the strongest survive. If you have rivals in the business field, keep your eyes open. They will stop at nothing to leave everyone behind them, because "in war, all means are good." Therefore, you also need to be on the lookout and protect your business. How to get rid of competitors in trade? There are magical methods that can direct business success in your direction and turn it away from competitors. By creating an invisible amulet around your business, you will thereby feel calmer and more confident in your field. What conspiracy from competitors will bring quick results?

Conspiracy on business papers

Surely you have to deal with various documents, periodically sign and stamp something. Set aside a couple of sheets and in a calm atmosphere so that your colleagues do not notice, sit down to read the next good conspiracy from competitors in trade and for your own luck.

“I’m talking about bonds for profit, let the money come to me, they won’t linger on the road. And let the malicious rivals not interfere, let them go their own way and not cross mine. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, amen."

Charm in business

You can protect the aura of your workplace with the help of a symbolic amulet that you hang in your office or carry with you. A thing that carries a piece of your energy that is constantly with you is suitable. While at the workplace, put a thing in front of you and read the words of a prayer over it.

“I conjure my amulet for protection, so that it protects from enemies, so that it contributes to luck, so that it attracts and retains customers. Not melting in the soul of the unclean, I only ask for success in my field of bread. In the name of all saints, amen!

Keep the charmed amulet near you. Treat him with care, as with a friend, read prayers for him. Then he will not leave you in trouble.

"Sweeping" troubles

You will need the most ordinary broom and scoop. This conspiracy is aimed not only at getting rid of competitors, but also at general well-being, at protection from troubles and failures. When sweeping rubbish out of your office, draw a symbolic cross with a broom and walk over it three times. Facing east, clearly pronounce the text of the prayer.

“I sweep all the filth in the trash, away from the hut, let it go. I expose envious people and defend myself for the year ahead. Let luck overtake me so that there is always bread in the kitchen! And so that no one can stop me on this thorny path.

Burn the collected litter with a lighter. Ashes spread near the place of work.

13 moons

To ask the cosmos for protection for your business and cleanse its biofield of negativity, you need to read a karmic spell and prayers and perform a ritual on the full moon. Start preparing 13 days before. All these days visit the temple and get one candle each. That very night, light all 13 candles in a circle and sit in the middle. You must be completely alone. Concentrate on the problem you are occupied with, discard all extraneous thoughts. Imagine before you the faces of your competitors and business rivals, people who create obstacles for you. You do not wish them harm, but you want to protect yourself from their encroachments on your business, to eliminate the negative influence and envy.

Mentally build a strong wall between you and them, a fence through which they cannot reach you. So you build yourself protection at the energy level. Next, loudly and confidently read the conspiracy against competitors in your work:

“As soon as the enemy begins to plot, the spell will take effect and evil actions will be turned against him. Whoever builds dirty tricks on another, it will fall on him. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, amen."

Put out the candles, get rid of the cinders. Sit for a while after saying the prayer in silence, relaxing. Repeat ritual actions in the next full phase of the moon, then again. It takes time for the ritual to work, but this expectation will pay off. Strong conspiracies are not quick and easy to perform.

black corruption

Such a ritual is forbidden, and before deciding on it, you should think very carefully about whether you need to take a load on your soul. If you have been badly annoyed by competitors or you suspect that these people have resorted to black magic to harm your business, you can take revenge on them: their business will crack or they will suffer huge losses in trade. But keep in mind that the black conspiracy will backfire on you in the future.

So, what should you do if you still decide to take such a step?

  1. Arm yourself with a sewing needle, black thread and salt.
  2. At home, before work, thread a small piece of thread into the eye of the needle and tie a knot so that the thread does not fall out.
  3. Go to the workplace of your rivals, try to be unnoticed.
  4. Insert the needle and thread into a soft spot, such as the upholstery of a door.
  5. Sprinkle salt under the threshold.
  6. In a whisper, say a spell: “From now on, you will not know either clients or profits in trading. I want to get you out of my way, and I want to attract luck for myself! All your efforts will go to waste! So be it, evil people!

Quickly leave the scene without sweeping away the salt. You can go to church after the ritual and atone for sins, but this will not wash away the black spot from your aura.

“A crow, black as pitch, flies to distant lands, gets lost in the sky. So let my worst rivals let themselves be put somewhere! Out of sight, lest you see them all here again! I ask them to be removed, but away. So that it was!”

This plot is aimed at destroying your competitors from the firm, stopping the success of their trade business. It is possible that the reasons why these people leave their positions will be tragic. Be careful with black magic.

Remember that you should rely primarily on your own strength, and not on magic. Before turning to higher powers and conspiring against competitors, try to optimize the structure of your business, and not try to spoil someone else's. Or try to negotiate with opponents peacefully. All in your hands!

In business, the question how to get rid of competitors”, almost the most important. Spheres without competition seem to be a thing of the past, and today it is hardly possible to be a monopolist. And in order to survive in a saturated market, you need to at least somehow get ahead of your competitor.

Most entrepreneurs think that they can get rid of competitors by “dumping”, i.e. simple price reduction. But is it? In this article we will try to answer this question. Rather, we will express our own opinion, and discuss how to get rid of competitors. And it’s up to you to decide whether you will lower prices or go the other way in.

Is it possible to get rid of competitors by lowering prices?

Is it possible to get rid of competitors by lowering the price?

Let's say you're an entrepreneur in a business selling certain products. Based on your expenses, the cost of goods and the margin you. Soon, competitors are setting their prices lower than yours. You have a dilemma: to reduce the price to the competitive (or even lower) or not. Basically, you have several options:

  • Reduce the price by reducing your own profit.
  • Reduce the price, but by reducing costs, not profits.
  • Do not reduce the price, but include additional services when buying a product.

These are the main options for dealing with low prices of competitors. The first option - price reduction due to a decrease in own profits, may pass. But you do want to make a profit, right? Why suddenly reduce it consciously?

The second option - reducing the price by reducing costs is a good opportunity. And the third option - with additional service, is also interesting for the entrepreneur. Thus, immediately reject the first option and carefully consider the second and third. There is always an opportunity to reduce costs or include an additional service, remember!

Consider a situation where your competitor cuts prices in a more visual way:

Product cost 1000 1000
Expenses 200 200
Margin 300 200
Selling price 1500 1400
Sales per month 10 10
Total income 15000 14000
Profit 3000 2000

Thus, you and your competitor initially sell the same amount of goods, but your profit is 3,000 rubles, and theirs is 2,000. But the goal of your competitors is to get part of your sales by lowering the price. The situation may change as follows:

Product cost 1000 1000
Expenses 200 200
Margin 300 200
Selling price 1500 1400
Sales per month 8 12
Total income 12000 16800
Profit 2400 2400

Thus, you will have a decrease in profit by 600 rubles or about 20%, which is not so small. Suppose you also reduced the price to 1400 rubles and got the following situation:

Product cost 1000 1000
Expenses 200 200
Margin 200 200
Selling price 1400 1400
Sales per month 10 10
Total income 14000 14000
Profit 2000 2000

In this situation, you keep your customers, sales did not fall, but the profit still fell from 3,000 to 2,000 rubles, or about 33.33%. Consider a situation in which you did a cost analysis and reduced them by 50% from 200 to 100 rubles. Then you have the following situation:

Product cost 1000 1000
Expenses 100 200
Margin 300 200
Selling price 1400 1400
Sales per month 10 10
Total income 14000 14000
Profit 3000 2000

Thus, you reduced the price, but your profit remained at the level before the price reduction (see the first table). But we don't stop, we move on. You introduced additional services to the product, and the difference in the profit that you received (1000 rubles) was invested in marketing the product with an additional service. This brought you 5 more customers:

Product cost 1000 1000
Expenses 200 200
Margin 200 200
Selling price 1400 1400
Sales per month 15 5
Total income 21000 7000
Profit 3000 1000

Your marketing spend has gone up again to $200, but you've got another $5. So you're widening the gap and getting closer and closer to getting rid of the competition. Also, your product can now be sold more expensive than a competitor’s, because you offer additional services. Let's say you sell your product for 1500 rubles and get the following situation:

Product cost 1000 1000
Expenses 200 200
Margin 300 200
Selling price 1500 1400
Sales per month 15 5
Total income 22500 7000
Profit 4500 1000

Now you have a profit of 4500 rubles. You continue with the same investment in marketing, and your competitor, in a panic trying to escape, reduces the price to 1300 rubles. But he can't offer value-added services or invest in marketing because his profits are declining. Soon, you will have the following situation:

Product cost 1000 1000
Expenses 200 200
Margin 300 100
Selling price 1500 1300
Sales per month 15 5
Total income 22500 6500
Profit 4500 500

Your competitor's profit continues to fall, and yours is stable - 4,500 rubles. Over time, additional services and marketing will bring you 5 more buyers who are not satisfied with the service of competitors (and not surprisingly, they are in a bad situation). As a result, you get the following situation:

Product cost 1000 1000
Expenses 200 200
Margin 300 100
Selling price 1500 1300
Sales per month 20 0
Total income 30000 0
Profit 6000 0

Your profit is 6,000 rubles, and your competitor has zero. You are the winner in this game :-).

Be smart and creative – price is not essential, much less the only factor in gaining competitive advantage. The one who starts the market fight by lowering the price usually loses. Use your strategies and tools, not dumping, and you will win. I hope you understand how to get rid of competitors :-). Good luck!