How to remove shiny stains from trousers without harm to clothes. How to remove gloss from clothes? We clean shiny spots at home

As with any clothing, a down jacket can get greasy stains, greasy spots and dirt. When regular washing does not help, you have to get rid of dirt in a different way. How? Today we will consider how to remove shine on a down jacket, how to remove stains and remove stains.

What needs to be done before washing?

To quickly remove stains, you need to take into account the following:

  • scrape off thick layers as much as possible from the surface of the down jacket;
  • only a clean and white cloth or cotton pads use for cleansing
  • wipe contamination first with a dry cloth, then with a damp one;
  • we clean from the edge of the soiled area, gradually moving towards the center of pollution;
  • do not use metal brushes and rough materials, they can tear things or leave scratches, spools;
  • we place the sponge on the wrong side of the problem area, it will absorb the stain.

The main rule when removing stains is speed. The sooner you start the cleaning process, the greater the chance that the contamination will completely disappear.

How to remove grease stains from a down jacket?

I assure you, the beast is not as terrible as it is painted. Now I will teach you how to remove a greasy stain on a down jacket.

To do this, we need products that are in every home. By applying them, you can clean contaminated areas with your own hands without resorting to dry cleaning services.

Advantage such funds - price and availability.

Flaw- some methods are quite aggressive: if you do not act according to the instructions, you can ruin the thing forever.

Recipe 1. Detergent for dishes

Step 1

We take any detergent. The manufacturer does not play a role here. The main thing is that it be liquid or gel-like.

Step 2

To remove fat, you need a concentrated solution.

We foam the detergent, apply the foam on a sponge or a flap of fabric.

Step 3

We wipe the dirt with a soapy sponge. Leave the clothes like this for a few minutes.

Step 4

We clean the soap solution first with a damp cloth, then dry. Drying the jacket

Recipe 2. Salt

If you have just dripped grease on your jacket, and there is salt on hand, sprinkle it liberally on the contaminated area. Salt will absorb fat as much as possible, and it will be easier to bring the down jacket back to normal.

If the stain is old, prepare a slurry of salt:

  1. We breed one tablespoon of salt with water to a state of porridge.
  2. Apply mixture to the problem area.
  3. We leave all for about one hour.
  4. We remove dried solution with a brush.
  5. We process the stain soda solution. Proportions: 1 teaspoon per 200 ml of water. Now it remains only to wash the down jacket.

To enhance the effect, you can add starch and lemon juice:

  • mix starch and salt in a ratio of 1: 1;
  • we breed all with lemon juice to a state of thick sour cream;
  • apply to a contaminated place;
  • we leave until completely dry;
  • wipe damp sponge.

Recipe 3. Soap

Laundry soap will help remove a greasy stain:

  1. Rub the soap on a grater- two tablespoons.
  2. Dissolve soap shavings in 200 ml of water.
  3. Three spots with a sponge soaked in solution. We move from the edge to the center.
  4. We rinse the area clean water.

Liquid soap can replace laundry soap. The principle of operation is the same.

Recipe 4. Lemon

Dried stains can be removed with lemon juice:

  1. Wet our stain with sour lemon juice and leave for 30-40 minutes.
  2. Then you need to wash the down jacket with the addition of detergent.

Recipe 5. Alcohol and peroxide

Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide are a duet that will bring even the most stubborn and old stain “to clean water”:

Step 1

Mix in equal amounts the two ingredients shown in the photo.

Step 2

With a cotton pad or a piece of clean rag, apply the resulting mixture to the contamination. We leave for 40 minutes.

Step 3

We wash the down jacket in the machine with the usual detergent. Thus, we will get rid of the smell of ammonia.

If the fat did not go away the first time, then repeat the procedure. The same method can be used to remove stains that remain after storage.

Recipe 6. Household chemicals

A greasy stain from a down jacket can be removed not only with folk remedies, but also with professional preparations.

Stain removers first need to be tested on the wrong side of clothing to find out the reaction. The instructions on the package will tell you which stains are best removed with this product and how to apply it.

Recipe 7. Talc and chalk

A mixture of talc and chalk will help get rid of greasy stains in a day. Grind the ingredients in equal proportions. Then:

  • apply the resulting powder to contamination;
  • put a clean sheet of paper or a napkin on top;
  • we press the napkin with a heavy object, for example, a stack of books;
  • leave for the night;
  • wash down jacket.

Recipe 8. Gasoline

Since gasoline is a rather aggressive agent, I recommend using it only if other methods have not helped get rid of the stain.

Before use, test the effect of gasoline on the wrong side of the jacket in a small area. So, you will avoid damage to the material.

Use ONLY highly refined gasoline, otherwise you risk permanent damage to the down jacket:

  • moisten a cotton pad with gasoline;
  • apply it to the stained place;
  • we wait from 15 to 40 minutes for the reaction to occur - the stain should dissolve;
  • wash clothes in the usual way.

Getting rid of glitter on a jacket

On a down jacket, after a short period of wearing, a characteristic sheen still appears on the cuffs and pockets. It is these areas that most often come into contact with our skin and other objects.

Get rid of shine with vinegar solution:

  1. We take 3 parts of water and 1 part of vinegar.
  2. Wet the sponge in the resulting solution.
  3. We wipe our contaminated places, then we wash them.

To remove the smell of vinegar, take the item to fresh air for ventilation.

How to get rid of streaks after machine washing

Are there stains on the down jacket after washing? There are three reasons that contribute to the appearance of such spots:

  1. Improper drying of the jacket.
  2. Insufficient rinsing.
  3. Poor quality wash.

If the jacket is stained, then a textile napkin soaked in hydrogen peroxide will help get rid of them.

If this method does not work, you can start rinsing again. I do not recommend washing the down jacket with washing powder, this will only aggravate the situation.

But in order not to form divorces, it is necessary:

  1. Choose quality detergents. Give preference to gel-like or liquid detergent preparations. They dissolve completely in water and rinse well.
  2. Dry the item properly. After washing, hang the jacket on a coat hanger. Periodically knead the filler with your hands so that the fluff does not stray into a heap. When drying, it is in these areas that stains often appear.

  1. choose required washing machine. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations on the product label.


I talked about eight methods for getting rid of grease stains on a down jacket, and also suggested how to remove shine and stains from a jacket. Now you can easily and quickly wash your outerwear at home. By the way, the methods described above can be combined!

The video in this article will demonstrate some more secrets on how to get rid of stains on a jacket. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments!

Even experienced housewives are sometimes lost when they notice unaesthetic shiny stripes on their favorite wardrobe item. These glossy traces give the product such a sloppy look that there is an irresistible desire to send the hitherto adored object into exile to the dacha. But don't be rash. Having set a goal, you can easily find answers to the question of how to remove shine from trousers.

Why is the fabric shiny?

Usually, shine on clothes appears as a result of improper ironing or as a result of prolonged wear. In the first case, traces of illiterate heat treatment, as a rule, appear unevenly on the fabric. And with the active exploitation of things, its most vulnerable places suffer. That's why the knees, as well as the area of ​​the buttocks and hips, usually shine on the trousers. You can get rid of the problem, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence, using proven methods.

How scrubbing can help remove shine from trousers

If the situation is not yet completely catastrophic, then it is better to resort to conventional steaming. This procedure will not harm the fabric and will make shiny areas less noticeable. So, pants should:

  • hang on a hanger and steam (you can place a bowl of boiling water under them so that the rising steam nourishes the fabric);
  • get rid of residual moisture by brushing it off with a brush;
  • Air dry or iron well.

table vinegar

Vinegar will also help remove shine from trousers, the variations in the use of which are as follows:

  1. In case of minor damage to the fabric, the product is soaked in water, where a small amount of vinegar was previously added. After 10-15 minutes, the item is removed, washed and dried. Then the trousers are ironed through a thin newspaper.
  2. Prepare a special solution consisting of 1 part water and 2 parts vinegar. It is poured into the spray iron with a steam function, after which the clothes are ironed in those places where shine is noticeable.
  3. The woolen cloth is wetted with the solution described above, with which the shiny areas are wiped.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap can be useful in the fight. Wet gauze is abundantly impregnated with it, through which the lasses on clothes are subsequently ironed. To achieve a greater effect, the fabric of the product is pre-wetted with water acidified with lemon juice or vinegar.


In the matter of removing shiny marks on clothes, ammonia is indispensable. The scheme of its use is as follows:

  • in a weak solution of ammonia (2 tablespoons of alcohol, 1 liter of water), a napkin is wetted;
  • it wipes problem areas;
  • trousers are ironed with a warm iron through paper or gauze.

If after the procedure, some places on the clothes are still shiny, then 1 teaspoon of salt can be added to the solution of water and ammonia.

Refined gasoline

Oddly enough, but he is able to remove an unpleasant gloss. To do this, do the following:

  • soak greasy areas with a piece of woolen cloth soaked in gasoline;
  • treat them on top with a napkin previously soaked in a solution of water and ammonia (proportion 5: 1);
  • wash the product in warm water, dry and rub the treated surface with a soft brush.

Black tea

It is possible that while thinking about the question, you will just have tea. There is a reason to put the cup aside and start returning an attractive look to the clothes. Make an infusion of strong tea, wet a piece of cloth with it and wipe the shiny areas on the trousers. Then dry them and iron them through cheesecloth.

In the most extreme cases, you can try to remove the gloss by gently rubbing the affected areas with a pumice stone. But resorting to this method makes sense only when other methods have proven ineffective.

Every lover of a business style of clothing sooner or later faces the fact that his suit begins to shine. Unwanted lasses appear that spoil the appearance of the product. This happens more often with pants than with a jacket or skirt. And visually once favorite trousers look pretty well-worn.

The main reason for the appearance of a shiny shine on clothes is improper ironing of the product. If you do not follow the rules, the same lasses may appear on jackets and skirts as on trousers. You can remove the shine from the iron by spending some time and effort, but it is much easier to prevent its occurrence.

First, before starting ironing, you need to read the instructions on the label and make sure that the product can be ironed. . To on trousers and other types of clothing there were no shiny places from the iron, it is enough to iron things correctly.

If, nevertheless, hairs appeared in the process of ironing, this is not a reason for frustration. There are various methods that will help both get rid of the shine on the trousers and return them to their original appearance. . Lasas effectively remove the following agents:

When choosing one or another method in the fight against shine, one cannot start from how accessible the chosen method is. It is very important to take into account the properties of the components used. Vinegar and ammonia are not suitable for colored or black fabrics, as they have a bleaching property. If the thing is sewn from a fabric that requires careful handling, then it is better to use a piece of wool or baking soda: they will not harm the product.

Use of acetic acid 9%

To prepare a solution for one part of vinegar, you need to add two of the same parts of water. The resulting composition is filled with a spray tank and used when steaming trousers. And you can also moisten a linen cloth with this solution and iron the place where the shine appeared through it.

If there are many sunken areas, then the trousers can be soaked for two hours in an vinegar solution. To do this, add 16 g of vinegar (a tablespoon) to three liters of water. After soaking, the product must be washed and ironed.

Ammonia will restore the appearance of things

With the finished solution, you need to wipe the shiny areas. Then iron the clothes through moistened gauze or white paper. To prepare the solution, you need to mix:

  • Water - 1 liter.
  • Ammonia - 2 teaspoons.
  • Table salt - 1 teaspoon.

Laundry soap 72% and boric acid

Soap must be grated and dissolved in water. Then beat well to get a thick foam, and spread it on the places where the shine has formed. Let the foam soak in and after half an hour you can rinse the trousers. After drying, iron the product through gauze dipped in a weak vinegar solution.

In order to make a solution of boric acid, you need to add a tablespoon of this acid to a glass of water. Saturate the shiny place with the resulting composition, rinse the trousers after 30 minutes, dry and iron.

An unexpected use of wool and gasoline

Prepare a piece of wool and a dampened cotton cloth. Put wool on the lasses, cover with a damp cloth on top and heat with an iron until the cloth warms up well. This method makes the lashes less noticeable or eliminates them completely.

Removing shine with gasoline, you need to use a purified product. A woolen piece of cloth is wetted with gasoline and the patchy area is rubbed. Then this place should be sprinkled with salt and leave the trousers for two hours, and then clean the fabric with a brush. To eliminate the smell of gasoline, wipe the pants with ammonia.

Onions or potatoes

The onion must be chopped on a fine grater, rub the areas with shine with the resulting mass and leave the product for two hours. Or cut the onion into two parts and grate the product so that the fabric is well saturated with onion juice. To eliminate the smell, clothes should be washed and dried outdoors.

When removing the gloss with potatoes, the root crop is cut into two parts and the problem area is rubbed with the cut. The cut should be juicy, if it began to dry, then it needs to be updated. Pants must be dried without exposure to any heat devices. After drying, clean the product with a soft brush.

Black tea and baking soda

To remove shine from black trousers, tea is the best way, as it will give a matte finish. This method is very easy to use, takes a little time, so it is ideal for schoolchildren with their uniforms or employees of companies that have a dress code. Welding is necessary to wipe the lasses, then dry the trousers and iron them through wet gauze.

Baking soda is the most gentle way to remove shine. Suitable for any type of fabric. It is applied in two ways. First: add a teaspoon of soda to 200 ml of water, moisten a rag with the resulting solution and steam the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe trousers through it with an iron. Second: soda is mixed with water until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. Apply the mass on the hair and leave to dry completely. Then clean the trousers with a soft brush.

Methods for removing shine from socks

The second reason why there is a shine on the trousers is frequent wear. Basically, lasses appear on protruding places, namely on the buttocks, knees and hips. There are several ways to remove shine from socks from trousers. Which method is suitable for restoring the fabric depends on the degree of greasing and wear of the product.

In the fight against lasa from frequent wear, they will help to cope with:

Steaming against shine

Steaming is, in fact, the most effective way to remove grease from trousers, which, moreover, does not harm the fabric. Steam not only eliminates shine, but also levels the product on protruding places. The stretched fabric on the buttocks and knees returns to its original form after steaming. Steaming is a universal method. So you can remove the shine and on the back of the trousers, and on the sleeves of the jacket in the elbow area. It is important not to postpone this procedure for a long time, since steam can only cope with traces that are not deeply embedded in the fabric. Otherwise, this procedure will not give any results, and time will be wasted.

Steaming is done correctly on vertically hung trousers. To do this, use steam cleaners or an iron with strong steam supply. If such equipment is not available, you can fix the product on a hanger or on clothespins over boiling water for half an hour, while periodically removing moisture from the trousers with a brush and wiping the greasy areas. Gradually, in the process of steaming, the stain will completely disappear.

Flannel or newspaper to remove shine

When using a flannel napkin, it must be wetted with running water. Then fix the napkin on the problem area on the trousers and steam this place with an iron. After ironing, the product should be wiped with a soft clothes brush. Movement should be light, without pressure.

Using a newspaper is one of the easiest methods to get rid of grease, it was also used by our grandmothers and mothers when ironing school uniforms. The newspaper should be put on the trousers and ironed with a warm iron with light movements, paying more attention to the greasy areas. But this method has a little trick: in no case should you use a high temperature regime, otherwise the product will be irretrievably damaged, since the printing ink from the hot effect of the iron will be printed on the trousers.

How to apply sandpaper or pumice stone

When resorting to these means, it is important to know that they can only be used for trousers made of dense fabrics and in extreme cases, since their use thins the fabric structure and significantly reduces the life of the product. To get the result, you need to rub the glossy place with a pumice stone or sandpaper until the shine disappears.

Tea and gasoline not only remove shine from the iron, but also effectively eliminate greasy spots from frequent wear. They should be applied in the same way.

Attention, only TODAY!

Remove shine from trousers after ironing or after wearing is not so easy at home. Such glossy shiny marks appear on clothes due to the wrong ironing temperature, and, as a rule, do not look very pretty. Most often you can find them on the pope, on the knees or along the seams. It is not easy to remove them, but it is quite possible. To do this, you will need some ingredients that can be found in every home, as well as a little time and our article in which you will find recommendations. All this will help you to remove the shine on your trousers quickly and effectively.


The first way in which we will remove the shine on the trousers is very easy and effective steaming. To do this, you will need to do the following:

  • First you need to draw a sufficient amount of water into the pan, put it on the fire and wait until it boils.
  • Then you need to take the trousers from which you want to remove the shine, hang them without a trempel and fix them over the pan so that the steam gets exactly to the place where the trousers shine.
  • Wait for some time until the pants absorb moisture well, after which you can remove them and use a stiff brush to wipe the shiny places to remove the shine.
  • Now you can dry your pants naturally. To do this, they can be hung outside or on the balcony, and when they dry, you will see that the shiny traces have disappeared.

Using table vinegar

The next way, with which you can no less effectively remove shine on both black and light trousers, requires regular table vinegar. As you know, vinegar is our great helper not only in cooking, but also in the fight against all kinds of pollution. Here he can also help us remove the shine on the trousers. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  • Find a large, handy container with at least three liters of water.
  • Add one tablespoon of regular vinegar that you have in the house to the container. Nine percent is best, but any other will do.
  • The water in the container must be mixed, after which put trousers into the resulting solution, from which shiny traces should be removed.
  • After half an hour, the clothes must be removed from the solution, carefully unscrewed, and then sent to dry outside, after smoothing out all the folds with your hands.


Another of our good assistant in any problems of a domestic nature is ammonia, with the help of which most of the various contaminants on clothes are removed.

Caution: Before removing shine from trousers with this product, first test how it can affect the original color of your clothes on an inconspicuous piece of fabric.

Only after making sure that the ammonia will not cause harm, you can proceed to remove the shine from the trousers. And you can do it in the following way:

  • In one glass of water at room temperature, dilute two tablespoons of ammonia, after which the contents of the glass must be mixed well.
  • Now find a clean soft sponge, moisten it with the resulting product and gently wipe the shiny parts of the trousers with it.
  • After that, you should take the iron, put the trousers on the ironing board, cover them with gauze and iron them carefully, setting the temperature on the iron to a little below average.
  • When the pants are dry, they are ready to use.

Among other things, no one has canceled the miraculous effect of the use of vegetables. You can also remove shine on trousers with onions or potatoes. To do this, each of the vegetables must be peeled or peeled, and then chopped with a blender. Apply the resulting slurry to the trousers in those places where you need to remove the shine, and leave for two hours. After the specified time has elapsed, the gruel should be removed from the trousers, washed in the usual way and allowed to dry. After that, the shiny marks will disappear from your clothes.

Remove shine from dark trousers

And now let's look at a way by which you can remove the shine only on black or dark trousers. This means that this method is not suitable for light-colored clothes, since ugly spots may remain after it. So, to remove the shine from the iron from black trousers, you need to do the following:

  • To get started, you will need to go to a hardware store and purchase specially refined gasoline there. You should never use a regular one, as it contains substances that can damage the fabric of your trousers, while leaving a stain from the iron in place.
  • Now take a piece of woolen cloth and moisten it with refined gasoline.
  • With a piece of woolen cloth soaked in gasoline, it is necessary to carefully treat those places from which the shine from the iron should be removed.
  • After that, soak your trousers in clean water with lemon juice or citric acid added, and then wash as usual.

As you can see, removing glitter from pants at home is not that difficult. You just need to know what tool to use for this, and then the result will impress you.

In order not to rack your brains over how to remove shine from trousers, it is necessary to ensure that the item of clothing is properly cared for. Too frequent wear or violation of the basic rules for ironing products can lead to the appearance of gloss marks on the surface of the fabric.

It is not difficult to get rid of it, but if the problem occurs too often, the process of fiber wear will accelerate several times. Sooner or later, the thing will no longer be subject to restoration, even if its service life is calculated in just a few months.

Causes of the appearance of gloss on the fabric of trousers and methods for preventing the phenomenon

With too active wear, the most vulnerable areas of the product first of all suffer: knees, inner and back of the thighs, buttocks. Given the increased mechanical impact, these areas must be treated with extreme caution. Improper ironing is different in that the gloss is distributed evenly over the entire surface.

If in the first case you just need to reduce the frequency of operation of the product, then in the second you will have to think about how to remove the shine from the iron. This can be done in the following ways:

  1. Processing of garments can only be carried out through a layer of gauze or a piece of cotton fabric.
  2. Add a little vinegar to a container of water (no more than half a teaspoon). This will not damage the fabric in any way, but the gloss will stop appearing.
  3. If the texture of the fabric allows, then it is better to iron it from the wrong side.

In addition, the sole of the iron must be regularly cleaned and degreased, otherwise it will not be possible to prevent unpleasant consequences even with the help of barrier methods.

Removing signs of gloss from the surface of matter

In order to get rid of the unnatural shine of the fabric in one approach, experienced housewives recommend the following methods:

  • Steaming. We hang the garment in a straightened state and process it with a steam cleaner or a powerful iron. Then we brush off the remaining moisture with a soft brush and dry the fabric thoroughly in the fresh air.

Tip: In the case of delicate fabrics, it is better to carry out general processing rather than local processing. We place the product over a bowl of boiling water or hang it in a steamed bathroom. For the rest, we strictly follow the instructions.

  • Application of vinegar. There are several ways to remove shine from trousers with vinegar. If the traces are insignificant, then the trousers are soaked in a very weak acetic solution or rubbed with a woolen cloth soaked in it. With more serious manifestations of the problem, you need to prepare a composition, one part consisting of water and two parts of vinegar. Pour the product into the iron and iron the trousers.
  • Cleaning with laundry soap. We are preparing a not very concentrated composition from a small amount of soap chips, the product must completely dissolve. We moisten gauze in the liquid, through which we iron the areas where the gloss is noticeable. The effectiveness of the approach will increase if the fabric is first slightly moistened with water and lemon juice or vinegar.

  • Treatment of problem areas with ammonia. Helps to quickly and without unnecessary movements to get rid of shine. We take two tablespoons of ammonia per liter of water, moisten a napkin in the liquid and go through the problem areas. Next, iron the fabric with a slightly warm iron through paper or fabric.
  • The use of gasoline. In the most difficult cases, it is recommended to do the following. We moisten the woolen cloth in refined gasoline, impregnate problem areas with it (it is advisable to lay a trouser leg with something). We wipe the formed wet zones with a napkin soaked in a weak solution of ammonia. Then we wash the trousers in the traditional way, dry and iron according to all the rules. Before ironing, once shiny areas should be additionally treated with a soft clothes brush to restore the position of the villi.
  • Effective black tea. Allows you to get rid of unwanted marks on dark fabrics without affecting its color. We prepare a strong decoction of the product, cool to a comfortable temperature. We moisten the fabric in it, go through the shiny areas. Then, without washing, dry the product and iron it through cheesecloth. If necessary, repeat the approach.

If the shine does not go away even after such manipulations, you can try to treat the contaminated areas with pumice and only then re-apply one of the methods. But this is an option for the most extreme case, because it leads to thinning of the fibers. In some cases, it is better to go to a dry cleaner than to experiment on your own.

Gloss will definitely return after a while, if the process of caring for trousers is not established. And each time it will be more and more difficult to eliminate it, and the positive result will no longer be as obvious as the first time.