How to take care of sensitive scalp? Sensitive scalp

Having healthy, beautiful hair is a daily hard work. After all, not everyone manages to keep the scalp normal, which in turn affects the condition and appearance of the hair. The sensitivity of the epidermis of the head is so pronounced that even the slightest touch to the hair can deliver a lot of discomfort. The skin of the head turns red and peeling is observed, which largely has a negative impact on attractiveness.

Main causes and symptoms

Symptoms in sensitive scalp have similar features with the manifestations of many other pathological diseases of the epidermis. So, for example, ordinary dandruff is freely sprinkled, which cannot be said about keratinized scales that stick to the surface of the head when the skin becomes sensitive. There is also redness of the scalp, a constant feeling of itching and tightness.

Experts identify several causes of scalp sensitivity. The process of sebum secretion is disrupted, which often leads to itching. The impact of one or more factors affects the condition of the skin. These include:

  • constant stressful situations;
  • environmental pollution (emissions of harmful chemicals into the atmosphere);
  • malnutrition;
  • mechanical damage to the scalp;
  • hormonal disruptions in the body as a result, for example, of the birth of a child;
  • prolonged wearing of motorcycle helmets, wigs, tight hats and other headgear;
  • vitamin deficiency in the body;
  • wrong shampoo;
  • frequent use of a hair dryer to dry or style hair;
  • use of chlorinated water;
  • stay for a long period of time under the scorching sun.

It is easy to make sure that the scalp is really sensitive. It is enough, after taking water procedures, to carefully part the hair into a parting and visually check for any traces of irritation or redness.

Proper care

Sensitive scalp today is quite common. Of course, to solve the problem that has arisen, you should contact an experienced dermatologist who, after a visual examination and additional examinations, will be able to make an accurate diagnosis for further therapy.

The primary task is to exclude factors that could provoke the manifestation of skin sensitivity. It is important to provide proper hair care to maintain health and beauty. There are unwritten rules, following which you can restore the structure of curls, improving the scalp:

  • it is recommended to wash your hair not with hot, but with warm water, since a liquid of high temperatures can provoke irritation and dry out the skin;
  • from the use of shampoos, as a result of the use of which there are unpleasant sensations (peeling, itching, tightness of the skin), it is worth refusing immediately;
  • hair care products should be chosen special, giving preference to natural ones with a moisturizing effect. Pharmacies sell shampoo for sensitive scalp, the main properties of which are to reduce irritation and cleanse the skin. As a rule, they are absolutely safe, which makes it possible to use them for pregnant women and newborn babies. In parallel, you can use drugs that strengthen the hair;
  • with a certain frequency, it is recommended to use hair masks. Everyone makes their own choice of a product that best suits their hair type. The main thing is that the mask should contain nutrients that moisturize the epidermis and be hypoallergenic;
  • once or twice a week it is necessary to conduct massage sessions of the scalp. For this purpose, it is better to use preparations based on natural ingredients;
  • it is important to completely abandon the use of hair dryers, irons, curling irons and other appliances. Their thermal effect negatively affects the condition of the hair and scalp;
  • for combing hair, it is better to take a brush with natural and fairly thick bristles;
  • periodically give hair a rest from hairpins and elastic bands;
  • be sure to wear a protective headgear when exposed to the sun for a long time;
  • stick to proper nutrition. It is important to consume as many fruits, vegetables, cereals as possible. Exclude fatty, spicy, smoked and flour dishes from the diet;
  • try to avoid stressful situations. Do yoga, do meditation sessions.

Everyone's healing process takes place at a different time. Some forget about the disease already on the second day of treatment. For others, it takes a week. The most important thing is to purposefully achieve the goal.

Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the hair in the winter. After all, during the heating period, the air in the room dries out and the normal microflora of the scalp is disturbed. A kind of dehydration of the hair occurs, the curls become brittle, and the ends simply begin to exfoliate, which is unacceptable. An integrated approach to solving this problem will always allow you to have strong hair and healthy scalp.

  • Why you need scalp care
  • Proper scalp and hair care
  • 5 rules for hair and scalp care
  • Scalp care tips
  • Overview of funds

Why do you need scalp care

The skin on the head is no less delicate and sensitive than on the face. And needs no less maintenance. Its absence will sooner or later affect the quality of the hair. What other factors affect the health of the scalp and hair?

Hair health depends on the condition of the scalp © IStock


“Stress, tension, emotional instability - all this not only injures our nervous system, but also disrupts tissue trophism, causing fibrosis around the hair follicles and hair loss,” explains Elena Eliseeva, Vichy medical expert. - In addition, stressful situations provoke changes in the synthesis of sebum. All this is not the best way to affect the health of the scalp and hair.

Unbalanced diet

Rigid diets, unbalanced nutrition, drinking disorders, as well as smoking and alcohol do not benefit the scalp.

Deficiency of vitamins and microelements

Substances obtained by the body from food, as well as dietary supplements and vitamin complexes, reach the skin and hair last. Just be aware of this if you decide to neglect care, reassuring yourself with the phrase “well, I take vitamins.”

Styling products

On the one hand, styling products are protection against the drying effect of thermal styling devices and the negative effects of the environment. On the other hand, they accumulate on the scalp and, mixing with particles of dirt and sebum, create problems for the growth of healthy hair. Regular exfoliation will help.


Cold wind and low temperatures in winter supercool the scalp, which leads to a spasm of superficial capillaries, which means that it deprives the hair follicles of nutrition. This leads to a lack of vitamins and, as a result, problems in the form of:

  • dry hair,

    tip sections.

In summer, ultraviolet radiation affects the hair and scalp. It loosens the hair cuticle, and its core becomes dry.

The scalp is sensitive to the weather © iStock


“Hair is a marker of the state of the body,” says Elena Eliseeva. - If they fall out, become dry and brittle for no apparent reason, visit a therapist. Failures in the work of the body lead to a deterioration in the structure of the hair, the sebaceous glands cease to perform their functions in full. Possible reasons for this condition may be:

    infectious diseases;

    high fever for several days;

    diseases of internal organs, often these are helminthiases or long-term inflammatory processes;

    taking certain medications - immunomodulators disrupt the functioning of hair follicles, and powerful hormonal drugs sometimes provoke hair loss.

Proper scalp and hair care

The basic rules of care are regularity and properly selected cosmetics.

  1. 1

    Wash your hair as it gets dirty. Rules like "wash every day" or, conversely, "once every three days" do not exist.

  2. 2

    Do not use too hot or cold water. The best option is 37–38 ° C.

  3. 3

    Choose a shampoo according to the condition of your hair, type of scalp, existing problems.

  4. 4

    Use a balm it closes the scales of the hair and facilitates combing.

  5. 5

    Make a mask for hair 2-3 times a week.

  6. 6

    Apply to ends leave-in products based on oils and silicones.

Choose your shampoo according to indications © iStock

Each of these products has its own mission.

    Shampoo and peeling agent are used for gentle and deep cleansing.

    The conditioner makes hair smooth.

    Balm and mask are aimed at healing the hair and scalp.

    Leave-in products enhance the effect of other care products, remove static electricity, protect the tips from the thermal effects of a hair dryer, flat iron and curling iron.

5 hair and scalp care tips

If the scalp is healthy, it does not require special care. It is enough to monitor your health in general:

    adhere to the rules of a healthy diet;

    observe the drinking regime (drink clean non-carbonated water at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight per day);

    avoid prolonged exposure to the sun or frost.

But for residents of the metropolis, such a case is a rarity. Therefore, we recommend that you take our advice into service.

1. Moisturize

One of the most common problems of the inhabitants of the stone jungle is too dry scalp due to violations of the barrier functions of the skin.

Your actions: use leave-in lotions with a moisturizing effect after cleansing the skin and hair - they will help restore the pH balance. Look for amino acids, oils, wheat proteins in the composition.

2. Exfoliate

Exfoliation is an extremely important and necessary procedure for those who cannot imagine their life without styling products. It is almost impossible to wash off their remnants from the scalp, so it is recommended to peel once or twice a month.

Your actions: use cleansing masks, shampoos, special products for deep cleansing based on AHA acids. Apply the product to the skin, distribute with massaging movements. Massage will help improve blood circulation and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair follicles.

3. Night care

While we are resting, the scalp restores damaged cells, improves all their life support systems.

Your actions: before going to bed, apply a mask, special night care or oil to your hair and scalp.

4. Massage

Pleasant sensations are a bonus effect of scalp massage, the main tasks of which are:

    relieve tension;

    help improve blood circulation;

    nourish the hair follicles.

Your actions: massage with fingertips or a massage comb. Session time is 10-15 minutes.

5. Hair oil

Oils strengthen, moisturize, restore, smooth hair. By creating an invisible film on the hair, they protect them from the aggressive effects of the environment. But with this tool, the main thing is not to overdo it - apply it in a small amount.

Apply oil to wet hair © iStock

Your actions: oil is applied along the entire length of the hair, without affecting the scalp. If the hair is wet, the oil will nourish it and make it softer, if it is dry, it will add shine. Rub a couple of drops of oil in your palms and distribute along the length of your hair.

Peeling of the scalp, the appearance of irritation or redness on the head is not always associated with allergies or seborrhea, hypersensitivity can give such symptoms.

This problem is no less serious than the sudden appearance of dandruff, experts do not recommend leaving it unattended and proper treatment.

Causes of high skin sensitivity, symptoms of the disease

According to experts, dehydration is the main cause of the problem of skin peeling. The thinning or complete disappearance of the lipid-fat layer leads to a very rapid evaporation of moisture from all layers of the scalp, as a result, its surface loses its natural protection from various types of irritants. A serious threat to the health of the scalp is fraught with:
- constant mechanical and thermal impact during hair styling,
- drastic climate change
- diseases of the endocrine system and hormonal disruptions,
- chemical exposure during hair coloring,
- lack of vitamins,
- aggressive exposure to ultraviolet rays on the head.

Scalp sensitivity can occur in people with any type of hair. Among the symptoms of the disease, experts note:
- burning and itching of the scalp,
- constant feeling of discomfort in the scalp area,
- dryness and flaking of the scalp,
- frequent inflammation, redness on the surface of the scalp.

If these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. In order not to confuse this disease with others, you should know a few special differences in the increased sensitivity of the skin on the head.

Features of the disease of hypersensitivity of the skin:

1. If, with dandruff, crumbling skin particles are quite large and are located all over the head, then with increased sensitivity they are very small, hold well, appear, as a rule, along the edge of the entire hairline, including at the temples and the back of the head.

2. Sensitivity of the scalp shows its symptoms for a long time, while an allergic reaction to care products, or styling, disappears a few days after the cessation of exposure to irritants.

3. Increased sensitivity of the scalp can lead to a change in the type of the scalp: excessive dryness and tightness stimulates the sebaceous glands, and the hair begins to quickly grow oily.

The main methods of treatment of hypersensitivity of the scalp

The most dangerous option, when the above symptoms appear, is self-medication. It is impossible to allow the use of products that treat dandruff or oily scalp - their action is based on components that cause drying of the skin, which in this case is unacceptable. Further drying of the dermis can lead to the appearance of small wounds, redness or cracks on its surface, which will contribute to infection in the deeper layers of the scalp. Improper treatment, or lack of it, can cause dandruff, hair loss. Whether it is necessary to remind, what timely begun treatment will be more effective.

What therapeutic measures should be taken to eliminate the negative consequences of increased sensitivity of the scalp
Treatment should begin with a visit to a trichologist who will determine the causes of the disease and recommend the necessary measures to restore the water-lipid balance of the dermis. As a treatment, products that help restore the skin, moisturize, nourish and soothe can be used.

A good effect is the use of products and ointments containing:
- calophyllum oil, which contributes to the elimination of inflammatory processes,
- aloe vera extract, which enhances the protective function of the dermis,
- Peppermint extract, which has a calming and cooling effect,
- glycerin, which activates the process of skin regeneration,
- piroctone olamine, which restores blood circulation and causes exfoliation of scales,
- lavender, shea, jojoba oils, designed to restore and eliminate discomfort,
- a unique Ps21 molecule that helps relieve spasm of blood vessels.

One of the most difficult problems among people visiting beauty salons is problematic or sensitive scalp.
It's hard to understand how sensitive she is. Any type of skin can be more or less sensitive when exposed to certain changes.
But many hairdressing clients think their skin is sensitive, even if there is no sign of it.
This article will help you find out what it feels like to have a really problematic scalp, and what tips you should heed regarding this.
Many studies have shown that most adults believe they have a sensitive scalp.
There are many symptoms. Most often it is dandruff, tightness of the skin, redness, itching, the presence of areas with inflammation. These symptoms appear in people at different times, they can be confused with allergies.
There is skin sensitivity from birth, but it can be acquired over time.

The main signs appear after you wash your hair, the skin may turn red, start to itch. Sometimes the skin remains red for several days. Sometimes different climate conditions can cause skin irritation. Some people develop an allergic skin reaction to alcohol, certain foods, and cosmetics. During a stressful period, sensitivity can increase. If a person has five of these symptoms, their scalp is really sensitive.

Many people have increased sensitivity of the scalp due to the fact that they often use chemicals, hair dyes. Others use the wrong hair care products.
The protective layer is lipids and fatty compounds. When moisture is lost, the skin is open to harmful substances. Therefore, there is irritation, burning, itching and redness of the skin, tightness, dandruff.
So if your hair needs daily washing, use a mild shampoo. Do not use styling products containing alcohol. Instead, use waxes, sprays, and conditioners that don't need to be rinsed off.
If you're experiencing persistent itchy skin, you may have a fungal infection. Its main signs are red skin and large flakes of dandruff.
If you have an oily scalp, it is perfect for fungus to grow and multiply. If you complain of itching, you should make an appointment with a dermatologist.

Consult a trichologist about the hair care complex you need to use. Don't delay with this. This doctor specializes in scalp and hair growth problems.
Unfortunately, problematic scalp does not only cause severe discomfort and anxiety. This is a disease that can lead to serious consequences - baldness, etc.

When the scalp turns red and begins to peel off, many blame it on dandruff or an allergic reaction. However, often these symptoms signal a completely different ailment - an increased sensitivity of the scalp. If you let the situation take its course, hoping that everything will pass by itself, it will not get better. However, the same applies to self-medication. On the contrary, with these tactics of behavior, you can easily acquire a more serious disease, and at the same time lose a considerable part of your hair.

Test: "How to determine that the scalp is sensitive"?

Tests are not only in psychology. An example is the following list of statements.

1) After shampooing (both with shampoo and without it) - the skin turns red and itches;

2) Redness persists from several hours to several days;

3) When cold or hot, irritation of the scalp appears;

4) Drinking alcohol and/or certain foods also causes itching and redness;

5) The same problems are observed under stress;

6) Such symptoms annoy several times a month.

If you find at least three signs in yourself, you should contact a trichologist and start treatment.

Isn't it dandruff? Or maybe an allergy?

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, many people confuse hypersensitivity with other scalp conditions. So, peeling is often mistaken for a symptom of dandruff, and redness and itching are often mistaken for allergies. In order not to be mistaken, you should know a number of differences.

Dandruff, as you know, is not the most aesthetically pleasing sight. With this disease, rather large particles cover the entire surface of the head - moreover, often, having separated, they also fall on clothes. With sensitive scalp, peeling manifests itself in the thinnest areas - along the edge of the hairline, in the temporal regions, as well as on the lower part of the back of the head. The main thing is that keratinized scales always remain on the skin. Thus, in this case, there will be no white "flakes" on the clothes.

Now a few words about allergic reactions. So, this is a temporary phenomenon, which will soon pass. Irritation from the wrong shampoo or styling product disappears after a couple of days (of course, in the absence of an irritant). In the case when the scalp is sensitive, itching and redness will not recede so easily. In other words, overly “tender” skin reacts to a much larger number of stimuli.

By the way, in some cases, sensitivity can lead to a change in the type of scalp. Dry and tight, it enhances the activity of the sebaceous glands in order to somehow protect its surface. As a result, the hair gets dirty faster and becomes greasy.

In the above situations, most people self-medicate. And they often go the wrong way, using anti-dandruff shampoos that contain zinc, or products for oily scalps that contain drying ingredients.

Irritated scalp from such manipulations begins to dry even more, itch and peel off, in addition, wounds may appear on it, opening access to bacteria in the "holy of holies" - the deep layers of the dermis. As a result, such an erroneous approach can cause dandruff or cause hair loss.

Why does the scalp become sensitive?

There is no definite answer to this question. Excessively sensitive skin can disturb a person from birth or, which is more common, occur later under the influence of external or internal factors.

So, the reason, the “start” button, can be a hormonal failure, beriberi, the use of inappropriate hair care products, mechanical or thermal damage during styling, and also chemical damage during dyeing. This list is incomplete, and often also contribute: a sharp change in climate, exposure to the sun, dry air from radiators, or the presence of an endocrine disease. So owners of any type of hair can suffer from sensitive scalp.

Trichologists call the main factor in increasing the sensitivity of the skin - dehydration. Under the influence of one or more reasons, the dermis loses its lipid-fat layer, and moisture quickly evaporates. The sad result is that the skin, like a soldier without body armor, becomes defenseless against external factors. So, with the usual washing of the hair or staying in the cold without a hat, a whole series of unpleasant symptoms occurs. Burning, itching, redness, and flaking of the scalp are hardly capable of delivering joy.

To summarize: sensitive scalp is skin in which blood circulation is enhanced, but the protective properties and degree of moisture, on the contrary, are weakened.

What to do or how to treat?

To win, you will need to restore two balances of the scalp: hydro-lipid and water. The rehabilitation process should consist of proper home care and a visit to a trichologist. The specialist will help to find out the cause that led to the problem, if necessary, prescribe vitamins and a course of restorative procedures.

What should be effective beauty assistants?

Skin "with a fine mental organization" requires special care. Bathroom shelves should contain products containing moisturizing, regenerating, nourishing, and also soothing ingredients. These properties are:

Aloe vera - performs three tasks: it covers the skin with a protective film, while softening and moisturizing it.

Peppermint Extract – Contains menthol which is known to provide an instant cooling effect. This component helps to neutralize discomfort.

Calophyllum oil - relieves redness and itching.

Piroctone olamine - in small proportions enhances the exfoliation of dead cells, and also restores the process of optimal blood supply.

Glycerin is a powerful humectant.

Lavender extract - knocks out irritation, soothes sensitive scalp.

Jojoba, shea, macadamia oils moisturize the skin, while creating a protective film on its surface.

By the way, many women's forums recommend giving preference to shampoos and conditioners from children's lines for sensitive scalp. This advice is almost correct. Yes, since babies have very thin and delicate skin, which is also prone to allergic reactions, manufacturers make such products as safe as possible in terms of chemical composition (they do not add fragrances, parabens, or dyes). In addition, in children's shampoos - a neutral pH level.

So, back to our problem. Using baby shampoo will not get rid of it, but will only make the process of washing your hair more comfortable. Finally, products designed for babies do not clean hair of styling products well enough.

Shampoos, masks and lotions for sensitive scalp

Almost every self-respecting cosmetic brand produces a separate series designed specifically for owners of sensitive scalp.

So, the Italian brand Selective Professional offers just such a shampoo, SCALP SPECIFICS Lenitive Shampoo. The product, providing the most gentle cleansing, helps to restore the physiological hydro-lipid balance. In addition, the tool perfectly soothes irritated scalp.

The arsenal of the well-known company Londa also has a shampoo designed for skin with increased sensitivity. Sensitive Scalp Shampoo contains natural ingredients - jojoba oil and chamomile extract. The product, by the way, is perfect for hair that has just undergone chemical exposure.

Some brands, looking more broadly, offer owners of sensitive scalp an integrated approach. For example, the world's largest manufacturer Wella Professional has developed both a shampoo and a hair mask of the same name. Both products are fragrance-free.

And finally, completing the mini-tour of the products from the professional lines, one cannot fail to mention the trichological program from Helen Seward. The brand's arsenal includes a special line consisting of shampoo and soothing lotion, enriched with Mediterranean extracts. Means neutralize toxins and chemical agents, while stimulating skin regeneration.

Many are also interested in: is it possible to somehow reduce the irritation that often occurs during staining? With sensitive scalp, some add special protective and caring serums to the coloring mixture. For example, the Chromoenergetic Hair Complex from the domestic Estel Professional helps many to get rid of pain. HEK is 10 plastic ampoules, in which there is a protective emulsion containing natural ingredients and vitamins.

Postscript: What should you abstain from?

First of all, you need to give up aggressive cosmetic products for hair. Taboo - shampoos and conditioners, which include sulfates and parabens.

In addition, in the winter season, it is advisable, while indoors, to try to stay as far as possible from batteries and radiators, which have a dehydrating effect. And when going outside, one should not forget about a headdress - this accessory will protect the skin from frost and wind. In the summer, you should also not neglect hats or panamas - fortunately, some brands offer very stylish models.