How to sew in large jeans for women. How to sew jeans at home

If you have become large, your jeans. There is only one way out - they need to be sutured. The process is not complicated, and most importantly, it can be done at home, save your money. Next, consider the options for sewing.


How to sew jeans in the legs?

Currently, wide jeans are not in trend, skinny ones have replaced them. If you are a fashion connoisseur and stick to the latest, then you have repeatedly asked yourself the question - how can you turn wide jeans into skinny ones. Next, let's look at a few tips:

  • First you need to turn the jeans inside out, then put them on and use pins to select a place for sewing, do not forget to leave two or three centimeters - a margin in case the jeans fit.
  • Take off your jeans, draw a line between the pins, then put them back on and adjust if needed. Next, remove and leave the jeans inside out.
  • We carefully place our jeans on the table where the sewing machine stands, make sure that our drawn line is even. For a straight seam.
  • Next we need a needle and thread. We begin to draw a line neatly along the line. We do the same with the second part of the jeans.
  • We put on our jeans, if you feel comfortable and you like this stitching, then we move on to the final stage.
  • We take off our jeans. Inside, cut off the rest of the fabric with scissors, while leaving 1-1.5 cm of fabric from the seam. After cutting off, you need to make a second line.

At first, this procedure may seem complicated to you. If you are afraid to take on the sewing of your gins yourself, ask an experienced person for help or take it to the atelier. But there is another option, practice on cheap jeans, which are not so pathetic. You will gain experience and it will not be so scary to sew in your favorite jeans.

How to sew jeans in the waist?

Jeans are sewn according to established standards, so they look less attractive on girls with an imperfect figure. There is only one way out - you need to sew them in so that they sit on your waist like a glove. Next, consider the phased stitching at home:

  • If the jeans are 2-3 centimeters larger than the waist, then here you can buy a wide elastic band. Gently sew into the inside of the jeans, in the waist area.
  • If the jeans are larger than the waist by 3-7 centimeters, then it is necessary to take them in. First you need to rip the belt in the back of the jeans.
  • Then turn your jeans inside out and put them on. Next, you need to highlight with pins the undercut, which is located at the back, for this, ask someone who will be next to you. Make sure the undercut is straight.
  • The next step - you need to take off your jeans and the selected area, you need to flash it. Further, where it was stitched, it is necessary to iron it. Then, taking the thread, fix the undercut from the outside.
  • Next, you need to cut the belt and rip off the middle loop. Cut off the excess parts. Then we sew our cut off belt with jeans. The resulting seam is hidden with a loop.

We have considered one of the ways. Also, there is a more laborious and time consuming method compared to the previous one. The following is a step by step guide:

  • First you need to open the loop, which is located at the back in the center. It is also necessary to open the belt from the central seam in both directions, about eight to nine centimeters. But this must be done carefully so as not to spoil the thing.
  • Next, we need to cut the seam, which is located between the legs, about ten centimeters. For those who do not know, this seam is also called a step stitch.
  • Then all seams must be ironed.
  • The next step is to pin the middle seam to avoid further displacement. Next, turn our jeans inside out and pin all the seams inside with pins.
  • When all the seams are fixed from the inside, you can remove the pins from the outside. Then you need to steam the seams.
  • Further, stepping back from the middle seam two centimeters, draw a line with a pencil, you should get something like a triangle.
  • Then you need to make one line along the line, if everything is fine, then we sew the step seam inside with a single line, and outside we make a double line.
  • After the belt has been cut into two equal parts, it is necessary to attach it to the jeans and see if there is excess fabric, it must be removed. When the threads and the remnants of the fabric are removed, you need to carefully make a line and the jeans are ready.

The proposed option is suitable for people who are confident in their abilities, because if you have never sewn things, then you need to use the first method. There is a high chance that the item will be damaged. But if you use the second method, the result of the work is guaranteed to be of high quality.

How to sew jeans down a size?

If you like to diet, and the diet is working, then you may have problems with your wardrobe. This method is designed to reduce the size of jeans. Consider a step by step guide:

  • The first thing you can do is wash your jeans in the machine at 95 C and then put a cold spin. These actions should be repeated twice in a row. After putting the jeans on the battery. You will get the expected effect, but jeans can stretch over time. Therefore, this procedure must be repeated again.
  • Another one hundred percent way is suturing. It is necessary to turn the jeans inside out, mark with pins on the side, the place that will be cut off. Next, you need to draw a line along the marked place and make a line along the line, you can manually, since then we will cut this line.
  • Then you need to put on jeans, check that everything fits, you are comfortable in them. Remove jeans and cut off excess fabric. Then on the typewriter we make a double line.
  • There is also the easiest way - this is suturing with the help of side seams. On the back of the jeans on the sides you need to make cuts. After that, you secure the future seam with pins. Make a temporary line. Measure jeans, if everything is fine, cut off an unnecessary piece of fabric and make a double stitch on a sewing machine.

In conclusion: there is a way out of any situation, if you still have your jeans, but you have become smaller or another fashion has come, then, depending on the situation, using the above methods, you can save your favorite jeans, while you can save money. If you sew up your jeans, you will be at home. You will not only gain experience, but also the pleasure of work, as well as pride in yourself.


Sometimes there are situations when the clothes purchased in the store do not fit perfectly on your figure. This happens due to the fact that all wardrobe items are made according to certain standards. Jeans bought in a store can be sewn in at home, but for this you need to have basic needlework skills and, of course, make some effort. In our article, we will look at how to sew in jeans on the sides at home.

Important Points

Before considering ways to help sew in jeans, it is necessary to study some of the most important nuances.

Important! Jeans are much more difficult to sew on than trousers.

Let's dwell on the main information that you need to know in order to properly sew the product:

  • The main problem is the finishing seams, which are made with a contrasting thread on jeans. Sometimes it is very difficult to reproduce their texture and color. But if you show patience and spend some time choosing the threads of the desired tone, then there will be no significant difference.
  • As a rule, jeans are made of a fairly dense material, respectively - the seams on this product are very thick. Not every home sewing machine is capable of stitching a denim seam, since not all household machines are designed for such a load. Therefore, you will have to sew some parts of the seams manually.
  • For exactly the same reason, there is no need to copy the denim seam “in the lock”. It is quite reasonable to use its imitation.
  • And the very last moment - it is necessary to start sewing in jeans only when you need to reduce the product by one size, or in extreme cases, sew in clothes by two sizes. Only in this case, a rather painstaking and time-consuming task will be justified by your efforts.

How to sew jeans on the sides, in the legs?

If you've shed a few pounds or are fed up with the recently fashionable flared jeans, you can take them in. As a result of such a home repair, you will have new skinny jeans. In order to properly sew in your favorite product and get a fashionable thing, you need to use certain secrets.

Work materials

Before starting repair work, you should prepare the necessary materials:

  • sewing pins;
  • bar of soap;
  • needle with thread;
  • sewing machine.

Master class

How to sew jeans on the sides at home? The instruction will be as follows:

  • We put on jeans turned inside out and with sewing pins outline the area that should be sutured. At the same time, we leave 1.5-2 cm in reserve so that after washing there is a possibility of shrinkage of the product.
  • We take off the jeans and put them on the table, carefully aligning them.

Important! Clothing must necessarily lie flat, otherwise the line will mow.

  • We prepare a small bar of white soap and sharpen its edge. We circle the areas near the pins with soap, which will help make measurements more accurate.
  • We sweep the edges of the trousers along the marked lines with a thread with a needle, while orienting ourselves along the pin, since the laid lines should pass exactly along the measurement lines.
  • Trying on ripped jeans. If there is no doubt about the preliminary sewing and the clothes fit perfectly on you, then we remove the trousers and proceed to the final sewing process.
  • We cut off the excess part of the trousers, which is located behind the intended area and sew the product on a sewing machine.
  • We sew the edges of the trousers with a zigzag or overlock.

Important! For the first time, such a procedure can be quite difficult for you. Therefore, if you have an expensive product, you should practice on cheaper clothes. When you perfectly cope with the task and fill your hand well, it will not be difficult for you to carry out such repair work.

How to sew jeans in the waist?

Sometimes a situation arises when jeans “sit” on the hips just according to the figure, but in the waist area they are big and ugly bristle. In a similar situation, minor repairs are also needed. The presence of a sewing machine helps to independently solve this problem.

Reducing the size with an elastic band

What if the jeans are big at the waist? If you need to take in no more than 2-3 cm along the waist line, then in this case an elastic band can save the situation.

Important! If you decide to insert an elastic band at the waist, then you need to know some features of choosing the length of the part. In order for the elastic to be the correct length, before sewing it on, you need to measure yourself around the waist. In jeans, the sewn-in part should be 3-5 cm less than the waist. When you put on jeans, the elastic band stretches and gets the right length.

How to sew jeans in the waist area:

  1. We buy a wide elastic band in the store.
  2. On the belt of jeans from the wrong side we make two cuts.
  3. We pass a pin through the elastic band and stretch it along the entire length of the belt.
  4. Gently sew the elastic to the belt, while paying special attention to the cut points.
  5. Trying on jeans.

If the elastic band is the correct length, then the repair is completed and you can wear your favorite clothes.

Downsizing with darts

If the jeans at the waist are so large that it is necessary to reduce the waist circumference from 3 to 7 cm, then in this case it will take a little more time, since the repair procedure takes more effort and is more laborious.

In order to sew jeans at the waist, you must perform the following steps:

  1. First, we steam the belt from behind between the side seams of the product.
  2. Turn jeans inside out.
  3. We put on the trousers turned inside out and pay attention to the tucks located behind. They must be pierced with pins. The main condition for this is that they should be located at a uniform distance from the middle seam of the product.
  4. Remove the jeans and carefully stitch the marked tucks.
  5. The stitched part is carefully ironed.
  6. We select the threads of the desired color and fix the tuck from the outside, while laying a line along the entire length.
  7. On the ripped belt, use scissors to steam the middle belt loop.
  8. In the middle line, cut the belt in half.
  9. We attach the belt to the product and measure the waist.
  10. Cut off the excess.
  11. We sew the newly formed belt.
  12. Sew the belt to the trousers again and close the middle seam with a loop

Size reduction with stitches

Consider another way that allows you to reduce your product by several sizes. This method will take much more effort and time, but you will like the result, as the jeans will fit perfectly on your figure.

How to shrink jeans at the waist:

  • Determine how big your jeans are.
  • Rip off the loop at the back.
  • We rip the belt in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe middle seam, while on each side we rip about 10 cm.
  • We rip the seam located between the legs by 10 cm. Such a seam is called a step seam.
  • We rip the middle seam, but we will not unfold it, because with the slightest inaccurate movements it can move.
  • On the front side, we pin this seam with sewing pins.
  • We fix all the seams from the inside with pins in the same way. Then remove all fasteners from the front side of the product.
  • We steam the seams well with an iron.
  • We put the legs in such a way that they fit into each other. We retreat from the middle seam 2 cm and draw a line to form a triangle.

Important! If you did everything correctly, then the drawn line will run clearly along the waist.

  • We lay a line along the drawn line and overcast the edge with a zigzag or using an overlock.
  • From the wrong side, we sew up the step seam with one line. On the front side we lay a double line. In this case, the threads must be matched to the tone of the main line.
  • Cut the belt in half.
  • We attach the belt to the sewn-in trousers and remove the excess part.
  • We sew the belt from the front side, iron it and compare it with jeans.
  • Fasten with sewing pins and carefully sew.

Jeans with a sewn in waist are ready!

How to sew jeans down a size?

When you lose extra pounds, of course, your mood improves, but along with this, you also get problems with your wardrobe. First of all, jeans suffer, because fashion dictates its own conditions, and they are worn exclusively according to the figure. If the jeans have become large, while the increase in clothing has occurred by only one size, then this situation is quite fixable. How to sew jeans on the sides at home without a sewing machine? In some ways, it is not even necessary to sew anything at all.

Size reduction with washing

The easiest way is an ordinary wash:

  1. In the washing machine, we set the program with a temperature regime that corresponds to 95 degrees.
  2. We load jeans into the drum of the washing unit and start the program.
  3. This washing procedure must be repeated twice. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that cold water does not enter the product.
  4. When the washing equipment enters the cold rinse cycle, the process must be stopped.
  5. Jeans washed in this way should be dried on a hot radiator or a steam dryer should be used.

Important! This method is quite productive, but in the process of wearing, after a certain time, the jeans stretch again, and you will again have to repeat this procedure again.

One of the most effective ways to downsize your jeans is to sew them in. You can alter denim trousers at a clothing repair shop, but this method will be more expensive.

Sewing jeans at home is quite difficult without some experience. This is due to the complex cut of the trousers. However, with a sewing machine and minimal skills in working with it, this can still be done.

Start reducing the size should be from the legs. It is necessary to open the seam in those places where the jeans need to be reduced. When trying on, you should note the required leg width with safety pins or a couple of basting stitches.

In order for the sewing machine stitch to be even, the seams must first be sewn

To sew the legs of jeans, it is necessary to pick up threads of the same color and thickness with which all the outer seams of the trousers are stitched, and thread them into the sewing machine. As a rule, the line on jeans is double, and in order for the stitched-in places to not differ from the rest of the seams, it must be reproduced.

To reduce jeans at the waist, you need to take them in from the sides, after rebuffing the belt. After the operation, the belt should also be shortened and returned to its original place.

If the denim pants have become large in the hips, then you will need to additionally rip the line passing through the buttocks.

Ways to narrow jeans

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How to shrink denim pants at home with other methods

If jeans need to be reduced by just one size, then you can try to do this by washing at a high temperature. Pre-soak the trousers in hot water, wash by setting the lever of the washing machine to 60–90 degrees, wring out at high speeds. It is better to dry jeans in a horizontal position on a fabric that absorbs moisture well.

Washed jeans will shrink, but, unfortunately, the effect will not last long, after a day or two of wearing, they will stretch back to their original size.

Pants in this case will have to be washed quite often. Despite the rather high density of the fabric, due to constant washing, they can take on a slightly shabby look, lose color saturation.

So that denim pants do not have to be sewn in or washed to holes, you can just get a little better

Hello, dear readers of the site cutting and sewing site. Do jeans shrink? Certainly! And to sew in jeans along the side seams, this is the simplest thing that can be done. With the right approach, you can not even touch the rivet that secures the pocket near the side seam. It is also possible to sew in the belt. Believe it or not, jeans can even be enlarged at the waist. The belt in this case may remain "native". A belt is attached under the label in this case.

Can jeans be sewn in

So, you can sew in jeans. The question is how to get them. The proposed method is not quite standard. But first, let's see what happened before and what happens after.

Let's save abandoned flared jeans by making some kind of skinny out of them. Yes, just sew them on the sides. It makes no sense to do this on beautiful jeans. Better experiment with pants for which there is no feeling. who no longer receive any love.

Step 1: Turn Jeans Inside Out

By the way, it looks funny.

Step 2: Determine the allowance to be removed.

  1. Pull excess fabric towards the side seam.
  2. Starting from the knee line and to the bottom cut, using pinning, pick up excess fabric.
  3. Both legs should look something like this

Step 3: Lay out the jeans

Carefully remove jeans (there are needles).

If there are jeans to look up to, then they can act as a template when comparing how the legs are pinned up. Just layer them on top and compare. The photo shows that the pins are pierced a little more than the template jeans. It's even good and normal. It is better to leave more. Big things can always be made small. You also need to focus on how the fabric stretches.

We smooth out all wrinkles. To sew in jeans along the side seams carefully, smooth out wrinkles from the side seam to the step. You may need to pierce a few pins. Main, make sure that the future seam along the entire length has no wrinkles.

Step 4: Draw the Seam Line

Using a ruler, create a straight line passing through the chipping points. At some point, the line will intersect with an existing seam. The transition must be smooth.

The cut line is drawn with perfectly evenly interconnected felt-tip pens. Better with a pen and marker. The purple line from the pen will be less visible than the black one. But on black it will be possible to expose the foot. In general, the thinner the stitching line is drawn, the more accurately you can lay a line. The indentation of the cut is approximately 1.5 centimeters.

Step 5: Sew a New Seam

First, let's try and sew between the stitching line and the cut line. We remove the pins as we stitch. If the legs need to be shortened, then you can undercut to the bottom cut. A fastener is placed.

Step 6: Remove Excess Material

We try on, if the width is amazing, then nothing needs to be done. It remains only to process the bottom cut. If the width is large, then we lay another line parallel to the one just laid. Focusing on the foot, we also sew in 1.5 centimeters. We use the previous line as a guide.

When we are satisfied with the width of the properly sewn jeans, we need to cut off the excess material. In this case, we cut along the first line.

The cut off surplus should match the shape as much as possible.

Step 7: Finishing the New Bottom Line

We turn twice. The slice will be closed. Each time the gates are ironed.

Step 8: Bottom Stitch

On a household machine, you can remove the sleeve platform. This will make it easier for the stitching on the bottom of the leg to run smoothly. Moreover, the bottom has become narrower, due to the fact that the jeans are sutured.

The bottom of the collar acts as a guide when laying a line. We sew starting from the step seam. We pass thickenings by turning the flywheel manually.

Step 9: Done

Jeans should lay out well on the plane.

It is easier to reduce jeans than to increase them, the latter is most often impossible. The easiest way to evenly shrink your jeans by a size or a little less is to wash them in hot water. Putting jeans in the washing machine without other things, set 95 ° C and wait for the end of the washing cycle. The machine must be stopped before the rinse cycle has started. The wash cycle is started again, this time without adding powder or other detergents, so the rinse will also be carried out in hot water. After the washing cycle is over, the jeans are taken out of the machine and dried - best of all on a battery or in a machine drum at maximum temperature, but without pre-rinsing and spinning. You can also wash jeans by hand by pouring boiling water into a bowl of powder and lowering jeans there for 10-15 minutes. They also rinse in boiling water, in two or three basins, and then hang to dry. This method has many disadvantages - jeans can shed heavily from hot water or become deformed. In the process of wearing, they can stretch again, and the process will have to be repeated.

This method is not suitable if you need to significantly reduce the size of jeans. In this case, you need to choose one of several methods and take them in. Jeans are sutured either along the back seam or along the side. They are sutured on the sides if the jeans are large by several sizes both at the waist and at the hips. At the same time, the side seams are ripped apart, they mark where the new line should go and sweep with threads or chip off with pins. They try on, and if the thing fits well, the seam is ground, followed by another fitting. If everything is fine according to its results, you can cut off everything superfluous inside along the seam.

Jeans, which are stretched along the waist line, are sutured along the back seam. First, the back loop is torn off (a stitched strip of fabric on the belt that holds the belt), and then the belt is cut in the middle. Darts are made on each half, into which the excess fabric, determined during the fitting, is removed. Darts should not be made too long so that the back pockets do not begin to puff up, if this is unavoidable, then the pockets will also have to be torn off and then sewn to a new place. After everything superfluous has been removed from the belt, it is carefully sewn into place, then the loop is returned to its original place.

You can downsize your jeans by tucking excess fabric into the darts at the waist. This method is chosen if the back seam cannot be touched for some reason. Darts are located along the side seams and are not conspicuous, spoiling the appearance of the thing. So that the finishing line of the side seams does not interfere with work, it is pre-ripped to the desired level. We will apply this method only if the denim is not too dense, since many layers of fabric will have to be sewn together. The work becomes more complicated if there is a rivet, embroidery or appliqué on the jeans, since it is necessary to sew in, if possible without touching this decorative element.

If you understand that you need new jeans, we invite you to watch the story from the show "The Jury of Beauty" on how to choose them for any type of figure.