How to find out your maximum height. Formulas for determining height in children when they grow up

Very short: W significant growth retardation, may be accompanied by excess weight. An examination by a specialist is necessary to determine the cause and eliminate the stunting. Undersized : Oh stunted growth also sometimes leads to excess weight. It is recommended to consult a doctor. Below average : N Small child, but growth within the normal range.. Medium : U the child is of average height, like most healthy children. Above average : Tall child, growth is within the normal range. High : T This growth is rare, mostly hereditary and cannot indicate the presence of any abnormalities. Very high : T Such growth can be both the norm, in the presence of tall parents, and a sign of an endocrine disease. We recommend consulting with experts. Growth does not match age : Height does not correspond to age - perhaps an error when entering indicators. Please check the data and use the calculator again. If the data is correct, this is a clear deviation from the norm. A detailed examination by a specialist is required.

Baby weight

By itself, weight without taking into account height and other data does not provide a deep assessment of the development of the child. However, the "Low Weight" and "Extremely High Weight" scores are sufficient for a doctor's consultation (see centile weight tables for more details).

Possible weight estimates:

Strong underweight, extremely low weight : It is highly likely that the child suffers from exhaustion of the body. An immediate examination by a doctor is necessary. Underweight, low weight: Probably, the child's body is exhausted, a specialist examination is necessary. Less than average: The weight is in the lower limits of the normal weight for the indicated age. Average : The child has an average weight, the same as most healthy children. Larger than average : Extra large : When obtaining this estimate, weight should be estimated based on BMI (body mass index) data. Weight does not match age : There may have been a data entry error. If all the data is correct, the child most likely has problems developing height or weight (see height and BMI estimates). Be sure to consult with an experienced doctor.

Body mass index

To assess the harmonious development of a child, it is customary to look at the ratio of height and weight - Body Mass Index (BMI). This indicator allows you to most accurately determine the deviations in the weight of the child, or, conversely, shows that the weight of the child in relation to height for his age is normal.

It should be understood that this BMI indicator for each age of the child is different and even more different from the indicators of an adult, therefore this calculator must take into account both the height and the age of the child for a correct calculation (see)

Body mass index estimates:

Severe underweight : Great exhaustion of the body. Diet needs to be adjusted as directed by a doctor. Underweight : Exhaustion. Diet needs to be adjusted as directed by a physician. Reduced weight : The lower limit of the norm. The child has less weight than most of his peers. Norm: Optimal ratio of height and weight. Increased weight: The upper limit of the norm. The child is somewhat heavier than most of his peers. In the future, there is a risk of gaining excess weight. Overweight : The child is overweight. It is recommended to correct the diet as prescribed by the doctor. Obesity : It is necessary to adjust the diet as prescribed by the doctor and increase the physical activity of the child. Can't be assessed : BMI readings are much higher than normal, you may have made a mistake when indicating height and weight. If the data is correct, then the child is probably severely obese and the help of an experienced doctor is needed.

We checked them all. Some of the results frankly surprised us. And they were amused.

Well, admit it, you want to know how your baby will grow up? Looking into the future is always interesting. Specialists came to the aid of parents: pediatricians and mathematicians. Now, after all, scientists can predict anything, except, perhaps, the weather. Together, they made several formulas by which you can calculate how tall your baby will reach for 18-20 years. We checked all these formulas. And here's what we got.

Method 1. Formula 70s

Everything is simple here. This method of calculating growth has been used since the 1970s. All you need is to know the height of the parents. To calculate the girl's height, the formula will look like this: father's height + mother's height - 13. 2. For a boy, it's exactly the same, but you don't need to subtract 13, but add.

So, let's check. Natasha's example: dad's height is 184 cm, mom's height is 164 cm. forecasts.

Misha example. The height of mom and dad is 165 and 176 cm, respectively. We calculate: 165 + 176 \u003d 341. Plus 13 - we get 354. Divide by two - 177 cm. But Misha spoiled everything, reaching up to 196 cm.

Tolya's example. Yes, Misha's example is still not entirely indicative, we agree. Therefore, we also took Tolya - he is more human in growth. The height of his mom and dad is 165 and 187 cm. Substitute in the formula, we get the result - 182.5 cm. Surprisingly accurate - Anatoly's height is 183 cm.

Method 2. Magic coefficient

For this formula, you also need only the height of the parents. To find out the height of the boy, the height of mom and dad in centimeters must be added and multiplied by a factor of 0.54, and subtract 4.5 cm from the result. In the case of a girl, the coefficient will be equal to 0.51, and more must be subtracted from the result - 7, 5 cm

We consider. Natasha's example:(164+184) x 0.51 = 177.48. We subtract 7.5 cm - it remains almost 170 cm. The discrepancy with reality was 10 cm.

Misha example. 341 × 0.54 - 4.5 \u003d 179.6. Hm. Apparently, Mikhail, with his monstrous growth, broke all the conclusions of mathematicians.

Tolya's example. 352 x 0.54 = 190.08. We subtract 4.5, we get 185.58. Almost.

Method 3. Hawker formula

This method is a cross between the first and second. The bottom line is this: you need (of course) to add up the height of mom and dad, divide by two. If you are calculating the height of a boy, add 6.4. In the case of a girl, subtract all the same 6.4.

An example of Natasha. 348/2 \u003d 174. Subtract 6.4 - it turns out that Natasha should not have grown above 167.6 cm. But she did.

Tolya's example. Yes, we decided to abandon Misha because of his Uncle Styopa syndrome. Anatoly's mother's height is 165 cm, father's is 187. We consider: 165 + 187 = 352. Divide by 2: 176. Plus 6.4 - we get 182.4. Bingo! Recall that Anatoly's height is 183 cm.

Method 4. Karkus formula

Here the way to calculate the final height of a boy and a girl is slightly different. Let's start with Natasha. The formula prescribes to multiply the height of the father in centimeters by a factor of 0.923, add the height of the mother to the resulting number, and divide the total amount by two. We consider: 184 × 0.923 \u003d 169.832. Plus mom's height: 333.832. We divide everything by two: 166.9 cm. Again, by.

Now let's get busy boy Tolya. It’s simpler here: the sum of the height of mom and dad needs to be multiplied by a factor of 1.08, the result divided by 2. It turns out 190 cm. They didn’t hit - they overestimated the height of our test subject by 7 cm. I wonder if this method will work with Misha? Let's try. We add, multiply, divide - it turns out 184 cm. It didn’t work out.

Method 5. Permissible error

We considered this method the most useless, because it allows an error of as much as 8 cm. Agree, there is a difference: a girl will grow up to be a beauty of 175 centimeters or a tall one of 183.

An example of Natasha. To calculate the height of a girl, the formula prescribes to add the height of dad and mom, subtract 12.5 cm from the sum, and divide the result by two. The result will be the final height of the child, plus or minus 8 cm. We consider: 164 + 184 - 12.5 = 335.5. We divide by two, it turns out 167.8. Even if you add 8 cm of error, you can't reach 180.

Tolya's example. Boys are calculated a little differently. Again, we add the height of mom and dad, but we add 12.5, and do not minus. It turns out 364.5. We divide by two - 182.3. Right on the bull's-eye, without any errors.

Method 6. Child growth per year

Here we don’t need either mom or dad, only the growth of a baby at the age of 12 months. To calculate the height of a girl, you need to add 95 cm to it. In the case of a boy, you need to add 100 cm.

It is believed that 70-95% of a person's height is determined by his heredity, and above all - the growth of his parents. Therefore, to calculate final growth of the child specialists use formulas that take into account only data on the growth of his father and mother. There are quite a lot of such formulas to date. We present five of them and try to test their performance on the example of well-known families.

The authorship of one of the most popular formulas at the moment is attributed to a certain Dr. J. Hawker from the Mayo Clinic. He proposes to calculate the final height of the child by adding the height of the father and the height of the mother and dividing the resulting amount by two. Add 6.4 cm to the result if the boy's height is calculated, or subtract 6.4 cm if the girl's height is calculated.

Boy's PR \u003d (RO + PM): 2 + 6.4;
PR girls \u003d (RO + RM): 2-6.4,

Where RO is the father's height in centimeters, RM is the mother's height in centimeters, and PR is the estimated height.

The second well-known formula, based on experimental data, was developed by a researcher from Czechoslovakia (when such a country still existed) V. Karkus. To calculate the growth of boys, you need to multiply the mother's height by 1.08, add the father's height to this result and divide the resulting amount by 2. To calculate the girl's height, you need to multiply the father's height by 0.923, add the mother's height to the result and divide the amount by 2.

Boy's PR \u003d (RO + PM * 1.08): 2;
PR girls \u003d (RO * 0.923 + PM): 2.

The authorship of the third formula is unknown, which does not detract from the prevalence of its use. To calculate the final height of the boy, the height of the father and the height of the mother are added, the resulting amount is multiplied by 0.54, and 4.5 cm are subtracted from the result of the multiplication. To calculate the height of the girl, the sum of the height indicators of the father and mother is multiplied by 0.51, and then from the result subtracted 7.5 cm.

Boy's PR \u003d (RO + PM) * 0.54 -4.5;
PR girls \u003d (RO + RM) * 0.51 - 7.5.

The authors of the article "Short stature in childhood" Professor Vladimir Smirnov and endocrinologist Gleb Gorbunov give a formula that is very similar to Dr. Hawker's calculation method (the first formula), but assumes an accuracy of calculations plus or minus 8 cm:

Boy's PR \u003d (RO + PM + 12.5): 2 ± 8;
PR girls \u003d (RO + RM-12.5): 2 ± 8.

Basically, it can be rewritten like this:

PR boy \u003d (RO + PM): 2 + 6.25 ± 8;
PR girls \u003d (RO + RM): 2-6.25 ± 8.

This formula predicts not so much the final height as the maximum and minimum possible height of the child with the current growth of his parents.

You can also give a formula obtained on the basis of the results of a survey by Moscow students of 30 families. Its source is the article "How Much Will Your Child Grow" published in the sixth issue of the journal Science and Life in 1998. The author of the article, B. Gorobets, promises that the accuracy of the calculations is plus or minus 4-5 cm.

Boy's PR \u003d (RO + PM) * 0.57 - 14.5;
PR girls \u003d (RO + RM) * 0.505 - 5.

But what happens in practice?

Let's analyze the data on the growth of members of four famous families (we will take the data from open sources) and see which of the formulas is more efficient.

1. It is known that the height of Prince Charles is 180 cm, his first wife Princess Diana is 178 cm. If they decided to start calculating the final height of their sons when they were still small, they would get the following results:

Formula #1: 185.4 cm;
. Formula #2: 186.12 cm;
. Formula #3: 188.82 cm;
. Formula No. 4: 185.25 plus or minus 8 cm;
. Formula #5: 189.56 cm.

Now the height of their son William is 191 cm, and Prince Harry is 189 cm.

2. Bruce Willis (183 cm) and Demi Moore (165 cm) have three daughters. Since two of them have not yet reached the age of cessation of growth, it is possible to check the "workability" of the formulas only with the help of data on the growth of the oldest - Rumer. According to the calculations, it should have been like this:

Formula #1: 167.6 cm;
. Formula #2: 166.95 cm;
. Formula #3: 169.98 cm;
. Formula No. 4: 167.75 plus or minus 8 cm;
. Formula #5: 170.74 cm.

In fact, Rumer Willis is 168 cm tall.

3. The son of actors Donald Sutherland (193 cm) and Shirley Douglas (159 cm) Kiefer Sutherland had to grow up quite tall:

Formula #1: 182.2 cm;
. Formula #2: 182.36 cm;
. Formula #3: 185.58 cm;
. Formula No. 4: 182.25 plus or minus 8 cm;
. Formula #5: 186.14 cm.

But the growth of an adult actor turned out to be very average - 175 cm, which is 7 cm less than the smallest result.

4. In the infamous Osbourne musical family, both parents and two younger children, Kelly and Jack, are famous. According to calculations, the daughter of Ozzy (178 cm) and Sharon (157 cm) Osbourne should have been this tall:

Formula #1: 161.1cm;
. Formula #2: 160.65 cm;
. Formula #3: 163.35 cm;
. Formula number 4: 161.25 plus or minus 8 cm;
. Formula #5: 164.18 cm.

The height of an adult Kelly is 160 cm.

The calculations for their son Jack are:
. Formula #1: 173.9cm;
. Formula #2: 173.78 cm;
. Formula #3: 176.4 cm;
. Formula No. 4: 173.75 plus or minus 8 cm;
. Formula #5: 176.45 cm.

Jack's height is 177 cm.

Despite the fact that in different cases different formulas became more “workable”, all the results turned out to be approximately the same and all turned out to be close to the truth. This means that all formulas can be successfully used to calculate the final growth of the child. The only exception (the example of actor Kiefer Sutherland) confirms the rule rather than refutes it. It is worth noting that all real data "fit" into the framework outlined by formula 4.

What to do with the calculations that you made for your child?

If the result does not suit you, do not be upset. Until the growth zones are closed, the situation can be corrected. Physical exercises that stimulate metabolism and bone tissue growth (swimming, jumping, hanging), proper nutrition, a positive psychological attitude and, in extreme cases, hormone therapy will help increase growth.

On the other hand, it is worth taking into account the following information: the figures obtained indicate the final growth of the child under optimal conditions for its development. Chronic diseases, deficiency or, conversely, excess nutrition, lack of certain substances in the body (for example, iodine), poor emotional state of the child, lack of sleep and inadequate physical activity (low physical activity or, for example, weightlifting) can lead to that the height of the child will be less than "programmed" by 5-15 centimeters.

Let's do some fascinating mathematics, which is loved and perfectly mastered even by mothers who are far from the exact sciences. Let's calculate the growth of the child in the future according to medical formulas.

Abbreviations used:

  • R - how high the child will grow.
  • Ro is the father's height.
  • Rm - mother's height.
  • P1 - growth of crumbs per year.
  • P3 - the growth of the baby at 3 years old.

How will the boy grow up?

Suppose his father is 180 cm and his mother is 160 cm.

Formula one: P \u003d (Ro + Pm) x 0.54 - 4.5.

P \u003d (180 + 160) x 0.54 - 4.5 \u003d 340 x 0.54 - 4.5 \u003d 183.6 - 4.5 \u003d 179.1.

The boy will be slightly lower than his father - only 9 mm.

Formula two (J. Hawker, USA): P \u003d (Ro + Pm) / 2 + 6.4.

P \u003d (180 + 160) / 2 + 6.4 \u003d 340 / 2 + 6.4 \u003d 170 + 6.4 \u003d 176.4 cm.

Formula three (V. Karkusa, Czechoslovakia):P \u003d (Po + 1.08 Rm) / 2.

P \u003d (180 + 1.08 x 160) / 2 \u003d (180 + 172.8) / 2 \u003d 352.8 / 2 \u003d 176.4 cm.

The boy will be slightly lower than his father - by 3.6 cm.

Formula four: P \u003d P1 + 100 cm.

If a boy's height was 80 cm a year, then in adulthood it will be 180 cm, like his father.

Formula five: P \u003d (Ro + Pm) / 2 + 5 cm.

(180 + 160)/2 + 5 = 340/2 + 5 = 170 + 5 = 175 cm.

The boy will be 5 cm shorter than his father.

Formula six: P = 1.27 x P3 + 54.9.

If a child at three years old was 96 cm, then for adults (P \u003d 1.27 x 96 + 54.9 \u003d 121.9 + 54.9 \u003d 176.8 cm), he will be 3.2 cm lower than his father.

Formula seven(V. Smirnova and G. Gorbunova) determines the limits of the boy's growth: P \u003d (Ro + Pm + 12.5) / 2 +/-8.

(180 + 160 + 12.5) / 2 = (340 + 12.5) / 2 = 352.5 / 2 = 176.25 cm =/- 8 cm.

Growth limits from 176.25 - 8 to 176.25 + 8, that is, from 168.25 to 184.25 cm.

Determine the estimated height of the girl

Suppose her father is 180 cm and her mother is 160 cm.

Formula one: P \u003d (Ro + Pm) x 0.51 - 7.5.

P \u003d (180 + 160) x 0.51 - 7.5 \u003d 340 x 0.51 - 7.5 \u003d 173.4 - 7.5 \u003d 165.9 cm.

The girl will be 5.9 cm taller than her mother.

Formula two (J. Hawker, USA): P \u003d (Ro + Pm) / 2 - 6.4.

P \u003d (180 + 160) / 2 - 6.4 \u003d 340 / 2 - 6.4 \u003d 170 - 6.4 \u003d 163.6 cm.

The girl will be 3.6 cm taller than her mother.

Formula Three(V. Karkusa, Czechoslovakia): P \u003d (0.923 Po + Pm) / 2.

P \u003d (0.923 x 180 + 160) / 2 \u003d (166.14 + 160) / 2 \u003d 326.14 / 2 \u003d 163.07 cm.

The girl will be 3.07 cm taller than her mother.

Formula Four: P \u003d P1 + 100 - 5.

If in a year the girl's height was 80 cm, then P \u003d 80 + 100 - 5 \u003d 175 cm, 15 cm more than that of the mother.

Formula five: P \u003d (Ro + Rm) / 2 - 5 cm.

(180 + 160) / 2 - 5 = 340/2 - 5 = 170 - 5 = 165 cm.

The girl will be 5 cm taller than her mother.

Formula six: P = 1.29 x P3 + 42.3.

If at three years the girl was 96 cm, then P \u003d 1.29 x 96 + 42.3 \u003d 121.9 + 42.3 \u003d 164.2 cm, that is, it will be 4.2 cm higher than the mother.

Formula seven(V. Smirnova and G. Gorbunova) determines the limits of the girl's growth: P \u003d (Ro + Pm - 12.5) / 2 +/-8.

(180 + 160 - 12.5) / 2 = (340 - 12.5) / 2 = 327.5 / 2 = 163.75 cm =/- 8 cm.

An adult girl will be in the range from 163.75 - 8 to 163.75 + 8, that is, from 155.75 to 171.75 cm.

When can a child be taller than calculated?

  • If a father or mother grew up in poor conditions: they received less vitamins, they were starving, then their growth is lower than genetically planned. This means that the child can grow higher than in the calculations, starting from the figures planned by nature.
  • With endocrine disorders that lead to increased secretion of growth hormones.

When can a child be lower than calculated?

When the child:

  • malnourished, not getting the protein necessary for growth;
  • often sick;
  • engaged in weightlifting at the age of 12;
  • leads a sedentary lifestyle;
  • goes to bed late (after 22.30);
  • experiences frequent stresses (for example, quarrels between father and mother).

With hormonal disorders, accompanied by a rapid closure of growth zones in the bones.

However, until they are closed, the growth of the child can be stimulated by taking special medications and directed motor activity:

  • swimming;
  • yoga;
  • hangs on the horizontal bar.

An important role is played by proper nutrition with a sufficient amount of all the nutrients the child needs.

Did you count? Do you like the results?

However, the issue remains controversial. In general, the final height of each person depends on the following factors: the growth of the parents and the speed of their development, which includes whether family members developed early or late in growth; age of reaching puberty; chronic diseases and nutrition.
What to expect and what will be your growth? Here are examples of the most frequently asked questions.

Can you calculate your future height?

The best way to look into the future is to review your growth chart with your pediatrician. As a rule, a personal doctor constantly monitors the growth of a small patient, entering data on height and age in his chart. Therefore, he has a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat is typical for the health of a child. Healthy children tend to grow proportionally, which is largely determined by genes.
Another way to determine future height is mathematically, but it will require data on the height of the parents. So, according to the formula below, you can predict growth with an accuracy of plus or minus 5 cm.
For girls it is:
[(father's height - 13 cm) + mother's height] / 2
For boys:
[(mother's height + 13 cm) + father's height] / 2

If my parents are too tall or too short, will I be the same?

Maybe. Parental genes play a critical role in the pattern of development and eventual growth of an adolescent. But this is not the only factor. Then what is the cause of the beginning of growth or its termination? How much can I grow and what are the differences in growth processes between boys and girls?
The rapid growth spurt usually lasts about two years and starts at different times for boys and girls. For girls, the age of 9-10 years is typical, boys begin to grow at the age of 11-13 years.
During this period, boys add about 10 cm in height annually, girls - about 7.5 cm. This explains the reason that the average height of a man is 13 - 15 cm higher than the average height of a woman. The growth process stops at the end of puberty.

Are there ways to increase height, such as posture exercises, food, or supplements?

The best way to grow as tall as possible is to stay healthy, eat right, exercise regularly, and sleep well. And despite the fact that nutrition is an important factor in growth, many of the teenagers do not need specialized supplements.
Be wary of foods that claim to stimulate growth. These include pills labeled "growth hormones" or, in other words, stimulants, which are sold in health food stores. A person should not take growth hormones in the form of pills. These products are not as tested as you might think, so you should be careful with them.
In fact, growth hormones are prescribed by a doctor in small doses and strictly according to the causes of short stature. But the daily use of such hormones is strongly discouraged, as it can cause diabetes or an increase in the amount of fluid in the brain.

I am taller or shorter than my classmates, and that makes me embarrassed. What should I do?

This question worries many teenagers, whose growth is far from the average, but there is nothing wrong with that. It is recommended to start working on increasing your own self-esteem, the best way to do this is to focus on your own merits.
Stop and think about what you are good at and what kind of activity gives you pleasure? If sports or dance, art or science come easily to you, focus on them. You will have confidence. Remember, the importance of physical attributes will change over time.
If you are small in stature, shoes will help you - no matter what gender you are. Another way is to make a high hairstyle. But know that the reason for your small stature may also be that the pace of your development is somewhat slower, and an x-ray test of bone age can show whether your period of growth will last longer than your friends.

Should I be concerned that I am much shorter than or taller than my family members?

In this case, it is better to consult a doctor. He will decide whether you need a referral to an endocrinologist. In addition, an annual increase in height of less than 5 cm is also considered abnormal. For all these questions, you should consult your doctor.