How to behave on a date with a man: conversations, appearance, the boundaries of what is permitted. First date: how to behave, what to wear, what to talk about

The first date is always very important, since it is it that allows you to make your impression of a person and becomes the beginning of a relationship or another failure. That is why all girls worry and plan in advance what they will wear, where they will go, and what they will say. If you want the first date not to be the last, then you need to think carefully about how to behave correctly so as not to disappoint or scare the guy and he wants to meet again, and we will give some useful tips.

Where is the best place to go on a first date?

Usually a guy invites you on a date, so he has to decide on a meeting place. But in most cases, he asks the girl where she would like to go. So what is the best choice?

First, do not immediately offer an expensive restaurant. Even if you go there regularly, a guy may not be able to afford it. If you have not visited it before, then it will look even worse - as if you are trying to get into an expensive institution at its expense, which was previously not available to you. Therefore, it is better to offer a simple cafe - not an eatery, but not something too pretentious.

First date in a cafe

Secondly: why exactly food? Of course, you shouldn't meet at the cinema or museum either, as there is no way to have a normal conversation. But you can choose a walk in the park, take a walk and chat, and if you are interested in each other, you will also have time to go to a restaurant.

Only three percent of young people choose to spend their first date in an art gallery or on a castle tour. The most successful are usually dates for a cup of coffee or simple walks around the city.

As a place for a first date, you must choose well-known places, preferably close to home. Ideally, there should be a lot of people there, especially if you know the guy only through Internet correspondence. In case of danger, or if he suddenly turns out to be not who you expected, you can easily leave.

First date in nature

You should never agree to a date at home, at his place or at your place - it doesn't matter. You should not visit unfamiliar, sparsely populated places together or go far out of town, no trips to nature or to the country - this can be dangerous.

How to look?

Most men primarily perceive information visually, so appearance is very important. But do not forget about the comfort of the lady. Many girls have their own established style and it is not worth changing it drastically before a date. For example, if she is used to walking in jeans and sneakers, you should not wear a dress and high heels. You will feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable, nervous about clothes, pay more attention to heels than to a gentleman. In addition, a too stunning look can easily scare a man away.

Approximately 30% of Americans consider it normal to have sex on the first date, Europeans are more restrained in this regard.

Girls are very responsible in the formation of the first impression.

Therefore, on a date, you need to try to look “about the same as always, but a little better”, while never:

  • Come on a date with the smell of a stale body. Even if you spent the whole day at work, in the heat, in transport, and there is not enough time to get ready, it is better to come with no makeup and a wet head, but at the same time smell normal - cleanliness, soap or perfume. By the way, the aroma of perfume should be light and unobtrusive, and not knock the gentleman off his feet.
  • Come with dirty nails or hair, peeling varnish, etc. If there is no time to put yourself in order, it is better to cancel the date.
  • Choose too bright, unusual or revealing outfit, do unnatural makeup. This is forgivable only if you are both representatives of a certain subculture - for example, goths. In other cases, such “shock therapy” can lead to the end of a relationship that has not yet begun.

Be mindful of manners (Video)

All people without exception have a general idea of ​​the correct manners. But not everyone corresponds to it in real life. What to do? The answer is simple - behave naturally. The guy liked you, being yourself, and this is the girl he wants to see. If a young man met a cute, cheerful girl, and Femme Fatale comes on a date, he will be surprised and, most likely, disappointed.

If from the very beginning you started playing pretending to be another person, then remember: the sooner you take off the mask, the better for the relationship. Better to let them break at the very beginning than when the separation becomes really painful.

If on the first date you are nervous and do not know how to behave, then it is better to directly tell the gentleman about it than to try to hide it. By the way, this can be a good topic for conversation - for sure, he also felt out of place more than once.

And another point worth remembering is alcohol.. Drinking some wine or other drink with dinner is fine, but you need to be careful not to accidentally overdo it. Remember how tipsy people look from the outside. This can permanently spoil the impression of a man. In addition, under the influence of alcohol, you can do stupid things that you will regret the next day. Therefore, you need to drink carefully, and if you happen to sort out, you must immediately go home, citing poor health or any other decent reason.

Kissing on a first date

Should you kiss on the first date? The answer to this question is often tied to the age of the girl.. It is believed that it is better for young ladies to postpone kisses for later, but those who are older can afford it. In practice, things often happen differently. Older people no longer attach much importance to kisses, what is said and done is more important for them, so they can easily forget about kisses.

Kiss on the first date

But young people see in them proof of feelings and seriousness of intentions. If a girl does not want to kiss a gentleman after a date, he may decide that she is simply not interested in her. Therefore, if you really liked the guy and you want to continue the relationship, you should give him a kiss - at least a gentle touch with your lips on the cheek. This will allow him to understand that it is worth continuing the courtship.

intimate question

Much more difficult is the situation with sex on the first date. As a rule, finding the optimal solution is not easy, many girls are in favor, but even more consider this unacceptable. Most often it depends on age, religious beliefs and the situation. We will look at several options.

Usually, men are not recommended to start talking about sex on the first date, since about 40% of women do not like it categorically. It is better for young ladies not to talk about their past partners, since for more than half of the men this can be a reason to end a date.

If you are an adult whose health and beliefs do not interfere with having sex, then you can do it on a first date if:

  • You knew this person before, for example, you worked together, you have had a fairly close relationship for a long time - and now, finally, you decided to go on a date;
  • You are sure that a serious relationship awaits you further, but if it doesn’t work out, your partner will still not talk about your connection and consider it accidental;
  • You went on a date just for the sake of it, and you do not need a more serious relationship.

Sex on the first date

You should not have sex on the first date if:

  • You are a virgin and plan to wait for the wedding;
  • You are looking for a serious relationship and will be very upset if the relationship ends in nothing;
  • You are afraid of condemnation of others and gossip about yourself;
  • For you, sex is something more than a physiological process.

In addition, it is important to pay attention to the situation: if a man looks after you beautifully and achieves you, then you can relax a little, but you shouldn’t scatter yourself for sure. You also need to remember about safety - it’s not worth it to recover in the middle of the night to an unfamiliar man, just like bringing him to yourself.

The right end to a date

And so, if on the first date you decided not to risk it, continuing it until the morning, you need to plan the right ending for it. When is the best time to leave? It is important to choose a moment when you have already talked about everything, but you want to stay longer. It is better not to delay the date so that both become bored. And such a slight understatement will make the young man look for a meeting again.

The correct end of a date is an art

If the date went well and you are ready to continue the relationship, you can let the guy walk you to the door of the apartment. By the way, if he does not offer this, you should doubt the seriousness of his intentions and attitude towards you. When you come home, do not rush to say goodbye and run away right away, the young man may think that he is not interested in you and will not call again. But you can’t say goodbye for too long either - this can lead to awkwardness if you don’t plan to invite the gentleman inside. It is best to chat for a few minutes and, referring to the late hour, curious neighbors, etc., slip away home.

The first scheduled meeting with a person of the opposite sex you like determines the further development of relationships and, possibly, all your life. It can be very frustrating when the wrong behavior reduces communication to nothing. Therefore, it is important for each of us to learn what to do on a first date, how to show your best side and at the same time be yourself.

Basic Rules

The first date is basically getting to know someone. Even if you previously actively corresponded on social networks or communicated in a company, this time you will kind of get to know each other again. Accordingly, it is important to leave a good impression of yourself.

When thinking about how to behave properly, remember the following recommendations.

  • First of all, it is necessary to be natural, but not vulgar: to behave in your usual manner, not to try to appear more modest or liberated than it really is.
  • You should choose clothes, focusing on the place where the date will take place. But even if they decide to hold it in a restaurant or theater, you should not dress too brightly and pompously, as if for a holiday. If you plan to go to the cinema or just take a walk, you need to dress up as comfortably as possible.

A girl should not wear stilettos, an open dress, do bright makeup and complex styling, simple elegant clothes, low-heeled pumps, washed hair and everyday make-up are enough. A guy does not have to choose a business look or a tuxedo, but a tracksuit is also unacceptable, a regular shirt with jeans will do.

In general, it is better to wear what you usually wear to work (if there is no strict dress code or uniform) or to meetings with friends. It is important to dress elegantly, cleanly and neatly.

  • Conversations on the 1st date should be neutral. It is best to talk about your work, hobbies and ask your partner about the same. You can discuss your favorite books, films, musical groups, plans for a career or for the next vacation. But it’s not worth talking about the details of your personal life yet, it’s better to move on to such intimate topics already with closer relationships. And it is important to constantly maintain a conversation, avoid awkward pauses.
  • When choosing a place and event for a meeting, be sure to agree - a date should be interesting and comfortable for both.

It is also important to know what not to do on a first date.

  • Talking too much about yourself, paying little attention to the interlocutor, and it is undesirable both to brag too much about your successes, and to humiliate yourself. No person likes to be ignored.
  • Talk about your problems, complain about your parents, colleagues, bosses, health, etc. An unfamiliar person will definitely not want to take on your negativity, this is only possible with a close friend. If something unpleasant really happened to you shortly before a date, it’s better to apologize and reschedule the meeting or try to find a neutral, pleasant topic for conversation.
  • Talk about your ex and ask a guy (girl) about it.
  • Behave cheekily, swear.
  • Express your requirements to the future spouse.
  • Talk about something that the other is clearly not interested in: try to find a topic that is exciting for both.
  • Climb hugging, kissing, offering sex.

Recommendations on how to behave at the first meetings with the opposite sex are usually universal. However, there are specific rules for men and women. It is not necessary to follow gender stereotypes completely, but it is better to follow such recommendations.

Tips on how to behave on a first date with a girl, first of all, involve initiative. It is the guy who should organize this meeting, it is also advisable for him to choose a place. Of course, if a girl has her own wishes for the place and format of a date, you need to listen to them, perhaps prefer her version. It is unacceptable to insist on one's own without accepting objections. This will inevitably scare the woman away. The day before the meeting, you should call and confirm that everything is in order.

Other important rules for communicating with a girl on a first date:

  • one must behave confidently and liberated, but not pompously and arrogantly;
  • follow the rules of etiquette: open the door in front of her, take her outerwear to put in the wardrobe; after a date should be carried out to the house or at least to a stop of transport;
  • if the date is in a cafe or restaurant, it is customary for the guy to pay for the order, so you need to take more money and not save so that the girl does not consider you greedy. However, it is also not necessary to litter with banknotes: this can form a mercantile attitude;
  • it is good to dilute the conversation with humor, but by no means vulgar;
  • it is quite possible to give flowers, but not a luxurious bouquet, but a modest and pretty one;
  • do not drink alcohol - it will almost certainly spoil the impression;
  • no need to overfill the girl with compliments: it will look insincere;
  • you should not show yourself smarter than your interlocutor and even more disparagingly speak of the female gender;
  • in no case should you insist on physical contacts, especially pester a girl after her refusal;
  • even if the date was boring, you should still see your companion and thank you for the meeting.

It is also important for ladies to know how to behave on a first date with a guy, how to make him want to see you again. First you need to discard the stereotype that a man should please at any cost. Just like for a guy, naturalness is important for a girl. Therefore, you should go to a meeting with a man, dressed casually, but elegantly, and try to be a good conversationalist.

Helpful Hints:

  • if the date takes place in a cafe or restaurant, you should not order a lot of food or expensive dishes - the companion may think that you are mercantile, besides, he may have difficulties with money;
  • you should not constantly remain modestly silent, on the contrary, you should actively support the conversation, choose interesting topics;
  • no need to be afraid of a guy and be constrained - real men respect women and have serious intentions;
  • in no case should you endure if you don’t like the place, event or behavior of the satellite - you should always talk about this directly, moreover, you can draw conclusions about him from the guy’s reaction to this;
  • if the satellite began to dissolve his hands and does not listen to your objections, you should immediately leave.

It is equally important to say goodbye to a man after a meeting. You should let him walk you home and talk a little more in front of the door. It is impolite to run away, saying goodbye dryly, even if it turned out to be uninteresting with him, you should still be thankful for your time.

If he offers to meet again, you should not answer unequivocally ("yes", "no" or "I'll think"), it is better to make your offer ("we'll agree closer to the point", "we'll call you"). At the same time, there is no need to delay the farewell, otherwise the guy will not have an interest in a new meeting. In general, the first date should not be too long, it is better to interrupt it in the middle so that both participants want to see each other a second time.

How to hold a meeting

The format of a date can be anything - the main thing is that both of you like it. It usually takes the form of a walk or a visit to a cafe or restaurant. However, you can be creative, especially if the guy and girl already knew each other personally.

Interesting ways to have a first date:

  • : or skiing, boating, kayaking, going out into nature;
  • visiting the theater, cinema, concert, exhibition, sports competitions;
  • rides in the amusement park;
  • bowling or billiards.

The correct answer to the question of how to behave on a first date is simple: be natural, friendly and polite, try to captivate the interlocutor, but at the same time respect your interests. How you behave will largely determine whether your relationship will develop, whether you will remain friends, or will not communicate at all.

Appearance at the first meeting is a decisive success factor. Initially, it is clothes, hairstyle, and for a girl, make-up also attract attention. Therefore, it is extremely important to prepare in advance and look impeccable. First of all, it is worth noting that it is better to give preference not to trendy outfits, but to clothes that are comfortable. It is also important to focus on your own strengths.

Outfit for a girl

The first meeting with a guy is very important for any girl. If she has beautiful breasts, then you can emphasize it slightly, the main thing is that it does not look vulgar. Ladies with a graceful waist should not hide it under voluminous sweaters, emphasize your silhouette with a beautiful tight-fitting dress or belt.

Remember, clothes attract attention, but do not distract from the person. Otherwise, the interlocutor will focus on the neckline, for example, and not the topic of the conversation.

Clothing must be age appropriate. This is the only way to look as harmonious as possible. Agree that a woman after thirty does not look very attractive in a short miniskirt, and a young girl in a librarian's outfit.

Men most of all love beautiful laconic dresses that skillfully emphasize the beauty of the female figure. A classic black dress can be safely called a win-win option. Its length and decorative elements directly depend on the type of girl, advantages and disadvantages.

If you want to wear a bright dress, it is better that it covers your knees. In addition, today the length of the "midi" is at the peak of popularity. Remember that guys like almost everything that makes a woman different from them. These are sundresses, skirts, high heels and jewelry.

There are clothes that should not be worn for the first meeting. After all, at first sight she irritates most men. These are breeches jeans, voluminous sweaters, baggy T-shirts and ugg boots.

As for shoes, it is better to give preference to elegant pumps with heels, which will be comfortable. In summer, you can put on beautiful sandals with a square steady heel, and in the cold season - high boots.

Outfit for a guy

For men, the best option can be called simple jeans or trousers, as well as a laconic shirt. Much depends on where the meeting is scheduled. For beefy guys, it is acceptable to wear jeans with a light-colored T-shirt. For thin people - a sweater or shirt with trousers.

Clothing should reveal your nature as much as possible, show your preferences. Moreover, the days when outfits were limited to a minimum assortment have long gone.

It is not recommended to wear, for example, clothes in the style of rap artists, if there is no certainty that the girl will appreciate it. Of course, sneakers will also have to be abandoned if the meeting is scheduled at the theater. Although it is worth noting that men are forgiven a lot in terms of choosing a wardrobe.

First date colors

The color of the dress itself is of great importance, because it affects human psychology and perception. As for men, they have the least problems in this matter. But with the fair sex, the situation is somewhat different.

Most girls think that if they wear a bright red dress, they will definitely like a man, but, in fact, this is not always the case. The red palette attracts attention, but may not cause the best reaction in a person. It is believed that this is not only the color of sexuality, but also aggression, which not every man likes.

For the first meeting, it is better to choose neutral and pastel shades. It can be beige, white, gray, soft pink and pale yellow. Also, experts recommend paying attention to the green color and all its shades. A good choice would be blue and blue.

With the help of a shade, you can perfectly emphasize your dignity and focus on your eyes or hair. When choosing an outfit for the first meeting, evaluate which color suits you.

It is worth paying attention to the meanings of colors:

  • Green. The color of cheerfulness, energy and positive. It is simply designed to make a positive impression.
  • Orange. One of the brightest shades, which is associated with unforgettable emotions, summer and sun.
  • Pink. The color of tenderness, romance and flirting, which by itself sets you in the right mood.
  • gray and brown. They symbolize a breakdown and stiffness, so this is not the best choice.
  • Yellow. Sunny and positive. But sometimes an outfit in such a palette can look childish, windy and careless.

Where to go for the first meeting

Of great importance is where the first meeting will take place. It is for this reason that the choice of location must be taken especially seriously.

To begin with, all noisy and crowded places should be excluded. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to talk with the interlocutor. Going to the cinema is better to postpone for the next meeting. This rule also applies to clubs.

It is worth giving preference to a calm, cozy cafe with delicious desserts and a variety of teas. A warm atmosphere will only add positive notes to the conversation and make the pastime even more wonderful.

If financial possibilities allow, then you can dine in a restaurant. The main thing is not to try to seem better than you are, and not to spend the last money on going to an expensive institution. In the summer, you can have a spontaneous picnic and enjoy the beautiful nature.

Features of behavior at the first meeting

The overall impression depends on a number of factors, but behavior is of great importance. Therefore, it is extremely important to relax and not be nervous. When a person is worried, he can make small mistakes that can spoil the impression. For example, some begin to talk very quickly, stammer, or unconsciously knock on the table.

A nervous experience can be transmitted to the interlocutor, and this does not have the best effect on the conversation. You need to be yourself, not be afraid to ask questions and show unobtrusive interest. Long pauses and silence will crush and spoil the overall atmosphere. Leaving a good impression at the first meeting will not work.

A universal means to attract attention and be remembered is a smile. The main thing is that she be sincere. A positive-minded person almost instantly causes a good attitude and disposes to himself. In addition, when the interlocutor smiles, he becomes much more beautiful and kinder.

For the first meeting, it is very important to observe the measure, to find a "golden mean" for yourself. You don't have to go out of your way to be liked. If you try to change your natural behavior, imitate someone, then it will be extremely difficult to consider a person and, moreover, to understand whether this person is really suitable. After all, he, too, can impersonate another.

When the interlocutor tries to improve his qualities, it is always very striking and affects the overall impression.

What to talk about at the first meeting

Topics of conversation will also leave an impression, endear you or repel you. First of all, it is worth noting that you do not need to talk only about yourself. Long stories about achievements, about personal qualities can show indifference, selfishness and turn the interlocutor away. And they also look like a show off.

To understand how to behave at the first meeting, it is recommended to imagine yourself in the place of the interlocutor. Counter questions about him, maintaining a conversation and trying to find common interests, sincere interest in answers - ideal for a close acquaintance.

Correct topics for communication:

  1. School, university, work. Topics are simple and do not require deep intimate details. But it doesn't have to look like an interview or an exam. It is better to ask unobtrusive questions that will help you get to know the person. In addition, on such topics it is easier to insert a joke about the past, tell funny moments, reducing the level of tension from the first meeting.
  2. Interests, hobbies, hobbies. You can ask about taste preferences, about your favorite thing, what the interlocutor reads, what films and TV shows he watches. It is worth giving preference to topics that do not relate to personal life, work or family. After all, this is the first meeting, and not the communication of close people.
  3. Impressions, sensations, emotions. Such topics are suitable for those couples who have participated in an event together. For example, they went to a concert or a city holiday.
In the course of an easy conversation, you can catch a lot, even what the interlocutor himself was not going to tell. Short phrases, examples from life, even facial expressions will tell about a person, help him understand, consider the essence and attitude towards his own life.

Prohibited topics for conversation at the first meeting

Regardless of whether already familiar people met, or they see each other for the first time, psychologists recommend avoiding certain topics. In addition, one should not put pressure on the interlocutor, force him to tell what he is actively silent about. Talking too frankly can bring all communication to naught, giving the wrong impression (for example, as a too dissolute, liberated and fickle person).

There are 5 main mistakes that regularly spoil the first meeting:

  1. Past failed relationships. You shouldn't talk about it at all. Also, you do not need to ask the interlocutor about the negative experience. Such topics can not only evoke bad memories, but also leave an unpleasant feeling after the conversation, and the mood will be spoiled for the rest of the evening. In addition, constant talk about past love can be misunderstood.
  2. Experiences, scandals, troubles. Even if it was a very hard day or the whole week, quarrels with someone close or at work, you should not talk about it. The first meeting should remain easy and relaxed in your memory. You should at least for a while forget about everything bad and just relax.
  3. Serious joint plans for the future. At the first meeting, talking about marriage and children is not appropriate. The word "future" can alert, especially if the acquaintance lasts several hours. Remember, everything has its time.
  4. Successful career. Even if you really want to put yourself in the best light, you still should not talk about achievements in work. Of course, this is a great advantage and plus, but not every person can boast of such. At the first meeting, especially if it is not known who the interlocutor works for and what position he occupies, it is better to omit this topic altogether. But even if colleagues at work are sitting nearby, such stories can be perceived as simple boasting.
  5. Intimate details. Usually girls can sin like this, having slightly gone over with alcohol. Discussing the “dignity” of your ex, telling where, when and how you met him is a taboo!
In light of recent events in the world, topics about politics and religion should also be avoided. It is quite possible that the interlocutor has completely opposite views on the situation in the country, for example. As a result, instead of having a great time, the couple will actively sort out the situation, which, in fact, neither of them can influence. A fight is almost inevitable. And you should not count on the continuation of a relationship that has just begun.

Deciphering gestures at the first meeting

Not only words, but also gestures are of great importance. Non-verbal communication can say a lot, the main thing is to correctly decipher the "message".

Do not forget that the eyes are a mirror of the soul, at the first meeting, a look can tell a lot. A truly enthusiastic and interested person always has bright eyes. In addition, this view cannot be confused with something else.

If a person stares intently for more than five seconds, then most likely he wants to show that he really likes the interlocutor. A running glance, on the contrary, will indicate that the partner is bored, he wants to end the meeting faster.

Even the smile of the interlocutor will tell a lot. If only one corner of the mouth rises, most likely the person is just looking for another affair. A smile that resembles a smirk speaks of insincerity. If a person bites his lips or touches some small object between his fingers, then he is nervous.

Try to show by your behavior that there are no grounds for worrying. If the interlocutor leans in every possible way, then this indicates his positive attitude. The first meeting with a girl allows light touches of a guy, hugging around the waist, but the main thing is not to overdo it.

Common mistakes at the first meeting

In order for the first acquaintance to be successful, it is important to remember the most common mistakes and avoid them. Men should not forget to show gallantry and show good manners: open the door and let the girl go forward, give a hand if necessary and be polite.

Many people get nervous when they first meet, which leads to another mistake - inappropriate laughter. This can not only spoil the impression, but also offend a person. Therefore, you need to calm down and relax as much as possible.

As for the girls, during a conversation you should not reduce everything to dresses, vacations on the seas and manicures. As practice shows, this will only scare the man away and show the low level of intelligence of the interlocutor.

Under no circumstances should harsh words be used. Such behavior is unacceptable for an educated person.

When communicating, you can not be distracted by planting in social networks and talking on the phone. This problem is very relevant for today's youth. Such behavior can offend a person, it demonstrates that for him the interlocutor is an empty place. It is better to turn off the phone and Wi-Fi altogether. In a few hours, nothing terrible will happen, and the couple will be able to get to know each other better.

A common mistake is fast speech. Do not rush, speak clearly and clearly so that the interlocutor enjoys the conversation, and does not strain, trying to understand what it is about. Present your thoughts as competently and correctly as possible. Agree that clumsy phrases strongly “cut the ear”. Correctly place stresses and follow the flow of speech.

How to behave at the first meeting - look at the video:

So, we can safely say that the first meeting fundamentally affects the future relationships between people. It is for this reason that it is necessary to prepare for it and think over everything: from the outfit to the place where the date will take place. But if often minor mistakes are quickly forgotten, then insincerity, tightness and a trainload of personal problems repel a person forever, closing the door to new meetings.

The first date is an important event in a relationship, because it is on it that a guy and a girl develop an initial opinion about each other.

How to behave when you first meet a guy, do you know? And you should, because this information will definitely come in handy.

The first impression decides, if not everything, then a lot.

The first thing that is required of you in order to behave on the first date in the right way is to be calm and confident. IN You have already been invited on a date, which means that you are attractive to a person, but in order to maintain a good opinion about you, your behavior at the first meeting must be appropriate. As already mentioned, be confident in yourself, which will allow you to look calm and natural. It is so it's important to be yourself, both before and after dating a guy, rather than trying to be like someone you're not.

Dress to be comfortable

Of course, you want to look 100%, but if you dress up for a date with a man, but you are uncomfortable, the feeling of discomfort will be very distracting. No need to dress too flashy, you're not going to high society. Here you meet a guy, decide to have a picnic, not to go to him in an evening dress. And here if you put on a nice t-shirt and jeans, this will be the best option, and not only for a picnic. If the date is in the winter, wear a mid-length jacket and, again, jeans.

Smile is your main weapon

Smile a guy more often, because this is one of the signs that you like him. So do you like him? Be sure to show it with a cute natural smile.

Men don't like smart women

Of course, if your intelligence is much above average, that's great. But you shouldn’t show it, you don’t need to focus on your mind so that the self-esteem of the man who invited you on a first date does not suffer.

Listen carefully

When a guy talks, make eye contact while listening carefully. Admire him and his intellect - guys love it very much. If your interlocutor also constantly looks into your eyes when you speak, this means that he has warm feelings for you.

Don't talk

Do not create from the very first date with a guy the image of a chatterbox, which give a reason to gossip. You have to get close to a man, having won him with your modesty, beauty, charm, and if you talk a lot, you will only scare him away. Even if you have some shortcomings, do not try to be completely honest about all your shortcomings. If a guy loves you, he will want a serious relationship with you, despite your shortcomings..

Be ready to make decisions. If the person you're going on a date asks you about where you want to spend time, don't be afraid to speak up. Most likely, in this way he shows attention to you, offering to make his choice. Show that you can make decisions.

Choose an activity during which you can interact with the person. For example, watching a movie together is not a good idea because you won't get to know the person better. Have a cup of coffee together or visit a museum. Set aside time for communication.

Be punctual. Being late says that you do not value the time and the person who was made to wait. Therefore, come to a date on time or a little earlier than the appointed time.

Don't be indifferent. If you show indifference or indifference, you are unlikely to develop a close relationship with a person. Just be yourself. Don't be afraid to show emotion.

  • For example, if a person invites you to a movie, you should not limit yourself to the following phrase: "I liked this movie." Don't be afraid to show your enthusiasm. You can say: "I really liked this movie! The main character of the movie was amazing!"
  • Turn off your phone. If you are not a doctor who needs to be always in touch, you can do without a phone during a date. Show the person that you value their time and the attention they give you. You can do this if you are not distracted by phone calls or messages.

    Take a deep breath. If you are too tense, the person you went on a date with will definitely feel it. Take a moment to relax. Enjoy being with this person.

    Have a good time. The meeting should take place in a pleasant and cheerful atmosphere. If you enjoy communication, then your companion will certainly be pleased with the time spent with you.

  • Listen, at least as much as you speak. The art of listening is tantamount to the art of speaking well. So listen to your interlocutor. Try to hear what your companion wants to convey to you. Do not think about what you will say next at this time. When you answer the interlocutor, show that you are listening carefully.

    • If your companion says that he likes gardening, do not respond by saying that you are far from it. Ask questions related to what interests this person. For example, you might ask, "Really? What do you like to grow? Do you have a big garden?"