How to choose a hair color for skin tone and eye color. Hair color for hazel eyes

Beautiful well-groomed hair emphasizes the unique female image.

It is good if the curls are naturally lush and there is no gray hair in them.

What should women with dull color or gray hair do?

Naturally, seek help from a stylist or hairdresser, who probably knows how to match the hair color to the face: to make a woman look young, stylish and attractive.

In addition to problems with color, hair coloring will help those women whose hair density leaves much to be desired.

But before you start coloring, you need to figure out which color is suitable for a particular type of face.

Hair color: should it be changed?

Natural hair color does not just look natural, this gift of nature blends perfectly with eye color, facial features. In addition, undyed hair (if healthy) shines, flowing in silk strands, gently falling over the shoulders. Such curls also indicate that everything is in order with the well-being of the woman herself. But that's not all: natural hair does not require the same protection as dyed hair. Recovery procedures, nutrition - these are the disadvantages that hair dyeing entails.

If your hair has turned gray and dyeing has become inevitable, you can never go wrong if you choose a dye color that matches your natural hair color. If you just want to change your image or change your life, starting with a hairstyle, seek help from a specialist who will accurately name colors and shades, tell you how to choose a hair color for your face.

Despite the fact that naturalness is always in fashion, but you feel uncomfortable in your color, you can safely change the color, the main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice, since the wrong tone can emphasize all the imperfections on the face, set off wrinkles and rashes.

How to choose a hair color for your face: general principles

When choosing a hair dye color, an important factor is the skin tone and its features. Blond and black are the favorite solutions of fashionistas, they are far from being for everyone and very often they can visually add several years, and this is not at all what women are striving for, so do not chase after fashion, but adequately sort out according to your color type and hair color. In order to make it easier to navigate in the richest palette of colors, specify who you are - winter, spring, summer or autumn. Based on this, you can safely make a choice in favor of a particular color.


Women of this type are characterized by cold contrast: skin tone can be either very light or very dark. The same applies to the color of the eyes, which can amaze with their burning (black, brown) and be deep cold (gray, blue).

Representatives of this color type can safely choose black, even light-skinned “winters” will look chic, painted in this way. Light brown, ashy shades look good. If you want to look extravagant, you can dilute black curls with bright strands, but in any case, remember that if you choose black, your facial skin should look perfect: it should not have age spots, rashes, freckles.

Taboo for "winter" - all variants of blond, warm golden tones.


The spring woman has light eyes (blue, green) and fair skin, however, she is a warm color type, with natural hair from light blond to brown. Ideal for coloring - dark red, golden, light brown. Natural hair color: whether it is brown or red, you can transform it by making strands a tone or two lighter than natural, thereby adding volume.

As for unwanted tones, it is blond, ashy, light red. Such options belong to cold colors, and they are not combined with a warm skin tone, making it nondescript.


Cold non-contrasting color type with light eyes and a cool skin tone. Most often, a summer woman is a brown-haired woman, but to make herself brighter, you can experiment with light tones up to blond. Light brown-haired is able to make any “summer mouse” bright.

You should not experiment with dark tones - they will age and make the look heavy and ineffective. If a woman is the owner of brown eyes - you should not lighten your curls - this is not the best option in which your eyes will look intimidating.


A warm contrasting color type, which is characterized by light or dark eyes, dark hair (to a brunette) and a brighter skin tone than spring.

All dark options are perfect for coloring hair: black, chestnut, dark blond, rich red. Copper, gold, light tones should not be considered as an option - they will look disadvantageous against the background of dark skin.

How to choose a hair color for your face: good options

Good color options for brown eyes

Women with dark eyes and swarthy skin will look good with strands dyed in dark tones: from dark blond to black.

Fair-skinned young ladies with dark eyes can play with bright colors, choosing red, chocolate and copper tones.

Amber and golden colors will make light brown eyes more expressive.

Good color options for green eyes

Green-eyed beauties are the brightest option that you can imagine. They can experiment with fiery shades, shine with gold and the entire red-red palette. If you are not ready for such experiments and want to look stylish, but restrained, chestnut is your option.

Muddy green, swampy eyes will blend perfectly with dark blond and brown hair.

Good options for blue eyes

Depending on the characteristics of the blue color of the eyes, you can consider different options for shades for the hair. If they have a cold gray or blue color, then the most appropriate would be to dye your hair light blond or ashy. Blue interspersed with brown, will harmoniously look in tandem with red strands, golden, caramel tones.

Bright rich blue eye tones go well with brown, so you should pay attention to light chestnut hair dye options.

Successful color options for the shape of the face

Everyone knows that light colors create volume, while dark ones reduce it. It is very important to remember this rule when choosing a hair color.

If you cannot decide how to choose a hair color for a round face, listen to the advice of experts who will say their unequivocal yes to dark tones: they will reduce the oval of the face by framing it with dark strands.

For thin women with a long oval face, it is best to dye their strands in light colors, and if you do everything with a short (or medium length) lush haircut, your face will become more rounded.

How to choose a hair color for your face: unsuccessful options

Young ladies with a round face should not look towards the colors of light colors, and even more so blond. This option will further expand their oval. A short voluminous haircut can further aggravate the situation.

Thin women should also beware: experts do not advise them to dye in dark colors, and even more so, you should not make the strands straight: if you are already a brunette, add volume to your hair.

Dark-skinned women with dark eyes should not take risks with warm tones: gold, caramel, copper.

Brown-eyed and fair-skinned ladies should be careful about ashy, graphite, pinkish tones.

Light-skinned and light-eyed Nordic young ladies should pass by counters with dark tones of colors, as they will visually make their delicate face much older.

A woman who wants to change her image and dye her hair a new color should definitely seek help from a stylist who knows exactly how to match the hair color to her face and not only maintain her natural attractiveness, but also make it even more impressive.

In addition to color, be sure to pay attention to the hairstyle with which this or that hair tone will look most advantageous, as any detail can add or take away the effect.

All women know the rule: "If you want to change your life or just cheer yourself up, change your hair color." Of course, fighters for naturalness often say that a natural shade is most suitable for a woman. Nature is by no means stupid, and, lovingly creating a person, thinks through all the details in his appearance. But practice shows that the right hair color can significantly change the appearance for the better. How to choose a hair color for your face, read below.

Determine your color type

Stylists gave conditional names to certain ones depending on the shades of the face, hair and eyes. Strictly speaking, there are only four options: Spring, Summer, Winter and Autumn. Each color type is suitable only for a certain set of hair tones. If you make a mistake, you can cross out all the advantages of your appearance. Therefore, stand in front of a mirror and carefully look at your reflection. If you have already experimented with hair, then it is better to find your childhood photos to build on natural shades. How to choose the right hair color depending on your type?

Spring women - warm color type

Distinctive features: In a woman - spring in most cases, the eyes are hazel, green or golden. The skin also has a warm peach or yellowish undertone. The natural color of the hair varies from light brown to chestnut.

Wrong hair color: Spring beauties are not recommended to choose ashy light red color and blue-black. All these tones will make the appearance plain, and the eyes will completely fade.

How to choose a hair color for your face? If you are one of those, feel free to dye your hair chestnut, chocolate or red. We do not advise owners of thin skin and a slight blush to choose, because they will only emphasize the vascular network on the cheeks.

summer girls?

Appearance features: Sunny beauties are the owners of light eyes (blue, gray, blue) and snow-white, almost transparent skin. Hair usually also has a very light tone from blond to light brown. Often, summer women are unhappy with the natural color of their hair, which some call “mouse”.

Mistakes in color choice: Black, dark brown and red hair can drown out the natural tones of the appearance. Too light eyes in combination with dark hair become completely colorless. But red curls sometimes give the skin of summer beauties an unhealthy blush or yellowness.

What color to choose? We recommend coloring the strands in blond with a slightly golden hue. If you want to slightly darken your hair, then opt for a color that resembles milk chocolate. Any light chestnut shades will also suit you.

How to choose a hair dye colorwinter girl?

Appearance features: The colors in the guise of winter women are very contrasting. You can easily find a combination of black hair. However, most often they are brunettes with brown eyes.

What paint should not be chosen? Snow-white curls, red curls or cold chestnut tones are unlikely to suit you. This is especially true for those with very fair skin.

What hair color would you look great with? Deep and dark chocolate color is perfect for winter women. If you want to make the image even brighter, then opt for black shades. To give a playful touch, we recommend adding a few red strands.

How to match hair color to your faceautumn beauty?

Distinctive features: Eye color varies from light green to dark brown. However, the shade of the iris is always warm, sometimes with golden splashes. The natural color of the hair can be either light brown or chestnut. But the skin usually has a golden, yellow or swarthy tone.

Wrong color: Blonde rarely suits this color type. Usually too light hair tone can contrast with dark skin.

What paint to choose: All chestnut, chocolate and red shades are your option. Also, mahogany and copper tones are suitable for autumn women. Hollywood stars sometimes choose a fairly light blond for themselves, but dilute it with brown strands.


How to choose hair color: basic rules

From time to time, any woman thinks about how to change the appearance. And most often, hair undergoes changes - if not their length, then color. In order for coloring to give a positive result and decorate you, it is important to follow not only changeable fashion, but also follow some rules that will help you choose your hair color.

The positive aspects of staining

Psychologists say that a radical change in image can be beneficial. An example of this is the many stars for whom changing hair color has become life-changing:

  • If Norma Jean Baker had not dyed her hair from brown to blonde, the world would never have known about Marilyn Monroe.
  • The same goes for Madonna: Maria Luisa Ciccone remained little known until she said goodbye to blond curls and turned into a blonde.
  • Dita Von Teese could not build a career while she was blonde, but choosing raven hair, she became a burlesque star.
  • Polina Gagarina turned from a plump with chestnut hair into a slender platinum blonde, and took second place in Eurovision 2015.

natural color

The natural hair color is determined by a professional color palette - a special card with strands located on it. To determine the natural tone, the colorist selects a control strand in the back of the client's head. It is in this area in the root zone that the hair retains its natural color, while in other areas they burn out from the sun's rays. Color is determined on dry and clean hair, as wet and dirty hair appears darker.

To accurately determine the natural color, the colorist lifts the control strand so that light passes through it. It is advisable to do this in daylight, because artificial is able to give the hair both warm and cold notes.

Learning to choose the perfect hair color

When choosing a shade that best suits your appearance, you need to pay attention to the natural color of the curls, skin tone, your color type, color, the presence or absence of gray hair, and only after that select the optimal hair dye.

Color of the skin

There are seven basic skin tones. These include:

  • Very pale.
  • Pale.
  • Average.
  • Olive.
  • Swarthy.
  • Dark.

All of them are divided into three possible subtones (or undertones) - warm, cold and neutral.

A warm undertone has a yellowish tint, a cold undertone is bluish or pinkish. Neutral is less common, and is characterized by having both warm and cold notes. And at the same time, it doesn’t matter who we are talking about - a resident of Spain, Africa or Sweden, since African-American women can have cold skin, and Scandinavians can have warm skin.

It is impossible to say with absolute certainty that girls of the Scandinavian type of appearance cannot be painted in dark colors, and dark-skinned and swarthy - in light ones. An example of this is the change in the image of Kim Kardashian: a socialite with brown eyes and natural black hair turned into a blonde. The same goes for Rihanna, who, despite her chocolate skin, isn't afraid to experiment with cool undertones.

To determine whether you belong to a warm or cold undertone, you need to look at the shade of the veins on the inside of the wrist: the "southerners" are greenish or brownish, and the "northerners" are blue.

  • Attach a sheet of white paper or a snow-white fabric of a smooth texture to an unpainted, well-lit face. Cold skin will look bluish against such a background, and warm skin will look yellowish.
  • Experiment with colored materials. Saturated bright fabrics to face a cold subtype, while pastel colors are warm.
  • If gold jewelry makes you more beautiful, you belong to the warm subtype, and if silver jewelry, you belong to the cold subtype.

Skin tone can change with age. It also depends on the state of health and the time of year.

eye color

Brown. They are combined with brown shades of hair - chestnut, chocolate, cognac. They also look beautiful with reddish hair - red and copper. In some cases, brown-eyed girls can lighten their hair up to blond, but then you need to choose only warm shades of paint.

Black. Black eyes are rare, and most often belong to the inhabitants of Asia, Africa and sometimes the Mediterranean. Black or dark chocolate hair color is ideal for this type of appearance. If you want to add extravagance to the look, you can dye some strands in accent shades - copper, caramel or red.

Walnut. They are a mixture of light brown, green, yellow and golden colors. As in the case of brown eyes, brown and reddish colors will be the ideal solution. It is not recommended to lighten the curls too much, as this can lead to the fact that the eyes will look dull.

Grey. When dyeing hair, gray-eyed girls with warm skin should give up black paints - it is likely that they will visually age you. Use softer shades instead, from wheat blonde to milk chocolate. If the skin is cold, choose contrasting tones - platinum or ash blond, black, dark chestnut.

Blue, blue, purple. Hair color for blue and blue eyes depends on skin tone. "Southern" blue-eyed girls look great with wheat, honey, caramel, reddish hair, while "winter" girls are better to turn to cold blond or black. Very light eyes cannot be combined with rich shades of hair - the look will lose depth and become faded.

Lilac eyes are extremely rare in nature. For example, the actress Elizabeth Taylor had lilac, and the Targaryen family from the George Martin saga had purple. Best of all, cold hair colors are combined with such a shade of eyes - silver, ashen, black wing.

Greens. Warm shades of red, caramel, wheat, milk chocolate, gold, copper - that's what green-eyed girls should look at. In this case, it is better to abandon too catchy ash or black colors.

Determining the color type of appearance

The appearance of people can be divided into four categories, which are conventionally named seasons.


The skin of "spring" women is light - porcelain, ivory or yellowish. At the same time, she is often decorated with freckles, quickly blushes in the sun. Natural hair color is blond. The eyes are light - from gray and blue to bright blue.

When choosing hair dye, give up black, dark chestnut, cognac and chocolate. Choose gentle light shades - honey, sandalwood, caramel and walnut. But if you have very pale skin, you should not paint in golden shades, as they will merge with the skin - choose cool ashy tones.


Skin of a cold shade - milky white, pale or slightly olive. When tanned, it becomes a cool brown, but not a golden bronze. Hair is blond, ashy or light brown in color. The eyes of "summer" young ladies are gray, steel, blue, light green, sometimes hazel. The whites of the eyes and the iris rarely contrast.

To choose a hair color, analyze your type in detail: wheaten is suitable for fair girls, and a black tulip can be advised for a more “contrasting summer”.


In the autumn type of girls, the skin can be olive, golden or have a bronze tint. Often there are freckles and moles. From the sun, the skin acquires a golden tan. The natural color of the hair and eyebrows can be warm shades of brown, as well as red, copper, sometimes warm blond. The eyes are usually brown, hazel, green with golden yellow patches. At the same time, their proteins contrast with the bright iris.

The ideal paint option is red, copper, milk chocolate, cognac, reddish, chestnut. Avoid black and cold white shades.


The skin usually has a porcelain whiteness. Sometimes olive skin is also found, but at the same time it has a cold pink or blue undertone. Hair is naturally dark brown or black. It is extremely rare to meet owners of ash-light curls. The eyes are steely, gray, dark brown, cool blue, have bright whites and a contrasting iris.

The winter color type looks perfect with cold shades of hair - it can be ebony, forest beech, black tulip, white platinum. But it is better to refuse to dye your hair in red, honey, wheaten shades.

Determine the type of color

One color will help you look younger and brighter, while the other will change beyond recognition, emphasizing all the flaws. To learn how to choose the right one, you need to determine what color of appearance you belong to.

  • Light. Your appearance is dominated by soft pastel colors: most likely, you are a "spring" or "summer" woman. In choosing clothes, cosmetics and accessories, stick to light tones of medium brightness.
  • Muted. The average saturation of the skin, eyes and hair is found among all four color types, but among the winter - the most rare. The use of muted, soft shades of clothing will be ideal.
  • Bright. If you have dark skin, rich hair color and contrasting eyes (which are most common in autumn and winter), you are a bright color. Bright and expressive colors of clothes always suit you.
  • Contrasting. Contrasting combinations can be represented by light skin and dark hair or dark eyes and light hair. The ideal solution in clothing will be contrasting combinations - black and white or black and bright. But it is better to get rid of pastel combinations.

Express test:

If you could not decide what type of color you belong to, then take a short test. Take a few pieces of fabric or clothing - pastel, muted, bright and contrasting colors (if you have pale skin, take black or dark brown; if dark, then white). Pull your hair into a ponytail and wash off all makeup from your face. When everything is ready, you can start the test.

Apply individually each piece of colored fabric to your face and see if it suits you. If several fit, then attach them again and choose the most suitable one. This way you can determine your type of color.

We select hair color by color:

  • Light - all shades of blond will do, except: platinum, pearl and light brown.
  • Muted - from light blond to blond.
  • Bright colors - chestnut and chocolate shades.
  • Contrast - intense colors, dark hair (clear contrast between skin, eyes and hair) will do.

The presence of gray hair

The right color will help hide the presence of gray hair. When choosing, listen to the advice of the colorist, and also consider which color type you belong to.

  • Women of Scandinavian appearance with green, blue or gray eyes look perfect with blond or reddish curls. But do not forget that too pale skin can merge with golden hair.
  • Women with a southern appearance (dark complexion and brown or black eyes) are advised to choose a hair color that is darker than their skin. Dark chestnut, chocolate, and sometimes black are tones that look perfect next to olive brown skin.
  • Remember that dark tones visually give the hairstyle more density and volume.
  • Red hair is good because it suits almost any color type, if you choose their shade correctly.
  • If you have freckles that you would like to accentuate, use dark chestnut or gold paint. And if you want to hide them, then red or reddish dyes are suitable for you - they will draw attention to the hair, distracting it from freckles.
  • Couperose or pimples will be less noticeable if red shades are abandoned. Instead, it is better to look at golden, light brown and chestnut.
  • Remember that blue-black or platinum hair is only suitable for those women who have perfect facial skin without wrinkles, redness and rashes.
  • If you like a bright make-up, it is better to choose dark shades. Blondes with rich makeup run the risk of looking more vulgar than brunettes.

Paint selection

If you are dyeing your hair for the first time, start with tinted or unstable products, and if the result suits you, then you can color with permanent dye.

When choosing a paint, consider your belonging to a particular color type and color. Do not ignore your natural skin color, eyes and hair - and then it will be much easier to choose the best paint!

It is rare to find women who like their natural hair color. And this does not matter at all, because today such a problem can be easily solved by staining. However, then a completely logical question arises: how to choose the right hair color? The chosen shade should correctly emphasize the natural beauty, and it may not always coincide with the desired one, because a lot depends on the color type of the appearance. Consider useful recommendations that will help you choose the best paint color for staining.

Matching hair color to eye color

If the question arises, how to choose a hair color, then many, without hesitation, will answer that you should choose a shade based on eye color. And there is some truth in this. Eye color is really one of the most basic nuances to consider when choosing paint. Consider the main recommendations of stylists in this regard:

Choose hair color according to skin type

As you can see, for each shade of the eyes there is a palette of colors for the hair. However, when choosing a paint, other parameters of appearance must be taken into account. For example, such as skin color. The skin can be light, dark, olive, swarthy or any other. But when choosing a paint, subtones will matter.

To know how to choose a hair color according to your skin type, you first need to determine the undertone. There are only three of them: warm, cold and neutral. A warm undertone is a skin with a yellowish tint, a cold one with a pinkish tint, and a neutral one can contain both notes.

IMPORTANT! To understand what your skin tone is, you can use different methods. For example, analyze daily jewelry. If gold suits you more, then your skin has a warm undertone, and if silver, then cold.

Owners of warm skin are more suitable for light shades of paint, and for girls with cold skin, masters are more often recommended to paint in dark colors. Neutral undertone skin is versatile. Girls with this appearance can experiment with different shades of paint.

Determine the color type of appearance

You can find out how to choose the perfect hair color by determining the appearance color type. This is the most important and clear parameter that will allow you to quickly choose a hair color that can perfectly emphasize the natural parameters of your appearance. It is customary to distinguish four color types: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Consider their features.


Spring girls are natural blondes with porcelain skin with freckles. The eyes are usually blue or light blue. This is a rather rare color type, so painting in this case can only do harm. However, if you want to diversify your image, then choose light shades for painting - ashen, caramel or walnut. They ideally emphasize natural data. Girls with such a color type are categorically contraindicated in dark colors. Black or dark chestnut will add ten years to them, and after painting in such shades it will be very difficult to return the natural one.


This is the most common color type. The skin is usually pale in color and becomes only slightly brown when tanned. The hair of such women is blond or light brown, and the eyes are gray, blue or hazel. To find out what hair color to choose for summer girls, you need to carefully analyze their type. If the skin is light, then wheat-colored paint is better, and if dark, black.


Autumn girls are distinguished by bright and beautiful skin of a golden or bronze hue. Quite often, moles or freckles are present on the skin. When summer comes, the body is covered with a seductive golden tan. The hair of such girls is usually brown or red, and the eyes are brown or hazel. If you have an autumn color type and you don’t know how to choose the right hair color, then give preference to milk chocolate or a copper shade. They will emphasize expressive eyes and make your image unforgettable.


Winter girls are quite rare. They have white skin and dark hair. However, there are exceptions. The winter color type also has ash-blond hair and olive skin. The eyes are usually brown or steel. Girls with such an appearance are perfect for all dark paint colors: from ebony to forest beech. In this case, you should not choose light shades. They will look inconspicuous.

How to choose the right paint?

In order for the result of staining to please you for as long as possible, and the color to blend perfectly with natural data, it is necessary to pay due attention to the choice of paint. Let's look at some recommendations:

IMPORTANT! Don't skimp on paint. This is one of the most important rules! Cheap coloring compounds can lead to very sad consequences. They not only ruin the hair, but can also cause serious illness. Paint needs to be bought only in stores.

Hair coloring rules

  1. It is not worth choosing a paint without taking into account the color type of appearance and other natural data. Such experiments will negatively affect the health of the hair, which will ultimately lead to the need for their treatment. It is very expensive and time-consuming to cure hair after repeated unsuccessful dyeing, so the choice of color should be taken seriously.

  2. When choosing a paint color, you need to consider the time of year. For example, in summer it is better to give preference to milky shades that can emphasize the tan.

  3. If you have a dark eye color, but really want to become a blonde, then do not despair. Light hair colors are not only blue-eyed. At the same time, there is always the opportunity to choose something between a blond and a dark shade of hair, for example, highlighting or ombre.

  4. It is always better to dye your hair in a salon. Only a professional master can make hair color natural and attractive. If this is not possible, then you can ask a friend for help. You should not dye your hair on your own, because it is inconvenient and during the procedure you can easily skip some area.

  5. If you need to dye your hair from dark to light, then you should not do it all at once. In this case, irreparable damage will be done to the hair. It is better to repaint gradually, choosing gentle formulations. You can only change the color by two tones each time. Such clarification will not harm your hair.

  6. To make the paint lay on the hair evenly, you can add any oil to it. For example, olive, almond or peach. Natural oil will not only improve the final result of coloring, but also protect the hair from the harmful effects of modern coloring composition.

  7. Any washes are very harmful to the hair and this should always be remembered. It is for this reason that you should consider the decision to radically change the color of your hair several times. If you are not one hundred percent sure of the chosen shade, then it is better to postpone the staining.

IMPORTANT! Even the most expensive paints contain harmful substances. If you have a sensitive organism or have an allergy, then you should take a test before the staining procedure. The paint must be applied to the bend of the elbow and wait twenty minutes. In the absence of irritation and redness, the staining procedure can begin.


If you have brown eye well, then you should choose shades of brown, golden and copper color ov. The choice of tone in this case depends largely on color and your skin and how dark your eye A. For dark brown eye and swarthy skin, all the dark shades listed are well suited color ov, which will emphasize the beauty of your face and make your appearance more natural.

If you have fair skin, then it is better to choose non-dark shades of caramel and copper. If you have fair skin and are light brown eye a, close in shade to sand color y, soft shades of red, caramel and chestnut will suit you. Girls with brown eye you should avoid light hair colors, otherwise the image will seem unnatural and inharmonious.

For those who have green eye but, bright colors of the same tones are suitable as for the caret eye s. Hairstyles of golden, rich chestnut, bright red and copper shades will look great. Bright color hair will emphasize your individuality, brightness and expressiveness eye, will attract the attention of others and make your appearance irresistible.

When choosing color and for blue eye it is important to decide which color type is your appearance. If your eye and dark saturated color a, close to blue or turquoise, and the skin is pink or dark, then you are warm color type. Darker or brighter shades are suitable for you, such as, golden, copper or color. If you have light eye and pale skin, it is better to choose cold shades of blond or ashy color.

For those who have gray eye and, almost any shades of hair dye are suitable. But if you want to look natural and harmonious, choose tones depending on your color type. For people belonging to the warm type, chestnut, red, copper tones and caramel are suitable. Those who belong to the cold type - ash and black. But if you have uneven skin, wrinkles, scars or blackheads, it's best to avoid black hair dye.

Choosing color for hair, consider all the details of your appearance, from color and skin and eye to growth and fullness. Other than that, think about how new color hair will suit your lifestyle and surroundings.


First, decide on the tone level so that it matches your color type, that is, it is not too dark, and also choose a shade: warm (with reddishness) or cold. Who has blond hair and who would like to return to their natural hair color, it should be remembered that the dye is washed off from blond hair faster than from natural hair, so they will still need to be tinted in about 2-3 weeks.

Helpful advice

But how much the use of this or that paint will be appropriate and will not harm the health of the hair and scalp, depends on you. When choosing a color that will soon become yours, you should take into account your type of appearance - a perfectly black color can give a special charm to your girlfriend, and make you a few years older, or becoming a bright blonde, you will not look coquettishly sexy, but simply vulgar.

Tip 2: How to choose the right hair color for your eye color

To emphasize the dignity of your image, to give it bright, fresh and rich notes, you can change the shade of your hair. As a result, from the "gray mouse" you can turn into a gorgeous woman. However, you need to change the color of the hairstyle correctly, taking into account not only the skin tone, but also the color of the eyes. How to choose a hair color?

for blue eyes

Blue-eyed girls are all light shades of hair - ashen, blond, bronze and wheaten. But the blue color also comes in different brightness. Therefore, in some cases, dark shades are suitable for representatives with this eye color. In addition, skin color must be taken into account at the same time.

Girls with a golden or bronze skin tone, who have red and yellow specks in the irises, are suitable for all golden colors: golden chestnut, golden walnut, champagne. Ladies with pink skin can wear ashy and light blond hair.

A brown-haired woman by nature can transform shades of dark caramel and light chestnut. For women who have cornflower-colored eyes and dark blue skies, as well as snow-white skin, blue-black hair color is very suitable. In such a combination, the heavenly color of the eyes is especially noticeable.

Hair color for brown eyes

Brown eyes also come in a variety of shades. Therefore, the approach to them will be appropriate. To emphasize the charm of brown eyes and show the full depth of the look, it is necessary to take into account all the shades of brown eyes and skin.

If the skin is tanned or dark, and the eyes are brown, you do not need to lighten your hair. It is advisable to paint them in dark shades: chestnut, warm chocolate. Girls with fair skin should use red and caramel shades, milk chocolate. This will make the image more juicy and interesting.

In the event that brown eyes have a light shade, it is contraindicated to dye your hair in dark colors. It is recommended to use caramel, gold, amber and reddish colors.

With saturated shades of brown eyes with a reddish tint, dark colors with a red tint are appropriate: contrasting, burning, shades of chocolate, chestnut, eggplant, black tulip.

Hair color for green eyes

Green-eyed girls will suit bold, bright and rich shades of red, copper and chestnut. Reddish tones may also be used. But by no means blonde. Against the background of bleached hair, a beautiful eye color can fade.

Girls with golden skin and irises with yellow and orange dots can try to dye their hair in very exotic colors: red, golden, red. In this case, experiments will be appropriate, no need to be afraid.

Eyes of a rare bright grassy color are combined with the following original hair tones: gold, auburn, honey, reddish, medium chestnut. All these combinations will be very beautiful.

With swamp eye color, red hair is a contraindication. But on the other hand, you can ideally dye your hair in dark blond, chestnut and walnut.

Hair color for gray eyes

Grey-eyed girls are in a particularly privileged position, because they suit almost all hair colors except black. With golden skin, you can use wheat, caramel, light brown, red, light chestnut and dark chestnut. And with light skin, all colors from dark chestnut to ashy are suitable.