What are the best diapers. Baby diapers

World powers compete among themselves not only in whose athletes are stronger, cars are more powerful, and citizens are more cultured. They are also fighting for the palm in the production of children's goods. In particular, disposable diapers. So, German Fixies are called the most delicate. American Huggies are a worthy alternative to Japanese brands. Swedish Libero - the most hypoallergenic. And Pampers, which are sold everywhere, deserve two medals at once: for “hype” and low price.

Conventionally, all disposable diapers can be divided into four groups.

  • Popular . European brands Pampers, Huggies, Libero, slightly less popular Helen Harper and Bella Baby happy. Almost all of them are inexpensive, are on the shelves of most stores, suit the average consumer.
  • Premium brands. German Fixies, as well as individual lines of popular brands such as Pampers Premium Care, Huggies Elit Soft and others. They cost an order of magnitude more expensive than diapers from the first group.
  • Asian brands. Following the "Japanese", diapers from Taiwan (Sealer, Prokids), Korea (Bosomi, Cutie Quilt, Dr Science), China (Royal Pups, Greenty, Baken) entered the market.
  • Tracing paper from reputable brands. So, Russian Mepsi are outwardly copied from Japanese Merries, but are inferior to them in quality. In Poland, DaDa diapers are produced, similar to Pampers. The Chinese Chiaus are similar to the Japanese Moony.

Comparison of different brands by a dermatologist

Dermatologist-cosmetologist Raisa Sosina, together with her daughter, conducted her own monitoring of the market for disposable hygiene products. In the first months of life, mother and baby tried all the main brands available in the free sale of St. Petersburg. We found out, for example, that the Auchan Baby brand causes allergies, and the absorbent layer resembles cotton wool, and quite hard. The only advantage is the price. About five hundred rubles for a pack of ninety copies.

Expert: Raisa Sosina, dermatologist-cosmetologist, vk.com/doctorsos.

At the maternity hospital, a package of 30 pieces of Libero Newborn was enough for my child. I am satisfied with them in everything, except for the cost equal to . Irritation was not, nothing leaked and did not sweat. But everything is individual, - continues Raisa Sosina. - Huggies tried twice. Once it was quite good, they were Huggies Elite Soft, but I didn’t like that the urine test strip was not uniform and not unambiguously stained. Yes, and urine is distributed in lumps, but, nevertheless, they did not leak. Of the minuses, it also smells chemically. They also put on Huggies Ultra - they gave us the rest, which became small for another child. They had a red ass with them, and a typical annoyance. They smelled just as bad.

Dermatologist Sosina gave the Pampers brand twice a chance to stay on the daughter's changing table.

Pampers Active Baby did not like the fact that the butt in them was wet, rotten, they leaked and filled unevenly in comparison with others. But I really liked Pampers Premium Care (1100 rubles for a pack of 90 pieces): soft, light and pleasant aroma of chamomile, good and even distribution of moisture, dry bottom without irritation, breathable, do not leak, clear filling of the test strip. I would continue to use them, if not for one "but" - a comparison with the Japanese Merries and Goo. n, which were sold at 1300 rubles for one package of 90 pieces. The Japanese are beyond praise!

However, pioneer brands with their soft, affectionate names are among the leaders of the “diaper market”. The English verb to pamper means to pamper, undead, and huggies can be translated as "hugs".

Diapers: reviews of mothers

Nadezhda Pakulina, mother of Sasha and Natasha

- I mostly buy Haggis. Everyone likes it: they have a comfortable belt that stretches from the back, and a pocket for liquid stools and they are not wet, even if the whole night has passed. But Pampers doesn't have that. They also stink, there is some kind of terrible impregnation, especially in Sleep and Play. And I heard a lot of kids are allergic to them. In general, I am twice a mother and twice consciously choose Huggies.

Antonina Skripal, Savva's mother

I take Pampers panties. Pleasant to the touch, soft, unobtrusive smell. They fit well, don't leak and are easy to put on. They absorb well, the butt is always dry - this is the most important thing! And yes, the price is great. I take it in a regular store near the house, they constantly have different discounts.

Alexandra Slavnikova, mother of Vanya and Misha

The eldest, Vanya, was bought "Pampers" in a large orange package: the price suited him, and this children's store was not far from home. Then they switched to Haggis panties, then they completely abandoned all when they were potty trained. They took Misha "Haggis" from birth, and until now, while he walks in them, I leave them for the night and for a walk. Yes, "Pampers" have a specific smell, but this aroma is better than the smell of the contents of the diaper. And then you get used to it.

How to choose

When choosing a disposable cellulose diaper for a newborn or an already grown baby, you need to pay attention not only to the cost, but also to other factors:

  • cotton or other covering;
  • elastic bands-fasteners;
  • air and moisture permeability;
  • wetting indicators;
  • even distribution of urine and loose stools.

Some manufacturers add green tea extract to the absorbent layer. An example is Greenty diapers, developed in a New Zealand laboratory, commissioned by a Russian company, and produced at a Chinese factory. Others claim that disposable pads contain phytoncides of cypress, as in the Korean brand Cutie Quilt.

Always listen to your skin and baby's skin! It is especially worth paying close attention to the reaction of the skin in diapers. And also be reasonable in the use of cream and oil, - says dermatologist-cosmetologist Raisa Sosina. - My teacher, chief dermatovenereologist of St. Petersburg, doctor of medical sciences Konstantin Igorevich Raznatovsky said: "The skin is not a wall to smear thoughtlessly." I fully agree with his phrase. This applies to the passion of young mothers for creams, powders, oils and all kinds of “smear” for the skin. Don't need them. I admit only in case of problems, one-time. My daughter needed baby powder only a couple of times, until we learned how to dry all the folds well after the bath and periodically ventilate intimate places, for 5–10 minutes. With diaper rash, the same "Bepanten" or an ordinary baby cream ideally copes. But they will come in handy several times from strength. But you can safely forget about all the diaper creams. There is no need for a child to litter the microflora of the skin that has not yet been established with any muck. Yes, zinc paste dries well, but isn't it easier to just have good diapers and ventilate your ass without them at least sometimes? Oils? And for what? Let the skin breathe comfortably without this film.

According to the expert Sosina, in life you can not save on three things: on doctors, on drugs and on children. Attentive parents will not buy their children food with food preservatives and washing powders with a pronounced specific smell or granules that are not rinsed out of the laundry. And a caring mother will refuse diapers that cause itching, weeping sores and irritation.

By the way, in an effort to provide the child with all the best, many parents completely refuse disposable products. They vote in favor of natural swaddling or purchase reusable hygiene products. Why gauze is better than cellulose and why natural wool and cotton do not cause prickly heat - in the next review of diapers.


Man is born! With his birth, parents add not only new joys, but also worries. One of the most pressing tasks for the coming months of a baby's life is the purchase of baby diapers. The baby should be comfortable in them, and the mother should be comfortable with them. But the main thing is that they should always be at hand, especially if the age of your crumbs is calculated in days.

What diapers are best for newborns

Parents who want the best for their baby start choosing hygiene items long before the baby is born. Preparing for childbirth, a young mother determines in advance what hygiene products she needs for a child:

  • Do you use reusable diapers?
  • Should I make my own gauze diapers?
  • Or use disposable diapers for newborns?

Reusable diapers

Modern reusable diapers are becoming more and more popular. They combine the positive qualities of traditional swaddling methods and diapers that have already become familiar. Moms choose reusable diapers for a variety of reasons. Here are some of them:

  • They are made from environmentally friendly materials (flannel, bamboo, wool).
  • Do not cause allergies, reduce the risk of diaper rash, irritation.
  • Made from fabric, they do not pollute the environment.
  • Purchased once, they serve the entire period of infancy, excluding spending on disposable diapers.

Choosing reusable baby diapers, parents doom themselves to the need to wash and dry them daily. If there is a washing machine in the house, this is not a big problem, but washing requires effort, time, and drying requires favorable temperature conditions and places. Diapers and inserts for them will have to be changed more often than disposable ones, especially in the first month of life. There should be a lot of them, so you won’t be able to save much. A reusable diaper might be better for an older child.

Gauze diapers for newborns

Such diapers have been used for a long time, when people had not yet invented disposable diapers for newborns. In modern life, gauze is often present thanks to the efforts of the older generation. Grandmothers of babies find many benefits to using homemade gauze (cloth) diapers:

  • Gauze diapers are made from natural cotton.
  • This material "breathes", the child's skin remains healthy.
  • This is a cheap material. Using gauze or cloth will save a good amount over the first month of life.
  • The environment does not suffer from gauze.

Many grandmothers are sure that the best diapers for their grandchildren are gauze, but in reality, not everything goes smoothly:

  • The gauze does not absorb too much liquid.
  • You have to change diapers very often.
  • Sleeping in wet, the baby runs the risk of diaper rash or irritation, and when you decide to change him, he will wake up.
  • If you use a gauze diaper when dressing your baby for a walk, most of the time he will walk wet.

Add to this daily washing, drying, ironing on both sides (such recommendations are often found on the Internet) and you will understand that hygiene gauze is more of a nostalgia than a solution to a baby's problems. The choice is always up to the parents, but you need to get used to using this type of diaper. They need to be sewn, folded, and put on the baby correctly so that the child is comfortable. Under the gauze, a baby cream is necessarily used.

Disposable diapers

One can argue about the useful and harmful sides of disposable diapers, but with this invention, the mother has freed up a large amount of time to communicate with her child. Do not rush to abandon diapers for newborns in favor of gauze: perhaps the right disposable diaper will allow you to get enough sleep and gain strength after childbirth.

You can use disposable hygiene products from the first days of a baby’s life; for this, special diapers for newborns with a cutout for the navel are produced. The special device of the belt avoids discomfort in the area of ​​the unhealed umbilical wound. Diapers for newborns are universal, but sometimes they are produced separately for boys and girls. For such babies, differences in style are not as important as the size of diapers and the quality of their absorbent layer.

Rating of diapers for newborns

Pampers diapers were the first to appear in Russia, and this name immediately became a household name. Today, on the shelves of pharmacies, children's stores, supermarkets, you can find products of various brands from different countries: Huggies, Moony, Care, Merries, Libero - your eyes run wide! How not to make a mistake in choosing? Consider the features of some brands on the examples of models for the smallest, newborn babies.

  1. Pampers continues to be a leader in the production and demand for baby care products. The Pampers New Baby line satisfies the needs of babies from the very first days of life. You can use these diapers for premature newborns - they are gentle and safe for the baby's skin. Pampers of this series are sold in small packages, which is convenient for buying "on trial".
  2. Huggies diapers for children have long gained popularity. Under the Haggis brand, the first panty diapers and convenient Velcro fasteners on the belt appeared. New Haggis Premium for children from the first days of life take into account the peculiarities of the anatomy of newborns, well absorb not only moisture, but also the baby's stool. Huggies disposable diapers for newborns are available in two sizes: from 2 to 5 and from 3 to 6 kg.
  3. Japanese Merries conquer the hearts of Russian mothers. Japanese pedantry helped create diapers for newborns, which have become the standard of quality. Meries are pleasant to hold in hands, they have a cellular structure and ideally absorb moisture. With proper use of Meries, the baby will never have diaper rash and irritation! The control strip-indicator will tell you in time about the need to wash the baby. Unfortunately, Meries are sold only in large packages and are not cheap.
  4. Swedish Libero for newborns is a worthy value for money. Hypoallergenic filler, a shape that takes into account the age characteristics of the crumbs, a cutout for the umbilical wound - all this makes the product from Libero a comfortable and reliable diaper. Try to buy a small trial pack: if the quality of Libero suits you and suits your child, then why pay more?

Pampers, or diapers for newborns, greatly simplify the life of a young mother. She has more time for household chores, for sleep and for herself. However, nowadays it is widely believed that diapers for boys are harmful and adversely affect the genitourinary system. True or not, it is difficult to answer, since no research in this area has yet been conducted. A modern mother is unlikely to be able to do without diapers. You will have to choose models that are best suited for males. What diapers are best for newborns?


So that diapers do not harm the child as much as possible, you should choose them, taking into account some features:

  • Please note that sizes from different manufacturers may correspond to different ages of children. Always choose copies slightly larger than the required volume.
  • If the baby's weight is between the two suggested diaper size limits, the larger one should be preferred.
  • The model of diapers for newborns should be hygroscopic. Thanks to the “breathing” of diapers, it will be possible to avoid diaper rash.
  • Do not buy copies with fragrances: they are hyperallergenic.
  • Try to wean the boy from diapers before the age of one. To do this, leave him in panties more often, and wear diapers only for sleep at night or for walks.

Is there a negative impact?

With the advent of diapers for newborns, articles and notices began to appear that they are harmful to the male genitourinary system. This fact was explained by the greenhouse effect created by diapers in the pelvic area. Since overheating is harmful to the male testicles and leads to a violation of their function, the mentioned conclusion was made.

Opponents of this thesis put forward other arguments:

  • in hot countries, overheating does not lead to dysfunction of the genitourinary system in men;
  • an increase in body temperature in diapers occurs only by 1.2 degrees, while pathological changes require a temperature of at least 40 degrees;
  • the testicles descend into the scrotum only by the age of 10, therefore, overheating cannot cause a violation of the quality of sperm;
  • dermatitis occurs when the skin comes into contact with ammonia. The latter is formed as a result of mixing feces and urine, which can occur in diapers, but not in diapers;
  • the reason for the lengthening of the path to the potty is not diapers, but the unwillingness of parents to accustom the child in time. In addition, a conscious emptying reflex is formed in a baby only by the age of 2, and at this time, diapers should already be disposed of.

The conclusion about who is right, to do, of course, parents. Accordingly, the choice will be made in favor of whether to use diapers.

Terms of use

With timely replacement and compliance with the rules for choosing a product and using it, diapers will not have a harmful effect:

  • choose a series of diapers specifically for boys, where the absorbent layer is located taking into account the anatomical structure of men;
  • regularly check the condition of the skin;
  • change diapers after each urination or at least every 3-4 hours;
  • choose products according to the height and volume of the child. For boys, large sizes are suitable to create space for the genitals;
  • arrange air baths for the baby, leaving him undressed for a while;
  • Actively use diapers only up to a year. After the specified age, try to wear panties more often for your child.

Subject to these norms, the baby will always be healthy and cheerful. If the rules of hygiene are not followed, even the best models for newborns can harm the skin.

Which diapers are best?

There are a lot of companies offering diapers. Following the founder of this idea, Pampers, Herbal, Huggies and many others appeared. Modern parents are confused and shocked by the pricing policy and the variety of sizes.

So that you can choose the right diapers for a boy, we present a rating of which diapers for newborns are the best.


These are the world's first modern type diapers and, perhaps, the best. The product lines are designed according to the age of the babies and have the following properties:

  • suitable even for premature newborns;
  • a special layer does not allow rubbing the skin;
  • the structure of the diaper is "breathable" and prevents the formation of a greenhouse effect;
  • sidewalls and cuffs reliably protect against leakage;
  • certain models are impregnated with a special composition that protects the skin of newborns.


This company is not the ancestor of modern diapers, but has introduced many innovations in the process of their production:

  • outer layer made of organic cotton;
  • Velcro fasteners;
  • panty shaped diapers.

The product features of this company are:

  • use of protective material Babysoft;
  • uniform distribution of fluid throughout the diaper;
  • fasteners can be used even if powders or liquid antiseptics are used;
  • absorbent system that turns liquid into gel.


Japanese diapers, which enviably differ in quality from European and Russian in their properties, as evidenced by the reviews:

  • the presence of a fullness indicator that changes color when the baby "did the job";
  • well fixed;
  • the inner layer is equipped with micropores that provide air access;
  • there is a division by gender, so for boys this is the best option;
  • elastic elastic band that does not squeeze in the belt.

Sun Herbal

Korean diapers. Reviews about them are the most positive. The main advantages are:

  • impregnation with herbal compounds that protect the skin from damage and irritation;
  • Velcro that securely holds the diaper;
  • leakage protection.


Another Japanese company, which has the best reviews. Diapers have the following differences:

  • excellent absorbency due to the porous structure;
  • strong fasteners;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • accounting for different weight categories;
  • difference in structure depending on the sex of the child.

There are other companies for the production of diapers in Russia, Finland, Greece, the Czech Republic, but, judging by the reviews, mothers prefer to contact these manufacturers. In addition, they are easiest to find in a pharmacy or supermarket.

What to prefer?

When a young mother knows all the structural features of boys and the structure of diapers, it's time to think about which manufacturer and model to choose. The Japanese are almost unanimously recognized as the best in the production of diapers. Their products are as close as possible to everyday cotton underwear in terms of thickness and quality. In addition, only in Japanese products there is a division by gender. This is extremely important because the absorbent layer will be in different parts. European and Russian firms have products that are universal for both sexes.

Pampers, the founder of production, remains the second in quality on the list. With regard to these diapers, you should be selective, since not all models are the same. Products in white packages are the thinnest and lightest, with a cotton layer.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find the required models. If the product caught your eye, you need to purchase it for the future, especially Japanese-made diapers.

Some European brands are even hard to find in Russian stores, so mothers often have to be content with what they have.

Much in the topic of diaper production remains unfinished by manufacturers. Perhaps the development of disposable underwear for boys is still waiting in the wings in Europe and Russia. For now, if parents have the opportunity to purchase Japanese-made baby boy diapers, it is better to donate funds and ensure that their child is properly cared for.

There will always be numerous debates about the benefits and harms of diapers, but what I can’t disagree with is that this thing makes life easier for mom. Yes, and the baby, at times, also benefits.

Yes, there may be diaper rash or irritation, but these troubles can also appear in children in gauze shorts. For your acquaintance and cooperation with diapers to be successful, you just need to use them correctly and choose which diapers are best for a newborn, and this indicator is purely individual.


It is no coincidence that acquaintance with diapers begins with this company, and diapers from other companies are often called diapers. The first mass production of diapers was established by Procter & Gamble, who founded the Pampers brand. Diapers of this brand differ in series, sizes and shapes.

Premium Care- the most expensive and high-quality variety, the so-called premium class in snow-white packaging. Available in six sizes as diapers and three as panties.

  1. Please note that in this series there is a size 0 for babies weighing 2.5 kg .;
  2. 1, 2, 3 sizes of diapers will be useful to you during the first year of a toddler's life, their gradation is 2-5, 3-6 and 5-9 kg, respectively;
  3. The form of panties is available in 3 sizes, but the weight is not the same as that of diapers - from 6 to 9 kg;
  4. Premium Care is marketed as a disposable diaper for newborns that can keep you dry for up to 12 hours. At the same time, they absorb not only moisture, but also the liquid feces of babies (read the article on the topic: Loose stools in babies >>>). To do this, in diapers 1-3 numbering there is an additional passing layer-mesh;
  5. Diapers of sizes 0-3 are equipped with a moisture indicator, so you do not have to remove and check the fullness of the diaper, the strip on the tummy will tell you about it;
  6. The sides of the diapers are elasticated, fastened with Velcro, can be taken off and put on several times;
  7. The diaper itself is thin, soft and breathable, which means less chance of diaper rash in a newborn.

Series Baby- Dry- diapers in turquoise packaging. There are three sub-series: New Baby-Dry, Aktiv Baby-Dry and Pampers panties.

  • New Baby-Dry - for babies from 2 to 6 kg, sizes 1 and 2;
  • Aktiv Baby-Dry 4 to 18 kg, sizes 3, 4, 4+, 5, 6;
  • Panties Pampers Pants Pants from 6 to 18 kg, sizes 3, 4, 5, 6. By the way, panties are now produced separately for boys and separately for girls;
  • The manufacturer again promises up to 12 hours of dryness, and in all categories, due to the double layer - the first allows moisture to pass through and does not let it back in, and the second inner layer turns it into a gel;
  • There is a protective balm;
  • Sidewalls stretch, Velcro fasteners withstand repeated opening and closing;
  • Doesn't float;
  • Even when filled, these diapers are not taken in a lump, but are well compressed up to 8 cm, so the baby continues to move actively.

Series sleep& play in bright orange packaging - this is the most budget option.

  1. Thinner and more breathable, but also less absorbent, up to 9 hours dry. Ideal option for hot summer;
  2. There is impregnation - chamomile extract;
  3. Sidewalls stretch, Velcro fasteners;
  4. Available in four sizes: 2, 3, 4, 5. This series does not include diapers for newborns.

Prices depend on the category, the number of diapers in the package and the size. By the way, you can read about how the weight of the baby increases depending on his age in the article: Weight gain in newborns by months >>>


A fairly popular brand of diapers, which is also presented in several series and forms. Haggis Elite Soft, Haggis Ultra Comfort and panties Haggis and Haggis Little Swimmers. There are diapers for children from 4 years old in the form of panties.

Haggis Elite Soft - elite series for newborns.

  • Five sizes from 2 to 22 kg;
  • Soft, breathable foam material, natural cotton top layer;
  • Size 1 has a padded insert at the navel;
  • Moisture indicator in 1 and 2 sizes;
  • There is an internal pocket in which moisture is accumulated, which prevents leakage along the back;
  • Elastic waistband and drawstring closures.

Haggis Ultra Comfort – a series of diapers, which is divided by gender: pink packaging for a girl and blue for a boy. Seeing their stylish design, you will definitely decide which diapers are best for newborn girls.

  1. Four sizes 3, 4, 4+, 5 from 5 to 22 kg;
  2. Interesting drawings from Disney cartoons attract your baby's attention;
  3. Elasticized back, cuffs around the legs, do not leak;
  4. Reusable Velcro;
  5. They breathe through the use of material with micropores.

haggis panties- an excellent tool for mobile kids during the period of potty training (read the current article: How to potty train a child?>>>).

  • Sizes 4, 5, 6 from 9 to 22 kg;
  • Easy to put on and take off like panties;
  • Absorb up to 500 ml of liquid;
  • Tight fit on the back and around the legs, do not leak;
  • There is a training series with a disappearing pattern when filling the diaper.

Haggis Classic- budget series

  1. Sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 4+.5 from 2 to 25 kg;
  2. Cellulose with a waterproof outer layer;
  3. The liquid does not accumulate in one place, but is distributed over the entire area;
  4. The belt stretches, cuffs around the legs;
  5. Thin and breathable.

Haggis diapers for newborns are available both in mini packs and in large cardboard packs.


No less popular brand of diapers. Also presented in different series: from New Born to panties for swimming.

Libero New Born- gentle and reliable protection for babies.

  • Sizes 0, 1, 2 from 2 to 6 kg;
  • Notch for the navel;
  • There is a strip-indicator of fullness;
  • High cuffs around the legs and an elastic band on the back prevent leakage.

Libero Comfort Zoo – The unique design will definitely please your little one.

  1. Sizes 3, 4, 5, 6 from 4 to 22 kg;
  2. Elastic on the back and sides, wide fasteners fix the diaper well;
  3. Size indicator: if the fastener is in the center of the bright sector, then the size is suitable for a newborn, if closer to the sides, it's time to take the next size;
  4. Breathable, well absorb moisture.

Libero panties. Sizes 4, 5, 6, 7 from 7 to 26 kg. Quite thin, soft, and practical.

Libero Eurydeus - budget series, which, despite the low price, is of fairly high quality.

  • 2, 3, 4, 5 from 3 to 25 kg;
  • They absorb well and do not leak due to the tight stretchable waistband and high cuffs;
  • Contain an extract of medicinal chamomile;
  • Breathe.

Libero Touch– a new super-thin line of diapers.

  1. Sizes 1 to 6;
  2. Super thin, soft, breathable;
  3. Fill indicator on all six sizes.

Diapers Dada

Polish Dada diapers are now quite popular. The price is low and the quality is good.

  • Four sizes from 2 to 25 kg;
  • Several layers, material - cotton;
  • Absorb well and do not clump;
  • Tightly fit to the body due to elastic sidewalls;
  • Fairly thin and breathable.

Helen Harper

The products of the Belgian manufacturer are available both in retail and online stores. Presented in three series: Helen Harper Baby, Helen Harper Soft & Dry and panties.

Helen Harper Baby can be used from birth.

  1. Sizes 1 to 5 2 to 25 kg;
  2. Absorbency: about 800 ml of liquid;
  3. Tightly adheres to the body of the newborn;
  4. Soft, gentle, breathable, reliable;
  5. Without impregnations and balms.

Helen Harper Soft&Dry for children from 4 kg.

  • Thin, not noticeable under clothes;
  • Air circulates, do not soar;
  • Hypoallergenic inner layer;
  • The liquid does not leak, inside it is absorbed into the smallest balls;
  • High sides and elastic fasteners.

Panty diapers are available in the Helen Harper Soft&Dry line, starting in size 4 at 8kg.

Merries diapers

The country of origin of Merries diapers is Japan.

  1. Pay attention to the gradation in sizes, unusual for our region: NB, S, M, L, XL. Additionally, the sizes are indicated, but you need to take a little with a margin, since the diapers are small;
  2. Meries diapers for newborns retain moisture well and fit snugly to the baby's body;
  3. There are three indicator strips that show the filling level. If a blue stripe appears, it's time to change the diaper;
  4. The technology of three breathable layers will reliably protect your newborn's butt from diaper rash (you may also be interested in the article Red butt in a newborn >>>).

Meries is an expensive, but very high-quality option.

Baby diapers

Japanese Muni diapers for newborns are produced in two variations - for domestic use and for export. So, if you decide to purchase this particular brand of diapers, take the trouble to find a product for a Japanese user. They are much better and more practical.

  • Letter designations NB, S, M, L, XL, there are also sizes in kilograms, but take it better with a margin;
  • The diaper should have a picture of Winnie the Pooh and all markings in Japanese only;
  • Ultra-thin and soft, almost invisible under clothes;
  • Hyperallergenic, no fragrances and balms;
  • Perfectly absorb moisture and turn it into a gel;
  • There is a compacted mesh on the back, so that when the baby sleeps on the back, he is not threatened with sweating. Find out from the article the sleep norms of children up to a year >>>;
  • There is a moisture indicator.


When in doubt about which diapers are best for newborn boys, choose a super-breathable option with good absorbency. It is these diapers that Japanese manufacturers create, but their price is decent.

  1. Only natural materials;
  2. The liquid turns into a gel;
  3. Breathe, do not soar, the skin remains dry;
  4. The waistband and buckles are elastic;
  5. Liquid indicator;
  6. There is an impregnation with vitamin E.

Any of the presented Japanese diapers is not so difficult to get. You can order them online or find a distributor directly in your locality. The same goes for diapers of famous brands.

When choosing diapers for newborns, reviews play an important role. But remember, the best way to choose diapers is to try them out and see what works best for you and your baby.

Hello dear parents! I chose today's topic for a reason! I just once again came across conflicting reviews about diapers and realized that it was time to talk about them. Do I need to mention that disputes around them existed and still exist. And if earlier they could not agree only on whether there is a need for diapers, now it is about their quality.

Of course, at the stage of selection, you need to look at it especially carefully in order to prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions. How to do it? We will tell you today. And also we will tell you how to choose the right diapers for newborns, which ones are better. Reviews about them can be read at the end of the article.

Many mothers, when choosing any hygiene products, including diapers, pay attention only to their price, believing that it reflects their quality. They are partly right, but not always. The fact is that you can buy good diapers and relatively inexpensively, for example, from brands that have not yet been promoted.

The main thing is to remember what the main purpose of these products is and what requirements are placed on them, and focus on them.

So, Why were diapers made?? There are at least three reasons:

  • in order to protect the baby's clothes from his waste products. This is especially true on the street, in a clinic or at a party;
  • in order to save his delicate skin from irritation due to their impact;
  • and, most importantly, in order to free up mom's time for herself and her family, which, otherwise, she would have spent on washing soiled linen.

Therefore, many argue that she needs diapers. Actually, it is not. They are equally needed by both the mother, whom they help out a lot, and the baby, whom they allow to spend more time with her.

2. Types of diapers

Have you paid attention to what types of diapers are on the market today? That's right, reusable and disposable. And their name speaks for itself.

reusable are made of gauze or waterproof "breathable" material with liners. They are easy to wash as they get dirty and put on the crumbs again. And you don't have to buy them. You can just sew on your own.

Another thing disposable diapers. They can only be used once. Dressed - soiled - thrown away.

By the way, due to their huge popularity, some manufacturers have relied on their uniqueness and, in addition to the usual Velcro diapers, have released panty diapers. The price of such hygiene products is somewhat higher, but it fully pays off with convenience. They do not have Velcro, but there is a large waistband. Therefore, they are easier to wear on little fidgets.

3. Selection criteria

There are a huge number of diapers on the market. Which one to choose is up to you.

The main thing is not to rush and check the ones you like on compliance with the requirements, namely:

  1. Availability of sizes- for newborns, diapers marked Newborn are ideal. They are smaller than the others, so they do not slip or twist. And almost always they have a notch for an unhealed navel or just a thin belt on the tummy.
  2. Special side elastic bands around the legs in the form of ruffles - they prevent leakage.
  3. Soft and elastic diaper belts– They provide fixation and protect against chafing.
  4. Fragrance and oil free as part of the diaper - they provoke the development of allergic reactions in babies.
  5. Safe, " breathable" material, from which they are made - it minimizes the risk of diaper rash.

4. Rating of the most popular diapers for newborns

Due to the fact that not all pediatricians approve the use of reusable diapers in newborns, we will only consider disposable diapers.

  1. Pampers. They are called the best, as among them there are several lines of diapers at once, three of which were developed specifically for newborns. Numerous reviews of mothers indicate that the Premium Care series (Premium Kea) is more popular. For young consumers, it offers diapers made of breathable material with cotton and without any fragrances.
  2. Huggies (Haggis)- a fairly popular manufacturer that tries to keep up with the times and constantly pleases its customers with some kind of innovation - a change in the base material or a line of funny diapers designed separately for boys and girls. The differences are explained by the location of the absorbent layer.
  3. Libero (Libero)- one of the few brands that took care of the presence of a notch for the navel. By the way, he tries to produce products with the best value for money.
  4. Merries- not many people know about them, but this does not reduce their demand. The diapers of this brand have a barrier to hold the stool and a filling indicator. But do not forget that these are Japanese diapers and they run small in size.

5. Diapers: instructions for use

So, the choice is made. Diapers purchased.

How often do they need to be changed? According to pediatricians, as it fills up or every 2-3 hours.

This will avoid chafing and irritation. It is extremely important to arrange “air baths” for the crumbs between diaper changes, just letting his body rest. Rest assured he will appreciate it.

Regarding how many diapers a newborn needs per day, it is better to look at him, or rather, at his digestive tract. But, based on the fact that in the first months of life, children defecate 3-6 times a day, they will need an average of 7 diapers. And do not be perplexed, the last one for the night.

For those who want to save on the amount, doctors recommend simply leaving the child without diapers more often, but changing them in time to avoid irritation and diaper rash.

And now, the most interesting. How much do good diapers cost? Oddly enough, but it all depends on the place where they are bought. Personally, at one time I used the services of the online store www.kinderly.ru. Everything is fast, high quality and at reasonable prices.

6. Reviews

What best characterizes a manufacturer? Of course, reviews about his product. Fortunately, there are plenty of them on the Internet.


From birth, they used diapers, they fit perfectly, so they didn’t change anything in the future.


We tried many brands, including Japanese ones. By the way, they did not absorb at all. Of those that I liked - haggis and libero. They were then used.


A friend recommended Merries. What can I say about them? Soft, breathable and not very expensive. I was satisfied.

Choosing diapers is no easy task. But do not despair, try different brands and look for what is perfect for you and your baby. And be healthy!

And here you can watch a video review and comparison of diapers of various brands:

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