What questions m. List of questions for a pen pal: vulgar, about love and relationships

Hello everyone, today there will be something interesting and educational.

To prevent a pen pal from suddenly disappearing back to where he came from, you need to hook him. What questions to ask, namely, what and how to interest the desired subject - more on these subtleties below.

Everyone loves to be listened to and the strong half of humanity is no exception. To interest him, you need to become an ideal interlocutor, listening to all the sore points or offering your own interesting topic for discussion. To do this, you will need ready-made questions for a man, by asking which you can turn the exchange of information into an entertaining and not burdensome communication, namely:

  1. Tell us about the most spontaneous act in your life?
  2. What would you like to be if you could start your life over again?
  3. If you had a super power, what would it be?
  4. Do you think a woman should wait for her man at home by the stove or pursue her career and self-development?
  5. What character traits do you value in people and which ones might push you away from them?

Such questions will never lead the dialogue to a dead end, which should not be allowed. But these are simple questions, and see the most interesting ones below in the text.

Important! When asking such questions, you should be able to answer them yourself.

The statement that there are fewer and fewer women left is not a joke at all. They will always bring a piquant note of lightness to the SMS dialogue with the interlocutor you are interested in on the other side of the monitor. To understand what questions to ask a man in order to interest him when corresponding, read the following sample outlines with brief explanations:

  1. Where do you love the most? – When asking a question, the most important thing is not to admit what exactly you mean. When asked to clarify, repeat: So, where do you love most? Such questions are usually perceived in a sexual direction. In order to finally put an end to the comic question, finally ask: So, where do you most like to spend your leisure time?
  2. Would you go on a pajama date? It’s just that all my clothes are dry-cleaned... - A young man with a sense of humor can play along and say: I myself recently bought myself such cool pajamas, it’s even a shame to wear them only at home, so I’m for it! Or show that he definitely doesn’t have it by answering: Then we’ll wait until they return it to you and meet.
  3. How do you like to fold your socks? – Such a question will definitely bring a smile to a young man’s face. Not only does none of them have a specific pattern for folding their socks, they generally scatter them in different directions.
  4. Would you fly with me on a space journey for 10 years? Just you and me? – A smile, a light laugh and a transparent answer that will determine the person’s attitude towards you.
  5. In my family tree, women always give birth to triplets. How do you feel about children? – Such a question will definitely shock a young man, both funny and not so funny.
  6. How do you feel about threesome sex? – Such a question will easily change the serious mood of the conversation to a more humorous and playful one.
  7. I forgot to say... All the photos in the albums are old (profile photos), I just cut my hair bald, is it okay? – What has been said will not only make you laugh, but will also show how important appearance is for a person when communicating.
  8. How do you feel about pets? Do you like cats? I have 13 of them... - Someone will ask about the number in horror, someone with the same sense of humor will answer that he has 4 bulldogs.
  9. Did you enjoy Sasha Grey's latest cameo? It seems to me that she underplayed. – Not every girl admits that she knows this “actress” and her “film premieres.” Your pen pal will definitely appreciate your sense of humor.

There are a lot of variations of questions of this kind. You can take several of the above, or you can come up with some.

The most important thing is not to overdo it with jokes during one dialogue, this can have a detrimental effect on the opinion of you as a frivolous girl.

A woman should interest a man by correspondence. What questions to ask and how to present it “tasty” - read the instructions for action, as well as examples of questions:

  • Don't be intrusive. A woman must feel the difference between interrogation and light communication, learn to restrain her curiosity, and sometimes pause between messages.
  • Inspire interest silently. The photos published in the profile must be of high quality and show the woman from the best side. Published photographs should inspire a man and even be a reason for him to be proud.
  • Monitor literacy. In addition to communicating through messages, social networks provide the opportunity to publish your own posts, write statuses, post photos and sign them. When publishing text, do not forget about literacy, both in messages and in your profile.

In addition to questions that will help “talk” a man, there are non-standard rules for conducting a conversation on the Internet, in which certain actions should not be allowed. What you should not use in correspondence with a young man:

  • Complain about people, life and what is happening in it;
  • Forcing a man to wait more than a day for an answer;
  • To say that you have many dialogues at the same time;
  • Be arrogant and make fun of other people's shortcomings.

In order to verify the above prohibitions, you can ask the following questions:

  1. How would you treat a person if you found out that he told a lie? Would you find out the reason and forgive or not even listen?
  2. Do you solve your problems and difficult life situations alone or is the support and advice of another person important to you?
  3. If your girlfriend didn't contact her for a long time, would you call her to blame her for this or would you call because you were worried about her whereabouts and condition?
  4. How do you feel when a girl has not only friends among her friends, but also representatives of the opposite sex?
  5. Do you think a woman should be an unapproachable rock or an easy-going lamb?

The above material will tell you not only how to interest a man by correspondence, and will also guide you on what questions to ask, but will also win the attention of the object of passion for your person. Make a path to the heart of your chosen one with a printed set!

I wish you all success in your correspondence and as a continuation of this material, I can offer an article about. Read and don't be shy!

These four words are the nightmares of all women who date unfree men.

What questions should you ask yourself and your man before dreaming of getting married to him?

These four words are the nightmares of all women who date unfree men. More precisely, these are the answers to the questions that we ask ourselves if we know for sure or suspect that we are in a non-exclusive relationship with a man.

Exclusive is when you don’t doubt your man. Not even when you are planning a wedding or are already married - today, alas, there are plenty of examples of people running away from the wedding or living for years with two families. Namely, when you have no doubt...

The key word here is unfree. A man can be married, divorced and continue to live with his ex, engaged and waiting for the wedding, or searching. The point is not this, but the fact that he is not planning anything with you. This is called “unfree”. And you dream and plan a future with him.

At first everything looks good. You go to restaurants and cinemas, start dating at home or somewhere else, you have amazing sex. But at some point you realize something is going wrong. You can even spend weekends and travel together. And still something worries you. In the subcortex, someone in a vile voice asks terrible questions and gives them even more terrible answers, from which you wake up in a cold sweat.

Thousands of women who find themselves in relationships with unfree men dream about these four answers at night.

Yes, honey, I'm married.

No, honey, I'm not going to leave my family.

No, honey, we can't meet more often. And we also cannot spend holidays together, go to public places and meet your or my friends.

Yes, dear, when I said relationships, I meant sex. And some fun for dessert.

Everything that is said after is of little importance. They may promise you gifts (“just tell me what you want, I’ll buy you everything”), set deadlines for divorce (“as soon as the youngest graduates from school, we’ll immediately apply”), console and appeal to true love (“after all, we have everything is real with you, and nothing connects me with her”). It's all nonsense.

Your man is not free and you should not hope for a happy and long life with him.

He is already acting dishonestly towards you and most likely will continue to do so.

What would seem simpler? Why can’t we ask the right questions during the first or second meeting? It's so obvious and so simple.

No, it's not easy.

Firstly, we are afraid to ask a man about what is important to us, because we are subconsciously afraid to hear exactly these answers.

Secondly, our relationships go through several stages of natural development, and at each of them some questions are appropriate, while others are premature. In order not to rush things and not to put pressure on your partner, you need to ask questions on time and know what exactly is worth asking.

Third, under the influence of a partner’s arguments or due to inexperience in life, we may consider the existing model of relationships to be normal and simply not know that there are others.

From this place - tadam! - read carefully. I don’t encourage you to immediately ask a man all these useful analytical questions as soon as you met and he invited you for coffee. Then he will most likely run away. And I think it’s pointless to start detective investigations with calls at odd hours, peeking at his phone, and so on.

It is enough to know that any relationship goes through several stages, each of which has its own question. These questions move your relationship forward, either toward development or toward closure. Your task is to understand what stage you are at and ask the right question. Get an answer. And then make your own decision.

The reasons why relationships break up are often because we go through stages and don't ask the right questions or ask them too early. The secret is that you need to get an answer to the relevant question at the end of the stage, and not delay with questions until “after the wedding,” which may not happen.

So, what are these stages of relationship development?

Stage 1. Interest/attraction. You have just met, you want to please, to captivate a man with you and your world. You don't know if he's right for you yet, but you don't want to miss out on a potential candidate, especially if he looks promising.

Your question #1: “Are you married?”

Your actions: If you received the answer “Yes, dear, I’m married,” then it’s better to pick up your feet, finish your coffee and, with a sweet smile, part with the potential candidate forever. Married men, by definition, cannot be promising. One divorce procedure will take time, nerves and require a lot of money. You can’t marry them without problems, you shouldn’t have children with them, because the child needs a dad every day, not on Sundays. No? Don't you think so? Then get ready for problems.

Stage 2. Doubts. You've been dating for some time now and know quite a lot about each other. You like the man more and more, but you haven’t decided for yourself whether this is the man you want to be with for the rest of your life. You are not satisfied with this or that. You may have other boyfriends whom you keep as an “alternate airfield.” Let's face the truth - your man also has such “alternate airfields”. You don’t know what stages those other relationships are at; you know little about them. But if you continue to deny reality, it will definitely come out later. It's time to ask the next question.

Your question #2: “Are you ready to break up with others? Option – “Are you ready to leave your family?”

Your actions: If you received any other answer other than “Yes, dear, I’m ready,” then it’s better to break up. Don’t fall for comforting phrases that you just have to wait a year or two until your eldest/junior graduates from school, enters a university, gets married, until your mother-in-law moves to the dacha in the summer, and so on. Run.

Please note that the fact that your man is ready to break up with others does not mean that he will become yours. To do this, you need to move to the next stage.

Stage 3. Exclusive relationship. At this stage, you can really sing the old song “I'm the only one in your soul” in the shower. You live together or spend a lot of time together, so there is not even a physical place for another woman in your partner’s life. Ok, ok, you will object to me that you can’t do it for a long time, but we don’t even consider options for quick lunch sex. However, it's time to take a mental audit of your day and understand what exactly you do together. Are you visiting your friends? Do you go to the theater? Are you visiting relatives? Are you renovating your future apartment? Or instead of all this, do you still meet in a rented apartment or hotel, have sex and order pizza to your home? If this is the case, then you have not moved to the stage of an exclusive relationship - at any opportunity your man will disappear. This is not so much about the exclusivity of sex (although this is implied by definition), but about your place in the life of a particular man. If you want to make sure you're in an exclusive relationship, ask your man a tricky question.

Your question No. 3: “We will be with you... (and then list everything you want to do with him - go to the theaters, go to relatives’ birthdays, hang out at parties, barbecue at your friends’ dacha, and so on)?”

Your actions: If you received the answer “No, honey, we won’t ... and then all of the above is listed, break up. This is not your man. He is stuck in the previous comfortable stage, and will leave as soon as someone with whom he wants to be in an exclusive relationship appears. That's when he will do #that's all.

After this, your relationship reaches the finish line. The next stage is coming.

Stage 4. Proximity. Physical, emotional. You are actually already a couple. You live together, sleep together, have breakfast and dinner at home. You both know what you like in sex and try to satisfy each other. Conflicts, of course, arise here and there, but they are all easily resolved in bed. You both have a great time there and that’s the main thing. Do you both think so or is it just your illusions? Test them by asking your partner.

Your question number 4: “You said that you value our relationship very much and trust me completely. Did you mean sex?

Your actions: If the answer you heard was “Yes, dear, sex comes first. And a little fun for dessert” - crawl away as quickly as you can. Endorphins will run out in six months to a year and all that will remain from your relationship are photos on your smartphone mixed with bitterness and a feeling of loss.

The practical benefits of all this are as follows.

1. Determine what stage your relationship is currently at.

2. Analyze whether you successfully completed the previous stages? Were the questions asked that needed to be asked? If not, ask these questions and then act in accordance with the answers received.

3. If your relationship is not progressing, identify where you are stuck and admit it. Ask a stage-appropriate question. And if your relationship has not progressed further, think about it, maybe it’s time to end it? Don't build sand castles and waste time.

The formula “YES-NO-NO-YES” describes a failed relationship with an unfree man. Change it for another one. The “NO-YES-YES-NO” formula at least opens up other possibilities for you in a relationship.

Invest your time and energy in a man with whom you can build a future and be happy with him.

Have you recently met a young man, you really like him and would like to know more about him? A completely reasonable desire. How can you show interest without seeming tactless or too meticulous?

A correctly formulated question and sincere interest in its answer will help attract attention, intrigue the interlocutor and influence future relationships. So, you are corresponding on social networks or have agreed to meet, what questions can you ask someone you don’t know yet, and what should you not ask?

What questions can you ask a guy via text?

Virtual dating on VK or Instagram is an excellent option for those who are a little shy, unsure of themselves, and cannot behave at ease with new people. In online correspondence there is always the opportunity to think about the meaning of a phrase and weigh each word.

However, we should not forget that what is written is not very emotional. The usual phrase “how are you?”, pronounced with a smile and looking into the eyes, on the one hand, and also read on the monitor screen, on the other, evoke different sensations. Absolute literacy is an indispensable condition for your communication with a stranger. To convey the mood, to entice, use emoticons, slang - this colors the written text with strokes of positivity.

Do not bombard the young man with a barrage of difficult questions, give him the opportunity to take an interest in your life. If he doesn't take advantage of the opportunity, it means one of two things: he's shy or you haven't attracted his attention. In order not to look like a bore, do not ask him all the time about work or study, do not find out details - you can ask him about this in passing.

Fascinating communication, turning into light flirting, always continues. You should not focus on any one aspect, but if the topic is about films or books and the conversation is interesting, do not rush to move on to another topic.

What questions can you ask a guy via correspondence on social networks or messenger? We offer a sample list by category. Ask randomly so as not to bore your interlocutor with one topic.

Professional activities: goals, career

  • What do you do in your life?
  • Do you like your job or future specialty?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  • Who did you dream of being as a child?
  • Do you plan to enter graduate school after defending your diploma?
  • Are you going to continue your studies or go to work abroad?
  • What do you like most about your job?
  • What professional achievement are you proud of?

At the same time, you can check how independent your friend is in his aspirations. If his current occupation does not coincide with what he dreamed of, unobtrusively ask the opinion of your interlocutor - what is the reason, who is to blame? If you hear in response - parents, a teacher who did not appreciate the young talent, aliens who caused him to be late to defend his thesis, then you know that in front of you is an impenetrable whiner.

Psychologists say that such people will always look for an excuse for their own inaction by blaming others - this is a character trait. If a young man says that he himself did not show sufficient persistence or the circumstances did not work out in the best way, we mentally give it a big plus.

What can you ask a pen pal about friends?

  • Do you have a lot of friends? Who are they – classmates, fellow students, neighbors?
  • Who is your closest friend? Describe it.
  • How do you spend your time?
  • Have you ever traveled together?
  • What's the most reckless thing you've ever done?
  • What do your friends call you?
  • What epithets do you think your friends would use to describe you? I'll give you a hint: cool, brutal, cheerful, funny, reliable, harmful, evil, malicious.
  • The most unusual gift you received from them.
  • What kind of alcohol do you drink?
  • Do your parties involve girls or do you prefer stag parties?

Questions for a guy to better know his hobbies and passions

  • Your hobbies?
  • Favorite movie, actor, movie character.
  • What can give you pleasure?
  • What cuisine do you like?
  • Which city that you visited left an indelible impression on your soul? How?
  • Do you like to spend your holidays in the mountains, at the sea, on the river bank, or in front of a computer monitor?
  • Do you have a pet?
  • What kind of ice cream do you like?
  • Which bands have you been lucky enough to attend?
  • Do you love theater?
  • Of the classical arts, do you prefer ballet or opera?
  • What place on the planet would you like to see?
  • What talents has nature given you?
  • Do you like extreme sports?
  • Do you use swear words when communicating with people when there are not enough normal arguments?
  • What foreign languages ​​do you speak? Which one would you like to learn?
  • Do you believe in the existence of alien civilizations?
  • What sport do you do?
  • Do you prefer football or hockey?
  • What team do you support?


  • What will make you smile?
  • How do you try to fix a bad day?
  • How about a glass - half empty or full?
  • For a good mood, do you need: a friendly party, a date, communication with loved ones, a glass of whiskey, drive, a good book?
  • Does your mood get worse in bad weather?

Questions about a guy's personality traits

  • In a dispute, do you prefer to insist on your own or will you not get involved in controversy?
  • Favorite color, season, date, school subject?
  • Which parent had the greatest influence on you?
  • While watching what movie you couldn't stop crying?
  • Were you afraid of the dark as a child?
  • Which family member are you closest to?
  • What do you like most about being a grandparent?
  • Is there mutual understanding in your family?
  • Do you consider it possible to dress up in a funny outfit for the New Year to amuse your loved ones?
  • Do you like to make surprises and give gifts?
  • Why do you think there is a light bulb in the refrigerator?
  • Who did you want to be like in childhood and youth?
  • If something doesn’t work out for you, will you try again and again, or will you choose another goal?
  • What is the most important thing for you in a relationship with a girl?
  • How do you imagine yourself in old age?

What question can you ask a guy on VKontakte? What does your ideal day off look like? Are you a morning person or a night owl? Do you prefer winter or summer? Where are you planning to go on vacation? Have you ever been a witness at a friends wedding? Did he drink from his shoe or did he remain vigilant and prevent his bride from being kidnapped?

Questions to help you get to know a guy better

Has a young man made a date with you? Be confident, but not defiant. Thank you for your time and offer to play blitz. Each person asks 5 questions, the answers must be given without hesitation, very briefly, you can ask about anything, ask them to answer extremely honestly. What interesting questions can you ask a guy in a quick survey?

  • What would you choose - popularity or wealth?
  • Love is?
  • If you could change anything in your past, would you take the opportunity?
  • What three things would you take on a flight to another planet?
  • At what age did you first fall in love?
  • Do you eat in the shower?
  • The most unusual item in the trunk of your car.
  • Do you go to temple?
  • Do you feel comfortable being alone?
  • Do you believe in long distance relationships?
  • Under what circumstances did you first kiss a girl?
  • If you witness a robbery on the street, will you try to catch up with the robber or call the police?
  • Do you like to take selfies?
  • How do you feel about nudists, are you ready to relax on their beaches?
  • Do you know how to do an erotic massage?

After the first episode, rest a little and ask more questions, this is a fun way to get to know each other better and maintain mutual interest.

What vulgar questions can you ask?

If the young man was the first to ask questions about his intimate life, do not remain in debt. But such conversations, while you are not yet familiar enough, are best conducted by correspondence. Don’t be embarrassed, the guy is not trying to humiliate or insult you, this is a normal desire to get to know his interlocutor better.

What kind of dirty questions can you ask a guy? Do you prefer sex in the morning or evening? Have you ever had extreme sex, how did you feel? Do you always use protection or do you think it’s up to your partner? What are your erotic fantasies?

Do you have experience with role-playing games? Are you familiar with group sex? Are love and sex synonymous for you? What do you consider acceptable and what do you not accept in sex? Do you have experience in relationships with chaste girls? Has there been a continuation of a relationship in your life after sex on the first date?

Along with practically innocent ones, ask provocative, tricky questions. In order not to scare off the fan, try to stay within the same framework as him, without crossing the boundaries of decency. If you see that your counterpart has become isolated at some point, offer to close the topic, but note that you will be ready to continue if the admirer is interested in other details.

Such a conversation will undoubtedly interest the guy. It definitely won't be boring with you. From frankness it is important not to slide into real vulgarity and promiscuity. You should not inform the young man about your extensive sexual experience. Try to give short, correct answers, avoiding intimate details. To be liked, you shouldn't make any promises.

What questions should you not ask?

At the initial stage of a relationship, try to be careful. Do not interrogate with bias if the guy avoids answering any question.

To prevent the young man from suspecting you of selfish intentions, especially if he is from a wealthy family, do not ask questions about his financial situation. Interested in family? Ask how many brothers and sisters your fan has, what city he spent his childhood in, what are his most vivid memories?

List of questions that should not be asked to a man:

  • How much do you earn?
  • What brand of car do your parents have?
  • What does your family own?
  • Do you have your own home?
  • How much money do you spend on entertainment per month?
  • What's the most expensive gift you've ever given a girl?
  • Are you planning to get married?
  • How many girls have you had?
  • What was the reason for the breakup of your previous relationship?
  • Were your exes more beautiful than me?v
  • Who do you love more, your mom or me?

Don’t try to find out all the answers in a couple of weeks of courtship, don’t force things. Show tact and respect for personal space; the reaction to one or another of your questions may be embarrassment, offense or even anger. Remember the famous aphorism: “When asking a question, think about whether you are ready to hear the answer”?

What questions can you ask on ask?

In this article we will try to analyze everything related to ask questions, and most importantly, give examples. The new social network ask.fm is gaining more and more popularity. This is a platform for question-answer type communication that has absolutely no restrictions. That is, you can ask absolutely any question to the user, either openly, indicating your name, or as an anonymous person.

But still what questions can you ask on ask?? Below are examples of questions for guys and girls. But it’s worth considering that your imagination can be limitless. And so that everyone can see how smartly and sparklingly you answer questions yourself, you can add likes and subscribers to your page.

Questions for guys (note to girls):

  • How are your mood?
  • Where will you spend this evening?
  • Are you drinking? Which spirits do you like best?
  • How do you feel about smoking? Do you smoke yourself?
  • What sport do you like and who do you support?
  • What's your favorite car brand?
  • Have you made love in extreme conditions?
  • How do you feel about one-night stands?

Questions for girls (for boys):

  • What were you like as a child? A hooligan or a calm girl?
  • What made you laugh the most over the past week/month?
  • You are a creative person? Why do you think so?
  • What sounds do you like?
  • Do you believe in zodiac signs? Which one is yours?
  • TV series you like to watch?
  • Do you think it would be romantic to make love on the seashore?
  • Will you forgive me if I accidentally cheat on you?

TO interesting questions on ask These include things that you don’t often ask in everyday life, for example:

  • When was the last time you cried?
  • If you caught a goldfish, what three wishes would you make?
  • What would you like to change about your past and why?
  • Would you be friends with your doppelganger? Why?
  • What question would you like to answer yourself, but you are never asked?)
  • If you could go back 10 years, what would you change in your life?
  • What do you lack the courage to do?
  • They say that in life you have to try everything. Are there things you will never try?

Cool questions for ask

And yet, the most favorite topic is considered to be cool or funny ask questions. It is more interesting for all users to answer precisely such questions. You can laugh and show how you yourself can put something like that in your answer. Undoubtedly, such a question will simply get a ton of likes. Examples cool questions for ask:

  • If I drink fairy, will the fat in me dissolve?
  • How to go to bed early at half past two in the morning?
  • How to tell a cat that he is adopted?
  • Why is Tsoi alive when he is dead, and Guf dead when he is alive?
  • I collected all the penguins from Kinder Surprise, is it worth writing this in the achievements column on your resume?
  • How many Nesquicks should you eat to make a talking rabbit appear?
  • The dog says "woof". The cat says "meow". And the giraffe? Does anyone know how a giraffe speaks?
  • Why, when I'm sad, don't little animals gather around me and sing songs?

Here are some examples of what questions you can ask in an ask. Be sure to come up with something of your own and go for it!

Some girls who dream of rekindling the flame of passion again think about what vulgar question to ask a guy? This a great way to quickly attract attention and bring newness to the relationship. Of course, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the fine line between provocation and insult. An incorrectly formulated question, even with a positive message, can destroy an already fragile relationship.

First, you should identify the goals that are being pursued. Depending on this, we will select questions with varying degrees of “vulgarity.” Agree, the questions asked to a classmate and a beloved guy should be different.

Competent play with intimate issues is quite complex, but incredibly interesting. You should not directly ask questions like “When and how did you lose your virginity?” or “Did you measure your penis with a ruler?” If you want to cheer each other up, it's much more interesting to catch a man. For example, he says that it is inconvenient for him to correspond on the phone, because, you see, he has large fingers. Catch him by saying that this is for good.

Intimate questions you can ask a guy include:

  • How does he feel about sex in unusual places?
  • Does swearing during sex turn him on?
  • About sexual fantasies.
  • How does he feel about girls who like to walk around the house and sleep naked?
  • What would he do if you settled on a desert island?
  • What sex positions does he prefer most?

What interesting questions can you ask a guy?

Interesting questions It’s easy to dilute communication. Get philosophical. Ask him if he was making a movie, what would it be about? Find out how a young person feels about extreme sports. Laugh together, talking about the cats that jumped from the 8th floor - whether they celebrate Airborne Forces Day or not.

Top 10 ridiculous vulgar questions for a guy:

  1. Would you give a 55-year-old woman a cunnilingus for a million dollars?
  2. How many times a day do you masturbate? Does your hand hurt?
  3. Have you ever wondered how much penis enlargement surgery costs?
  4. Admit it, do you like being friends with gays?
  5. Honey, can I buy a vibrator?
  6. What size is your dignity? … Brain!
  7. How does he feel about threesomes?
  8. Does he shave his intimate area or not?
  9. How many times a day can he do this?
  10. What is he willing to do for sex with a beautiful girl?

Asking sexual questions to a guy is a good way to excite and provoke a guy. This will help you find out interesting intimate details of his life. The psychology of relationships is this: it is necessary to constantly introduce notes of piquancy. Discussing vulgar topics helps to understand the reasons for your partner’s behavior, especially if the guy doesn’t want a relationship.

Top vulgar questions for a guy to stir up passions:

  1. Do you spy on a girl in the shower or locker room?
  2. When you first watched porn, what were your impressions?
  3. Who was the first object of your fantasies?
  4. Which famous book heroine would you like to make love with?
  5. What will be your first thought when you see a girl wearing your T-shirt on her naked body?
  6. What color of erotic lingerie excites you the most?
  7. Do you often talk to your friends about vulgar topics?
  8. Do you like discussing your worth with a girl?
  9. Do you get excited when you see a woman dressed as a nurse, a police officer, or a student?
  10. Who is your favorite porn actress?
  11. How long can you go without sex?
  12. What attracts more: oral or anal sex?
  13. Do you prefer to wake up with coffee in bed or a gentle blowjob?
  14. What do you think is the best time of day to have sex?
  15. Does it excite you if someone else catches you with your beloved during an intimate process?
  16. Are there times when you don't wear underwear?
  17. Do you want someone else to watch the sex?
  18. How do you fight an erection when you see a sexy girl in public?
  19. What is impossible to excite you?
  20. Are you dreaming of trying it with twins?
  21. Does the thought of trying to have sex discreetly in a public place appeal to you?
  22. How sensitive are your erogenous zones, and where to look for them?
  23. Do you call your “friendly organ” by an affectionate name?
  24. Are you more attracted to experienced girls or virgins?
  25. In what position did you make love for the first time?

The questions that are appropriate to ask an adult man are different. As a rule, a mature person is of little interest in voyeurism and other amusements of the “explosion of puberty.” Vulgar topics are appropriate, but awkward, offensive questions about size or homosexual experience should be avoided.

Top vulgar questions for a man:

  1. Are there taboos in your intimate life for you?
  2. How do you feel about sex in the workplace?
  3. What type of women are you most attracted to?
  4. Is sex a way of spiritual and physical reunification or a marital duty?
  5. What's the sexiest thing a woman can do?
  6. What smells make you think sexually?
  7. How often do you want to diversify intimacy with experiments?
  8. What was the most unusual experiment in bed?
  9. Are you inclined to have mistresses or stir up interest in your wife?
  10. What is the most acceptable frequency of sex?
  11. Do you think erotic costumes are a good way to add something new to a relationship?
  12. Do you like sex in the shower?
  13. Is a holiday romance a betrayal or a way to escape from routine?

What questions should you not ask a guy to get him interested?

If the girl hopes for a long and serious relationship, you need to know what questions should not be asked to a man under any circumstances. These include clarifications about the income of a loved one, his sexual orientation, views on the political situation in the country, as well as disputes regarding religion. By asking such questions, a girl will demonstrate a complete lack of education, tact, or even commercialism.

The right questions to ask a guy about include hobbies. Find out what your loved one dreams about. Find out what he wants to achieve in life. Develop communication in a direction that is interesting to both. There is no point in talking about motorcycles, unless, of course, you are not an ardent fan of two-wheeled transport. Otherwise, the girl’s pretense looks, at least, pathetic. In conversations, a compliment on the matter and light flirting are appropriate.

We hope that this material was useful to you and now you know exactly what interesting questions you can ask a guy.

What's a dirty question to ask a guy? Attracting attention