What payments are due to single mothers who are not working. What other social benefits are due to single mothers? The procedure for assigning benefits to single mothers

The legal definition of a single mother is extremely simple - a woman who does not have information about the father on her child's birth certificate. This formulation is concise, but not exhaustive. There are a number of subtleties in the procedure for assigning the status of a single mother, which we will discuss in the article.

State assistance to mothers who raise a child alone is expressed in a number of allowances and payments, as well as tax and labor benefits. Some types of benefits have federal status, others operate only in certain subjects of the Russian Federation. What exactly are the benefits and allowances for single mothers in 2019?

Single mother definition

A single mother is a mother who raises a child or several children out of wedlock, if the father of the child is not established in one of two ways - the father and mother have not filed an application for paternity with the registry office or there is no court order recognizing someone as the father of the child.

A single mother is also considered a woman who gave birth to a child in marriage or in the first 300 days after a divorce, if the ex-husband is recorded as the father, but his paternity was challenged in court. When a court decision comes into force that the former spouse is not the biological father of the child, the mother is immediately assigned the status of a loner. The same status is assigned to a woman who is raising an adopted child alone.

A woman is not recognized as a single mother if she:

  • Is divorced from the father of the child (ex-husband) and for some reason does not receive alimony from him;
  • Has given birth to a child within 300 days after the divorce (or recognition of the marriage as invalid) or the death of the spouse. In this case, the registry office registers the child for the former spouse, even if he is not the biological father of the child;
  • Is not married and is raising a child whose father is established by the court or voluntarily. It doesn't matter if she lives with the father of the child or not.

Single mother, benefits and allowances

State support for single mothers expressed in a number of cash payments, which are associated with pregnancy and child rearing and up to 18 years of age. The highest payments are expected by a pregnant single mother if she has a long work history and a high average salary.

What benefits and benefits are we talking about in 2019?

  1. One-time allowances for single mothers for pregnancy and childbirth . If a woman has seniority, then the employer is obliged to pay a one-time cash benefit when the woman goes on maternity leave, the amount of which depends on the average salary for 2 years, but not less than 34,520.55 rubles. The maximum payout in 2019 is 265,827.63 rubles. If the expectant mother is unemployed and is registered with the Employment Center, then the amount of the maternity payment will be much lower - 613.14 rubles for each month of the decree.
  2. Fixed one-time payment at the birth of a child , regardless of the employment of the mother, in the amount of 16350.33 rubles.
  3. At the birth of a second child, single mothers are given money certificate (maternity capital) in the amount of 453026 rubles.
  4. Monthly payments for a child up to 1.5 years . If a single mother after the expiration of 70 days (postnatal decree) decided to take parental leave for a period of 18 months, then she is entitled to payments from her place of work in the amount of 40% of her average earnings for the last 2 years. If a woman has less than six months of work experience or the average salary is less than the federal minimum wage of 7,500 rubles, then she is entitled to a monthly allowance in the amount of 3,065.69 rubles per child. For the second and subsequent children, 6131.37 rubles are given every month.
  5. Benefit for caring for a child aged 1.5 to 3 years (if a single mother decided to extend the decree) - 50 rubles. This amount is increased at the expense of regional budgets, but in the end it remains more symbolic assistance than real.
  6. Monthly allowance for a third child (and subsequent) under the age of 3 years is paid in 2019 in 69 constituent entities of the Russian Federation in which a poor demographic situation has developed. These payments are made on the basis of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 606 and are only available to low-income families (including single mothers with low income). The amount of the allowance depends on the regional subsistence level.
  7. Monthly payments to low-income single mothers until the child reaches the age of 16 (18 years - subject to continuing education after school). A single parent is entitled to an allowance, the value of which in Moscow is 1,600 rubles. This is 2 times higher than the standard support for adolescents from low-income full families (800 rubles).

Labor benefits for single mothers

  1. Dismissal protection . It is possible to dismiss a single mother from work only in some cases. These are either force majeure circumstances that do not depend on the will of the parties (liquidation of the enterprise, a sharp deterioration in the health of the mother), or repeated violation of labor discipline by the woman.
  2. single mother right work on your own schedule part time. Until the child reaches the age of 5, the employer is not entitled to involve a woman in work at night, on weekends and holidays, as well as overtime.
  3. When the enterprise is liquidated, its successor is obliged to provide a single mother with work if the child is under 14 years of age. If the child is over 14 years old, and he serves in the army on conscription, then the mother must be left in the state during ongoing job cuts.
  4. Increased child care allowance . The amount of payments for the treatment of a child in a hospital depends on the length of service of the mother. If he was treated on an outpatient basis, then the allowance will be paid within 10 days, after which the allowance will be reduced to 50% of the salary, regardless of the length of service of the mother.
  5. The right to additional leave . It is implemented if a collective agreement was concluded at work on the possibility of providing additional annual leave without pay. If the child is under 14 years old, then a single mother has the right to take additional leave (maximum 2 weeks) at any time. Mothers of disabled children are entitled to an additional 4 paid days off each month.

tax incentives

Single mothers are entitled to double. What does it mean? A tax deduction is understood as a certain amount of income from which taxes are not withheld, which actually leads to an increase in wages received on hand. Tax deductions are provided by the state to each of the parents for a child under 18 years old (or up to 23 years old if he is studying full-time). Single mothers receive double the tax credit on the amount given to each parent of two-parent families.

The amount of the tax deduction is standard, unchanged. It is independent of income and other benefits received. At the beginning of 2019, the numbers are as follows:

  • 2800 rubles - deduction for the first and second child;
  • 6000 rubles - for the third and subsequent children;
  • 24,000 rubles - for a disabled child.

A tax deduction for singles is provided until the moment when the amount of a woman's income per year does not exceed 350 thousand rubles. After that, personal income tax will be withheld from the full amount. The deductions are valid until the single mother gets married.

Other benefits for single mothers in 2019

In addition to labor and tax benefits and benefits, single parents are entitled to improve their financial situation. The full list depends on the social policy of the regional authorities, therefore different for different subjects of the Russian Federation. We list the most important benefits and benefits for single mothers:

  • the opportunity to receive a free ticket for mother and child to a sanatorium every year;
  • the right to refuse to pay for garbage collection and cleaning services (for residents of apartment buildings) until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years;
  • free dairy kitchen until the child reaches the age of 2 years;
  • free sets of linen for a newborn;
  • discounts on tuition fees at art schools (additional education) up to 30%;
  • purchase of certain drugs with a 50% discount;
  • free medicines and rehabilitation for children with special diseases (until they reach the age of 3);
  • admission of a child to a kindergarten out of turn and with a 50% discount;
  • free massage room in the children's clinic;
  • free two meals a day in school canteens.

Single mothers can count on help in improving their living conditions. The specific conditions of this assistance and the availability of special programs must be found out in the departments of social protection in your region. An example is the special program Affordable housing for a young family ”, for participation in which single mothers under the age of 35 are entitled to count.

Single mothers are provided with a number of benefits for housing and communal services, including payment for heating, electricity, gas and water. To receive state subsidies, you should contact the Housing Office at the place of residence.

Documents for receiving single mother's allowance in 2019

To receive support, a single mother must submit to the appropriate authority (registry office):

  • application for benefits and benefits;
  • passport and its photocopy;
  • a copy and original of the child's birth certificate;
  • a copy of the work book, certified by a notary;
  • certificate of family composition (issued at the MFC);
  • a certificate confirming the assignment of the status of a single mother.

The specified list of documents in some regions may be supplemented or reduced.

Adoption benefits for single mothers

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not prohibit the adoption of children by single mothers and fathers, that is, unmarried persons. In this case, the child will have only one adoptive parent. The adoption procedure is standard, taking into account the minimum age difference between mother and child and some other factors.

The list of benefits and allowances that are due to single mothers who have adopted or adopted a child depends on whether she has a job and length of service, as well as on regional social protection policy. Some benefits may be removed if the woman marries and her spouse also adopts a child .

When a child is transferred to the upbringing of a single mother, a standard allowance for the birth of a child is paid in the amount of 16,350.33 rubles. You can receive this allowance within 6 months after the child is placed in foster care.

Other payments and benefits to single mothers:

  • One-time allowance for pregnancy and childbirth (), if a child under 3 months old is taken up. equals 100% of the mother's average salary for 2 years. You can take the allowance at any time until the baby reaches the age of 3 months;
  • Standard monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years (40% of salary). Paid when the woman is on vacation or continues to work part-time;
  • Allowance for caring for a child from 1.5 to 3 years - 50 rubles plus a regional allowance;
  • Allowance for a child up to 16 or 18 years old, if the mother is recognized as indigent.

Let's summarize. Allowances and tax breaks, as well as other privileges for single mothers, are developed by regional authorities, and the federal budget and legislation of the Russian Federation provide general support. To officially obtain the status of a single mother, you must obtain a certificate from the registry office.

All benefits for mothers and existing social protection programs can be found in local MFCs or departments of social protection of the population.

A woman who, due to circumstances or of her own free will, decided to raise a child alone, has the right to count on additional social and financial support from the state. What benefits are available for single mothers in 2019? More on this later.

Who is a single mother?

In modern Russia, women who raise children without the participation of a father have ceased to be a rarity - they account for at least 30% of families. However, not every woman is considered a single mother by law, since this concept has a strict definition. Hence the conflicts that arise on the basis of a misunderstanding of the meaning of this status.

So who is eligible for single mother benefits in 2019?

To be officially recognized as a single mother, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. To be divorced from a spouse for more than 300 days or not to have a husband at all.
  2. Do not have a written document from the father, indicating his relationship with the child.
  3. Do not have a court opinion on the fact of paternity.

In other words, only the woman whose children are born out of marriage is considered a single mother, and the “father” column is empty in the birth documents. In such cases, the registry office employees who register the child issue a certificate to the mother on a special form 25, confirming her status as a loner.

If the baby was born in an official marriage, his mother can officially become “single” only by the conclusion of the court, which established the fact that there is no relationship between the woman’s husband and her child.

Let's list situations when in society a woman is mistakenly considered a single mother:

  • The couple divorced, after which the ex-woman does not receive alimony from her ex-husband and brings up common children alone.
  • The child was born out of wedlock, but less than 300 days have passed since the divorce or death of the spouse. In such situations, the former spouse will be legally recognized as the father of the child, even if he does not have a biological relationship with the baby.
  • The parents of the baby are not officially spouses, but the man does not abandon the child and officially recognizes his paternity.
  • The father has been deprived of parental rights.
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According to modern legislation, under the above circumstances, payments in 2019 to single mothers are not allowed, since they do not have this status at all. When a woman is recognized as a single mother legally, the mother receives the right to social and labor privileges from the state.

If there are doubts about the rights to benefits and additional material support, it is worth contacting the welfare authorities at the place of registration. Also, these and other issues related to divorce and motherhood will be resolved by a qualified lawyer.

Benefits and other forms of support for single mothers

A woman who has received the official status of a single mother applies for federal and local support in the form of payments and benefits.

Social support

The mother of the baby in the status of a single person acquires the rights to the following forms of social support:

  1. Reimbursement for the price of baby food for a child under 36 months of age.
  2. Cost of Living Compensation
  3. Natural help for mothers with children under 3 years old - free envelopes for newborns, sets of linen and clothes for babies, dairy kitchens for children under 24 months, first-necessity medicines.
  4. Housing benefits - discounts on utilities.
  5. Benefits for education.
  6. Preferential physiotherapy (massage) in the district clinic.
  7. Free meals at least 2 times a day in the school cafeteria.
  8. Preferential queue for admission to a preschool educational institution (DOE).
  9. Discounts for receiving educational, educational and other services in preschool educational institutions.
  10. The right to participate in the housing program "Housing".
  11. Annual treatment of a child in a sanatorium-resort type dispensary.

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Labor privileges

There are specific privileges that an employed single mother is provided with:

  • Companies often face layoffs. A mother who raises children alone is spared the risk of being fired until each of her children is 14 years old. An employer does not have the legal right to fire an employee, even if she is not suitable for the position. A single mom can be laid off only if she maliciously evades official duties and regularly commits misconduct.
  • A woman gets laid off during the liquidation of an enterprise. In such a situation, the manager will have to take care of the new place of work for a single mother on his own.
  • A single mom has the right to an extraordinary vacation. The period of additional rest should not exceed 14 days. At the same time, the salary is not saved, but they cannot refuse to provide a woman with rest - she herself decides what time for a vacation it is convenient for her to get.
  • Before the baby is 5 years old, a woman should not work night shifts, work overtime, or work on weekends and holidays. Of course, if a single mother is not against such working conditions, the employer will not violate the law. In such cases, the woman must provide written consent.
  • Mom is required to provide sick leave if the child is sick. During inpatient treatment of a baby, a woman is entitled to an additional allowance, the amount of which depends on her length of service. The amount of payments is made in 100% of the volume of the first 2 weeks of sick leave, the subsequent ones are 50% of the woman's salary. For outpatient treatment, experience does not count.
  • There are restrictions on sick pay. Until the child is 7 years old, a woman's disability leave is paid in full, regardless of its duration. After 7 years, sick leave payments are made only for 15 days.
  • Until the child turns 14, his mother has the right to work on a reduced working day.
  • If a woman gets a job, the manager should not refuse to provide her with a position because of her status as a single mother. Refusal to provide a job must be accompanied by a written explanation of the reason for the refusal. Otherwise, a woman can file a complaint with the social security authorities.
In addition to all these forms of support for single mothers, a woman is entitled to a double personal income tax deduction.

Payments and benefits

The status of a single mother does not deprive a woman of the usual benefits intended for all mothers who have given birth:

  • Hospital Maternity Benefit (H&M) — in the amount of 100% of the average salary for the last 2 calendar years;
  • Additional disability benefit for BiR, if the sick leave was extended due to difficult childbirth - additional paid 16 days.
  • A one-time allowance paid after childbirth is 15.5 thousand rubles.
  • up to 18 months - an allowance from the employer equal to 40% of the salary (unemployed single mothers receive material compensation from the Employment Center: for one child - in the amount of 3 thousand rubles, for two or more - 5.817 thousand rubles).
  • A one-time payment to women who have registered under BiR before the term of 12 weeks - 613.14 rubles.

In addition to these payments, a single mother can count on additional benefits provided from the state and regional budgets:

  • (low-income) - depends on the region.
  • Additional payments for the third and subsequent children at the age of 36 months (low-income) are equal to the size of the child subsistence minimum in the region.
  • Compensatory allowance for a woman caring for a child on her own. It is paid only until the child turns 3 years old - 50 rubles. per month (with one child).
The amount of the allowance in 2017 was 16,350.33 rubles. it can be issued after the baby is six months old. The allowance is paid for the first and each of the subsequent children.

Documents for processing payments

To apply for benefits and additional benefits, the mother should collect a package of the following documents:

  • Grant application.
  • Baby's birth certificate.
  • Certificate of cohabitation of mother and child.

The last document can be obtained from the social security authorities at the place of residence. All other papers should also be included there. The task of the social security officers is to check the indicated information, pay a visit to the family in person, and, based on the data received, draw up acts on the cohabitation of the applicant and the child.

As soon as the application for the payment of benefits is accepted by the social security authorities, accrual begins to occur. Payments are made until the child reaches the age of majority. In some cases, benefits can be paid only up to three years.

If the mother and baby live in a place other than the place of registration, the woman will have to take a certificate from the social security authorities for registration. The certificate must indicate that at the place of registration a single mother does not receive any payments. Then the allowance will be made at the place of residence.

What single mothers are supposed to do by law: benefits, payments, benefits.

March 16, 2017, 07:18 Mar 3, 2019 13:49

Reading time: 8 minutes

Reflecting on the design of the status of a single mother, many are interested in how much a single mother receives. Raising and raising a child alone is always much more difficult than doing it in a complete family. That is why the state guarantees assistance to such women in the form of social payments and benefits.

Legal status of a single mother

Not every woman who raises a child on her own is recognized as a single mother at the legislative level. In order to obtain this status, a number of requirements must be met.

So, in the birth certificate of a child, instead of information about the father, there should be a dash or a mark “recorded from the words of the mother.”

To obtain the status of a single mother, the option is not suitable when the parents are divorced or the father was deprived of parental rights.

Russian legislation on single mothers

Until recently, in domestic legislation there was no such thing as a “single mother” at all and a clear definition of who can be attributed to this category.

In 2014, a decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation was adopted, according to which a single mother should be understood as a woman who independently performs parental duties for the upbringing and development of one or more children without the help of their father or stepfather.

State support for such women is provided at different levels and in various areas. Some benefits are prescribed, for example, in the Labor and Tax Codes of the Russian Federation.

In addition to federal payments, regional regulations may provide for the availability of additional cash assistance in a certain area.

What is the law for a single mother?

In general, we can say that, by law, single mothers are supposed to receive the same payments as women in a full family:

  • payment at the birth of a child;
  • benefits related to pregnancy and childbirth;
  • allowance for child care until they reach 1.5 years.

Federal payments are not all that a single woman who has given birth to a child is entitled to. For example, the Moscow Government has determined compensation payments for this category of the population:

  • associated with rising cost of living for children under 16;
  • tied to rising food prices for children under 3;
  • when a single mother cares for a disabled child.

In addition, if a woman's income is below the subsistence level, state child care assistance is not the only thing she is entitled to by law. She is entitled to other payments, the amount of which depends on the age of the child.

What benefits are available to single mothers?

All child benefits for single mothers in 2019 can be divided into two large groups:

  • those that are paid at a time;
  • those that are charged monthly until the child reaches a certain age.

In addition, the amount of payments depends on the number of children in the family and the birth order of a particular baby, as well as on whether the woman works or not.

There are federal and state benefits. The former rely on all citizens of Russia, and the latter only on residents of a certain region.

As practice shows, payments of different levels differ significantly from each other. But in any case, single mothers should be under the special protection of the state.

Already from the name it is clear that lump-sum payments do not have a regular basis, but are transferred only once. So, a single mother, along with other women giving birth, is entitled to financial assistance from the state after childbirth.

Each child is entitled to a separate allowance. From February 1, 2019, its amount is 17,479.73 rubles. This amount is the same for everyone and does not depend on the woman's employment, her income level and other factors.

It is necessary to apply for the purpose of payment to the employer (for employees) or to the social protection authorities (for non-working citizens) within six months after the birth of the baby.

In the regions, an additional lump-sum payment is often provided: for example, in Moscow it still amounts to 5,500 rubles. at the birth of the first child and 14,500 rubles. for the second and all subsequent.

Monthly allowances

Monthly payments are assigned to a young mother and are paid every month until the child reaches 1.5 years. The amount of the benefit is 40% of the average earnings for the previous 2 years of pregnancy.

The minimum allowance for up to one and a half years for the maintenance of a child is 4,512 rubles for the first baby and 6,554.89 rubles for the second.

The allowance is paid both to officially employed women and to those who did not work. Those working for his appointment should contact their employer. Payment in this case is carried out by the Social Insurance Fund.

For unemployed citizens, this payment is drawn up and paid monthly after contacting the social protection authorities at the place of residence.

Since the beginning of 2019, young families with a monthly income of less than 1.5 living wages have the opportunity to receive new payments for children under 1.5 years old. These are targeted benefits in the amount of the subsistence minimum established in a particular region.

For the first child, such assistance will be paid until they reach one and a half years, and for the second, this type of payment will be made from maternity capital.

Women often go on maternity leave not for a year and a half, but for three. It is logical that during this time they must somehow provide for themselves and the child. But, according to the law, the above amounts are paid only for the first 1.5 years, and the amount of benefits up to 3 years in the Russian Federation will be only 50 rubles for the remaining period. per month.

Targeted payments are available only to those whose child was born or adopted from January 1, 2019.

Payments to employed women

The maternity allowance (the so-called maternity allowance) is paid exclusively to those women who are officially employed. After the onset of 30 weeks of pregnancy in the antenatal clinic, they are issued a certificate of incapacity for work, after which the working future woman in labor receives payments in the amount of the average monthly earnings.

In 2019, the minimum allowance is 51,919 rubles.

It happens that a woman does not work either before or during pregnancy. In this case, a smaller number of benefits is available to her than an employed person. In addition, all payments to the unemployed:

  • are charged in a minimum or clearly established amount;
  • paid through the social security authorities.

Unemployed women receive only 2 mandatory benefits: a one-time payment after childbirth and a monthly allowance until the child reaches 1.5 years of age in the amount of 3,277.45 rubles.

However, regional payments are often available to the unemployed: benefits for the poor, for the second or third baby, and others. You can find out more about regional payments in the social protection authorities at the place of residence.

Payments due at the birth of a second child

We figured out what payments are due at the birth of the first child. However, many families have more children. According to the norms of Russian legislation, at the birth of a second baby, the same payments and benefits are provided as during pregnancy and the birth of the first child. Only the payouts differ.

Under any circumstances, it is much more difficult to raise and educate 2 children than one, especially if you do it alone. Therefore, the state guarantees single mothers additional assistance - monthly payments for the second child are much higher than for the first.

Many regions of the country encourage the birth of two or more children, also increasing the amount of benefits. And at the federal level, a woman with two children can count on another 453,026 rubles.

Payments to mothers with many children

If a woman has three or more children, she is considered a mother of many children. In addition to payments provided for other children, a mother of many children will receive:

  • a monthly payment for a third child until they reach the age of three in the amount of the children's subsistence minimum established by law;
  • regional maternal capital.

Having received the status of having many children, she will be able to count on additional benefits and benefits that differ in each region.

The subsidy for the third child is paid together with the maternity capital provided for by the program for the second child as well. To find out about the allowances and benefits, you should contact the social security authority.

Benefits for poor single mothers

Families in which the income per person is less than the subsistence minimum established by law are considered poor.

This happens to single mothers, because due to the independent upbringing of the baby, they do not work or are forced to limit themselves to part-time employment. This phenomenon is especially common if there are several children in the family.

To ensure that their lives meet the minimum level, a monthly additional child allowance is paid to a poor family.

While this payment is considered federal, the amount is set locally and varies from region to region. In many territories, such assistance for single mothers is assigned at an increased rate.

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Other payments to single mothers

The state also provides other assistance for single mothers, for example, compensation for baby food. It is paid until the child reaches the age of three. In Moscow, there are compensations for renting housing if a woman is registered as in need of better housing conditions.

Single mothers who are registered with a medical organization before the 12th week of pregnancy are entitled to an additional payment of 655.49 rubles. monthly.

A woman can not only give birth, but also adopt a child. To do this, you must meet all the necessary conditions. Those who decide to take such a responsible step are entitled to cash payments in the same way as those who gave birth to a baby.

A special case is considered if a single mother is raising a disabled child. Then certain allowances are provided for it under various regional programs. And if a single mother is also disabled herself, she is paid an increased pension.

Other life circumstances also make women think about whether or not they have the right to state assistance.

For example, a girl who is still studying or is in military service has become pregnant. Formally, she is not employed, but she will still receive maternity benefits in a fixed amount.

For example, when determining what is due to a student, for the calculation they will take the amount of her scholarship, and for a military woman - state care.

Benefits for single mothers

Taking care of single mothers, the state provides for various benefits.

First of all, a large number of benefits are spelled out in labor legislation. They relate to the daily routine, dismissal and employment, sick leave and many other aspects.

Some tax deductions are specified in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation:

  • for the first two children - 1,400 rubles each;
  • for the third and subsequent - 6,000 rubles.

Thus, for single mothers, personal income tax is not charged on lump-sum targeted payments.

For single mothers, other benefits are also provided:

  • free meals in educational institutions;
  • pre-emptive right to place children in preschool institutions;
  • free medicines and medical services, vouchers to a sanatorium;
  • free public transport and others.

Such benefits are usually established at the regional level.

In the presence of a formalized status of a single mother, a woman can apply for the appointment of appropriate benefits.

The answer to the question of how to receive this or that payment may differ depending on the organization that assigns it.

Where to go

As noted earlier, depending on the type of benefit, you need to collect a certain package of documents for the employer or the social protection authorities at the place of residence.

Required documents

The complete list of documents depends on the organization to which you apply for benefits. You will need:

  • passport;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • work book (if any);
  • certificate No. 25 (issued at the registry office).

To receive any payment, you must apply.

Until what age are benefits paid?

Many single mothers are interested in up to what age money is paid in Russia. Recall that without fail all women are paid benefits until the child reaches one and a half years.

Officially employed women have more rights as they are forced to take parental leave and take breaks from work. In this regard, they are paid an allowance until the child reaches the age of three.

After 3 years, payments are provided mainly to the poor, as well as to those who are raising a disabled child.

If the monthly income of the family is below the subsistence level established by the state, then, in accordance with regional laws, benefits may be assigned, which are paid until the child reaches 18 years of age.

Prospects for increasing payouts

Every year the state predicts an increase in payments and an increase in guarantees in the social sphere. This is done in order to ensure a decent standard of living for those categories of the population that need social assistance and protection.

At the end of last year, the government indexed many payments due to inflation. It depends on whether certain benefits will increase. Compared to the previous year, all social payments, including those for single mothers, should increase by 4.3%.

Grounds for termination of payments

Benefits cease to be paid when the grounds for their appointment are abolished. Local authorities may determine the reasons why benefits will be denied. For example, the Moscow Government ruled that the legal basis for terminating monthly child allowance payments is:

  • the child reaches a certain age;
  • deregistration at the place of residence in Moscow;
  • exceeding the average monthly family income;
  • death of a child.

Determining how much money a single woman with a child should now receive per month, the authorities of the capital also decided that payments can be suspended if:

  • do not receive benefits for 6 months in a row;
  • a legal court decision comes into force, by which the child is recognized as missing;
  • a minor works under an employment contract or is engaged in entrepreneurial activities, as a result of which he becomes fully capable.

Other regions may have different rules for stopping payments.


To get a complete picture of this issue will help specialists of the social protection authorities at the place of residence.

Lawyer. Member of the Chamber of Advocates of St. Petersburg. Experience more than 10 years. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University. I specialize in civil, family, housing, land law.

How much a single mother earns is a question of interest to those who, without a father, are engaged in raising minors.

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As for monetary allowances, payments for this category of citizens are provided on a common basis with other mothers. That is, the legislation does not distinguish between single mothers and complete families.

Another nuance: the state has given local governments the right to decide on the appointment of cash benefits for single mothers.

Many regional authorities pay allowances for children up to the age of 14, and in some cases up to 18 years. Sometimes payments can be extended up to age 23 if the child is in full-time education.

Also, when a single girl adopts a baby from an orphanage, a status is assigned.

If the child was born 300 days after the divorce, then the ex-husband is recorded in the “father” column. Accordingly, she will not receive this status.

The legislative framework

Regulated by the following legal acts:

How much does a single mother earn?

How much money a single mother receives depends on the region in which she lives. Consider the types of benefits from the state.

Every mother is entitled to benefits. The amount is determined based on individual indicators.

All mothers are paid an allowance in the amount of the maintenance of a child under the age of one and a half years.

For the first

How much a single mother earns in 2019 depends on various factors. The amount is about 2900 rubles. It should be noted that this figure is subject to indexation depending on the region.

So, for example, in the territory of some subjects of the Russian Federation, this amount increases due to the northern coefficient.

For the second

The minimum allowance for a second child is 5,800 rubles. And just like with the first child, the payment may be higher depending on the region. These payments are calculated up to one and a half years.

Benefit amount

The amount of the benefit is determined based on several factors. One of them is whether the woman is employed. If she works officially, then the amounts, depending on the length of service, will be greater.

The region of residence also plays a role. In some subjects of the Russian Federation, additional benefits are paid or they are provided with allowances. In others, on the contrary, the amount of payments will be much less.

For pregnancy and childbirth

The amount of cash payments is determined based on the woman's salary for the last 2 years. Payment is made by the organization where the mother works. The amount is 100% of the average payment.

In the event that the salary is less than the subsistence level, the amount of the benefit is compared with the minimum wage.

If the insurance period is less than six months, then the benefit is calculated in the same way.

lump sum

All women, without exception, are entitled to a one-time cash payment. The amount is paid for each child, regardless of what account he is.

It is necessary to apply for the appointment of benefits to the social security fund or to the MFC. But the registration at the MFC may take longer.

The amount of the lump sum is 15512.65 rubles. In different regions, there may be a deviation in a big way.


The amount of the monthly payment for the care of a child up to one and a half years is determined on the basis of wages for 2 years.

The cash payment is 40% of the average earnings per month.

Sick days and holidays are not counted. If there are two children, the payment is assigned for each and added up.

Maternal capital

Maternity capital is paid according to the general rules. If a woman has a child and she gives birth to another one in the status of a single mother, then the amount of maternity capital will be the same as in complete families.

Fringe benefits

In addition to cash payments, there are a number that make life much easier. Benefits apply to various areas of life.


Work benefits are especially beneficial:

  • You can't fire a single mother.
  • When the organization is liquidated, the employer is obliged to provide the woman with employment in another place.
  • You can not involve in overtime work if the child is under 5 years old. Otherwise, her consent must be written.
  • It is impossible to force night work against the will of the employee herself.
  • Sick leave is paid at 100% of the average salary.
  • A woman has the right to demand leave at her own expense in the amount of 14 days. And at any moment.
  • The presence of children is not considered a reason for refusing employment.


Social benefits provided:

  • Provision of places in kindergartens should be carried out out of turn.
  • Meals in school canteens are provided free of charge.
  • Children are provided with stationery and special educational literature.
  • A child can receive some types of medical care (massage) free of charge.
  • Providing some medicines free of charge or reimbursement.
  • Up to 30% discount on additional education services.

What are the residents of Moscow supposed to do?

According to Decree of the Government of Moscow 186, the following types of payments are provided for single mothers:

  • Payment in connection with the increase in prices - 300 rubles.
  • Children under 3 years old are assigned a compensation payment - 675 rubles.
  • For the care of a child with disabilities - 6000 rubles.

In the case when the income of a single mother is below the subsistence level, the woman is entitled to the following payments:

  • Due to the increase in the cost of living - 750 rubles.
  • Monthly allowance for children from 0 to 18 years old - 2,500 rubles.
  • Allowance from 1.5 to 3 years - 4500 rubles.

Registration procedure

Single mothers in 2019, as before, have the right to apply for and receive benefits and privileges that are not available to parents raising children in complete families. Federal Law No. 81 “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children” establishes the provision and conditions for receiving benefits.

Benefits for single mothers are provided in almost all areas of society. This provides them with social security and additional opportunities and guarantees, both for themselves and for their children.

Benefits in the labor sphere

Women who raise children on their own can count on some privileges from their employer.

Attention! Labor benefits for single mothers in 2019 are enshrined in the Labor Code. A woman can sue her boss if he systematically violates her rights prescribed in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

These rights include:

  • if the staff in her organization is reduced, a woman raising a child under 14 alone cannot be fired;
  • employers cannot refuse to hire a single mother, citing the fact that she has children;
  • single mothers can take additional unpaid leave for a period of at least 14 days;
  • in the event of the complete liquidation of an organization in which a single mother works, the employer is obliged to provide her with a job, no worse than her previous one, in another institution (enshrined in Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 5, 1992 No. 554 "On the mandatory employment of certain categories of workers during the liquidation of an enterprise, institution, organization");
  • if the child is under 14 years old, then his mother can apply for a part-time job for her;
  • sending a woman on a business trip raising a child without the help of his father is possible only after receiving her consent, in writing;
  • it is impossible to attract women raising a child who has not reached the age of five, alone, to work at night, weekends and holidays;
  • if a disabled child is dependent on a single mother, she is entitled to 4 additional paid days off monthly according to your schedule. It is forbidden to transfer holidays to subsequent months.
Payment for sick leave for a single mother is carried out similarly to payment for sick leave for women in complete families. No additional privileges at the federal level established.

Features of dismissal

According to the Labor Code, an employer does not have the right to dismiss a single mother who has a minor under 14 years of age or a disabled child under 18 years of age as a dependent. This also applies to the reduction of staff in the enterprise.

An exception is possible in the following cases:

  • upon liquidation of the enterprise;
  • if the employee does not fulfill his labor duties, there must be documentary evidence, for example, an official penalty);
  • violation of labor discipline and official duties (absenteeism, lateness, disclosure of official information);
  • providing false information during employment.

Important! Labor legislation fully protects the rights of single mothers. If employers violate the rights of a single mother, before going to court, she can write a complaint to the Labor Inspectorate of her city. Specialists of this organization are obliged to check and take measures to prevent violations.

Tax incentives and privileges

A single parent raising a minor child can reduce their tax deduction from monthly earnings exactly twice. To obtain such a right, you need to contact the accounting department of the enterprise with a certain package of documents.

The package of documents includes:

  • child's birth document;
  • a document containing information about divorce or marriage;
  • if a minor studies at school, goes to a kindergarten or institute, then a certificate confirming this fact will be required;
  • if less than a year has passed since starting a new job, then you will need a certificate of Form 2-NDFL from the previous organization where the woman worked;
  • if the baby is disabled, then you need to submit a document about his health, containing information about his disability.

The amount of the double tax deduction in 2018 was:

For single mothers, the right is granted to apply personally to the tax office at the place of residence, with a certificate in the form 3-NDFL and other documents. This can be done when the employer for some reason cannot issue a tax refund.

If a single mother remarries, the right to a double tax deduction is lost.

Social benefits

Attention! In addition to tax and labor benefits and privileges, single mothers have various rights in the social sphere. So, for example, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 1, 1995 No. 677 “On Approval of the Standard Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution”, children of working parents who raise them alone are primarily enrolled in preschool educational institutions. Also, tuition fees for children in such organizations are reduced by 50%.

They concern the privileges of all spheres of social life of the population, these include:

  • receiving a 50% discount on medicines purchased for children older than three years;
  • providing the necessary assistance in preparing the child for schooling, if a single mother is not able to buy everything necessary;
  • at school, children who are raised by one parent have the right to eat twice in the canteen (for this you need to submit an appropriate application to the educational institution addressed to the director);
  • providing children with free massage sessions by specialists of a medical organization;
  • the state provides vouchers for children to camps and sanatoriums free of charge;
  • children are put in a preferential queue for admission to kindergartens;
  • 50% discount on kindergarten fees;
  • provision from the state of a discount of 30% for the child's education in organizations of additional education (sports clubs, drawing schools, etc.).

If, for some reason, the administration of the educational organization where the child is studying refuses to provide benefits, you can file a complaint with a higher authority. This may be the department of social protection of the city or the Ministry of Education in the region.

Benefits in the housing sector

The benefits for single mothers in 2019 in the housing industry provide for her to receive housing.

The receipt and use of maternity capital does not depend on whether the woman is a single mother or whether she is in a marital relationship. She, like any woman, has the right to spend her maternity capital on the needs provided for by the state.

These needs include the expansion of their living space.

The right to expand the living space

A woman must be under 35 to be on the waiting list for housing extensions.

For this, single mothers need to prepare a package of documents. All documents are submitted for consideration to the commission on housing issues, which is located in the administration at the place of residence of the applicant.

The list of documents includes:

  • statement;
  • passport of the applicant;
  • single mother certificate;
  • certificates of income and the value of property owned;
  • a document establishing the fact of the birth of a child;
  • document confirming registration for 10 years;
  • act of inspection of living space for the last five years.

In individual cases, the specialists of the department may request other documents from the applicant.

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After reviewing the submitted list of documents, the employees of the housing commission recognize the woman as poor and in need of improving the conditions of her housing.

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How to speed up the housing process

In practice, obtaining housing benefits for a single mother can be delayed for several years, despite the fact that she is entitled to it.

To speed up this process you need:

  • start collecting documents before the baby reaches three years;
  • consult with a lawyer who often deals with such issues for a more thorough study of the topic of obtaining housing;
  • after submitting all the documents to the housing commission, do not forget to be interested in the progress of your application.

Additional privileges in the housing sector

Some single mothers cannot stand living in poor conditions and take out a mortgage loan to buy a home.

They belong to the category of citizens who can take a mortgage on favorable terms. This means that the interest rate and repayment term of the loan will be significantly lower than for ordinary mortgage applicants.

Important! For mothers living in Moscow, there is an additional benefit when renting an apartment. It consists in returning a certain amount of money that she pays for rent. But, this will only work if the landlord pays taxes on the leased area.

Single mothers have the right to:

  • do not pay utility bills for cleaning the house and removing garbage from the yard until the baby reaches one and a half years;
  • if they lived with the baby in a service apartment or house, then upon eviction, they are required to provide an equivalent housing.

Single mothers are entitled to receive benefits and other incentives from the state, on the basis of the legislation in force at the time of applying for the status of a single mother.

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