What classes are held in the middle group. Methodological foundations of the organization of the subject-developing environment in the middle group. Middle group - how to play with children

The middle group of the kindergarten is intended for children of four years of age. During this period, children develop the ability to establish simple connections between surrounding objects. Toddlers are interested in the actions of adults, imitate them in everything, try to overcome small difficulties on their own. Speech is greatly enriched through communication with adults and peers. The middle group gives children the skills of correct and organized behavior in the garden, on the street, at home. Forms the simplest ideas about what is bad or good. Creativity and musical ear will also improve.

Classes in the middle group

Physical education in the middle group

At physical education lessons, children learn to run easily and rhythmically, to maintain the correct posture when running. Kids try to arbitrarily move along the Swedish wall, changing the pace and direction, jump from a small height to a soft surface, long jump, high jump, learn to jump over a long and short rope.

The teacher gives the first throwing skills with both the left and right hand. Children not only throw the ball in all sorts of directions, but also learn to catch it, hit it while standing still and walking. Also, children acquire the skill to line up according to their height, to perform turns in the ranks. At physical education lessons in the middle group in a playful way, kids learn exercises from sports games such as badminton, football, towns. At this age, they can independently organize familiar games on given subjects.

Creativity develops in motor activity, the ability to change and complicate exercises and games is formed, with the addition of imitation elements that demonstrate the plasticity and grace of movements.

Mental education in the middle group

Thanks to an expanding vocabulary and excellent memory, children memorize a huge number of names of modes of transport, items that make life easier for a person or create comfort.

In addition, the middle group of kindergarten gives kids the ability to determine the color, shape, size, weight, material from which the object is made. Based on these properties, children try to verbally describe the surrounding objects. With these skills, toddlers are able to classify objects and generalize objects using the concepts of hardness, brittleness, luster, sonority, and surface temperature.

In the middle group, children are taught thrift in relation to objects and toys. Now they understand that any thing is the result of the work of many people. Along the way, kids are given the names of some professions of agriculture, construction, communications, military specialties. The basics of the rules of the road are studied, for example, how to behave at a traffic light. Also, children must know the names of relatives and home address, the name of the city in which they live, countries, capitals.

Ecological education in the middle group

Taking walks on the street, kids observe nature, try to analyze it and determine patterns and relationships, for example, the change of seasons. By the end of the training, children already know many types of plants, can name five wintering birds, understand how plants develop and reproduce, and have an idea of ​​how people help nature.

Speech development in the middle group

The middle group of kindergarten gives kids the first knowledge about sounds, syllables, sentences. Children learn to explain the game rules, to argue the statements and answers of their peers. Using complex sentences of various kinds, direct and indirect speech, and using a model, they can tell short stories about events that took place in their lives. On their own, without significant omissions and deviations, the kids retell the plot of literary works and compose the ending of fairy tales from the pictures that the teacher shows them.

Mathematics in the middle group

In mathematics classes in the middle group, children study the constituent parts of a small group of objects, identify differences and similarities in them, making comparisons in pairs or using counting. The educator gives the concept that an individual object is always smaller than the group in which this object is included. Children learn to count to ten, and they master the ability to compare groups and determine which of them has more items, or less, or they are equal. Kids line up objects in ascending and descending order not only in size, but also in width, length, height. At the same time, they can correctly answer how many items in total and which item is in the account.

Mathematics in the middle group expands the concept of geometric shapes such as a circle, oval, triangle, quadrilateral. The teacher explains the sequence of parts of the day and gives the concept of the day of the week.

Visual activity in the middle group

At the lessons of fine arts, the middle group of the kindergarten gives kids knowledge about the means of expression in various types of art, such as form, color, color and composition, stimulates interest in painting, book graphics, and folk decorative art.

Drawing in the middle group

Being engaged in drawing, kids learn to create images based on representation or nature; they try to create stories on given topics from life or natural phenomena. Also, concepts are given about the shades that kids actively use, creating images and patterns based on folk arts and crafts.

Modeling and application in the middle group

Sculpting and applique is a little more complicated. Now the kids create not just individual objects, but build entire productions and compositions. Using previously acquired skills, they try to convey the proportions and movements of the figures.

Designing in a team, children learn to interact with their peers to find new constructive solutions, to plan the stages of construction.

Musical education in the middle group

Music lessons in the middle group of kindergarten give children the first knowledge about the genres of musical works, about the sound of musical instruments. Toddlers learn to distinguish works by intro or melody. The range of low and high sounds is expanding. By performing songs with musical accompaniment, children master smooth and easy singing.

Based on the nature and dynamics of music, children learn to move rhythmically, changing the direction and smoothness of movements. Skills are given for independent staging of songs and round dances, for performing actions without imitation of each other.

The behavior of preschoolers is increasingly aligned with the interests and needs of their peers and mentors. Children communicate a lot with adults who are authority for them. It should be noted that some children, due to the peculiarities of their character (shyness, modesty), experience difficulties in communication.

In the play activities of children of middle preschool age, role-playing interactions appear. They indicate that preschoolers are beginning to separate themselves from the accepted role. During the game, the roles can change. Game actions begin to be performed not for their own sake, but for the sake of the meaning of the game.

There is a separation of play and real interactions of children.

Significant development receives visual activity. The drawing becomes substantive and detailed. The graphic image of a person is characterized by the presence of a torso, eyes, mouth, nose, hair, sometimes clothing and its details. The technical side of visual activity is being improved. Children can draw basic geometric shapes, cut with scissors, stick images on paper, etc.
The design becomes more difficult. Buildings can include 5-6 parts. Design skills are formed according to one's own plan, as well as planning a sequence of actions.

The motor sphere of the child is characterized by positive changes in fine and gross motor skills. Agility, coordination of movements develop. Children at this age are better than younger preschoolers in maintaining balance, stepping over small obstacles.
Ball games become more difficult.

By the end of middle preschool age, the perception of children becomes more developed. They are able to name the shape that this or that object looks like. They can isolate simple forms in complex objects and recreate complex objects from simple forms. Children are able to arrange groups of objects according to a sensory attribute - size, color; select parameters such as height, length and width.
Improved orientation in space.

The amount of memory is increasing. Children remember up to 7-8 names of objects. Arbitrary memorization begins to take shape: children are able to accept a memorization task, remember instructions from adults, can learn a short poem, etc.

Imaginative thinking begins to develop. Children are able to use simple schematic images to solve simple problems. Preschoolers can build according to the scheme, solve labyrinth problems. Anticipation develops. Based on the spatial arrangement of objects, children can tell what will happen as a result of their interaction. However, at the same time, it is difficult for them to take the position of another observer and, on the internal plane, make a mental transformation of the image.

For children of this age, the well-known phenomena of J. Piaget are especially characteristic: the preservation of quantity, volume and size. For example, if you show them three black paper circles and seven white paper circles and ask: “Which circles are more black or white?”

The middle group of the kindergarten is attended by children of four years of age. Such pupils understand the relationships that exist between objects. In their activities they try to imitate the actions of adults. When difficult situations arise, children try to cope with them on their own. Communication with peers and adults significantly enriches their speech.

Features of the middle group

In the activities of four-year-old children, an important place is occupied by teaching the correct behavior at home and in public places. At the same time, they develop organization and responsibility. Educators explain to children what to do in certain situations and what not to do. During classes and in free activities, the teacher carries out work on the development of pupils of the middle group of the kindergarten.

The middle group of kindergarten: the image of the pupil

At this age, the child is fully developed. Each has its own character, certain preferences and tastes. Four-year-olds are very active and want to make many friends. Often their activity confuses not only educators, but also parents. Children of four years old practically conquer one height after another. Today there was a sofa back, tomorrow - a window sill, then a heated towel rail in the bathroom, a computer desk. Children want to explore everything. Often such actions are destructive. It is at such moments that many parents begin to send their children to kindergarten groups, where the activities of the kids are filled with communication with peers and a variety of activities in which they can release their energy.

Math classes

Various activities are organized with all pupils of the kindergarten. If we talk about mathematics, it can be noted that in the younger group, educators give children basic knowledge in this area, while the middle group assumes the complication of tasks in the formation of elementary mathematical representations. Mathematics classes include learning to distinguish between the constituent parts of a certain group of objects and the formation of concepts of similarities and differences between them. The educator forms the knowledge that a group of objects is more than a separate thing that is part of it. Already at this age, children are taught to count to ten.

Physical education with children of four years of age

In the middle group, children are taught to run easily and rhythmically. Attention is paid to the formation of correct posture. The kindergarten program involves teaching children to jump from a small height onto a soft surface. Also, kids are taught to move around the swedish hill and jump rope. The head of physical culture gives the first ideas about throwing, teaches to line up in height and perform turns in the ranks.

Speech development

The average kindergarten group involves planning the activities of the teacher in such a way as to give children basic knowledge about sounds and syllables, as well as about sentences. In stories from personal experience, children are encouraged to use not only the direct line, but also Attention is paid to the fact that children actively use different ones when communicating.

Emotional well-being of pupils

The middle group plans its activities in such a way as to form friendly relations in the team not only between the teacher and the children, but also between peers. The educator makes sure that each child is active throughout their stay in kindergarten in all activities. It provides a stable emotionally positive well-being for each pupil.

Educational, developmental and training tasks

The functions are varied. Among the main ones I would like to note the provision of physical development of children. The teacher should promptly teach children to perform basic movements. Particular attention is paid to the formation of elementary cultural and hygienic skills. The middle group of the kindergarten assumes such a daily routine, in which the tasks of developing the cognitive activity of pupils harmoniously fit. The work of a teacher involves expanding the knowledge of kids about people, phenomena and objects. He also teaches to highlight the features of objects through sensory examination, elemental analysis and comparison.

What does the teacher teach four-year-olds

Pupils of the middle group develop skills of independence. Classes are held to teach them different ways of activity. Gradually develop self-service skills in children. Particular attention is paid to teaching game actions. All tasks can be found in the program by finding the "Middle group" section there. Games are represented by blocks. It is indicated which of them should be planned for physical education classes, which - for a walk and during free activities. Manual labor in the middle group of the kindergarten also occupies an important place. During its organization, the educator solves many educational, developing and such activities contribute to the formation of a friendly atmosphere in the team. Manual labor in the middle group is attractive to children because it gives them the opportunity to show their individuality and creativity. Classes for the development of speech are organized according to a program corresponding to this one. Also, educators form children's ideas about a healthy lifestyle. The kindergarten program involves planning the activities of the educator in such a way that it contributes to the full development of each pupil. This is possible thanks to the observance of the regime, which is drawn up for the middle group, taking into account the characteristics of its pupils.

The atmosphere in the middle group of kindergarten

Among the tasks that the educator solves, a special place is occupied by the development of relationships between children of four years of age. He teaches them to coordinate actions, accept a common goal and strictly follow it. The teacher makes sure that each child knows how to experience the joy of the results of joint activities and be kind to everything around him. He teaches kids to respond emotionally to the conditions of other people and to show good feelings towards plants and animals. In the course of joint activities, the teacher develops the creative manifestations of children, fosters interest in participating in various games. He also encourages pupils to engage in artistic activities, teaches them to experience success and joy from the fact that they managed to realize their plans.

How the development environment is organized

For the full development of four-year-old children, social, social, spiritual and material conditions are equipped. The right equipment is essential to encourage children to play activities and develop their imagination. The subject environment can be compared with mental activity, which is why it is so important for the comprehensive development of the personality of each child. The subject environment is the external conditions of the pedagogical process, makes it possible to properly organize the independent activities of pupils and contributes to their self-development under the supervision of a teacher.

The leading task of the pedagogical work of kindergarten teachers is the formation of a high level of native language proficiency in pupils. Developed speech is a necessary condition for harmonious socialization, comfortable mental well-being, building full-fledged relationships with peers and surrounding adults, and achieving excellent academic results. Mastering the word is very important for the development of thinking, gaining creative freedom of self-expression and knowledge of the world around. The sooner, taking into account age characteristics, we help the child learn to express his thoughts competently and fully, the freer and more confident he will feel in the future.

Speech development in the middle group of kindergarten

Speech development work is a complex pedagogical process based on a set of methodological techniques and special exercises aimed at improving the child’s speech skills and developing a high speech culture in him: the ability to listen, restrain spontaneous emotional reactions, show tact and friendliness.

GEF requirements for speech development

Public and private educational organizations should be guided by the program requirements specified in the Federal State Educational Standards related to the field of speech development:

Age-related psychological characteristics of children in the middle group of preschool educational institutions

When selecting tools, the teacher must take into account the normative age characteristics of his pupils:

  1. The skills of sensory-spatial orientation are being improved - the understanding of the sensory standard is gradually consolidated in children, younger preschoolers of four years old can identify more than five shapes of objects and more than seven colors.
  2. The ability to memorize and retain information in memory develops, arbitrary memorization is formed, children can perform a memorization task.
  3. Speech is being improved - the process of acquaintance with the names of surrounding objects continues, situational and business communication with adults becomes more complicated, in addition, the lexicon is enriched, the basic grammatical constructions of sentence construction are mastered and complicated, the vocabulary is rapidly replenished.
  4. The ability to concentrate and hold attention steadily increases, the duration of the period of conscious concentrated activity increases to 15-20 minutes.
  5. The degree of development of figurative thinking and imagination allows children to compose logically coherent, consistent, plot-organized stories by the age of five. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the imagination will actively develop only with social and pedagogical organization and stimulation.
  6. The game begins to acquire a role-playing character, the child already separates himself from the role he plays, role-playing and real events do not mix.
  7. Children of this age have difficulty in coordinating complex grammatical constructions, it is difficult for them to express detailed judgments and at the same time track grammatical literacy.

As a rule, the educator conducts special scheduled classes for the development of speech, provided for by general educational programs. The recommended norm according to the standards is once a week for 20 minutes. However, pedagogical work on the development of speech is not limited to these frameworks. It also goes during classes of a cognitive, artistic and aesthetic nature, communication with children during walks, physical education breaks, as well as the labor or play activity of the child, which is modeled by the teacher. A broad outlook, logical thinking, aesthetic perception of the world contribute to the formation of figurative, lexically rich and grammatically correct speech.

Organization of a speech therapy group

If a speech pathology is detected in a child during a speech therapy examination (primarily children 5–6 years old, the rest of the pupils during the year), correctional classes will be conducted by a speech therapist teacher. Speech therapist deals exclusively with children with speech defects.

A good specialist will help the child eliminate or compensate for speech defects

At a preschool institution, the work of a specialized speech therapy group (no more than 12 children) or a speech therapy center (20–25 children during the year) can be organized. The composition of the pupils involved in the speech therapy center may change, classes are held every day in an individual or subgroup form, the duration depends on the individual needs of the children. For his correctional work, the speech therapist teacher takes the children from any class that the main educator conducts.

The functioning of a separate speech therapy group is regulated by an independent regulation prepared and signed in the form of an internal order by the head of the kindergarten. They differ from ordinary groups in the kindergarten, firstly, in less content, which allows for a full-fledged individual approach, and secondly, together with two teachers, a speech therapist teacher works daily, who conducts independent classes with children and provides advisory assistance to educators. Enrollment in a specialized group is based on the application of the parents and the conclusion of the PMPK (commission consisting of a psychologist, physician, teachers). For each pupil, a separate card is assigned indicating the period and plan for carrying out the necessary corrective measures, depending on the complexity of the situation.

Reasons for enrolling in a speech therapy group:

  • violations of the correct pronunciation of several (more than 2-3) sounds;
  • insufficient level of coherent speech skills, gross lexical or grammatical errors;
  • deficit of emotional-personal and socio-communicative development.

Methodical means

The seriousness of the tasks facing the teacher within the framework of the requirements of speech development forces the most thoughtful approach to the means used.

Basic pedagogical techniques

  • Teaching a story based on several plot pictures. The teacher offers such a task to a subgroup of four to five children. Thus, during the year, pupils are trained to retell a literary work they heard, a fairy tale, an entertaining story, cognitive information, personal life experience or their own emotional impressions.
  • Daily reading of fiction, provided for by the educational program, learning the ability to carefully listen to fairy tales, works of various authors. Reading can be accompanied by a demonstration of visual material, showing toy characters, game improvisation with a request to continue, repeat, retell what you heard or describe the picture in words. It is worth noting that the teacher also needs to gradually accustom children to perceive a work of art without the additional participation of visual aids.

    The level of speech development is an important indicator of the mental state of the child, mastering speech is the key to successful adaptation of the baby in society.

  • Work in the format of a conversation (domestic and wild animals, plants, clothes, seasons, my family, professions, etc.), discussion of illustrations and pictures, which will contribute to the development of imaginative thinking and the ability to independently formulate their own thoughts, ask questions and answer to the teacher's questions. It is inappropriate for four-year-old children to stand up when answering, because a lot of time is wasted. Also, kids learn to reasonably express their opinion and convey it to other children, choosing the right phrases. It is necessary to strive to create a favorable psychological and pedagogical environment for active, natural communication between children, to set them up for a good-natured perception of each other's answers, to help overcome shyness, insecurity, to notice and approve even a small progress of each baby.
  • The use of gaming technologies (role-playing and didactic), playing imaginary situations, theatrical improvisations as a means of training sound pronunciation, dialogue speech, methods of psychological and intellectual emancipation, development of initiative and creative activity. (Role-playing games "Shop", "Polyclinic", didactic games "Hours", "Transport", etc.).

    Didactic game helps to teach children to find a given sound in a word at the stage of loudly pronouncing the word by the child himself, to teach to attribute single objects to certain thematic groups

  • Repeated repetition of a new word with a pronounced intonational emphasis on it and an explanation of its meaning, as well as the possibilities of using it in various speech turns. (“Guys, did you hear the word that I underlined with my voice? Scalded - doused with boiling water, like Ivan, who bathed in a vat of boiling water in the fairy tale “Humpbacked Horse”).
  • Periodic change of choral (it is possible to work with small subgroups on any basis, for example, only boys or girls) and individual forms of answers, thanks to which it is possible to involve most of the children in the work, creating conditions for speech practice for each child.
  • Motivation to complete a learning task when the teacher uses situations that are significant for the child, for example, asks someone to save, rescue, help. When evaluating answers, it is advisable to emphasize a successful turn of phrase or an exact image found by the child in the process of storytelling. (“What a beautiful comparison of winter drawings on glass with lace weaving you got!”).

    Correct speech helps the child to get used to society

  • Physical education minutes, which are also an educational task, therefore, it is necessary to set up children for a serious attitude to physical education pauses and their diligent implementation. Game gymnastics - several imitative tasks to imitate the movements of animals, athletes, create the image of a plant ("swimmer", "rose", "skier", etc.). Improving fine motor skills of the hands. Scientific research by V.M. Bekhterev discovered a deep relationship between the flexibility and dexterity of the fingers and the activity of the higher nervous system. Finger gymnastics will relieve mental stress, mimic clamp, relax muscles. The speech mechanism directly depends on the development of manual skills.

Games for speech development

By the age of five, it is important for a child to be taught the correct pronunciation of all sounds; to achieve this goal, it is necessary to practice breathing exercises daily (5–10 minutes during a physical education session), which will allow for greater articulatory mobility of the vocal apparatus. As a breathing exercise, you can use the following exercises:

  • blow on cotton balls, snowflakes suspended on a string;
  • races of paper boats in a basin of water, when players blow on their boats without puffing out their cheeks;
  • blow up balloons together
  • a game of pencil races: whose pencil will be the first to roll off the surface of the table under the influence of a jet of exhaled air;
  • children's musical toys (pipes, whistles) will become excellent simulators, they will allow you to work out the strength and smoothness of exhalation;
  • games resembling chanting can be an addition to breathing exercises - voice exercises for training pronunciation on a long exhalation of vowels, you can gradually connect consonants. It is advisable to start with sounds that the baby pronounces unmistakably.

The formation of grammatically correct speech includes exercises for consistency, while it is necessary to notice and correct the child's mistakes, train and consolidate the correct answer through repeated repetition.

Examples of games for training and consolidation:

  • "More less". I have a book, and you have books; I have a pencil, and you have pencils, etc.
  • "Call it kindly." Toy - toy, apple - apple, etc.
  • "I, you, he, she ..." (conjugations in the present tense). I paint, you paint, he paints, they paint, we paint.
  • "Continue the offer."
  • "Counting" - the coordination of numerals with nouns. One dice, two dice, three dice, etc.
  • “Whose description” is the agreement of adjectives with nouns. Choose a word for the words summer, summer, summer.
  • "Whose toy?" - agreement of possessive adjectives with nouns.
    - Ira has a doll.
    - Whose doll is this?
    - This is Irina doll.
  • "Which?" - formation of relative adjectives. Strawberry ice cream - strawberry ice cream.

Video: games for the development of speech

Speech corner equipment

According to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for children, it is necessary to create a comfortable and aesthetically attractive environment, a special subject-developing environment that will stimulate independence, as well as informal playful communication of children. The educator uses didactic and visual aids and materials during classes, sports and recreational activities, organizing games. In their free time, children can play on their own in a speech corner, but it is necessary to cultivate a careful attitude to board games, teach kids to keep order.

It is advisable to place the speech corner in a well-lit place, somewhat remote from the playing area

Table: filling in the speech corner by section

Articulation gymnastics in picturesPictures for articulation exercises, sets of exercises for articulation in pictures-tables. They can be made independently, and the description can be taken from the methodological literature. For example: T. A. Kulikovskaya “Articulation gymnastics in verses and pictures”, “Articulation gymnastics in counting rhymes”, V.V. Konovalenko, S. V. Konovalenko "Articulation, finger gymnastics and breathing-voice exercises."
BreathSpinners, pipes, balloons, bubbles, air jet games, etc.
fine motor skillsSpinning tops, dry pool, lacing, mosaics, puzzles, stencils for hatching, internal and external strokes, pencils, etc.
Higher mental functionsSplit pictures, dominoes, "The fourth extra", "Color and shape", "Learn by the contour" and others. It is advisable to discuss the content of this section with a psychologist.
phonemic hearingSound differentiation games - for example, games with paired cards Z.T. Bobyleva;
Sound pronunciationAlbums on automation of sounds by V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko; game exercises by L. A. Komarova; games for automating sounds: “Speech therapy lotto”, “Speech therapy domino”, “Steam locomotive”, “Pick and name”, etc.);
VocabularyPictures reflecting the studied lexical topic (plot and subject); educational puzzles, games: lotto, “Pick up a couple”, “Who will name more”, “Part and whole”, etc.;
The grammatical structure of speechGames E.M. Karpova, E.V. Solovyova, V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko, the game “Whose tail?”, “One is a lot”, “Call it affectionately”, “What is not?” and etc..
Connected speechStory pictures, “Guess by the description”, “When does it happen?”, “We play in the profession”, etc.
DiplomaSchemes of words, sentences, games: “Pick a word for the scheme”, “Make a sentence according to the scheme”, “Add the word”, crossword puzzles, rebuses, etc.

Speech development programs

The website of the Federal Institute for the Development of Education (FIRO) contains projects of more than twenty programs of preschool education. Each of the recommended programs is developed in accordance with all the necessary requirements of the educational standard, formulates the task of developing the speech culture of preschoolers, while having its own characteristics in terms of the scale of the content and priority focus. The Law "On Education" of the Russian Federation emphasizes that the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution has the opportunity to independently give preference to any of the available programs if it most fully complies with the principles and conditions of work of this educational institution. All programs can be conditionally divided into two large typological groups.

The work program for the implementation of the general education program is developed by teachers of a preschool institution on the basis of one of the complex or partial programs and is approved by the head of the kindergarten.

Comprehensive speech development programs

The compilers of complex programs adhere to the principle of the integrity of the approach to education, taking into account existing psychological and pedagogical norms, that is, training, education and development are carried out in all directions, contributing to the comprehensive and harmonious development of pupils.

These programs include:

  • "Dialogue" (the head of the team of authors - O.L. Soboleva) is the latest program that covers all educational areas, but emphasizes the priority of speech development with a pronounced emphasis on speech creativity, as well as the prevention and correction of speech defects. The core of the program is the development of creative imagination, stable motivation for cognitive activity by means of modern gaming pedagogical technologies based on a fairy-tale metaphor around which the scenario of a developing lesson is built.
  • "From Birth to School" - a new edition of the Model Education and Training Program for Preschool Educational Institutions in 1985, developed taking into account modern scientific achievements and the experience of domestic and foreign preschool education. The program is based on the principles of a humane-personal attitude towards the child, and is aimed at the harmonious all-round development, formation and development of spiritual universal values. The developing model of education dominates, calling on the teacher to focus on the individual characteristics of the pupil, this approach corresponds to the modernized "Concept of preschool education" (V.A. Petrovsky, V.V. Davydov, etc.) about the significance and value of the preschool stage of childhood. The principle of cultural conformity is basic in the construction of the program as a whole. The leading type of activity in preschool childhood is the game.
  • "Origins" (T.I. Aliyeva, T.V. Antonova and others) - special attention is paid to the personal development of the child in accordance with his age characteristics. The authors consider seven main personality characteristics that are important to form in a child.
  • "Childhood" (T. N. Babaeva, Z. A. Mikhailova and others) - developed as a program of multilateral, enriched intellectual, emotional and physical development of the child in various activities.
  • "Development" (L. A. Venger, O. M. Dyachenko, etc.) - the program is based on a set of scientific theoretical and experimental author's methods, as well as the psychological concept of L. S. Vygotsky, according to which the formation of human consciousness is a defining direction its development.

Partial programs

In partial programs, the emphasis is on one direction in the education and upbringing of the child. With this approach, the teacher will be faced with the task of implementing a competent combination of several narrow targeted programs. Examples:

  • “The development of the speech of preschool children in kindergarten” (O.S. Ushakova) - is aimed at developing speech skills, skills of coherent utterance, understanding the relationship between the structural parts of the story and individual phrases;
  • "Slovechko" (L.A. Efrosinina) - adheres to the principle of integration of various educational areas. He sees the main tasks of the communicative educational field in the development of free communication skills with children and adults, the improvement of all components of oral speech (lexical, grammatical, pronunciation), coherent speech (dialogue, monologue) in various types of children's activities.

Speech development aids based on the state standard

Methodological aids are developed in order to help the educator, especially the beginner, in organizing his work. In addition, all of them are reviewed, they correspond to the current level of scientific knowledge in the field of child psychology and physiology, general educational programs and the requirements of the state standard for preschool education. As a rule, methodological recommendations are an addition to a specific complex or partial program, therefore it is advisable to give preference to author's manuals included in a single educational and methodological complex along with the general educational program on which the kindergarten works. The benefits are advisory in nature, therefore, they are optional (only regulatory documents are required), the teacher can freely choose benefits based on the priority educational tasks that the preschool institution solves.

It is worth noting, however, that the teaching aids are designed to greatly facilitate and speed up the process of preparing a teacher for classes, saving him from the need to spend time searching for and working through a large amount of information. The most successful developments that have proven their effectiveness in practice are usually advised to a young educator by a more experienced colleague, for example, a senior educator who is responsible for the sector of methodological literature and completes the methodical corner.

Table: benefits for the development of speech in preschoolers

Author and title of publicationannotation
Efrosinina L.A. From letter to letter. Allowance for children 4–5 years old. In 3 parts. Moscow: Ventana-CountThe manual introduces children of 4–5 years of age to the Russian alphabet. Toddlers will learn to correctly name letters, recognize them in a word and write in block type. Exercises are aimed at developing speech, attention, thinking and memory of children. The first part of the manual presents the letters from A to Z; in the second - from I to C; in the third - from T to Z.
Veraksy N.E., Komarova T.S., Vasilyeva M.A. Comprehensive classes according to the program "From birth to school". Middle group. Moscow: Mosaic - SynthesisThe manual offers comprehensive classes with children of the middle group for the entire academic year, which will help teachers build a system of developmental education based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. The content of organized educational activities, including games, listening, reading and discussing program works, observing, etc.
Ushakova O.S. Methodology for the development of speech of preschool children: a teaching aid for preschool teachers. M.: Humanitarian ed. VLADOS CenterThe manual reveals the methodology for developing the speech of children in all age groups of a preschool institution. All the main aspects of speech work are presented: the formation of a dictionary, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, the formation of sound pronunciation, the development of coherent speech, etc.; exemplary course outlines are given.
Gerbova V.V. Classes for the development of speech in the middle group. Moscow: Mosaic - SynthesisThe manual presents exemplary lesson plans for the development of speech and the familiarization of children 4–5 years old with fiction; recommendations on the organization and conduct of classes are given.
Nishcheva N.V. If the child does not speak well. SPb.: LLC "Publishing house "Childhood - Press"After reading the book, mothers and fathers of preschoolers will learn how a child’s speech develops in the first six years of life, what are the causes of speech development disorders, where to go if the baby’s speech development is clearly not up to standard, what research is being done by specialists in order to identify the causes of violations. The manual is also useful for teachers of preschool educational organizations, both educators and speech therapists.
Kalmykova L.N. Hello finger! How are you? Volgograd: TeacherThe card file of finger games proposed in the manual is focused on the leading activity of the child - playing. The planning of the teacher’s work on the development of children is carried out through the material systematized in thematic blocks: “Me and my family, name”, “Seasons”, “Wild animals”, “Pets”, “Fruits”, “Funny account”, “Fairy tales, fairy-tale characters, etc. By organizing games with fingers, the teacher will be able to effectively and entertainingly develop the mental processes associated with the formation of speech.
Stefanova N.L. Complex classes with children 3–7 years old: the formation of fine motor skills, the development of speech. Volgograd: TeacherThe manual presents the experience of building correctional and educational work with preschoolers on the formation of fine motor skills, discloses a pedagogical system for increasing the level of speech development of children in preparing the hand for writing by means of modern didactic games and exercises, finger gymnastics and massage techniques.
Tomilova S.D. A complete reader for preschoolers with methodological tips for teachers and parents. In 2 books. Moscow: ASTThe book can be used for daily reading to children. All material in the book is divided into three parts: the first - for children of four or five years, the second - up to seven years. The reader is compiled in accordance with State standards, each section is equipped with a methodological apparatus: introductory articles intended for adults, control questions for children and methodological advice for adults.

Speech development classes: structure, planning, examples

When planning both a single lesson and an annual course, it is necessary to adhere to the methodological recommendations.

Lesson structure

  1. The organizational introductory part of a motivating and stimulating nature, which includes reading a poem or a riddle, the teacher sets the children to work, arouses interest in the topic of the lesson.
  2. The practical part, when the teacher sets the task, explains the meaning of the task that the children must complete, for example, make a continuation of the story at its beginning, describe the plot picture, name objects on a specific topic, etc.
  3. The active work of children to complete the task can take place in the form of a game or perform an exercise during a physical culture break. Verbal assessment of children's activities.
  4. Summing up, when the teacher draws the attention of children to the results of the completed lesson, emphasizes and repeats the main skill that the children should have mastered or consolidated.

The purpose of this exercise is to develop consistency in the pronunciation of words and movements.

Table: "Winter fun" (summary of a lesson on speech development, author L. N. Slatnikova)

  1. Development of dialogue skills.
  2. Learning to compose a short story in three or four sentences.
  3. Training for creative tasks.
  4. Teaching the ability to solve riddles.
  5. Learn to highlight the first sound, select words for the proposed sound.
Lesson progress
IntroductionChildren look at an illustration with a winter landscape and answer questions from the teacher.
What season is in the picture?
- On what basis did you guess that it was winter? (Snow).
- What snow? (White, fluffy, shiny, cold, silver).
- Name the snow affectionately. (Snowball).
- What do we call the natural phenomenon when the snow falls? (Snowfall).
- And if there is a huge pile of snow, what will we call it? (Snowdrift).
- And when the snow falls and the wind blows, how to call this phenomenon? (Snowstorm, blizzard).
What happens to snow in winter? (Falls, spins, flies, flutters, pours, melts).
- What is the holiday in winter? (New Year).
- Do you like this holiday? How? (Fairy-tale heroes come, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden bring gifts, put on beautiful costumes, etc.)
Why do you still love winter? (Children begin to fantasize about what can be done in winter, despite the frost and cold, and as a result, it turns out that winter is the most interesting and fun of all seasons.
Picture storyChildren are shown several pictures depicting winter games and fun, they are offered to compose a story.
Sample: “The picture shows a boy. He is skiing. It is best to do this in winter, when frost and fluffy snow. The boy is dressed in a light jacket and a knitted hat. If he had put on a fur coat, he would have been very hot and also uncomfortable to move.”
Physical education minuteWe put on skis (Children follow each other)
And let's go for a ride. (Imitating the movements of skiers)
Look how they are
You can run fast.
Sledge from an icy hill (They are divided into pairs, one child stands in front, the other behind)
The sled runs fast. (Children join hands and run after each other)
Big ditch ahead
Bach! - the sleigh got stuck. (stop and sit down)
PuzzlesThe old joker does not order to stand on the street,
Pulls home by the nose. (Father Frost)
The white blanket is not made by hand.-
Not woven and not cut,
It fell from heaven to earth. (Snow)
5. Finger game.
We sculpted a snowball (Imitation of movements)
Ears made later (Show ears)
And just instead of eyes (To touch with index fingers)
We have coals. (corners of eyes)
The bunny came out alive! (Squeeze your arms to your chest, hands down)
He has a tail and a head! (Show the tail, then put both hands on the head)
Don't pull on your mustache (Wag your finger)
They are from straw!
Long, shiny (Spread hands from nose to side)
Exactly real! (Shake your head)

Table: “Description of winter clothes” (summary of a lesson on speech development, author L. N. Slatnikova)

  • Learn the correct name and purpose of winter wardrobe items.
  • Learn to match nouns with adjectives.
  • Develop the skill of competent construction of phrases.
  • Develop auditory attention and memory.
Methodological supportIllustrations and silhouette pictures of winter clothes, dolls, winter things, snowflakes.
Lesson progress
IntroductionReading a poem about winter.
Conducting a conversation:
What season is this poem talking about? Why do you think it's winter?
(because everything is covered with snow and there is ice on the river).
Is it warm or cold in winter? (Coldly) What do people do to keep warm? (put on warm clothes)
Acupressure massage of hands and feet(Coordination of words and movements)
We bought Varenka (stroking the right, then the left hand)
Mittens (from fingers to wrist)
And felt boots (simultaneous stroking of the legs from the bottom up).
Put on a warm coat (imitation of movements)
And let's go for a walk.
word memory game- Hat, coat, scarf, pants, mittens, felt boots.
The teacher asks two or three children.
- Our dolls Tanya and Vanya are going for a walk, and we will help them. What clothes should they wear to keep them warm? (Legging pants, blouse, hat, scarf, fur coat, jacket, mittens, felt boots).
Breathing exercisesBreathing exercise "Flight of snowflakes".
Children are given "snowflakes" - small pieces of cotton wool suspended on a thread. Children, depicting the wind, calmly blow on snowflakes.
ball gameChildren form a circle in the play area. The teacher picks up the ball and stands in the center of the circle.
Teacher: Now we will play a game. I will throw the ball, and the catcher will tell you what to do with the clothes.
The teacher throws the ball into the hands of the children in turn. Children answer (buy, crush, lose, tear, repair, give, hang, wash, clean, etc.)
A game to reinforce new wordsEducator: I have pictures that show items of winter clothing. Consider them. The artist forgot to draw some details. Draw them.

Video: "Wild Animals" (a lesson on the development of speech using information and communication technologies, ICT)

Lesson planning

For the purpose of long-term planning, the teacher develops plans. The calendar plan covers a short time period (from one lesson to one week) and includes:

  • indication of program objectives;
  • formulation of educational tasks;
  • indication of methodological techniques;
  • list of necessary didactic aids.

A long-term plan is a strategic distribution of the educational process for a long time period (from 1 month to 1 year).

The plan is based on a program document, which indicates the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities for each age category.

Table: example of a long-term plan for two months

date Subject Program content
September"Our group"Introduce children to the group room. Teach children to navigate in a group space. Develop a sense of love and pride for your group. To educate in children the desire to reckon with the interests of each other.
“Introducing doll Dasha to our group”Teach children to write a short story together with the teacher; learn to correctly name objects, coordinate a noun with an adjective in gender and number; fix the correct pronunciation (d), (d`).
"Our Kindergarten"Expand and systematize ideas about kindergarten, instill in children love for their kindergarten, sympathy for comrades. Expand vocabulary through nouns; enter adjectives into the children's dictionary, activate the verb dictionary; introduce children to the preposition "between". Improve sound pronunciation - reproduce onomatopoeia and isolated sounds. Develop auditory attention and memory.
"Autumn picture"Systematize ideas about the seasons, introduce the signs of autumn, the names of the autumn months; expand vocabulary with verbs; at the expense of quality adjectives and possessive adjectives, introduce the compound word “falling leaves” into the speech of children. Learn to write a collective story based on a picture; distinguish sounds close in sound (s) and (sh); develop the ability to solve riddles.
October"Visiting Cipollino"Introduce the names of vegetables; introduce Gianni Rodari's fairy tale "Cipollino"; Expand vocabulary with nouns, adjectives and verbs. Learn to coordinate nouns with numerals; to consolidate the use of the prepositions "in" - "from" and "on" - "from"; learn to compose a story according to a picture plan.
"In the Cherry Garden"Introduce children to fruits expand vocabulary with nouns, adjectives and verbs. Learn to form the plural of nouns in the nominative and genitive cases, form nouns and adjectives using diminutive suffixes. Learn to build sentences with homogeneous members; compose a story according to a picture plan.
"Visiting Lesovichka"Introduce children to the names of mushrooms and berries; Expand vocabulary with adjectives and antonyms. Learn to form adjectives from nouns, coordinate adjectives with nouns; clarify the meaning of the prepositions "on", "under", "behind", "between", "before" and "around". Encourage children to pronounce onomatopoeia with hissing sounds.
"Musical toys"Reinforce children's knowledge of the location of each toy. Remember the rule: "Each toy has its place." Teach children to master elementary role-playing and story games. To cause a humane attitude towards toys. Develop children's imagination. Make up descriptions of toys, using the plan proposed by the teacher.
"Fire engine"Teach children to coherently answer the questions of the educator; correctly use the names of objects in speech. Fix the sound pronunciation of sounds (w), (r), (y). Activate the use of prepositions, verbs in sentences.

Video: speech development in the middle group of kindergarten

Verification of the results of work on the development of speech

A thematic check of the work of the teaching staff on speech development is carried out by the administration of the kindergarten, a psychologist and a speech therapist three times during the academic year. In September, monitoring of the starting level of children's speech development and verification of documentation (planning) is carried out, in the middle - the dynamics are clarified and analyzed, at the end - the results are summed up, conclusions are drawn about the degree of effectiveness of the pedagogical work done. The tasks of the check are:

  • analysis of the quality of planning work on speech development;
  • creation of the necessary developmental environment conducive to the improvement of children's speech skills;
  • the level of professional competence of teachers;
  • diagnostics of the level of development of speech in pupils.

Forms of control:

  • express survey of educators, verification of documentation;
  • visiting open classes;
  • testing of children to determine the level of speech competence (conducted by a speech therapist, psychologist and senior educator).

The examination is carried out strictly individually with each child for 15–20 minutes, the answers are recorded in the protocol and evaluated. The final scoring will determine the level of speech development of the baby (high, medium, low). Based on the test results, recommendations are prepared for educators and parents, indicating the problematic aspects that should be paid attention to. Methodological support for conducting a comprehensive study of the level of formation of speech skills and the development of a culture of communication in children can be the manual "Methods for identifying the level of speech development" by O.S. Ushakova, E.M. Strunina.

Criteria for speech development, indicative results:

  • the pupil shows independence and activity in playing activities, solving everyday problems through communication with adults and other children, freely expresses his emotional state, formulates desires and requests, tries to avoid conflict, demonstrates politeness and good breeding in speech;
  • feels comfortable psychological well-being in a conversation, adequately responds to questions, asks counter questions, freely uses simple means of explanatory speech;
  • pronounces sounds cleanly, without distortion, emotional and figurative expressiveness is inherent in speech;
  • has the skills of independent retelling of the plot of a fairy tale or a children's story, with the help of an adult (leading questions, tips) comes up with a plot continuation of the story or descriptive characteristics of the characters;
  • understands the difference between the concepts of "word" and "sound", highlights the initial sound in the word, can identify vowels and consonants by ear.

By the end of the school year, children should have a certain set of skills.


  • know and use generalizing words (animals, plants, clothes, etc.);
  • independently select words that characterize the attribute, quality of the subject;
  • compare objects by shape, color, size.

Grammar Skills:

  • coordinate nouns and adjectives by gender, number, case;
  • make simple and complex sentences;
  • operate with verbs in the imperative mood (say, write).

Phonetic structure of speech:

  • to pronounce all the sounds of native speech clearly;
  • hear and identify sounds in a word;
  • show emotional expressiveness, use the correct intonation and a moderate pace of speech.

Connected speech:

  • retell short fairy tale or literary works with an unknown plot;
  • compose a descriptive story based on a picture depicting an object, illustration or about a toy with the help of a teacher;
  • independently use words and turns of speech that are part of the general culture of behavior, manifestations of politeness.

The success of pedagogical efforts aimed at the speech development of pupils largely depends on the organization of the life of the kindergarten and the atmosphere in which the kids are; from a carefully crafted and thoughtful development environment. Children of this age are extremely active, open to learning new things, but often show haste, so they make mistakes and at the same time they perceive critical assessment rather painfully. Therefore, it is important for the teacher to show patience, friendliness and tact in relation to children, which, in turn, will cause the child to respond to the desire to work and achieve a high educational result.

Everything that surrounds the child is a source of knowledge for him, forms the social experience of the baby and contributes to the development of his psyche. Especially when it comes to children of the middle group (4–5 years old), who are taking more and more confident steps towards interacting with the outside world. Therefore, in preschool educational institutions (DOE), teachers with special care organize the space in which the baby is and contacts with other children and the teacher during his stay in kindergarten.

Definition of the concept: goals and objectives

The term subject-developing environment denotes a methodically competently organized system of material objects involved in the activities of the child and stimulating the comprehensive development of his personality. In other words, these are conditions that contribute to the full psychophysiological development of the baby. The goals of the organization of the subject-developing environment are:

  • assistance in determining the personal interests of the child (at the age of 4-5, children already quite consciously prefer one or another type of activity, for example, productive - drawing, or playing - role-playing fun);
  • development of the ability to seek and find ways to interact with the teacher and other children (if in the younger groups the children played more and more with themselves, then in the middle preschool age there is a “splash” of desire to interact with others, as well as a tendency to creatively reflect the impressions received, for example, in drawings, modeling);
  • the formation of the skill of evaluating their own and other people's actions, feelings (for example, in children at 4-5 years old, if there are quarrels based on resentment because of toys, then both parties can reasonably explain the essence of the conflict, which was not observed at early preschool age, when any misunderstanding was resolved either with tears or fights, and more often with both).

Children 4-5 years old increasingly prefer to play in large companies, and not one at a time, as it was before

The tasks of designing the space surrounding children are:

  • the presence in the subject-developing environment of a sufficient number of toys for role-playing games related to the experience that the children already have (games in the store, family, circus, etc.), as well as waste material (boxes, cotton wool, patches fabrics, sticks, etc.) for the implementation of planned plots;
  • providing a sufficient number of objects and materials, the knowledge of which is carried out through different senses - kaleidoscopes, noise boxes, books, etc. "For what");
  • inclusion of counting games in the subject-developing environment, comparison of objects according to differentiated features (color, shape, purpose), assembling a whole from parts (puzzles, puzzles);
  • putting into operation the means necessary for conducting experiments (playing with sand, clay, paints, light, etc.);
  • expanding the set of books, workbooks (with tasks to prepare the hand for writing), reference literature, and, if possible, technical teaching aids (filmoscope, multimedia projector, computer).

A large sandbox will be a real find in the winter season

This is interesting. In the subject-developing environment for the middle group, about 20% of games are intended for children of older preschool age, so that kids who are ahead of their peers can move on and not stop there.

Principles of organizing a subject-developing space

The selection of means used for the comprehensive psychophysical development of each child in the group must meet certain principles.


The means of training and education are selected, firstly, in accordance with the program under which the preschool educational institution operates. For example, if a preschool institution uses a healthy lifestyle program and practices hardening, then in the play area for the middle group there should be rubber toys, water bowls, baby dolls and small towels so that the children can imitate water dousing procedures.

Secondly, materials for the subject-developing environment should be according to the age of the pupils. For example, for the middle group, experimental activities are new, so children should have a nature calendar at their disposal, in which kids choose symbols of the current weather (sun, clouds, rain, snow, etc.) and / or draw them, stick them on double-sided tape , insert the appropriate symbol into the desired pocket.

Even in a small area, you can place all the necessary materials by organizing them in suitable containers and places.

Transformability and multifunctionality

In other words, depending on the task of education at a particular stage and the frequently changing interests of children, the means of the subject-developing environment can be rearranged, replaced. So, for example, dolls from the play space can be used in the cognitive space to continue teaching toddlers how to dress and undress on their own. In addition, as already noted, in the space of the group there should be objects that do not have a rigidly fixed purpose, waste material applicable in various types of activity.


This requirement implies the zoning of the environment, that is, the presence of a place for games (calm and active), research, creativity. At the same time, the corners are grouped according to the level of activity of the type of activity. For example, playful, theatrical on one side, and experimental, bookish on the other.


All children, including toddlers with disabilities in the framework of an inclusive education program, should be provided with equal access to all materials. So, for example, the aquarium should be at such a level that children 4-5 years old can not only watch the fish, but also give them food.

It is very convenient when furniture for children is organized under the centers


Elements of the subject-developing space must be safe to use (no sharp or small parts, no glass toys, etc.). In addition, the materials must be in good condition.

Since the surrounding space is designed to accompany any activity of the kids, it includes the necessary amount of materials and equipment to provide all the main activities of a particular age group:

  • cognitive research;
  • game;
  • productive.

This is interesting. The saturation of the centers implies certain financial costs, therefore, in the description below, an average variant is given.

Not all benefits need to be bought, many can be done together with parents and children with their own hands

The educational center

The most polyfunctional space, consisting of light tables and chairs, with which you can change the number of children in a particular activity: in fours, in pairs (it is in the middle group that the method of working in twos is actively introduced). The guys use the training center as:

  • bases for engaging in productive activities (draw, sculpt, cut, glue);
  • laboratories (for experimental activities, for example, the distribution of cards with the image of animals on wild and domestic);
  • places for independent work (folding puzzles, fun with the designer, drawing, etc.).

Tables in a group must be transformable

Storage Center

In space, this place is usually limited to a cabinet with drawers, in which there are containers with:

  • sand;
  • pebbles;
  • shells;
  • flour;
  • cereals;
  • beans.

Role play center

The basis of this space is children's furniture for role-playing games, reflecting the usual adult life (kitchen, ironing board, dollhouse, garage with tools).

And also in the zone there should be dolls and all the necessary attributes of a puppet "life": sets of clothes, strollers, toy carts for shopping in a supermarket, dishes. In addition, it is worth acquiring attributes for dressing the children themselves: aprons, scarves for working in a toy kitchen, for example.

In the center for role-playing games there should be attributes for the children themselves, not only for dolls.

Creativity Center

For this zone, a cabinet or shelf is determined, as well as a wall for an exhibition of children's works and an art gallery with reproductions of paintings by famous artists (for the middle group, the plots of Shishkin's paintings "Morning in a Pine Forest", landscapes, Levitan's "Golden Autumn", Polenov's "Russian Village" are interesting "). Children's works: drawings and applications - are placed on the wall using decorative cords. In addition, a roll of white wallpaper should be placed in the creative area so that children can do collective work on them (for example, compiling a whole picture from handprints), a board for creating chalk drawings and small easels for individual work.

The corner of creativity must include an exhibition of the work of the kids themselves

Experimental Ecological Center

This area is located on the shelves. Houseplants are placed on one-color flower pots, and on the shelves - everything you need to care for flowers (watering cans, rakes), food for fish. An aquarium is also set up in the ecocenter and a calendar of nature observations is hung.

In a corner of nature there should be a lot of indoor plants

sports center

The zone that promotes the physical development of children is located in a wall niche, and also involves the presence of a hanger with hooks for hoops, jump ropes, ring throws, a bag with balls of various sizes (including massage balls), skittles, hanging targets and ribbed rugs rolled into rolls.

Putting sports equipment in place is a good way to discipline toddlers.

theater center

In the middle group with a tendency to dress up, imitate the actions of adults, this zone is of key importance. Its equipment should be as complete as possible and include:

  • large and small screens;
  • flannelograph;
  • rack or hanger with suits;
  • masks;
  • finger theater;
  • bibabo dolls;
  • scenery for playing out fairy tales (you need to try to find universal options, for example, a tree for staging “At the Lukomorye there is an oak ...” is also suitable for the surroundings of the forest in the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”);
  • dolls and toys;
  • theatrical make-up, wigs, mirror (optional attributes).

There must be at least a minimum set of scenery in the theater corner, and if each group makes this a mandatory requirement, then it will be possible to exchange suitable entourage

Center for Mathematics

With the help of the means of this zone, the children learn to put together a whole from parts, perform simple actions with numbers, and solve logic puzzles. Materials are placed on a shelf or pedestal. In the corner you can find:

  • puzzles;
  • sets of numbers and mathematical symbols;
  • a set of geometric figures flat from cardboard or voluminous from plastic (triangle, rectangle, square, oval, rhombus, cube);
  • counting sticks;
  • children's computer (optional item).

In the corner of mathematics there should be manuals with numbers, geometric shapes, puzzles

book center

Its location is easy to predict - a bookcase. On the shelves are books on the program: fairy tales, stories, collections of tongue twisters and tongue twisters. The latter is especially true for children 4–5 years old, who may already have pronounced speech defects that require correction. And also in the center of the book there is reference literature (on the history of the native land, geography). True, there is one strict condition regarding the latter: for example, among the children of the middle group who read only a few, books must contain color and large illustrations.

In addition, the book area can be supplemented with an open showcase with books, a table and chairs, where children can look at printed publications.

Literature according to the program and according to the interests of children can be systematized within the museum of a favorite book

Music Center

Open shelves in a closet are a good place to place sounding objects (for example, noise boxes filled with various materials - sand, grains, pebbles - children guess the contents by the sound it makes). In violation of the principle of accessibility, but in compliance with the safety requirements, it is better to place discs and audio cassettes above the growth of babies.

Even toy instruments give kids an idea of ​​the principles of sound production.

privacy center

This zone, apart from an easy chair in the corner and a translucent curtain that is attached to the walls, does not require any other equipment. But it is necessary to place it a little away from the other centers so that no noises prevent the baby from relaxing, flipping through the book they like.

This is interesting. Some methodologists are very skeptical about the organization of a seclusion zone in the younger and middle groups, arguing that in the younger and middle preschool age, not all children understand the purpose of this center. Yes, and teachers most often use an armchair or a chair as a place of serving a sentence for violators of discipline. True, with regard to the latter, such an approach to the use of space does not depend on the age of the children and can be observed with equal success in older groups, where pupils already have a more defined temperament, which means that some of them really need solitude after noisy games.

The more original the corner of privacy is designed, the less likely it is to use it for other purposes

Center for Patriotic Education

According to the installation of the Federal State Educational Standard, this zone is organized in the middle group from the second half of the year. Mandatory design elements should be:

  • a poster depicting the state emblem;
  • photograph of the president;
  • books with stories, poems about the motherland.

You can supplement the center of patriotic education with textbooks (for example, “My Motherland is Russia: a textbook for kids” by V.A. Stepanov), projects about the history of the families of pupils (performed together with parents), as well as a set of photographs of views and sights of the native land.

A corner of patriotic education can be combined with pictures of beautiful local landscapes from the center of ecology

Techniques that beat the subject-developing environment

Everything that can be seen and felt is ideal for a group of visual techniques. In the middle preschool age, kids still rely on a visual-figurative type of perception, that is, any information must be accompanied by something material.

Visual tricks

The most productive ways to interact with preschoolers and younger students. But if in the latter the dominant visual-figurative type of perception is determined by the individual characteristics of the personality, then in preschool children this way of knowing the world is age-related, that is, for many of them it is temporary.


Based on the principle of transformability and multifunctionality for observations, namely for experimental activities within the framework of this type of visibility, almost any zone can be used.

The process of observation simply fascinates children, especially if this kind of visualization is accompanied by an entertaining story.

This is interesting. 99% of the experiments involved the tables and chairs of the training center.

Table: use of different centers for experiments

ZoneName of experienceTaskEquipment and materialsDescriptionConclusion
Creative (partially theatrical).Rainbow balls.By mixing the main shades of the palette, get new colors (green, orange, blue, purple).Blue, red, yellow, white gouache, palette, water, napkins, sheets with ball outlines (4-5 for each pupil), half circles of the original tones and whole ones for the ones you are looking for, flannelgraph.A hare who has come to visit complains that he cannot find his favorite colors of paints, but he heard how they can be made from what is. The kids agree to help. They take a whole circle, fix it on a flenelegraph, then two paints are mixed on a sheet. If the correct shade is obtained, the halves of the circles show the solution.Yellow and red paint - orange, blue and yellow - green, red and blue - purple, blue and white - cyan.
Musical, theatrical.Why sound is born.Help children understand that sound is the result of objects vibrating.Tambourine, glass glass, guitar, ruler (wooden), newspaper.The teacher asks to remember what sounds a bumblebee, a fly, a mosquito make. Then he proposes to extract sounds from the presented objects. When does the sound stop? When we stop working on an object.Sound appears as a result of rapid vibrations in one direction and in the other. Vibrations stop - sound ends.
Materials Center.What do birds make nests out of?Determine a number of features of the life of birds in the spring.Pieces of cotton, fur, thread, shreds of fabric, thin branches, pebbles.We leave the material next to the nest under construction (or left over from last year), we observe for several days what materials were useful to the bird.We glue the materials used by birds on a sheet of paper, next we depict a nest.

This is interesting. In the middle group, children begin to get acquainted with long-term experiments, while the children of the younger groups had only short-term experiments.


Within a theme or for any other use, an adult introduces the materials at the center through a demonstration to the children. So, for example, when studying the topic “The Tale of A. Milne“ Winnie the Pooh and All, All, All, ”on the development of speech, the teacher shows all the heroes of the fairy tale, taking them from the game and theater center. At the same time, it is possible that the kids did not meet the kangaroo toy before, that is, it was not available.

Moreover, since a personal example is the most powerful way to convey information to a child, before distributing props for roles in a production, the teacher himself puts on (or applies to himself) costumes, masks - as if introducing the children to the images.

Even such a familiar type of theatrical activity as a finger theater needs to remind children how it works.

Verbal techniques (conversation, riddles, poems)

The word accompanies every step of the teacher and children. That is, it does not matter, we show, we consider something, we need to comment on each step. So visibility without verbal techniques is difficult and ineffective.

Such an ordinary, familiar form of work as a conversation will become much more interesting if it is conducted on behalf of a toy from the game center or on behalf of the artist who painted the picture from the creative zone. And animals are simply indispensable "guessers" of riddles and "listeners" of poems memorized.

Tales and stories

Volumetric narratives are accompanied by a demonstration of pictures or toys with the characters of the text. Some excerpts (or even whole works) can be illustrated with performances using the props of the theater center. So, for example, when studying the topic “Garden”, vegetable heroes in the form of a finger theater can come to visit the lesson.

The more adults talk to children, the more children's vocabulary is enriched.

Game tricks

No wonder the whole center is dedicated to entertainment. Moreover, both for the mobile and for the calm, everything you need can be found.

Table: examples of outdoor games in the game center

Name of the gameTasksDescriptionOptions
AircraftTo consolidate the skill of building in a column, to work on developing the ability to navigate the terrain.Kids ("pilots") are built in 2-3 columns in different places marked with flags. At the signal of the teacher “Getting ready for the flight!” children bend their arms at the elbows and perform circular movements with their hands, starting the motor. At the command "Fly!" children spread their arms and “fly”. And the reaction to the words "Landing" should be a quick formation in your own column, marked with a flag.An adult can change the location of the flags during the game.
Looking for a coupleTrain the ability to perform actions on a signal, quickly line up in twos, recognize colors and practice running. Develop ingenuity and initiative.An odd number of children stand against the wall, each holding a flag of a certain color. At the command of the teacher, the kids scatter, and to the words “Find yourself a mate”, they should quickly find a flag of the same color and take some image with a partner (for example, the heroes of the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane”).If there are no flags, you can use cases from used felt-tip pens. To complicate the task a little, you can ask the formed couple to jump over the “stream” to begin with.

Table: examples of didactic games in the game center

Name of the gameTasksDescription
Who/what happens?Train attention, memory, consolidate knowledge about animals, birds and insects.The host calls any animal (insect, bird), raises his hands up and says: “Flies”. If this is correct, then all the babies also raise their hands. If it is wrong, then they are held at the seams. Whoever makes a mistake is out.
It happens - it doesn't happen (ball game)Work on the development of attention, memory, speed of reaction and thinking.The teacher throws the ball to the kid, who must quickly figure out whether this happens or not. For example, “Snow in the summer ... does not happen!”, “Drops in the spring ... it happens!” etc.
Children can stand in a circle, or they can randomly.

How to arrange development centers in a group

Starting from the middle group, the teacher draws up a subject-developing environment together with the children, that is, he advises on the location of the centers, options for their combination. Thus, making it clear to the kids their importance, that is, relying on the most important motivation of a child of 4–5 years old: to be like adults in everything.

Centers may not have rigidly fixed corners, but be organized more flexibly. To do this, you need to find the optimal combination of components-centers in terms of content and aesthetic design.

Photo gallery: an example of the organization of a subject-developing environment without strict boundaries

From an early age, children repeat the rule that you can take the next board game when the previous one is returned to its place.
A corner of a book can really be placed in a corner, only the furniture must be suitable for this A corner of patriotic education stands out in the second half of the year A box with natural materials can be stored in a corner of nature, and not in the center of materials Soft designers can be used as projectiles in sports, and therefore you can store them in the sports area Toy furniture for the play center is a mandatory element of the set In the center of creativity, there are usually no tables and chairs for children, furniture is used from the study area In a corner of privacy, a museum can be organized, for example, with models of different types of transport

Unfortunately, not all kindergartens have enough space to separate one zone from another. But, on the other hand, the limited area makes the teacher come up with interesting combinations of development centers. For example, part of the game with experimental environmental.

Photo gallery: combination of individual and combined centers within one subject-developing space

To stimulate children's interest in reading, there should be a lot of books in a group Combining corners is not an easy task, requiring certain methodological experience The music center can be harmoniously combined with the theater

Photo gallery: design of centers in large spaces

The Creativity Center is one of the few that can be located closer to the seclusion zone. Another original way to combine zones is to combine them, like the neighboring cities, Bukvograd and Igroteka. An interesting solution to organize a book zone in the form of a real library.

Video: an example of the organization of a subject-developing environment in the middle group

Video: video tour of the development centers in the middle group

The subject-developing environment in the middle group plays the same important role in the education, development and upbringing of children as it does for children of younger or older preschool age. At the same time, for 4–5-year-old children, the opportunity to simulate everyday situations and the behavior of adults is of particular importance. Proceeding from this, the saturation of the subject-developing environment becomes the main principle of its creation. Materials can be added, varied, but some average equipment must be observed.

Higher philological education, 11 years of experience in teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective look at the present are the key lines of my 31-year-old life. Strengths: responsibility, desire to learn new things and self-improve.