Carbuncle - what is this stone? Interaction with the signs of the zodiac. Healing power of a gem

Carbuncle- this is the old name for jewelry minerals from the group of deep red garnets, rubies and spinels.
Carbuncle stone is a type of garnet. The name of the stone comes from the root of the word meaning to shine, burn, shine. This is a very rare gem of a rich dark red color. In sunlight, the carbuncle changes color and looks like a smoldering coal. The word carbuncle is found in ancient quotations, where the stone takes the first place in the row of the judgmental assistant of the high priest Ezekiel. Carbuncle in combination with other precious stones is used to denote glory, beauty, power.

The name comes from the Latin "carbunculus" - a smoldering ember. The term is obsolete, although it has often been used as a synonym for "precious stone".

Carbuncle was extremely popular in Rus', it was even called "the master of all stones." And in order to give the stone a commercial value, they began to call it the Bohemian or Cape ruby.

The stone was especially revered by the Persians, they considered it a royal stone, for which they often carved profiles of rulers on its surface, believing that such an amulet saves during travel, as well as from hepatitis and fever.

Carbuncle was recommended as a cardiac stimulant. Indeed, its effect was so strong that the wearers of the carbuncle became quick-tempered and angry, they were even advised to beware of apoplexy.

Due to the blue-red tint of the stone, it was used as a symbol of the divine sacrifice of Christ on the cross. However, it served as a religious symbol not only for Christians. Thus, the Qur'an states that the Fourth Heaven consists of a carbuncle.

In mythical legends, this stone also played a role. It was said that the carbuncles were once the eyes of a dragon.

The Dutch botanist Rumphius writes that in 1687, a certain surgeon saw a carbuncle in one of the rulers of the island of Ambolin, allegedly brought to him by a snake. When the ruler was still a child, his mother placed him in a hammock tied between two large branches of a tree. Soon a snake crawled down to him from the trunk and dropped a precious stone on his body. In gratitude for such a gift, the parents began to take care of the snake. The carbuncle was described as a warm, iridescent yellow-red color and sparkled so brightly that it could light up a room in the darkness of the night. Later it was taken over by the King of Siam.

CARBUNCL - red stone. Stone of love, anger, blood. Gives success and prosperity.
In Christianity, it symbolizes the passion and sacrifice of Christ. The five carbuncles on the cross represent the five wounds of Christ.
Carbuncle - determination, success, confidence, energy, but also war and bloodshed.

In the 16th century in South America, this name was given by the Spanish conquistadors to a mysterious animal - mysterious, since no one has ever seen it enough to understand whether it is a bird or a mammal, it is covered with feathers or fur. The priest-poet Barco Santener, who claims to have seen him in Paraguay, describes him in his poem "Argentina" (1602) as "a small animal with a brilliant little mirror on its head, like a flaming coal .." Another conquistador, Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo, connects a mirror or a light shining in the dark - both he saw in the Strait of Magellan - with precious stones, which, according to legend, dragons hide in their heads. He obtained this information from Isidore of Savilsky, who wrote the following in his Etymologies:
"It is mined from the head of a dragon, but it hardens, becoming a precious stone only when the head is cut off from a living monster; for this reason, sorcerers cut off the head of a sleeping dragon. Brave people who want to penetrate the dragon's lair take with them grains that catch up on these monsters sleep, and when the dragons fall asleep, they cut off their heads and take out the gems.

The possession of a carbuncle brings wealth and happiness. Barco Sentenera endured many hardships, looking for this elusive creature on the banks of the Paraguayan rivers and in the jungle there, but he never found it. To this day, we know nothing more about this beast with its mysterious stone in its head.

magical properties
Since ancient times, magical properties associated mainly with the purple-red color of the stone have been attributed to the carbuncle (garnet). The main mysterious property of the mineral is the ability to cause strong desires and passions. Pomegranate is called the stone of love, symbolizing heartfelt feelings, constancy, fidelity, as well as health, honesty, strength, perseverance and friendship. In Persia, the garnet was considered a royal stone; according to custom, the profile of the ruler was carved on its surface. There is a belief that red garnets excite sexuality, give birth to courage, temper the will and develop self-esteem. According to legend, a garnet ring helps to gain power over other people, but only if the owner of the jewelry is an impeccably honest and pure person. The stone is considered a symbol of the family, with its help you can not only save the marriage union, teach children to obey, but also establish relationships even with distant relatives.

Medicinal properties
The healing properties of pomegranate are widely used. The stone is used to treat cardiovascular, pulmonary diseases, is used as a sure remedy for the treatment of infections and fevers of various nature. The mineral is able to facilitate the process of childbirth for women, as well as help spouses with infertility, impotence and frigidity. Pomegranate in a gold frame lowers body temperature, relieves headaches and discomfort in the throat during colds. In addition, red pomegranates normalize metabolism, strengthen the immune system, increase the vitality of the body, have a general tonic effect, improve skin color, help with paralysis, and even restore memory in case of amnesia. The mineral is called a blood doctor and is used to normalize blood pressure, in order to enhance blood circulation, and is also used as a hemostatic agent.

The pomegranate is the talisman of lovers. The stone is given as a sign of love and fidelity. A talisman made from this mineral dispels sadness and brings joy to its owner. The pomegranate also serves as a talisman for warriors, guards them in battle, makes them valiant and honest in battle. As a talisman, the stone is recommended to reformers and reformers, suitable for creative people - artists, poets, musicians, actors. Red pyrope pacifies anger, inspires optimism, helps to establish new relationships, saves from possible danger, insures against betrayal, promotes good relations with friends. The red garnet amulet helps travelers, people who cannot stand being alone, and anyone who is not punctual. It is best to have an amulet in the form of beads or wear a pomegranate set in a gold or silver ring. The stone contributes to the success of only active and passionate people.
Pomegranate should not belong to people who are inactive, emotionally sluggish and lazy, otherwise you can get nervous diseases. Prudent and cold-minded owners of the stone can get into adverse situations.

And its name means burning or shining. This rare mineral is characterized by a rich red color, and in sunlight the color changes, and the pebble resembles smoldering coal. Since ancient times, the carbuncle served as the personification of strength, power, beauty and success. In the Middle Ages, the emphasis was on the magical and mysterious properties of the stone, it was surrounded by an aura of mystery and hidden possibilities. Today, the gem remains popular among jewelers and collectors, but is no longer considered the lord of stones.

The main carbuncle deposits are located in Burma, where more than half of their total volume is mined.

One of the varieties of stone is found in Sri Lanka and Tanzania, it is distinguished by the effect of alexandrite, that is, it changes its color under different lighting conditions. In daylight, the stone is blue or greenish. Turns purple under artificial lighting.

In Yakutia and the Urals, only monochromatic specimens of this mineral are common - yellow-orange and wine red carbuncles.

In addition, Czech and blue Norwegian carbuncles are in demand on the market.

The stone received the name "carbuncle" from jewelers who called so previously undescribed varieties of garnets and rubies. The crystal lattices of a ruby ​​and a carbuncle are the same, and therefore these stones are often correlated with each other.

In Latin, the term "carbuncle" means "to burn" and "to shine." When the rays of the sun hit the mineral, it really seems to light up. For this reason, it is also often referred to as "ember".

In ancient times, carbuncles were considered the master of other minerals. Now they are no longer so famous and popular, but their beauty, strength and power remain unique.

According to the chemical composition, carbuncles are complex calcium and iron-magnesium-manganese salts. The shape of their crystals is the most diverse, but the most common is considered to be rhombodecahedral, which contains twelve faces similar in shape to rhombuses.

Depending on the changing composition, the hardness of the mineral also varies. For example, a blue carbuncle is characterized by a hardness of 6 on the Mohs scale, and a red carbuncle is already 7.5. The specific gravity of the gem is quite high, which indicates that even small samples of it are still strong and heavy. For example, in the event of a blow to the floor, the carbuncle cannot be damaged.

Since ancient times, people believed that carbuncles protect their owners from accidents on sea voyages, take away the enemy's hand on the battlefield, for these reasons they have always been very popular with the military and sailors.

The one who wears jewelry with a carbuncle becomes popular in any company, as the stone develops such qualities of its owner as friendliness, sincerity, sociability. At the same time, when a dark streak comes in life, friends will always come to the aid of such a person and help to cope with any problem and task.

Another magical ability of the carbuncle is interesting: for its owner, it is able to make the world a better place, improve mood, give optimism and cheerfulness.

Carbuncle has long been widely used in folk medicine. For example, the Romans in the era of the empire recommended that women wear it during pregnancy, so that childbirth would be easy and less painful. The stone was used by people with problems in the intimate sphere, as it was believed that it increases libido, helps to overcome frigidity and impotence. According to legends, which are still believed today, carbuncle is able to cure infertility. In general, the mineral has a positive effect on the human body, gives strength, good mood, overcomes tiredness and depressive moments.

In addition, the healing properties of carbuncles are used to treat skin diseases, such as psoriasis. Talismans with this stone are recommended for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is important to remember that the effect of the mineral can be very strong and abrupt. Carbuncle helps with bronchial asthma and other problems with the respiratory system, while it alleviates the symptoms of diseases, but is not completely able to cure them. The gem is also used in the treatment of infectious diseases: to reduce body temperature, eliminate sore throats and headaches.

As for the properties of carbuncles and vascular problems, the stone lowers blood pressure, improves blood circulation and helps in stopping minor bleeding.

Processing carbuncles began in the 6th century BC. Since the stones were very popular and famous, after the trade routes were opened, for example, the Egyptians paid for the samples of the stone by volume in gold. Indeed, the carbuncle in those days was the recognized king among precious stones. Now the gem is not valued more than diamonds, and, accordingly, it is widely used in jewelry and in collecting stones.

Monarchs of all times and peoples decorated their crown, tiara, miter, scepter and swords with carbuncles to express and emphasize the power of their power, the strength and greatness of their titles. In modern jewelry, carbuncle is used in the manufacture of beads, rings and rings, sometimes for pendants, medallions and brooches.

The carbuncle is characterized by a rich and deep blood-red hue that seems to light up and shine in the sun. Less common in the color of the mineral are other shades - blue, green, yellow.

Since the carbuncle is a very durable and strong stone, it is easy to care for. It is enough to regularly clean the stone with a cool soapy solution and dry well in the sun.

First of all, carbuncles are recommended for Sagittarius and Scorpio. He protects the representatives of these signs of the zodiac better than others, eliminates bad thoughts from them and helps them achieve all the desired heights in life.

The cost of a carbuncle today is low, for example, a crystal after cutting 5 cm in diameter is estimated at about 10 dollars.

High-quality samples reach price marks of $50 per carat. Since large specimens are quite rare, the price category for them will be higher.

  • Carbuncle is not recommended for those who have excessive manifestations of certain character traits. Good people under the influence of the mineral become noble, and greedy people turn into greedy. If greed has already been expressed strongly, then a person can even reach criminal acts.
  • At different times, poems, novels and stories were dedicated to carbuncles. One of the stories about Sherlock Holmes was called "The Blue Carbuncle". A musical film was also made based on it. These works reflect the old ideas about the carbuncle as the king of stones.

The famous Pushkin, writing "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", wrote about an overseas girl, of course, a queen, in whom everything shines, "and a star burns in her forehead." Alexander Sergeyevich was inspired by an ancient legend in which the ancient Greek Echidna survived the decline of the Olympic gods, moved somewhere to the islands and prospered there.

Healthy nutrition for the half-maiden-half-serpent was provided by the third eye: a carbuncle burning with infernal fire, worn by Echidna in the forehead and taken out before swimming in the sea. The legend said that the maiden promised to the one who managed to master the stone: a) herself, lovely; b) information about all the treasures hidden on Earth.

Hungry for wealth, fame and, of course, virgins, the heroes lined up to carry out an attempted kidnapping. The maiden strangled each of them with a snake's tail and swallowed it along with chain mail and a helmet. The carbuncle blazed after the meal, creating a glow no worse than volcanic ...

Carbuncle - a stone of literary glory

In medieval interpretations, fiery red carbuncles were mined by brave knights from the heads of dragons and presented to beautiful ladies. During life, the dragon could not lose the carbuncle, because there was a gem in the form of a clot of scarlet glow. Only cutting off the dragon's head gave the winner the opportunity to pick up a lump of light, which immediately turned into stone.

But woe to the villain who tried to steal the light from the head of the dragon he had not defeated! Carbuncle obeyed only the hero - for the rest, the scarlet gem was deadly. A thief who was seduced by a carbuncle burned from the inside!

Along the way, it was argued that the carbuncle stone takes revenge on speculators. It was forbidden to sell the fiery red crystal at exorbitant prices! It was only possible to give - or get in battle ...

Stone carbuncle in nature

In our time, carbuncles are mined not from the heads of highly prolific snake-eaters, for it is inhumane, but from pomegranate mines. Yes, a carbuncle is nothing but a pomegranate., moreover, rather than (although anything can happen); or even . But not - however, the Spessart has not yet been fully excavated - and certainly not and not.

Carbuncle is a beautiful but archaic name for a red pomegranate. Translated from Latin, the word means "burning coal." There are few names in the world that so accurately reflect the essence of the subject! However, the carbuncle, especially when illuminated by the sun (but you can use candles and a lamp), really gives the impression of a hot coal.

Under the conditional definition of a carbuncle, stones of changeable color also fall. In Africa and Sri Lanka, garnets are occasionally found that can change color depending on the lighting. Minerologists believe that a similar property to carbuncles is bestowed by the microinclusion of chromium.

The color of the stone changes with the position of the sun. In the morning, such a crystal shines blue with greenery. At noon, the gem is redder, and in the evening it shines with red-hot purple!

Buy carbuncle

So, mineralogy denies the concept of "carbuncle". Gemology considers such a name to be inaccurate and prefers to operate with established terms. But what to do if you want to buy a carbuncle?
Everything is simple! Look at the page, choose a stone, the edges of which sparkle with saturated fire; check if this pomegranate can be called a carbuncle - and buy it!

Fifty dollars a carat is not the ultimate price of a carbuncle. In nature, such stones are rarely large, so with an increase in the size of a faceted crystal, a strong increase in value is observed.

The magical properties of the carbuncle

When the cross became a symbol of the faith of Christ, the carbuncle began to personify the blood of the Savior, shed for human sins. That is why the fiery red gem has been perceived by believers as a sign of the pains of the cross for seventeen centuries. There is a jewelry tradition of equipping a golden cross with five carbuncle cabochons. Often such a cross is also used in magical rites.

Modern magicians are sure that it is the carbuncles, set in

The carbuncle stone is also famous for its middle name - red garnet. The mineral personifies beauty and power; in the sunlight, the mineral begins to shine brightly and shimmer, symbolizing majesty and unsurpassedness.

Place of Birth

Carbuncle is very similar to ruby, there are no differences between them, both externally and in composition. They are names for the same mineral. This metal is mined in Tanzania and Sri Lanka, this special stone is able to change its color under different lighting conditions, so it is impossible to say exactly what color it is.

Some varieties of carbuncle are found in Yakutia and the Urals. It is also mined in Norway, Australia, India and Tanzania.

Stone properties

Quite often, this stone is used for medical purposes, as it is believed that it has a positive effect on human health. Since ancient times, pregnant women have worn it to facilitate childbirth and make it most favorable for the woman in labor. Previously, there was a serious problem - the death of babies and women after childbirth, so the stone was quite relevant in those days.

The mineral is also useful in the reproductive sphere of men and women, it helps to cope with frigidity, impotence and infertility. It is also used to treat skin diseases such as psoriasis. It will also help people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, you just need to be careful, since the action of the stone causes a temper in the owner.

Serves as talismans for people who have diseases of the circulatory system and respiratory organs. Also, the carbuncle is a talisman during infectious diseases: it removes headaches, sore throats and lowers the temperature.

In addition to medicinal properties, carbuncle also has magical properties, it is able to positively influence a person:

  • Improves mood;
  • Promotes sincerity;
  • friendliness;
  • Sociability.

The stone has a powerful energy, especially for couples in love. It increases intimate energy, promotes fidelity and constancy of feelings. The properties of carbuncle will help you maintain harmony in relationships.

Carbuncle is a symbol of family relationships, it allows you to save love and happiness in marriage, raise children. It is not recommended only for lazy people. It can be worn as a talisman around the neck in the form of beads or a necklace.

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In this article:

Red garnets are one of the most magnificent stones of this shade, second only to the ruby. Due to its shade, it pleases the eye and is a symbol of well-being, including material, since a good quality red garnet has a considerable price. Not so long ago, this mineral was called a carbuncle. In addition, the term carbuncle stone meant other gems.

carbuncle stone

The name carbuncle is not accidental. According to one version, the word has Latin roots and means "to burn" or "to shine." This is due to its rich brilliance, which manifests itself in the sun. Together with the characteristic red color, the stone really seems to be on fire. Another variant of the translation of the name is “smoldering ember”, which, apparently, is associated with the peculiarity of the stone to change color under the influence of various radiations. In particular, in the sun it becomes like such an ember.

For a long time, the concept of "carbuncle" was attributed to all precious stones. Now the term is not used at all, as it is impractical. However, the mineral is preserved and with it its properties and symbolism of the beauty of power and glory.

In Rus', the mineral had a special status and was considered the main of all stones. In order to give it commercial value, other names were also invented - the Cape, or Czech, ruby.

Structure and properties

We can distinguish the main physical properties of the stone:

  • Pronounced brilliance. The brightness of the radiance primarily depends on the quality. For some specimens, the brilliance may not be inferior to diamond, since the stone has a high refractive index of light.
  • Transparency level. In nature, minerals vary greatly in color saturation and transparency. There are both absolutely transparent crystals, and those that can easily be confused with a high-quality ruby.
  • Hardness and strength. Depending on the color and, accordingly, on the composition, the hardness on the Mohs scale is from 6.5 to 7.5, with the exception of some types of carbuncle, the hardness of which is 6. Due to the high density (about 4 g / cc), the stone is quite difficult break.
  • Characterized by uneven edges. The shape of a rhombodecahedron with twelve diamond-shaped faces.
  • When rubbed, it becomes electrified.

Stone in literature

Carbuncle stone appeared in a large number of legends and beliefs of the Middle Ages. This mineral was mined by brave knights from the heads of dragons and presented to beautiful ladies. A knight could only get such a stone if he killed the dragon by cutting off its head. Couldn't get a stone knight from a dragon that wasn't defeated by him, but by someone else. He obeyed only the hero, but for others he was mortally dangerous. The same legends said that the stone cannot be sold, only given as a gift or mined in battle.

Ring with carbuncle

Later literary works and poems were also dedicated to stone. In particular, the story of the famous Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The stone appeared in one of the stories about Sherlock Holmes as an object that was stolen from the countess and which the detective was looking for.

Since the carbuncle is considered to be a red stone, many were puzzled as to which mineral was described in the novel. Some sources suggest that the blue carbuncle is nothing but sapphire, since ruby ​​was often called carbuncle, and sapphire and ruby ​​are two varieties of the same mineral. There is another interesting version. It contains quotations from the book, where Holmes mentions the crystalline form of carbon, thereby indicating the "diamond" origin of the mineral. The third category of loyal admirers of the detective classifies the stone as a garnet, like the red carbuncle, and explains such a high price by the rarity of the color. The latter version is the most plausible also because any variety of pomegranate is often referred to as carbuncles.

Interaction of the carbuncle with the signs of the zodiac

Carbuncle in jewelry is not recommended for people who are easily influenced by others, quick-tempered, with an unstable psyche. It is believed that this stone has an impact on the vices and character traits that are buried deep inside, it enhances and brings them to the surface. It also affects the positive qualities:

  • sincerity;
  • sociability;
  • openness;
  • volitional qualities;
  • friendliness;
  • optimism;
  • charisma.

It is harmoniously combined with leadership qualities. Contraindications to wearing a carbuncle are also lethargy and inertia.

Most of all, this stone suits Scorpions. It is also recommended to be worn by Leo, Capricorn and Sagittarius. He will give justice and pressure to signs that are related to the elements of fire, and will also contribute to the development of positive qualities that nature has endowed them with, for example, strength.

Carbuncle gives Capricorns perseverance and determination. It is not recommended to wear it to Pisces and Cancers, it will not only not have a positive effect, but in some cases it can even do much harm.

It is best that the amulet be made in the form of a ring or beads. It can be worn as a talisman and other signs of the zodiac, provided that they feel the need for this and attraction to the mineral. In case of deterioration of health, it is not recommended to continue wearing the mineral.

The healing properties of the stone

Carbuncle finds its application in traditional medicine, where it is quite in demand. It has been widely used since the days of the Roman Empire. Then the pomegranate was recommended to be worn by women in position so that the birth would be as easy as possible and without complications for the woman in labor. The gem was also used to eliminate some intimate problems in both women and men. Until now, it is believed that the stone helps in the treatment of infertility and some other female diseases.

Carbuncle has a tonic effect on the entire body, helps to relieve fatigue and give energy and vigor. It is also used successfully for the treatment of skin diseases, especially dermatitis and psoriasis. It is recommended to wear a stone as a talisman for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. A side effect of wearing the stone in this way is irascibility, since the stone has a very strong effect. It will relieve carbuncle for diseases such as asthma and other lung problems.

The stone will also help with the common cold. His actions will be rather symptomatic, he will relieve the temperature and headache, as well as discomfort in the nasopharynx.

Lithotherapists use the stone to combat problems such as high blood pressure, infections, bleeding, and bleeding disorders.

Magic and energy of the carbuncle

One of the most common properties of carbuncle is its ability to induce desire, which often draws attention to this mineral. For the same reason, the stone is often used by lovers as a talisman. It promotes fidelity and constancy of feelings, as well as increased sexual energy, so it is considered that this is an inappropriate gift for a teenager.

Among the Persians, the carbuncle was considered the stone of kings, and even the profiles of rulers were carved on it. It was believed that the stone gives courage, and if a person is spiritually pure, then it gives him the ability to influence the people around him. Today, red pomegranate is a symbol of family well-being.

With its help, many manage to avoid problems in marriage and maintain the union for many years. He also helps in the upbringing of children, makes them obedient and makes them treat adults with respect. In addition, it improves the very atmosphere in the family. Since the stone gives its owners cheerfulness and optimism, the house will be filled with joy and fun.

Often jewelry with this stone was used by the military and sailors. They believed that he would protect them from the sudden attack of the enemy and the accident of the ship.

Carbuncle is a stone that brings bright colors to the mood. Those who wear red garnet jewelry have exceptional honesty, sociability and friendliness. They are popular in any society. In a difficult moment, they can always count on help and support, which contributes to a faster resolution of the problem.

It is believed that red garnet has the most powerful properties. That in its energy it surpasses all other varieties of this stone, except perhaps for almandine. In fact, this variety of pomegranate is not quite red in color, but rather a reddish purple, very dark to black.

A talisman from these varieties of stone is an inexhaustible source of energy and vitality. It helps its owner to direct the energy to the right streams and achieve the desired.

Since the pomegranate gives the ability to control people, it is often used in their work by magicians and psychics, especially those who are playing a dishonest game. But this is rather with good intentions, because there is no way to use it for the benefit of evil, since it is a stone of fidelity and truth.

Czech pomegranate

There are two main types of red colored garnet. One of them, pyrope, refers to precious stones, the other, almandine, to semi-precious ones. It is pyrope, which is mined in the Czech Republic, that is one of the most famous pomegranates. Czech garnets are distinguished by a high degree of transparency and a rich dark red color. The size, the same as that of the rest of the representatives of these minerals, rarely exceeds eight millimeters. The largest garnet has a weight of more than 600 carats and is in the Museum of Trebnica.

You can buy a real Czech pomegranate in the city of Turnov or in Prague itself. In Turnov, there is even an opportunity to visit the pomegranate museum, where each visitor is given a small pebble as a keepsake.

Often tourists in the Czech Republic are trying to slip a fake pomegranate. In order not to fall for the bait of scammers, you need to know that each stone must have a factory marking with the Latin letter G. In addition, the fact that Czech garnets are pyropes means that they can be cut. Even the smallest pomegranate will need to have 56 faces.

How to distinguish from a fake?

One way to determine the authenticity of a pomegranate is to use a magnet. The fact is that garnet, which is produced artificially, does not have magnetic properties, unlike a natural mineral. In order to verify this, it is necessary to use electronic scales.

Putting a cork on them, and the stone itself on top, then, while the stone is at rest, measure the readings. Then bring the magnet to the stone at a distance of approximately 1 cm and measure again. The weight of natural pomegranate in the second case will be less.

  • Natural garnet has a hardness that is twice that of glass. This means that glass is easily scratched with this stone.
  • The stone does not have an ideal color and transparency. The color and its saturation are often non-uniform, and the gloss is not too bright.
  • In nature, the mineral is found only in small sizes, no larger than a coffee bean. Large stones either cost much more or are imitations.
  • The color of a red pomegranate should be similar to the fruit of the same name, down to the iridescence and brilliance of the edges.

Thus, many still can not accurately determine the definition of this term. In the narrowest sense - red garnet, pyrope, in the broadest sense - any precious stone. Perhaps, in connection with this, the confusion and mystery that accompanies this mineral for many years is connected.