Classroom theme birthday. Class hour "Autumn Birthday Day". musical chair game


Date: 21.10.2017

Class: 6a

School: No. 4

Target : The celebration of the “Birthday”.


  • Building a class team.
  • Creating a favorable psychological climate in the team.
  • Education of creative abilities, skills and abilities of collective creative activity.

Equipment: handout, board, presentation.

Introductory part.

Hello guys. We are here to celebrate our birthdays. Today we are visiting summer and autumn birthdays.
What is a birthday?
I will answer without a doubt:
Boxing day, pies,
Day of smiles and flowers!

Main part.

We all know that our class is the best! So let's find out what kind of birthday people we have today are the best. Birthdays of June, July, August, September, October go to the board. Namely: Andreeva Polina, Bondarenko Arseniy, Isaeva Valeria, Malysheva Marina, Podkorytov Dmitry and Radaeva Elizaveta.

And here is the first task for you:

Guess the riddle, but be careful, riddles with a trick.

1. The crow flies, and the dog sits on the tail. Could it be? (The dog sits on its own tail.)

2. Sits on the window: and the tail is like a cat, and the nose is like a cat, and the ears are like a cat, not a cat. Who is this? (Cat.)

3. Two birches grow. Each of them has four bumps. How much? (Cones do not grow on a birch.)

4. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (Only one thing: after the first it will no longer be on an empty stomach)

5. How to pick a branch so as not to frighten away a bird? (Gotta wait for her to fly away)

6. Under what tree does the hare sit during the rain?(under wet)

7. Why does the dog run? (On the ground)

Thanks guys for your answers. And now we are dividing with you into 3 teams.

What is a birthday without a festive table? For a certain time, it is necessary to draw up a festive menu, the names of dishes in which begin with the letter "P". Then, one participant from the team will come to the table and will announce their list in turn. Whoever says the last word wins.

And now, the next task:

I give each team a balloon, each in turn must draw only one element on the balloon. As a result, the last person in the team should have a funny face. Attention, if someone draws more than one element, his team is eliminated.

Great! You are all great, the next contest.

You also stand in a row, the birthday people stand up, one in front of the team - facing everyone, and the second - at the end, also facing. I give the first birthday cards with words. They show next, next next. In this case, you can’t pronounce sounds, you just need to turn to your friend, show the word and turn away. As soon as the last birthday boy learned the word from the last member in the team, he runs to the first birthday boy and speaks it in his ear. If the word is correct, then the next word in the list is suggested, and so on.

How fast are you all! And now it's time to congratulate our birthdays. We all love to receive congratulations, as well as congratulations. It is very important and pleasant to receive warm words, wishes from your loved ones on this day. I suggest you write small wishes to our birthday people on the sheets that I will give you now. And then we get a whole tree of wishes!

Let's stick your leaves to the tree. Maybe someone wants to wish aloud something to the birthday people?

Final part.

So it's time to reward our birthdays! Come out to the board. I have special rewards for you! At the very beginning, I said that today we must identify the very best birthdays of the class. So, the diploma is awarded ....

Birthday Day in grades 5-6


I. Introduction
Good evening! We are here to celebrate our birthdays. Today we are visiting summer and autumn birthdays.
What is a birthday?
I will answer without a doubt:
Boxing day, pies,
Day of smiles and flowers!

II. And now let's play.
First, we will divide into teams: 1 - birthday people and 3 - non-birthday people.


In order to divide into three teams without offense, we use a rhyme,

then everything will go smoothly: you can’t argue with a rhyme!

Turtle tucked its tail

And she ran after the rabbit.

Got ahead.

Who does not believe - come out.

And choose the jury:
So that we do not doubt your competence, dear jury, I will ask you to take an oath. Repeat after me:
"We, the esteemed jury, in front of all those present in the hall, swear:
Judge honestly and fairly
Take jokes and don't scold.
If I break my oath, then let the stern hand of the fan punish me.
I swear! I swear! I swear!"

1. Competition for non-birthdays.
Before you go to a birthday party, you need to prepare a gift and compose a beautiful and unusual greeting for a postcard. Usually in gifts we write the same thing: dear, dear, etc. And how nice it is to hear original, not bored words on this day. Let's remember them.
Then each team in turn calls out one word of wishes. The one who named the wish last wins.

2. Competition "Cooks"
Each team has one member.
We need people who cook well. For a certain time, it is necessary to draw up a festive menu, the names of dishes in which begin with the letter "H". Then, one participant from the team will come to the table and will announce their list in turn. Whoever says the last word wins.

3. Competition "Gift"
While the cooks are preparing, let's think about what we still lack ..? Well, gifts, of course. Each team will think about what gift they would like to receive or give and let us know about it.
And now back to our chefs. So:
Well, the table is set, back to the gifts. Depict your gift with facial expressions and gestures.

4. Competition "Shifters" - lyrics:
Well, now it's time to think about how we will have fun. I propose the following competition "Changeling":

2) It’s sad to stand in one place alone, and it’s even worse to read poetry alone.

(Together it's fun to walk across the open spaces, across the open spaces, and, of course, it's better to sing in chorus, better in chorus).
3) They float, float from the nearest village, bad strangers, sad enemies.

(We are going, we are going, we are going to distant lands, good neighbors, happy friends)
4) The ocean ends with a black swamp, and separation begins with tears.

(A river begins with a blue stream, but friendship begins with a smile)

5. Competition "And now let's dance."
one member per team
Chair dance:
1) Waltz
2) Rock and roll
3) Russian dance

6. Competition "RIDDLES - JOKES"

The crow flies, and the dog sits on the tail. Could it be? (The dog sits on its own tail.)

When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into a house?(When the door is open.)

What happens to a crow in three years?(The fourth will go.)

Sits on the window: and a tail like a cat, and a nose like a cat, and ears like a cat, not a cat. Who is this?(Cat.)

In which month does the chatty girl talk the least?(In February, since it is the shortest.)

I saw once, I saw, guys, how grandfather and grandson fled somewhere. Both the bearded grandfather and the bearded grandson were hurrying somewhere, jogging somewhere.(They were a goat and a kid.)

When is a person a tree?(When he wakes up.)

Two birches grow. Each of them has four bumps. How much?(Cones do not grow on a birch.)

Who did not guess, he gets a penalty task:

Another time, you better crow, and now crow.

Didn't say the answer - now squat dance.

You will tell me the answer later, but now meow the cat.

And you, dear, sing something to us.

Another time, guess the riddle, and now bark like a dog.

Tell me a poem, it will make you smarter.

Do not be sad that you forgot the answer, but we want you to be a bunny.

In order not to clap your eyes next time, you need to stomp your feet louder.

7. Competition "Artistic Competition"
Stage the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen" if she:
1) comedy
2) melodrama
3) horror movie


I will tell you a story
In half a dozen phrases.
I'll just say word three
Get your prize now!
SO, you need to take the prize when I say "three".

Once we caught a pike
Gutted, but inside,
Small fish were seen
And not just one, but two!

Dreaming boy tempered
Become an Olympic champion.
Look, do not be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command: One, two, march!

When you want to remember poetry
They do not bison until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
One, another, but better ... 5!

Newly train at the station
I had to wait three hours.
Well, what are you a prize, friends did not take,
When it was possible to take!

8. Competition "Gemini"
two people per team
Grabbing each other by the waist, with your free hands, you must first untie and remove the laces from your shoes, and then, on command, lace it up and tie a bow.

9. Game - contest "Chamomile"

1st petal - guess the riddle.


Who likes to run around on branches?

Of course, redhead ... (Squirrel)

In raspberry understands a lot

The owner of the forest is brown ... (Bear)

Who is beating like a drum?

Sitting on a pine tree ... (Woodpecker)

Fan tail, crown on head.

There is no more beautiful bird than ... (Peacock)

2nd petal - you are amazing, can you sing? I offer you a song auction. Remember songs about spring (summer...). Now you will take turns singing one verse of songs about spring. The team that remembers more songs and does not repeat will win.
3rd petal - "Mosaic"(fold the cut card)

4th petal - Guys, can you draw? Can't you? It's not a problem. In this competition, the main thing is not the ability to draw, but the ability to fantasize. After 2-3 minutes, you should depict a fantastic animal shvabroshurstius (or dentoglasius, or cube-tailed, uholapikus.

Teams receive a sheet of drawing paper and felt-tip pens, and begin to complete the task.

5th petal - Game "BOYS - GIRLS."

You need to correctly complete the phrase: where necessary, the boys say "girls, girls", and the girls say "boys, boys."

Only ... (boys) are striving for a motorcycle racing draw

They play bows and bears, of course, only ... (girls)

Any repair will be arranged subtly, of course, only ... (boys)

In the spring, dandelion wreaths are weaved, of course, only ... (girls)

You can find bolts, screws, gears in your pocket ... (boys)

They tie bows from different ribbons, of course, ... (girls)

Skates on the ice drew arrows, they played hockey all day ... (boys)

Chatted for an hour without a break in colorful dresses ... (girls)

With everyone, to measure strength, of course, they only love ... (boys)

They wore uniform aprons in the old school only ... (girls)

6th petal - The holiday should be fun, guests love to sing and dance. The next competition is "dance". You all know the "Dance of the Little Ducklings", in which the movements of the dancers resemble the movements of a duckling, opening its beak, waving its wings and tail. And you try to come up with a dance with the movements of other animals to the same melody and perform it. "Birthdays" - the dance of little pigs, "guests" - the dance of little frogs.

You can allocate 30 seconds to prepare this competition, after which the whole team will perform an invented dance.
7th petal - Musical competition with chairs

8th Petal - Line Up Growth Teams

9th petal - the game "Yes and no"

Hear my first command

You help each other

Answer questions

Only "Yes" and only "No"

Kindly give me an answer:

If "no" you say

Then tap your feet

If you say yes

Clap your hands then.

An old grandfather goes to school.

Is it true kids? ... (No - children knock their feet)

Does he take his grandson there?

Answer in unison ... (Yes - clap your hands)

Ice - frozen water?

We answer together ... (Yes)

After Friday - Wednesday?

Together we will answer ... (No)

Is spruce always green?

We answer, children ... (Yes)

Is birthday a fun day? ... (Yes)

Are you waiting for games and jokes? ...(Yes)

Are you okay with humor? ...(Yes)

Are we charging now? ...(No)

Congratulate birthdays? ... (Yes)

Or send to grandma? ... (No)

Shall we give them chocolate? ... (Yes)

Let's kiss sweetly sweetly? ... (Yes)

Happy birthday congratulations!

And, of course, we wish:

Grow them all bigger... (Yeah)

Definitely be fatter! ... (No)

Be healthy, smart, strong! ... (Yes)

And noisy, and pugnacious ... (No)

So that parents love! ... (Yes)

With a strap to beat more often! ... (No)

To be fed ice cream! ... (Yes)

Maybe stop congratulating?

10th petal "Acting skills."


The gait of a person: - who is pressed with shoes - who overeat - who kicked a brick with his foot - who ended up in the forest at night


I can guess your past, present and future. If you want to make sure, do what I show you. (The host makes the guys meow, crow, sing songs, etc.)
Your past: You crowed, meowed, and did other awkward things.
Your present: You sit still and listen to me.
Your future: Let's finish playing, drink tea and you will go home. Right?

11. Tea drinking and disco.

Additional contests


Mix a bunch of peas, beans, beans, lentils, etc. on the table. - 3-4 different types, no more. All players are blindfolded. It is necessary to disassemble everything into homogeneous piles, without peeping. The winner is the one who correctly sorts out the largest number of grains in a certain time. If something did not hit where it should be - a fine, best of all - a phantom.


How many slices of birthday cake can you eat on an empty stomach? (one)

what does half of the pie look like? (on the other)

The birthday boy was kicked out of class. For what? (outside the door)

can a birthday person jump higher than a house for joy? (Yes. After all, houses don’t jump)

From which dishes nothing can be eaten? (from empty)

what can you see with your eyes closed? (dream)

Logic riddles

what is cooked but never eaten? (lessons)

What happens to a blue scarf if it is immersed in water for five minutes?(It gets wet, that's all.)

How to write the word "mousetrap" with five letters?(Cat)

When a horse is bought, what is it like?(Wet)

A man has one, a crow has two, a bear has none.(Letter o)

What does the watchman do when a sparrow sits on his hat?(asleep)

A grandmother was going to Moscow, three old men were walking towards her, the old men had a sack, and in each sack there was a cat. How many went to Moscow?(One grandmother walked, the rest walked towards her)

She does not live in the sea, she lives in the river, she will not fit in a barn, she will enter two baskets.(Letter k)

You and I, and we are with you. How many of us have become?(Two)

Forty wolves ran, how many tails do they have around their necks?(Tails do not grow near the neck)

There was a grandmother with dough, fell in a soft place. What do you think?(Head, of course!)

At the festival, you can also offer severalmobile contests:

1. "Merry Shepherd".The rules of this game are simple. A cow is drawn that does not have a tail. It is necessary to blindfold her with a tail made of cord.

2. "Strongest".Who will inflate the balloon faster. The ball should burst.

3. "The most dexterous." To the music, everyone moves around the skittles. As soon as the music has stopped, you need to grab one of them. Whoever does not get the skittle is out of the game.

4. Puss in Boots. This is a relay. She needs two pairs of large boots, you can use waders. The players take turns putting on their boots, running to a certain place, returning and passing them on to the next participant. The team whose members finish the relay first wins.

5. "Dragon tail".Another fun run. The first player runs to a certain place, returns and takes the hand of the next team member. They run together, come back and take a third. And so on until the whole team runs around the stage and returns.

STATION "Swampy" (sound of frogs)

We arrived at the Bolotistaya station. Everyone sit down so as not to frighten off the frogs.

(The frog appears in tears)

B - Hello, aunt frog! Why are you crying?

L - Hey guys! My frogs got lost in the swamp. And I don't know how to find them.

Q - Well, children, let's help Aunt Frog find her children?

I need 2 teams of 5 people.

The game "Who is faster"

Each child is given 2 sheets of cardboard. Shifting them, they need to go through the swamp and collect all the frogs. The one who completes the path the fastest wins.

L - Thank you very much, my little friends.

B - Children, our train is approaching. Take your seats, we're moving on.


Children, we arrived at the station "Poetic"

(poet appears)

P- Good afternoon, gentlemen! Where are you from and where?

Hello poet. We are going to the station "Imeninnia" to congratulate our birthdays.

P - Congratulate this is a good thing. Well, congratulations need poems.

And we have prepared poems (Appendix 2).

P - What wonderful lines. I am sure that the birthday people are pleased to hear such good wishes.

B - Children, our train also heard your poems, so it has already arrived. Sit down everyone in your seats and let's move on.

you arrived at


(the cat appears - the artist)

K - (draws and sings) I draw clouds with white chalk

I dream there will be a day for sure

This happiness will smile again at me and mine ... Oh, I was so carried away that I didn’t even notice how you arrived. I've been waiting for you for a long time. I got in trouble.

Q - Hello, granny cat, what happened to you?

K - My grandchildren come to me, and I have so many things to do that I did not have time to draw anything for them. I heard that there are great artists among you.

B - Of course there is! Guys, let's help granny cat draw pictures? This requires 3 (4) artists

K - But the task is not easy. You need to draw a cat blindfolded. And to make it easier for you, I will help you.

Draw a big circle

Above is a small one.

At the crown - two ears -

This will be the head.

Draw for beauty

Bigger his mustache.

Here is a fluffy tail ready-

You are more beautiful than all cats!

B - Take off your scarves and show everyone what wonderful cats you have turned out.

K - Thank you very much, you helped me a lot.

B - Sit down, because we are already approaching the birthday station.


(the song “Let them run awkwardly” sounds)

Our journey is coming to an end. But first, answer my question, WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT YOUR BIRTHDAY?

So let's give birthday gifts.

To do this, stand all in a circle, and the birthday people will take turns going to the center of the circle and, with their eyes closed, choose from their classmates the one who will give them gifts.

The one who will give a gift to the birthday man must say wishes.

Tasks: form a close-knit friendly team; give brief information about the signs of the zodiac, about the colors of the horoscope, develop a culture of proper rest; create a good mood for children; broaden their horizons, educate children in a good attitude, care and attention to each other; cultivate respect for each other, the ability to relax together.

Class hour progress

The class is previously decorated with balloons, posters “Happy birthday!”, “Congratulations from friends”, “Signs of the zodiac”. Children sit down according to the elements of the zodiac.

1 part

The song “Let them run awkwardly” is performed.

Student 1:

What is a birthday?
I will answer without a doubt:
Boxing day, pies,
Day of smiles and flowers!

Birthday is a special date.
This holiday is incomparable.
Someone wise once came up with
Give joy to the birthday boy.

Teacher: Each of you has one beautiful day in a year - your birthday. On this festive day, you are in the center of attention, you are treated kindly, loved by everyone. Congratulations, smiles, gifts - all this is for you. Do you enjoy receiving gifts? What gifts do you love the most? (Answers of children). How are you preparing for this holiday? How are your parents preparing? This day is filled with pleasant chores. You have already celebrated your birthday several times and you know how it is.

This class hour we will dedicate to a birthday. The class hour consists of two parts. In the first part we will get acquainted with the signs of the zodiac, and in the second part there will be games, congratulations and tea drinking. Do you know what zodiac sign you belong to?

In ancient times, the world was considered to consist of four primary elements - fire, earth, water and air. The primary elements were endowed with the following qualities:

fire is warm and dry
air is warm and humid
water is cold and wet
the ground is cold and dry.

Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

1 Stargazer. elemental man fire- impulsive, agile, active, full of strength and energy. At times it can be aggressive (after all, fire can burn!) It is possible that it is not always comfortable to communicate with him, but then you will not get bored. He himself is not touchy, quick-witted, though he can inadvertently offend others. He likes to be a leader, to be ahead of everyone, to teach and command. Often love sports and spectacles.

Air a person likes to communicate, learn new things, exchange information. He grasps everything on the fly, although it is not at all necessary that he will remember it for a long time. He is not touchy, he tries not to offend others, although he can be harsh with words. Often has intellectual interests, well erudite. Sometimes he lacks physical energy. He likes to start things, but does not like to bring them to the end, often fickle, not always disciplined.

2 Stargazer. In contrast, the man of the elements land- slow, thorough, constant. Very practical, focused on a specific result, hardworking. Prefers quiet work, where it is not required to make lightning-fast decisions. Sometimes it swings slowly. An earthly person is reliable, although somewhat dry and cold.

A water person is sometimes closed in himself, it is not immediately understood, it is difficult to see what is in his soul. Emotional, but often keeps emotions to himself. Sensitive, capable of compassion, sometimes tearful, often lives with experiences. He has good intuition, works according to his mood.

1 Stargazer. There are twelve signs of the zodiac in total. They personify the main character traits of the human personality. Through signs, the characteristic qualities of a person are expressed that distinguish him from other people.

Student presentation. (Each student defends his zodiac sign.)

1 student. Aries - it is no coincidence that the first in a series of signs of the zodiac. Aries is fresh and full of life, he always has new ideas. Leadership, willingness and ability to implement new initiatives, enthusiasm and often impatience characterize Aries.

2 student. Taurus focused on sensory perception. He is a fixed earth sign of the Zodiac and is under the influence of spring, in its full bloom. At this time of the year, greenery of the most unimaginable shades reigns, the earth is full of vitality. The qualities of Taurus include stability, the desire for practical and reliable, sustainable, for everything that involves creative activity.

3 student. Twins - a changeable sign of Air, possessing such qualities as observation, vigilance, spiritual thirst, split character, wit and inconstancy of views. Twin children may be interested in several different things at once.

4 student. crayfish , also called "moon children", are distinguished by sentimentality, the desire to protect the weak, the wealth of the inner world. Children with the energy of this sign are friendly and caring, and love being around very young children and small animals.

5 student. a lion - fixed sign of Fire. Radiates warmth, trust and strength. The qualities of a Leo require a certain degree of maturity to put them to good use.

This sign is revealed during the summer heat, when he enjoys the sun, enjoys summer sports, and just feels good.

6 student. Changeable earth sign Virgo possesses such properties as prudence, ability to analyze, competence, accuracy, organizational talent.

7 student. Scales - the cardinal sign of Air, designed to maintain harmony and balance. This feature permeates most of the qualities that Libra possesses. A child with the energy of Libra should be in an environment full of harmony and beauty.

8 student. Scorpion - a fixed sign of Water, endows us with intensity of feelings, mystery, passion and richness of the inner world. Since Scorpio is a sign of Water, it brings down a whole waterfall of emotions on us.

9 student. This changeable Fire sign is the most freedom-loving sign of the Zodiac. To the main features Sagittarius include faith in the future, foresight, optimism, liveliness of spirit, responsiveness.

10 student. The sign of Capricorn appears at the time of the winter solstice. This cardinal sign of the Earth is characterized by such properties and traits as determination, efficiency, ambition, reliability and perseverance.

11 students. Aquarius known to us by the fixed influence of Air. Ingenuity and originality of thought are the hallmarks of this sign, with its concentration on the power of the intellect. Children with Aquarius energy are independent, idealistic, unusual and often inconsistent.

12 student. The twelfth sign of the Zodiac - Fish , the changeable sign of Water. This sign has idealistic features. It is characterized by spirituality, fantasy, mysticism and romance.

Mila. Do you guys know that each sign of the zodiac has its own plant, that is, its own tree, its own flower? I want to introduce you to the flower horoscope. Plants, just like people, correlate with different signs of the zodiac and are subject to the influence of the planets.. Having plants in your house that belong to your sign is the right thing to do. They will easily enhance your inherent positive qualities and smooth out the negative ones. And to acquire virtues that you do not have, plants of other signs will help.

Aries plants - garden geranium, Indian azalea.

Geranium has a calming effect, develops a sense of humor, relieves stress, makes people kinder.

Taurus plants - violet, Persian cyclamen, beautiful gloxinia. Taurus symbolizes endurance and its plants help maintain strength.

Cyclamen uplifting and useful for anyone who is allergic to cold.

Gemini plants - tradescantia, asparagus, ferns, pinnate palms, ivy .

Asparagus - e that flower helps to make dreams come true.

Plants of Cancer - fuchsia hybrid, aloe vera, American agave, Mason's begonia.

Aloe develops fortitude.

Leo plants - hibiscus, balsam, calla .

Hibiscus turns the energy of laziness into the energy of creation, stimulates the will to work.

Virgo Plants - birch, monstera, asparagus, aster.

Monstera streamlines thoughts, helps to learn how to formulate them clearly.

Libra Plants - Indian azalea (white), Decembrist, capsicum, small-flowered chrysanthemum, hydrangea, croton.

Chrysanthemum helps to overcome selfishness, to listen to someone else's opinion.

Scorpio Plants - desert cacti, dragon dracaena, common oleander.

Oleander helps to cope with bad habits.

Sagittarius Plants - lemon, sansevieria, sacred ficus.

Lemon lowers the level of commercialism, raises spirituality, increases activity, helps to express oneself, become more independent. Improves liver function and blood composition.

Capricorn Plants - elephant yucca, rubbery ficus, fragrant dracaena, silver jade (money tree).

Ficus is unpretentious and does not like excessive moisture, and therefore tears. It relieves tearfulness, gives peace to people.

Plants of Aquarius - arrowroot tricolor (prayer plant), indoor maple, spurge.

Maranta suppresses the energy of conflicts, helps to focus on important things. Maranta helps with insomnia.

Pisces Plants - magnolia, lily, orchid, fragrant geranium.

Plants of the fish sign have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improve sleep, create comfort and soothe.

2 part. Games, congratulations, tea drinking

I wish you happiness
On my birthday and always.
Enjoy every moment.
Let the dream come true!

For you, even if the sun
Shines brighter all year round
Let luck smile
May success be everywhere!

"Summer Birthday Day" is held in order to form a culture of birthday greetings in the class team, in order to form an idea about the organization of celebrations in the school, as well as to create a warm, cozy climate in the class team. The material is intended for primary school teachers, educators of extended groups who are interested in the issue of creating, maintaining friendly relations, attentiveness to friends and comrades among students aged 6-8.

The colorful design of the "Summer Birthday Day" contributes to the formation of the aesthetic education of schoolchildren, the creation of a festive atmosphere, a joyful mood, which always encourages children to communicate and be active. The material includes the idea of ​​organizing and holding the "Day of the Summer Birthday", it includes the section "competitions for birthdays and games with children". The first allows the birthday people to feel special at the holiday, and the second - does not let all the other guys get bored, also participate in competitions, play. "Summer Birthday Day" is a holiday for the whole class.


The class hour is intended for children aged 6-8 years.

Previously, the children are given the task to prepare a "Business Card" about themselves.

Goals: to form a culture of congratulations on your birthday in the class team; give an idea about the organization of celebrations; creating a cozy microclimate in the classroom.


1) conduct preliminary work with parents and children (distribution of duties);

2) create conditions for the implementation of creative ideas of students, including those for birthdays (“Business cards”);

3) organize group performance of tasks (fun, competitive) and independent;

4) introduce the traditions for the birthday.

Equipment, inventory: computer; columns; musical selection; hat; two paper fish on strings, each of which is tied to a pencil; two small red balloons; birthday gifts.

Decor: columns of balloons, a poster with the inscription "Happy Birthday!" and posters with the names of "summer birthdays"

Expected results:

In the class team, a culture of congratulations on your birthday will be formed;

Children will get an idea about the organization of celebrations;

Maintaining a comfortable microclimate in the classroom.

The theme of the educational event is closely related to "friendship".

I. Greeting "Summer Birthdays"

To the music of "Rubber hedgehog, raspberry hedgehog" the heroes of the occasion enter the class. They are greeted with applause.

Leading: Our dear birthday people, the day has come when both your friends and the teacher will be able to wish you a happy birthday.

Let's start by congratulating the guys from the class. They have prepared a gift for you - the song "Let them run awkwardly."

The song “Let them run awkwardly” performed by the guys sounds.

Leading: Happy birthday, I want to congratulate each of you!

Still a good childhood
And mommy is always there.
You are the cutest child
Let the years not change
Your very bright soul,
Cheerful, docile disposition.
And many friends and girlfriends
Let them surround you!

Wonderful child
Birthday is celebrated!
May the Lord give him strength
Let him know about life.
Won't stumble over problems
And troubles along the way...
If so, we can all help.
Happiness, faith to find!

The birthday people accept congratulations, then sit down to their seats to applause.

II. Birthday Traditions

Leading: Other children in the class have birthdays during the school year. We congratulate them, we pay attention.

And the question arises, when to congratulate those guys whose birthday is in the summer, during the holidays?

Guys, how to congratulate them during the holidays?

Children's answers: “you can call”, “come home to congratulate”, “at the end of the school year”, “at the beginning of the next school year”, etc.

Leading: You are right that you can and should call, congratulate, do not forget about friends. You can't say goodbye ahead of time. Who knows why?

Children's answers.

Leading: Superstition says that congratulating "an unborn person" is tantamount to inviting troubles and troubles into his life. And if misfortunes nevertheless begin to happen to him, then only an untimely well-wisher will be to blame. Of course, this is just one of the "grandmother's tales." This fact cannot be confirmed.

Hence the sign that on your birthday you should not indulge in sad thoughts and quarrel.

There is another sign: if the birthday man does not thank the guests, then good spirits may not send him profit. Previously, there was a custom according to which the birthday celebrant had to give each guest a gift. In our time, this custom has been lost and has been preserved only in some countries of the East.

Pie. A pie with eggs and buckwheat porridge is broken over the head of the birthday celebrant. In addition to good luck, this ritual brings money, profit, health. Pie is then not eaten. In the old days, after the holiday, it was given to the poor or taken to the crossroads. The fact is that, according to popular beliefs, an evil spirit lives on the left of a person, and a good one on the right. The crossroads is their meeting place, and both will get their share of the pie there.

Congratulations. The tradition that makes you listen to a lot of congratulations on your birthday dates back to the times when you had to verbally admire at the cradle of a newborn: “Smart, beautiful, happy” ... Such praising of the baby was a spell for his luck: if you don’t praise him, he will grow up unhappy. But when the child grows up, praise, of course, needs to be moderated. The rite of praise applies only to very young children. An adult on his birthday also needs to hear kind words addressed to him. Best of all - in verse, because rhymes and rhythm attract positive energies much more actively than a brief wish: "Good luck to you and health."

Candles. “When a person is born, a new star lights up in the sky to illuminate his path,” says the legend. The star is a symbol of the human soul, hope and strength leading the way.

III. "Business cards" of birthdays

Leading: Let's see what skillful, talented, beautiful birthday people we have.

"Business cards" of birthdays. We meet the first birthday boy - ...!

The birthday people take turns speaking. The guys support them with applause.

IV. Contests for birthdays, games with the class

Leading: Guys, let's check which of the birthday people is the luckiest.

Competition "Magic hat". Birthdays are asked to stand in a circle, facing inwards. One of them is given a “magic hat” in his hands. As soon as the music starts, you need to turn around and pass the hat to the neighbor on the right. The neighbor who was given the hat does the same (turns around himself and then passes the hat to his neighbor on the right). The hat is passed until the music stops. Whoever has a hat in his hands - he leaves the game. The rest begin to pass the hat again. The competition ends when one child remains. He is a winner!

Fishing competition. Two guys are given a "fishing rod", to which ropes of the same length are tied, at the ends of which paper fish are tied. The task of each child is to “catch” the fish as quickly as possible (wind the rope around the pencil to the fish). The one who completes this task first wins.

Centipedes. Form two teams from all the participants in the future game. Teams become parallel to each other, each forms its own line-queue. A chair is placed at a distance from each team, a small red strawberry ball is placed on it. Players in a team must hold the players in front by the waist. Task: at the whistle of the host, each team must run around the chair as quickly as possible, running around the chair, the "head" of the centipede takes the "strawberry" and the "centipede" returns to the starting position. However, the movement must be done carefully - if one of the players removes his hands or an arm from the other player's waist, the team is considered the loser. The winner is the team that has traveled the path without errors, arriving at the starting position first.

Leading: Guys, you are all great today!

V. Birthday congratulations, tea drinking.

Leading: It's time to move on to the most delicious part of our celebration - a festive tea party!

Birthday people invite everyone to the table. The guys are seated at the festive table.

Leading: Dear birthday people, on behalf of the whole class and the teacher, please accept congratulations on the past birthday!

Giving gifts to birthdays. Words of gratitude for congratulations from birthday people. Tea drinking.

Cheerful music sounds.

Full text of the material Scenario "Summer Birthday"; see the initial classes in the download file.
The page contains a snippet.