When is World Dad's Day at. What date is Father's Day celebrated in Russia and in other countries. Happy Father's Day greetings from daughter, son and wife. Beautiful congratulations on Father's Day from children in verse and prose

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection plans to establish a new all-Russian holiday - Father's Day. Thus, it is planned to increase the image status of the father in the family.

In Russian legislation, it is planned to consolidate a new all-Russian holiday - Father's Day. The Izvestia newspaper writes about this with reference to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.

As noted, such a holiday will serve to increase the role of the father in family education and improve the father's image in the family as a whole. The new holiday is planned to be discussed on February 6 during a meeting of the Public Chamber on the implementation of the concept of the state program for the development of family policy with the participation of Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection Alexei Vovchenko.

"In Russia, on an ongoing basis, events are held to popularize family traditions and values, families are honored in which, along with mothers, fathers responsibly perform parental duties and take care of family well-being. Meanwhile, in Russia, only Mother's Day, established by presidential decree, is celebrated at the state level Russia. At the same time, a regional holiday Father's Day has already been established in a number of subjects. The establishment of the all-Russian holiday Father's Day will help to increase, form a caring attitude of men to raising children, and also recognize the merits of male parents who adequately raised children," the press service said. Ministry of Labor.

Member of the Federation Council Ekaterina Lakhova, who in April 2014 became one of the co-authors of a letter to Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets with a proposal to establish Father's Day, supported the initiative: "This is primarily aimed at raising the status of the father. This is not only about fathers raising children in full-fledged families, but also about those who are engaged in raising a child alone, and we have about one million of them.There are fathers who perform their direct functions - the moral and patriotic upbringing of the child. "if we are often spoiled by the female half and become less masculine and more pampered. A man should be a man, and the father's role in this is paramount. Several regions have already legislated Father's Day celebrations, which are held on a large scale. If we have legislated Father's Day Mother's Day, it makes sense that there should be Father's Day."

The first celebration of Father's Day dates back to June 19, 1910. The founder of the holiday, American Dodd from Washington State, thus wanted to express gratitude to her father William Smart and all the other fathers of the country. However, this holiday fell into the category of official in 1966 by decree of President Lyndon Johnson. Since then, Father's Day has traditionally been celebrated every third Sunday in June. On this day, the country and citizens support single dads who have financial problems.

Father's Day is an event celebrated in many countries. In the United States of America, this holiday was founded in 1909, when one of the residents - Sonora Smart - decided to thank her father, who did a lot for the family.

After the death of his mother, six children remained in the arms of his father, William Jackson Smart. All subsequent years he brought them up and showed care without the slightest shadow of selfishness.

The holiday that Sonora arranged was supposed to be celebrated on June 5, but due to unsuccessful organization, the celebration had to be postponed two weeks ahead - on the 19th. Since then, Father's Day has spread to other states and has become a national American holiday.

Some countries, such as China, Japan, Great Britain, France, Holland and others, have adopted this glorious custom. However, not all states celebrate Father's Day on the same day: in Italy it falls on March, in Germany on the Ascension of the Lord.

One of the customs is decoration in the form of roses: red if the father is alive, and white if the father is no longer alive. Therefore, this wonderful holiday is also distinguished by its beauty. And the symbolic meaning of the event lies in gratitude to the father for the birth and care.

The draft decree on the establishment of a new holiday is under consideration by the government.

As Izvestia was told in the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children, the new holiday - Father's Day - is expected to be celebrated for the first time in October this year. The collection of signatures in support of the draft decree on the establishment of Father's Day in Russia initiates the interregional Union of Fathers.

We expect that on the last Saturday of the upcoming October we will celebrate this significant holiday, ”Olga Epifanova, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children, told Izvestia.

According to her, this holiday will emphasize the importance of the father's role in the family.

In our country, as a result of numerous wars, a significant part of the male population died, and for decades boys have been brought up by women. Therefore, it is simply necessary to raise the key importance of the role of the father in the family, she explained. -The idea of ​​the holiday is precisely in this - to show the most important role of the father for the traditional Russian family. In addition, it is the father who, by his example, can teach his sons how to love and care for their mother. This is especially true in our modern world. Europe and America have passed laws on same-sex marriages, where parents have become parent #1 and parent #2, and we in Russia will celebrate mom and dad's day.

The draft decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of the all-Russian holiday Father's Day as part of the implementation of the Concept of State Family Policy until 2025 was prepared by the Ministry of Labor in November 2015. In accordance with the proposal of the department, the holiday will be celebrated on the last Sunday of October. This date, as reported in the explanatory note to the document, is close to the birthday of the right-believing Prince Dmitry Donskoy (October 25, according to a new style), who had eight sons and four daughters. In addition, it is in October that several holidays of male professions and military historical dates are celebrated at once.

In the world, Father's Day is celebrated in almost 50 countries, this holiday is official in almost 30 countries, including the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Japan and others. It usually falls on the third Sunday in June. In some Catholic countries, such as Spain or Italy, Father's Day is celebrated on March 19 - the day of St. Joseph.

In Russia, the holiday has not yet become official, but despite this, regional holidays are celebrated in some regions. For example, Father's Day is in the Arkhangelsk, Volgograd, Vologda, Magadan and Ulyanovsk regions, as well as in the Altai Territory, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District.

Senator Elena Mizulina, as one of the initiators of the establishment of Father's Day, told Izvestia that this holiday will be able to increase the social status of the father in the family.

The very idea of ​​a possible appearance in Russia of a new family holiday - Father's Day - has been nurtured for several years. And the first wide discussion of the possibility of such a holiday took place exactly a year ago within the walls of the State Duma at the round table "On the establishment of Father's Day in the Russian Federation," she said. - I believe that by establishing Father's Day, we raise the social status of the father in the family and in society, his role in raising children, the prestige of fatherhood in general.

According to Mizulina, the creation of such a special holiday of fatherhood is very closely related to the theme of patriotism.

After all, a modern Russian patriot is not only a defender of the Fatherland. No less a patriot is the one who takes care of his family, who brings up worthy sons and daughters with love, care and responsibility and thereby creates a stable present, shapes the future prosperity and development of Russia, she stressed. - This kind of patriotism, in my opinion, deserves no less respect and recognition in society.

Journalist Georgy Alpatov, a member of the interregional paternal committee, fully supports the idea of ​​creating a new holiday.

In general, I believe that our government and society need to pay great attention to fatherhood, - he said, - because the role of the father, unfortunately, is not properly covered in our country, there is no proper attitude towards fatherhood. In our country, along with motherhood, it is necessary to protect fatherhood, as this is also a very important social function.

The idea of ​​establishing Father's Day was also supported by the psychologist Pavel Volzhenkov.

Such a holiday must be introduced, he believes. - Father's Day will help unite complete families and remind parents of children from single-parent families that the child, in addition to the mother, with whom children usually remain after a divorce, also has a father. This will help both the man and the woman to understand that the family is their choice and they need to respect their family and their partner. In general, Father's Day is a good holiday both from the point of view of raising children and child psychology, and from the point of view of relations between partners in the family.

Mother's Day in Russia was established in 1998. The holiday is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. In addition, on July 8, Russia celebrates the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

Father's Day, traditionally celebrated on the third Sunday of the first month of summer, that is, in June, is celebrated relatively recently, but has already become an integral part of the Russian holiday calendar. Father's Day is not an official holiday in our country, that is, it is not a red day on the calendar.

Father's Day is celebrated in the summer (June 17, 2018) in 60 countries. In America and Europe, it has been celebrated for several decades, and it came to Russia relatively recently. It does not yet have an official status in our country, however, it is enshrined in law in several regions. VV Putin in 2008 promised to consider the issue of assigning an official status to Father's Day.

In each region of Russia, this holiday is celebrated in its own way. For example, in the Lipetsk region, on this day it is customary to award the badge "For fidelity to paternal duty." Father's Day, which in 2018 will be celebrated on June 17, is also celebrated in areas such as:

  • Ulyanovsk,
  • Volgograd,
  • Kursk,
  • Arkhangelsk,
  • Novosibirsk.

In St. Petersburg this holiday has been celebrated since 2011, and in Moscow since 2012.

Dad's Day 2018 when is celebrated: the history of the holiday

Like many international holidays, Father's Day comes from the USA. After the approval of Mother's Day in the States, activist Sonora Todd took the initiative to approve Father's Day as well, in order to thank her dad, who raised six children himself, providing them with his support and giving them a decent education. The girl came to the mayor of her native city with a request that her father's birthday be the basis of the holiday, when all people could congratulate their fathers, paying tribute to them. From Sonora's hometown, the tradition spread throughout the area. And already in 1966, Father's Day in the United States became an official holiday.

Father's Day, of course, is very important not only for those families in which the father is the only parent, but also for full-fledged families. Father's Day, celebrated on June 18, 2017, helps children once again express their love and respect for their dear fathers and show how important and valuable they are to them, to show that their care and confidence are a reliable foundation for a strong family!

Father's Day 2018 when is celebrated: how Father's Day is celebrated in different countries

IN Finland Father's Day is celebrated in a special way. In each room, the hostesses hang out national flags, prepare goodies and make souvenirs together with the children. During the day, everyone goes to the cemetery to honor the memory of dead men. And in the evening, households gather at the festive table, sing songs, arrange dances.

IN countries the Baltics the emphasis is on children. In kindergartens and schools, children make appliqués and other crafts and give them to their dads and even grandfathers.

IN australia Father's Day is an occasion to get out into nature. Picnics are believed to strengthen family bonds and bring happiness to the family.

IN Japan The holiday was renamed "Boys' Day". Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun believe that masculinity should be instilled from early childhood. And on this day, future samurai are given swords, knives and other weapons of defense.

IN Italy Father's Day is the main holiday for Italian men. Traditional gifts are perfume or a bottle of expensive wine.

IN Russia Father's Day has not yet been approved at the federal level, and each region celebrates the holiday separately. Volgograd, for example, since 2008 honors all popes on November 1, Altai Territory - on the last Sunday of April (since 2009), St. Petersburg and Moscow - on the third Sunday of June (as in the USA). Quests and festive festivities are arranged in the cities. And regional administrations award cash prizes to fathers of many children.

Father's Day is a holiday dedicated to fathers. The celebration is attended by fathers, mothers, their children, relatives, close friends and families planning the birth of a child. They are joined by those who, according to the profile of their activities, are connected with family planning, charitable and human rights organizations of the corresponding specialization.

In Russia, Father's Day is celebrated annually on the third Sunday of June. In 2020, the celebration falls on June 21. The holiday has not yet been fixed at the state level.

The essence of the holiday is to express gratitude to fathers for their contribution to the upbringing of children.

Festivals, concerts, charity events are organized on this day. Administrative bodies and public organizations congratulate the fathers on their holiday and present and award them with badges of honor. In families, children give gifts to dads, arrange home gatherings and outings into nature.


    I wish you all a Happy Father's Day
    And I want to wish so much:
    Let the smile never leave your face
    And let happiness knock at the door.

    I want to be an example for children
    I wish only the best in the world.
    And there are only people who are pleasant to you,
    And may your children be healthy.

    Happy Father's Day, we congratulate you
    We wish you good health.
    Live, do not grieve for another hundred years
    To all enemies, to spite all diseases.
    And great-grandchildren about eight more
    Please wait for you!

What date is Father's Day in 2021, 2022, 2023

2021 2022 2023
20 June Sun19 June Sun18 June Sun