Halloween contests. "Bloody" games and scary interesting Halloween contests for children

The tradition of celebrating Halloween has already firmly established itself in our country. This holiday is especially interesting for children and teenagers. To spend an interesting evening on the eve of All Saints' Day at school, it is enough to choose the hosts, correctly decorate the room and, of course, hold several exciting competitions!

Choosing the main witch

Here is a whole group of competitions that will be of interest mainly to girls. The main purpose of their conduct is to choose the most important and terrible witch. This stage of the holiday was built on the principle of a beauty contest. At the first stage, a fairly large number of applicants take part. After each competition, from one to three little witches who have scored the least points are eliminated. There will be four stages in total, so you need to calculate the number of losers in each so that in the end only one participant remains. However, you can initially assign points to the applicants so that each girl can participate in all competitions. Then the witch with the most points will be the winner.

Stage #1

First of all, witches must as original as possible to present yourself to the public. You can use anything for this - read your own poem without preparation, sing a song, dance an unusual dance. The main condition of the presentation is that everything that the participants demonstrate should be peculiar only to them. The jury evaluates each applicant, assigning her a certain number of points on a ten-point scale.

Stage #2

Every self-respecting witch should be able to skillfully manage a broom. Therefore, at this stage, we will need several brooms (mops, gymnastic sticks, and so on), as well as two long ropes and ordinary plastic pins that are in the gym of any school. From all this inventory, it is necessary to build a “track”, which the participants on broomsticks will pass. Skittles can be arranged so that they need to go around the "snake". Pull one of the ropes at a distance of 30-40 cm from the floor so that you can jump over. The second is about a meter or a little less from the floor. You have to go under it.

Be sure to note the time for which each participant will pass the track. Penalty points are removed for all violations - a knocked down pin, a touched rope, and so on.

Stage 3

All true witches master the art of seduction. Therefore, in the third stage, the participants will have to show their ability to kiss! Do not take it literally and say that this is a competition for adults. It is perfect for teenagers 14-16 years old, and even 12 and younger. No, they will have to in a certain time (from one to three minutes) kiss as many boys on the cheek as possible. Each applicant is given a bright lipstick. These lipsticks must be in different colors. On a signal, the participants run to the boys and kiss them on the cheek. There is one limitation - Only two witches can kiss one boy. That is, on each of his cheeks there can be only one mark. At the end of the time, a beep sounds and the judges count the number of marks for each color.

Stage 4

The last competition knowledge and intelligence test. After all, witches must be very smart and quick-witted. Each participant will be given a different colored badge. Their task is to quickly and correctly answer questions. After the question has been raised, the participant who knows the answer raises the sign. The one who reacted the fastest responds first. And answer her. One point is awarded for a correct answer, and one point is deducted for an incorrect answer. After a wrong answer, the other members can also try to answer. Here are some examples of questions that might be asked.

  • What is the most annoying and hated thing in the morning? (Alarm)
  • What is the most popular male name in school jokes? (Vovochka)
  • A school subject that tends to appear if the lessons are learned, and disappear (forget at home) if you get a deuce? (Diary)
  • What is the name of the school cafeteria? (Dining room)
  • For what document should all children go to school? (Certificate)
  • If students use pens and pencils most often, what does the teacher use most often? (with chalk)
  • Where does the school "interrogation" take place? (At the blackboard)
  • What is the signal for the end and the beginning of the lesson? (call)
  • What is the name of something that not only students and teachers, but even the director obey? (Schedule of lessons)

Team games and competitions

Some competitions are structured in such a way that they involve only teams, but not single players. It is these competitions that are best held at school among teenagers.

Why don't we drink some blood?

This is the first of such competitions where the teams will be able to come up with a name for themselves. To carry it out, you will need five liters of tomato juice, thirty plastic cups and cards with letters ("the letters Y, Y and Y" fall out). Cards are cut out 3 by 2 cm in size and sealed in polyethylene. One card is thrown into plastic glasses and more than half filled with juice. It turns out approximately 165 grams per glass. All glasses filled with "blood" are placed in the center of the table. Two teams of fifteen people (or three of ten) line up on opposite sides of him at the same distance. At the signal of the leader from each team, one participant runs to the table, drinks one of the glasses of "blood" and, taking the letter, runs to his own. This continues until all glasses are empty. After that, from the letters available to each group, they must add the name of the team. The winner is the one whose participants were able to come up with the longest name..

Take away the treat

He will need two sets of darts(three if three teams participate) and big board with pumpkins. Make it easy. It is necessary to glue twenty (thirty) orange balloons on a large piece of foam. A candy is placed in each balloon before inflation. A few "pumpkins" can be left empty or a small plastic ball can be placed there instead of candy. Teams line up at the same distance from the pumpkin wall. On a signal and in turn, one person from the team takes a dart and throws it so as to break one of the balls. He then collects the "loot" and returns to the team to hand over the dart and candy. The team that has the richest harvest of sweets wins.- balls do not count.

Telephony for evil spirits

This is a competition-game, reminiscent of the familiar to everyone " Broken phone". Teams must line up. The host takes the first participant from each group aside and quietly says a game phrase. On a signal, the participants return to their teams and pass on to each subsequent the same phrase in a whisper. The task is that the output phrase should have minimal distortion. To make this contest more interesting and give it the spirit of Halloween, you need to turn off the lights during the contest. There are also certain rules in the choice of phrases. For example, “I will definitely eat you”, “thank Dracula”, “how you want fresh blood” and so on. It is desirable for all teams to select phrases of the same length..

Let's make a mummy!

For this competition, the usual groups are divided into several groups of two people each. All mini-teams are given a roll of toilet paper. It is advisable to choose the thinnest and softest. In each group, one participant will play the role of the future mummy, and the second will create this mummy. At the leader's signal, the players begin wrap your partner from head to toe in toilet paper. The one who did it faster than the others wins. There is also a requirement. The host makes sure that the paper does not tear. That is, the mummy must be whole. If the roll breaks, then the participants automatically lose.

Give me back my eyes!

The competition is very reminiscent of the old game, where you had to transfer as many eggs as possible in a spoon without breaking them. It is best to hold it in the assembly hall or just a large room. In this case, the eggs are changed to "eyes" - table tennis balls, appropriately painted. There should be as many balls as there are participants in both teams. Team members line up before the start. The first player is given an ordinary spoon, and two containers are placed next to it. One contains "eyes", while the other remains empty. When the host gives the signal, the first player takes one ball, puts it in a spoon and starts running to the finish line, trying not to drop the “eye”. Then he comes back, drops the ball into an empty container and passes the spoon to the next one. Thus, all players must run a relay-type distance. The first team to complete the transfer wins.. However, there is also one condition here - if the ball still falls, the player picks it up, returns to the beginning of the path and goes through it again.

witch soup

Here, participants will look for the ingredients needed to make the witch soup. To do this, you need all kinds of "witchy" toy trifles. It can be anything - bats, spiders, rat tails, cobwebs, mushrooms, lizards, beetles and more. All these ingredients must be selected in duplicate. In the assembly hall (or other school premises), two identical corners are made out. For example, a wardrobe, a chest of drawers, several chairs, buckets, mops are placed, sheets and various witch accessories are placed in a mess. All this will imitate two pantries of witches. Among them you need to hide the prepared ingredients. You should also provide blackout curtains around each "pantry" so that there is a minimum amount of light. Before the start of the competition, the presenter reads out the names of all the ingredients. After the signal, each team enters its "pantry" and begins the search. Time limited to two or three minutes. After that, the search should be stopped. The group that has collected the most complete list of what is needed for the "soup" wins.

Finally, a video with a couple of Halloween contests awaits you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1P9wUEih5c

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Halloween is an amazing holiday that will not leave anyone indifferent. The older generation regards the eve of All Saints' Day with condemnation, the younger generation enthusiastically welcomes the many-sided celebration. Unlike the cloyingly sweet Valentine's Day, Halloween has a lot more flavors to it. Of course, sweets are also present in it. But on this day they are not presented, but extorted, threatening with all sorts of dirty tricks and harmfulness. Any prank that can scare is great for a holiday of rampant evil spirits. And who doesn't want to tickle their nerves? Sabbat parties have become popular in universities, schools, clubs, and even in the family circle. In addition, funny games and Halloween contests are long overdue. Among the abundance of themed entertainment, you can choose the most suitable for children in grades 6-9, teenagers, students and adults. The main thing is to find time and inspiration!

Games and contests for Halloween at home for children and teenagers

What needs to be done to make a fun Halloween for children and teenagers a success? Prepare bright costumes, stock up on delicious treats, pick up the most interesting games and contests for Halloween at home. Celebrating All Saints' Eve at home has a number of benefits. Firstly, all the necessary items are "at hand". Secondly, children are always under control. Thirdly, you can prepare for the holiday in advance by sending out invitations to your child's friends, making the most unusual decorations, thinking through all the contests and games for Halloween at home in detail.

Halloween game "Themed Crocodile"

The game "Crocodile" is optimally suited for a home holiday. Guests are divided into 2 groups. The representative of the enemy team must intelligibly show his participants the monster or a specific mystical character that the opponents have conceived: goblin, brownie, kikimora, etc. The main thing is not to speak at the same time and not to make suggestive sounds.

Halloween Contest "Pop the Pumpkin"

This competition is best planned in advance. You will need 30 orange balloons, a kilo of candy, a black marker and a hairpin. Before inflating the balloons, you need to put 2-3 candies into them. Then, on the finished balls, you need to draw stripes with a black marker (like a pumpkin) and hang the "vegetables" from the ceiling or wall. During the competition, the organizer asks participants questions about fairy-tale characters and cartoon episodes. The players who gave the correct answer burst one "pumpkin" at a time and take away the sweet prize that fell from the inside.

Halloween contests at school for children

  • competition for the best costume of evil spirits made from natural materials, recycled materials, etc.;
  • competition for the perfect Jack-o'-Lantern;
  • competition for the knowledge of negative heroes and mystical characters;
  • competition for the most suitable recipe for a themed feast, etc.

But there are other Halloween activities that do not require prior preparation.

Contest on Halloween at the school "Wandering Light"

The participants of the game sit in a circle, one of the players picks up the Jack-O-Lantern. The host turns on a slow gloomy melody and the children begin to pass the "light" in a circle from hand to hand. Then the music stops and the player in whose hands the lamp remains is out. The winner is the last participant left on the carpet.

Halloween contest at the school "Take care of your eyes"

The host recruits 2 teams of 5 people each, then gives them a teaspoon and an "eye" (a tennis ball with a drawn pupil). The teams line up, the first pair of participants puts "eyes" in their spoons and tries to overcome with inventory 10 -meter distance. Then the spoon is passed to the second participant, etc. If the "eye" falls out of the spoon, the player will have to return to their original position and start over. The team whose participants finish the difficult relay race first will win.

Funny Halloween contests at school for teenagers (high school students)

It used to be that on Halloween (October 31), disturbed spirits, goblins and demons could easily come to the material human world. This is probably why people in Western countries dress up for the holiday in scary costumes and go from house to house in search of food to appease all evil spirits. In our area, such traditions are not supported. Instead of begging in other people's houses, people arrange fun activities for children, teenagers and adults with an abundance of active games and entertaining jokes. Among all the existing entertainment, fun Halloween contests for teenagers are especially popular.

Competition for high school students "Mummy"

For the contest you will need 4-6 rolls of toilet paper. Participants are divided into pairs. Each duet consists of a mummy and an Egyptian. As soon as the hosts turn on the music, the Egyptians start wrapping their mummies in toilet paper. The one who completes the task first will win.

Competition for teenagers "Try to show!"

  • scream like a victim from the movie "Scream",
  • pretend to be a hungry zombie
  • give a vampire bite to a neighbor in the game.

The winner is determined by the applause of the audience for a perfectly executed phantom!

Competition for high school students "Dead Man's Eyes"

To participate in the competition, you need 2 teams of 6 people, as well as 2 empty pumpkins and 50 "eyes" from ping-pong balls. One participant from each team will be the catcher with an empty pumpkin in his hands. The rest are throwers. They will have to collect "eyes" from a common basket and throw them into the gourd of their catcher from a distance of 5 meters. The team with the most "dead man's eyes" in their pumpkin will win.

Funny Halloween contests for students in the club

Students are an unusual people, always thirsty for bread and circuses. Funny Halloween contests for students at the club can be associated with food and drink. For example, competitions in the quick drinking of Bloody Mary or the speed eating of crackers in the form of witch fingers. Or you can completely move away from student "manners" and choose contests for the entertainment program from the genre of joke games and practical jokes. Young people will be happy to be the center of attention and laugh at their fiasco with joy!

"Blow the ball" - a competition for students in the club

The host sits two participants at the table opposite each other, and puts a balloon in the middle. The players are blindfolded and offered to blow the ball to the opponent's side. As soon as the participants' eyes are closed, the ball is changed to a plate of flour. Participants boldly blow on the table, unaware of the trick. Both win the competition. Let the symbolic reward be a consolation for the curious appearance, spoiled by flour.

"Merry Path" - Halloween competition for students in the club

For the competition, it is necessary to collect expensive items from all those present: phones, watches, gold bracelets, leather wallets, car keys, etc. The host lays out wealth in front of the audience, forming a kind of path. Then the selected participant is blindfolded, and expensive things are carefully replaced with primitive plastic glasses, napkins, juice boxes, etc. The participant must not be aware of the substitution. He has to walk along the path, assuming that all expensive things are in their places. Spectators are encouraged to accompany the process with theatrical "aahs" and "oahs". So the picture of a frightened pedestrian will look even funnier.

The Best Halloween Contests for an Adult Party

A fun holiday is a good way to get rid of tension, relieve stress and cheer yourself up. And if the occasion to gather all close people in one company is shrouded in mysticism and mysterious mystery, it is doubly pleasant to celebrate it. Today, All Saints' Eve is presented with outlandish carnival movements and a parade of costumes copied from the plots of popular horror films. The spectacle is bright, but short. For a grandiose Halloween, a magnificent entourage and an unusual menu are not enough. It is very important to prepare a quality entertainment program with the best Halloween contests for an adult party.

"Dancing on a broomstick" - competition for an adult party

Since the holiday is dedicated to all kinds of evil spirits, the dance competition will not do without a Vedic broom. Each participant needs to perform the most incredible choreographic composition to popular tracks, using a broom instead of a pole. The winner will be the hero whose dance will most closely match the theme of the event.

"Death walks between us" - competition for an adult party

To participate in the game, the leader selects 10 people. Each player is given a folded piece of paper, one of which has a cross drawn on it. Participants silently look at their leaves, then go behind the screen. A player with a cross on a piece of paper approaches any of the participants and puts his hands on his shoulders. He lets out a yelp in response and falls to the floor. Then the remaining participants are re-distributed papers and the process continues according to the known scheme. The winner is the only remaining player. He also receives an award in the form of symbolic candies or a themed souvenir.

"Visiting Vampires" - competition for an adult party

The number of players is not limited. Each participant is given a piece of paper on which to write a couple of body parts. For example: heel-shoulder, eyebrow-back or eye-belly. Then all the pieces of paper are mixed in a deep hat and the participants take turns pulling out their pair. The first player stands in the middle of the room in a comfortable position. The second must touch the first with that part of the body that is indicated on its leaf. For example: with your heel to the shoulder of the first participant. Then the third player continues the chain in the same way. He will have to touch his eyebrow to the back of the second. Etc. The task is to build the longest possible chain. At the beginning of the game, the participants can be divided into 2 teams in order to ultimately determine whose chain is longer.

Halloween contests for children, teenagers, students and adults are always a fun and active pastime. It is impossible to imagine a full-fledged program for the holiday of all devils and witches without humorous Halloween games for a school, club, home party.

Now it's the turn to present the next 5 ideas for games.

Game 6

Dikmi: Both adults and children love this game abroad. All age categories perceive it equally cheerfully and with a bang.

What will you need?

Install two ramps from any sustainable old junk

Medium sized pumpkins for all participants


How to play

Guests are divided into two teams. Two ramps are installed in the yard, the finish line is determined. After the starting whistle, the first two participants from the teams run up to the ramp and lower their pumpkins. After the descent - panicles deliver pumpkins to the finish line. The winner is the team whose pumpkins are all first at the finish line.

Game 7

Dikmi: This game is a real favorite for Halloween night. For many years now, it has not lost its relevance, gaiety and charm! The main plus: it is offered to guests when they are tired of long dances and want to relax a bit.

What will you need?

Sheets of paper, pens

How to play?

All participants sit in a circle. Each player must give answers to several questions by writing them on the sheet. After each answer, the sheet must be rolled up, covering the entry, and handed over to the player who is sitting on the left.

1. Any adjective.
2. Male name.
3. Two or three adjectives.
4. Female name.
5. Where did they meet?
6. What did he give her?
7. What did he say to her?
8. What did she answer him?
9. Consequence.
10. What do others think of all this?

After the tenth answer, the leader collects the leaves and reads aloud. It can turn out to be a very funny story! For example: “The dreadful and delightful Mr. Brown met the charming Mrs. Heppins at church. He gave her a flower and said that she was very much like her mother. They danced around the pumpkin and the world echoed - that's what we expected." Players must choose the funniest story, and the party host must give everyone a prize for their role in the Halloween story.

Game 8

Dikmi: Many of us played this game in childhood, in the classroom or in the drama club. Its essence is very simple: guided by the prompts, you need to determine which team you belong to. Thanks to the Monster Match, people easily contact each other, decide to talk to someone they didn’t know before the party. It brings people together perfectly and makes a Halloween party warm and homely!

What will you need?

Pieces of paper and pens

How to play?

Come up with some team names the night before the party. For example, Dracula, Werewolf, Mummy, etc. Before starting the game, tell your guests these names. Then, on the leaves, write one word associated with a particular team. For example, for a Werewolf, these could be words - a silver bullet, a full moon, howl, fur, etc. Roll up the leaves and throw them into a box. Have each guest pull out their clue. The task is to use the hint to find the players of your team and collect it completely. The team that comes together first wins.

Game 9

Dikmi: This is the easiest Halloween game ever!

What will you need?


How to play?

Turn off the lights in the room, or just dim them. Have your guests sit in a circle. Shine a flashlight in the face of one of the participants. This will be a sign that he needs to start. He is the first to tell the most terrible story that happened to him in his life. Moreover, the story does not have to be real! You can compose scary tales during the game! The only nuance. The first player just starts the story, ending the sentence with intriguing words: and suddenly, and here from around the corner, and there, etc. Then he shines a flashlight in the face of someone else, transferring the right to continue the story.

Dikmi: Sometimes it's good Hollywood action, and sometimes it's typical hunting circles fiction. However, it will always be fun, with any, even the most unexpected, turn of the storyline.

Game 10

Dikmi: This game is a good continuation of the mystical murder theme. Or - the beginning of the quest-investigation. Although, you can play the “crime scene” simply because outside the window is October 31, Halloween night. The concept is simple. First you need to select a few guests and outline their bodies on a large drawing paper or with adhesive tape on the floor. Then - call everyone else, and ask them to guess which "victim" the silhouette belongs to, and under what circumstances she was killed.

What will you need?

Wrapping paper, markers, tape

How to play?

In the midst of the dance, invite several volunteers to a separate room and draw their silhouettes in the most mysterious poses. Decorate the drawings with ketchup and red gouache (for more believability). Then, invite expert trackers and listen to the versions and names of the victims. Discussions are encouraged and rewarded!

Variations. After completing the investigation, you can allow guests to paint the outline, adding whatever they see fit - from wings to masks of mythical creatures.

Both small children and older children take part in exciting competitions dedicated to this or that event with great pleasure. In particular, on the night of October 31 to November 1, boys and girls are All Saints Day, or which is very often accompanied by similar entertainment.

In this article, we bring to your attention some fun and interesting Halloween games and contests for teenagers that can be played at school or at home.

Halloween contests for teenagers 12-13 years old

For children aged 12 years old, the following contests are perfect, which can be timed to coincide with the celebration of Halloween:

  1. Mr and Mrs Monster. Each participant in the celebration, at his own discretion, chooses the teenager whose image he considers as close as possible to Halloween, and indicates his name on a piece of paper. At the end of the evening, the host must determine whose make-up and costume have been awarded the maximum number of times, and present the winner with a commemorative prize.
  2. "Pumpkin Jack" Each participant in this competition receives a small pumpkin and a sharp knife. The player's task is to carve a smiling face in his pumpkin as quickly as possible. The host also chooses the winner.
  3. "Abracadabra". The facilitator writes a few words on a piece of paper or board, after which all the guys come up with a spell, in the text of which they should all be used. As a result, the author of the funniest, scariest and most beautiful spell is selected. Similarly, you can arrange a competition for the most terrible story.
  4. "Blood Absorber" Each participant receives a glass of tomato juice and a thin straw. The task of the players is to drink the “blood” through the straw as quickly as possible, while not using their hands. The winner is the teenager who managed to complete the task in the shortest time.
  5. "Frankenstein". All players are divided into 2 teams, each of which chooses one representative, or Frankenstein. The opposing team tells Frankenstein a word in writing, which he must explain to the guys from his team using facial expressions and gestures. The group of children who managed to guess the hidden word the fastest wins.

Halloween contests for teenagers 14-16 years old

For teenagers aged 14-16, it is better to choose such contests, in which it will be interesting for adults to take part, for example:

  1. "Pass the heart." For this competition, you need to prepare a large-sized sponge that has the shape of a heart. All participants in the competition must stand in one line, blindfold themselves and pass this item to each other without using their hands. To complete the challenge, players will have to pinch the sponge between their neck and chin and pass it around so that the next teenager can take the heart in exactly the same way.
  2. "Gouge out your eye." This competition is a relay race for two teams. At the beginning of the competition, each player must be given a tablespoon and a ping-pong ball, on which a human eye must first be drawn. At the end of the distance, you need to install a container made of pumpkin. The task of the players of each team is to take their ball in turn in a spoon and place it in a pumpkin without dropping it on the way. The winners are those guys who managed to complete the task faster.
  3. "Lord of the Eyes" To organize this contest, you will need inventory from the previous game. All the guys need to be divided into pairs, each of which receives a vessel from a pumpkin and balls with images of eyes applied to them. At the signal of the leader, the players in each pair should stand at a distance of 2 meters from each other. At the same time, one picks up a pumpkin, and the second tries to throw as many "eyes" into it as possible in the allotted time. Those guys who managed to collect as many balls as possible in their basket win.
  4. "Pour the blood." Each participant in this competition receives 2 glasses, one of which contains tomato juice, and a pipette. The task of the players is to pour the liquid from one glass to another as quickly as possible using a pipette. The winner is the one who managed to do it in the shortest time without spilling the valuable drink.
  5. "Broomstick Dance". This music competition will no doubt appeal to older children. Each participant receives a broom in his hands. Using this object as a partner or an impromptu pole, it is necessary to perform a sensual dance to loud music.

We invite you to the holiday
Dress smarter!
We laugh at our fears
Together will be more fun

halloween is a holiday that leaves almost no one indifferent. The older generation vehemently condemns, the younger enthusiastically welcomes. Unlike marshmallow-chocolate Valentine's Day, the evening before All Saints' Day has a richer palette of flavors. Yes, sweets are also present here, but they are not given, but demanded, under the threat of making a dirty trick (trick or treat).

Any prank that scares is great for this holiday. Who doesn't love to tickle their nerves?!

Parties dedicated to holiday on the eve of All Saints' Day. And at school, and in the dormitory of the university, and on Friday evening at the company. Yes, and just in the circle of friends you can have fun, and not sit at a table with Olivier, decorated in the form of a skull.

And the drawings and contests are innumerable.

It is advisable to select a preliminary jury in order to honestly award victories and "losses".

Team competitions for Halloween

1. Craft Jack Lantern (lantern pumpkin) at speed.

This competition can have several varieties:

a) for a given time to carve this attribute of the holiday from a pumpkin. In this case, the jury will evaluate how creative, scary or funny it came out in the performance of each team.

b) making a pumpkin lamp for speed, but blindfolded (competition for the strong in body and imperturbable in spirit ... owners of automatic washing machines;)).

c) the most team of all options, there must be at least four participants. One pumpkin cleans and passes to the second, the next cuts out the eyes, the next - the mouth, the next - the nose. There may be more participants, then the number of details increases.

2. Team poem on the theme "Little Boy"

The jury evaluates which turned out to be the most terrible, funny and original. Topics can be as free (the scarier, the better). The task can complicate (but only at the very beginning of the party, while strong drinks have not yet played their role!) and each of the participants will have to come up with one line to continue the epic work. Alternatively, one team comes up with the basis of the poem, and the last two lines, summing up, should be answered by their competitors.

3. "Crocodile" on the theme of monsters, monsters and other grandmas-hedgehogs

The representative of the "enemy" team, on the instructions of the opponents, must show his hidden monster from cinema or literature without words.

4. Knockout game

For those who are especially brave, you can knock out opponents with a pumpkin. Let it be small. Let not throw, but roll. But it's better to take an orange ball and color it in the spirit of Halloween.

Antics and jumps of witches in tight dresses or wizards in long-skirted mantles, pirates on a prosthesis or hacked to death with fake axes in their heads will entertain both themselves and the grateful audience. The public, perhaps more.

5. Team Chimera

The essence of the competition is to create a recognizable image of a fabulous or fantastic monster or villain using no more than one item from the costume of each team member. The fewer attempts the opposing team needs to guess, the better. To exclude cheating, uninterested spectators or the jury can guess. The team that created the most recognizable character wins.

Halloween Individual Contests

Take turns name the monsters from cinema and literature. Whoever calls the last one wins. Many players can participate anyway, the winner is the one after whom no one could remember the creepy or evil hero.

Traditional competition for the best costume can be complicated by setting the condition to make it from environmentally friendly materials, recycled materials, food products, metal objects, something illogical, the opposite of the image (what's wrong with a vampire costume hung with garlic and decorated with "silver" foil?!).

Compose the funniest (impudent, daring, scary) candy begging song (to develop the theme of the traditional Trick or treat!).

Competition for the knowledge of negative characters. It is advisable to prepare in advance a "gallery of images", a file cabinet. The host shows a portrait of Dracula, Freddy Krueger or Darth Vader (on the reverse side there are some essential features of them), and the contestants name what they know about this person. The more you called, the more likely you won.

The same competition can be “turned inside out”: name traits, actions, external signs, and the contestants must guess the name.

Scary Music Competition. Here everything is simpler than a steamed pumpkin: a chilling melody plays and you have to guess where it comes from.

halloween- a holiday that is built on deceiving, replaying, ridiculing the fear of death. And this noble task can be implemented almost unlimitedly.

An liberated and well-known company of Halloween contests can spice up a certain amount of eroticism or a small degree of alcohol, but the measure should be observed even in Hallowe'en.