Abstract of the lesson in the preparatory group Easter eggs. A conversation about the Easter holiday in the preparatory group. "Easter - the Bright Resurrection of Christ" (summary of the lesson in the preparatory group). Easter in Sweden. Easter in Bulgaria

The scenario of the holiday with the children of the Easter group preparatory to school.

Description: Easter is one of the most important Orthodox holidays and one of the most beloved. I want to spend this day joyfully, lightly, but without fuss, simply, sincerely and at home.
Raising children requires a lot of wisdom and patience. Orthodox upbringing of children implies a personal positive example of adults and teaching Christian norms and rules.

The presented material will be useful to both teachers and parents.
Target: introducing preschool children to the origins of Russian Orthodox culture.
1. To develop interest in the traditions and customs of the Russian people.
2. To acquaint children with Orthodox culture, folk tradition about the Easter egg as a symbol of life - the Resurrection.
3. Enrich the vocabulary of children with new concepts: evangelism, magnify, glorify, commandments, Christians.
4. Teach children to play folk games.
Material: easels, chalk, paper images of eggs, decoration details, krashenka eggs.
Preparatory work: reading “Bible for kids”, lesson “Talk about God”, drawing “Easter egg”, modeling “Pysanka”, presentation “Who is God?”, Excursion to the temple.

The children enter the room.
Educator:“Guys, what holiday are we going to celebrate today?” Children's answers.

Easter is a holiday of hope, peace and forgiveness. On this day, the day of the Resurrection of Christ, we celebrate the victory of good over evil forces, over death. This holiday is associated with a miracle.
Christ died and rose again. He has already passed his earthly path. He left us earthly commandments, gave us hope for salvation, atoned for past human sins with his death. Christ is risen and life triumphs.
These days people do good deeds. Do good for birds and animals.

People greet each other with the words: “Christ is risen!”, and answer: “Truly he is risen!”
Today is a special day - Easter,
Sunday of God the Savior.
Heard from all sides
Bell chime:
Bom-bom! Bom-bom!
We have fun at home!
E. Egorova.

Sounds record "Easter bells."
Children go to chairs.
Child reads a poem
Christ is risen!

Everywhere the blessing is buzzing
Of all the churches, the people bring down.
The dawn is already looking from heaven ...
The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,
And the rivers are torn from the shackles,
And greener nearby forest...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The earth is waking up
And the fields dress
Spring is coming full of wonders!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Apollo Mike.

The song is performed: "Spring-Red" music S. Nasulenko.

Educator. Easter! "Holidays Feast and Celebration of Celebrations". The greatest and brightest Christian holiday. No wonder it is called the Bright Resurrection.
How are people preparing for it? Children's answers.

Children read poetry

Easter. Festive all around.
The house is sparkling clean.
Willows on the table and Easter...
So light and so beautiful!
Dyed eggs everywhere
And the cake is on a platter...
Mom in a cotton apron
Invites everyone to sit down
And eat a treat
In honor of Christ's resurrection.
Galina Antipina.
On the bright Sunday of Christ
Let your heart be pure and light!
It will be a hospitable treat,
The sun brings joy and warmth!
Evgeny Shchelkonogov.
The song "The Sun" by A. Filippenko is performed.
Game: "Draw the sun blindfolded."

Easter Egg

Look what a miracle
Did mom put it in the dish?
Here is an egg, but not a simple one:
golden painted,
Like a bright toy!
There are stripes, curls,
Lots of little rings
Stars, circles and hearts.
What are all these colors for?
Like in a good old fairy tale?
Mom gave the answer to everyone:
- Easter is the brightest holiday!
And the egg, I know
Symbol of life on earth!
Tatyana Lavrova.
Educator. Guys, do you know why they paint and give eggs to each other for Easter? Children's answers.
The egg has always been a symbol of life: in a strong shell there is life hidden from the eyes, which in due time will break out of lime captivity in the form of a small yellow chicken.
At Easter, it is customary to paint eggs with different colors, but among the colorful eggs, bright red eggs occupy a central place. Why? Children's answers.
History has preserved this tradition for us. According to one of the most popular versions, which is followed by many Christians, it is believed that it was Mary Magdalene who initiated this tradition.
Mary Magdalene dared to come with this message to the Roman emperor Tiberius himself.
According to the law, if a poor person got into an audience with Caesar, he had to donate at least an egg. So she brought an ordinary egg and, with a story about Christ, handed the egg to the emperor, who laughed and answered her in the spirit that, just as this egg cannot turn red, the deceased cannot rise again. And right there, before his eyes, the egg began to bleed and turned dark red ... Since then, on the day of the Holy Resurrection of Christ, we give each other red-colored eggs with the words: “Christ is Risen!” and we hear in response from the recipient of the gift: "Truly Risen!".
Educator. And now we will play with you. In the old days, they put a green cloth on the ground and rolled testicles on it.
Game: "Happy Holidays!"
Children stand or sit opposite each other. Colored eggs are rolled in pairs towards each other. If the eggs collided, the couple hugs and congratulates each other on Happy Easter.

And now we're dancing.
Round dance: "Spring is red", Russian folk melody.

Poem: "How I love the Easter holiday."
How I love Easter!
Getting ready for Thursday
Grandma paints eggs
I will help her too.
On a fragile, thin shell
For people, for beauty
I paint with a brush quietly
Cross, sun, flowers.
On the bright holiday of Sunday
I will give to my friends
By the testicle, congratulations
And I’ll say: “I painted it myself!”
E. Shalamanov.
Coloring eggs is a symbol of people's faith in the miracle of the resurrection of Christ, a symbol of overcoming doubts, in memory of the Day of Resurrection. It is also believed that the red color of the egg symbolizes the color of the blood of Christ, who gave his life to save people.

Game: "Decorate an egg"
Children are divided into two teams. Each team is given the same decoration pieces. On a signal, one child takes one piece of decoration and runs to the paper image of an egg and lays it down. Returns to the team. And so on until the patterns are completed. The team that finishes the task first wins.

Well done boys. Now let's sing song "Swallow" E. Krylatova.
And again Game: "Twisting eggs."
Each child has one Easter egg in their hands. Children spin them on the table. Whose egg will spin longer - he won. The game requires dexterity, ingenuity and skill.

Game: "Whose testicle will roll further?"

And now I suggest that you divide into four lines and play musical game:"Wattle"- Russian folk melody.
So our bright holiday "Easter" in kindergarten has come to an end, and Christians will celebrate it for a whole week until the next Orthodox holiday "Red Hill".

Like bright coloring
Easter has come to our house.
Brought in her basket
Eggs, buns, cakes,
Cakes, pancakes and tea.
Happy Easter!
Irina Evdokimova.
And I invite you all to the group for the festive table. To the sound of bells, the children leave.

MKDOU "Podgorensky kindergarten No. 1"

educator: Nikolenko Alena Sergeevna

Synopsis of OOD on cognitive development

in the preparatory group

"Easter is coming!"


To acquaint with the folk ritual holiday - Easter, its customs and traditions;

To acquaint preschoolers with the Orthodox tradition about the Easter egg as a symbol of the resurrection of Christ and other attributes of the holiday;

To cultivate the desire for kindness, truthfulness, mercy, love for one's neighbor, obedience and hard work. Develop friendly communication skills, the ability to distinguish between moral and immoral.

Form an aesthetic taste; develop imagination and fantasy.

Material: vase, willow branches, bows, dishes with dyed and painted eggs, a bell. Music - ringing of bells, folk music. Illustrations dedicated to the holiday - Easter. Gouache in different colors, squirrel brushes No. 1, 2, 3, a palette, ready-made Easter eggs, empty egg shells, beads, a napkin, a jar of water. Audio recording "Easter Blagovest"

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

Hello my dear! I didn't come to you empty-handed. What did I bring? To find out, guess the riddle:

Spring has not yet sewn

Forests, meadows shirts,

Only fluffed willows

Curly lambs.

Golden lambs

Run along thin branches -

funny, lively,

Like little kids. (Willow branches.)

Do you know what Christian holiday was celebrated on Sunday?(children's answers )

This is Palm Sunday, the last one before Easter. In preparation for it, people decorated their houses. The leaves on the trees had not yet appeared by this time, but fluffy willow branches delight the eye. The willow was illuminated in the church and believed that it had the power to heal and protect people. I will touch each of you with branches so that you grow up healthy, obedient and reasonable.

I suggest putting willow branches in a vase and decorating them for Easter. (Children decorate branches with bows )

2. The story "Clean Thursday"

The eve of the strictest last week of Lent - Passion, when spring renewal is already felt in the air - falls on Palm Sunday, the feast of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem.

The Orthodox Slavs had many customs dedicated to the days of the Great Week. So, Maundy Thursday is traditionally called "pure", and not only because on this day every Orthodox person seeks to cleanse himself spiritually, take communion, and accept the sacrament established by Christ.

During worship on this day, they remember the most important gospel event: the Last Supper, at which Jesus Christ washed the feet of his disciples, thus showing an example of brotherly love and humility. From this day until Sunday, church services in all Orthodox churches will be dedicated to the remembrance of the Savior's earthly sufferings.

On Maundy Thursday, the folk custom of cleansing with water was widespread - bathing in an ice hole, river, lake or dousing in a bath before sunrise. On this day, they cleaned the hut, washed and cleaned everything. In the North and in Central Russia, it was customary to collect and burn juniper branches to fumigate dwellings and stables. It was believed that the healing juniper smoke protected the person and the "animal" from diseases.

There was also a belief that eggs laid on Good Thursday, eaten at Easter, protected from illness, and egg shells buried in the ground in a pasture reliably protected livestock from the evil eye and any misfortune. People cleaned the yards, scraped and cleaned the house, went to the bathhouse, bought provisions, prepared lush Easter cakes and cottage cheese.

In the evening before Easter, everyone went to the temple, where a big service went on all night. That's what it's called - the general vigil. "Watch" - from the verb "watch": to be attentive, not to sleep. Children did not sleep together with their parents on this sacred night, they were also taken to the temple for a holiday, even the smallest ones.

Everyone, without exception, begins the Easter holiday in the family with the words: “Christ is risen” and answers: “Truly he is risen.”

Do you have such customs in your family? (children's answers)

2. Conversation "Easter is a bright holiday"

We are ready for the next holiday - Easter.

The heart gets used to troubles -

But when the demon rides

Comes down to us on wings

Easter bright from heaven.

Easter Russian, old,

With variegation and crowd,

Genuine, epic -

The one we celebrate as a family.

Easter is the most important holiday of the church year, the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, when people are freed from all evil. This is a holiday of hope for the future, joy, the victory of Good over Evil. God loved people so much that He came into the world to save them. He took upon himself all the bad deeds (sins) of people. But the evil people did not want Christ to save the people. They grabbed him and killed him. But Christ conquered death, He is Risen from the dead, so all people rejoice on this day and congratulate each other with the words: “Christ is Risen!” And they answer "Truly Risen!". Many non-believers also celebrate Easter, because it is the beginning of spring and the awakening of nature.

It was on this day that people could enter the church belfry and touch the magic bells, not only for adults, but also for children - this happens once a year. You can do this today too. But you can go up to the belfry when you know exactly what you want to ask. This is a request that may help someone. Not trifling, but very important: about recovery, salvation, and the like.

Ask for the most cherished, but to yourself, in complete silence.

Let's listen to beautiful music - the ringing of bells.

What mood did you get after the sound of the bell ringing? (Joyful, upbeat, festive, solemn)

How do your families prepare for Easter? (Children's answers: decorate the house, bake Easter cakes, paint eggs.)

3. Physical education.

From the holy Easter week, the first spring games and round dances begin. Let's get up in a round dance and call for spring.

Burn, sun, brighter,

Summer will be hotter

And winter is warmer

and spring is sweeter!

Mushrooms will grow in the forest.

In the garden - beans,

Rye and barley in the field.

Hops are green in the garden.

Spring, red spring!

Come, spring, with joy,

With joy, with joy

With great mercy:

With tall flax,

With a deep root

With abundant bread! (lead a round dance)

4. The game "Rolling Eggs"

On the eve of Easter, children and adults paint and paint eggs. The egg is a symbol of the sun, spring and the birth of a new life, clean, bright, a symbol of hope.

Look at our holiday table. There are pysanky and krashenki. - What is the difference? Show where are Easter eggs (painted eggs), and where are Easter eggs (just painted eggs).

On Easter they play with eggs. And we will play one such game "Egg Rolling" Whose egg rolls further down the hill, he will win.

(folk music playing)

This dish has a variety of pysanky and krashenka. All of you will now come up to him in turn and take one egg at a time with your eyes closed. And I will reveal the secret meaning of the egg you got, what awaits you next year.

(Children take turns coming up and taking one egg with their eyes closed, the teacher explains its meaning to everyone.)

Red - red is the color of joy, next year joy awaits you.

Green - symbolizes spring and nature. You will be in a spring mood all year long.

Variegated - from freckles.

With pine - from illness, for health. You be healthy.

With yellow ears - for the harvest.

With a house - for a housewarming party.

With an oak leaf - you will be strong.

With a bunny - this symbol means courage.

With an angel - for good, from evil. Goodness will accompany you throughout the year.

With a star - means that you will be good and obedient.

Here's what we've got in store for you next year.

5. Productive activity

Guys, do you want to cook Easter painted eggs for your family?

We have everything ready for work, I suggest you show your imagination and paint the silhouettes of eggs for the Easter Holiday with an interesting pattern.

( Children under the audio recording "Easter Blagovest" paint eggs)

6. Summing up

Look at your work (exhibition)

How wonderful are your souvenirs?

What were you thinking while preparing them?

With what feelings did you decorate Easter eggs?

I think that your souvenirs are wonderful, marvelous, magical, beautiful.

Well done, you have worked very well, and the result of your work is your souvenirs that you will give to your family and friends with the best heartfelt wishes on Easter.

"Easter - Bright Resurrection of Christ" (summary of the lesson in the preparatory group)

Target: enrich the social experience of children, introduce them to the customs and traditions of the holiday.

Tasks: Arouse children's interest in folk culture. To acquaint preschoolers with the celebration of Easter, its history. Tell about the customs and rituals associated with it. Clarify the meaning of new words: Easter, Easter egg, Easter cake, resurrection, bell ringing. To acquaint children with the peculiarities of celebrating Easter in other countries of the world.

To cultivate respect for the traditions of the Russian people, folk art.

Preparatory work: talks about folk holidays, looking at illustrations, learning poems, round dance games and songs about Easter.

Lesson progress:

teacher: today we have an unusual lesson with you. We will talk about the most important holiday of the Christian church - Easter. It is called the Feast of Feasts and the Celebration of Celebrations.

People were preparing for this holiday for 7 weeks - 49 days. And the week before Easter was called Great, or Passionate.

Listen: The Son of God came into this world to save people. He preached Love and the Kingdom of Heaven, created many miracles, healed and resurrected people. Many rejoiced at the appearance of Christ. But there were those who did not believe in his holiness. They tried to stop Jesus from talking about God's Kingdom. Among the leaders of that time there were many who hated Christ and desired to get rid of Him. Judas, one of the disciples of the Lord, decided to hand over Christ to these evil people. He approached his Master and kissed Him. It was a sign. Jesus was immediately taken into custody. And Judas received 30 silver coins for this. Thus, he sold his Master.

Cruel, evil people decided to kill Jesus Christ. For a long time they tormented him, demanding that he renounce his teaching, saying that he invented everything, and that he was not the son of God. But Jesus did not renounce his teaching - after all, God really was his father, and he had unlimited faith in what he preached to people.

The torturers put a wreath of thorny branches on Jesus' head. Jesus Christ did not refuse his words, he endured everything, because he loved the people with all his heart, wanted to help him, teach him to live according to his conscience.

Enemies tortured him to death - nailed him to the cross - crucified on the cross.

Jesus Christ was executed on Friday. This was watched by his mother Maria and his closest students. They could not change anything, although their hearts were torn with grief. Everyone dispersed, night fell, the followers of Jesus removed him dead from the cross and carried him to the cave. The legend says: at this time the earth trembled and stones fell from rocks and mountains. For people it was the saddest and most mournful day. Today this day is called GOOD FRIDAY.

In the morning, Mary and his disciples came to the cave where they left the body of Jesus, the cave was empty. A miracle happened - Father God resurrected, returned life to his son. Jesus Christ is risen. This day began to be called Light

Joy swept over the people. Since then we have been celebrating Easter - the holiday of the Resurrection. The Lord conquered death and showed that for those who believe in Him and live according to His commandments, there is neither death nor hell.

(The teacher's story is accompanied by illustrations)

How Easter was celebrated


In Rus', the ringing of bells sounded throughout the Easter week. Any person, and especially children, had the opportunity to strike the bell by climbing the bell tower.

Booths were broken on the squares, roundabouts and swings were installed. The whole week passed in joyful meetings, people received guests, exchanged Easter eggs made of transparent glass, wood, crystal, porcelain, etc. Eggs were made by village craftsmen and jewelry firms. Confectioneries sold sugar and chocolate eggs.

Children look at illustrations of Easter eggs: made of wood, bone, shell, stone, thread, porcelain, metal, decorated with beads, precious stones, etc.

Easter traditions

The bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ has its own traditions, customs, symbols and ancient rituals associated with them.

Easter fire, spring water of the stream, a wreath, eggs, Easter cakes - all these are symbols of the Great Day and have roots in the distant past.

Preparing for Easter, people are filled with joy and faith. The hostesses prepared very carefully and in advance for the Great Easter. They cleaned the house, dyed eggs, baked Easter cakes, prepared delicious dishes, made Easter from cottage cheese, and took out elegant clothes from chests. From Maundy Thursday, a favorite action begins - coloring and painting eggs. A lot of meaning is invested in simple patterns. Wavy lines are sea-oceans. The circle is a bright sun.

When a holiday came, the whole family went to church, then they either received guests or went to visit. People had fun, feasted, rejoiced, exchanged colored eggs. The symbol of Easter is a red egg. They said to each other: "Christ is risen!" - "Truly risen!".

The table for Easter was filled with various dishes, Easter cakes. Everyone who came to the house had to be watered, fed, warmed.

It was necessary to prepare a lot of eggs: for fun games, for gifts to friends and family.

The children look at the eggs. An explanation is given for the concepts of "krasnki", "pysanky".

Birds settled in nests

The snow melted like a candle.

The air smells sweet,

Golden cake.

Sunny rain dripped

On this day of holy miracles,

And kiss me, mom

He says: "Christ is risen!"

Truly risen!

Easter games and entertainment

teacher: they didn’t eat colored eggs right away, at first they arranged various games with them: “Egg rolling”, “choking”, “Russian bowling”, “spin the egg”, etc.

How Easter is celebrated in other countries

Easter is one of the most wonderful and bright holidays. It is celebrated by both religious people and non-believers. At the same time, both of them try to follow the traditions and perform the rituals that came to us from our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Despite the fact that the essence of the holiday is the same for all nations, the customs are still slightly different.

Celebrate Easter in Australia taken with Easter eggs made of chocolate or sugar. Even here they like to make Easter eggs in the form of a rabbit or a rare native animal of the Australian continent - the bilby. This animal may soon become an Easter symbol of Australia. Traditionally, the Australian Easter menu consists of roast lamb, beef or chicken with roasted vegetables like potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, beans, peas or broccoli.

For dessert, the traditional sweet Australian Easter dish is a meringue cake garnished with fruit, kiwi, strawberries, pineapples and tangerines. Sweet hot buns are very popular, which Australians eat for breakfast on Easter morning before going to church.

Easter in Bulgaria

According to the Bulgarian tradition for Easter, many colored eggs are laid out around a large Easter bread.

As in Russia, Bulgarians clink their Easter eggs until one of them cracks and wish each other good luck. The luckiest one is the one whose Easter egg remains whole longer than others.

Easter in France

The main symbol of Easter in France is the bell.

Only in France can you find Easter decorations and gifts in the form of fish and bells.

Houses are decorated with colorful garlands and red ribbons.

Easter in Poland

One of the old traditions is “wet Monday” – on Monday all Poles try to generously pour water on each other. Water pours on heads from everywhere: from windows, balconies, packages filled with water “explode” on pavements, in subway cars, but everyone is happy and no one complains.

Staying dry on this “wet” day is considered an extremely bad omen - water brings health, profit in the household and good luck.

Easter in Sweden

Residents of Sweden decorate their homes for Easter with Easter flower beds - yellow, green and white. In their homes, the inhabitants of Sweden install yellow chickens everywhere. Swedes eat almost the same food at Easter that they prefer at Christmas, but this time they pay much more attention to candies and other sweets. They make Easter eggs out of cardboard, and put a large candy inside each egg.

teacher: Easter is a time of joy, a celebration of victory over death, sorrow and sadness.

You learned a lot about Easter in class. Tell your parents about it, share it with your friends.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The sun is shining from heaven!

The dark forest has turned green

Christ is truly risen!

Spring has come - it's time for miracles,

The spring murmurs - Christ is risen!

There are no words brighter in the world -

"Truly, Christ is risen!"

Integration of areas: knowledge, artistic creativity (decoupage, experimentation.

Tasks: 1) introduce children to Easter

2) to develop in children an interest in learning Russian traditions through Russian. folk games, arts and crafts

3) to cultivate love for the history of the holiday.

Materials: various Easter cards, illustrations, boiled eggs,

napkins, egg white. audio recording "Easter Blagovest"

Lesson progress:

Educator: - Guys, let's remember the national holidays. What national holidays do you know? (children's answers)

Right; New Year, Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter, Trinity are the holidays that people still remember and try to follow some traditions.

On New Year's Eve they put up a Christmas tree, on Christmas they spend fortune-telling, on Trinity they revere, praise the birch, on Maslenitsa they bake pancakes and burn the effigy of Maslenitsa saying goodbye to winter.

What do they do for Easter? (children's answers)

Yes, guys, it’s really customary for Easter to paint eggs and exchange them, bake Easter cakes.

Easter is the most important holiday for Christians. People have been preparing for Easter for a very long time, and this preparation is called Great Lent. These days you can not eat meat, milk, eggs. And at this time, each person should think about himself, about his deeds good and bad, about good and not so good deeds, and must understand what he did wrong, badly and, if possible, correct it.

On this bright and kind holiday - Easter, bells rang in all churches, in a special, solemn way, this ringing is called "Easter Annunciation".

(recorded bell sounds)

Guys, maybe some of you know the name - Jesus Christ?

Who is this? (children's answers)

Yes, guys, for believing Christians, Jesus Christ is God. He helps people in difficult times. Easter is a celebration of the glorification of Jesus Christ. Once upon a time, Jesus lived on earth and did a lot of good things for people, helped the sick and the poor. And most importantly taught to love loved ones, people and God. The people loved Jesus Christ very much, but people are different: proud, envious, angry. These people hated Jesus and decided to destroy him. They seized and crucified him on a cross. When Jesus died, he was buried in a cave. But a miracle happened three days later, Jesus was resurrected. And on this day people began to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And on Easter day, people greet each other with the exclamation "Christ is Risen!"

And now guys I have a task for you. We made an application "Easter egg". I took our appliqué and cut it into several pieces. And your task is to assemble an application from parts.

D / and "Assemble the whole from parts"

Well done, did the job, Now tell me, who knows how to paint eggs? (children's answers)

Correctly eggs are painted with special paint. In the past, eggs were dyed in onion skins or in an infusion of herbs. Eggs dyed the same color are called eggs. There were also pysanky - eggs painted by hand with patterns. And village craftsmen prepared wooden Easter eggs for Easter. The pastry shops sold chocolate and sugar eggs. And jewelers created eggs from porcelain and crystal, gold and silver. Now they make gift eggs from beads, knitted eggs, decoupage eggs.

Do you guys know why they gave each other eggs? Because the egg is a symbol of life. The red egg was considered a symbol of a new day, a new life.

Guys, let's try to paint eggs in onion skins.

(dyeing eggs, (safety talk)

Even the guys in the old days, people organized festivities and games on Easter. Let's play a game called "Egg rolling"

Egg rolling game

Guys, let's see our eggs are probably already stained, you need to carefully pull them out of the water.

Well guys, did we manage to color the eggs? (answers)

And in order to make our eggs even more beautiful, let's decorate them.

Decorating eggs using decoupage technique. (demonstration of postcards, stickers)

Guys, look where the drawing is located on the egg. (answers)

That's right, well done. The drawing is located on the entire surface of the egg or in the center of the egg. Take napkins in your hands and carefully cut out the pattern that you like. Now we apply the drawing to the egg, where it seems to you, it will be better and with a brush we apply egg white to the drawing. Now put the eggs in and let them dry. Look how beautiful our eggs turned out. So, are we ready for the holidays? (children's answers)

Well done guys, and you know that they also played hide and seek on Easter, but this is not just hide and seek. One of the adults went out into the garden in the morning with gifts and hid them. Waking up, the children ran to the garden to look for gifts.

Guys, do you remember that we prepared gifts for our guests? But this morning I decided to play Hide and Seek with you and hid the gifts. And you must find them. I'll even give you a little hint.

Tell me which tree blooms first in spring? (children's answers)

Faith is correct. Now look carefully around. Do we have a willow branch in the group? (children are looking for willow and gifts)

Giving gifts to guests

Children's choice of egg silhouette and independent creative activity, individual assistance in the course of work.

Educator: We have everything ready for work, I suggest you show your imagination and paint the silhouettes of eggs for the Easter Holiday with an interesting pattern.

Outcome - analysis:

Your Easter eggs turned out to be a bright, colorful pattern, your relatives will be happy with such a gift, because it is made from the heart.

How I love Easter! On the bright holiday of Sunday

Get ready for Thursday Gift to my friends

Grandma paints testicles On the testicle with congratulations

I will help her too. And I’ll say: “I painted it myself!”

On a fragile, thin shell

For people, for beauty,

I paint with a brush quietly:

Cross, sun, flowers.

In the old days, if pine elements were painted on an egg, it meant that they wished longevity to the one who was given this egg.

Star - moral purity, philanthropy.

Cockscomb - for the harvest.

Flowers are a symbol of beauty.

The dots are a symbol of fertility.

natalia khatipova

Synopsis of the integrated GCD for the implementation of the educational area "Knowledge", "Artistic Creativity" in the preparatory group.

Theme: "Easter has come to visit us"

executor: educator: Khatipova N.V.

head of the art studio: Bocharova E.R.

Target: to introduce children to the Easter holiday - this is a holiday of glorification of Jesus Christ;

Cognition: explain the content of the Orthodox Easter holiday;

talk about the festive traditional preparations of Christians and the celebration of Easter;

Communication: to promote the development of a monologue form of speech;

Reading fiction: improve the development of artistic perception;

Artistic creativity: to promote the development of children's creativity by painting eggs with paints using a feather, a "pysanka" (wooden stick.) to consolidate knowledge of the symbols used in painting eggs, to paint eggs on their own

Music: familiarization with the art of music through listening: "Easter bell ringing", "folk choral chants";

Socialization: familiarization with the traditions of the Russian people.

Educational: educate interest in Russian customs.

GCD progress:

1 part: Play: Hello, dear guests, guys!

We gathered together in a circle!

I am your friend and you are my friend!

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other!

What do friends usually do?

Kids are playing.

V-l: So today we will play a journey. Do you love to travel? And where we will travel, I will tell a little later. In the meantime, look what a nice sunny day is outside the window and here we are warm and joyful from our smiles. Hear (audio recording of sounds of nature is turned on). What enchanting sounds. What time of the year are such sounds typical for (children reason).

W: Exactly right. This spring has come to us and brought warmth, nature is awakening from its winter sleep. How do you understand the expression "awakening of nature" (reasoning of children)

Vosp-l: Spring air is fresh and clean

Here is the green leaf.

The earth is visible in the thawed patches

Around the streams run, ringing.

Band of free sparrows

The crow is driven from the bushes.

Spring is preparing its parade.

The whole world is happy about spring!

Vosp-l: Spring is a holiday! And what spring holidays do you know (children list). Guys, spring has brought us another big and bright holiday, which is always celebrated once a year on Sunday. Guessed?

Children: It's Easter.

W: Exactly right. Easter is the most important holiday for Christians. Day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Maybe some of you are familiar with this name - Jesus Christ? Tell me about him. (Children voluntarily tell, children were given small passages from the life of Jesus Christ to their homes in advance and they got to know their parents together). Easter is a celebration of the victory of good over evil, a holiday in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Therefore, all people rejoice and congratulate each other with the words: “Christ is risen!”, “Truly risen!”

And who will read us poems dedicated to this beautiful day (children read poetry)

This holiday is kind and bright

He brings us hope.

All children will be happy

Yes, all honest people.

Happiness, joy and pours

And people say:

The holiday is called Easter

Easter is such a ritual!

From the country of a distant swallow fly,

They chirp merrily, people say:

"People, wake up! Spring is coming to us!

And with spring and Easter brings joy to us!


People glorify that holiday

With kind words and regards

people hugging

“Christ lives! Christ is Risen!"-

Brings a warm breeze.

Easter is so wonderful

Every heart has a lesson!

V-l: Well done, guys! These wonderful poems were written by E. Shalamova. Guys, which of you, in your families, celebrate this glorious day? Tell me please. (children talk).

On this day, it is customary to give Easter eggs to relatives and friends. The Easter egg is a symbol of life. (shows a dish of Easter eggs). This holiday was very revered by our ancestors. Who are the ancestors? (children talk). Our ancestors, Russian people, always celebrated Easter solemnly and cheerfully, but in a slightly different way than we, modern people. Do you want to know how Easter was celebrated in the old days?

V-l: Then let's go with you on an excursion into the past. This will be our journey, which I told you about at the beginning of the lesson. Time travel. Let's stand in a circle, hold hands tightly. They say the sun shines on Easter. If the sky is clear, blue, then there will be a good harvest. Let's call the sun, it will help us to be in the past. (children walk in a circle, saying)

The sun is red, burn, burn bright!

Fly into the sky like a bird

Light up our land

Swim into the sky like a fish

Revive our land!

Warm up all the children in the world, heal!

Help to be in the past!

(magic music sounds - then a bell chime-audio recording is heard and round dance chants as a background)

2 part: The teacher with the children goes to the other half of the group, cleaned in the strength of the Russian hut. The Hostess (the head of the art studio, dressed in a Russian folk costume) comes out to meet them with children dressed in Russian folk costumes.

Educate: Hello, hostess, little kids (bow)

Hoz-ka: Hello, dear guests: good fellows, red girls! You are welcome, please come in. Guests are always welcome in my house.

Child (in Russian folk costume): This bright week

You here, in your light,

We are glad to invite you, friends!

We will be one family

Happy Easter!

Vos-l: Thank you for the kind word, for the invitation. And what is your name, dear hostess?

Housekeeper: So they call me grandmother Arina, and these are my granddaughters, assistants and a mischievous granddaughter. And who will you be, dear guests? Where did you come from? Your clothes are painfully outlandish.

Vos-l: We have come to you from the future. We want to know how you celebrate Easter. Maybe you can help us?

Household : Why not help. Here, sit down, we will sing, play, remember the old days.

Child: Grandmother Arina, what is this beautiful bell ringing?

Household : So after all, Easter has come to the house, children, so people rejoice. This bell ringing is called the Easter Annunciation, which means "good news", Christ is Risen!

1 child: Church bells

Resounds over Russia

And in the groove everything is alive

A cheerful stream winds.

Brighter is the morning east, how warm it is on a spring holiday!

A sprout reaches for the light,

Praise the joy of a bright Easter!

2 child: Everywhere the blessing is buzzing,

Of all the churches, the people bring down.

The dawn is already looking from heaven,

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Household Easter, kids, the most joyful holiday, the most important.

Vos-l: And what rituals are associated with this holiday?

Household So let my granddaughters tell you about it, they know everything.

Sofya: For Easter, they prepare dishes that you won’t try again during the year: they cook Easter cakes, Easter, pies, bake hams, but fish dishes are not put on the table.

Karina: Before Easter, on Maundy Thursday, they clean up the house, put on festive clothes, light chandeliers, lamps, candles in the house.

Elvina: Easter is a family holiday, but they definitely went to visit, to celebrate Christ. This is the custom of universal kissing, saying: “Christ is risen! Truly Risen, ”and presented each other with painted testicles.

Nastya: On Easter, people go to church to consecrate Easter cakes, and little guys and old people stay at home.

Vos-l: How interesting you are telling, but we also know a lot with the guys. We will tell you about Easter signs. (children say)

1. On Easter, you can’t throw and pour out the window, Christ walks under the windows.

2. Frost on the first day of Easter - to a bountiful harvest.

3. And if it rains on Easter, the spring will be rainy.

4. And if the red girl hits her elbow on Easter, then her darling remembered

Household Ah yes smarties, everything is rightly noticed. Why are we all talking, please, dear guests, to the table

Here we have a golden cake!

Painted eggs on a tray slide!

Milk in a pot, a feast like in a fairy tale!

Because the holiday is Easter!

It’s good for us to be together, and our dinner is cheerful!

Christ is risen!

All: Truly risen!

3 part.

Vos-l: Grandmother Arina, what unusual, beautiful testicles you have on the table, you can’t take your eyes off. Why are they in the grass?

Household : Expensive testicle for Christ's day. It is impossible to imagine a bright holiday without a painted egg. And young grass is the awakening of life, the beginning of spring. And why do we give each other colored eggs, you know?

Children: Because the egg is a symbol of new life, bright and clean.

Household : On the Easter holiday in Rus', they dyed eggs, painted them with all the colors of the rainbow. And what are you, granddaughters, standing on the sidelines and keeping quiet, are you shy about red girls? Well, come here and tell the guests about our Easter eggs and Easter eggs.

Child (boy in Russian folk costume)

How I love Easter!

Getting ready for Thursday

Grandma paints testicles - I will help her too!

On a fragile, thin shell

For people, for beauty I paint pysanka quietly

Cross, sun, flowers.

Here are “krashenki” - this is the name of eggs painted in one color, and painted with a pattern - “pysanky”, painted with spots - “specks”, but such testicles on which the pattern seems to be scratched are called “Drapanki”

Vosp-l: Guys, how interesting, right? We, modern people, also keep the tradition of painting eggs, but we do it differently. Let's show the owners modern testicles and tell them. (children talk a little about how they arrange eggs and offer attention to a dish with elegant eggs). Grandmother Arina is surprised, praises.

Vos-l (addressing "modern" children): Would you like to learn how to paint eggs yourself too? Can we ask the hostess to teach us?

Household Why not help? I see that you are good people, you are interested in what is dear to our heart. And I need helpers, because I need to paint eggs, paint, oh, how much I need: for myself, friends, neighbors, so as not to offend anyone. After all, when you paint eggs, it’s as if you forget about all the bad things and dream only about the good and the good. Let's go, dear guests, to this room, and then let's start.

(the story of the head of the art studio about the methods, methods of coloring, tools, showing samples, independent work of children)

Household (after completion of the work): And the Russian people also came up with many games with krashenka and pysanky. Before you eat an egg, you need to play with it:

Well, show off your skill!

My job is very easy.

It's entirely possible for anyone.

Take an egg, put it in a spoon

And run with it for a while.

Whoever runs first is the winner!

P / and "Egg in a spoon"

Vos-l: From Easter in Rus', fun entertainment began: both old and young rode carousels, danced round dances, played folk games. Let's play the Russian folk game "Nikanorikha" with you.

Vosp-l: How fun and joyful we had a time, right, guys? How many new things did we learn, thank you, Grandma Arina, kids.

Household Yes, for nothing, hello! What do you remember most about visiting me?

Vos-l: What is the first thing you want to tell your parents? True, a beautiful Russian holiday (children share their impressions, talk about what they heard and saw).

Vosp-l: People, illuminated by the holiday, look at the world with a smile and believe that everything will be better after Easter. Let's try to make our world cleaner and kinder!

(At the end of the lesson, a festive tea party).