Advisory points in the dow for parents. Establishment of a counseling center in a dow

List of documentation

advisory point:

1. Regulations on the advisory point

2.Order to open an advisory center

3.Order on the enrollment of children and their parents in the advisory center

4. Applications of parents for permission to visit a counseling center

5. A plan for conducting educational activities with children and parents (legal representatives), which is developed by specialists of the preschool educational institution for the academic year and approved by its head. During the school year, at the request of parents (legal representatives), changes may be made to the document;

6. Annual performance report;

7. Journal of accounting for the work of the advisory point;

8. Journal of attendance of consultations, master classes, trainings;

9. Schedule of work of the advisory point;

10. Agreement between the parent (legal representative) and the head of the preschool educational institution;

11.Data bank of children not enrolled in preschool education.


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution - kindergarten of the combined type No. 2 "Skazka" Shagonar, Republic of Tyva


Questionnaire for parents "Do you know your child?"

Dear parents!

In order to organize effective interaction with teachers of a preschool educational organization on the upbringing and development of your child, we suggest answering the questions of this questionnaire.

Fills out the form:



other family member ______________________________________________________________ .

Child's age (full) ____________________________________________________________.

Who does the child live with? (family composition) _____________________________________________

What diseases did the child have, does he have chronic diseases? __________________________________________________________________________________

Who in your family is responsible for raising the child? _______________________________

Which of the family members does the child prefer in the process of communication? __________________________________________________________________________________

What does the child like to do at home (play, draw, take care of pets, etc.)? ________________________________________________________________________

Does your child like:


engage in physical culture;

sing, play music;

play outdoor games;

listen to stories, fairy tales;

perform various tasks independently and together with adults;

play with other children;

clean up toys

to go for a walk;

observe plants, animals, insects;

go to the grocery store;

participate in dramatizations, public speaking.

Does the child have favorite toys? Which? ______________________________________

Why, in your opinion, does the child single out these toys? ______________________

Do you play with your child? __________________________________________________

During the game, do you accept the rules that the child suggests, or dictate your own? __________________________________________________________________________________

Are there educational activities for the child at home? Which? _______________________

What do you call your child in everyday life? ____________________________

How often do you praise your child? For what? _______________________________________

How often do you punish a child? For what? ____________________________________________

What positive qualities of your child can you name? ___________________

What character traits of your child bother you? ______________________________

Does your child have fears? Which? __________________________________________

Do you think your child is capable? __________________________________________

What abilities does he show? ___________________________________________

How does the child behave at home and outside the home? __________________________

Are you interested in what your child did in kindergarten? ________________________

Do you experience difficulties in the process of raising a child? _______________________

What kind of specialists of a preschool educational organization would you like to receive help from:


speech therapist teacher;

musical director;

physical education instructor;

other specialist (specify) __________________________________________________________.


Registration log

parents (legal representatives) visiting the counseling center
MBDOU - kindergarten of the combined type No. 2 MO "Skazka"


"Artists in diapers" - this is serious!

An unusual exhibition could be seen in the hall of the Central Children's Republican Library in Moscow: the paintings presented to the surprised public belonged to the brushes of artists, some of whom were barely a year old.

Meanwhile, many art lovers would gladly decorate the walls of their apartments and offices with such picturesque fantasies!

Candidate of Medical Sciences, pediatrician Maria GMOSHINSKAYA tells about how and why to paint with babies.

As you know, the close relationship between mother and child persists after the birth of the baby. One of the manifestations of "conscious motherhood" can be considered the duration of breastfeeding. The longer it lasts, the closer the contact between mother and child. As our experience of working with parents shows, the desire to engage with children at an early age is more often shown by those mothers who feed their children up to 6 months or more. If the termination of breastfeeding was due to reasons beyond the control of the mother (for example, illness of her or the child), mothers often feel guilty towards the child. Joint creativity helps to remove this feeling of guilt in the future. Creative contact, which can be established, as practice shows, very early (at 4-6 months), can help create a positive emotional background if it is necessary to stop breastfeeding prematurely, as well as when it stops naturally at the age of a child older than 1-1, 5 years.

In practice, we have seen that work with paints should be started from six months. Later - it is possible, earlier - it does not make sense.

By six months, the child is no longer enough simple attention from adults. He needs to do something with an adult. At this age, an adult attracts a baby due to his ability to act with objects. The main means of communication, in addition to expressive-mimic, are objective actions and movements (postures, gestures). At the same time, it should be taken into account that in children of the second half of the year of life, the attitude towards close and outside adults differs qualitatively. After 6 months, children are hard pressed by the absence of the mother, while her presence stimulates the cognitive interest and research activity of the child.

The first year is considered the pre-speech period of the child's development, but during this period conditions and prerequisites for the development of speech are created: understanding the speech of an adult (passive speech); development of pre-speech vocalizations (working out future speech articulation). In the second half of the year, speech sounds are differentiated: timbre and tone stand out in them. An intensive formation of phonemic hearing begins, as a result of which children by the age of one begin to distinguish the words of an adult, understand their meaning, and also understand the meaning of actions.

The basis for the organization of joint creativity is the relationship of the child to the adult. A child of 6 months is ready for joint creativity with paints. In the presence of the mother, the child feels confident in his abilities and boldly examines a new object (paint), learns to manipulate it. The adult (instructor) acts as a collaborative partner. Since a child after 6 months (especially at 8-10 months) begins to understand the speech of an adult, he quickly understands what needs to be done with the paint. The emotional background of classes, as in the first half of life, is very important. The methodologist needs to understand the child, try not to evoke negative emotions in him, and establish contact with him.


The purpose of such activities is to maintain contact between mother and child through creative activities.


1. Development of color perception.

2. Sensory development.

3. Development of fine motor skills.

4. Psycho-emotional development.

5. Prevention of deviant (deviant) forms of behavior in subsequent age periods.

Materials and equipment:

Wax crayons;

Felt pens (thick, water-based);

Oil pastel;

Gouache (domestic, certified, non-toxic; watercolor paints on honey are not suitable, as they can cause allergies in a child);

Brushes No. 10; 22; 24;

White paper, wallpapers, posters;

Colored paper;

Drawing paper (preferably whatman paper);

Colored cardboard;

Ordinary thin cardboard;

Scissors with blunt ends;

Litter (oilcloth);



Lids from under jars with baby food (palette);


All this must be put in a box and kept out of the reach of the child.

1. Before starting work with the baby, prepare only what is needed directly in the lesson. The first condition for successful classes with children is that everything you need must be prepared in advance.

2. Duration of classes - 5-20 minutes or more, depending on the age, mood and desire of the child. You can offer to work out only after two years, when the baby already understands what the words “let's spit” or “let's draw” mean. (At 2-3 years old, the question “what do you want to do?” Can confuse a child. He wants to do everything. Yes, exactly everything that is offered to him. If you and your baby started sculpting, but it’s not going well, you should finish sculpting. You wanted to make a snowman, rolled up one ball, but the kid doesn’t want to.Don’t force it, smile: “Look, the ball turned out white!” Suggest to the child: “Let's draw a lot of balls!” And the kid will gladly start drawing.)

3. Lessons are individual. Group lessons with 2-3 pairs of "mother - child" are possible only after the child gets used to the methodologist and masters the technique of working with paints.

4. Before starting work, the child must be full and in a good mood.

5. Work with paints is carried out at the desk. It is unacceptable to use a dining table for working with paints, since a child from the first drawing lesson must understand that paints cannot be eaten.

6. We do not use water, because the child can spill it or drink it.

7. Before the start of the lesson, the child is put on an apron designed for drawing, and its purpose is explained.

8. The mother holds the child in her arms, the methodologist is next to the mother.

9. Mandatory contact "eye to eye", especially in verbal communication.

10. At the first lesson, the child is shown 1-2 colors (yellow, orange or green), they explain that these are colors and they are not eaten.

11. The child is told that the paint can be taken out of the jar with your hands, touched with your fingers.

12. Be sure to name the color of the paint, after which they offer a sheet of paper and ask the baby to "leave a mark on it."

13. After the end of the lesson, praise the baby.

14. It is necessary to wash the hands of yourself and the child, remove the paper, paints in a place inaccessible to the child.

15. After 3-4 classes, the child can be seated at a separate table, while the mother and the methodologist are next to the child.

16. In the first months, classes are held no more than once a week, since the emotional burden on the child can be great.

17. After the child has mastered the skills of drawing, you can leave everything you need on the desktop so that, if the child wishes, you can start work without delay. Children love working with paints and ask their parents to give paints. The main thing at the same time is that the child masters the basic sequence of actions: preparing for drawing (putting on overalls), working with paint, washing hands.

Drawing technique

Up to a year, fingers and palms are used when drawing. The child can work with both the right and left hand. After a year, the child can be given a brush No. 22-24 and, after a few lessons, offered to work at the easel. The brush can frighten the baby, so first you should play with the brush, stroke the child’s hand with it, invite him to stroke the paper with the brush. All actions of an adult must be accompanied by words. You can ask the baby to draw on a sheet of paper, first with a dry brush, and then with a wet one.

The child's attention should be drawn to the fact that a wet brush leaves a mark. Next, paint should be offered. Red paint can scare a child. It is better to offer orange or yellow. According to our observations, all children in the first days, when working with a brush, took it by the end, and not by the working part (that is, in the way they usually take a spoon). After a few lessons, children, as a rule, already hold the brush correctly.

First, we offer children an A4 sheet (regardless of age), and then an A3 sheet. For children older than one year, we offer a separate brush for each paint. We use primary colors and white in our work. The child chooses the color of the paint. You can offer to draw on tinted paper or on colored cardboard.

Evaluation of children's work

The total assessment of the “drawings” of children was carried out according to 4 indicators (with a three-point system):

The attitude of the mother to the creative work of the child,

The attitude of the child to this type of activity,

The percentage of filling the sheet,

The number of colors used.

Undoubtedly, the methodologist, the degree of his preparation, influences the first drawing of the child. This is clearly seen when comparing the total indicators of children's drawings at the initial stage and with an already well-established methodology, when the verbal contact of the methodologist with the child acquired the leading role. The first drawings of four children who began to draw at the age of 5-6 months did not exceed 8-9 points, which was primarily due to the imperfection of the methodology itself (the child was offered only one paint; attempts were made to teach the child to leave a mark on paper). Over the past 2 years since the beginning of work with children, we have learned, first of all, verbal communication with a child (from 6-7 months). At the same time, the contact of the methodologist with the child "eye to eye" has a great influence.

It should be noted that infants up to a year “draw” very actively, however, 5 out of 30 children were involved in the process of “drawing” not from the first, but from the second or third lesson. We observed six children whose sheet completion, as a rule, did not exceed 25-30%, and 11 children whose sheet completion percentage was consistently above 75%.

In general, the work of children with paints in infancy is determined by the attitude of the mother to the very process of the “creativity” of the child, the individual characteristics of the child, the degree of preparedness of the methodologists, as well as the creative environment and the ability of the methodologist to come into contact with the child and mother.

External factors have a lesser influence on the activity of infants compared to children older than a year. But in children under one year old, the symptom of “cancellation” is very pronounced, when active children (7 out of 20), who missed 1-2 months of classes, treated the process of drawing as a new, unknown type of activity when they were resumed. Perhaps this is connected not only and not so much with a break in classes, but with the maturation of the child himself and the transition of the creative process to a new stage of conscious activity. A child older than a year begins to be interested not only in the process of working with paints, but also in its result. A child of one and a half years of 2-3 freshly drawn drawings presented to him highlights his own. The process of drawing causes positive emotions in the child. Among the children who began to draw after 1-1.5 years, only 5 children did not arouse interest in this activity.

The percentage of sheet filling and the amount of paint used in children older than 1-1.5 years are also influenced by external factors. We noted the reluctance of children to draw in a new environment (on an easel); periodic refusal to draw with lack of sleep, teething; reduced activity of children in the presence of strangers and during video filming. The well-being and mood of the mother play a role. With insufficient activity of the mother, her fatigue, lethargy, bad mood, children refuse to draw or draw little. The choice of color also depends on the internal state of the child: when crying, the child prefers red, at a high temperature - black, after the temperature normalizes, the child usually uses yellow and green colors. The percentage of filling out the sheet depends on the activity of the mother, her ability to develop in the child an interest in joint creativity. At the same time, the child develops a kind of “revival” complex when he begins to actively work with paints.

In one lesson, a child aged 1.5-2.5 years during the period of "creative upsurge" can make 2-3 drawings, while babies rarely draw on more than one sheet. We observed a 9.5-month-old girl who constantly worked on an A3 sheet. Among 30 babies, we identified 10 children who are constantly actively drawing.

On the whole, the works of infants (children under one year old) differ from the drawings of older children primarily in their attitude to the very process of creativity - for them it is rather an acquaintance with paints as a material for research.

The result of working with paints depends on the "artistic experience" of the child, well-being, external conditions, and age affects the quality of the image. From the age of one and a half, after mastering the technique of drawing (fingers, brush, hand), the child tries to create his own drawing technique (drawing with a pencil on paint, smearing paint with caps, rolling paint on paper with a pencil). After a year, sometimes earlier, the child begins to “draw” with a brush (No. 22, 24). From the age of one and a half, the child tries to name what he has depicted.

It should be noted that the percentage of completion of the sheet, as a rule, does not depend on the duration of the work. The older the child, the faster he can complete the sheet. The duration of work can be calculated in seconds (15-30) and reach up to 3-40 minutes.

As an example, we can cite the results of the analysis of the work of Alexei B. (2.5 years). The boy has been drawing with his mother and grandmother since the age of 5.5 months. The first drawing was made with green paint with fingers and occupied no more than 50% of the sheet. The total score of the first drawing is 8 points out of 12 possible (mainly due to the number of colors used and the percentage of sheet filling). For 2 years the child has drawn more than 200 works. 125 drawings were analyzed (from 5.5 months to 2.5 years). The child drew in individual lessons, at home, and from the age of two he actively drew in group lessons with children. According to the parents, the child loves to draw at home, especially when in a bad mood and during illness. At high temperatures, when teething, it usually uses black, and when the temperature drops, it uses yellow and green; when excited, uses red. The child's favorite color is green.

Already in infancy, the boy was actively “drawing”, mixing paints, the percentage of filling the sheet was, as a rule, 50% or more, the total score was constant: 10 out of 12 points. It is very rare that a child refuses to draw, and the refusal is noted, as a rule, during filming. The boy likes the result of the activity. At a year and a half, he found his own out of several drawings (three) and at the same time slapped his chest.


1. The activity of the child in the process of "drawing" depends on the activity of the mother.

2. Working with paints causes positive emotions and removes negative ones - both in the child and in the mother.

3. The earlier work with paints is started, the more perfect it is by 2.5 years.

4. With age, the “drawing” technique changes.

5. After mastering the basic methods of "drawing", the child can use any kind of technique (regardless of age). Children who have passed the stage of infant drawing, as a rule, do not have a fear of getting their hands dirty.

6. The percentage of completion of the sheet in infancy does not depend on the duration of work.

7. There are favorite colors, individual for the child.

8. By the age of one and a half, children, as a rule, name what they wanted to portray.

9. After a year (sometimes up to a year), when drawing, children willingly use a brush.

Lesson 1

Goal: Introduction to primary colors.

1. The game "Young Artist". Toddlers are given cards with various objects. Their task is to determine what colors these objects can be painted with (flowers - yellow, white, blue, red; Christmas tree - green, etc.).

2. Drawing with a pencil on paper (the kid is offered to draw what he wants).

3. Homework: drawing with colored pencils.

Lesson 2


Continued acquaintance with the primary colors (yellow, red, blue), as well as green, black, white;

Teach your child to use paints (gouache) and brushes.


Color a sheet of paper (1/2 regular size) in any color the child wishes. (Gouache, brush number 10.)

Lesson 3

Purpose: to teach the child to mix colors.


1. Take a little paint (for example, yellow) and add a little blue, mix.

2. The child must determine what color is obtained.

3. Invite the baby to experiment.

The work is carried out on paper of a regular format, paints - gouache, brush No. 10.

Lesson 4

Purpose: mixing primary colors with white, obtaining various shades.


1. Color the fan.

2. Color the fan with transitional tones (for example, from red, adding white, to white).

Lessons 5, 6, 7

"The brush walks on paper"

Purpose: to teach a child to use a brush, to select a background.


Lesson 5 - picture "Falling snow".

Lesson 6 - "Flowers in the meadow."

Lesson 7 - "Traces of unseen animals."

Benefits: colored cardboard.

Lesson 8

(The final lesson from the cycle "Primary colors")


Draw a rainbow (with the help of mom).

Work on white paper or cardboard, paints - gouache, brush number 6.

Lessons 9-10

Purpose: comparison of objects in size (large - small, high - low, short - long).

Benefits: building materials, dolls, toys of various sizes, ribbons of various lengths, colored pencils.


1. Build a house from building materials for large and small dolls. Determine which house is high and which is low.

2. Games: “The bear is big, the bunny is small” (children represent hares and bears); "Roll up the ribbon" (long and short).

3. Draw straight lines with pencils, different in length.

Lesson 11

Purpose: drawing straight lines with paints, different in color and length.

Benefits: a bag made of paper, paint - gouache, brush number 6.


Color the gift bag for dolls.

Lesson 12


Geometric puzzle game: use different geometric shapes to put together a picture. You should pay your child's attention to the difference in size, colors.

Lesson 13

Purpose: drawing with paints of snowflakes, stars in the sky.

Benefits: colored blue or blue cardboard, black tinted paper, gouache, brush number 6.


Draw snowflakes in the blue sky, stars in the black.

During these classes, it is necessary to draw the attention of children to snowflakes and stars of various shapes and sizes.

After completing the work, the children compare the drawings, determine who has the largest stars and snowflakes, and who has the smallest ones.

Lesson 14

Objective: To introduce the concept of form.

Benefits: objects of various shapes (rectangular milk bags; cubes, plastic balls, sticks, pyramids of various colors and sizes), paper or cardboard, gouache, brush No. 6.


1. Playing with objects, molds of various sizes, colors, shapes. Building pyramids.

2. Finish your drawings (lesson 13) or draw new ones: a winter landscape - snowdrifts, falling snow.

Lessons 15-16

Purpose: drawing round objects.


Drawing with paints of pictures: "Dandelion", "Dancing flowers", "Sleeping flowers".

During the classes, draw the child's attention to the color, size, shape of the objects depicted by him, the ratio of the color of the picture and the background.

Lesson 17


Comparison of rounded objects by color, size;

Teach your child to work with stencils of geometric shapes.

Benefits: writing paper, stencils of circles of various sizes, colored pencils, felt-tip pens.

Lesson 18

Purpose: to teach a child to draw dots with paints.

Benefits: paper bag, gouache, brush number 6.


Decorate the bag with dots - small circles of different colors.

Lesson 19

Purpose: Acquaintance with geometric shapes: triangle, square, quadrilateral.

Manuals for classes 19-21: geometric lotto, colored paper, glue stick, cardboard.


Geometric puzzle game: use different geometric shapes to put together a picture. You should pay attention to the child for differences in sizes and colors.

Sessions 20, 21 (continuation of session 19)


1. What objects are in the form of a triangle, circle, square, quadrangle?

2. Applications using various geometric shapes - composing from parts of a whole.

Lesson 22

Purpose: acquaintance with the concepts of "vertex", "angle", "side".

Benefits: application with geometric shapes (with highlighting sides, vertices, corners), geometric shapes of various sizes.


On geometric figures, be able to determine the side, vertex, angle.

Lesson 23

Purpose: drawing with paints of various shapes of objects.

Benefits: drawing paper, gouache, brush number 6.


1. Draw apples, plums, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.

2. Determine how these objects differ from each other (in size, shape, color).

Session 24

Purpose: drawing geometric shapes using stencils.


1. Draw geometric shapes using stencils.

2. Color them in different colors.

The cycle of classes "Spatial arrangement of figures"

Lesson 25

Purpose: acquaintance with the spatial concepts of "on" and "under", "one" and "many".


Draw two trees: on the first one - one apple, under the second - a lot of apples. (The contour of the tree is drawn by the mother, the child paints.)

Lesson 26

Purpose: familiarity with the concepts of "in", "near", "inside", "outside".

Benefits: boxes, toys, nesting dolls.


1. Put the toys in the box next to the box.

2. Put small nesting dolls inside a large one, put next to a large one.

Lesson 27

Purpose: familiarity with the concepts of "right", "left", "between", "above", "below".


Run an application (house, car, sun in the sky, flowers on the lawn).

Application is performed with the help of mother (blanks are made at home). The child sticks blanks on a sheet of cardboard.

During work, the child’s attention should be paid to the concepts being studied (the tree is located to the right of the house, the car is between the house and the tree, flowers are planted to the left of the house, the sun is in the sky above, flowers are below on the lawn).

Lessons 28, 29, 30 (Final lessons for two cycles)


Performing various applications using geometric shapes (rug, muzzle; multi-colored squares).


"Can", "Impossible", "Must"

parent lecture hall

At a parent-teacher meeting in a kindergarten, one of the mothers told the following.

A young family lives next to us, a five-year-old son is growing up in it. When the boy comes to us, the house is immediately filled with screaming and running around. Things leave their usual places, and it seems that there is no forbidden corner for the ubiquitous hands of the boy. The most amazing thing is that the mother calmly watches how her son in a strange house turns everything upside down. Once they made a gentle remark to the child, but he, looking at his mother, answered smartly and with conviction:

And my mom allows me!

With all her appearance, the mother made it clear that she was not happy that her son had been reprimanded. Turning to him, she said:

Be patient a little, Igor, calm down, now we are going home.

The boy, of course, caught that he was not condemned, and continued to make noise. And the mother said:

He is nimble and active. We believe that a child should behave uninhibited.

Somehow strangers noticed the mother:

And we do not try to fetter his freedom with this word, - she answered.

Is it right? And as if in response to the question posed, the parents shared their experience in raising their children.

We have a different view. My husband and grandmother taught our son and daughter to the word "no" almost from the cradle. While sitting in the arms of an adult, the baby learned: you can’t swing at your mother, pull her hair, put your finger in her eyes. And later, when he began to move around the room on his own and tried to take grandmother's glasses, a vase on the dressing table, or something else fragile, our "no" stopped the child. Thus, this word gradually became a guide to action for the baby:

"The tea is very hot. Wait, you can't drink it yet - you'll burn yourself. But now you can."

"Grandma is resting, tired. You can't scream, make noise, but you can play quietly."

“You can’t take dad’s tools without permission, but you can help put them in a box.”

"An animal is a cat, a dog cannot be tortured, but they can be stroked, fed."

In general, the concepts of "impossible" and "possible" went as if in parallel, which means that children's activity, which could manifest itself in the unlawful, was switched to positive actions.

Of course, all this required a lot of patience from us, - continues the mother, - but a little later it paid off a hundredfold: we saw that our kids, growing up, are already beginning to decide on their own what is impossible and what is possible.

Now five-year-old Anton and three-year-old Masha are growing up obedient, disciplined, although, of course, you cannot call them quiet ones - they play pranks, play pranks, arrange fuss with a dog, in general, they show themselves like all children. But the parent word is always able to stop them.

As you can see, in this family, children grow up active, they didn’t have to hide anything from them, because from a very early age they were taught to distinguish between two very important educational concepts - “it is impossible” and “it is possible”.

But in the house where Igor is growing up, things are still hidden from him so that he doesn’t spoil, break, or tear. Father locks the desk and bookcase, hides tools on the mezzanine. But alas, is it possible to hide everything in the house from the child?! Once Igor cut off a piece of a window curtain, another time he tore up his father's drawings ... And he himself often stuffed bumps, because he climbed where he was not supposed to. And how many times they barely had time to take away sharp objects from him! And yet, the parents of a five-year-old boy believe that it is not yet possible to make any demands on him, "because he is still small."

A similar opinion is shared by some other parents, believing that "this means taking away the joys of childhood", "stubbornness in a child is a positive manifestation, since he expresses strong-willed efforts", "it is not at all necessary that a son or daughter obey, otherwise they will grow up without initiative ".

Are the supporters of such an educational position right?

Recall that A.S. Makarenko: "A child at a young age must unquestioningly obey his parents, because if he is disobedient now, then he will completely lose obedience at 6-8 years old."

This advice contains a wise thought: the younger the child, the less his life experience and baggage of moral ideas, the more he needs guidance from his elders. It is unacceptable that his natural activity, the desire for activity, be uncontrollable. After all, otherwise they can manifest themselves in ugly forms - in bad behavior, unreasonable, and even immoral acts.

And one more thought expressed in the same connection by A.S. Makarenko to parents: in children "it is necessary to cultivate the habit of following the orders of educators. This not only makes education easy, but also saves the child's nerves, reduces any risk of ridiculous acts, prevents whims and saves a lot of children's energy, which in other cases is very harmful to children is wasted on stubbornness, whims, self-will, etc."

The advice expressed by the remarkable Soviet teacher is aimed at the future of the child, for obedience is the first step in discipline. And in order to prepare a growing person for life in a society of people, it is already necessary to teach him to subordinate his "I" (to the best of his child's capabilities) to parental requirements. After all, today's little citizens have to fulfill certain vital duties, to be able to control themselves. All this will require high discipline from them. It is not for nothing that Soviet pedagogy considers discipline as a criterion for the upbringing of a person!

Parents know from their own experience that raising a child who is not ready to consciously fulfill their requirements is always difficult.

You speak, you remind, you demand, and he - as if this does not concern him, and will certainly insist on his own. Often unable to persuade him, insist and ... yield, - other mothers and fathers lament, yielding to childish stubbornness. But they immediately console themselves, stubborn means strong-willed. It's not bad.

Is this opinion justified? Is it possible to put an equal sign between the concepts of "stubbornness" and "will"?

It is a deep delusion to believe that such valuable psychological properties as will, perseverance are manifested in the stubbornness of a child. Childish stubbornness is a sign of a weak will, an inability to overcome one's desire, to mobilize oneself to fulfill what is required. Stubbornness is inherent in spoiled children, not accustomed to discipline, not able to reckon with the parental word. In this regard, E.A. Arkin, a well-known doctor and teacher, pointed out: "In cases of stubbornness, the teacher should keep in mind that the root of stubbornness very often lies not in the child, but in the behavior of the adults around him."

Stubbornness and perseverance are not the same thing. Stubbornness is a manifestation of a negative character trait, and it should be eradicated, otherwise it can develop into negativism - an extreme degree of stubbornness, when a child resists any demand from an adult. Negativism is always directed at those who spoil the child.

Have you noticed that children do not want to obey those whose opinion they do not consider? Why? Yes, because for them these are non-authoritative people, and their word, as a rule, causes resistance in the child. It is those parents who are overly compliant and generous in their indulgence to the child, alas, do not have authority in his eyes.

Whether a child will develop a readiness to fulfill a parental requirement in a timely manner or whether his behavior becomes difficult to control always depends on you and me, on the entire system of education, on our ability to influence the child so as not to suppress his activity, but to direct it in the right direction. The upbringing of exactingness towards a growing person is nothing but spontaneous upbringing. In this case, there can be no question of any targeted educational program. That is why to consider that giving a child freedom of action, not forbidding and not denying anything means raising a personality with a strong character, and demanding obedience from him, the ability to give up his desire means to form lack of will, possibility - a deep delusion!

In confirmation, let us turn to A.S. Makarenko, who emphasized: “Will is not only the ability to wish and achieve something, but also the ability to force oneself to give up something when necessary. Will is not just desire and its satisfaction, but this desire and stop, and desire and refusal at the same time. If your child only practices that he brings his desires to fruition, and does not exercise in the brake, he will not have much will. "

Undoubtedly, children should obey their parents. But can any subordination of the child to the demands of the adult satisfy us? No, not any. We can be satisfied not by blind, but by conscious obedience, which is based on moral motives. That is why our task is to teach a child from a very early age to consciously relate to his actions, evaluating them with moral concepts that are feasible for him: this is good (which means it is possible), this is bad (which means it is impossible).

"You can", "you can't", "should" are three initial moral concepts that a child must learn very early. They are based on parental requirements. Reasonable, fair, justified and moderately exacting exactingness develops the child morally. Demanding, respecting - it is this principle that should be the basis of the relationship between the educator and the educatee. Only then does the child not have resistance to educational influences, and the adult - confusion in choosing an approach to it.

Often parents make one of the characteristic mistakes - they approach the child with low demands: "Give way to the little one", "It's only for him, as the smallest" - the child hears every now and then. He takes it for granted, as his indisputable right. He is, as it were, relieved of responsibility for capricious claims.

If parents do not seek to cultivate the behavior of the child, if the child knows no limits, if everything in the family is subordinated to his interests, then, whether the parents want it or not, they unwittingly raise an egoist. And the egoist, as you know, always goes on about his own "I", he does not care about others! Try to refuse something to such a child, not to allow something, and he will answer you with a storm of whims, stubbornness, or even fall to the floor, rolling in hysterics. And many parents are unarmed against this, they will certainly give in - a spoiled child knows this well.

Here is an example. “Mom, you are bad”, “I don’t love you, grandmother,” says little Varenka, if the requirements of loved ones do not coincide with her desires. He pouts, turns away from them, and remains stubbornly silent for a long time. It happens, cries, stamps his feet, squeals with indignation. And imagine, this makes an impression on adults, and they, reluctantly, give in (“Let Varenka not be nervous, not upset”). One concession is followed by another... In the meantime, the reins of government have passed into Varenka's hands: adults do not notice that they are gradually adjusting to her imperious "I want - I don't want to." And mom, and dad, and grandmother, and grandfather even find an excuse for this: “Eco trouble - once you didn’t listen, you think, you boldly answered your grandmother, waved at your mother or stamped your foot, took the best piece or hit a peer.” "With character!" - they admire their beloved child, not suspecting that they condone the birth of a little tyrant and, in general, spoil the character of a growing person.

Whether the child will acquire a positive experience of behavior depends on the position he occupies in the family team. So, if adults give him a central place in the family, strive to satisfy any of his whims, then conditions are created for the flowering of egocentrism in him.

The development of the necessary qualities in a child is more successful if he correctly perceives the limitations. Only timely brought up brakes allow the baby to independently manage their desires and actions in the future, without going beyond what is permitted. Restraint, the ability to behave morally are formed from an early age. A child who is not accustomed to this in childhood acquires the necessary qualities with difficulty in later years.

The child grows, grows wiser, acquires the ability to volitional efforts. And here one should not miss the moment when one more thing is added to the concepts of "impossible" and "possible" - "must". It means: you do not want to do it, but it is necessary, necessary for you, for those around you. "It is necessary", "it is necessary", "it is necessary" - every now and then the child encounters this word.

Who among us does not know how difficult it is to educate if the son or daughter is not accustomed to submitting himself to the parental "should". And who does not know how difficult teaching at school is for those children who do not know how to subordinate themselves to the vitally necessary and organizing “must”. It is not so easy for a first-grader to sit out 45 minutes in a lesson, to submit himself to the school rhythm of life, and at home to do the task on his own every day, etc. All this requires the child to have a responsible attitude to his duties, the ability to organize his time, his activities, not to go on about his "I want - I do not want."

How important it is to take this into account in advance, and especially to those parents whose children will not be able to stay under the supervision of grandparents. The child is left to himself for part of the day after school. How does he organize this time? Will he be able to do everything that is "necessary", "necessary", i.e. to carry out in your absence all those orders that you give him when leaving for work?

A father says about his first-grader son:

At school, they believe that he is capable, quickly grasps everything, he has a good memory, and there are only triples in his diary. How can this be explained? The teacher says that if he wants to, he will do the task well, but if he doesn’t want to ... He doesn’t know how to organize himself, he’s not very collected, and therefore he wastes a lot of time.

The teacher is right, the mother agrees. - This is not difficult to verify by looking at how Maxim's time passes after school. He comes home and, taking advantage of our absence (my husband and I are at work all day), hastily has lunch and runs to Vitalik, a classmate neighbor. And there they are left to their own devices, playing games until Vitalik's parents leave work. Grandmother says to Maxim: "First, do your homework, and only then play with your comrades!" And he answers her: "And if I don't want to do my homework now?" Or: "Still have time. I'll take a walk - then ..." No sense of responsibility! In the evening we come home from work, and the son, who has been running and tired, sits down to do his homework, does it in a hurry, half asleep. Where are the good marks? But every day we remind, we ask him to do his homework on time.

A sense of responsibility for fulfilling one's own, albeit not at all difficult, duties (which a child must certainly have) does not come by itself. It is formed by the whole previous life and begins with the acquaintance with the concept of "should". After all, even three-year-old children know from experience that they have to do not only what they want, but also what they need to do. “I don’t want dad and mom to go to work, but for adults it’s a must. And you can’t ignore this!”, “I don’t want to take medicine, but I have to, otherwise you won’t recover soon”, “I don’t want to clean up toys after myself, but there is a rule in the house: everyone always cleans up after themselves.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: “Human life begins from the moment when a child does not do what he wants, but what needs to be done for the sake of the common good. The earlier the concept of duty enters human life, forming other, higher needs arising from it , the nobler, spiritually richer, more honest your child will grow."

You and your child. Is it possible to consider that your relationship with him is based on reasonable exactingness, such exactingness that does not suppress, but directs, does not lag behind the development of the child, but calls upwards? Take a closer look at how your son or daughter is growing up, and at the same time look at yourself as the educator of your own children. How often do you make concessions to the child? How often does he refuse to follow your orders? Did he learn only the concept of “can” that is convenient and pleasant for himself, or are there others that require volitional tension from him - “it is impossible” and “should”?


Has your child recently become familiar with some geometric shapes? You can take turns with him to name all the round objects that you will meet along the way. The day before, did you explain to the baby what colors are? Offer to find only red ones among the surrounding objects. There is no need to name several colors: it is better to show only one, for example, red, and for several days in a row (or maybe weeks, depending on the age and capabilities of the baby) look for red objects. When the child unmistakably calls and shows them, you can move on to another color. In this way, you can work out the perception of size in a child.

It is also desirable to note changes in nature and in the environment around you.

Bathroom games

Pour water into a plastic bucket and invite the child to determine how many glasses of water it contains by pouring water into another bucket, and then pour water from a full bucket into an empty bucket with a ladle. In this game, you can introduce the baby to the concepts of "a lot - a little", "full - empty", "half", "on the bottom", "over the edge".

Dip a few light rubber balls into a bowl of water, the same number of balls in the child's hands. Moving away to a distance of 0.5 - 1 meter, the child throws his balls, trying to hit the balls in the ode. If this succeeds, the balls are taken out of the water; if not, then the baby's balls remain in the water. The game ends when there are no balls left in the basin.

game in between

Doing household chores, adults can draw the child's attention to interesting events and phenomena. “Now we will rustle with you. Like this…". With these words, an adult shakes the newspaper, crumples candy wrappers, ties a matchbox to a string and pulls it along, moves his palm over any surface ("Shurshalki"), and you can also play "Ringers", "Chavkalki", "Stompers" , "Violins" and so on.

Donate an old pillow and pillowcase so your child can make a toy out of them. Tie the pillow in the middle, glue or sew ribbons (hair) on top. Draw a face with a felt-tip pen and dress the doll in any clothes to make it look as romantic as possible.

The easiest way to make a doll is to stuff a paper bag with newspaper, twist it in the middle and tighten it with an elastic band.

Kitchen games

It's no secret that moms spend most of their time in the kitchen. The kitchen can become a place for intimate, confidential conversations, for jokes and fun. In addition, the kitchen is an excellent school where the baby acquires useful skills and knowledge. Of course, special precautions are required to protect the child from burns, electric shocks, poisoning and sharp objects. But if you take care of safety, you will get another chance to have a pleasant and useful time.

The shell from boiled eggs will serve as an excellent material for children's applications. Break it into pieces that the child can easily pick up with his fingers. Apply a thin layer of plasticine to the cardboard - this is the background, and then invite the child to lay out a drawing or pattern from the shell.

Dough games can be fun. The dough for this is not ordinary, but salty (after drying, it becomes like a stone). Crafts from it are stored for a very long time, they can be played with. The dough recipe is simple: 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of salt, 1 cup of water (it can be tinted), 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil - mix everything, warm it up a little, and you get a soft lump. Sculpt whatever you want!

Let the baby turn away, and you stir with a spoon in a glass, cover the pan with a lid, and so on. Invite the child to guess what objects can make such sounds.

Together with your child, try to cook an unusual dinner: the name of the dishes should contain the sound “s”. What can be cooked? Salad, cheesecakes, fruit drink, soup. Come up with a menu with names of dishes where other sounds occur. Invite your child to clean or wash the dishes, the name of which has the sound “h” (cups, teapot), the sound “l” (spoons, forks, salad bowl), and so on.

Show your child the foods you are going to use for lunch or dinner. Let him list those of them in the name of which there is a sound "r". if he finds it difficult to do this, help with leading questions: “kar-r-r-tofel or cabbage? Ar-r-r-booz or melon? Per-r-r-siki or bananas? Onions or cucumbers? Tomato-r-ry or eggplant?

Replace the first sound in my words with the sound "u" and name the new resulting word. There was a whale, but it became ... a shield; there was a cloud, but it became ... a pike, a river ... a cheek, a wreath ... a puppy, a shallow ... a gap.

Let's look for words in the kitchen. And here is the basket (box, bag, and so on), in which we will put them. What words can be taken out of borscht? Vinaigrette? Kitchen cabinet? Plates?

Let's treat each other with "delicious" words. The child calls a “delicious” word and “puts” it on your palm, and then you to him, and so on until you “eat” everything. You can also play "sour", "salty", "bitter" words.

What is the name of a device that brews coffee in one word? (coffee maker). Cutting vegetables? (vegetable cutter). Grinding coffee? (coffee grinder). Squeezing juice? (juicer).

What kind of juice is obtained from apples (apple), pears (pear), plums (plum), cherries (cherry), carrots, lemons, oranges, and so on? Conversely, what is orange juice made from?

From pasta of different shapes, sizes and colors, you can lay out bizarre patterns on a table or sheet of paper, simultaneously studying shapes and colors.

Place a small saucer in front of the child, in which peas, rice and buckwheat are mixed, and ask them to help you sort them out.

It’s good to study new sounds and tastes in the kitchen, since there is always the opportunity to knock, ring, sniff, try ... you can watch and listen together how water flows or drips from the tap, how a teaspoon rings differently in an empty glass and a cup of water , how loudly peas are poured into a glass glass and quietly semolina. Ask the child to turn away and identify by ear what you are doing now.

The joke "Close your eyes - open your mouth" is especially popular. Let the baby with his eyes closed taste determine what you put him: a piece of apple, banana, cucumber and even garlic. You can switch roles, and if you make a mistake, the baby’s stormy delight is guaranteed!

Most mothers are now too busy to “start” pies, but many people are willing to use ready-made puff pastry. Do not regret a little piece of dough for your child. From it you can mold figures, like from plasticine, and using ordinary sand molds, cut out something interesting from rolled out dough, sprinkle with sugar and bake. Have you ever eaten a "real" truck, or a steam locomotive with a pipe and wheels, or an elephant?

Thin slices of bread, cheese, sausage - here it is, the long-awaited silence, and "skillful hands", armed with the same small molds, create extraordinary sandwiches.

Toddlers have a favorite item in the kitchen - a whisk. Pour water into a bowl, add some liquid soap and place in the sink. Pull up a chair to the sink, put on an apron for your child, roll up the sleeves, and you will see for yourself how delighted he will be to whip up soap suds.

Arrange several items in the kitchen (cube, battery, coil, and so on). Give your child the tongs and ask them to transfer all of these items to the empty box. Make sure he doesn't drop anything.

Your child can test his creativity on mashed potatoes or some kind of porridge with the help of decorating parts from tomato, greens, carrots, cucumbers, peas, nuts, jam, preserves.

Using fruits and vegetables, you can teach children to recognize and distinguish objects by touch and taste. After placing four or five different foods in a bag, ask the child to feel it carefully and identify each one. Blindfolded, ask to recognize the product by smell.

The drawings that the baby creates in the kitchen can be decorated with salt by pouring it on separate sections of the pictures, smeared with glue.

Paper cups are a great building material. Let the child try to put them one on top of the other so that they do not fall.

Listen with your child to the hum of the washing machine, the splashing of water in the bathroom, the rustle of the shower, the slamming of the front door, the cough of the father, the rustling of the newspaper, and so on.

From the dry breakfast "Rings" you can get excellent beads and bracelets.

If the child knows the fairy tale "Three Bears", you can invite him to choose a spoon, bowl, pan for Mikhail Ivanovich, for Nastasya Petrovna, for little Mishutka. If the baby already distinguishes several colors, you can ask him to put only red objects on the table. For those who can distinguish the shape, it is useful to play the game "Find everything round".

Knick-knacks on magnets, which are usually used to decorate the kitchen, will help adults come up with many interesting tasks and games. For example, a mother asks a child to arrange them on the refrigerator door in a certain order: first only fruits, then only round objects, then only yellow ones, and so on.

Galina Sherstneva
Consultative and methodological points as a variable form of preschool education. Part 4

3. Model of organization advisory and methodological point in the preschool educational institution

Advisory and methodological point for parents, created on the basis of the DOW, is one of the forms assistance to the family in the upbringing and development of children preschool age(see fig. 1, table 1).

Description of the model implementation mechanism

Stages Organization of work Responsible Consumer Resources


(analytical and predictive) 1. Exploring the possibility of organizing a CP.

2. Studying the Regulations on work advisory point.

3. Studying parental demand for organization advisory point.

4. Development of a work plan advisory point.

5. Creation of a package of documents regulating the work advisory point.

6. informational notification through the website of the preschool educational institution Head of the preschool educational institution,

deputy Head of VMR Pedagogical team DOW DOW


(innovative) 1. Work to create a client base (DOW website).

2. Maintaining relevant documentation Specialists of the preschool educational institution Parents and children who do not attend the preschool educational institution


(generalizing) 1. Performance monitoring advisory point in the preschool educational institution.

2. Generalization of experience Head of preschool educational institution,

deputy Head of VMR Parents and children who do not attend preschool educational institutions, pedagogical staff of preschool educational institutions

Goals and objectives of functioning advisory and methodological point

It was created in order to ensure the unity and continuity of family and public education, to provide methodological and (legal representatives, whose children attend and do not attend preschool educational institutions, support the comprehensive development of the personality of children.

Main tasks:

Providing comprehensive support to parents (legal representatives) and children 5-7 years old who do not attend educational institutions, in ensuring equal starting opportunities when entering school;

Rendering advice to parents(legal representatives) on various issues of upbringing, education and development of the child preschool age;

Assistance in the socialization of children preschool age, not attending ;

Conducting a comprehensive prevention of various deviations in the physical, mental and social development of children preschool age who do not attend preschool educational institutions;

Ensuring interaction between educational institution, realizing general educational program of preschool education, and other organizations of social and medical support for children and parents (legal representatives)

Job advisory and methodological point contributes to increasing the satisfaction of parents of pupils with the activities of preschool educational institutions, since they are considered as consumers of municipal services, and relations with them are built on the principles of social partnership. Respectively, advisory and methodological point allows to ensure constant high quality in the system of upbringing and development of children preschool age, as well as improve the processes of providing municipal services preschool education for the population. Pervomaisk.

Implementation of the goals and objectives of the parent education through the advisory and methodological point

The main goals and objectives of the parent education in preschool carried out through advisory and methodological point:

1. form parents' perception of the phenomenon of upbringing in the family and preschool educational institutions as a social, psychological and pedagogical phenomenon.

2. To promote the development of parents' ideas about the unity and integrity of the educational process in the family and preschool educational institutions.

3. Promote formation parents' ideas about the stages of development of the child's personality, help parents learn to understand the internal laws of this development, apply the knowledge gained in the process of raising children in the family.

4. Based on understanding the patterns of the process formation and the development of the child's personal qualities to help parents master the skills of analyzing children's actions, understanding their motivation.

5. Show a specific feature of family education.

6. Determine the role and importance of parenting in shaping the child's personality.

Organization of activities advisory and methodological point

Main forms of activity of the advisory and methodological point are consultations, theoretical and practical seminars for parents (legal representatives, diagnostic examinations preschoolers.

The advisory and methodological center provides advisory assistance to parents(legal representatives) for the following issues:

parent education (legal representatives)informing parents aimed at preventing emerging family problems and formation pedagogical culture of parents in order to combine the requirements for the child in education from all family members, formation positive relationships in the family;

Diagnosis of child development - psychological and pedagogical study of the child, determination of individual characteristics and inclinations of the individual, potential opportunities, as well as identification of the causes and mechanisms of developmental disorders, social adaptation, development of recommendations for the further development and upbringing of the child;

- counseling(psychological, social, pedagogical)informing parents about the physiological and psychological characteristics of the development of the child, the main directions of educational influences, overcoming crisis situations.

Conducting correctional and developmental classes based on the individual characteristics of the child's development, aimed at teaching parents the organization of the educational process in a family environment.

Professionals to help families advisory point may work with children in order to obtain additional information in the form of a conversation, conducting diagnostic studies, organizing monitoring of children, etc.

Working with parents (legal representatives) and children in advisory and methodological point on the basis of MADOU d / s"Birch" Pervomaisk is held in various forms: subgroup, individual. Advisory point Open 3 times a week in the evenings.

Organization of methodological and advice to parents(legal representatives) specialists: senior educator, teacher-psychologist, teacher-speech therapist.

Parent Counseling(legal representatives) can be carried out by one or more specialists at the same time. To capture activity advisory point the next documentation:

– registration log appeals;

- attendance log consultations, etc. d.;

- schedule advisory point, certified by the head of the DOW.

direct guidance advisory point carried out by the head of the preschool educational institution or a person appointed by his order.

Legal basis of activity advisory point are:

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child;

Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Family Code of the Russian Federation;

Law of the Russian Federation “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child”;

Law of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2012 No. "About education In Russian federation".

Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the operating mode preschool educational organizations»».

Order of the Ministry education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 Moscow “On approval of the federal state educational standard of preschool education.

Instructive-methodical letter of the Ministry education in Russia"On hygiene requirements and maximum load for children preschool age in organized forms of education».

Basic principles of work advisory and methodological point DOW are voluntariness and competence.

Parent relationship (legal representatives) students and professionals advisory point Preschools are built on the basis of cooperation and respect for the personality of the child.

To ensure activities advisory point the next documentation:

Regulations on advisory and methodological point for parents(legal representatives) pupils and children who do not attend preschool educational institutions;

Opening order advisory and methodological point;

Annual work plan advisory and methodological point;

Schedule advisory and methodological point of specialists of the preschool educational institution.

Organization of psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents (legal representatives) pupils in is built on the basis of the integration of activities specialists: deputy head for educational and methodological work, speech therapists, educators, physical education instructor, music director, catering workers, head nurse.

Advisory and methodological point operates free of charge, it can be visited by parents and children who do not attend and attend kindergarten.

Organization educational process of the advisory and methodological point

Participants of the educational process are children, parents (legal representatives) pupils, senior educator, teacher-psychologist, teacher-speech therapist, administration.

Working with parents (legal representatives) pupils and children in is carried out in various forms: subgroup, individual. Individual work with children is organized in the presence of parents (legal representatives) pupils.

IN advisory and methodological point the following types events:

"Round table" on any topic; thematic exhibitions; social examination, diagnostics, tests, survey on any topic;

expert advice;

– an oral magazine for parents with different topics on each page;

– helpline, helpline;

– interviews with parents and children on specific topics;

- parent living room;

– portfolio of family success;

– auction of the secrets of education, etc.

Basic principles for organizing work under the new ways of working with families:

– openness of the kindergarten for the family;

- cooperation between teachers and parents in the upbringing of children;

– creation of an active developing environment, active forms communication between children and adults, providing unified approaches to the development of the child in the family and in the preschool educational institution;

– diagnostics of general and private problems in the upbringing and development of the child.

Work organization advisory and methodological point goes through three stages.

The preparatory stage or regulatory and installation stage, provides for the following types activities:

– development of a regulation on advisory and methodological point;

advice for educators"The system of interaction between teachers and parents in the framework of the work of preschool educational institutions";

- drawing up a long-term work plan advisory and methodological point;

- a detailed analysis of all aspects of cooperation between the preschool educational institution and the family, the definition of goals and objectives, the discussion of issues.

During the main phase (active-technological) various activities for parents and children:

1. A bank of diagnostic material is created.

2. The work of each direction is planned advisory point.

3. At the request of parents, teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions conduct individual consultations.

4. Created information stands.

5. Underway counseling through the website. "Internet assistance" is a system of involving Internet resources in quality improvement education, partnership development, formation of family sites, informing about the activities of the preschool educational institution and the popularization of experience - the presentation of articles.

It should be noted that the topics of meetings with parents vary depending on the requests of parents.

The final stage involves the creation of a proven program advisory point; collection and data processing, determination of the main directions of cooperation between teachers and parents. Summing up is mandatory at the end of each stage, its assessment by parents is recorded, the degree of their satisfaction with the work of the DOE team.

This will determine the effectiveness of the activity advisory point.

Given that modern families are quite literate, they have access to pedagogical information, we set ourselves task: to activate and enrich the educational skills of parents, to maintain their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities, to spread the positive experience of education in the family.

Benefits of the new forms interactions between the preschool educational institution and the family

Benefits of the new forms interactions between the preschool educational institution and the family are undeniable and numerous:

Positive emotional attitude of teachers and parents to work together to raise children. Parents are sure that the preschool educational institution will always help them in solving pedagogical problems and at the same time will not hurt them in any way, since the opinions of the family and proposals for interaction with the child will be taken into account. Teachers, in turn, enlist the understanding of parents in solving pedagogical problems. And the biggest winners are the children, for the sake of which this interaction is carried out.

Parents can choose and form already in preschool age, the direction in the development and upbringing of the child, which they consider necessary. So way The parents take responsibility for the upbringing of the child.

Strengthening family ties, emotional family communication, finding common interests and activities.

The possibility of implementing a unified program for the upbringing and development of the child in the preschool educational institution and the family.

The ability to take into account the type of family and the style of family relations, which was unrealistic when using traditional forms of work with parents. The teacher, having determined the type of the pupil's family, will be able to find the right approach for interaction and successfully work with parents. When implementing a new forms interaction with the family manages to avoid those shortcomings that are inherent in the old ways of working with families.

Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the work of a preschool educational institution with a family in form of advisory and methodological points:

Changing the nature of parents' questions to educators, the head of the preschool educational institution, as an indicator of the growth of pedagogical interests, knowledge about raising children in the family, the desire to improve them.

Growth in attendance by parents of events on pedagogical education, the desire of parents to analyze their own experience and the experience of other parents.

Changes in the microclimate in unfavorable families in a positive direction.

The manifestation in parents of a conscious attitude to educational activities, the desire to understand the child, to analyze their achievements and mistakes, the use of pedagogical literature by parents, parent participation in clubs, associations, family competitions, holidays, subbotniks organized in the preschool educational institution. Awareness by adult family members of not only the practical, but also the educational significance of their assistance to preschool educational institutions in pedagogical activities.

Positive public opinion of parents about education preschoolers in preschool.


So way, variability of education- one of the fundamental principles and direction of development of the modern system education in Russia. Variable educational process is an interconnected activity of all participants in the educational process for achieving goals education carried out in the conditions of choosing the content (within the framework of state standards, means and methods of activity and communication, the value-semantic attitude of the individual to the goals, content and process education.

It should be emphasized that the processes of democratization in the system education, his variability, innovative programs have influenced the nature of interaction preschool educational institution and family.

Analysis of the current situation in the system education, on the issue raised, shows that the queue growth in preschool institutions increased parental interest in these institutions.

Expected results from the introduction Variable forms of education in a preschool institution:

improve quality and availability preschool education for children from different social groups and strata of the population, regardless of the place of residence and income of parents;

cultural preschool image childhood as the main resource for the development of all spheres of the child's life and his future, which will allow to meaningfully determine his place in the structure of the age stratification of society;

institutional transformation of the system of preschool education based on typical and specific diversity of institutions;

flexibility and versatility of the structure preschool education ensure optimal interaction between various spheres of life in the city of Pervomaisk, Nizhny Novgorod region;

new approaches to economic support for the development of the innovation system will be determined preschool education;

regulatory and legal regulation is being optimized by innovative transformation of the system of preschool education;

based on the competence approach formed a monitoring system for assessing the quality of innovative activity of a specialist and a flexible system of profiles for his training and retraining;

a public-state quality management system will be formed preschool education.


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program_pre.html Education system"School 2100". Preschool education

"Public lesson" Single window access to educational resources Creative Teachers Network Preschoolers. Preparation for school Back to school soon preschooler. RU Preschooler Child Center "Constellation"

Project structure

  • According to the classification - monoproject
  • By type - social
  • By type - medical-psychological-pedagogical
  • By duration - medium-term
  • Form - joint

Project participants

  • Administration
  • Specialists
  • educators
  • Parents

The project implementation period is 2011-2014 academic year.

Project summary

The project is aimed at close cooperation between the preschool institution and parents and solving the problems of upbringing, education, development and health improvement of preschool children. The work of the advisory center will help ensure the maximum reduction in the social exclusion of families who do not attend kindergarten, providing them with qualified specialist assistance. This project can be used by a team where there is a full staff of specialists. Specialists working in the advisory center are able to help parents correctly assess the development of the child.

Project relevance

Even teachers and public figures of the 19th century noted that the main advantage of a kindergarten is the opportunity for a child to communicate with peers. The circle of communication of many "home" children is limited to parents, relatives and friends of their parents. They often do not know how to communicate with their peers. Yes, and communication with unfamiliar adults can be difficult for such children. It is very important for a child to help feel like a member of the children's community, to facilitate his entry into the world. Children must learn to understand that living in the world is associated with the implementation of a number of rules, taking into account the opinion of another, respecting his rights. All this is important for the further full development of the child. The difficulties of parents in the upbringing of preschool children are largely due to their insufficient psychological and pedagogical competence. Despite the large number of benefits currently available on the development and education of preschoolers, they cannot solve the problems of each particular family that requires an individual approach. Therefore, families need expert advice. This assistance is especially needed for parents of children who do not attend kindergarten. Specialists of preschool educational institutions are more competent in this. They can make direct contact with parents, observe the development of the child, receive “feedback” from parents. Therefore, we decided to create an advisory center for parents and children aged 1.6 to 7 who do not attend educational institutions.

Since October 1, 2011, on the basis of our kindergarten, the project “Modern Advisory Center” has been implemented.

The main objective of the project is to create optimal conditions for providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents in a counseling center. Psychological and pedagogical assistance to families is provided free of charge on the basis of a cooperation agreement.

For the work of the advisory point, the staff of the kindergarten is used, which implements the general educational program for the upbringing and development of children in the kindergarten "Childhood" by V.I. Loginova.

To ensure the activities of the KP, a list of documents was developed:

  • Regulations on the Advisory Center;
  • Annual work plan of the advisory center for the 2012-2013 academic year;
  • Agreement on cooperation between the preschool educational institution and parents (legal representatives) of children visiting the advisory center;
  • questionnaire for parents;
  • a map of the individual development of a child 1.6-3 years old;
  • a journal of pre-registration of parents for a consultation with specialists;
  • specialist work schedule.

Target project. Ensuring the availability of preschool education, equalizing the starting opportunities for children who do not attend preschool educational institutions when entering school, the unity and continuity of family and social education, improving the pedagogical competence of parents raising preschool children from 1 to 7 years old at home, including disabled children.

Project objectives

(shown on the screen and correspond to the creation of a model of a modern Counseling Center for providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents

(legal representatives).

  • providing advice to parents (legal representatives) on various issues of upbringing, education and development of the child; assistance in increasing the psychological competence of parents in the patterns of child development, as well as in matters of education and upbringing of children.
  • diagnostics of individual developmental characteristics of children in the unity of the intellectual, emotional and volitional spheres of their manifestation. Recommendations on the results of diagnostics for parents and referral of children to institutions appropriate to the identified problems.
  • assistance in the socialization of children;
  • informing parents (legal representatives) about the institutions of the education system, where they can provide qualified assistance to the child in accordance with his individual characteristics.
  • carrying out comprehensive prevention of various deviations in the physical, mental and social development of preschool children who do not attend educational institutions;

Project Implementation Mechanism

Stage 1:Preparatory. Collection of information. Definition of the purpose and objectives of the project. Development of diagnostics. 1.10.2011-31.05.2012.

2nd stage:Basic. 1.09.2012-31.12. 2013 is a practical stage. At this stage, there is the development and accumulation of scientific and methodological material, its application in practice, the testing of new technologies and the introduction of practical experience, which is represented by various forms of interaction with parents.

KP DOU "Cinderella"

  1. individual and group consultations for parents, educational game sessions;
  2. questioning parents (determination of individual needs);
  3. development of memos, booklets, recommendations for parents;
  4. organization of “Doors Open Days” for parents;
  5. conducting master classes for parents, workshops, trainings by specialists;
  6. holding holidays and leisure activities together with parents, participation in exhibitions, photo exhibitions, competitions;
  7. formation of a library and video library for family self-education;
  8. organization of a mailbox for questions and wishes of parents on the site;
  9. organization of a hotline.

KP specialists plan their work on the basis of information obtained from questionnaires for parents and maps of the individual development of the child (diagnostics), trying to choose the most effective method of providing assistance, recommend the necessary psychological literature, useful exercises, games and toys for the child.

Parents receive assistance in the individual selection of games, activities, activities that are most conducive to the development of the child, get acquainted with didactic games that develop attention, memory, imagination, fine motor skills, and literature.

Pre-registration of parents to specialists for a consultation on a topic of interest is practiced. This allows you to prepare a qualified consultation.

The opening of the KP was preceded by preliminary work: monitoring the families of the microdistrict with children who do not attend kindergarten, in order to identify psychological and pedagogical problems; compiling lists of those wishing to attend classes at the CP; personal invitations to the first introductory meeting "Let's get to know each other". The lists of those wishing to attend the KP made it possible to determine the age range of children - 1.6-7 years old and the problems of development and upbringing related to it, in order to further plan and develop relevant topics for the practice of family education.

The creative team of the advisory center drew up an annual plan for the 2012-2013 academic year.

In addition, specialists are working

  • to create a bank of pedagogical knowledge by kindergarten specialists and teachers.
  • on the selection of diagnostic methods by the project participants for working with parents.
  • on the design and registration of a journal of preliminary recording of parents for a consultation with specialists;
  • on teaching various developing corrective technologies in the process of conducting master classes and workshops.

Work plan of the advisory point for the 2012-2013 academic year

Subject Conduct form Time spending Specialists
"Nice to meet you." Features of the development of children in the third year of life Conversation September Deputy Head of VMP

Educational psychologist

"This is interesting" Kindergarten tour October Head

Deputy Head of VMP

Daily routine in a child's life Round table November Head nurse
The toy in a child's life Seminar workshop December Deputy Head of VMP

Educational psychologist


Organization of rational nutrition in the family and MDOU Round table January Head nurse
Praise and blame the child training February Deputy Head of VMP

Educational psychologist

"Mind at your fingertips".

Development of fine motor skills

Workshop March Music director


Educational psychologist

Teacher speech therapist

Physical activity and health Seminar with elements of a business game April caregiver

Physical Education Instructor

How to prepare your child for kindergarten recommendations May Deputy Head of VMP

Educational psychologist

By visiting our advisory center, parents will be able to get answers to their questions, dispel anxieties and doubts, assert themselves or, conversely, correct their educational impact on preschoolers. The effectiveness of the advisory center should first of all be related to the professionalism of its employees, their sincere desire to develop successfully, the ability to get in touch with parents, to find an individual approach to them and their children.

Stage 3: Analytical. 1.01 2014-31.05.2014

Final diagnosis. Comparative analysis of expected results. Determination of the financial side of the project and cost estimates.

Terms of project implementation

The organization of psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents (legal representatives) and children in the consultation center is based on the integration of the activities of diversified specialists.

The project of a modern Advisory Center will be successfully implemented under the following conditions:

1. Close cooperation of all specialists.

2. Attracting sponsorship funds for project implementation;

3. Interest in the implementation of the project of all participants.

For the functioning of the KP, an operating mode was drawn up.

Working hours of the advisory center

Days of the week Sign up for a consultation manager
Deputy Head of VMP Teacher-
speech therapist
Musical director Physio instructor Head nurse Doctor-
Monday 8.00-9.00 8.00 –9.00 16.45-17.30 7.00 –8.00 13.00-14.00
Tuesday 17.00 –18.00 7.00 –8.00 8.00 – 11.00
Wednesday 8.00-9.00 16.45-17.30 7.00 –8.00 13.00-14.00
Thursday 17.00 –18.00 17.00-18.00 17.00-17.30 17.15 -18.00 7.00 –8.00
Friday 17.30-18.30 10.30 –11.30 7.00 –8.00

You can sign up for a consultation by calling during appointment hours by phone 55-2-66

Additionally, changes can be made to the mode of operation of the advisory center, based on the requests of parents (legal representatives).

The main blocks and content of the CP

1. Psychological and pedagogical assistance to families in preparation for entering a preschool institution.

2. Advisory assistance to parents on the upbringing and development of young children in adapting to a preschool educational institution.

3. Assistance to families in matters of socialization of children.

4. Prevention of various deviations in the development of the child.

5. Psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents in preparing children for school.

6. Advisory assistance to parents raising children with disabilities.

For the successful implementation of the project, funds are needed. We have prepared a cost estimate.

No. p / p Equipment Quantity Price
1 Computer 1 PC 30000
2 Furniture 10000
3 Music Center 1 PC. 10000
4 Printer 1 PC 7000
5 Mediateka 5000
6 Dictaphone 1 PC 3000
7 Soft module “Log” 1 PC 4500
8 simulators 3 pcs 30000
9 Thermometer electronic 2 pcs 1500
10 Electronic blood pressure monitor 1 PC 3500
11 Stopwatch 1 PC 400
12 interactive board 1 PC 20000
13 laminator 1 PC 4000
14 Booklet Maker 1 PC 3000
Total: 132000

Expected Result:

We think that thanks to the work of the advisory point, the following will happen:

1. Painless adaptation of young children to the conditions of kindergarten.

2. Successful socialization of preschoolers who do not attend kindergarten.

3. Close cooperation between parents and preschool educational institution.

Project development after implementation.

It is planned to create subprojects for the offices of a teacher-psychologist and a speech therapist.

Municipal state preschool educational institution

MKDOU "Dobrinsky kindergarten"

(Name of preschool educational institution)


Regulations on the advisory center of a preschool educational institution

1. General Provisions

1.1. This provision, developed in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", by the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of January 31, 2008 No. 03-133 "On the Implementation of Various Models for Ensuring Equal Starting Opportunities for General Education for Children from different social groups and strata of the population", regulates the activities of the advisory center for parents (legal representatives) and their children aged from one to seven years old who do not attend preschool educational institutions (hereinafter - preschool educational institutions).

2. Aims, tasks and principles of work of the advisory point

2.1. The main goals of creating an advisory point:

– ensuring the availability of preschool education;

- equalization of the starting opportunities for children who do not attend preschool educational institutions when they enter school;

- ensuring the unity and continuity of family and preschool education;

– improving the pedagogical competence of parents (legal representatives) raising children of preschool age at home, including children with disabilities.

2.2. The main tasks of the advisory point:

- providing advice to parents (legal representatives) and increasing their psychological competence in matters of upbringing, education and development of the child;

- diagnostics of the developmental features of the intellectual, emotional and volitional spheres of children;

– assistance to preschool children in socialization;

- ensuring the successful adaptation of children upon admission to a preschool or school;

- informing parents (legal representatives) about educational institutions that can provide qualified assistance to the child in accordance with his individual characteristics.

2.3. Principles of operation of the advisory point:

– personality-oriented approach to work with children and parents (legal representatives);

- cooperation of subjects of the socio-pedagogical space;

- openness of the education system.

3. Organization of activities and main forms of work of the advisory center

3.1. The advisory center on the basis of the preschool educational institution is opened on the basis of the order of the head of the preschool educational institution.

3.2. The organization of advisory assistance to parents (legal representatives) is based on their interaction with the educator.

3.3. The number of specialists involved in pedagogical work at the advisory center is determined based on the staff of the preschool educational institution.

3.4. The head of the advisory center coordinates the activities.

3.5. Forms of work of the advisory point:

– face-to-face consultations for parents (legal representatives);

- joint classes with parents and their children in order to learn how to interact with the child;

– master classes, trainings, practical seminars for parents (legal representatives) (according to the approved schedule monthly).

3.6. The advisory center operates once a month according to the schedule approved by the head of the preschool educational institution.

4. Documentation of the advisory point

4.1. Documentation of the advisory point is allocated to a separate office work.

4.2. List of documentation of the advisory point:

- a plan for conducting educational activities with children and parents (legal representatives), which is developed by the head of the preschool educational institution for the academic year and approved by its head. During the school year, at the request of parents (legal representatives), changes may be made to the document;

– annual performance report;

- a journal of the work of the advisory center, which is maintained by the head

– log of attendance of consultations, master classes, trainings;

– the work schedule of the advisory center;

- an agreement between the parent (legal representative) and the head of the preschool educational institution;

– a databank of children not covered by preschool education.

5. Other provisions

5.1. Parents (legal representatives) are not charged for receiving advisory services.

5.2 .. The effectiveness of the work of the advisory point is determined by the feedback from the parents and the availability of methodological material in the preschool educational institution.

5.3. To work with children and parents (legal representatives), the educational and material base of the preschool educational institution is used.

5.4. The head of the preschool educational institution controls the activities of the advisory point.