Large beaded roses master. Master class beaded rose for beginners

Dear friends! Today we present to your attention a beautiful flower: a rose made of beads in an unusual blue color. Such a rose will delight you all year round and warm your soul even in the most severe frosts and times.

Therefore, we suggest putting aside all other things and please yourself with making crafts with your own hands!

Tools and materials Time: 3 hours Difficulty: Medium

- beads (Czech Republic) #10 - 8 gr. - of blue color;
- beads (Czech Republic) #10 - 4 gr. - Green colour;
- isolate or thin fishing line;
- needle for beads;
- wire - 15 cm;
- scissors.

Step by step master class

Before starting work, you need to find a high-quality picture of a living rose. This will help determine the correct structure of the flower and make it easier for us to assemble.

Let's start making a blue rose

1. We carry out internal petals.

Armed with scheme 1, we proceed to weaving the inner, medium-sized rose petals. These elements will require only five.
It should be clarified that this creation technique implies the separate execution of each element. Those. when weaving, the petals do not overlap each other and do not have a common basis, they are independent. Their correct location is achieved only during stitching.

As can be seen in diagram 1, weaving is performed from the middle of the element towards the side. Then the thread is cut off. We form a new thread and insert the needle into the first bead. All movements are performed in a mirror image to the opposite side.
Let's look at the weaving pattern in more detail:
We fix the knot in the first bead on the working thread. We dress 9 beads.

Then two more.

We return along the canvas and insert the needle into the 9th bead from the beginning. So we weave in a mosaic way up to 7 rows. Then we insert the needle into the nearest bead and continue not until the end of the row. We return to one bead and string 4 beads in a row. The next one has 3 beads. We fasten the thread well and cut it off.

We thread a new thread into the needle and tie a knot. We insert the needle into the very first bead and continue weaving according to the pattern.

In the same way we weave 4 more petals.

2. We carry out the petals of the outer row.

Using scheme 2, we weave the outer, largest, petals of a rose flower.
Weaving is performed in the same mosaic way as the inner petals. The dimensions of the outer petals are slightly larger, but only in width, not in height. Thus, the future imposition of the petals on each other will be beautiful and neat.
We carry out 4 more petals.

3. Weave the middle of the bud.

We connect 7 beads in a ring and perform 7 rows in a parallel way.

Parallel bead weaving is a vertical arrangement of beads exactly on top of each other. Isothread passes simultaneously two rows, upper and lower. Rows of beads form even connected rings.

4. We collect the rosebud together.

At this stage, a picture with a real rose will come in handy. We begin to collect the bud together. We take the middle of the bud and the inner petals.

Sew them one by one to the middle of the bud, along the lowest edge of the petals.

Then we take the outer petals and sew them, to the second from the bottom, a row of inner petals. We fix the thread, we hide the knots inside the flower.

5. We form the stem of the rose.

We take wire. Round off one end. We insert into the middle of the button. We pierce and string beads on it. The end is rounded and hidden in beads.

6. We carry out leaves with branches of a rose.

Using scheme 3, we perform rose leaves. The scheme is very simple, so it makes no sense to describe it, but if you have any doubts, then read the beginning of the article carefully again, it tells in more detail about creating petals for a rose.

We carry out two large and four small elements. It turns out two small, but neat branches with leaves. We fix them on the stalk.
And the flower is ready! That's what incredible beauty you can create in just three hours. Such a rose will be a wonderful gift for any occasion, and if you create a whole bouquet, then the gift will not be worth the price. Strive to please yourself and loved ones and then life will be beautiful, even in the gloomiest times!

Did you like this unusual rose? Have you managed to do everything? If it is still difficult for you to make such a rose, then we suggest that you try your hand at another master class and do it. The main thing is not to give up, but to show a little patience, and we are sure that everything will work out for you!

We also bring to your attention some interesting videos that will help you better understand how to make a rose from beads. Enjoy watching!

Beaded rose video

We hope you enjoyed our tutorial today. Try your hand at weaving a rose, we are sure that you will succeed. If you have any questions, feel free to write them in the comments below, and we will definitely help you. Also, we will be glad to know your opinion about the current material, give us just a few minutes of your precious time.

Your feedback is important to us! And we, in turn, will continue to delight you with new interesting materials from the world of beading. See you soon, dear friends!

Today, handmade jewelry and souvenirs are becoming more and more popular. More and more people who want to master the wisdom of creating beautiful things are joining the huge army of needlewomen. Types of hand made visibly-invisibly - this is decoupage, and scrapbooking, and quilling, and various embroidery - threads, ribbons, beads and many others.

Beading is one of the most trendy types of needlework, especially often craftswomen turn to weaving flowers - it's so beautiful! Roses and “beaded orchids” look amazing. In addition, in the light of fashion trends, beaded jewelry is an excellent gift.

How to weave a rose from beads

Of course, the rose is considered the queen of flowers, so very often this particular flower serves as a prototype for beaded works - for example, as a separate element of decor in the form of a beaded rose in a pot or as an element of jewelry - a “necklace” with a beaded rose or in beaded rose embroidery on a bag or hat.

Volumetric roses made of beads and bouquets of them look great.

Little beaded rose - a step-by-step description with weaving patterns and photos

For such a rose, you need to stock up on beads of the color you want to make a flower - in the photo it is a golden color - about 100 g, as well as green beads for leaves and sepals - 50 g, with 0.3 mm wire.

First, weave the petals

  • They need pieces of wire 60 cm each. Having strung one bead, we shift it, put the next two on the tip of the wire, and thread them towards the other end. We will do the next row in the same way, only we need to take 4 beads. Then, by analogy, we take 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 beads.
  • The resulting petal must be arranged around the edges. To do this, we collect 9 beads on each tip and pass the ends of the wire towards each other through the first bead. We tighten and knit a knot. Petals of this format need 5 pieces.

  • Next, in the same way we make 4 petals, only a little larger. They will have 9 rows - 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 beads. On the tenth edging row, we collect 10 beads on both sides.

Now it's the turn of the leaves

  • They are woven according to the same principle, only the scheme looks like this: 1-2-3-4-5-6-6-5-4-3-2 - a total of 11 rows. No edging. These sheets need 3 pieces.

  • And it remains to make 6 sepals
  • We act according to the scheme 1-2-3-4-3-2, taking 30 cm of wire.

Now you can collect the flower

  • First, we take small petals, deforming them (as in the photo), connect and twist the tails of the wires together. So we form the whole flower.

  • Then we attach the sepals. You can strengthen the stem with thick wire or a skewer.
  • We tightly wrap the stem around the stem with a thin wire.
  • After some distance we attach the leaves.

Beaded rose - openwork technique

For such a rose, you will need beads for petals - you can make a mixture of several shades that harmonize with each other, green beads for leaves, beads for edging leaves of a slightly different shade, 0.3 mm wire, thicker wire for the stem, floral tape.

We make 6 petals

  • We take 16 beads on a wire 1 m long and pass through the bead of the fourth loop. Next, we take 8 beads and draw through the fourth bead of the third loop - and so on by analogy.
  • For the row below, we take 12 beads on the wire and draw the tip of the wire through the fourth bead of the loop below.
  • Now we take 10 beads 3 times. For the last turn, we take 14 beads and draw the wire through the eighth bead of the nearest loop.
  • We string 8 beads and draw the wire into the seventh bead of the next loop. Then 12 beads - in the fifth, 10 - again in the fifth. The petal halves are woven symmetrically.

  • Finished petals must be edged. To do this, with a piece of wire of 40 cm, we pass through the central bead of the upper loop in the middle. Dividing the wire in half, take 6 beads of a contrasting shade and thread the wire into the middle of adjacent loops.

Sepals for a rose from beads - we make 5 pieces

  • We take 3 green beads, string them, move them to the center of the wire, and then draw the wire through the first two beads.
  • We attach a piece of wire under three beads and put 12 beads on both ends. And on the first wire we take 8 beads. Now we need to twist the ends with 12 beads with an axis, we put 14 beads on each tip of the additional segment, and 12 beads are needed on the base. We twist again. It turned out to be a kind of eight.
  • In the middle of the figure eight, we attach another additional piece of wire, on each end of which we put 21 beads.
  • We twist the ends on the axis. Now put so many beads on each tip so that 5 beads do not reach the end of the arc. We fix the wire, pick up the beads again and twist onto the axis below.

Leaves will need 5 pieces

They must be woven in the same way. It will be especially effective if you use beads of different shades.

Now you can put it all together

We turn the first petal into a kind of roll and fix it on a thick wire with floral tape. Next, you need to fix the petals with an overlap, still using the tape. We also attach the sepals. From the leaves we make 2 branches. Wrapped with tape, attach to the stem.

How to make a very large rose from beads

  • First weave 4 petals for the first row.
  • We twist a piece of wire 50 cm in the form of a loop and, after stringing 5 beads, we twist 1 more loop.

  • Weave around the central axis.

  • Having formed 4 pairs of arcs, we weave another one in a contrasting color.

  • For the second row, we make 3 petals in the same way, only we put 6 beads on 65 cm of wire and weave 5 arcs with the main color, and the sixth with a contrasting one. To get a sharpening at the tip of the sheet, we lead the wire to the top at an angle.
  • For 3 petals of the third row, a wire 105 cm long is required, 6 beads in the central row, 8 pairs of main arcs, plus the ninth - contrasting.
  • Petals for the 4th row - there should also be 3 of them - we do it a little differently. We twist 2 wires of 18 cm each, string a bead on each free end and attach the main wire, which should be at least 125 cm. Weave in a circle - 11 pairs of main arcs, 1 contrast.

  • We weave 5 sepals: 40 cm of wire, 23 beads for the central axis. We braid once and again - to the middle.

  • It remains to make 3 sheets. For a leaf, you need a wire of 80 cm, 20 beads for the central axis. It is necessary to immediately braid 1 time, the second - we do not reach the top by 5 beads. Weave the other side in the same way. Again from the first side, again from the second - until you get a sheet, as shown in the photo.

  • We collect the flower, bending the leaves and winding them with threads to the wire-stem.

  • Having added all 4 rows, we attach the sepals, wrap the stem with threads. We attach a branch with leaves.

How to make a rose from beads on a fishing line

  • Such a rose is made in mosaic technique. For those who know how to embroider with beads, it will be quite easy.
  • To work, you will need beads of red and green colors, a thin fishing line of about 0.2 mm, a beading needle, and wire for the stem.
  • First weave according to the scheme 3 leaves. Weaving starts from the center, then one half, then the other.

beaded rope.

Video of master classes of weaving roses from beads

Beading master class for beginners

Step by step master class, it demonstrates weaving a rose step by step.

Rose from beads with carved petals. Making a Rose Bush

In this master class, you can learn how to make a rose with carved petals from beads and create compositions of rose bushes from beads.

Beaded goblet rose

Master class part 1

Here is shown in detail how a goblet rose

Master class part 2

In addition to part 1 - how to make thorns for such a rose.

Rosebuds from beads

Step-by-step master class on creating rose buds from beads.

Beaded Rose Bush

The video demonstrates in detail how you can create a beaded spray rose yourself.

Making enchanting flowers from beads is a meticulous and creative work. We will be glad if you share your experience and demonstrate your work.

beaded rose will delight you with its unchanged appearance all year round, and beautiful flower bouquets will become a real decoration of your home. Roses on long stems can be placed in a vase or made into a wall panel. You can create such a bouquet for your girlfriend for her birthday, and recently it has become fashionable to decorate wedding bouquets in such an unusual style. In this article, we will take a closer look at the French technique, in which a beautiful rosette is made on a long stem.

Weaving a rose from beads

If you want to learn a lesson on how to do it yourself roses from beads, photo master class- what a beginner master needs. It cannot be said that this flower is the easiest to perform, but, guided by our advice, you will definitely cope with all the stages of weaving, and as a result you will get a beautiful flower. can be used to form beautiful flower arrangements, bouquets and even wall panels, and your girlfriend will definitely like such a gift.

First, we will carefully consider all the necessary materials that we need at the stage of making the petals and at the stage of forming a flower with a stem and leaves. The main material, of course, is beads. We need to choose the color in which our buds will be filled, for roses they always choose delicate, “feminine” colors in the red palette, you can make white or fantastic with blue or purple petals. We will need about 80 grams of beads, but its amount depends on the number of flowers in your bouquet. For leaves, green beads are also needed - about 40 grams. We will use number 10, you can take round beads or cutting.

Weaving a rose from beads carried out on a wire 0.5 mm thick, and for the central axis you will need a thicker wire - 0.7 mm. To form the stem, we will use a strong aluminum wire 4 mm thick. When you decorate the stem, you will need to hide the wire frame, for this you can take green floss threads, you can also use floral teip tape.

To facilitate the work, prepare the wire cutters to help you cut the necessary pieces of wire for. It is not safe to tear the wire with your hands or bite off with your teeth. Be sure to prepare small saucers for work, where you can pour the beads in small portions.

Beaded rose: master class

You will make beautiful beaded rose, step by step photo will tell you where to start weaving. We will make flowers using the technique of French circular weaving, each petal will consist of four circles.

At the first stage of creating a petal, we need to cut two pieces of wire 0.7 mm 14 cm each and string five beads of the main color on each - in our case, pink. Now let's take a coil of thin wire, which will be used for the main weaving, and string on it a low bead two meters long. The wire should not be cut off from the spool so that the beads can move along it during the weaving process.

The end of the working wire must be wrapped around the prepared axis with 5 beads, stepping back 4 cm from the edge, and arcs should be made, each time wrapping the wire around the axis in two turns. In total, we should get five arcs on each side, after which the axis wire can be cut off, leaving a tip of 4 cm, which must be bent to the wrong side.

We will use two such petals to form a bud, for this they should be bent around the pencil perpendicular to the axis, and the end of the working axis bent 90 degrees. Next, two bent petals must be inserted into each other, leaving the tips of the axis inside. Another piece of wire must be tied to the axis and wrapped with green threads, so we have formed the core for the flower.

The second layer of the bud will consist of three petals, which are performed in the same way, but this time they should be larger - for each petal we will perform seven arcs, leaving the tip of the axis about 5 cm.

In the third layer, we will have four petals, they are performed, retreating from the edge of the axis 6 cm. Again, five beads must be strung on the axis, and then we perform two arcs around. After two arcs on the main axis, you need to add one more bead and make two more arcs, then add one more bead to the axis. In total, we need to add three beads to the axis in the process of weaving, and weave two arcs between them. At the end, we will weave three arcs and cut off the tip of the main wire so that a 4 cm edge remains. In total, we will have nine arcs on the large petal of the third layer.

You can see how it is done beaded rose, master class with step by step photos will definitely help you figure it out. When we have large petals ready, they need to be cup-shaped: bend the top edge to the wrong side, and slightly press the center inward.

Roses from beads: patterns of weaving

In the next step, how to create rose from beads, master class with step by step the photo will tell you how to make the petals for the fourth layer. The petal should turn out to be large, so we need to use three weaving axes, for this we will cut off 14 cm of thick wire and fold them crosswise. We will make a slingshot from the wire and start braiding its low bead. At this stage of weaving, it is necessary to make arcs, bending around all three resulting axes in turn.

To make the petal large, you need to make at least 10 circles, then the upper ends must be cut off and bent inward. But to be realistic roses from beads, photo which you can see on our website, large petals should also be slightly bent: bend the top edge to the wrong side.

We continue to fulfill roses from beads, patterns of weaving petals we will use to create the leaves of our flower. For the leaves we will use green beads: we need to collect a bead about one meter low on a 0.5 mm wire. On a 0.7 mm base 14 cm long, you need to collect five beads, wrap the tip of the working wire around it. Our leaf should turn out to be sharp, so in the upper part the wire must be wrapped around the base at an acute angle, and in the case of round petals, we twisted it at a right angle. The leaf will be small in size, and consist of only five arches. In total, for one flower, five leaves must be made.

A rose cannot be imagined without a sepal. We will again use the French technique, but the sepals should turn out to be openwork. It will, as it were, consist of two parts, for the second part long low beads on a working wire will be used. You can see the detailed execution of the sepals in the photographs. For each rosette, you need to make four sepals and give them a concave shape, because they should lie like a bowl on our bud.

How to make a beaded rose

When we have prepared all the blanks for roses from beads, step by step we offer you a photo of the flower assembly process. We will start with the leaves, which must be collected into a twig. To make the branch thicker, you need to use two more pieces of 20 cm of 0.7 mm wire. First you need to twist the segment with the first leaf, and wrap 2.5 cm branches with green floss threads. Then we follow to fasten the second leaf and the third, and decorate the stem with threads. The second branch for the flower is made in the same way.

The bud is formed in layers, starting from the middle, then the petals of the second, third and fourth layers are screwed on. Each petal must be wound to the stem in turn, using threads or teip tape. When you form a flower, the ends of the wire must be cut and wrapped with thread.

When you collect the sepals, you can turn the bud over and tape the elements to the stem so that their underside fits snugly against the flower. Next, we need to decorate the base of the bud, using a low green bead, it must be wrapped around the thread winding.

Moving down the stem, it is necessary to wrap it with green floss, securing both prepared branches with leaves. Now we have one flower ready, but for a beautiful bouquet, they should be made 5-7 pieces and arranged in a vase.

You will also find some tips for making rosettes.

Rose from beads: scheme

The French technique is used to weave various flowers - roses and, but other ways are possible to make a beautiful rose from beads, scheme parallel weaving may be useful to you. Beginning craftsmen can be advised to master beading using the parallel technique, it is simpler.

For such a rose, we need to complete the outer and inner petals, the middle, sepals and leaves. For the inner petal (its size is smaller), cut 70 cm of wire and string three beads, then thread the second end of the wire in the opposite direction into two beads and tighten so that the workpiece is in the middle of the wire segment (both ends should be the same). Next, you need to perform five more parallel rows, making an increase of two beads in each, and in the last parallel row there will be 13 beads. Thus, the scheme is the following order: 1-2-4-6-8-10-12-13, each number corresponds to the number of beads in the row. We need to make three inner petals, and four outer petals. The outer one should turn out to be larger, so the weaving will increase by one row, if the inner petal consists of eight rows, then the outer one - from nine. We will perform the outer one according to the following scheme: 1-2-4-6-8-10-12-14-15.

But the edges of each petal - both external and internal - must be rounded off, for this, on the ends of the wire on each side, you need to collect the appropriate number of beads (10-12) and pass the tips through the very first bead.

The middle will be “stamens”: you need to collect 14 beads on the base, and then pass the second tip through the 11th bead in the opposite direction, we got a stick with three beads at the end. "stamens" must be made five pieces on one wire base. For the leaves we will use this order: 1-2-4-6-7-6-4-2 and 1-2-4-6-5-4-2, and for the sepals - 1-1-2-3- 3-4-3-2-2-1. sepals for roses from beads master must make five pieces, small leaves - 2, large - 3 pieces.

Parallel weaving patterns, how to make a beaded rose, are simple and affordable, so a child will also do such crafts, for him this will be his first acquaintance with beadwork.

There are various techniques for weaving leaves from beads. We tried to collect the most successful and well-known techniques. Additions are welcome!

Master classes on french weaving technique from Alla Maslennikova:

1. Pointed leaf
Such a leaflet is made as follows:

Step 1. Twist the short (axis) and long (low) wires. The axis must be straight.

Axis length = leaf length + stem length (from 3 cm) + top margin (2-3 cm).

Step 2 String beads on the axis and low. There should be more beads on the bottom than on the axis.
Step 3 Fasten the right half of the arc. Put low on top of work and twist around the axis (1 turn).

Step 4 String the missing beads on the bottom to complete the arc. Pay attention to the location of the beads at the top of the right and left halves of the arc and the angle of their connection with the axis. It is this arrangement that allows you to get a pointed sheet.

Step 5 To fix the left half of the arc below, put the wire on top of the work.
Step 6 To secure the left half of the arc at the bottom, twist the wire around the leg (1 turn).

Step 7 Perform the next arc in the same way as the previous one. The new arc should fit snugly against the previous one. You also need to make sure that the axis remains straight.

Step 8 Complete the arc by analogy with the previous one. We still make sure that the axis remains straight, and the new arc fits snugly against the previous one.

Step 9 Run the required number of arcs similarly to the previous ones.

Step 10 To secure the last arc, twist the wire around the leg to the end.

Step 11 This is what the back side should look like.

Step 12 Bend the upper end of the axis to the wrong side. The fold should fit snugly against the top arc.

Step 13 Cut off the bent end of the axle with side cutters or wire cutters so that a tail 2-3 mm long remains. It should rest against the twist of the penultimate arc.
Step 14 Firmly press the tip of the axis to the wrong side of the sheet. If everything is done correctly, then the tip of the wire will rest against the twist of the previous arc and subsequently will not cling to anything.

2. Narrow pointed leaf

This leaf has a more pointed end and an elongated shape compared to the previous one.

Step 1. Start working by analogy with a pointed leaf. The difference is that beads are strung on the axis between the arcs.

Step 2 The next arc is fixed on the axis above the bead.

Step 3 To complete the arc, make 1 turn around the leg.

Step 4

To give the sheet an even sharper shape, the number of beads can be increased (optional).

Step 5

Step 6Bend the upper end of the axis to the wrong side.Leave the tip of the axis 2-3 mm long (cut off the excess), i.e. such that it rests on the last bead on the axis.Firmly press the tip to the axis.

3. Round sheet

Step 1.Start working by analogy with a pointed leaf. The difference is that at the top of the axis, the low is fixed not at an angle, but perpendicularly.
Step 2 The beginning of the second half of the arc is also perpendicular to the axis. The beads should be pressed tightly against the axis and the end of the first half of the arc so that the arc appears to be unified (without twisting).

Step 3Similarly, perform the next arc.It is necessary to ensure that the axis remains straight, and still firmly press the initial beads of the second half of the arc to the axis.

Step 4 Complete the next arc in the same way as the previous one.
Step 5Run the required number of arcs. To complete the work, you need to twist the wire low around the legs to the end.

Step 6. Bend the upper end of the axis to the wrong side.The fold should be close to the last arc.Leave the tip of the axis 2-3 mm long, i.e. such that it rests on the twist of the penultimate arc.Firmly press the tip to the axis.

4. Shamrock with round leaves This type of leaves is perfect for plants with three or four miniature leaves per branch, such as clover. The fourth leaflet can be added in the same way as the previous three. You can also slightly vary the shape and bend.

Step 1. On the wire, make a loop of 5-9 beads, leaving the short end of the wire on one side and the long end on the other. Fasten the loop with 1-2 turns. it will serve as a leg.

Step 2 The next arc should frame the previous one. It should be fixed on the leg with 1-2 turns by analogy with the previous one. Leaves of 1-4 arcs are made in this way.

Step 3 Run the next leaf on the long end of the wire by analogy with the previous one.

Perform the first arc (loop) by stepping back from the previous leaf a short distance.

It falls on the indent from the previous leaf and the leg of the new leaf (from the base of the inner loop to the base of the outer).

Step 4 Run the required number of arcs of the second leaf. If the indentation from the previous leaf was sufficient, then the bases of the leaves will be at a small distance from each other.

Step 5 Run the required number of leaves. Shape the branch by twisting the wire.

Flowers can also be made in this way.

5. Toothed sheet

Step 1. Run one arc as for a pointed sheet.

Step 2 Run a right return arc, i.e. fasten it from above not on the axis, but on the previous arc, stepping back from its upper edge by 5-9 beads.

In this case, start the wire from the wrong side and remove it from the front.

Step 3 Fix the arc at the bottom. The second half of the arc should go around the first, snugly adjacent to it.

Step 4 Run the left return arc by analogy with the right one. At the same time, fix the first half of the arc at the same level at which the right arc was fixed. This is usually one bead further from the top.

Step 5 Finish the left return arc in the same way as the right one.

Step 6 Run the next return arc again on the right, fixing it on the previous arc.

Step 7Similarly, perform the next left return arc.

Step 8Run the required number of return arcs. To finally fix the wire, you need to twist it around the legs.

Step 9Bend the upper end of the axle to the wrong side, cut it to the level of the upper bead on the axle and press it firmly against the axle.

Another common weaving technique is mosaic technique.

1. Round sheet.

The technique of weaving a simple rounded sheet is shown in the figure on the left. This type of leaves can be used when weaving the leaves and petals of many plants. The color, size and shape of the bends may vary. The technique of mosaic weaving is quite simple. Cut a long thread and fasten 1 bead to the thread, leaving an end of 8-10 cm. String the required number of beads (the number of beads should be approximately half the number that gives you the required sheet length). This will be the central vein of the leaf (Fig. 1-3). Then follow Figures 4-5 to complete the job. Then repeat the same on the other side of the midrib. After completing the leaf, tie the thread and hide the end.

2. Sheet with jagged edges.
When turning at the end of a row, before starting a new row, instead of skipping the bead from which the drink came out and pulling the thread into the last one added, string a larger size round bead, for example, 14 ° and again thread the thread through the bead, from which she came out, and the last bead added at the beginning of a new row (Fig. 1 on the right)

3. Petals or leaves with frilled edges.
Add loops of 3 size 11 beads between the pairs of beads along the edge of the sheet (fig. 2).

4. Leaves with long pointed tops.
Add 1 extra bead when stringing the midrib (start not with an even, but with an odd total number of beads), then pull the thread back through 2, not through 1 bead at the end of the top when weaving the first row of the sheet (fig. 3 and 4).

5. Curved petals or leaves. String on the beads of the central vein and move back to the beginning. On the next row, increase once in the middle by adding 2 beads instead of 1 (fig. 5). Continue adding 2 beads to the end of the leaf half. On the other side of the sheet, make a decrease by 1 bead in the center, skipping the bead. On the next row, add 2 beads where you missed a bead. In the next row, pull the thread through 2 beads. In the next row, add only 1 bead instead of 2 - to reduce (Fig. 6).

6. Compound leaves.
Make 3 or 5 leaves and connect them with square stitches along the bottom, diagonal edge (fig. 7 and 8). Attach the stem with square stitches.

Another unusual, rather complex version of weaving leaves (in this case, grape leaves) from Tatyana Ivanova.

Cut the green wire to the maximum length, put on 4 green beads, return through three beads, tighten so that you have a main axis of 20 cm, and the rest of the length goes to the working end. Now make a loop around the main row, pick up the required number of beads on the working end, go around the central row and make a turn around the central row at the base (photo 2).

This sheet is woven in steps. We collect 5 beads, cling to the center of the leaf (photo 3), make a turn, collect 7 beads and return down to the base of the leaf, make a turn and form a step on the other side in the same way (photo 4-5). When you weave three steps of the leaf, you need to make a pointed ledge. To do this, you need to collect more beads, form a sharp ledge (photo 7-8) and go back to the base. Repeat the second side.

Continue weaving a grape leaf from beads according to this principle. Each subsequent bottom row is wider than the previous one (Pic 10-13), but when another row with sharp protrusions is ready, then you need to start reducing the sheet (Pic 14-15). After carefully studying the photo above, you can independently repeat the weaving.

We start weaving the left side of the sheet. Weave the half as shown in photo 16 and attach it in the center to the edge of the finished sheet. Continue weaving the leaf clinging to the edge of the leaf (Pic 17-20) to the end. Repeat the same on the other side (Pic 21-22).

Now you need to complete the sheet, for this you need to weave two halves such as shown in photo 25 and drag them to the lower edges of the grape leaf. In order for a massive sheet to hold its shape from a thick wire, you need to make a frame. Wrap it with green thread (Pic 27), then fasten it to the back of the sheet (Pic 28-29).

You can also weave the leaves and smaller ones using the second method, in which the frame is immediately woven in the course of work as shown in photos 31-32. And so all subsequent halves of this sheet. Below in the photo you see two ready-made options. On the right on the attached frame, and on the left with woven.

Ivy leaf.
Scheme of Elena Bashkatova.

The French arc weaving technique is also used here. But two additional pieces of wire were used for two axes on the sides. Thus, the base of the axis of the sheet from the place where two axes were added and below will consist of three wires, which will give the sheet additional strength.

Materials and tools:

Materials that you will need to make a composition from do-it-yourself roses:

  • cabin (Czech) size 10 burgundy - 150 grams
  • beads (Czech) size 11 golden color – 70 grams
  • burgundy wire 0.4 mm thick - 30 meters
  • gold-colored wire 0.3 mm thick - 30 meters
  • gold-colored wire 0.4 mm thick - 4 meters
  • thin copper wire - 10 meters
  • aluminum or steel wire 4 mm thick - 3 pieces of 30 cm (can be replaced with knitting needles)
  • floss gold - 8 meters
  • yellow sewing thread
  • foil
  • transparent acrylic adhesive
  • dry sequins
  • sisal for decoration of the composition.


  • scissors
  • pliers
  • tweezers
  • 2 brushes (thin hard and soft)


Handmade beaded rose consists of five circles of petals. Weaved from a burgundy cabin on a burgundy wire 0.4 mm.

To weave petals, type 1-2 meters of cutting on the working wire and, without cutting the wire from the coil, wrap the end of the working wire around the axis, stepping back from the upper end of the axis 4/5/6/7/8 cm for petals 1/2/3/4/ 5 circles respectively.

Cut off the excess tip of the working wire with thin tweezers at the very axis.

First round of beaded rose petals

Wrap the end of the working wire around an axis 10 cm long, stepping back from the upper end of the axis 4 cm.

Dial 5 beads on the axis.

Weave 3 identical round petals of five pairs of arcs each.

Cut off the upper tip of the axis, leaving 2-3 mm and bend it inward (towards the back rows), bend the other end 90 degrees to the side. Bend the petals perpendicular to the axis.

Insert them into each other so that the ends of the axes are inside the bud.

Wind with threads in the tone of the future stem (yellow) to a piece of thick, 5 mm wire.

Second round of beaded rose petals

On an axis 10 cm long, type 5 beads and weave 3 sharp petals from 9 pairs of arcs. To do this, in the upper part of the petal, bring the working wire to the axis at an acute angle, and not perpendicularly, as in the previous round petal.

Please note that in the lower part of the petal and in 4 rows in the upper part, the working wire goes around the axis, lying on top of it, and 5 in the last five rows of the upper part of the petal from below, forming the so-called purl loops.

Bend the petals so that the purl loops of the lower part are inside the petal, bend the tip outward.

In the same direction that you have wrapped the first circle of petals, apply one at a time and wind the petals of the second circle with threads.

The bent tips of the petals of the second circle should be slightly higher than the level of the first circle of petals.

It turns out already very beautiful, but not yet very similar to a real rose.

Third round of beaded rose petals

On an axis 10 cm long, type 4 beads and weave 3 sharp petals from 10 pairs of arcs similarly to the petals of the second circle. The upper part of the petal is woven from five facial and 5 purl rows with all facial rows in the lower part of the petal.

Cup the petals with the purl rows inside and fold the top end of the petal outward.

Fourth circle of beaded rose petals

4 petals are woven on 2 axes from 13 circles of arcs: 8 facial and 5 purl. Take 2 pieces of wire 10 cm each. Run around the working wire around them with 2 turns with collected beads. String 1 bis on the right axis, and 2 on the left.

After the first circle of arcs, add 1 bead on each axis.

The bottom of the petal should always be round. You can weave the upper one both round and with sharp corners.

Cut off the excess axle wire at the top of the petals, fold the tips over to the purl rows and cup the petals so that the purl rows of the bottom of the petal are inside the "bowl".

In a spiral, applying the petals to the stem, keeping the direction given by the previous circles, wind them one by one with threads.

Our handmade product is already acquiring its features of a rose.

Fifth circle of beaded rose petals

4 petals are woven similarly to the fourth circle. Only now on 3 axes of 15 circles of arcs: 8 facial and 7 purl. Take 3 pieces of wire 10 cm each. Run around the working wire around them with 2 turns with dialed beads. String 1 bis on the right axis, 2 on the middle, and 3 on the left.

After the first circle of arcs, add 1 bead to the middle axis.

After 2-3 circles of arcs, one of the axes in the lower part of the petal can be cut off so that the working wire does not wrap around such a thick axis, consisting of 3 wires 0.4 mm. After 8 front rows, in the upper part of the petal, weave the next 7 rows purl. The bottom of the petal should always be round. You can weave the upper one both round and with sharp corners.

Cut off the excess axle wire at the top of the petals, bend the tips to the wrong rows and cup the petals so that the wrong rows of the lower part of the petal are inside the “bowl”, curving the upper part of the petal outward.

In a spiral, applying the petals to the stem, keeping the direction, wind them one by one with threads.

After the bud is formed, the desired shape is given to the petals, apply a drop of transparent glue at the points of contact between the petals. I am using acrylic. You can also use acrylic gloss varnish. After drying, it will be transparent and invisible on the flower. So that the bud does not fall apart under the weight of the petals, you can wrap it with wire, but not tight, but exactly as much as the bud of your flower should be open. I usually just hang the flower by the stem upside down with the bud down until the glue dries, without wrapping it with anything.

Rose buds from beads

I have 2 buds in the composition.

The bud consists of two circles of petals, 3 in each.

For the first circle, weave 3 petals in the same way as the rose petals of the first circle.

3 petals of the second circle are woven on 2 axes of 9 circles of arcs: on the right axis, type 2 bis., and on the left - 3. Weave a round petal from 7 front rows of arcs and 2 wrong ones.

Collect the resulting petals on the stem in a spiral, similarly to the first two circles of rose petals.


Weaved on a gold-colored wire from gold beads. On an axis 10 cm long, type 6 cm (for roses) and 5 cm (for buds) of beads. Weave as in the photo 5 sepals for a rose and 4 for buds.

When weaving the sepals, make sure that you have facial rows at the bottom of the leaf, and purl rows at the top.

On the other hand, weave 2 pairs of semi-arcs in the same way as described above.

Shape the sepals

Wrap the sepals one at a time with threads to the stem so that they fit snugly against the buds with the bottom wrong side. Cut off the excess ends of the wire and wrap them with thread so that they do not stick out.

I did not use a cutting (bead) of a different shade for edging the edge of the petal. This is for an amateur.

In principle, it would be possible to weave the last row of petals with beads, for example, gold, (the one from which we will make leaves).

I used dry gold sequins. With one brush, I applied transparent glue along the edge of the petal, and sprinkled glitter on it with the other brush. After the glue has dried, with a dry soft brush swept away the excess.

I really like this method (thanks to Sasha Kramarenko for a great idea).

Handmade beaded rose leaves

To make my composition, I wove 6 branches of 3 leaves.

Weave 6 large and 12 smaller pointed leaves.

Large: 7 beads on the axis, 11 pairs of arcs.

Small: 7 beads on the axis, 9 pairs of arcs.

Axes take a length of 20 cm.

From 1 large and 2 small leaves we collect a twig. This will require floss threads (1 skein was just enough for me to wind the entire composition) and thin wire. Surely each of you has a thin wire, obtained by chance, but never found use. I used it to thicken the twigs with leaves. For thickening, it is better to use several pieces of thin wire than one thick one. When attaching a branch to the stem, thin wires will not protrude under the winding with threads, and a thick wire will stand out with a bulge unusual for the stem. I wound a thin wire around a cardboard strip 10 cm wide and when a sufficient bundle thickness was gained, I cut the wire on one side. A beam was obtained from segments of the same length (20 cm each).

Attach a bundle of pieces of thin wire to the middle leaf and twist them together by 2-2.5 cm, trying not to form a spiral, and the twist was uniform.

Cut the floss about 40 cm. Each floss thread consists of 6 thin threads. Divide the segment into 2 (three threads each). And with these three threads, start winding the branch, starting with the middle large leaf. After 2-2.5 cm, attach a smaller leaf, leaving a stalk of 2-3 mm (in theory, it could also be wrapped with floss on these 2-3 mm, but I was frankly too lazy), winding it to a twig for 2- 3 turns, attach a second leaflet, leaving the same stalk and continue winding another 2-2.5 cm. Fasten the thread by passing it between the wires and collect the remaining 5 branches in the same way.

Rose assembly

Cut the floss about 1 m long, disassemble it in half. Start winding the stem from the bud itself. After 6 cm, without loosening the tension of the thread, attach a twig with leaves, gently straightening the ends of the wires along the stem, and continue tight winding with threads for another 5-7 cm. Fasten and cut the thread.

Assembling rose buds

Similarly, collect one bud with 2 branches of leaves, and the second with 3 branches.

Bud with 2 branches: the first branch at a distance of 4 cm from the bud, the next - after another 1.5 cm. then continue winding for another 8 cm.

Bud with three branches: the first branch at a distance of 5 cm from the bud, the next - after another 1.5 cm and the third after another 2 cm. Then continue winding another 8-10 cm.

Assembling a composition of beaded roses

The hardest one, in my opinion. I managed on my own, but I strongly recommend that you resort to outside help.

The rose itself weighs more than 100 gov, so it will strive to fall. In addition, you still need to hold two buds.

All this needs to be built into a harmonious composition and managed to be poured with gypsum mortar.

Prepare the vase in which you are going to plant the flowers. As planned, cut off the excess length of the stem, leaving a little for the loop at the end of each. It is needed for stability (and indeed, suddenly you have to lengthen the stem a little, so it will be due to what).

Prepare a good piece of foil (I used food grade). Build a composition right on it and fix it at the base with the free edges of the foil.

Now feel free to put it in your bowl and fill it with a liquid solution of gypsum with water (prepared in advance). Everything must be done very quickly so that the solution does not seize ahead of time.

I want to note that the use of foil is very important here. In addition to the fact that it does not allow the stems to move relative to each other and keeps the composition static, it also does not allow your bowl to crack!!!

Since my bowl is spherical, without the use of foil, I risked it very much. And so, when setting, the gypsum expands and crushes not the edges of the bowl (to smithereens) but the foil that you have at the bottom.

So she always helps me out. Before the burgundy with a golden rose, I made an “ice” composition.

There I used a vase, also spherical, but with a narrow neck. I put the composition into it without problems, but I also had to fill it in, since the rose was heavy and turned over. So I stuffed the foil into it with a pencil, fixing the stems in the position I needed, and carefully poured a very (!) Liquid solution of gypsum with water into it. Nothing cracked.

Let's get back to our ... Roses. While the plaster sets, you can hold the flowers a little with your hands so that they definitely do not fall and move out.

You can arrange the soil at your discretion. I decided not to go out of color and dyed the green sisal that I had with gold paint from a balloon. She laid the ground.

Carefully straighten each leaf, you may have to slightly bend the stems of the flowers. If you are satisfied with the result, then we can assume that everything is READY!

Original of this master class You can find it on the author's website.
