Cool chest. Beautiful female breasts are a treasure for men

The American magazine "In Touch" conducted an annual survey among readers to rank the best busts of Hollywood stars. Who had the most seductive and beautiful breasts?

10th place - supermodel Tyra Banks. Her television project “American Next Top Model” has been one of the most popular shows in the United States for several years. The idea was also sold to television companies in other countries. Including in Russia, where a similar program “You are a supermodel” was created on the STS TV channel.

9th place - actress Rebecca Romijn. It is a great success for Rebecca to be included in the "In Touch" rating. Lately, the star has been “leaving the race.” In 2005, her only merit was 80th place in the Top 100 most successful women in the world, which was published by Business Wire magazine in comparison with Maxim magazine. This year the press practically did not mention the actress.

8th place - actress Brittany Murphy. This year has been very difficult for the star. Last New Year, she exchanged wedding rings with her lover Joe Macaluso, and a few months later called off the engagement. The star will celebrate this New Year alone.

7th place - actress Lindsay Lohan. Rumor has it that the star is now having a whirlwind romance with a guy who is 2 years younger than her. His name is Evan, and he is the youngest son of the famous Diana Ross.

6th place - actress Jennifer Love Hewitt. This year, Jennifer and her boyfriend Ross McCall came to the Halloween party dressed as American comedians Charlie Chaplin and Harpo Marx.

5th place - Jessica Alba. The actress recently made a promise to never act naked again. She has previously stated that she will not allow herself to be photographed or acted naked. However, the owner of Playboy magazine, Hugh Hefner, at one time persuaded the girl to go for it. Now Jessica promises it will never happen again.

4th place - Halle Berry. Recently, the actress talked about how she acts in sex scenes in films. During explicit scenes, she tries to look at what is happening from the outside and enjoy the spectacle. “I never associate these scenes with myself and I think that’s why I take them calmly,” says the star.

3rd place - Salma Hayek. The Latin American actress recently admitted that it took her a long time to get rid of complexes associated with her appearance: “My height is only 157 cm,” says Salma. “But I know how to manage my proportions and present myself in a favorable light. I had to train for a long time to be level".

2nd place - Jessica Simpson. Last year, the singer took first place in the ranking of the most beautiful busts in Hollywood.

And finally, the palm went to actress Scarlett Johansson. By the way, she recently admitted that she has a special nickname for her breasts - “my girls.” By the way, the star has never publicly demonstrated her naked bust.

Last year, In Touch magazine conducted a similar survey. Then the ranking of the most beautiful busts of Hollywood stars looked like this:
1. Jessica Simpson
2. Salma Hayek
3. Carmen Electra
4. Angelina Jolie
5. Halle Berry
6. Jennifer Love Hewitt

8. Mariah Carey
9. Susan Sarandon
10. Nicollette Sheridan

Judging by the ratings, readers determined the winner not by beauty, but by breast size. Although it is strange that this year such sex bombs as Carmen Electra and Angelina Jolie dropped out of the list. And also, it would be very interesting to know who our readers would vote for?

Fashion trendsetters dictate new rules. The neckline increases, the necklines go down, the shoulders and arms are exposed to the limit...

But if you don't take care of your breasts, you'll languish in a closed-neck blouse in the heat. Breasts are in the spotlight this season! It’s simply impossible not to take care of her!

Breast cosmetics are intended only for the skin. By increasing skin elasticity and hydration, we can achieve some increase in volume.

How to apply products for beautiful breasts?

  1. All products are best applied with light stroking and circular movements.- from the center to the sides. Grab the skin under the breasts and décolleté, being aware of the “surroundings” (primarily the inside of the shoulders).
  2. Do not apply any of the following care products to your nipples: This is an area with a high degree of natural pigmentation, and if not handled correctly, unwanted changes can occur here. You can lubricate the nipples only with a photoprotector, but it is better to isolate them from the sun with clothing.

Cleansing for beautiful breasts

Soft and neat. Everyday - cleansing milk, best for sensitive skin. Do not overuse shower gels with a high content of surfactants. Deep cleansing can be done, but not too often and using gentle means.

Moisturizing and strengthening beautiful breasts

Usually these functions go hand in hand.

Algae extracts, hyaluronic acid, urea derivatives add and retain moisture.

Ginseng and gingko extracts tone.

Shiitake and soybean extracts prevent damage to dermal fibers. Kigelia Africana promotes cell regeneration.

Various herbal combinations improve the synthesis of collagen and elastin, promoting skin tightening.

Test: your chances of beautiful breasts for many years

For each positive answer we award 1 point.

4-6 POINTS: It's time to rethink your breast care habits. Even if she is in good shape now, she won’t last long in this mode without losses.

2-3 POINTS: It can be better, but you are on the right track. Correct the “failing” points - and everything will be fine.

0-1 POINT: you have every chance of having the most beautiful breasts for many years, unless you change your tactics.

Is breast enlargement effective through drugs?

Numerous means to increase breast volume continue to excite the beauty industry and the imagination of consumers.

Drinks, tablets, chewing gums and creams promise stunning results. But these promises are not confirmed by anything. No one has seen clinical trials of these drugs with the publication of results in medical journals. They are certified, but this is only a guarantee of harmlessness, but not effectiveness. The mechanism of their action is unclear. Perhaps there is swelling, due to which the volume increases.

Manufacturers often talk about an increase in volume due to the growth of glandular tissue. However, according to a dermatologist, the effect on glandular tissue is fraught: “If, in principle, there is a tendency for glandular tissue to grow, then stimulation can lead to malignant processes. Any glandular tissue can grow, and no one can guarantee, for example, that a goiter will not grow instead of a beautiful breast.”

Therefore, you should always remember that any dietary supplements are registered as food additives that improve the general condition of the body and require caution in use.

Absolute contraindications to breast enlargement products - age under 18 years, pregnancy and breastfeeding, benign tumors and breast implants. Relative - an allergy to some of the incoming components. You should always consult a breast specialist before taking supplements. These products often contain phytoestrogens, which are important for the body as a whole and for the breasts in particular.

If there are products that stimulate the breakdown of fat, then there should also be products that encourage its accumulation. For example, in the laboratories of Methode Jeanne Piaubert they developed the Transbuster complex, which captures fats contained in foods and “feeds” bust fat cells with them. Based on this complex, Decollete 3D gel was created, which is recommended to be used three times a day between meals.

Salon and home treatments for beautiful breasts

Massage for beautiful breasts

Author's methods and modern developments of breast massage techniques allow you to establish blood and lymph flow, get rid of congestion, and significantly tighten the skin of the breast. In addition, massage of the décolleté area is usually included in facial treatments. Some of the most interesting developments are Nadya Payo’s “42 movements” massage and various techniques from the brand’s SPA specialists (comfort zone).

Wraps for beautiful breasts

Isothermal wraps (corresponding to body temperature) are also good for the chest, since heating is not suitable for everyone. The composition of the wraps depends on individual preferences and characteristics.

Wraps activate metabolism and improve breast skin. Apply the mask in a thick layer to the skin until completely dry. A recipe for one of these masks: mix cottage cheese with olive oil and egg or sour cream with honey. Apply the resulting mass to your chest for 20 minutes, and then rinse off.

Masks for beautiful breasts

Mud and algae masks regulate the water-salt balance, remove toxins and nourish the skin with essential substances. And plasticizing ones provide a lifting effect.

Cold shower for beautiful breasts

The procedure is unpleasant, but irreplaceable. It improves blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels, makes breast skin elastic and firm. Perform it in a circular motion, starting from the left breast, for 1-2 minutes a day. If you are not able to subject yourself to such execution, experiment with ice. Run a piece of ice across your chest and then up to your neck. This is good skin and body care, you are guaranteed a lifting effect.

Diet for beautiful and healthy breasts

Formula for the most beautiful breasts

Apparently, men have nothing to do, since it is not enough for them to simply admire the beauty of a woman’s breasts, but they need to turn everything into mathematics, calculate and calculate from and to, in order to derive the formula for the ideal female breast.

1. The ratio of the upper and lower parts of the chest,
roughly speaking, the length from the beginning of the breast to the nipple, and from the nipple to the fold under the breast. Some “experts” say that it should be 1/3 to 2/3, i.e. 33% to 67%. Others, such as Patrick Mallucci, a plastic surgeon, believe that the ideal proportion is 45% to 55%. The owners of such parameters can be considered the American model Caprice Bourret and the Russian TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva.

2. Triangle rule. Draw a triangle ABC, the base of which is the line AC connecting the nipples, the corners are the depression between the collarbones and the two nipples. Having mentally drawn a figure, we divide the length AC in half, and what we get is divided by the distance AB (BC). For an ideal breast, the ratio is 0.4 - 0.6. If it is less than 0.4, the breasts sag, but if it is more than 0.6, they are too raised.

The most beautiful breasts in the world

This is clearly not the biggest, as many men and women believe. The most beautiful breasts can be exclusively natural. This is not a list of the most vulgar breasts or the most successful plastic surgery for breast augmentation.

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Tyra Banks

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Salma Hayek

Miss most beautiful breasts - Scarlett Johansson

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Jessica Simpson

Miss most beautiful breasts - Halle Berry

Miss most beautiful breasts - Madonna

Miss most beautiful breasts - Carmen Electra

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Katherine Heigl

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Audrina Patridge

Miss most beautiful breasts - Jennifer Aniston

Miss most beautiful breasts - Megan Fox

Miss most beautiful breasts - Caprice Bourret

Miss most beautiful breasts - Laetitia Casta

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Beyoncé Knowles

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Marisa Miller

I would be grateful if you add to this list or make comments.

Read on the topic beautiful breasts

Mostly women dream of big breasts. Having heard enough myths about the miraculous properties of cabbage, many beauties suffered, eating it in the hope of having impressive figures, but everything was in vain, and those who were destined by nature to have large breasts got it, and the rest of the girls had to be content with what they had.

Although many people are chasing a large breast size, there are many women who are happy to exchange their volumes with sufferers, because large breasts cause only problems: constant aching back pain, problems with choosing clothes, as well as the gaze of men. Here are 7 record holders, among which you will find ladies with the largest natural and artificial breasts in the world.

Natural breasts

1. Annie Hawkins-Turner

2. The lady is known throughout the world under the name Norma Stitz. She has the official status of a record holder in the Guinness Book of Records. Norma is the owner of the largest natural breasts in the world, and as a result, the largest bra size.

3. Norma Stitz - stage name. The woman became famous not only for her bust: she is also known for her work in the modeling business and the film industry (she starred in several adult films). However, popularity did not stop Norma from becoming a mother of two children.

4. Myosotis Claribel

5. The girl has African-Spanish roots. Perhaps it was this fact that influenced the development of such an impressive bust. Miosotis' status as the owner of the largest breasts has not been officially confirmed. However, this does not bother her fans.

6. The girl is also famous for her work as a model, including in nude photo shoots.

7. Ting Hiafen

8. For a Chinese woman, Ting has a simply prohibitive breast size: after all, for Chinese women, even the third and fourth breast size is already a rarity.

9. It must be said that, unlike the above-mentioned owners of gorgeous busts, Ting did not use her large breasts as a way to earn money. On the contrary, to improve her living conditions (the girl had constant back pain and found it difficult to walk without assistance), she turned to plastic surgeons, who performed the appropriate operation.

Victims of plastic surgery

10. Lolo Ferrari (Eva Valois)

11. French dancer, porn industry star. The girl was a record holder in the French Guinness Book of Records. She was the owner of the largest breasts in the world: each breast weighed 2.8 kg!

12. Lolo has had more than 20 breast enlargement surgeries. The result of the operations was not only worldwide fame, but also health problems. The girl constantly took strong medications. Eva Valois died at the age of 37 in 2000.

13. Chelsea Charms

14. American model, stripper, dancer and porn actress. In 2011, Chelsea Charms became the Guinness Book of Records holder for having the largest breasts in the world.

15. Nature awarded Chelsea with a fourth breast size. But this was not enough for the girl, and at the age of twenty she underwent her first bust enlargement operation. There were other surgical interventions. During the latter, the girl received polypropylene breast implants. Their peculiarity is that they absorb water from the body and expand. This is how the bust increases. The use of these implants is prohibited in the EU and the USA, since the risks of complications after such operations are very high.

16. Sabrina Sabrok (Lorena Fabiana Colotta)

17. Sabrina always dreamed of holding the title of owner of the largest breasts in the world. What she, in general, succeeded in: having more than a dozen plastic surgeries behind her, the girl still achieved her goal. However, Sabrina is not going to stop there and does not hide it. The exhortations of doctors in this case (as in all others) are to no avail.

18. Sabrina is a famous Latin American TV presenter and model. In addition to candid photo shoots, the girl is also known as a musician: she played electropunk in the band Primeras Impresiones. And Sabrina is a happy mother. In 2010, her son was born.

21. Impressive breasts, which attract everyone’s attention, help a girl build a career in show business and keeps her from getting offers to take part in various photo shoots.

Not long ago, German scientists came to the conclusion that daily contemplation of naked female breasts prolongs a man’s life by several years! German scientists were silent about how this affects women, but it seems to us that there will be no harm to girls either. We present to you the most magnificent female breasts in Instagram!

@kateupton (2.5 million)

Perhaps the most famous representative of girls with a large (I emphasize, natural!) bust is the model Kate Upton(23). Bravo, Kate! Shut up all these flat skinny guys!

@sarahstage (1.9 million)

Fans argue until they are hoarse about whether this girl has real breasts. And she herself assures that she did not do anything to herself, and her breasts increased in size due to pregnancy. We willingly believe her!

@melanieiglesias (1.3 million)

American actress and television presenter Melanie Iglesias(28) simply attracts viewers to the screen. I wonder why?

@reneesomerfield (1 million)

We consider Australians to be some of the most beautiful people on earth. It's no surprise that the Australian model Renee Somerfield million subscribers! No wonder the girl advertises swimsuits and underwear.

@devinbrugman (1 million)

It wasn't just her breasts that gave this beauty a million subscribers, but it undoubtedly played an important role in her popularity. Unusually large, and most importantly - natural shapes are welcomed by the public!

@charlottemckinney (644 thousand)

American actress and model Charlotte McKinney(22) plays in small TV series and comedy films. Even if the girl’s performance was poor, the film’s success is guaranteed.

@marateigen_ (450 thousand)

Another representative of girls with ideal shapes is a model Mara Teigen. Although she has too large breasts for a model, this only helps her! Keep it up, Mara, we are introducing the fashion for big and round!

@miss_alyssaarce (238 thousand)

Another representative of busty girls a la naturel! Alyssa films for Playboy and is not shy about posting candid photos of her twins.

@realmisacampo (231 thousand)

The main secret of a woman's figure is a thin waist. This girl has ideal proportions, which is why almost a quarter of a million followers have subscribed to her Instagram.

@1rosiejones (207 thousand)

Another beauty, ready to share her treasures with subscribers every day. From what angles does she post photos of her breasts? Either she’ll pull you down with a tight bra, or she’ll let loose in a loose shirt - and every time it’s wonderful!

Heterosexual attraction of men to women's breasts is one of the most mysterious phenomena of humanity. At first glance it may seem that this phenomenon is extremely illogical. The attention of any man is simply attracted by round, beautiful female breasts.

It is curious that men themselves have breasts. And although the benefits from it are the same as from an avalanche shovel in the Sahara, nevertheless, men also have nipples. Then why do men admire women’s breasts so much, which are essentially very little different from their own?

Dr. Stefan McDougal argues that there is a certain connection between male attention and what a woman's breasts symbolize. “There is something exclusively feminine, or even “hyper-feminine” if you like, about a woman’s breasts. It is soft, it is exciting and attractive, it is ergonomic and seductive. And it differs from our own breasts, on the one hand, in its mystery, on the other, in its eroticism.”

He also adds: “As for size, the larger the breasts, the more mysterious, seductive and erotic they are to the male eye. Some (mainly admirers of Freud) believe that increased male attention to women's breasts is partly due to breastfeeding in infancy. From my point of view, this is complete nonsense. Simply, there is something symbolic in a woman’s breast, inherent exclusively to a female being.”

By the way, not all men like large female breasts. In fact, many people are turned on by small breasts, like those of a teenage girl. Long live the difference!

Beautiful breasts & ideal breasts: synonyms or identically different concepts?

The beautiful shape of the female breast, its sensitivity to touch and its role in the formation of the love hormone or during breastfeeding make this part of the female body unusually aesthetic and functional.
Moreover, the breast is one of the most sensitive erogenous zones of a woman; there is also mention of this in the Eastern Tao of Love. Women tend to evaluate their breasts through the prism of their desirability to men.

Men's magazines such as Playboy and FHM shape public and cultural opinion regarding what desirable and ideal breasts should be. The covers of these magazines are decorated with beautiful girls with chiseled, slender figures and large busts.

Women's magazines only reinforce this idea. Glossy publications constantly write about how you can enlarge your breasts or make them more elastic, promising readers that this will certainly help to capture the attention of the opposite sex and be more successful in both sexual and everyday social life.

It is believed that the ideal female breast should have a rounded shape, be raised quite high, large, firm and elastic to the touch. However, where is the logic? The larger the breast, the heavier it becomes and, accordingly, the more inclined it is to fall down under its own weight, causing discomfort in the neck and back. If the breasts are large and round, they will certainly “hang” and are unlikely to be firm.

As sad as it may be, the reality is that with age and the birth of children, women's breasts tend to lose firmness and sag downwards - changes that are an inevitable process and are characteristic of almost every woman. Women tend to believe that their breasts are smaller than the size they think a man prefers.

If women are obsessed with the idea of ​​enlarging their breasts and improving their shape with the help of a plastic surgeon, then men most often fully support them in this. For most men, female breasts are a source of excitement and fantasies. They get excited when they see a woman's cleavage, when the breasts are both temptingly open and at the same time inaccessible.

There are very few men who are not inspired by the “twins” that a woman proudly “carries” in front of her and displays to others with varying degrees of frankness and modesty.

According to research, men's main interest lies in the shape of a woman's breasts.

Another attractive feature of female breasts is the variety of shapes and sizes. Many small women have large breasts and, on the contrary, being tall or having a fairly voluminous physique does not always guarantee the presence of breasts of the appropriate size. The same “anti-proportional” rule is also true for nipples: some have big and large nipples, others have barely noticeable ones, and so on ad infinitum. Perhaps it is this mystery and mystery that attracts the attention of men? Women skillfully use this property of their own attractiveness; they give men a frank and obvious clue, often revealing a fascinating “bulge”, thereby making the rest of the breast a figment of the wild male imagination.

Those women who are in no hurry to resort to the use of hormonal drugs or various medications for breast enlargement can use a trick and achieve a visual increase in volume by using special bras to lift their breasts.

Well, the last reason for such a strong attractiveness of female breasts is, perhaps, the tactile sensations that men experience when touching their breasts. The vast majority of men experience an irresistible desire to touch this seductive object.