Who is the main character of gravity falls. Who is the best Gravity Falls character?

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Gravity Falls is a popular animated series from Disney. The action of the cartoon takes place in a town that is inhabited by various creatures and where everything supernatural simply attracts. There are a lot of diverse, bright characters in the cartoon, but which one is the best?

No. 1. Dipper Pines

Dipper is Mabel's twin brother and Stan's grandson. Thanks to his curiosity, this guy solved many mysteries of Gravity Falls after finding Diary #3. For some time now, secrets and riddles have become the goal of his life.

#2 Mabel Pines

Dipper's sister. Mabel is extremely hyperactive. She is constantly coming up with something new. It's hard to talk her out of anything. Her desire to please the boys overshadows everything in the world. If not for this girl, the series would be more gloomy, but the good thing is she is.

No. 3. Stan Pines

The twins' great-uncle and owner of the Mystery Shack. Stan is a brazen, cunning, greedy type who profits by selling trinkets to tourists. Despite such terrible qualities, this man is ready for anything for the sake of his family.

No. 4. Wendy Corduroy

Wendy is every teenager's dream. A red-haired girl from a lumberjack family, works part-time in the "Shack of Wonders" - slipshod. After work, Wendy likes to have fun with her friends. After the arrival of the twins, her list of friends and admirers grew.

No. 5. Sous Ramirez

From the age of 12, Soos began working at the Mystery Shack. His dream is for the owner, Stan Pines, to adopt him. It may seem that Sus is a narrow-minded person. And indeed it is. At least from a great worker.

No. 6. Bill Cipher

Bill is the main villain of the series. This yellow triangle is a demon dreaming of getting into the real world. Bill is very cunning. Once he took possession of Dipper's body ... and at the end of the series, he completely captured Gravity Falls.

No. 7. Gideon Gleeful

No, it's not a piggy man. This is Gideon, another villain. The main villain of the first season. Gideon hates the Mystery Shack and is hopelessly in love with Mabel. Gleeful is a cunning, treacherous boy, who is afraid even of his own father.

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The famous animated series Gravity Falls has been uniting its fans in many countries of the world since 2012. The teenage audience is so imbued with the characters and events shown in the series that they even often put on their avatar on social networks not their own photos, but pictures from their favorite series, or retouch their photos in their style. Many strive to learn how to draw the characters of "Gravity", inventing various images for them and depicting their favorites in different artistic styles. We can say that this animated series has become a kind of cult of today's youth, so it's worth getting to know its characters and their description a little closer in order to understand what characters and characters attract today's teenagers and why.

Main characters

The main characters of the Gravity Falls series are Dipper Pines, his sister Mabel, their great-uncle Stanley, a young girl Wendy Corduroy, and a friend of teenagers Zus Ramirez. In addition to the main characters, there are a lot of secondary characters in the series, whose names are worthy of special attention and description.

The main character of the cartoon "Gravity Falls" is Dipper Pines - a teenager with a curious character, smart, kind, loving his sister Mabel. Together they spend their summer holidays in a small province in Oregon with their great uncle, who founded the Mystery Shack. Dipper tries to explore all her secrets with the help of a secret diary.

The hero's name - Dipper - is actually his nickname, which arose due to a birthmark on the boy's forehead, which in English is called "Big Dipper". The real name of the hero is the name Mason, but it is practically not mentioned anywhere in the series.

Dipper Pines has a real life prototype. This is the author of the animated series Alex Hirsch. In the drawn interpretation, Dipper always looks identical, he is dressed in a blue vest, orange T-shirt, gray shorts, white sneakers and the same socks. As a headdress, Dipper always has a cap with spruce. The hair color of a teenager is chestnut.

Mabel Pines is the twin sister of Dipper Pines. The girl is distinguished by energy, positivity, amorousness and naivety. Mabel is constantly spinning next to her brother and helps him explore all the secrets of a small outback, where they came for the summer to their grandfather.

Mabel does her best to get the attention of the boys. She can knit sweaters, play mini golf, imitate animal sounds, pick locks, and make wax figures.

Outwardly, Mabel resembles her life prototype - the sister of the creator of the cartoon, Ariel Hirsch. In the series, she has long brown hair, chubby cheeks, and braces. She often dresses in different ways, but her main clothes are a skirt, a sweater, a headband, black ballet flats and white socks. Sometimes on holidays Mabel wears earrings. The girl has a pet - a little pig Pukhlya.

In the first episode of the animated series, in addition to the main characters - brother and sister Pines - the viewer also gets acquainted with their great-uncle, to whom the guys came to visit for the summer. This is Stanley Pines, whom the grandchildren call uncle for some reason.

It is in Stan's house that the main events of the animated series unfold. The fact is that the old man turned his home into a tourist center "Hut of Miracles", where he constantly entertains tourists or sells souvenirs. By itself, he is an adventurer, he was in prison, most of all he gravitates towards money, which he knows how to earn at the same time. However, Stan also loves his family, he treats the twins well, who came to him for the holidays, although outwardly he is often harsh and rude. Stanley's character is very secretive, he is a man with a secret, he wears a fez, he never undresses in the shower so that no one can see his back. Has a twin brother, Stanford, who is the author of the diaries. The prototype of Stanley Pines was the grandfather of the creator of the series.

One of the main lines of the animated series are the love adventures of the characters. Another participant in a similar line of the series is the 15-year-old employee of the "Mystery Shack" Wendy Blurble Corduroy, the daughter of a lumberjack, who has 4 more brothers. The main character Dipper Pines is deeply in love with Wendy and she knows it.

Wendy's character is cheerful, friendly, although she is a little phlegmatic and lazy. The girl does not like work, and spends only half a day on it, while doing nothing. Dreams of becoming an adult. Constantly meets with different guys. Spends time with friends.

Wendy Corduroy is said to be inspired by My Little Pony creator Lauren Faust. Outwardly, Wendy looks good - tall, slim, green-eyed and long-haired. Her hair is red and there are many freckles on her cheeks. She is dressed in the series in a lumberjack hat, a plaid shirt and a white T-shirt, blue jeans and boots. There are always earrings in the ears of the heroine.

A friend of Dipper and Mabel, Wendy's work colleague in the Mystery Shack is 22-year-old master Zus Ramirez. This guy is very clumsy, but sweet, kind, constantly drives the twins who have arrived around Gravity Falls, tries to always be aware of everything that is happening around. Soos is often wrong, although he tends to be involved in mechanical engineering, paintball and DJing. He hosts his own television show, Zus's Repair, in which he is able to fix everything that breaks in the Mystery Shack.

Zus's birthday is July 13, he lives with his grandmother, he has not seen his father since he was 12. Zus is a passionate lover of computer toys.

Dipper and Mabel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pines, have been raising their children all their lives. It was they who sent the twins to their grandfather for the summer. In the series, they play episodic roles, children talk to them on the phone in some episodes. It is also known that once Mr. Pines attended a conference on Windows 95 and brought a T-shirt from it, which Mabel gave. She uses it as a nightgown. Mrs. Pines likes to dress up Dipper in a lamb costume from the age of five so that he dances a dance for her.

Minor characters

In the series, as already mentioned, there are a lot of secondary characters, thanks to which the plot turns out to be exciting and exciting.

Ma Pines is the great-grandmother of Dipper and Mabel, and the mother of Stanley Pines. The heroine is engaged in the fact that she conducts clairvoyant sessions on the phone, which speaks of her as a pathological liar.

Babulita Ramirez is Zoos and Reggie's caring grandmother. She is a widow, her grandchildren honor her authority unquestioningly, but she does not like their father and noisy companies.

Reggie Ramirez is Zoos' cousin, whom the brother refers to as his half-finished copy. Reggie is engaged.

"Brave Dan" - Dan Corduroy - the father of the Corduroy family, a lumberjack. The father of Wendy and her brothers, he brings up all the children himself after the death of their mother. This is the most courageous, big and strong man in the whole city.

Gideon Charles Gleeful or "Baby Gideon" is the owner of the "Tent of Telepathy" in the city. He is 10 years old, but he has been competing with Uncle Stan for a long time. In the first season of the animated series, Gideon is the main antagonist. Outwardly, he is a small harmless child, but the kid uses this for selfish purposes. He is treacherous, cruel and rude, and is feared by his own family. Baby Gideon is in love with Mabel. He believes that Stanley and Dipper are getting in the way of their happiness. During the period of Weirdmageddon, the boy, along with a gang of prison inmates, acts on the side of Cipher, but later he switched to the opposite side. The symbolism of the "Tent of Telepathy" is very similar to the pentagonal star with an eye, which is present as the symbolism of the "Wheel of Bill".

Bud Gleeful is Gideon's father, a car dealership owner and an employee of the Tent of Telepathy. He is quite cunning, but not aggressive and soft. Bud is unquestioningly subordinate to his son, he tries to object to him to no avail and quite rarely. Bud Gleeful used to be a member of the Blind Eye Society.

Carla Gleeful is Gideon's bullied, gray-haired mother. She is a housewife. She constantly vacuums the floor, which is most likely explained by the constant erasing of her memory. In just a couple of episodes in the series, Carla can be seen smiling.

"Robbie Vee" - Robert Stacey Valentino - is a pimply emo who is 16 years old and who in the series personifies typical teenagers. He is a member of the rock band Robbie Vee and the Tombstones. In the course of the series, he changes girls - first he meets with Wendy, then with Tambry, thanks to the God of Love and Mabel. In Wheel of Bill, the symbol is a darned heart. The guy has not taken off the sweatshirt with the heart since the seventh grade of the school.

Greg and Janice Valentino are Robbie Vee's parents who own a funeral home. In life they are very cheerful, hospitable, cheerful. View death as a means to earn money.

Pacifica Elizabeth Northwest is a rich and popular girl from Gravity Falls, she is a descendant of the city's fake founder, Nathaniel Northwest. At the beginning of the series, Pacifica is rude and arrogant, but then her character changes. The symbol in Wheel of Bill is the llama. The surname Northwest is a direct indication of the location of the town of Gravity Falls - northwest on the Pacific coast, Oregon.

Preston Northwest is the father of Pacifica, a direct descendant of Nathaniel Northwest, whom everyone knows as the fake founder of Gravity Falls. The Preston family's wealth comes from owning and founding a mudguard factory. Preston is an authority for his own daughter. Under Weirdmageddon, he was mutilated by Bill Cipher. By the end of the series, he was completely bankrupt and his estate became the property of Fiddleford Mac Gucket.

Priscilla Northwest is Pacifica's mother and Preston's wife. She is proud of her own appearance and status in public circles. Priscilla met her own husband at a beauty pageant in which she won.

Nathaniel Northwest is the false founder of Gravity Falls, father of Preston and grandfather of Pacifica. He used to clean up manure, but in order to hide the "silliest president in US history" Quentin Trembley, the government decided to prefer Nathaniel to the real founder of the town.

Candy Choo is a Korean who is very good friends with Mabel and Grenda. She plays the synthesizer, wears glasses, and had a brief crush on Dipper.

Fiddleford Gadron "Old Man McGucket" McGucket is the inventor and eccentric of Gravity Falls. Lived in a junkyard, used to be a friend of Stanley Pines. Helped in the construction of portals to other worlds. Founder of the Blind Eye Society, went insane after using it for 618 days. He previously lived in his parents' garage and worked for his own computer sales company. After Weirdmageddon, his mind returned to him, he sold his inventions to the US government and bought the Northwest estate with this money. While madness pursued him, he married a raccoon. The symbol in the "Wheel of Bill" for him are points.

Tate Mac Gucket is the son of Fiddleford, who works by the lake at the boathouse. During the series, he does not communicate with his father, he knows some secrets of Gravity Falls, but at the end of the series, father and son are shown swimming together in the pool.

Tyler Cutebiker, a middle-aged man with the soul of a woman, incites fighters, since the second season he has been the head of Gravity Falls City Hall.

Grady Mess is the head of a large family, a pioneer, the first inhabitant of Gravity Falls.

Grenda is friends with Mabel and Candy. Outwardly, she is very full, rude, large, with a masculine timbre of voice. Obsessed with boys, dislikes graph paper, but likes Duck-tiva show and beige. From a certain episode in the series, he begins to communicate closely with Marius.

Tambry is emo and Wendy's friend. She is part of a group of teenagers, dating Robbie, Nate used to like her a lot. She never parted with the phone, gets annoyed if her name is Tambers.

Schmipper and Schmable are twins from Gravity Falls who individually look like Dipper and Mabel, but are younger in age. They love to have fun and play.

Jeffrey Fresh, Byron and Rosie are teenagers who lived in Gravity Falls in the 1980s and 1990s. Thanks to them, the Summerween Trickster and the ghosts of Ma and Pa appeared. They dance rap, they hate old people. There is a tombstone in the town cemetery that says they were all killed by the Summerween Trickster.

Susan "Lazy Susan" Wentworth works as a waitress at a diner called Fatty's Dinner. She is overweight and elderly, with one eye covered due to an injury she sustained, thanks to Stanley Pines, who has a crush on her.

Daryl Blubs is an overweight and short African-American city sheriff. He tries to shirk his official duties as often as possible. He is the partner and best friend of Edwin Durland. Filmed with Durland in a teen television series on urban television.

Edwin Durland is a friend and deputy of Sheriff Blubs. He is thin and tall, so stupid that he does not even strive to learn to read. He worked at the Mystery Shack until Zus appeared in it in 2002. Only towards the end of the cartoon did he learn to put signatures. He did not even guess all his life that he had his own name.

Shandra Jimenez is a local reporter, very beautiful, with whom Toby Determined is secretly in love. She has her own catchphrase in the series: "Shandra Jimenez is a real reporter!"

Blind Glasgow or Blind Ivan is the leader of the Blind Eye Society after Old Man Mac Gucket. He has tattoos on his head. In the second season, he had his memory erased and became the itinerant musician Woopsy-Doopsy the Terrible Hairy.

Harry Glinka is a claymation animator; a hermit, protects his plasticine monsters from meeting with people from the city. Dipper, Mabel and their friends put an end to this.

Emmit and D'Shawn are employees of Sprott's farm, known for interfering with Octavia's kidnapping.

Ted Strange or Slightly Toro in the Russian version of the series, the most normal young man in town, according to Zus. Loves bread.

Hank is a supporting character, who, however, was shown in the series as the first of all the heroes. He has a family - a wife and a son.

Steve is a Gravity Falls mechanic who forgot who he really was on Pioneer Day.

Reginald and Roseanne are a young couple in a warm relationship who are always and everywhere together. The guy tried to propose to his lover, but everything was interrupted by Stan, who told an inappropriate anecdote about marriage. Roseanne's secret is that she's crazy about the group "Couple Raz".

Sir Lord Squire Quentin Trembley III is the “eighth and a half” President of America, the real founder of Gravity Falls, erased from US history. He was the ruler in 1837 for a month, but disappeared. Married three times. He left behind a coded message with instructions on how to find it. I walled myself up in sherbet to survive. After the adventure, he gave Dipper a bill of -12 dollars and the "key of the president", and Mabel "appointed" a congressman. He will return when the state needs him.

Animals and creatures

In the animated series "Gravity Falls" there are many different creatures, in addition to ordinary people. Animals also play an important role here.

Waddles is Mabel's pet, a little pig. Mabel won Waddles the pig in a Wonder Fair competition and has since considered that moment the best moment of her life. The puffball is light pink with dark spots and a small tail. He is terribly fond of eating apples in caramel.

Gompers is a goat that lives near the Mystery Shack. She eats anything, is the "wife" of Waddles. Due to the Wave of Madness, Weirdmageddon initially grew to gigantic size.

Octavia is the name of a mutant cow with eight legs, which became so due to harmful emissions from the Northwest mudguard factory. She has a laser eye and a very powerful tongue that makes her an omnivore. Octavia lives in the forest.

Duck Tiv is a drake actor who starred in the television show of the same name, which is loved and watched by Dipper, Mabel, Grenda, Stanley, Soos and others. The duck wears the headdress of an English detective on his head, and his quacking is translated through subtitles, although at no time did this speech carry any logical meaning.

Chekastik is the hamster of baby Gideon, he could not guard the reduced main characters in one of the series because of his stupidity.

Celestabelle-a-bettabelle is a unicorn who appeared in the cartoon in one of the episodes so that Mabel got her hair to protect the Mystery Shack from Bill Cipher.

Dwarves living in different parts of the forest are distinguished by red caps. They are looking for a new queen in the crowd of people. They can form humanoids of various sizes. Some of them took refuge in the "Mystery Shack" during Weirdmageddon.

Zombies are dangerous creatures summoned by spells, which are often confused with teenagers and whose heads can explode from the right triad.

Zhivogruz is a huge lizard from the lake, a complete analogue of the Loch Ness Monster, living near the island of Zadavaly. Old man Mac Gacket created his robocopy.

Wax figures are cursed wax dummies of famous personalities coming to life at night - Sherlock Holmes, Genghis Khan, Robin Hood, Larry King, Shakespeare and others. They dream of taking revenge on Stanley for not remembering them for too long.

Mason "Dipper" Pines- A twelve-year-old boy, Mabel's twin brother. One of the main characters of the animated series. Born on August 31 (5 minutes later than my sister). He is trying to uncover the secrets of the town of Gravity Falls and find the author of the diaries. Very quick-witted and reasonable, but often indecisive. In love with Wendy Corduroy. His symbol in Bill's Wheel is a fir tree, matching the one on his cap. He likes a board game called Dungeons, Dungeons and More Dungeons.

Mabel Pines- a cheerful, resilient twelve-year-old girl, Dipper's twin sister. Described as a "hopeless optimist" by her brother. One of the main characters of the animated series. He considers himself an expert in many areas of life, which often leads to confusion. A master of applied arts, a sculptor, he also knits and plays mini-golf very well. He loves sweaters, wears different ones in each series. Wants to have a great summer in Gravity Falls and have a summer romance. The symbol in Bill's wheel is a shooting star, like on one of her sweaters. Keeps a cat (in the parents' house) and a piggy Waddles. Considers herself older than Dipper, as she was born five minutes earlier.

Stanley "Uncle Stan" Pines— great-uncle of the twins, 69 years old. One of the main characters of the animated series. A scammer and adventurer who owns the Mystery Shack tourist center. Initially, he treats his great-nephews rather coldly, which is subsequently explained by an attempt to protect them from local anomalies. For many years he lived under the name of his twin brother and hid the portal to another dimension located under the house. The symbol in Bill's wheel is a crescent moon with a fez.

Stanford Philbrick "Grandpa Ford" Pines, Also Author- Dipper and Mabel's great-uncle, Stanley's twin brother; author of diaries describing the anomalies of the city and one of the main characters of the animated series. By nature - the complete opposite of Stanley's brother: calm and reasonable. Obsessed with his scientific work (for which Stan calls him a "nerd"), like Dipper, he loves adventure and the board game Dungeons, Dungeons and More Dungeons. Ambidextrous, has six fingers on each hand. Received twelve academic degrees. The symbol in Bill's wheel is a six-fingered hand.

Waddles- Mabel's pet pig, whom she simply adores. The girl won it in the ninth episode of the first season and considers this moment one of the best in her life. In one episode, Waddles swapped bodies with Zus, and in another, he was kidnapped by a pterodactyl. "Husband" Gompers.

Gompers- A goat that lives near the Mystery Shack. Sometimes he eats anything. At the beginning of Weirdmageddon, due to the Wave of Madness, it increased to gigantic proportions. "Wife" Waddles. He is 10 years old.

Jesus Alzamirano "Zus" Ramirez- Twenty-two-year-old master repairman, a permanent employee of the Mystery Shack. A good friend of Dipper and Mabel. Clumsy, awkward, slow-witted, but very kind and devoted to the Pines family and Granny. He has a variety of talents: he acted as a DJ, a steering ship, a driver, and so on. Has an old pickup. Claims to have learned everything from video games. His nickname has become a household name in the town, denoting any worker. In the series, he becomes the new owner of the Mystery Shack. The symbol in the Wheel of Bill is a question mark. Birthday is July 13th.

Babulita Ramirez Soos and Reggie's grandmother. Widow. Very caring. It is an indisputable authority for grandchildren. Dislikes noise and Zus's father.

Reggie Ramirez Zus's cousin. Zus says about him like this: “He is the same as me, only a hundred times worse!” (another option: "He's an unfinished Zus!"). Engaged.

Wendy Corduroy is a fifteen-year-old red-haired girl who works at the Mystery Shack. It is an object of passion for Dipper, which he diligently tries to hide throughout the series. In her own words, she met with so many guys that she can no longer remember everyone. Wendy is the eldest and tallest child in the family. Sociable and carefree, has many friends. Excellent climbing trees and handling weapons. The symbol in Bill's wheel is an ice pack.

Dan "Brave Dan" Corduroy lumberjack, father of the Corduroy family. A widower with four children. The biggest, bravest and strongest man in the city.

Brothers Corduroy are the sons of Brave Dan and the brothers of Wendy. They help their father with his work, and also spend time with him: go fishing and hiking.

Gideon Charles "Baby Gideon" Gleeful- ten-year-old boy, owner of the "Tent of Telepathy". Longtime rival of Stanley. Gideon is the main antagonist of the first season. He looks like a cute and harmless little child, which he successfully uses to achieve his goals. Rude, cruel and insidious so much that he keeps his own family in fear. Gideon is in love with Mabel and believes that Stan and Dipper are an obstacle to their relationship. During Weirdmageddon, along with a gang of prisoners, he acts on the side of Cipher, but then, persuaded by Dipper, rebuffs Bill's team. His name is a play on words: "giddy'n'gleeful" - "frivolous and cheerful." The symbol in Bill's wheel is a pentagonal star with an eye, similar to the symbolism of the Tent of Telepathy.

Bad Gleeful- Gideon's father. Owns a car dealership and also works at the Tent of Telepathy. A cunning, but still gentle and non-aggressive person. Bud is weak-willed and unquestioningly obeys his son, occasionally trying to object. Formerly a member of the Blind Eye Society.

Carla Gleeful- Gideon's mother. Grey-haired and frightened housewife. It is likely that her uncontrolled vacuuming of the floors is due to frequent memory erasing procedures. However, in the episodes "Blendin's Game" and "Weirdmageddon. Part 3: Take Back Gravity Falls" she can be seen smiling.

Chekastik- Baby Gideon's hamster. In one of the episodes, he was supposed to guard the reduced Dipper and Mabel, but turned out to be too stupid for this task.

Robert Stacy "Robbie Vee" Valentino- a sixteen-year-old pimply emo, a stereotype of a typical teenager. Plays in the rock band Robbie Vee and Tombstones. From the middle to the end of the first season, he met with Wendy, at the moment he is dating Tambry, but only thanks to Mabel and the God of Love. The symbol in the Wheel of Bill is a darned heart. He has been wearing his trademark sweatshirt with a heart since the seventh grade.

Greg and Janice Valentino- Robbie's parents. Funeral home owners. Very cheerful and cheerful people, they love guests. For them, death is a means of earning

Pacifica Elizabeth Northwest- A popular girl in Gravity Falls, from a wealthy family. Descendant of the city's false founder, Nathaniel Northwest. Initially, Pacifica was rude, proud, and arrogant. The events that took place in the second season radically changed her character. Favorite color is hot pink. The family name is a direct reference to the location of Gravity Falls ( Pacific Northwest- Pacific Northwest, where the state of Oregon and the town of Gravity Falls are located). The symbol in Bill's wheel is the lama.

Preston Northwest- Father of Pacifica, direct descendant of the fake founder of Gravity Falls. The wealth and fame of his family rests on the origin and ownership of the mudguard factory. He is an indisputable authority for his daughter. At the beginning of Weirdmageddon, he was mutilated by Bill Cipher. At the end of the animated series, he goes bankrupt and loses almost everything, including his estate, which became the property of Fiddleford McGackett.

Priscilla Northwest- Pacifica's mother. He is very proud of his beauty and status in society. According to Alex Hirsch in the Gravity Falls: Between Pines special, Priscilla met Preston during the Miss Mudguard 1985 beauty pageant, which she won.

Nathaniel Northwest An ancestor of Preston and Pacifica, the false founder of Gravity Falls. Actually was " manure-cleaning idiot". The US government falsified the city's founding story to hide the truth about the existence of "the most stupid president in history" and the true founder - Quentin Tremblay.

Candy Chu Mabel and Grenda's best friend. Korean. Wear glasses. For a short time, she liked Dipper. He knows how to play the synthesizer.

Fiddleford Gadron "Old Man McGucket" McGucket- local eccentric and inventor. Lived in a landfill. Once in his youth, he was friends with Stanford Pines and helped build a portal to other worlds. Founded the Society of the Blind Eye to forget about the portal incident and later went insane (at day 618 of use). Prior to that, he lived in his parents' garage, played the banjo and worked for his own personal computer company. After Weirdmageddon, Fiddleford regained his sanity and bought Northwest Manor with the money he received from selling his inventions to the US government. In particular, McGucket owns such inventions as a laptop for third-party surveillance of the activation of the universal portal, a memory eraser, various robots (for example, a live-biter robot), an elixir for changing voice, a shack and others. During the madness, he married a female raccoon. The symbol in the Wheel of Bill is points.

Tate McGucket Son of Old Man McGucket. Works at a boat station by the lake. He does not want to communicate with his father. He seems to know something about the anomalies in Gravity Falls. After the main events of the series, father and son can be seen swimming together in the pool.

Tyler Cutebiker- a middle-aged man, soul like a woman. He likes to cheer up fighters (the catchphrase is “Beat him!”). Since the fourteenth episode of the second season, he has been the mayor of Gravity Falls.

Grady Mess- a pioneer from 1863, one of the first residents of Gravity Falls. Head of a large family.

Fertilia Mess- Grady Massa's wife, mother.

Grenda is Candy and Mabel's best friend. A big, very strong and plump girl with a rough male voice. Obsessed with boys. Loves the show Utkativa as much as he hates graph paper. Favorite color is beige. Since the episode "The Secret of the Northwest Manor" he has been in close contact with Baron Marius.

Gabe Bansen- a handsome boy - a puppeteer. He is so obsessed with dolls that he often talks to them and occasionally kisses them. Mabel's last boyfriend. He also liked Candy very much.

Tambry— Wendy's friend, emo. He is a member of a group of teenage friends. Almost never leaves the phone. Gets annoyed when people call her Thembers. Dating Robbie, Nate liked earlier.

Thompson is a fat guy from Wendy's group of friends. He gets teased a lot, but he endures it so he can stay with his buddies.

Nate- a swarthy teenager from Wendy's company. Previously, he liked Tambry.

Lee A teenager friend of Wendy's. Skinny blond. He likes to laugh at the failures of people and lovers, but if he gets scared, he can withdraw.

Gorni- a little boy, a resident of Gravity Falls. In his debut, he was eaten by the Letuin Trickster, and at the end of the episode, he was freed by Zus.

Schmipper and Shmable- twin children, residents of the city. In many ways identical to Dipper and Mabel, only younger. They love to play and have fun.

Charlie- a boy, an ordinary resident of Gravity Falls. He is very attached to his mother, in a moment of danger he clings to her (as shown in the episode "God of Love").

Jeffy Fresh, Byron and Rosie- a group of teenagers who lived in 1980-1990 in Gravity Falls. Thanks to them, the Summerween Trickster and the ghosts of Ma and Pa appeared. They love to dance to rap and despise old people. In the game PinesQuest, a gravestone can be found in the town cemetery stating that "Jeff, Byron and Rosie crossed the Dodger's path", implying that they were killed by the Summerween Dodger.

Susan "Lazy Susan" Wentworth- a plump elderly waitress from the diner "Greasy's Lunch". Her name is a parody of the sound of a rotating tray. She has her left eye closed due to an injury inflicted by Stanley Pines. Stanley himself is not indifferent to her.

Toby Resolute/Great Tee- Former journalist and editor of the local newspaper Gossip Gravity Falls. Very ugly and unpopular, but wants to be the center of attention. Formerly a member of the Society of the Blind Eye. His name is a pun on the indefinite, "yellow press". Secretly in love with Shandra Jimenez. He changed his image during Weirdmageddon, leaving journalism, and became the founder of the game "Deathball" under the pseudonym "Magnificent T".

Daryl Blubs- the city sheriff, a short and fat African American. Does everything to get away from work. Best friend and partner of Edwin Durland. In addition, he, along with Durland, starred in a television series about teenagers, broadcast on city television.

Edwin Durland- Tall and thin Deputy Sheriff Blubs. He is the best friend of his boss and shares his interests in everything. He can't read and is very stupid. Until July 13, 2002, he worked at the Mystery Shack, until Zus got there. At the end of the animated series, he learned to put his signature. According to Alex Hirsch, Durland is so stupid that he would never guess he had a name.

Sprott- farmer, owner of a small home zoo. It was on his farm that Waddles was raised. Formerly a member of the Society of the Blind Eye. Afraid of witches.

tats- black thug, employee of the bar "Skull Fracture". Gets angry when he is played on the phone. Formerly a member of the Society of the Blind Eye. The owner of tattoos, meaning the part of the body on which they are applied, for example, "head", "neck", "chin".

Butts- biker, a frequent client of Skull Fracture. Despite his rough appearance, he has a soft soul. His name is the reversed word "stab" (stabbing).

Shandra Jimenez- A local beautiful correspondent with whom Toby Resolute is secretly in love. Her catchphrase is "Shandra Jimenez, a real reporter."

Eustace von Beefufflefumpter- 102-year-old mayor of Gravity Falls. He died at the beginning of the fourteenth episode of the second season. For some time he was brought up by a bear. During his leadership, a water tower was erected. Possibly involved in the outbreak of the First World War. His catchphrase is: "Ah, that's Death! And I'm still waiting for you to come for me."

Mister Cool lifeguard in the city pool. Together with an athletic physique, he has an unstable psyche, he is obsessed with order in the pool area. Has a prosthesis instead of a right hand.

Blind Glasgow, Also Blind Ivan- Leader of the Society of the Blind Eye after Old Man McGucket. Has tattoos on his head. After the events of the seventh episode of the second season, his memory was erased, and now he is an itinerant musician. Vupsik-Dupsik Terrible Hairy(Mabel came up with the name).

Harry Glinka— multiplier in the field of plasticine animation. He lived as a hermit to keep the plasticine monsters that came to life by him from meeting people. This was put to rest by Dipper, Mabel and their friends.

Jean-Luc is a waiter at the restaurant where Baby Gideon and Mabel had their first date.

Sergey- Pacifica's minigolf coach. Olympic champion. Speaks with a pronounced accent.

Emmit and D'Shawn- Employees of Sprott's farm. They tried to prevent the kidnapping of Octavia's cow.

Gary- An employee of the pizzeria "Merry Trouble at the Old Owl." Proud of his youth and animatronic Badger Willy.

Hank- a background character, at the same time the first shown in the animated series. Has a wife and a son.

Reginald and Roseanne- young people who are in a warm relationship. They are almost always seen together. Reginald also tried to propose to her, until Stan showed up with an inappropriate marriage joke. Rosanna, on the other hand, hides that she likes the Couple Raz group.

Sir Lord Squire Quentin Trembley III- "erased" from the history of the United States "eighth-and-a-half" president, as well as the founder of Gravity Falls. He ruled in 1837 for about a month, but disappeared without signing a decree on his resignation. He was married three times. Despite strange, sometimes stupid behavior (for example, trying to open the door by poking it with a key), he is a genius - he left an encrypted message in which he indicated how to find him, and also turned out to be right by immuring himself in sherbet, to survive. Only a few people know about him and try to keep the secret because for them he is the most stupid president in the history of the country. After his adventures on the train, he gave Dipper a "president's key" and a $12 bill, and Mabel was appointed congressman. Alex Hirsch says Trembley will return when the country needs him badly.

Section: Blog / Date: May 22, 2017 at 13:01 / Views: 3183

The main characters of the cartoon

The central place in the plot is given to the twins Dipper and Mabel Pines. They are the main characters of the series. Dipper Pines is a 12-year-old boy who has a Big Dipper-shaped mole on his forehead. His real name is Mason. Dipper is smart and wise.

Together with his sister, he comes to the town to visit his distant relative, Uncle Stan, who is their great-uncle. Dipper and Mabel throughout the series are trying to find out all the secrets of the town.

At the beginning of the series, the boy finds, thanks to which all the adventures of the heroes begin. In the course of the story, Dipper falls in love with Wendy Corduroy, an employee at the Mystery Shack gift shop.

However, he will tell about his feelings only in the second season due to indecision. He is friends with another employee of the "Shack of Miracles" - Zus Ramirez. He is fond of mysticism, distinguished by observation.

protagonist's sister

Mabel Pines, like her twin brother Dipper, comes to Falls to Stan for the holidays. She was born before her brother by 5 minutes. Differs in optimism and frivolity. He likes to dress fashionably and in each episode he changes sweaters, like pictures. Not distinguished by success in his personal life.

In an attempt to find a boyfriend, she managed to fall in love with a mermaid, gnomes and even vampires. He believes that he is an expert in many areas. She is the owner of a domestic pig nicknamed , which can be bought from us.

Weird Grandpa Uncle Stan

Stan Pines is the twins' great-uncle. They just call him Uncle. Owner of a tourist shop called the Mystery Hut that sells fake souvenirs. A cunning liar who loves money.

Preying on stupid tourists by selling them dubious exhibits. Dressed in a black suit. It has a secret bunker under the store, the entrance to which is behind the vending machine. Once loved Lazy Susan.

Pretty Wendy

Wendy Corduroy is a teenager of 15 years old. Tall, has red hair. Knows that Dipper is in love with her. He is friends with him, his sister and Zus. Works at the Miracle Hut. Cheerful, likes to joke, but at the same time a realist.

At work, as a rule, idle. Always strives to be in the first roles and is distinguished by courage. Her father is a lumberjack.

Clumsy Ramirez

Zus Ramirez, like Wendy, works at Uncle Stan's store. Performs additional repairs. She has been working in the store since the age of 12. A friend of the twins and Wendy. If you look at the images of Zus, you can see that he is very well-fed. Dumb and clumsy. Lives with her grandmother.

These heroes are the main characters for Gravity Falls.

Minor cartoon characters

Non-main, but important characters for the plot of Gravity are:

  • Gideon Gleeful;
  • Fiddleford McGucket;
  • Bill Cipher;
  • Robbie Valentino.

Gideon Gleeful is a charming 9-year-old boy who has a magical pendant. Skillfully uses his charm. He wants to take over the "Shack of Miracles". For this reason, he is the main negative character of the first season, at the end of which he is arrested.

Cruel and treacherous. Intimidates his father and mother - Bud and Carla Gliful. Has a crush on Mabel Pines, believing that her brother and Stan are preventing them from dating. It is Gideon who summons Bill Cipher from another dimension.

Fiddleford McGucket is an old man from the town. He went insane, erasing his memory. A skilled engineer who created a portal to other worlds. He is the founder of the Blind Eye Society. Lives in a landfill.

Robbie Valentino is a 16-year-old teenager who dated Wendy. Because of this, Dipper dislikes him. Plays guitar. His parents own the cemetery.

Main villain

- A key anti-hero of the series, starting from the second season. Bill is an ancient demon who lives in another dimension and wants to penetrate the real world. It looks like a yellow triangle with an all-seeing eye, which indicates the creators refer to the Masonic symbol.

He wears a top hat and a bow tie. Skillfully manipulates people, invading their minds. Fraudulently enters into an agreement with them, the terms of which he does not fulfill. He wants to penetrate the world of people and establish his own rules there.
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