Where do men leave the family and do they leave? How to take a married man out of the family - tips for mistresses

He is married! It so happened that you just had not met before. Are you deeply in love? It also happens! Don't wait for us to write words of regret! We will write only detailed answers to a few questions. What do you need to do? Something to write down, and something to remember firmly!

Answers on how to take him away and how to keep him:

  1. Get pregnant from him. It's easy to do. All the "complexity" is hidden in another .... In how the father of the child will react to this news. He can say that he agrees to pay child support. And he can also persuade (immediately) to have an abortion (while the term is not yet completely noticeable).
  2. Say you're in position. This may not be true at the moment of "frank expression"! But in the future, you will have to try to make the words become a reality (cease to be a "fantasy").
  3. To be much (and in many ways) better than his wife. Will you succeed? Then…. Go to action! Everything (at the moment) is only in your hands! Don't miss a beat to stay on top and enjoy multiple benefits. You yourself understand who you need to "outshine"!

What should you never do if you want to take a man away from the family?

Pay special attention to the prohibition in the fads:

  1. Don't be a leader! Give "headship" to your dear and beloved.
  2. Don't impose. Impositions will only exacerbate all the "cons" of your current status. Don’t call a hundred times, don’t write a hundred times, don’t be his “tail”.
  3. Don't provoke jealousy. Specifically in a relationship like yours. There is no reason to be jealous here.
  4. Don't make scandals. Their man lacks in the family home. He comes to you to rest from this "chaos".
  5. Don't leave him alone when you realize he needs someone's serious support. Be with him, give advice and kisses (properly combining this).
  6. Don't blame him for your problems. Let him decide only his own with your help.
  7. Don't be late for him. Being late is not the “fashion trend”, next to which there is a place for a mistress!

"Wounded" the word?

It has such an effect on more than just you! Can't you stand it when the unique and the only one calls you that? Then these tips are “made up” for you, dear lover:

  1. Get used to that title. And if this greatly offends and humiliates you - look for another, beautiful, single. He does not call you by an obscene “nickname” or “night wife” or “temporary”! Rejoice in this too.
  2. Do not pay attention to this word or phrase that is unpleasant for you (“other” or “second favorite”). Pretend that there are simply no words and phrases, that you don’t hear anything like that.
  3. Stop being a lover! Go away, close the door... If otherwise he will not call you. Just break up with him for a while.
  4. Start calling him lover. Your loved one won't like it for sure! He will begin to understand, to find out .... Then you will put everything in its place.

How to keep a married, but the only one near you?

How to make sure that he does not want to return to his wife? Don't make him do it! Become more "remote" and inaccessible to him. So you can check how a man treats you.

Put yourself in the place of that woman who is the lawful wife of your dear man. Feel (theoretically) everything that she feels if she is aware that her husband is cheating on her. Have fun - at least!

A married man can be held by real and strong feelings. If your "married" loves you to madness, then he will soon tell his wife about it.

When he is with you, you:

  1. Do not forbid him to see his wife and children. He needs it! The former family are important people for him.
  2. Accept that he has a past. Do not blame a man for not finding enough time for you.
  3. Don't spend time with your girlfriends when he wants to spend it with you. Friends will understand.
  4. Cook delicious! It doesn't really matter how he treats food. If he eats little, then he will boast to his friends how exquisitely you “conjure” in the kitchenette.
  5. Do not demand from him a lot of attention and a lot of money. How much you give - so much and take! He seems to know better what you deserve.
  6. Keep things in order, but do not "drink" a man due to the fact that he is sloppy and "inattentive" in terms of cleanliness.

The main mistake of women and girls

Ownership "inclinations" and attempts to control.

And men do not like to report on their actions and obey anyone. They are exclusively subordinate to their superiors and try to convey this to dull people.

I would not "tear off" a married person from his family. Do you know why? Because I think it's unfair and ugly. The man must go! And let him do it without extraneous "help".

A married man sometimes does not want his mistress to become closer and dearer to him. It's better for him! And nicer. The best road leading from problems with your wife is the road to your mistress home!

You, the sun, do not complex! Do not envy the fact that your spouse is not you. Many things in life are manipulated not by us, but by something from above. Look a little from the other side of the whole situation .... If you were your wife, he would run "to the left" to another. And so - he is only with you, and you know that he has a family.

At the forum, one brave and strong woman was patient, waited for the right moment and broke everything that connected him with her beloved. She experienced terrible moral pain, she went to psychologists, she took antidepressants .... But she survived! Not once did I dial his number or meet him (although my heart rushed to him like crazy). Will you try to repeat her feat?

And get married! Then they will try to “pull” you out of the marriage, and not you someone. This is more pleasant. Here you will check. Any idea who you would go for? But men have thoughts about you! Potential suitors roam and walk around you, but you do not notice them. Open your eyes look! You certainly won't be short of choices! Do it to your advantage! And in this difficult matter, you should wish good luck! We wish!

Continuation. . .

How to take a married man out of the family - the psychology of relationships

August 18, 2016 - One comment

How many years have you been dating a married man? You love him and in the depths of your soul harbor the hope that one day you will be able to finally take this man away from the family and you will be together. How to take a married man away from a family, psychology knows the answer.

What you just didn’t do so that your beloved man would stay with you forever, but every time he goes to his wife, spends evenings, weekends and holidays in the family. You just have to be content with bright flashes of romantic meetings, compliments, rare joint vacation trips.

He says that he loves only you, and lives with his wife for the sake of the children. He says that you are the best, incredible, wonderful and someday you will definitely be together. But for now, it all remains a dream. And your whole life is spent on winning and taking this particular man away from the family.

Relations with a married man are always full of pain and misunderstanding. And rivalry with another woman only exacerbates the situation.

But why are some women attracted to married men? Is it worth messing with a married man and what kind of men have mistresses? How to understand these confusing relationships and find your happiness?

How to understand a married man

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan reveals the reasons that push a married man to seek relationships on the side, as well as the reasons why single women go for such relationships. The fact is that we are all endowed with different vectors - innate psychological properties that determine our character traits, behavioral stereotypes, sexuality and value orientations. The realization of these innate properties brings us pleasure from life.

A man with a skin vector is attracted to diversity, novelty and change. Success, career growth, high material status are important for them. Such men are fast, flexible, purposeful and ambitious. If the skin man does not use his full potential, he gets pleasure from the changes by entering into a relationship with another woman. In addition to the family, he will have affairs on the side.

It is important for such a man to be accompanied everywhere by a spectacular woman. By this he confirms his high position in society. Going to restaurants, going on vacation and business trips, where a wife with small children cannot go, such a man makes accompanied by his mistress. And the wife sits at home, guards the wealth acquired by her husband, brings up children.

A man with an anal vector is distinguished by stability, loyalty and honesty. He is the best husband and father of the family, and the best professional in his field, but, feeling dissatisfied due to insufficient implementation, he can find a mistress. Such a man is afraid of hurting his wife. Indecisive by nature, accustomed to stability and unwilling to change, he cannot break the bonds of marriage that have become familiar, break traditions, leave the family and leave children without a father.

In his understanding, everything should be equal - attention and care for women too. Such a man can go all his life from his wife to his mistress, not daring to leave the family and put an end to the relationship.

There are so many single guys, but I love a married man

As a rule, women with a cutaneous-visual bundle of vectors enter into relationships with married men. Such women are actively involved in sports, keep themselves in shape. They are artistic, love to perform in public, captivating everyone with their charm and beauty. Such a woman likes to feel always beautiful, desirable and catch the admiring glances of many men. And her high emotionality makes passions boil around. Just like a man with a skin vector, she is turned on by secrets in a relationship.

It is these women who tend to compete with other women for the attention of a man, including trying to take away even the most faithful man from the family. And often they don’t understand why he doesn’t leave the family, from his annoying wife to her - the queen, clever and beautiful.

A visual woman is by nature very responsive, empathetic and emotional. She sympathizes with her beloved, that his relationship with his wife does not go well, that there is no love in the family. She is trying with all her might to save him from the hated, in her opinion, relationships. Pity him. Does everything to make him happy.

But deep down, such a woman is afraid to be alone and clings to a married man, just not to experience bouts of fear. A woman feels safe next to a man, but when he goes back to the family, she loses her footing every time.

Realizing our natural properties, we begin to feel support in ourselves. A visual woman helps to get rid of her fears by expressing her emotionality outward through compassion for those who really need it - through volunteering, helping the sick, the elderly or small children. Skin-visual women become the best kindergarten teachers, psychologists or nurses. Helping others, such a woman experiences an incredible surge of strength and pleasure from life.

How to take a married man out of the family - the psychology of wish fulfillment

Revealing her true nature and realizing her innate properties and talents with the help of knowledge of Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology, each woman becomes unique and attractive to her man. The fear of being alone and obsession with a married man dissolve like morning mist, opening up incredible prospects for personal happiness and creating your own family.

A woman who allows her desires to come true is able to create happiness with her own hands and attract a worthy man into her life. Such a woman will be able to find personal happiness, and not share it with another woman.

For many women who were thinking about how to take a married man out of the family, system-vector psychology helped build their happiness.

The question "How to take a married man out of the family?" from the point of view of morality and morality, it is unethical, therefore, it must certainly be followed by another: “Is it worth taking away a strange man at all?”. If he has a family, a wife, children, duties and responsibilities, isn't it immoral to do so?

But these are questions of morality. In psychology, there principle of valuelessness. If a client comes to a psychologist with the request “How to take a married man out of the family?”, He will not say: “What are you ?! It's disorganized! Ah ah ah!". It is necessary to understand the problem without judgment, and then make a decision.

And although in society the attitude towards mistresses is sharply negative (razluchnitsy, libertines, unscrupulous, villains and even worse), according to statistics one third of women at least once in their lives were in the status of "mistress". Moreover, a large proportion of these women wanted to be her, that is, becoming a mistress, they actually made a lover themselves. In addition, not all mistresses want to recapture their husband from their wife, some just want a frivolous and short relationship.

In a person there is everything: both “angels” and “demons”. No need to swear: “I would never date a married man!”. Life and love story cannot be measured and evaluated according to some single standard, anything can happen. There are women (and there are many of them) who happened to be both in the role of a mistress and in the role of a wife, and at the same time a wife for one man, and a mistress for another. The world is not black and white, it is colored.

How to be a girl if you don’t command your heart? She would be glad to fall out of love with a married man, but she cannot ... And if a man himself suffers and wants to leave his wife for a long time? Doesn't he have a right to happiness? What if the girl did not initially know that the man was married, if he told her about it only when she had already fallen in love with him?! And that's exactly what happens most of the time!

Mistress- this is not a girl for one night, this is a woman with whom a man builds a relationship, she, one way or another, is a significant person for him.

This kind of love relationship can last a very long time, tens of years, or it can end quickly. They also sometimes develop into a legal marriage. Married men go to their mistresses and marry them (of course, not always) not because “the mistress-razluchnitsa took away!”, But because!

A mistress can only try, create the necessary conditions, favor the man to leave his wife, but she cannot make a decision for him!

Responsibility for a man if he left the family - this is his choice. By and large, a mistress will not take a man out of the family if he himself does not want it!

Some women decide to take a serious but rash step and get pregnant from their married partners, in the hope that this will become a decisive incentive and the man will leave his wife. Often they are wrong. Even a child will not keep a man if he is not going to divorce his lawful wife.

To understand the question “How to take a married man out of the family and is it worth it?”, You need to turn to male psychology, namely the psychology of the type of men who have mistresses.

Most often, a permanent mistress is given men:

  1. lazy, tired of working on relationships with his wife and wanting to relieve the burden of responsibility. They say that their wife “nags” them all the time, does not understand at all, demands a lot, became angry, sex is “insipid” and the like, but in fact they continue to love their wife and children.

Men like this need a mistress comfort. They come to her for affection, passion, carelessness and lightness. The mistress does not demand anything, she will not forgive, he is visiting her, which means that she is only resting, everything is for him: clothes, food, care, the sexual energy of a woman in love.

Such relationships are a stretched “candy-bouquet period”, which means:

  • will last until a man realizes that you can bring passion into a relationship with his wife, you just have to try and eventually return to her,
  • will leave his wife, tempted by carelessness, before that he thought carefully and for a long time,
  • and will continue to live in two families.

If such a man leaves his wife for a mistress, she becomes his actual wife and the illusion of lightness disappears. If a man never learns to work on relationships, does not understand that love is not only a pleasant rest and passion, but also the ability to negotiate and share responsibilities, he will get bored again, and a lovely mistress for him will turn into a “saw” wife.

Such men are married several times, have children from different women and, unfortunately, do not know how to be faithful and devoted to one and only, they do not know how to build long-term relationships.

Another mistress for such a man - way to make up for lack of quality. He can easily and quickly leave his wife for a mistress, but most likely the new wife, who only yesterday was a mistress, will soon find out that her husband already has a new mistress.

  1. Alphonse. There are men who have rich, status, "convenient" mistresses in order to obtain personal gain. A girl does not have to be very rich or famous to attract a gigolo. Maybe she just has a separate apartment, which she rents with honestly earned money, or she has connections that a man needs to advance in his career, maybe he just lives comfortably with her (she feeds him for free, erases, irons, and so on).

Lover for such a man - means of achieving a personal goal. Such men are seductive liars, they marry easily and quickly, as they leave their ex-wives for more profitable applicants. In fact, all their marriages are fictitious and there is no main thing in them - love, which means that such relationships are unlikely to be happy.

  1. Free factually, but not legally. This happens when a man married without love or fell out of love with his wife a long time ago and does not live with her, but has not yet officially divorced. In this case, a man takes a mistress because loves her for real.

A woman for a virtually free man - darling and not a mistress.

In this case, the lover will not have to do anything to take the man away, and the very fact of the union of lovers does not will look immoral.

Such relationships are the most successful, and the resulting families are strong, unless, of course, love is mutual and there is a goal to build a happy family.

Thus, in three times out of four to take away a married man being his mistress harm yourself! Happy relationships are unlikely to be built.

Only if a man truly loves can he become a good husband for a girl who is currently only a lover. In all other cases, having entered into a new relationship and made his mistress his wife, but without changing internally, the man will behave in the old way, repeat all the same mistakes! It will turn out as in the saying "For what they fought, they ran into something."

Today, a lover, burning with passion and tormented by the inability to meet the dawn with her beloved man, tomorrow, becoming the wife of a lazy, windy or selfish man, will be horrified: “And so I took him away from my wife ?! Let him take it back!"

To prevent this from happening no need for illusions:

  • no perfect people
  • if there is no agreement in the couple, both are to blame (it cannot be that the man is the “victim” and his wife is the “snake”),
  • the candy-bouquet period cannot last forever,
  • life is not an eternal holiday,
  • cohabitation is not the same as occasional romantic encounters,
  • the social role of "beloved girl" differs significantly from the role of "wife" and "boyfriend" is not yet "husband".

Even if a girl doesn’t care what people think, what recommendations psychologists give, what her conscience says and what morality says, she should at least think about yourself!

In order not to harm yourself by taking away someone else's husband, you need to ask questions:

  • Why do I want to take my husband away from my wife? To prove to everyone that I'm the best? Get this man as a trophy? Or because I love him?
  • Do I know this man enough?
  • How do I see the further development of relations if he leaves my wife for me? Will he repeat the same mistakes? Will he cheat on me, as he is cheating on his wife now?

Entering into a relationship with a married woman, a girl dooms herself to suffering, unless she approaches this issue wisely.

A man needs observe and analyze, to judge not by words, but by deeds, to draw conclusions based on the information available. If we analyze the data that add up relationships, then how his past relationships developed (including with his wife) and understand enough why the man took a mistress, we can assume how this love story will end.

But there is a very big "pitfall". Even a smart girl can be deceived because married men often lie to lovers! Starting with the fact that they do not immediately admit that they are in official relations, do not wear a ring and try not to give themselves away in any way.

Only a very experienced and wise woman will distinguish the married from the unmarried. A man tries first to make a girl fall in love with him, and then confesses to her that he is married. And the girl herself is unlikely to ask immediately upon meeting: “Are you by chance not married?”, Therefore, she will remain in the dark until she finds out the truth by chance or the man himself does not admit.

The man is also often keeps back. He will tell his mistress what a bad wife he has, without mentioning his own mistakes. For example, he will say: “I came home from work tired, I want to rest, and she attacked me and made a scandal because I was not going to fix the crane!”, But he will never add: “Of course, and I am to blame. Our faucet has been broken for six months now, and I can’t fix it.”

So, if only the man who makes this strong-willed decision can leave his wife, since he loves his mistress with all his heart, he needs to fall in love with himself.

When a girl, having weighed all the pros and cons, nevertheless decides to speed up the process of a man leaving his lawful wife, she should be clearly aware of her responsibility for possible consequences.

When deciding to take a man away from the family, you need to not only think about your passion for him, but also try put yourself in your place his wife, children, in his own place, and also look at himself from the outside.

How will the lives of all people involved in this story in one way or another be changed? How will the mistress feel if her goal is achieved? Will her fate change for the better and where will this road lead?

To fall in love with a strange man you need become the best and irreplaceable for him:

  1. Meet his expectations and ideas about the ideal woman. To do this, you need to know what he wants, what he expects, what he dreams about, what he will be happy about. For more information on how to become the best for a man, read the article.
  2. Give him everything that he does not receive from his wife. To do this, you need to know about the problems that exist in his family, and act "on the contrary." Usually men say it themselves or make it clear indirectly.
  3. Give him everything that any man wants:
  • OK,
  • confidence,
  • accepting him for who he is
  • appreciation,
  • Delight,
  • encouragement,

Finally, it is important to remember that On someone else's misfortune happiness can not be built. Yes, a woman has the right to love. Fine, when she strives to be happy, sets and achieves personal goals, but not all means to achieve the goal are good. Acting selfishly, without regard for other people's feelings and their right to happiness, it is difficult to be a happy person.

Sometimes it’s better to “step on the throat of your own song” and say to your beloved, but married man: “I understand that you fell in love with me, and I fell in love with you, but your family is waiting for you at home. Children shouldn't grow up without a father."

Sometimes, listening to your heart, and doing as it tells you, it happens to experience heartache. But this is the pain and the test that develops the personality and makes a person better.

Dear readers! If you are interested in the topic “How to take a married man away from a family?”, You may have encountered the problem of a love triangle in which one of the “corners” is a married man, and the other two are a wife and a mistress, and one of them is you. Therefore, we recommend additional reading of psychological literature:

  1. N. Nabokova “#In bed with your husband. Lover's Notes. Wives must read!”
  2. Julia Varra “Honeymoon for life, or How to become the best lover for your husband”
  3. O. Krainova “The battle for the family. How to smoke a mistress out of a husband's life
  4. Natalia Tolstaya “Wife. How to be loved and unique. Mistress. How to stay desired and happy” and “Wife, mistress, beloved”
  5. Angela Kharitonova

Answers to questions about the love triangle for men and women.

The feeling of falling in love and the instinct to preserve the family push men and women to create family unions. Sometimes people feel their loneliness so keenly that they are ready to sacrifice a lot to find their soul mate. But after finding their beloved women and marrying them, men change their attitude towards them. After the seal of marriage appears in the passport, women turn from an object of worship into housekeepers, dishwashers, cooks and educators of children. Often in the list of these cases there is absolutely no communication and contact with the husband. Therefore, having found the ideal wife, men begin to look for the ideal lover.

What does the ideal wife look like in the eyes of a man?

  • She is great at cooking
  • She endlessly cleans up the family nest
  • She is dedicated to taking care of children.
  • She gets along with her mother-in-law and other in-laws of her husband

What does the ideal lover look like in the eyes of a man?

  • She is beautiful and knows how to take care of herself.
  • She never has a headache and is always ready for active sex
  • She does not walk around the house in a soiled bathrobe and house slippers.
  • She does not load the problems of the family budget and poor grades of children at school.

Can a woman combine an ideal wife and an ideal lover? Practice shows that this task turns out to be impossible for women, because it is difficult for women to turn into a goddess of sex by playing the role of a voluntary slave of a plate and a doormat.

The number of divorces due to infidelity can be reduced by doing housework together

But, if she can shift at least some of the “light housework” onto her husband’s shoulders, she will have the time and desire to do new hairstyles, face and body skin care and new outfits. Since it turns out to be easier and much more interesting for a man to find a woman on the side, and not to unload his wife from domestic work, this task remains impossible for a woman.

Why does a married man need a mistress, what does a mistress mean to him, what does he expect from her?

The main reason why men start an affair on the side is the dissatisfaction of their sexual life with their wife. It can be difficult for husbands to understand what to expect from a woman who spins like a squirrel in the wheel of initiative and the realization of a man’s desires. If a woman works not only at home, but also goes to work, then returning home after a hard day, picking up her children from kindergarten or school, washing the dishes, and feeding her family dinner, she dreams not about sex, but to sleep.

A man, even if he went to work, but freed from domestic work, is full of energy and sexual desires. Perhaps many women will be surprised, but the vast majority of men, especially those under 30, want sex every day or every other day. If such a schedule does not coincide with the schedule of the wife's desires, he will seek satisfaction on the side.

As a result, by unloading a man from domestic work and loading themselves, women themselves create the prerequisites for her husband's infidelity.

Also, the reason that makes a man look for a mistress may not be the quantity, but the quality of sex. Many couples are shy or afraid to discuss these topics with each other. And it is difficult for them not only to express wishes about what they would like to receive from sex, but also difficult to talk about what they do not like in sexual intimacy.

What does a married man expect from his mistress?

Deciding on treason, a man expects sexual satisfaction from his mistress. But communication on the side involves not only having sex, but also communication. If scandals and showdowns occur in the family, and the lover knows how to listen and understand a man, then an affair on the side can lead to a divorce from his wife. Many single women, entering into a love affair with a married man, seek to divorce such a man from his wife. And to achieve this goal, they skillfully use the contrast that a man sees between his mistress and his wife.

The psychology of the relationship between a married man and his mistress

As a rule, a married man, meeting with his mistress, does not seek divorce and marry another woman. He is quite satisfied with the love triangle, where in the family circle he receives care from his wife, contact with his children, and from his mistress, complete satisfaction of sexual needs. Such a double life can cause him petty remorse and guilt towards his wife. Unfortunately, these negative emotions do not affect his intentions to leave this situation unchanged.

A woman who acts as a lover cannot but feel the inferiority of her position and will strive in every possible way to change it. If the mistress insists on a divorce, and the man opposes this, the idyll between her and a married man can be broken. This can lead to a break between them.

Can a married man love both his wife and his mistress: signs

The word "love" has different meanings for men and women. So for a woman, love can be synonymous with fidelity, devotion, a sense of inspiration and the desire to take care of a man. And for a man, “love” can mean a willingness to have sex with a woman. Can a man be willing to have sex with more than one woman? Definitely can and even aspires to it. This does not mean that in adultery with or without reason, you need to suspect every man. The presumption of innocence or lack of proof of a crime applies not only to hardened criminals, but also to husbands.

Can a married man be jealous of his mistress?

Jealousy or a sense of ownership is inherent in the relationship of a married man and his mistress. Despite the fact that in the life of a mistress he is only "coming for an hour", she can be jealous of his wife. In addition, she cannot but understand that she is not the only one to whom such a man could turn his attention. A man is able to be jealous of his mistress to other men and feel like the Sultan of a harem, where every concubine is his property.

Why do married men have young mistresses?

Often, older men have young mistresses in order to increase their self-esteem and increase potency, if there is a tendency for it to fade. This is because it is young women who have the strongest sexual attraction. They attract the attention of men, like females capable of procreation. Here play the role of pheromones, which smells like a young woman in the period of fertilization.

Can a mistress be older than a man?

Yes, young, sexually inexperienced men tend to have experienced mistresses older than them. If an elderly woman, in addition to successful sex, offers a young man delicious dinners, the ability to listen without getting irritated and give wise advice, such an alliance can be very successful.

How many mistresses can a married man have?

If a man is in excellent sexual shape and wants sex every day, then the number of his mistresses can equal the number of his sex sessions. This is a slight exaggeration of the truth, which is that for a man who has allowed himself one mistress, it is not difficult to have so many of them that his body can withstand.

Does a man leave the family for his mistress: how often, in what cases?

In the vast majority of cases, a man does not leave the family for his mistress. Because he perfectly understands that he is already in a great position. Often the initiator of the gap is the wife, who found out about her husband's infidelity. In this case, a man can go to his mistress involuntarily. He can also leave the family if his marriage is bursting at the seams due to mutual misunderstanding between him and his wife.

If a mistress offers him attentive care and understanding instead of scandals in his family, he can buy into such tricks and leave his wife. In the event that a man marries his new passion and she receives the status of “wife” instead of the status of “mistress”, he risks repeating the failures of his first marriage, but in a tougher version, and his new wife risks getting the role of a wife waiting for her husband after the trip to a new more interesting woman.

Which mistresses do men go to?

In order to win in a love triangle, the mistress must be many times better than the wife. Often a woman tries so hard to get closer to the ideal of a man and win that she really becomes a beauty, a smart girl and a goddess of sex. The only thing a man should remember when leaving for such a woman is that she is working on such an image to the limit of her abilities and will stop straining immediately after she becomes a wife.

When do married men leave their mistresses?

Mistresses are not abandoned if they perform the functions assigned to them. But in the event that a woman who is in the role of a lover begins to sort out the functions of a wife, that is, she scandalizes, sorts out relationships, refuses to have sex, then she receives the status of a former lover, and the man finds a more interesting option for himself.

Does a man go through a breakup, do men forget their former lovers?

If the separation between two people happened by mutual agreement, then it can be painless for both the man and the woman. If such people remember the time spent together, then with a slight sadness and gratitude. If the gap was painful and at the initiative of one of the parties, then the man or woman who has lost intimacy will suffer and be tormented by experiences. If the woman who left was bright, non-standard and a Personality with a capital letter, then it will be impossible for a man to forget such a woman.

How to part with a mistress to a married man?

If a man wants to leave a woman beautifully, and without causing her too much moral harm, he must think about how the vacuum or emptiness that will form after his departure will be filled. The most banal, primitive, but working way to “leave unnoticed” is to introduce such a woman to a man who may be interested in a sexually horny lady. If the vacuum is not filled, then the one who left his mistress to the mercy of fate is guaranteed to receive phone calls from a former mistress with requests to meet or “random meetings” on the street.

The best way to get away from a mistress is to captivate her with a new man

Love triangles or polygons have existed in the distant past, are in the present and will be in the future as long as humanity exists. And one can only analyze and state such facts without trying to give wonderful recipes for solving this problem.

I love him madly. And he always flies to me on the wings of love. When we are together, we do not notice how time flies. What happiness when he is around, and how sad when he has to leave. After all, he is ... married.

How to take a married man out of the family - psychology offers different options. Is everything simple in this problem? We can look at this question from a different angle.

The secrets of the relationship between a woman in love and a man who is married are revealed by the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

It's time for me to get married, I want a man next to me and a family

Can't imagine life without your married lover? The problem is indeed serious and needs to be addressed. I want to be close to my beloved ... For some reason, you can’t do without him, and you really want to take him away from the family.

The desire of a woman to marry is due to nature. As Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology explains, a man creates a sense of security and safety for a woman. Every woman unconsciously strives for this. When she is in a couple, it builds her self-confidence, and for her it is an opportunity to raise her children.

It just didn’t work out with free men - you fell in love with a married man. And to create a couple, your security and safety, you decide to take him away from the family.

I love a married man: how to push a man to leave the family

Your meetings are happy moments for both. He says he loves and cannot live without you. And you can't imagine life without it. But he does not leave the family, something constantly interferes.

Men are different. To understand why your man has not yet decided to leave the family, you need to recognize your man, his properties, natural features.

System-vector psychology classifies the features of character, behavior by vectors. Depending on their needs, each person seeks to enjoy life. When you manage to understand a married man, you can find out the further scenario for the development of your relationship.

Relations with a married man: he has rational reasons

Your man is smart and fast, has excellent logical thinking, is enterprising, ambitious. Possible professions of such people are a businessman, a military man, a lawyer, a sales manager. The attributes of success are important for him: a good watch, a prestigious car, a spectacular woman nearby.

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan reveals the features of the behavior and character of this man - the owner of the skin vector.

Skinners always want to lead. The main values ​​for him, including in relationships, are benefit and benefit. Such men are lovers of novelty and change in life. The less they manage to realize their full potential, the greater the desire to get this novelty in their personal lives.

Men of this type are not particularly attached to the family. Their desire for change, for personal gain, can help lead a married man out of his current family. As the reverse side of the relationship with him, the likelihood that over time he will also miss one woman, and he will go looking for new adventures on the side.

Is your favorite not like this? Well, let's take a closer look at the features of another type of men.

A man between family and love

Your man is sedate and solid, he does not like fuss. A real owner, honest and fair. An important value for him is family and children. Such qualities characterize a man with an anal vector.

The visual vector sets a special emotionality to its owner, the main value for him is love. He is kind, sensitive, compassionate. He loves you, but is very attached to the family, and relationships with his children are important to him.

An anal-visual man can indeed fall in love and live between two women. It is difficult to deprive such a man of his family.

He is indecisive by nature and afraid of hurting his wife. In addition, the anal is a hostage to traditions, first experience and familiarity in life. It is very difficult for this man to make a decision, and even more so to break off relations with his family.

Taking away is not a problem: we deprive a man of his family

And what do we do next?

When we begin to understand the properties of our partner, it is quite easy to imagine a scenario for the development of further relationships.

There are problems in the state of the woman herself, who cannot imagine life without a man, even a married one. It happens that happiness does not come, even if the long-awaited man of the family is deprived and tied to himself forever.

To create a happy pair relationship, the state of the woman in this union is important. As Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology explains, the woman sets the emotional tone in a couple. Of course, the relationship with a man depends on her condition.

To achieve personal happiness, a woman needs to realize her natural properties based on the characteristics of the psyche. So you can create a relationship with your loved one on a different level, when you don’t have to doubt your man.

How to take a married man out of the family: the psychology of building personal happiness

A partner always feels the condition of a woman, because it is she who inspires him to achieve, her condition is an indicator of a relationship. When a woman recognizes her nature, her mood changes, she becomes more attractive for relationships.

The article was written using materials from online trainings on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan