Haircut horoscope for August. Lunar haircut calendar for August - favorable days. How does the phase of the moon affect hair cutting

In August, the astro forecast promises us some especially favorable days for a haircut. It is important not to miss them if you want to visit a hairdresser. Here are the forecasts given by astrologers for the next month.

August 3rd: on the second lunar day, the satellite of the Earth will be under the influence of the Sign Leo. A haircut on this day will not only make your hair thicker and more beautiful, but also improve the circulation of positive energy flows. The most unexpected changes in length and color will give a positive external and internal result. Any hair procedures will be very successful on this day, so do not put them off until later.

August 4: The moon will move into the sign of Virgo, which also has a good effect on the haircut. Visiting the hairdresser on this day, you will definitely choose the most suitable hairstyle for you, while it will last a long time and look spectacular. You can also carry out some wellness procedures: the result will be very noticeable.

Astrologers also say that a haircut on the third lunar day will bring you monetary gain and material well-being. To enhance this effect, you can use special rituals for August 2016.

August 6: Virgo's influence on this day will help you feel a surge of inspiration and many other positive emotions if you get a haircut on the fifth lunar day. It is especially good if you choose the most lush hairstyle possible: this will attract additional energy to you. So you can direct your opportunities in a creative direction. By visiting a beauty salon today, you will get rid of split ends for a long time and accelerate the growth of strong, healthy hair.

August 15: the position of the Moon in Capricorn will be very favorable for a haircut. Hair will be healthy and will be much less split. Also, visiting a hairdresser will help you sort out financial issues and solve career problems. Due to the growth phase, hair grows back faster and falls out less often. Also on the 13th lunar day, any kind of staining will be the best. The less frilly hairstyle you choose, the more positive energy of this day you will be able to attract.

August 23: the influence of the Sign Taurus will perfectly affect any haircut and coloring. The hair will look very good and improve its structure. Moreover, from an energy point of view, by visiting a hairdresser on this 21 lunar day, you will significantly improve your health and the condition of the body as a whole. It will also make it easier for you to attract the necessary people who will later turn out to be useful. In any case, you will be very pleased with the result.

August 29: The moon will be under the strongest influence of Leo, which, of course, is very favorable for a haircut. You will get rid of many failures and begin to look noticeably more charming and attractive. Also, a haircut on this day will give a chance for a cash increase. Choose a beautiful and somewhat unusual hairstyle, but not very frilly. So all her positive energy will be transferred to you and help you win leadership and admiring glances of others.

You can learn more about other favorable and inappropriate days for a haircut from the haircut lunar calendar for august. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and

27.07.2016 04:15

With the help of the lunar hair cutting calendar, you can choose a day that is good for going to the hairdresser. It is believed that growing ...

August— the last month of summer. Someone has already managed to go on vacation, someone else will have sunbathing, but in any case, the sun did not spare our curls - they became more brittle and damaged. Just the time to restore beauty and, along with visits to beauty salons, carry out wellness procedures at home. The lunar calendar of haircuts and procedures for August 2016 will indicate favorable days for manicure, health and general care.

Haircut lunar calendar for august 2016

Even our ancestors believed that you need to cut your hair at a certain time of the day in order to maintain your positive forces, get rid of negative energy and even find harmony with yourself and the outside world. The lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring will help you decide on favorable dates in August 2016.

If you are planning a haircut in August, avoid days when the Moon is in the constellations of Leo, Virgo, Libra, Pisces and Aries. On the contrary, its location in Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Gemini promises a successful procedure. The most successful for in August 2016 are the 5th, 8th, 11th, 13th, 14th, 19th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 26th, 27th , 28th lunar days.

In August, the summer sun can still be quite strong, so it’s worth protecting your hair from ultraviolet radiation, moisturizing it and cutting it off in time. If you grow long hair and want it to grow faster, go for a haircut on the days of the growing moon - from August 3 to 17, 2016.

If there is a desire that the hair is in no hurry to grow, but full of strength, shiny and beautiful, choose the time of the waning moon - from August 18 to 30, 2016.

The most favorable days in August 2016 for hair cutting: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 25, 26, 27, 28.

Hair coloring lunar calendar for august 2016

It has also been noted that when dyeing hair during the period of the growing moon, the paint lasts longer than when dyeing on a waning one. Therefore, before planning the procedure, do not be too lazy to look at the lunar coloring calendar for August 2016. It is best to paint when the Moon is in Leo and a few days in Virgo. When the Moon is in Pisces or Cancer, try not to be tempted by these procedures so as not to damage your energy background and hair.

Also, according to the forecasts of the Moon, from August 19 to 25, the hair is less saturated with nutrients, so it is not recommended to affect it with dyes. During this period, their structure is more vulnerable.

Favorable days for hair coloring in August: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.

Lunar calendar for nail cutting and manicure for august 2016

According to bioenergetics, a well-made manicure not only affects the mood, but also the biofield. Therefore, before carrying out any manipulations with nails, consult with the Moon.

The constellation of Capricorn is responsible for the condition of the nail plate, so it is better to make a manicure on those days when the Moon is in this sign of the Zodiac. The days when the Moon is in Aries and Taurus are neutral periods. It is possible to carry out manipulations with nails, but carefully. When the Moon is in Gemini, manicure and pedicure procedures are not recommended.

Please note that in fashionable sparkling overflows of glitter, small shimmer and perky check. Bright, noticeable and even a little defiant manicure is generally a must-try for August 2016.

Auspicious days for cutting nails and manicure in August 2016: 5, 6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26.

Beauty lunar calendar for august 2016

In August, it is best to go to the sea for a beautiful tan, which promises to be especially successful in the period from August 18 to 31, since it is during the days of the waning moon that the tan will lie flat and last longer. At the same time, in the last summer it is still important to use summer cosmetics to protect yourself from the sun's rays, as well as to closely monitor your health.

According to the health calendar for August 2016, it is best to plan operations for the days of the waning moon - from August 19 to 30, 2016. It is also good to visit a dentist at this time. The first half of the month is the time of the growing moon, which is well suited for general strengthening and healing of the body.

The likelihood of quarrels, bad moods, nightmares and irritability will increase on August 4, 11, 18 and 25, 2016. These days also increase the risk of various injuries.

We will be glad if our lunar calendar for august 2016 will help you in planning the days to go to the beauty salon. See also the signs of the Zodiac and other relevant materials at the links below.

Our professional astrologer has prepared the latest information for you.

Haircut lunar calendar for August 2016 - Auspicious days

Astrologers warn that the influence of the Moon on every aspect of our lives can be very strong. If you are planning a haircut this month, avoid days when the Moon is in the constellations of Leo, Virgo, Libra, Pisces and Aries. On the contrary, its location in Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Gemini promises well-being, good mood, good luck in love.

The most favorable days in August for cutting hair will be 1, 9, 10-13, 15-18, 25, 26, 27, 28 hours.

Haircut lunar calendar for August 2016 - More details for every day

August 1 - Waning Moon in Cancer. Good time for a makeover. You will receive energy recharge, you can find a solution to every problem.

August 2 - New Moon in Leo. If you want to improve curls, choose another day. Today, a haircut will have no effect on improving their health and appearance.

August 3 - the growing moon in Leo. Today's visit to the master's chair can lead to deep depression and even a nervous breakdown.

August 4 - the growing moon in Virgo. If you decide to cut your hair on this day, be prepared that your hair will grow very slowly.

August 5 - the growing moon in Virgo. Today it will be successful to visit only your permanent master. Experimenting with changing a stable hairdresser can be disappointing.

August 6 - the growing moon in Virgo. Don't cut your hair today if you don't want to start a series of unpleasant surprises. Moreover, on this day you can “cut off” attentiveness.

August 7 - the growing moon in Libra. Even if you have an appointment with a hairdresser, cancel the visit. Otherwise, you will collect a lot of negative energy.

August 8 - the growing moon in Libra. Trust only yourself - do your hair, hair, curls, but leave the trip to the master for another number.

August 9 - the growing moon in Scorpio. Your hair after the salon will be lush and beautiful, and subsequently acquire a healthy look, the problem of split ends will disappear.

August 10 - the growing moon in Scorpio. A haircut today will bring financial well-being. Moreover, the money will come into the hands of a "deserved" way - a promotion, an increase in wages, a bonus.

August 11 - the growing moon in Scorpio. A haircut will allow you to gain self-confidence and harmony.

August 12 - the growing moon in Sagittarius. Looking for a soul mate? Then today is the time for you - a new hairstyle will attract the opposite sex.

August 13 - the growing moon in Sagittarius. Pay attention to the health of the hair: it is useful to make a mask or henna. The master will do a quality job - you will like it.

August 14 - the growing moon in Capricorn. In order not to bring on illness or an exacerbation of a chronic illness, refrain from cutting today.

August 15 - the growing moon in Capricorn. A new haircut will have a beneficial effect on the health of the hair, you will make new acquaintances.

August 16 - the growing moon in Capricorn. If lately you have noticed a breakdown, irritability, remove the negative by simply cutting the ends.

August 17 - the growing moon in Aquarius. Your curls will improve and acquire an attractive shine - you will be satisfied with the result, even if you do not go to your permanent master.

August 18 - Full Moon in Aquarius. Cutting your hair will strengthen your nervous system - nothing can throw you off balance.

August 19 - Waning Moon in Pisces. Give up the new image today - it, apparently, will not bring satisfaction.

August 20 - Waning Moon in Aries. The time is bad not only for a haircut, but also for making any important decisions. Calmly go with the flow.

August 21 - Waning Moon in Aries. Refuse the idea of ​​​​visiting the salon. Even a professional to the marrow of his bones will not make a haircut so that you like it today.

August 22 - Waning Moon in Aries. Procedures will only weaken your immunity. Even trimming the tips or bangs is not recommended.

August 23 - Waning Moon in Taurus. The most unfavorable day of the month for hairdressing procedures. Don't ruin your mood.

August 24 - Waning Moon in Taurus. There will be health problems if you cut your hair. Hairstyle can be unsuccessful.

August 25 - Waning Moon in Gemini. Today's visit to the master's chair will be beneficial. Coloring in the color you like will attract good luck.

August 26 - Waning Moon in Gemini. Your bold decisions can only be envied. The opposite sex will be delighted with your new hairstyle.

August 27 - Waning Moon in Cancer. Good time to start a new life. With cut hair, all worries, fears and financial problems will go away.

August 28 - Waning Moon in Cancer. Do not rush to change the color of your hair, but it's time to visit the master to give it shape.

August 29 - Waning Moon in Leo. One negative - that's what today's visit to the barber will bring. Conquer your desire for change.

August 30 - Waning Moon in Leo. The power of a person is in the hair - today's manipulations with them will attract energy vampires.

August 31 - Waning Moon in Leo. Today's haircut will not bring satisfaction - you will pour out your discontent on others.

Sergei Vasilenkov

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August is the last month of the velvet season, the time for vacations, resorts and summer residents. The scorching sun makes you take care of your hair more often and it is in August that you should cut the ends and update your hair. This period is favorable for haircuts, but there are days on which you should categorically refrain from going to your favorite master.

August 1. Waning Moon in Cancer. On this day, the haircut will be especially successful. Hair will be renewed and healthy, will receive a surge of strength. But you shouldn’t do coloring, the color will come out completely different from what you expect. In addition, staining will negatively affect the condition of your wallet.

August 2. New Moon in Leo. During this period, it is better to enjoy the warm summer days than to head to the salon. Any manipulation of the hair will lead to a headache or other ailments.
August 3rd. Waxing moon in Leo. A day to go to the hairdresser is perfect. Healing procedures for hair will be very successful, masks and treatments will be especially effective. The haircut will be in perfect shape.

August 4-6. Waxing Moon in Virgo. Hair cut these days will grow quickly. If you are growing out your hair, the period is ideal, but if you are doing a model haircut, it will quickly lose its shape.

August 7-8. Growing Moon in Libra. A haircut these days will bring financial well-being and good mood.

August 9-11. Waxing Moon in Scorpio. Do not settle for a haircut, this can lead to failure in business, but hair care procedures are acceptable and even profitable, make masks and body wraps.

August 12-13. Waxing Moon in Sagittarius. These are the days of coloring. Colors come out bright and accurate. Changing your image will benefit your personal life. Relationships with loved ones will become warmer.

August 14-16. Waxing Moon in Capricorn. A period of successful haircuts. A haircut these days will bring great career growth, as well as good luck in business.

August 17th. Waxing Moon in Aquarius. This is the perfect day for a complete makeover. Any experiments will be successful. Haircut and care will make the hair beautiful, strong and lush, the coloring will turn out to be expressive and persistent. It's time to go to the salon and make the transformation in full.

18 August. Full Moon in Aquarius. Neutral day. On this day, you can carry out any manipulations with the hair, but there will not be much enthusiasm.

August 19-20. Waning moon in Pisces. An unfavorable day for going to a beauty salon. Haircut and coloring will bring losses, including material ones. Hair care procedures will not give the expected effect.

August 21-22. Waning Moon in Aries. Going to a beauty salon will benefit those who want to improve their personal lives. A haircut and a change of image will lead to new acquaintances.

August 23-24. Waning Moon in Taurus. Favorable days for a haircut. Hair cutting will help strengthen the immune system and improve well-being in general.

August 25-26. Waning Moon in Gemini. A good day for going to the salon, all procedures will be successfully completed, haircut and styling will be perfect, besides, these days a change of image promises to have a positive effect on personal or family life, others will look at you in a new way.

August 29-31. The waning moon is in Leo. Good day for haircuts and styling. Hair will become healthier and more manageable. A haircut will bring good luck.

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