The uterus is in good shape symptoms 2 trimester. Uterine tone: causes and danger of the condition. What is the danger of increased uterine tone during pregnancy

Even those who have never carried a child under their hearts have been heard. This condition, unfortunately, occurs so often that it will not hurt both pregnant women and only those planning to conceive to know about it.

What is increased uterine tone?

To answer this question, let's first understand what kind of body it is. The uterus is a hollow, contractile, muscular organ, the basis of which is the myometrium. Naturally, during pregnancy increases. At the same time, each muscle fiber lengthens by 10-12 times and thickens by 4-5 times. Nature arranged it so that normally, for 9 months, the muscles of the uterus are in a calm (relaxed) state. This allows you to bear the child. Also, normally, the uterus sometimes slightly contracts, this happens closer to the expected date of birth. Such contractions are called training. It's like a dress rehearsal before the main event - the birth of a baby. But it happens that during a long period of pregnancy (in some cases, throughout the entire period of gestation), the muscles of the uterus are in an excited, contracted state. The muscle layer of this organ contracts (its tone increases) - the pressure in the uterine cavity rises. Unfortunately, this is a pathological condition that requires appropriate and timely treatment, since it is a symptom of a threat or

Causes of increased uterine tone during pregnancy

As a rule, fear, overexcitation or overstrain of muscle fibers caused by excessive physical exertion contribute to the occurrence of increased tone (hypertonicity) of the uterus.

If the tone occurred in the early stages of pregnancy, the cause of this may be hormonal disorders, in particular, reduced production of progesterone. As a rule, increased uterine tone in the second trimester usually appears due to overload at work or an unhealthy lifestyle. In addition, hypertonicity can occur due to inflammatory and structural changes (uterine fibroids, endometriosis). Overstretching of the muscles of the uterus, which occurs due to multiple pregnancy, or a large fetus, can lead to increased tone. Moreover, increased uterine tone can occur as a result of a previous acute respiratory disease or other disease (flu, tonsillitis, pyelonephritis), previous abortions, bad habits (smoking, etc.). In the third trimester of pregnancy, increased uterine tone can lead to premature birth.

What does a woman feel in such a state?

  • unpleasant squeezing or aching pains in the lower abdomen (can be both barely noticeable and strong); often they are similar to those experienced by a woman before or during menstruation;
  • tension in the abdomen (it becomes hard, as if made of stone);
  • often - unpleasant or lower backs;

In some cases, pain may be accompanied by bleeding. If this happens, go to the doctor immediately. Also, urgent medical care requires a condition when a woman has cramping pains with an interval of several minutes.

What if you don't see a doctor? What could be the consequences?

Unfortunately not the best. Increased tone can lead to spontaneous abortion at any time. If this happens in the first trimester, they will talk about a miscarriage, in the later - about premature birth. In addition, increased uterine tone threatens with another complication: the risk of pregnancy fading.

Even if the tone is not so significant as to lead to such unfortunate consequences, then this will not be reflected in the best way on the health of the baby. The fact is that a frequent increase in the tone of the uterus provokes oxygen starvation, since the blood supply is disturbed.

Treatment of increased uterine tone during pregnancy

The occurrence of this condition should be reported to your obstetrician-gynecologist as soon as possible. He will tell you how to behave in order to reduce the risk of complications, and, if necessary, prescribe medication.

Fortunately, increased uterine tone responds well to treatment. The first thing the doctor will require is to ensure a calm regimen and the normalization of the psycho-emotional state of the patient. Now, more than ever, it is very important for a pregnant woman to establish a normal mode of work and rest, good sleep, sufficient exposure to fresh air, and feasible physical activity. With an increased tone of the uterus, bed rest is often prescribed and sexual activity is completely prohibited. If necessary, a woman is hospitalized and treated in a hospital. Medical treatment is also used in this condition. To relieve stress and ensure psychological comfort, sedatives are prescribed (tincture of motherwort and valerian). If these drugs are not effective in a particular case, Sibazol, Nozepam, Trioxazin, etc. are prescribed. To relax the uterine muscles, antispasmodics are used (No-shpu, Papaverine). Magne-B6 is often used. If the reason for the increase in tone is an insufficient amount of progesterone, Duphaston and Utrozhestan are used (up to 16 weeks). Drugs that relax the muscles of the uterus (for example, Ginipral) and calcium channel blockers (Nifedipine, Corinfar) have proven themselves well. To stop bleeding, hemostatic drugs are prescribed (Dicinon, Etamzilat sodium). In addition, if an increase in uterine tone is diagnosed in late pregnancy, a woman is prescribed droppers. Intravenous administration of a 25% solution of sulphate and 10% alcohol can alleviate the situation. In addition to the above options for treating increased tone, a fortified diet is used, as well as physio-, acupuncture and psychotherapy.

If spasms began suddenly and are very strong, then you can take 2 tablets of No-Shpa or put a candle with Papaverine. The next step in this case is an urgent visit to the doctor. Even if the pain has gone, do not leave this issue unattended and do not ignore the visit to the antenatal clinic.

Remember: not only the health of your unborn baby, but even his life depends on how you behave in this or that case.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

From Guest

The tone was strong from the 26th week, she lay on the preservation until the 38th week, then they were caesarean. The tone was so frequent, literally in 5-10-15 minutes. Basically lay, caloli ginepral, magnesia, saw B6 and motherwort of course. The tone is not a joke, while I was lying in the hospital I heard a lot of scary stories from girls whose tone led to premature birth. So, take care of your children, and in which case, call an ambulance and lie down for preservation !!! I wish you all the birth of healthy children!!!

A woman expecting a baby can be very frightened when she first feels discomfort. Uterine tone during pregnancy is a symptom that is dangerous throughout all three trimesters, the cause of which must be identified as soon as possible in order to avoid serious complications. Why such a problem arises, what is its danger, what to do to normalize the situation, how to determine the pathology - it is necessary to understand these issues.

What is uterine tone

Nature has prepared a special hollow organ for carrying a baby. The uterus, which consists of several layers, has muscle tissue that protects the growing fetus, is able to contract during childbirth, helping the baby to be born. Normally, she is relaxed. Unfortunately, there are many reasons why a dangerous contraction of muscle fibers occurs.

What is uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy? This is a symptom that requires accurate diagnosis of the causes of the pathology and immediate treatment. The appearance of dangerous signs means:

  • there is a strong compression of the muscle layer;
  • increased pressure in the uterine cavity;
  • there is a threat to bearing a baby;
  • high risk of preterm birth.

What is the danger of uterine tone during pregnancy

Expectant mothers should carefully monitor their condition throughout the pregnancy. It is useful for women to know why the uterus is in good shape, what are the symptoms, so that when they appear, consult a doctor. This will help avoid serious problems. Uterine activity is dangerous in all trimesters of pregnancy. In the early stages, high tone can:

  • cause difficulties in the process of implantation of the fetal egg;
  • lead to placental abruption, disrupting the nutrition of the fetus, causing missed pregnancy;
  • provoke a miscarriage.

No less dangerous is the uterus in good shape during pregnancy in subsequent periods:

  • In the second trimester, contraction of muscle fibers reduces blood flow in the vessels of the placenta, limits the supply of oxygen to the fetus, which leads to delayed development.
  • In the third trimester, abortion is possible - premature birth due to early opening of the cervix. The baby develops hypoxia due to compression of the vessels of the umbilical cord.

Norms of uterine tone by gestational age

For a baby to develop properly in the womb, the uterus must be supple and relaxed. Like any muscular organ, it has physiological contractions. What contractions of the uterine walls are considered normal? Experts highlight the tone that occurs in the early stages of pregnancy and is conditionally safe. In this case, uterine contraction:

  • occurs no more than 6 times a day;
  • contributes to the activation of blood circulation, the normal development of the child;
  • can be caused by minor physical exertion.

The following stages of pregnancy have their own characteristics:

  • In the second trimester, starting from the 20th week, painless contractions are observed, which are considered training, preparation for future childbirth, occur several times a day.
  • With the beginning of the third trimester, the contractions of the uterus are helped by the baby, who begins to actively move. By the end of the term, hypertonicity is difficult to distinguish from the onset of labor.

Signs of tone

Only a gynecologist can accurately determine the tone. When the first symptoms of a threat appear, in order to exclude dangerous consequences, you need to visit a doctor. What are the signs of uterine tone during pregnancy? Pathology is accompanied by:

  • aching, squeezing pains in the lower abdomen;
  • contractions of the muscles of the uterus;
  • feeling of heaviness, discomfort;
  • bloody discharge;
  • tension, petrification of the abdomen;
  • pain in the lumbar region, sacrum;
  • feeling of contractions.


There are a large number of reasons for the occurrence of tone. They are related to the state of the body and external factors. There are such causes of uterine tone:

  • a reduced amount of the hormone progesterone, which relaxes smooth muscles;
  • severe toxicosis with vomiting, causing muscle contractions;
  • increased levels of prolactin and male sex hormones;
  • thyroid pathology;
  • anomalies in the development of the uterus;
  • Rh-conflict of the blood of parents;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pathology of the placenta;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs.

Hypertonicity of the uterus during pregnancy is provoked by:

  • psychological problems;
  • constant stress;
  • physical exercise;
  • long journeys;
  • sports;
  • air travel;
  • lack of sleep;
  • strong gas formation;
  • malnutrition;
  • obesity;
  • age after 35 years;
  • incorrect position of the fetus;
  • violation of intestinal motility;
  • stretching of the uterus during multiple pregnancy;
  • polyhydramnios or large baby size;
  • sex before 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • previous miscarriages;
  • tumors;
  • abortions.


Improper nutrition can provoke an increased tone. There are foods that cause this condition. These include:

  • legumes, cabbage, provoking increased gas formation;
  • moldy cheese containing a fungus dangerous for pregnant women;
  • coffee, which quickly removes fluid from the body, increasing blood pressure;
  • raw eggs that can cause the development of salmonellosis - heat treatment is recommended;
  • black tea containing a lot of caffeine.

Spices cause an increase in uterine tone. Doctors recommend limiting the use of basil, bay leaf, fennel, cinnamon, nutmeg, cumin during pregnancy. The danger is represented by dishes that have not undergone long-term heat treatment. They can become a source of infectious diseases. These include:

  • steaks from meat with blood;
  • dried delicacies;
  • pate;
  • quick cooked liver;
  • sushi;
  • salo.


The first unpleasant symptoms should be determined by the pregnant woman herself and consult a doctor. With great accuracy, increased tone is detected during examination by a gynecologist. Diagnostics includes:

  • external control, fixing complaints;
  • palpation of the abdomen in the supine position;
  • Ultrasound, which reveals a thickening of smooth muscle tissue, the tone of the anterior or posterior wall, depending on the place of attachment of the fetus;
  • tonusometry using special sensors.

How to determine the tone of the uterus during pregnancy yourself

A woman should be able to diagnose uterine tone herself. This will help to timely identify the causes of the pathology and prescribe treatment in order to moderate it. It is important to distinguish between symptoms that signal a problem. You can find out if there is muscle tone at home. To do this, you need to lie on your back, relax, gently feel the stomach, check the condition of the muscles. In this situation:

  • a feeling of softness indicates a lack of tone and reason for concern;
  • a firm, elastic abdomen is characterized by increased muscle contraction, requires the intervention of a doctor.

What to do

How should a woman behave, what to do if there are dangerous symptoms? Gynecologists recommend following the regimen to relax the muscles, taking medications that will reduce tone. To avoid the threat of miscarriage, pregnant women need:

  • stress relief;
  • complete cessation of sexual activity;
  • exclusion of physical activity;
  • providing bed rest;
  • aromatherapy that promotes relaxation;
  • use of warm baths and showers;
  • acupuncture;
  • treatment of Rh-conflict;
  • normalization of nutrition;
  • psychotherapy sessions.

Medical treatment

When uterine tone appears, it is necessary to solve two important tasks - to remove unpleasant symptoms and to influence the causes of their occurrence. Doctors prescribe magnesium preparations with vitamin B6, which relax the uterine walls. It is recommended to take:

  • tincture of motherwort, valerian, soothing, helping to relieve stress;
  • Utrozhestan, Duphaston - progesterone preparations for hormone deficiency in early pregnancy.

To reduce uterine tone, relieve spasms, remove dangerous symptoms, antispasmodics are prescribed - Nosh-pa tablets, as well as drugs:

  • Genipral - relaxes muscles, not recommended in the early stages;
  • Nozepam is a sedative drug that has a sedative effect;
  • Curantil - improves placental circulation;
  • Riboxin - activates metabolic processes;
  • Piracetam - increases the resistance of nerve cells in the fetus to oxygen deficiency;
  • Dicynon - stops spotting.


Rectal suppositories help to bring the increased uterine tone back to normal very quickly. Candles are injected into the rectum, left until resorption. The active substance enters the blood, reduces the excitation of the walls of the uterus. Doctors prescribe:

  • Viburkol - has an antispasmodic, analgesic effect;
  • Papaverine - relaxes smooth uterine muscles, expands blood flow, reduces tension;
  • Indomethacin - is used for the threat of abortion, but only from 16 to 32 weeks.


You can cope with increased uterine tone at home if you perform simple exercises. This will help relax tense muscles. It is recommended to make a complex:

  • Get on all fours, bend your back, raise your head, return to the starting position. Repeat several times, then lie down for at least an hour.
  • Sitting on a chair, lower your head, relax the muscles of your neck and face, breathe through your mouth.
  • Stand on all fours for a few minutes so that the stomach is in a suspended position. Breathe calmly.

How to avoid uterine tone during pregnancy

Prevention of hypertension helps to avoid the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. Simple measures contribute to the normal course of pregnancy without pathologies. A woman needs:

  • avoid stress;
  • start eating right
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • observe the daily routine;
  • ensure proper sleep;
  • avoid physical overload;
  • worry less;
  • no smoking;
  • visit a gynecologist regularly.


The tone of the uterus during pregnancy is not a disease, but a symptom that may indicate a threat of miscarriage. The condition requires special treatment.

To prevent complications, it is important for a woman to know about the manifestations of hypertonicity, therapy and prevention methods.

The uterus is a hollow organ of 3 layers:

  • The endometrium is the mucous membrane that lines the inside of the uterus.
  • Myometrium is a smooth muscle tissue that is the middle layer of the organ wall.
  • The perimetrium is the outer mucosa.

The myometrium is normally in a relaxed state, which is considered the normal tone of the reproductive organ.

In some women, during the period of bearing a child, but before the onset of childbirth, uterine contractions occur. In this case, they talk about her hypertonicity or increased tone.

The process is natural or pathological, depending on a number of factors. A brief contraction of the uterus in a pregnant woman, without any discomfort, may be a natural condition.

The problem arises if the increased tone is observed for a long time. Constant tone is dangerous for the fetus and requires the preservation of pregnancy.

Uterine tone during pregnancy: symptoms

Symptoms of hypertension depend on the duration of pregnancy:

  • First trimester. Drawing pain in lower abdomen, perineum, lower back. Pain can be constant or periodically weaken and intensify. Nausea and dizziness are possible.
  • Second and third trimesters. All of the above symptoms, to which is added the so-called "fossil" of the abdomen. The tone and tension of the uterus is felt from the outside, if a palm is applied to the stomach.

Another sign of tone at any time is bloody discharge from the vagina. In this case, you must immediately contact the clinic.

From a pathologically increased tone, a state in the later stages should be distinguished, when the child becomes cramped in the uterus. It seems to stretch, the uterus tenses. A woman can feel not only the petrification of the abdomen, but also a change in its shape on the one hand, where the baby sticks out. This condition, similar to light contractions, lasts for several seconds and is not dangerous either for the child or for the expectant mother.


Hypertonicity of the uterus during pregnancy occurs for various reasons and can occur even if the woman was completely healthy before conception.

The risk factors are as follows:

  • Postponed stressful situations.
  • Work all day sitting or standing.
  • Severe toxicosis in the 1st trimester.
  • Lack of progesterone.
  • Negative Rh factor - the body can reject the embryo.
  • Multiple pregnancies - there is an excessive load on the uterine walls.
  • Polyhydramnios.
  • Pathologies in the structure of the body.
  • The presence of sexually transmitted diseases - chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, toxoplasmosis, etc.
  • Lots of pre-pregnancy abortions.
  • The presence of bad habits - smoking, alcoholic beverages.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - strong gas formation provokes an increased tone of the uterus.

What is dangerous?

What is the danger of increased uterine tone? This is, first of all, a risk for a child growing in the womb. In the absence of treatment, the consequences may be as follows.

In the 1st trimester:

  • miscarriage or detachment of the fetal egg;
  • fetal fading due to lack of oxygen and nutrients.

In the 1st and 3rd trimesters- discharge of amniotic fluid and premature birth due to the opening of the cervix.

The child survives in this case at a gestational age of 36 weeks.


To determine whether the tone of the uterus is increased during pregnancy, the doctor can in the following ways:

  • Palpation or probing of the uterus with fingers.
  • Ultrasonography.

The doctor can palpate the uterus in the 2nd trimester through the anterior wall of the abdomen. On examination, the woman is placed on her back and asked to bend her knees. This posture allows you to completely relax the muscles of the abdominal cavity and the uterus can be comfortably felt.

Ultrasound is more of an auxiliary diagnostic method. Allows you to determine the degree of threat, increased tone of the anterior or posterior wall of the uterus, the need for hospitalization of a pregnant woman.

On the video about uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy

How to withdraw?

What to do with uterine tone? Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, depending on the degree of hypertonicity and the causes of its occurrence. If the risk is not serious, therapy is carried out on an outpatient basis. Otherwise, a woman is hospitalized in a hospital for bed rest, where treatment is carried out under the supervision of doctors.

  • more rest;
  • complete renunciation of sexual activity;
  • taking medications.

What is prescribed for uterine tone:

  • Antispasmodics -, Drotaverine,.
  • Gestagens -.
  • Sedatives - valerian, motherwort.
  • Magne B6;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes.

The reasons for the development of hypertonicity are taken into account, for example, for problems with the intestines, drugs are prescribed to reduce gas formation. With spotting, Tranexam or Dicinon are prescribed.

With a strong tone and a suspicion of a lack of oxygen and nutrients for the fetus, Trental or is indicated.

How to warn?

Measures to prevent increased uterine tone are as follows:

  • Testing for sexually transmitted infections when planning pregnancy.
  • Refusal of cigarettes and alcohol at the planning stage.
  • Timely registration with a gynecologist after conception.
  • Full sleep - at least 8 hours a day.
  • Daily outdoor walks.
  • Light physical activity.
  • Refusal to lift heavy substances, especially in the third trimester.
  • Avoidance of stress.

Proper nutrition is important for a pregnant woman.

A balanced diet is required, in which magnesium-containing foods must be present:

  • Dairy products - natural yoghurts, cheeses.
  • Cereals - buckwheat, wheat, barley.
  • Greens and fresh vegetables - spinach, basil, cabbage.

Magnesium, supplied in sufficient quantities to the body, relaxes smooth muscle tissue and has a positive effect on the central nervous system.

The tone of the uterus during pregnancy is a diagnosis that more than half of pregnant women hear. Manifestations of pathology are pain in the abdomen, its fossil, bloody discharge from the vagina. The condition is dangerous for the fetus and requires immediate contact with a gynecologist and treatment on an outpatient basis or in a hospital.

The tone should pass imperceptibly for the woman. If a pregnant woman feels pulling pains, heaviness and discharge mixed with blood, she should immediately contact her doctor. Hypertonicity backfires in every trimester.

  • Pregnancy is not always smooth and trouble free. It is not uncommon for women to make a decision about the existence of tone in all trimesters - this is muscle tone. The uterus is also a muscle and it tends to contract under the influence of various factors. Ideally, during pregnancy be calm. But if it periodically decreases before conception and after, this is not always bad and problematic.
  • This phenomenon can be safely regarded as a normal physiological process, if it is not pursued by any other symptoms and diseases. Muscle contraction should not cause confusion, because it is observed even when a woman simply sneezes. Stress, anxiety and nervousness remain unchanged factors affecting contractions.
  • When making such a diagnosis, you need to ask the doctor in detail about how dangerous it is for you. The consequences of not normal tone can be very deplorable. In the early stages, the tone can provoke a miscarriage, and in the rest - premature birth

Most often, uterine tone is diagnosed in the early stages of pregnancy (in the first trimester) according to the results of an ultrasound examination.

early pregnancy

It is because of uterine contractions that many women cannot become pregnant. The fertilized egg is simply not able to attach to the wall of the uterus.

Tonus until the twenty-eighth week is considered a real threat of miscarriage, and only when more than 28 weeks have passed can one talk about it as a risk of preterm labor.

Unfortunately, uterine tone is diagnosed in 60% of pregnant women, but doctors are trying to do everything possible to exclude all possible causes of its manifestation:

  • replenish the hormone progesterone
  • prescribe sedatives
  • appoint "preservation" and recommend a calm, inactive lifestyle
  • eliminate or alleviate toxicosis
  • eliminate increased flatulence in the intestines
  • cure inflammatory and infectious diseases

How to determine the tone of the uterus during pregnancy on your own?

Determining the presence of tone is not difficult. This will be indicated by very eloquent symptoms that accompany the problem at all stages of pregnancy. When a woman's belly is not yet bulging forward, she may feel:

  • severe heaviness in the groin and lower abdomen
  • pain and cramps, similar to those that accompany a woman during menstruation
  • lumbar pain
  • pain similar to intestinal spasms
  • spotting discharge with blood impurities

To these symptoms in the second and third trimester, you can add:

  • feeling of a tight and heavy abdomen
  • visual petrification
  • belly hard to the touch

A pregnant woman experiencing such symptoms should immediately seek medical advice so that this phenomenon does not provoke a miscarriage or unplanned premature birth. The doctor prescribes a number of medications that have an antispasmodic and mild sedative effect.

the fetus presses on the walls, causing spasms

How to reduce the tone of the uterus during pregnancy?

  • Involuntary uterine contractions may be present at all stages of pregnancy. Most often, the tone appears due to a hormonal failure in the body and a lack of progesterone - the female "pregnant" hormone.
  • Starting from the sixteenth week, it may appear as a result of placental growth and fetal enlargement. In this case, it does not require intervention, in others - it is simply necessary to reduce the tone in order to avoid consequences.
  • In most cases, in order to reduce uterine tone, doctors prescribe antispasmodics - drugs that relax muscle organs.
  • The most common medicine is No-shpa, proven over the years. It has a fairly mild and safe effect. In more severe cases, you can use fresh "papaverine" or "viburkol"

the tone of the uterus can be reduced with the help of medications

The tone caused by the growth of the placenta can be alleviated by wearing a special bandage for pregnant women. The principle of his work is that he is able to distribute the weight of a woman and facilitate her movement, as well as relieve the load from her back.

Yes, and the very physical activity, movement and carrying weights - must be excluded from your life.

A pregnant woman suffering from tonus needs more sleep, walk in parks and breathe the air. It is worth completely reviewing your diet to eliminate fixing foods:

  • sweet foods: candy, chocolate and others
  • bakery products
  • rice groats

It is very useful for women to increase the amount of vitamin E consumed from food, to eat royal jelly and wheat germ.

Uterine tone in the first trimester of pregnancy

The muscles enveloping the uterus are three-layered, intertwined very tightly. This interlacing allows the muscle to hold the uterus tightly in case of overstrain.

The tone indicates the presence of problems in the body, since the fetus is very small and can hardly somehow stretch the walls of the uterus.

aching pain in the abdomen

In the early stages of pregnancy, namely in the first trimester, the tone of the uterus can appear from the smallest experiences and worries. Stress is not the only reason.

Physical activity, even the smallest, provokes tone. Not infrequently, simple abstinence and the inability to go to the toilet also provoke muscle contractions.

If you still relaxed, went to the toilet, did not burden yourself with loads, and the tone and pulling sensations do not go away, it is possible that your symptoms are related to something else:

  • hormonal disorders in the body
  • toxicosis
  • lack of progesterone
  • underdevelopment of the uterus
  • the presence of cancer in the uterus
  • diseases of the genital organs
  • infectious disease
  • different Rh factor in the blood of mother and baby

If the tone is provoked by external factors, it is eliminated very quickly. If internal - you need to look for the cause with the help of specialists.

Uterine tone in the second trimester of pregnancy

We can say that the second trimester of pregnancy for a woman is the most favorable. In the second trimester, toxicosis goes away and the pregnant woman feels much better. All that can disturb a woman in the fourth, fifth and sixth months is the tone of the uterus.

The tone in this period is provoked by various factors, both external and internal. External factors include:

  • weight lifting
  • stress, anxiety, constant nervousness
  • unfavorable lifestyle, bad habits
  • Internal factors:

    • hormonal disorders
    • uterine mime
    • the threat of a breakdown (underdevelopment of the child, different Rh blood factors in mother and baby, congenital anomalies)
    • rapid fetal growth

    at the reception

    Unfortunately, the tone can lead to poor blood flow in a woman's body. This phenomenon can have very unpleasant consequences and inhibit the development of the child in utero.

    The worst thing that can happen to a woman experiencing tone is detachment of the fetal placenta from the uterine wall, since it, unlike a muscle, does not contract.

    Uterine tone in the third trimester of pregnancy

    Minor contractions of muscle fibers are normal for a pregnant woman. Not infrequently, hypertonicity is a consequence of multiple pregnancy ( several children in the womb) or too large a fetus.

    late term, third trimester

    The fetus in the uterus is already large enough, it stretches the uterus and gives discomfort. If the tone is increased, this may well cause premature birth.

    Also, the causes of tone in the third trimester can be:

    • nervous irritation, regular stress
    • carrying weights
    • intestinal gases

    Why is uterine hypertonicity dangerous during pregnancy?

    The tone of the uterus can have different consequences at different stages of pregnancy. In any case, the tone is dangerous for abortion. In the early stages, muscle contractions make it impossible to fix the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus.

    fixation of the fetus in the uterus

    Hypertonicity is the cause of constriction of blood vessels, which are the main link between mother and child. It is for this reason that the fetus may not receive development in the womb. It is through the blood vessels that the child receives the necessary amount of nutrients and oxygen.

    In all three trimesters, hypertonicity causes involuntary abortion. Not infrequently, the tone itself can be confused with the onset of contractions.

    How to treat uterine tone during pregnancy?

    The tone of the uterus, depending on the causes, requires proper treatment. It can be simple manipulations, or it can be a full-fledged drug treatment.

    no-shpa with uterine tone

    Try to start treatment with simple exercises, and only if folk methods cannot cope with the sensations, consult a doctor for help:

    • take a horizontal position
    • master breathing relaxing gymnastics in order to successfully apply it at the right time
    • raise your legs above your head, put them on a pillow
    • drink soothing tea with chamomile and lemon balm
    • stroke the belly with gentle circular motions
    • try not to burden yourself with heavy bags and physical exercises during the day and not be nervous

    The tone of the uterus requires regular use of medications. In the arsenal of every pregnant woman should be sedatives, antispasmodics and vitamins prescribed by the attending physician.

    Exercises to relieve uterine tone during pregnancy

    A number of simple exercises are aimed at eliminating the tone and relaxing the muscular system of the body of a pregnant woman:

    • Exercise "Cat". This is a simple exercise that every woman can do, and it is especially useful for those who are already in the third trimester of pregnancy. It requires the support of a woman on all limbs. Standing on all fours, the back and abdominal muscles relax. It is necessary to stand in a calm state for five minutes, after which bending and raising the back should be performed. You need to fix each position up to five seconds. Blood circulation increases, condition becomes better
    • Exercise "Free position". For this, it is not necessary to perform any special movements. It is enough to take a position in which the uterus remains as relaxed as possible. Take a chair, lean on it with your forearms, put your knees on the floor and sit in this state for a while

    uterine tone requires elimination

    What to do with uterine tone during pregnancy: tips and reviews

    The tone of the uterus pursues almost every woman at different stages of pregnancy. In any case, strong sensations of pain, stretching, spotting are always not normal. The tone requires elimination in any case, since it should always pass asymptomatically and imperceptibly.

    At the slightest health disorder, try to contact your doctor, limit your workload and be in a horizontal mood. Stress is the easiest way to cause muscles to contract, so try not to be nervous, relax and avoid any stress.

    Video: “The tone of the uterus. What to do?"

    uterine hypertonicity "may occur more often in early pregnancy. The tone of the uterus during pregnancy is the contractions that appear before the expected date of birth. They are felt as pulling, aching pains in the lower abdomen (a similar condition during menstruation), sometimes pain in the lower back. It happens that a woman does not detect any extraneous sensations in her body, but during an ultrasound examination, it shows that she has uterine hypertonicity. The reasons that cause the tone of the uterus can be different, ranging from the underdevelopment of the genital organs and ending with excitement.

    The uterus is a female muscular organ that is sensitive not only to physical stretching (it grows with the fetus), but also to nerve impulses: excitement, joy, fear. Any cause can cause pain, but they should not be ignored. As soon as you feel pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor who, after finding out the cause, will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

    The uterus of a woman, like any other muscle, has the ability to contract, and, accordingly, has a tone. The tone can be low, normal and high. If we are talking about the tone of the uterus, then the tension of the muscles of the uterus is implied - an increased tone. An increase in the tone of the uterus during pregnancy signals to a woman that a miscarriage may occur or premature birth may begin. Therefore, this issue should not be taken lightly. The tone of the uterus is one of the main causes of premature birth. But do not be afraid! With a timely visit to the doctor, the implementation of all his recommendations, the probability of reporting your pregnancy without fear is very high.

    It is not for nothing that doctors are reinsured, because the tone of the uterus is really a very unpleasant and extremely dangerous thing. Complications of increased uterine tone include termination of pregnancy (possibly at any time), oxygen starvation (hypoxia) of the fetus, placental abruption.

    Symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy

    How during pregnancy a woman herself can determine that the uterus is in good shape

    Often a pregnant woman can feel it herself. The tone of the uterus during pregnancy has such manifestations as pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, as before menstruation. And sometimes the pain takes on the character of contractions or the uterus feels like a “stone”.

    Tactilely determine whether the uterus is in good shape as follows. Lie on your back and relax completely. Gently feel the abdomen, ideally it should be soft. If there is a tone of the uterus during pregnancy, then the abdomen in terms of elasticity will approximately resemble a thigh.

    When examining the abdomen and vaginal examination, the tone of the uterus is easily determined, strained muscle fibers are visible on ultrasound. There is also a special apparatus for measuring the force of contraction of the myometrium during pregnancy, although it has not been widely used - the symptoms of the condition are already too noticeable.

    Causes of increased uterine tone during pregnancy

    Especially dangerous is the tone of the uterus in the first trimester of pregnancy, and very often it is in the early stages of pregnancy that the cause of increased tone can be a hormonal disorder - reduced production of progesterone. In this case, you will be prescribed a course of duphaston or utrozhestan. Also, the cause of tone can be uterine contractions in response to stretching due to fetal growth, toxicosis, premature opening of the cervix, functional disorder of the thyroid gland, Rh-conflict, sexual intercourse. When feeling the abdomen, the tone can also increase, because the uterus is a muscular organ and reacts to physical irritations.

    External causes that entail tension in the muscles of the uterus include the inhalation of harmful chemical fumes, the acute course of viral diseases, and severe physical illness.

    Stress and nervous tension can provoke an increased tone of the uterus. If pain is rare, with sudden movements or with a change in posture, then we are talking about natural muscle tension and you should not worry. Often the stomach becomes stiff after the ultrasound procedure, and if nothing bothers you before and after the ultrasound, then everything is in order, it's just such a reaction to the procedure. After the ultrasound, I was always told about increased tone, although I always felt good and there were no uncomfortable conditions. Doctors like to play it safe and can refer you to a hospital, do not neglect their advice and better listen.

    If you are often accompanied by a state of tension, then this requires constant monitoring, timely examination and treatment.

    Uterine tone in the first trimester of pregnancy

    Increased uterine tone at the beginning of pregnancy almost always needs to be monitored and treated, since up to 12 weeks the tone is especially dangerous - it can cause an abortion. Ideally, when a pregnant woman does not feel any discomfort at all from 4 to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Any pain, tonus, pulling sensations indicate that it is necessary to discuss them with a doctor.

    If the doctor does not see anything serious in your situation, he will prescribe a no-shpy. If there are hormonal problems (low progesterone levels) - a course of duphaston and utrozhestan. In more serious cases, hospitalization will be required.

    Uterine tone in the second trimester of pregnancy

    The closer to childbirth, the more the body prepares for them: hormonal changes take place, uterine tone becomes a fairly common occurrence. From about 20 weeks, the body begins to train. From this time on, periods of tension and relaxation may be felt, but infrequently and painlessly.

    If we are talking about a serious tone of the uterus, which can cause fetal hypoxia, medical supervision is also required. Medication is usually recommended to maintain the normal state of Magne B6

    Uterine tone in the third trimester of pregnancy

    Starting from the 38th week, muscle tension can be quite long. In addition, the tone of the uterus is provoked by the baby himself, who shoves his mother with his arms and legs in his already cramped stomach.

    At the end of pregnancy, it can be difficult to diagnose hypertonicity and distinguish it from normal tone - preparatory contractions. Doctors deliberately reinsure themselves by sending pregnant women to CTG at every opportunity.

    In Europe, an increased tone does not cause such a violent reaction from doctors as in Russia. There, in most cases, increased uterine tone is considered a normal physiological state of a pregnant woman. Medical treatment in the hospital begins only when the increased tone causes serious concern to the mother herself or there are symptoms of pregnancy pathology.

    What to do if the uterus is in good shape

    If the signs appeared for the first time during pregnancy, you can take an antispasmodic yourself, for example, “no-shpu”. And at the scheduled appointment with the doctor, be sure to tell him about your feelings. If, before visiting the doctor, there was a repetition of the tone of the uterus, it is necessary to consult a doctor unscheduled as soon as possible. As a rule, vitamin B-6 preparations are prescribed together with sedatives - Magne-B-6, motherwort, sometimes calcium blockers and anti-inflammatory drugs - in this case, their effect on the release of prostaglandins is important. But due to the large number of side effects in drugs such as indomethacin, only a doctor can prescribe Corinfar. He may also prescribe papaverine candles for you. Self-medication and patience with pain during pregnancy is EXTREMELY undesirable.

    If you feel that the uterus is a little tense, then try to relax, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and exhale. Imagine something that makes you feel good.

    With the tone of the uterus during pregnancy, it is very important to establish a normal mode of work and rest, good sleep, sufficient exposure to fresh air, feasible physical activity. If the outpatient treatment of increased uterine tone is ineffective, the woman will be offered hospitalization “for preservation” - there, under the supervision of doctors, it will be possible to study the causes of the tone in more depth and address them. With a low level of progesterone, it is taken in the form of drugs, if the androgen level is high, their antagonists are administered - metipred, dexamethasone. In this case, every additional day of pregnancy is important for a woman.

    A fetus is considered a “full-fledged child” from 28 weeks, after this period survival is quite frequent, but it does not mean at all that such a baby is absolutely healthy, after all, it is desirable for him to ripen in the mother’s body, and not in the most “fancy” incubator. From their practice, doctors conclude that babies born at 33 weeks are better, healthier than 35 weeks - nature has its own mysteries, because doctors, with a constant uterine tone, literally fight for every day of pregnancy. If premature labor occurs, they carry out tocolytic, that is, relaxing the uterus therapy - there are such schemes and such drugs. Therefore, when the uterus is in good shape, it is stupid to refuse treatment to preserve pregnancy - at home it is impossible to control the condition of the fetus and the pregnant uterus so tightly and take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

    Consequences of uterine tone during pregnancy

    • The most negative consequence is a spontaneous miscarriage. This will not happen if the woman seeks medical help in time;
    • Hypertonicity of the uterus can also have negative consequences for the unborn baby. During the disease, the blood supply to the pelvic organs is disrupted, which can lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus and adversely affect its health.

    How to prevent uterine tone

    Prevention of tone during pregnancy - first of all, ensuring a calm state of the nervous system of the expectant mother, refusing to use cigarettes and alcohol, observing a gentle work schedule, healthy sleep. However, we note that a pregnant woman needs all this, regardless of medical diagnoses.

    As for the prevention of uterine tone during pregnancy, this includes all measures to ensure peace, rest and a normal lifestyle for a pregnant woman, timely detection and treatment of hormonal dysfunctions, inflammatory diseases of the female genital area and urogenital infections. In order to prevent uterine tone, it is important to follow all medical recommendations for an existing pregnancy, including medication, diet and regimen. The emotional state of a woman is also very important. A connection has been found that women who are not satisfied with their pregnancy have problems many times more often than absolutely calm and satisfied expectant mothers.

    The more the expectant mother experiences, the greater the likelihood of an increase in tone. During pregnancy, try to think only about the beautiful and good, think about that moment of happiness when you meet your baby. Take care of yourself, listen to pleasant relaxing music, tune in to a good mood. All these seemingly “stupid” tips may well help, believe me! Of course, if the problem of a pregnant woman is only in her emotional state. But even in the case of medical or inpatient treatment, adding relaxation and tranquility to your anxious expectation of the future baby, you are taking a big step forward from your illness.