Seahorse from beads. Seahorse and stingray How to make a seahorse from beads

The time for vacations has already passed, and most of them returned and plunged into everyday work. However, even in this case, the problem of souvenirs for close people remained relevant. For those who like to bring various interesting things from their vacations from trips, it will not be difficult to find a few small colored pebbles. For what? They will make an original seahorse made of beads. How to do it - read our step-by-step master class.

Tools and materials Time: 2 hours Difficulty: 7/10

  • a pair of polished colored pebbles;
  • beads and beads to match;
  • wire 1 mm and 0.3 mm thick;
  • wire cutters;
  • pliers.

Step by step master class

By the way, not only purchased pebbles, but also any others can serve as the basis for such a product, as long as the shape is suitable. So, for example, it is possible in this way to arrange real sea stones found on the sea coast, rolled in glass waves. In general, materials can be absolutely any.

In such a product, you will need knowledge of working with wire. We have already offered you several options for weaving various jewelry in this style and using different techniques. So, we hope that you will not have any difficulties in the execution process.

Oh yes, in addition to a couple of colored pebbles of the right size, you need to pick up beads to match, and wire of different sizes. The thicker one will serve as a frame and form the outlines of our skate. But the thin one will become the material for filling the inside of the figure.

Also, you need to prepare tools that will help you deal with the wire. This is necessary in order for the product to turn out smooth and beautiful, without flaws.

Video lesson

The beginning of work will be a sketch, you simply place the pebbles on a sheet of white paper and outline the outline. Then the same contour is formed from 1 mm wire, and filled with beads, beads and selected pebbles. Moreover, the most difficult part is the braiding of the central element, the pebble, since it is absolutely solid and smooth.

So, if you are ready to work, then we present to your attention a detailed video tutorial showing the progress of work on such a wonderful souvenir. Have a nice work!

Beads are one of the most ancient handicraft materials. The very first beads, which were the predecessors of beads, were born many hundreds of years ago. Ancient people carved them from ivory, shells, stones, cast from gold and silver. The ancient Egyptians have been making glass beads ever since they learned how to brew glass. Archaeologists discovered the very first bead of greenish glass at excavations near the city of Thebes. Master glass makers added manganese, cobalt, copper and other elements to the mass and obtained glass of purple, blue and green shades. The beads were not only round. They looked like flowers, leaves, were stylized as cones or shells.

With the flourishing of the Hellenistic era, the center of glassmaking moved to Alexandria. In ancient Rome, glass ceased to be a rare and expensive pleasure. They began to create kitchen utensils from it and glaze the windows of houses.

Then the monopoly on the manufacture of glass was captured and firmly held for many years by Venetian craftsmen. Very beautiful and high quality Venetian beads were highly valued and were exported to many countries. The secrets of its creation were zealously guarded from outsiders, and glassmakers in Venice enjoyed great rights and privileges.

With the development of navigation, glass workshops were replaced by factories. Beads became available to most people.

Many different things are created from small glass and plastic beads. Weave unusual necklaces, earrings and pendants, funny baubles and bracelets. There is a beaded floristry with a huge number of patterns and options for weaving flowers. The fantasy and creative vision of needlewomen and craftswomen knows no bounds, so even beaded animals are born from beads.

In this article, we offer you master classes on making a variety of fish and other inhabitants of reservoirs with diagrams, photos and descriptions.

Guppy fish from beads.

You will need:

  • Black, purple, pink, yellow and gray beads;
  • Thin wire.

The fish is woven from wire 120 cm long using the "parallel weaving" technique. This is a very simple technique and even a beginner can weave such a fish.

Weave two parts of the body according to the scheme, separately the fins and tail, and then connect the parts. You can lay an additional layer of a piece of polyethylene between the halves of the body of the fish, this will make the fish more voluminous.

Due to the fact that the fish is woven on a wire, when finished, it can be bent into various poses.

Fish angelfish from beads.

You will need:

  • Beads are yellow, gray (can be replaced with white) and black;
  • Wire.

To weave the body (excluding the tail), you need to take a piece of wire 1 m in length. Start work with the muzzle. Weave 4 rows, then make 2 branches according to the scheme. String them on the bottom end of the wire. Then twist them at the top and then weave according to the pattern. Separately weave the fins by threading the wires through the beads of the extreme rows of the top or bottom. Weave the fins with a parallel flat weave.

Fish Clown from beads.

You will need:

  • Wire;
  • Orange, white and black beads.

Weave it in the same technique of parallel volumetric weaving as the previous fish. Between the halves of the body of the fish, you can lay an additional layer for more volume.

You will need a piece of wire 120 cm long. The tail will be flat, and it must be strung on a separate wire. The lower fins, located in front, weave on the wire tails of the body. Weave the side fins on separate pieces of wire, thread its ends through 2 beads on the body (orient according to the diagram and photo). Weave the remaining fins with a flat parallel weave on separate pieces of wire, passing them through the extreme beads along the edges of the body.

The next aquatic inhabitant will be seahorse from beads.

Will need:

  • A piece of wire 2 m of gold color;
  • Beads light beige, regular beige, light brown, regular brown.

The same volumetric technique of parallel weaving continues. Start work on the spout, then weave according to the pattern. String 1 protruding bead in several places along the ridge (make them on an additional wire). The rows in the diagram, indicated by crosses, must be skipped. Pass the tails of the wires in the opposite direction through the previous bottom row. (direction indicated by arrows). After the beads for the tail are strung, it must be twisted, like a real seahorse.

Below is a figure that shows the designation of the rows in the diagram and the execution of the weaving itself.

Baby stingray with blue spots from beads.

You will need:

  • Silver wire 150 cm long;
  • Beads in black, blue, gray or beige.

Weave in the already well-known parallel volumetric technique. Starting work on the muzzle. To weave a voluminous back, in the center of the craft with the bottom row, string first 4, then next. row 5, then 6 beads in a row. Each time, put a new row on one tail of the wire and thread the second, tightly tightening.

Before you start weaving a tail, you need to make a row with circles of beads. It is necessary to string them on one wire tail, and then thread the other end in the opposite direction through 6 row beads. Follow the pattern.

Pass individual wires through the rows marked with a red cross, making the eyes of the Skat on them. String the first row of 3 beads behind the black bead, string the 2nd row above it. Follow the pattern.

Here's another one beaded fish pattern.

To create it you will need:

  • Beads of pink, cherry, blue, red tones;
  • 5 dark beads of a larger size;
  • 2 elongated beads of light colors;
  • Bugles 22 pcs.;
  • A piece of cardboard;
  • Glue with a brush;
  • Thread with a needle;
  • A piece of wire 45 cm long;
  • Newspaper.

From a piece of cardboard, cut out the base for the fish (1 figure). Put oval elongated beads on a small piece of wire (3 - 4 cm). Twist the ponytails (2 figure). This is the mouth of a fish.

For the abdominal (2. b figure) and dorsal (2. in the figure) take pieces of wire about 15 cm, for the tail 10 cm (2. d figure). Make them out of glass

Glue the blanks to the cardboard base. To strengthen, take pieces of paper and glue them on top of the wire ponytails (3. a figure).

Take a thread about 1.5 m long and string about 15 cm of pink beads. Spread the head of the fish with glue, wind the end of the thread near the mouth of the fish. Lay the beads in turns starting from the area around the mouth. Make sure that the turns are located tightly to each other and do not forget to coat the cardboard base with glue. Calculate the location of large dark beads on the bottom so that they become eyes.

You can diversify the colors of the fish by mixing several different shades in the bottom. You can make it striped or speckled.

Wait until the glue is completely dry and the fish is ready.

We continue to develop the theme of marine beaded animals. And today we are making a seahorse.

The weaving of the figurine combines both parallel weaving and needle weaving. Making a skate requires more attention than it has been up to now. There are a number of elements that are quite difficult to implement. But, if you have already wove the rest of the animals, then I don’t think it will be very difficult. Just take a closer look at the description. And I will try to make everything as detailed as possible.

So what is a seahorse? This is a fish with a very unusual body shape, ranging in size from 2 to 30 cm. It is also unusual that the offspring comes out of the male. The swim bladder of the skate is located throughout the body. It is divided by a partition. The head of the bubble is larger, which keeps the skate upright.

Skates live in subtropical and tropical waters. They are immobile. Attaching their tails to plants, they can change the color of the body, which helps them hide from predators and prey on small crustaceans and shrimps. The tubular stigma of the skate operates on the principle of a pipette, i.e. draws prey along with water.

Currently, this fish is listed in the Red Book, because. is on the brink of extinction. The reason for this, as always, is a man who sells skates for souvenirs and restaurants.

Sea Horse.

For work, we need some beads of 2 colors and 1 bead for the eye. Wire not less than 60 cm, diameter 0.3 mm.

1. We put 1 bead (1) in the middle of the wire, fold the ends of the wire and put 9 beads on both ends at once. (as well as ).

2. We spread the ends of the wire to the sides, put a bead (11) on one of them, and thread the second.

3. Now we will also put on 2 beads and pass through the second end.

4. In the same way, we make the "four" - a row of 4 beads. Please note that in order for the back to turn out to be even, you need to move the beads to one edge (level the edge). Next, weave according to the scheme to the neck (a row of 2 beads)

5. Carefully consider the scheme: up to this point, we have wove from the bottom up. It's time to turn the weave to the side. Find the end of the wire from the back (on the diagram it is on the right, black line). And at this end we put on 10 (!) Beads. We pass the second end (red line) only through the last 5 beads. Tighten the ends carefully. The result is a ring that must be squeezed with your fingers from the sides, forming two rows lying next to each other.

6. Thus. we made a U-turn and immediately 2 rows of 5 beads. Then we weave, as usual, putting on a row and threading towards the second end of the wire. Do not forget to put on an eye-colored bead in the "troika". We make the last 3 rows of the head as shown: “two” - “one” - “two”.

Fixing the ends of the wire.

Let's take a good look at the diagram again. We have 2 ends left. We fix the bottom one, as usual. With the upper we pass along the broaches, as in fastening, but not for 2-3 rows, to the end of the head. (The place is marked *) We pass in the last row of 5 beads from top to bottom, as shown in the diagram, we go through 2 more rows "fixing" the wire .

Fin weaving.

1. When we passed the end of the wire along the back of the skate for 2 rows, we put 5 beads on it: 4 main + 1 finishing. With the same end we return through the penultimate bead back. 2. Gently tighten the end. We pull, as in the legs of a lizard, exactly to the place where the fin is connected. If it "hangs" in the air, then you pulled in the wrong direction. Take the finishing bead with your fingers, pinch it (do not pinch the wire), pull the end with the other hand again. Do not pull too hard, the wire may break.

3. Next, we put on 3 + 1 beads and again turn around through the penultimate one. We pull the end. 4. In the same way, we make 2 more turns. After the fourth turn, we simply put on 4 beads and fasten the end of the wire along the rows of the body of the skate 3-4 times.

5. Cut off the ends of the wire.

ATTENTION: do not immediately cut the lower end of the wire, securing it over the head. Sometimes it happens that due to inexperience, the wire on the fin breaks. Fixing a new one can be difficult. Therefore, we pass with the end to the end of the head, and thread the tip through the "deuce" from left to right, go down 2 rows and your new working end is ready.

Let's repeat the steps of weaving the figure:

Making a ponytail

Weave the body to the neck

We unfold and weave the head

We fix the ends (without cutting), we bring the top to the place of attachment of the fin

Weave the fin - fix the end, cut off all unnecessary.

So our beaded animal Seahorse - done.

Do not lose the figurine, we will need it for making panels "".

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Sea Horse

Necessary materials:

- gold wire 2m.
- light cream beads
- beige beads
- light brown beads
- brown beads

Seahorse weaving pattern:

This technique is called "parallel". The principle of operation is such that the beads are lowered onto one end of the wire, and the second end passes through it in the opposite direction. The wire is tightened and the beads are again lowered according to the scheme.

Make a volumetric figurine of a seahorse on a wire 2 m long. Start stringing beads from the tip of the nose and then follow the instructions for the diagram. In some rows along the ridge, string one protruding bead, running them on separate wires. The four rows marked with a cross in the diagram must be skipped by stretching the ends of the wire in the opposite direction through the previous lower row (see the direction of the arrows). When you have finished stringing beads for a thin tail, twist it into a spiral.

This image shows how the rows are indicated on the diagram and how the weaving itself is implemented.

Blue-spotted stingray

Required material:

- Silver wire 1.5 m.
- 2 black beads for the eyes
- blue beads for stains
- gray or beige beads for the stingray body

The scheme of its weaving:

The principle of weaving is the same as in the previous product.

1. On a wire 1.5 m long, make a three-dimensional figurine of a stingray, starting from the muzzle. For a voluminous back in the center of the figure, first string four beads in the bottom row, five in the next row, and then six beads each. String each new row of body beads on one end of the wire, pull the other end back through all the beads of the row.
2. Before starting the tail, make one row with two circles of beads, stringing them from one end of the wire, then pull the other end of the wire in the opposite direction through the six beads of the row (see diagram).
3. Run the eyes on separate wires by stretching them through the rows of beads marked in the diagram with a red cross. At the same time, string the first row of three beads behind the black bead, and the second row above it (see diagram).