Can blood flow in early pregnancy. Bleeding in early pregnancy. Signs of breakthrough bleeding

Early pregnancy is characterized by a variety of problems as your body adjusts to meet the needs of your baby. Often, traditional problems are supplemented by those that indicate destructive processes. In the article we will consider the causes and danger of bleeding in the early stages. You will learn about what to do with hemorrhage from the genitals, and how not to harm the fetus.

How to recognize bleeding early

In early pregnancy, bleeding from the uterus can be confused with menstruation, which raises the question of how to distinguish discharge during egg renewal from bleeding caused by a violation of the integrity of the uterus.

Bleeding from menstrual flow differs in blood volume. On average, for the entire period of critical days, no more than 80 ml of blood comes out, and during bleeding, these volumes often exceed 100 ml. It is quite difficult to accurately measure the volume, so you should only worry if the gasket has to be changed every hour.

You should also carefully look at the shade of blood discharge. The fact is that the “dirty” blood that comes out during menstruation has a dark, almost black color. But with uterine bleeding, it is light, scarlet.

The duration does not exceed seven days, which also helps to identify uterine bleeding.

Did you know? The smallest period at which the birth took place, and at the same time the child came out alive and healthy, is 22 weeks and 6 days. The body length of the baby after birth was about 15 cm.

Is it always necessary to be afraid?

In early pregnancy, bleeding does not always indicate a serious problem. The very process of implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine tissues causes a rupture of the latter. As a result, bleeding occurs, but it does not affect the viability of the fetus or your health.

Blood discharge can go a month after implantation of the egg in the uterus. This is due to the fact that your body, according to the scenario, starts the process of oocyte renewal, however, the hormones that are released after the fertilization of the oocyte slow down this process. The body of a woman is not perfect, so sometimes a semblance of menstruation can begin. At the same time, the allocation will be scarce, and the duration of the critical days itself will be minimal.
In rare cases, blood begins to flow after violent intercourse. Bleeding occurs due to a small tissue rupture, however, if the volume of blood is minimal, then there is nothing to worry about.

Diseases of the genital area as a cause of bleeding

This disease manifests itself in the form of scanty discharge of blood or pus that does not correspond to the menstrual cycle. Quite often they appear after sex, because of which a woman can confuse the disease with a slight tear of the tissues.

Pay attention to the smell of blood, because when the neck is eroded, the discharge is given off with rot. A characteristic symptom is the appearance of pain during urination, as well as during and after sexual intercourse.

Do not worry too much, since cervical erosion is diagnosed in every second woman. The disease is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, which occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the cover of the organ. Erosion itself is not capable of causing serious organ dysfunction, however, due to the presence of inflammation, pathogenic organisms can penetrate into the uterus, and if left untreated, inflamed tissues can degenerate into a benign or malignant tumor.

In the early stages, treatment is limited to taking hormonal, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral drugs. In later stages, surgery is required.

Important! Cervical erosion can be inherited.

The disease is formed benign formations in the form of polyps, which appear in the form of growths in the lumen of the cervix. They are attached to the cervical canal with a stalk. When examined by a gynecologist, polyps can be detected only if they are of sufficient length and protrude into the vaginal lumen.

It is almost impossible to detect this disease without going to the gynecologist, since it does not “declare” itself in any way, however, if there are other diseases of the reproductive organ, or as a result of damage to the polyp, bleeding will occur. Allocations are observed after sexual intercourse or examination by a gynecologist. Also, blood can appear as a result of using a tampon, while the appearance of discharge does not coincide with the menstrual cycle.
If the disease remains undetected for a long time, and the polyps continue to grow, then at some point there are pains of a pulling nature that arise due to the fact that the cervical os cannot close properly. This is due to the fact that the polyps overlap the neck. If this occurs during the bearing of a child, then the disease can cause a miscarriage.

Treatment consists in the removal of polyps by one method or another. Benign formations do not dissolve on their own, therefore, immediately after their discovery, the gynecologist prescribes an operation.

Important! There is no effective medical treatment for polyps.

Varicose veins of the labia

Varicose veins appear not only on the limbs, but also on the genitals. It is a swelling of the veins, as well as the appearance of a slight swelling. The danger of this "sore" lies in the fact that during childbirth a rupture may occur, as a result of which profuse hemorrhage will begin. If the veins are severely swollen, doctors will insist on a caesarean section to ensure the safety of the mother's health.

It is quite simple to identify the disease, since it affects the visible areas of the external genital organs. There is a deformation of the labia, after which the skin in these places becomes dry, which causes itching. During intercourse, noticeable discomfort appears, and tissue rupture is also possible, followed by hemorrhage.

Treatment of the initial stage is limited to conservative methods, which involve an increase in physical activity, as well as the removal of junk food from the daily diet. In advanced cases, venotonic drugs are prescribed.

venereal infections

Note that you should pay attention to the diseases listed below only if in the past two months you have had unprotected sex with a partner whose health status you know little about. If this was not the case, then venereal infections should be excluded.

Ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg is implanted not in the uterus, but in the tissues of the fallopian tubes. In rare cases, the cell is implanted in the cervix, which is also not a normal process.
Tubal rupture during ectopic pregnancy The fallopian tubes are not elastic, therefore, when the size of the zygote reaches critical levels, tissue rupture occurs, which is accompanied by copious discharge from the uterus, as well as internal bleeding. Blood may appear before the rupture if the egg is implanted at a site of accumulation of blood vessels. Then the bleeding will occur a week or two after the fertilization of the egg and will help prevent a tube rupture if you contact a specialist in time.

To determine the presence of an ectopic pregnancy is possible only with the help of ultrasound. At home, it is almost impossible to identify a serious problem. Only at a critical moment, when the zygote reaches its maximum possible size, can it be felt during palpation of the lower abdomen.

Treatment consists in the surgical removal of a segment of the fallopian tube in which the egg is located, or the entire tube. There is no medical treatment, so the only way out is surgery.

VIDEO: SIGNS OF Ectopic Pregnancy

Frozen pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy is diagnosed at the moment when the development of the fetus stops. There are a lot of reasons, but most often this is provoked by bad habits, genetic abnormalities, as well as diseases of the genitourinary system.

Even in the last century, a frozen pregnancy was not diagnosed as such. If the fetal fading occurred in the early stages, then the small zygote simply resolved, and the doctors diagnosed a miscarriage. This is the best option, since if the fading occurs at a later stage, then surgical intervention is indispensable. The dead fetus begins to break down, causing serious health problems.

The symptomatology of a missed pregnancy allows you to identify deviations from the norm. When the fetus dies, the production of “pregnancy hormones” stops, which is why menstruation begins “on schedule”. Scanty discharge appears, and the duration of the cycle increases, which should alert.


Pay attention to the mammary glands, which almost instantly return to the previous volumes that were before pregnancy. The pain associated with swelling and breast enlargement disappears.

If the fetus dies in the later stages of pregnancy, then other symptoms appear:

  • lack of movement of the child;
  • the volume of the uterus and abdomen does not change;
  • the temperature rises sharply (infection).
Diagnosis of a missed pregnancy is carried out using ultrasound, a gynecological examination, as well as a test for.

After establishing a positive diagnosis, the doctor immediately prescribes an operation to remove the fetus, which threatens the health of the mother. At the same time, it is important to remember that the operation will not affect the childbearing functions in any way, and you will be able to bear a healthy child if the missed pregnancy did not lead to serious complications.

Fetal rejection and miscarriage

Fetal rejection in early pregnancy is a fairly common problem, but many women do not know about it for the reason that they simply do not observe any destructive changes. The fact is that during a miscarriage in the early stages, nothing alarming happens, and blood discharge with small dark clots that come out of the vagina is taken for menstrual flow.

VIDEO: SIGNS OF EARLY MISSION However, the rejection and excretion of the egg is accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which radiate to the lower back. If during menstruation such pain was not observed, then this is an occasion to visit a gynecologist.

Rejection of the fetus occurs due to the fact that the egg, attached to the wall of the uterus, gradually begins to exfoliate. At the first stage, a small wound appears at the site of attachment, after which blood accumulates under the fetal membrane. Further, as the blood clot increases, exfoliation occurs, and at the final stage the egg is completely separated from the wall and dies.

Reasons for rejection:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • genetic failure, as a result of which the fetus has defects;
  • pathology of the uterus;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • diseases of the genital organs;
  • (the mother's body takes the fetus for a foreign body and rejects it);
  • unfavorable external factors;
  • induced abortions in the past.
Treatment is possible, and it is carried out permanently under the supervision of a doctor. A sparing diet is prescribed, and any activity is limited. After making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes several types of medications that stop the blood, relieve spasms, calm the nervous system, and also help normalize the hormonal background.

The disease is a genetic abnormality during the initial formation of the fetal egg, as a result of which the villi on the egg shell degenerate into fluid vesicles.

The problem lies not only in microscopic changes, but also in the fact that the fetus initially does not differ in viability. This is due to the fact that the zygote has a double number of paternal chromosomes and a minimum number of maternal ones. Complete mole is characterized by the complete loss of maternal chromosomes, while paternal chromosomes are duplicated. With incomplete, another situation arises: the cell is fertilized by two spermatozoa at once, due to which the standard formula XY or YX turns into XXY, YXX or XXX. In this case, the number of chromosomes is 69 at a rate of 46.
Destructive changes affect not only the fetal egg, but also the uterus. With the growth of bubbles that replace the villi, the destruction of the muscular tissue of the uterus occurs. Bleeding, pain appear, and the organ itself rapidly increases in size. Also in the discharge you can see small bubbles that are separated from the fetus. All this is accompanied by symptoms characteristic of toxicosis, as well as anemia as a result of the loss of large volumes of blood.

Diagnosis is carried out with the help of ultrasound, vaginal examination, and a blood test for beta-CHG.

There are two methods of treatment: surgical removal and chemotherapy, which helps destroy tumor cells. It is important to remember that tumor cells can spread to other organs like cancer cells, so you need to treat them in time.

What to do if bleeding is detected

Let's talk about what to do if you find blood or spotting. Consider treatment options before your doctor prescribes the necessary drugs.

After detecting a hemorrhage from the genitals, the first thing to do is lie down on the bed and calm down. If the cause is not a serious problem, then all the more you should not worry, as this entails the release of hormones that adversely affect the fetus. If the blood went out due to dangerous destructive changes, then any unnecessary movements can worsen the condition, and an increase in blood pressure, which is a consequence of nervous tension, will only increase bleeding.
After you lie down and relax, you should call an ambulance. It is dangerous to travel under your own power, and the paramedic who will come on call will be able to provide first aid, as well as prepare you for transportation.

After being taken to the hospital, specialists will give you drugs that will stop the bleeding, after which they will poison you for diagnosis. Remember that it is dangerous to refuse the help of doctors, so follow the instructions unconditionally.

After the diagnosis, the doctor will decide whether to leave you in the hospital or send you to be treated at home. It is not worth insisting on the second option, especially if a disease has been identified.

Possible treatment

Possible treatment involves a list of drugs that you must take in order to normalize your condition before the ambulance arrives, or if the health worker cannot come to you (holidays, bad weather, lack of an ambulance in the village / village).

The medicines that will be discussed below are not a complete treatment, so they should not be taken on an ongoing basis.

To keep the pregnancy

or in candles. These are antispasmodic drugs that help reduce tension in the walls of the uterus. They help prevent the uterus from pushing the fetus out due to a decrease in the volume of the organ as a result of muscle contraction. These medications also help relieve pain.
or . Hormonal drugs that raise the level of progesterone in a woman's body to the required norm. If the bleeding is due to a lack of a hormone, then the problem is quickly resolved.
or Valerian. Sedatives are used both in the form of alcohol infusion and in tablets. They help reduce the excitability of the central nervous system, and also relax the smooth muscles of the uterus.

Important! Sedatives should be taken with extreme caution, as they can adversely affect the fetus.

Hemostatic drugs during early pregnancy

. The active substance in the composition of the drug increases the production of leukocytes in the body. Additional leukocytes quickly clog the sites of hemorrhage, which leads to a complete or partial stop of bleeding.
The drug increases blood clotting due to the production of prothrombin. It is not used in emergency situations, as it begins to act only after 8 hours.
or Troxaminate. Tranexamic acid, which is contained in the drugs, increases blood clotting. Available in the form of tablets and injections.
Remember that drugs that affect blood clotting should be used with extreme caution, otherwise you can harm the child. Be aware that there are other drugs that indirectly affect clotting. For example, aspirin, which helps to cope with inflammation, thins the blood. The same citramon, which is used for pain of various etiologies, also contains caffeine. The first dilutes the blood, and the second increases pressure and excites the central nervous system.

Is it possible to avoid bleeding: methods of prevention

  1. Early treatment of all gynecological diseases.
  2. Checking for the presence of infectious sexually transmitted diseases during pregnancy planning.
  3. Quitting smoking and drinking alcohol.
  4. Refusal of heavy physical exertion.
  5. Refusal of activities that cause nervous breakdowns.
  6. Regular consultation with a gynecologist in early pregnancy.

Did you know? Children in the womb do not have a defecation process, so all the poisons that get to the baby cannot be removed from his body in the usual way.

Having figured out why bleeding occurs at the beginning of pregnancy, and how it affects the fetus, we can conclude that it is impossible to find out the real cause of bleeding at home, so you should visit a specialist promptly. Remember that in the absence of serious symptoms, drugs should not be taken. The same goes for traditional medicines that can adversely affect the fetus.

Among young ladies who have nothing to do with medicine, frightening rumors are spreading, like night terrors, which are passed from mouth to mouth in an ominous whisper, allegedly that some women can continue to walk even during pregnancy! At this point, the young ladies round their eyes and skeptically exclaim: “It can’t be!”

Indeed, if we recall the characteristics of a normal menstrual cycle, then during pregnancy this simply cannot be! But bleeding from the genital tract, the same as during menstruation, is quite possible. And you must clearly understand that it will not bring anything good.

Bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy

In early pregnancy, the cause of bleeding is the threat of miscarriage or miscarriage itself.
  • Spontaneous miscarriage. Perhaps the girl still does not know about the fact of pregnancy, especially if the menstruation does not have a strict cycle, and the delay is small. When there is bleeding, she takes it for menstruation without even thinking. It was in this scenario that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers had early miscarriages in those days when there were no ultrasounds and pregnancy tests in every pharmacy. The body of a woman independently gets rid of pregnancy, which already at the initial stage has some kind of breakdown. These can be some kind of chromosomal mutations, gross malformations of the fetus, possibly improper attachment of the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus, and many others. Nature very sensitively controls this process and does not allow an unviable baby to be born or to bear a child of an already sick mother. After all, pregnancy for a woman is a global test of all systems and organs. Where thinly there it will tear, and all the sores that were unhealed and that should have formed in your body in the future will come out. And if a woman suffers from any disease - be it diabetes, an infectious and inflammatory process, and many others, then there is a huge risk that these diseases simply will not allow the fetal egg to develop in the early stages, that's all. This is a kind of natural selection at the level of reproduction.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. Normally, the fertilized egg should attach to the wall of the uterus. Her endometrium is like a downy feather bed, into which the future baby descends, sprouts with its vessels and slowly grows and develops. If the endometrium does not look like a featherbed, but like a bench in a cold park, of course, no one wants to fall on it! And the fetal egg is looking for a better place for itself, descending into the cervix (this is the worst option of all ectopic pregnancies, in which there is a high probability of surgical removal of the uterus). But most often, a fertilized egg does not reach the uterus, remains in one of the fallopian tubes, gradually penetrating into its wall. This is because there was an inflammatory and / or adhesive process in the tubes even before pregnancy. Her ciliated epithelium has been damaged and no longer helps the egg to move, the transport function is impaired. The danger of an ectopic pregnancy cannot be underestimated. The fallopian tube is not adapted to the development of the baby, its wall is thin, fragile, and when he tries to penetrate it with his vessels, it germinates and grows, it breaks, and bleeding occurs in the abdominal cavity. If the tube does not even break, then it rejects the fetal egg and external bleeding occurs (from the vagina), this scenario is called the termination of an ectopic pregnancy like a tubal abortion. These conditions are quite serious and to a certain extent threaten the life of a woman. It is for this purpose that you should not neglect ultrasound diagnostics if you find out that you are pregnant. Make sure the fertilized egg has attached itself in the uterus.
  • Gynecological pathology. If a young lady in a position is sick with something, then this is necessarily due to her pregnancy. Complete nonsense! Before conception, she, like any other, had her own bouquet of diseases that do not disappear anywhere with the advent of a fertilized egg. Other causes are possible, but most often bleeding is given by:
    • erosion of the cervix (ectopia). She may have been before pregnancy, they just didn’t know about her. Bleeding can be contact (during sexual intercourse) or non-contact. They do not pose a particular threat, but they can add problems to a woman in childbirth when the cervix needs to be opened, and its tissue has already been provoked.
    • . Most likely, they did not know about this before pregnancy, otherwise it would not have happened. A very serious and difficult combination, the preservation of pregnancy is a big question.
  • Bubble drift. A rather ambiguous pathology, which, in addition to bleeding, will give practically no more subjective symptoms. After making such a diagnosis (more often according to ultrasound data), the woman is offered to curettage the uterine cavity (cleansing, as it is popularly called), since its further prolongation threatens to degenerate into a malignant process.
  • Intrauterine hematomas. Retroplacental, subchorial, extramembrane or some other one way or another pose a threat to pregnancy. They are a section of exfoliated tissue of an already ingrown fetal egg with shed blood. That is, behind the placenta, for example, a cavity filled with blood is formed, and this area gradually grows, exfoliating more and more surface of the placenta. Because of this, the future baby suffers, to which less and less nutrients and oxygen come. The pregnancy may terminate and a miscarriage will occur. Or the hematoma will slowly empty, and the young lady will have bloody discharge from the vagina, more often dark blood, even crumbly. One thing is for sure, a hematoma in the first trimester is a bell in favor of trouble in the fetoplacental system in the second and third trimesters.
  • Other scenarios of development, for example, with multiple pregnancy - twins, reduction (death) of one of the fetuses.

Thus, it is possible to formulate the main risk factors for bleeding in the first half of pregnancy:

  1. Infectious-inflammatory factor.
  2. Anatomical problems (malformations of the uterus - saddle, with a septum, bicornuate, etc., as well as impaired peristalsis of the fallopian tubes and, as a result, tubal pregnancy).
  3. Immunological disorders.
  4. Violation of the processes of formation of the fetal egg (chromosomal, gene breakdowns).
  5. Thrombophilia (congenital or acquired syndromes of impaired blood coagulation).

Treatment of bleeding in the first half of pregnancy

In order to exclude the possibility of developing all these complications, it is necessary to conduct a complete examination and preconception preparation before pregnancy. The main groups of drugs used to treat threatened miscarriage:

  • Antispasmodics (Drotaverine intramuscularly or Papaverine in rectal suppositories).
  • Hemostatic drugs (Tranexam tablets or injections).
  • Magnesium preparations (Magne B6, Magne B6 forte, 2-4 tablets per day for 3 months).
  • Hormonal support (Dufaston).
  • Systemic enzyme therapy is possible (Wobenzym 5 tablets 3 times a day)

Bleeding in the second half of pregnancy

In the second half of pregnancy, placenta previa can provoke bleeding.

placenta previa

Placenta previa is a pathology in which the placenta is too low and covers the internal os (the place where the uterus passes into the cervical canal). Presentation can be:

  • complete, when the placenta completely covers the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe internal pharynx (the worst option);
  • incomplete presentation - partial overlap;
  • low location of the placenta (placentation), when its lower edge is located below 5 cm from the internal pharynx.

Symptomatically, this can manifest itself as follows: bleeding from the genital tract with scarlet blood, which occurs against the background of complete well-being, for no apparent reason, without pain. Often such women are taken to the hospital by ambulance, because they woke up at night literally in a pool of blood. Such bleeding may recur. But if the diagnosis of low placentation is made in the second trimester according to ultrasound, do not immediately despair, the placenta can migrate up to 32 weeks.

With heavy bleeding and full-term pregnancy, emergency delivery by Caesarean section is indicated. Conservative therapy up to 24 weeks can still be performed on an outpatient basis, in a antenatal clinic, and after this period, mandatory inpatient treatment is necessary. The main groups of drugs:

  • Hemostatic therapy (Tranexam, IM 1 g/day).
  • Tocolytic therapy (Indomethacin, Nifedipine).
  • Prevention of immaturity of the pulmonary system of the fetus from 26 to 34 weeks of pregnancy (hormonal therapy).
  • Antibacterial therapy is possible according to indications.

Premature detachment of a normally located placenta

Premature abruption of a normally located placenta is an untimely separation of the placenta. Detachment is the same retroplacental hematoma, only large and threatening the life of not only the child, but also the mother. With a significant detachment, hemorrhagic shock occurs, a condition that threatens the life of a woman. There are well-defined criteria for the classification of detachment:

  • mild degree, when the total area of ​​the exfoliated placenta does not exceed 1/6 of the entire area of ​​the placenta, i.e. its volume is insignificant. In this case, the bleeding will be external, from the genital tract, no more than 800–1000 ml in total. In 80%, the condition of the fetus does not suffer.
  • moderate degree, when the total area of ​​the exfoliated placenta is from 1/6 to 1/3 of the entire area of ​​the placental tissue. Bleeding in this case will be not only external, but also internal. Therefore, if a woman sees a small amount of red blood on the pad, then most likely the remaining blood simply remains inside the hematoma and slowly exfoliates the placenta from the inside, soaking the walls of the uterus. The area of ​​non-functional, non-working placenta becomes gradually larger and larger, which means that less and less oxygen-enriched blood comes to the child. The probability of death of a child is up to 80%. The condition of the woman herself worsens, she becomes pale, covered with a cold sticky sweat, dizziness, confusion are possible.
  • severe degree, when the area of ​​detachment is already 2/3 or more. Blood loss increases to 1.5 liters, and due to internal losses. The uterus is gradually completely saturated with blood. The probability of death of the child approaches 100%. Most often, a woman is already unconscious, the level of blood pressure drops, and hemorrhagic shock occurs. This is an extremely difficult condition, in which it is very important that relatives (!), namely, they will make the necessary decisions, understand that the struggle is not for the life of the child, not for the possibility of future conception, the realization of future childbearing function (with massive impregnation of the uterus in most cases it is removed with blood), but for the life of the woman herself!

Why is there such a formidable complication? There is no smoke without fire, most likely, the pregnancy itself did not proceed as smoothly as it seemed at first glance. Factors leading to premature detachment of a normally located placenta:

  • Preeclampsia, or preeclampsia according to the new classification. This is perhaps the most important reason leading to placental abruption, since already from a short time there are structural changes in the walls of blood vessels.
  • Inflammatory diseases in the uterine cavity, including after previous surgical interventions (abortions, curettage).
  • Malformations of the uterus.
  • Attachment of the placenta in .
  • Blood diseases (thrombophilia, congenital and acquired).
  • Incompatibility of the blood of the mother and fetus by blood group or Rh factor.
  • Immunological disorders in the mother's body.
  • Post-term pregnancy, i.e., the gestation period is more than 42 weeks.
  • Large fetus, multiple pregnancy (twins, triplets), polyhydramnios, all that unnecessarily overstretches the walls of the uterus from the inside.
  • Trauma, whether it's a fall of a woman, a blow to the stomach.

Thus, there are a lot of risk factors, but this does not mean that if a pregnant woman has any of them, she will definitely have a detachment. There is nothing absolute in medicine, everything is very, very individual. For someone, even against the background of complete well-being, trouble can happen, and someone walks all 9 months with a bunch of predisposing factors and gives birth quite safely.

Within 9 months, a woman can constantly face all sorts of difficulties and pathologies. Some manage to bear the baby without problems, while others have a constant risk of losing the child. One of the main causes is bleeding from the vagina during pregnancy. In this article, we will figure out why blood can flow during pregnancy at different times. In addition, we will tell you what can be done in such cases to save the pregnancy.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, there is a high probability of bleeding, and it is especially dangerous at this time, because the risk of losing a baby is 20%. Allocations can be of a different nature:

  • they can be smearing;
  • plentiful;
  • take the form of clots.

The causes of blood during early pregnancy include the following pathologies:

  1. Implantation bleeding - in fact, this is not a pathology, it is a common phenomenon, which is manifested by the appearance of a few drops of blood on the underwear due to the fact that the fertilized egg has successfully attached to the wall of the uterus. Some girls confuse this type of bleeding with the onset of menstruation, although there are no pain sensations that usually occur in the lower abdomen.
  2. The most common cause of bleeding in the first weeks of pregnancy is the threat of miscarriage. At the same time, blood is secreted profusely, and this whole process is accompanied by cramping pains in the lower abdomen. This may be due to an infection that enters the uterus through the vulva or after intercourse. At the same time, the embryo remains in the walls of the uterus, but only a qualified doctor can determine whether the pregnancy can continue to develop or not.
  3. A miscarriage is the most common cause of bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy. If a miscarriage does happen, then the bleeding gradually ends, the pain subsides. Only a doctor can determine a miscarriage with the help of an ultrasound.
  4. Incomplete miscarriage is a condition when there is no longer any chance to save the pregnancy. Tissues and blood clots come out of the uterus, while the cervix is ​​​​open. So that the life of a woman in this case is not in danger, the gynecologist performs curettage of the uterine cavity.
  5. Frozen pregnancy - in this case, there may not be blood in the early stages of pregnancy, the woman simply stops having chest pain, toxicosis passes. Bleeding occurs when the uterus rejects the fetus because it does not develop. In this case, as a rule, doctors still carry out curettage.
  6. An ectopic pregnancy is another reason why blood begins to flow from a woman's genitals during pregnancy. As a rule, with this pathology, the discharge is insignificant, because bleeding occurs mainly in the abdominal cavity. The woman feels cutting pains in the region of the ovaries. They are so strong that the pregnant woman is in a state of shock. In this case, it is impossible to do without surgical intervention.
  7. Bubble drift is the cause of bleeding that occurs if the pregnancy develops incorrectly - the embryo does not develop, tissue grows instead. Why this happens, doctors cannot explain. He does not pose any danger to the life of a woman.

Why does bleeding occur during late pregnancy?

If the blood came out of the vagina during pregnancy for a period starting from the 13th week, this only indicates the presence of some serious problem that urgently needs to be urgently treated. Most often, we are talking about an emergency situation, when medical care cannot be dispensed with. We offer to understand in more detail why blood can flow during pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters:

  1. Incorrect placenta previa in the uterus - when the placenta is located very close to the uterine os, due to which the muscle layer cannot hold the placenta. As a result, small separations of the placenta begin to occur. A woman notices that she bled during pregnancy, but she does not feel pain. It happens that there is no bleeding at all (during pregnancy, it can only smear with blood during placental abruption), because blood accumulates between the placenta itself and the uterine wall.
  2. If the placenta is completely exfoliated long before the birth, although most often it exfoliates partially, it is no less dangerous for the life of the child and mother. This is a very dangerous and rare condition that can affect up to 1 in 200 women who are expecting a baby. In this case, dark blood clots come out of the vagina during pregnancy, and this whole unpleasant process is accompanied by cramping pains in the lower abdomen.
  3. If the umbilical cord or the vessels of the membranes of the fetus are torn, then the woman has streaks of blood in the discharge from the vagina during pregnancy. In this case, the baby may die, and doctors most often resort to emergency delivery to save the baby's life.

How to stop bleeding during pregnancy?

  1. Before a pregnant woman releases scarlet blood from the vagina, she usually feels a sharp pain in the lower abdomen. At this point, you need to be near the bed or any other piece of furniture in order to lie down.
  2. Then you should definitely call an ambulance. Ask someone nearby to put a roller under your feet and give you 2 tablets of drotaverine and valerian to drink.
  3. In addition, before the arrival of the ambulance, you need to put a heating pad with ice wrapped in a cloth on your stomach.
  4. In no case do not try to douche or wash. It is important for the doctor to see what kind of discharge you have in order to determine why the bleeding began.
  5. Place a pad on your underwear, but do not use a tampon.
  6. Do not try to stop the bleeding yourself with hormonal drugs.
  7. When the doctor arrives, he will most likely offer you hospitalization, which is better not to refuse. You definitely need to go to the hospital to be under the supervision of doctors for some time.

Prevention of bleeding during pregnancy

To avoid bleeding during pregnancy, a woman should take care of her health long before her onset. Of course, no one will give you a 100% guarantee that you will be able to prevent the negative impact of external factors on the development of the embryo, especially since most often problems arise against the background of genetic abnormalities of the fetus, from which no one is immune.

However, precautions still need to be taken. These include:

  1. Planning for pregnancy. You must treat any infectious diseases that you have before you decide to become pregnant. Because of them, miscarriages often occur and various defects develop in the child.
  2. You must live in a calm psychological environment. Eliminate any stress, depression, because all this has an extremely negative effect on the hormonal background of a woman, on which the favorable course of pregnancy and the health of the child depend.
  3. Be as often as possible in the fresh air, walk, rejoice, because this is very important for the emotional component of your health and the normal development of the child, if pregnancy has already begun.
  4. Don't drink unfiltered water. If heavy metals or radionuclides enter your body during pregnancy, then all this can have a very negative impact on the health of the child.
  5. Do wellness exercises so that you do not have preeclampsia during pregnancy and other problems.
  6. Give up any bad habits. Because of them, not only bleeding can open, but the embryo will also develop incorrectly.
  7. Do not take medicines that your doctor has not prescribed for you. Reception of any drugs should be coordinated with the gynecologist.

Let your pregnancy be not burdened with complications! We wish you an easy delivery and a happy meeting with the long-awaited baby!

Video: "Blood during pregnancy"

The absence of menstruation after the onset of pregnancy is a normal physiological phenomenon. Any appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina during this period is considered a complication that threatens miscarriage. Every fourth woman may develop this problem while expecting a child. Obstetrician-gynecologists carefully examine and examine the pregnant woman in order to understand the cause of bleeding in the early stages, and only after that they finally talk about the diagnosis and further prognosis.

Causes of bleeding in early pregnancy

The embryo in the early stages of pregnancy is very sensitive to the action of external factors and changes in the mother's body. Despite the fact that pregnancy is not a disease, but the normal state of a healthy woman, it may not always end in the birth of a baby. But at the same time, the appearance of a small amount of smearing brown discharge, which resemble drops of blood, in most cases, does not indicate an abortion.

At the very beginning of the development of the embryo, namely during the introduction of a fertilized egg into the endometrium, damage to the uterine mucosa occurs, which causes some discomfort in the lower abdomen of a woman and the so-called implantation bleeding. It does not pose a threat to the development of the fetus and passes on its own.

Bleeding that recurs before 12 weeks should alert the expectant mother and become a reason for an immediate appeal to an obstetrician-gynecologist. The causes of this pathology can be such violations:

  1. Ectopic, or ectopic, pregnancy.
  2. Non-developing or frozen pregnancy.
  3. Bubble drift.
  4. Rupture of the cyst of the corpus luteum.
  5. Spontaneous miscarriage.

How to keep a pregnancy when bleeding occurs - video

The introduction of a fertilized egg into the mucous membrane of the fallopian tube, ovary, cervix or abdominal cavity leads to the development of an ectopic, or ectopic, pregnancy.

Development factors

This phenomenon can be provoked by:

The growth and development of an embryo, which increases significantly in volume, leads to a rupture of the organ into which the egg was implanted. Most often, this pathological condition occurs in the cavity of the fallopian tube.

Symptoms of the disease

Violation of the integrity of the abdominal organ, and often it is the fallopian tube, causes a number of symptoms in a woman:

  • profuse bleeding into the abdominal cavity and vaginal discharge similar to menstrual;
  • sharp pain in the groin;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness.

Diagnosis of pathology

Diagnostic measures include:

  • examination of the cervix in the mirrors and a two-handed vaginal examination - determine the overhang of the posterior fornix over the vagina and its sharp pain, as well as the discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the expected duration of pregnancy;
  • complete blood count - allows you to diagnose the degree of blood loss and the level of decrease in hemoglobin;
  • analysis for human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) - a hormone in the blood and urine of a woman that confirms pregnancy;
  • ultrasound diagnosis of pelvic organs - determines the presence of an embryo and the place of rupture of the fallopian tube;
  • puncture of the posterior fornix through the vagina - is carried out in order to obtain and diagnose fluid from the abdominal cavity (in case of ectopic pregnancy and violation of the integrity of the fallopian tube, blood accumulates).


Therapeutic tactics for ectopic pregnancy and tubal rupture primarily includes surgery, which can be performed both openly and endoscopically. It is carried out in order to eliminate the embryo, restore and reconstruct the fallopian tube, as well as to cauterize bleeding vessels.

Drug therapy is used to restore blood volume, increase hemoglobin levels and stop bleeding:

  • hemostatic drugs - Dicinon, Tranexam, Aminocaproic acid, Kontrykal, Vikasol;
  • drugs that replenish the volume of circulating blood in the vessels - Reopoliglyukin, Albumin;
  • medicines to restore iron stores and normal hemoglobin levels - Ferrum Lek, Aktiferrin, Maltofer;
  • means for stimulating uterine contraction - Oxytocin, Dinoprost;
  • if the diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy was carried out in the early stages, then conservative methods are used to eliminate the embryo - Vinblastine, Methotrexate.

Drugs that are used to treat ectopic pregnancy - photo gallery

Contrycal is used to stop bleeding
Ferrum Lek restores iron reserves
Reopoliglyukin is used to restore fluid loss Oxytocin stimulates uterine contractions Methotrexate is used to conservatively treat ectopic pregnancy and prevent bleeding.

Complementary Therapies

Nutrition after surgery on the first day should be low-calorie with a predominance of carbohydrate and protein foods in the diet.

The use of physiotherapeutic procedures and alternative methods of treatment is impractical, so as not to provoke increased bleeding.

Forecast and consequences

Rupture of the fallopian tube and bleeding can lead to hemorrhagic or painful shock, which is fatal. Repeated ectopic pregnancies and damage to the tubes force specialists to perform operations to remove the organ, which can lead to infertility as a result.

Frozen pregnancy

The pathology that develops as a result of the death of the embryo is called a missed pregnancy. A woman may not be aware of this for a certain time until symptoms occur:

Provoking factors

A missed pregnancy can be caused by:

  • genetic anomalies in the development of the fetus, which even in the early stages lead to its death;
  • infectious diseases:
    • toxoplasmosis;
    • rubella;
    • herpes;
    • cytomegalovirus infection;
    • Hepatitis B;
    • syphilis;
  • sexual infections of the mother that developed during pregnancy:
    • chlamydia;
    • gonorrhea;
    • ureaplasmosis;
  • diabetes mellitus and other hormonal disorders in women.


  1. Interrogation and examination of a woman. The doctor finds out changes in the general condition of a woman whose mammary glands become soft, signs of toxicosis disappear, and unpleasant sensations appear in the lower abdomen and groin. After examination, the gynecologist ascertains the unchanged size of the uterus and the closed external pharynx of her neck.
  2. Ultrasound of the uterus - allows you to visualize the fetus, but its heartbeat is not audible.
  3. Determination of the level of hCG, which decreases in comparison with the previous indicators.

Treatment tactics

After diagnosing a missed pregnancy in a woman, specialists choose one of three tactics for treating pathology:

  1. Expectant - after the death of the fetus, there is a decrease in hormones that ensure the normal course of pregnancy, which provokes a spontaneous miscarriage.
  2. Operative - with the development of bleeding or the occurrence of an intoxication syndrome due to inflammation of the fetal membranes, an urgent curettage of the uterine cavity is necessary.
  3. Medication - a technique that is preferred at gestational ages of less than 12 weeks. Use drugs that provoke miscarriage (Mifepristone, Methotrexate).

Methotrexate after stopping the development of the embryo provokes an artificial miscarriage

To restore the body of a woman, the same groups of drugs are used as in ectopic pregnancy.

Treatment prognosis and possible complications

If a missed pregnancy occurs again in a woman, then this is a sign of habitual miscarriage, which is fraught with infertility. But in general, when choosing the right treatment tactics and determining the cause of the development of this pathology, there is every chance to feel the joy of motherhood. Only in 15% of women, the treatment provided does not bring results. The way out of this situation is the use of in vitro fertilization.

bubble skid

Bubble skid is quite rare, but nevertheless a serious pathology of the development of pregnancy, which occurs in 0.001% of cases.

The membrane surrounding the embryo at the initial stages of development has the form of a sac with many processes-villi that are attached to the inner wall of the uterus and nourish the embryo. Under the influence of certain causes, they are transformed into large bubbles with a liquid that resemble bunches of grapes.

Causal factors

Genetic disorders that occur at the time of the fusion of an egg with two sperm at the same time lead to the formation of a double set of chromosomes from the father and the development of a hydatidiform mole. Its growth provokes not only the destruction of the fetus, but also the walls of the uterus along with the blood vessels.


  1. The main and most alarming symptom is bleeding, which occurs at the 8th week of pregnancy. It can be external, with the release of dirty, brown blood with skid bubbles, and internal - into the abdominal cavity.
  2. A woman may also complain about:
    • increased feeling of nausea;
    • vomiting;
    • the appearance of edema;
    • pain in the right hypochondrium;
    • urine color changes.
  3. Repeated bleeding leads to a decrease in hemoglobin levels, which is manifested by dizziness, dots before the eyes, and fainting.

Diagnosis of hydatidiform mole

  1. Inspection - a vaginal examination helps to determine the consistency of the uterus, since with cystic drift it is enlarged and stiff, and during pregnancy it is softer and doughy.
  2. Ultrasound - shows the absence of signs of vital activity of the embryo: movement, heartbeat and formed parts of the body, according to the gestational age. The uterus has an uneven shape with bulges, which indicates the degeneration of the chorion.

Medical tactics

Treatment of the immediate cause of bleeding - cystic skidding, is carried out by vacuum suction of the contents of the uterus. The resulting material is sent for histological examination, after which the woman is observed in the oncology dispensary for two months.

If the cells of the cystic mole have spread to neighboring organs, then radiation therapy is performed to destroy them.

Dicinon, Tranexam and other drugs from this group are also used to stop bleeding.


A woman has a high chance of becoming pregnant again and giving birth to a healthy baby after a course of hormone therapy. Timely treatment renders it possible to avoid a lethal outcome.

Rupture of a corpus luteum cyst

For a long time, a corpus luteum cyst may not bother a woman of reproductive age at all, and even more so, do not bring any harm to her body.

Education does not prevent fertilization and the development of pregnancy.

Causes: orgasm, exercise, stress

The influence of some factors can provoke cyst rupture and hemorrhage in the early stages:

  • active sex and pronounced orgasm;
  • physical exercise;
  • torsion of the cyst leg, which occurs, most often, spontaneously;
  • strong feelings.

Clinical manifestations: severe pain, nausea, bleeding and others

Violation of the integrity of this neoplasm causes a number of symptoms:

Diagnostic Measures

Finding out the cause of such an acute condition in a pregnant woman should not take much time, since it is more important in this situation to quickly relieve pain and eliminate bleeding. Therefore, diagnostic manipulations include:

  • two-handed examination by a gynecologist. In this case, there is a sharp pain on palpation (feeling) of the uterine appendages and bleeding from the internal pharynx of the cervix;
  • Ultrasound, in which a certain amount of free fluid (blood) will be visualized in the abdominal cavity.


The main goal is to eliminate the main cause of acute bleeding, i.e., removal of cyst remnants and vascular coagulation. It can be performed using both open surgical access and endoscopic method, if the obstetrician-gynecologist has extensive experience in this type of intervention.

Drug therapy with the same drugs as in ectopic pregnancy is used to support the body of a woman and a child in a stable state, restore hemoglobin levels and blood loss.

Prognosis and complications

The surgical treatment ends with the removal of the ovary. But even in such cases, it is possible to keep the pregnancy or become a mother again.

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences after the formation of a cyst, a woman needs not to delay with drug therapy, and with an increased size of the neoplasm, with surgical treatment.

Spontaneous abortion

The most common complication in early pregnancy is spontaneous abortion and the resulting consequences. It can provoke:

  • female orgasm;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • pathology of the development of the fetus or the internal genital organs of a woman;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • overwork and psycho-emotional overload.

Symptoms: bleeding with clots, dizziness, pain and others

A woman notes the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen and can clearly indicate the provoking factor. Sometimes palpitations may occur with normal blood pressure readings. A common complaint is profuse bleeding with clots from the vagina, which is accompanied by dizziness and loss of consciousness.

Diagnosis of complete abortion

Spontaneous miscarriage is diagnosed after:

Treatment for complete abortion

After a spontaneous abortion, a woman is prescribed:

  • drugs to increase iron - Ferrum Lek and others;
  • medicines to increase blood clotting and stop bleeding - Etamzilat;
  • antibiotics - Cefotaxime, Amoxicillin;
  • surgical intervention (if the membranes of the fetal egg remain in the uterine cavity).
  • Cefotaxime is a semi-synthetic antibiotic of the third generation cephalosporin group, with a wide spectrum of action.

    Consequences and prognosis

    As a rule, a pregnant woman with the onset of bleeding turns to specialists, which helps prevent complications in the form of shock, inflammation of the genital organs or sepsis.

    The prognosis for life after a complete abortion is favorable, but for a second pregnancy it is doubtful. It is necessary to clearly find out the cause of this phenomenon and only after long-term treatment to think about the possibility of giving birth.

    Additional treatments for causes of bleeding in early pregnancy

    It is possible to choose treatment options in the form of alternative methods or physiotherapy procedures only after the recommendation of a doctor. But the main task during the period of acute pain and bleeding is to save the life of a woman. In the future, such therapy is also very doubtful, as it can provoke relaxation of the uterus and the occurrence of repeated bleeding.

    As additional methods, you can use vitamin therapy, a diet with a high content of vegetables and fruits.

    Treatment of missed pregnancy, cystic skidding, rupture of the corpus luteum cyst, complete abortion with folk methods can lead to the death of a woman.

    Preventive measures

    In order to prevent bleeding and other complications of pregnancy, a woman needs:

    • plan your pregnancy and prepare for it;
    • undergo a complete examination of the body before conception. This also applies to the future father;
    • to refuse from bad habits;
    • avoid the action of provoking factors;
    • lead an active and healthy lifestyle;
    • timely treat chronic diseases;
    • register at the antenatal clinic at the place of residence and regularly undergo examination by a gynecologist.

Pregnancy is a difficult stage in a woman's life. The body undergoes a radical restructuring. Bleeding during early pregnancy is a deviation and requires consultation with a doctor. This condition is dangerous and can threaten the life of the unborn baby.

The best hemostatic drugs during early pregnancy

Bleeding in early pregnancy comes in a variety of colors and differs in the amount of discharge. It can cause a threat of termination of pregnancy or cause illness.

Exacerbation of gynecological diseases or trauma to the uterus cause pathology.

For an accurate compilation of the clinical picture, a complete examination by a gynecologist and testing is necessary. Trying to establish the cause yourself or waiting for time is an unjustified risk to the life of the mother and child. Timely access to specialists allows in 80% of cases to endure a healthy baby.

With an increased risk of losing the fetus, the following hemostatic drugs are prescribed:

  • "Papaverine" and "No-shpa", reduce the contraction of the uterine walls;
  • "Dufaston", normalizes the level of progesterone;
  • Valerian or Motherwort, a sedative to help smooth the muscles of the uterus;
  • "Dicinon", promotes the formation of platelets, has a hemostatic effect;
  • "Vikasol", begins to act after 8-12 hours, increases blood clotting, is prescribed in complex therapy;
  • "Exacil", contains tranexamic acid, promoting blood clotting, allows you to quickly stop bleeding.

Treatment is supplemented with vitamins E and C, as well as folic acid, to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve well-being. It is impossible to prescribe hemostatic drugs on your own. All medicines have side effects. It is necessary to control blood viscosity, blood pressure and know the reliable cause of blood discharge.

If bleeding occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, it is necessary to call an ambulance, take a horizontal position, put a roller under your feet, drink No-shpu and wait for the doctor to arrive.

Why does light bleeding occur?

Bleeding may not always indicate a threatened miscarriage. There are various conditions in which a small amount of blood is released.

Reasons for small discharges:

  1. Ovum implantation. Small smears may occur during the fertilization process. Attaching to the uterine wall, the embryo damages small vessels.
  2. In some cases, a small hormonal change has little effect on the onset of menstruation. The body releases a small amount of blood droplets. In this case, pulling pains may be noted.
  3. Gynecological diseases. Cervical erosion can cause slight discharge. A drop of blood appears due to an injured epithelium, during sexual contact or an uncomfortable position of the body. For the mother and unborn child, this condition is not dangerous. Doctors delay treatment until the baby is born.
  4. Polyps are able to declare their existence by spotting. In this situation, the blood comes out in meager drops, without causing pain. In this case, gynecologists choose a wait-and-see attitude. Usually, the bleeding formation disappears on its own.
  5. Varicose veins in the genital area can lead to minor discharge. Increasing uterine pressure acts on blood vessels and capillaries, and sexual life can enhance the negative effect.
  6. Venereal diseases. Even in an interesting position, a woman is not immune from infection. Trichomoniasis, chlamydia can cause discharge, accompanied by itching, an unpleasant odor, fever and loss of strength.

There can be many factors that provoke light bleeding, but this is not a reason for an indifferent attitude towards the body in the first weeks of pregnancy.

What conditions can cause bleeding in the early stages

In the first trimester, a woman needs to avoid stress, taking medications, hard physical labor. The body is just beginning to adapt to the new state. The embryo is still too weak, and the tissues protecting it are not yet formed.

In most cases, the threat of miscarriage is the cause of blood loss. The period from 1 to 10 weeks of pregnancy is especially dangerous.

Signs of a threatened miscarriage:

  1. Drawing pains that become more intense in places. Sharp cutting sensations can occur with severe stress or injury, which begin suddenly.
  2. Blood secretions. There are both plentiful and scarce, which in the process become more intense. The color varies from bright scarlet to brown. If blood clots come out with red blood, the loss of the embryo is quite likely. The release of blood appears when the egg is detached from the uterine wall, accompanied by its damage, injury to blood vessels and blood loss.
  3. Decrease in basal body temperature. The normal temperature is 37 degrees.

Fetal loss can be complete or incomplete. In any case, a gynecological examination is necessary. With a partially lost embryo, additional cleaning is required. Failure to perform this operation threatens the life of the mother.

Factors that cause excessive bleeding

Severe bleeding can provoke both spontaneous miscarriage and other pathologies. The incorrect location of the fetal egg in the fallopian tube causes severe pain and profuse bleeding due to rupture of the tube. In these cases, there is no question of saving the fetus. It is important to preserve the life and health of a woman.

In the first month, an ectopic pregnancy does not differ from the normal process. The test strips show a positive result.

There may be toxicosis, swelling of the mammary glands and the absence of a menstrual cycle. As the fetus develops, the walls of the tube begin to stretch, which can cause pain and discomfort, accompanied by minor discharge. Breakthrough bleeding usually begins in the third month of pregnancy. Associated with rupture of the fallopian tube and threatens the woman's life.

The second reason may be a cystic skid, which provokes blood discharge. The condition is accompanied by an increase in the villi of the placenta, while the embryo may be absent. Bleeding occurs in any week of pathology.

There may be profuse bleeding when a frozen fetus is rejected. For unknown reasons, the development of the fetus stops.

Manifestation of pathology:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Stopping soreness in the chest;
  • An increase or a sharp decrease in body temperature.

The consequences for a woman can be quite serious, up to blood poisoning.

Severe bleeding occurs with uterine fibroids, when it blocks the access of oxygen to the fetus and tries to expel the egg.

What to do and how to stop bleeding during pregnancy

If during pregnancy blood has come from the vagina, you need to call an ambulance or consult a doctor. It is important for a specialist to describe all the symptoms and clarify how long the bleeding lasts. For doctors in the early stages, the condition of the woman is a priority.

With breakthrough discharge before the arrival of an ambulance, it is necessary:

  • Lie down in bed and put a roller under your feet;
  • Take "No-shpu" or Valerian, which will help smooth out muscle muscles;
  • Apply a heating pad with ice water wrapped in a cloth to the lower abdomen;
  • You can not douching and taking baths;
  • It is not recommended to take hormonal and hemostatic drugs without qualified help.

With the threat of miscarriage, therapeutic measures are aimed at eliminating bleeding and maintaining pregnancy. Treatment is carried out with antispasmodics to reduce the tone of the uterus. To maintain progesterone, hormonal preparations and vitamin complexes are prescribed. In most cases, timely therapy allows the fetus to survive.

Is bleeding during early pregnancy dangerous (video)

Bleeding can be prevented if you listen carefully to the body and turn to a gynecologist in time.