Can pregnant women eat boiled beets. Benefits for expectant mothers at different times. When to Eat Beetroot

The vitamin composition of vegetables and their richness in natural minerals will always be useful to every person. The combination of low calorie content and an abundance of fiber, which fills the stomach and induces a feeling of satiety, is the ideal solution for the body.

Beets are one of those few types of vegetables that can be eaten raw, stewed, and even baked. How can beets affect a girl's body during pregnancy? Should I include it in my diet or is it better to avoid eating this vegetable?

Briefly about beets

- juicy, large root crop of rich burgundy color. Due to its bright color, it is commonly called "beet" among the people. People discovered its nutritional qualities a long time ago and since then began to use it in the preparation of various dishes. Beets are grown everywhere, even in the northernmost points of the globe.

Numerous studies have proven that this vegetable is indispensable, since it contains unique and useful components for the body:

  • amino acids;
  • vitamins B, PP, C;
  • carotenoids;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • minerals (Iron, copper, zinc, calcium, magnesium, iodine, zinc, sulfur, etc.);
  • folic, oxalic, pantothenic and malic acids;
  • cellulose.

Not every vegetable crop has such a huge amount of fructose, sucrose, glucose and carbohydrates in its arsenal. Useful substances are stored in beets even after cooking.

Beets are often used to combat atherosclerosis, hypertension and cardiovascular pathologies. It helps to remove harmful substances from the liver, blood and kidneys, and is involved in regulating the level of acidity in the body.

Doctors prescribe beets in the patient's diet for insomnia, neurosis, anemia, overweight and various thyroid diseases.

Benefits of eating beets during pregnancy

Given the fact that beets do not lose their beneficial properties during heat treatment, boiled vegetable is an excellent component of the daily diet of the expectant mother. In her arsenal are carotenoids and pectins, vitamins C and B2, B5 and B9, E and PP. Such a vitamin composition will be very useful not only for the health of a pregnant girl, but also for the normal development of her baby.

There are only 40 kilocalories per 100 grams of beets. This serving also contains 8.8 grams of carbohydrates and 1.5 grams of protein. Given this fact, you can not be afraid of the appearance of excess weight when eating a burgundy root crop.

During pregnancy, beets can save a girl from constipation, as they have a large amount of fiber and can increase intestinal motility.

Beets, like no other vegetable, cleanse the body well. It tidies up the intestines: it destroys putrefactive bacteria. This point is important to consider for expectant mothers.

Beets are able to regulate the metabolism of fats, prevent an increase in pressure in the arteries, which is important for a girl during the third trimester of pregnancy.

This root crop has a positive effect on the work of the heart, due to the high concentration of magnesium, treats hypertension. Beets also have a diuretic effect, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. It can also help fight depression and mood swings, which are so familiar to pregnant girls.

If you include beets in your regular diet, there will be no problems with low hemoglobin. And folic acid will prevent the appearance and form a good nervous system in the baby.

The root crop is rich in iodine and therefore will help in the fight against iodine deficiency of the thyroid gland.

Long-term studies have confirmed: beets are a strong energy drink. It is able to relieve fatigue of the body, gives strength. Those girls who are subjected to mental stress should include beets in their daily diet.

Cons of eating beets during pregnancy

  1. Harm beets bring much less to the body than good. It's more like an exception to the rule. The high sugar content in the root crop imposes certain restrictions on its use by those girls who have been diagnosed with diabetes.
  2. You should not eat beets and those who suffer from intestinal upset, as beets have a strong laxative effect.

You can also use the root crop during pregnancy externally. Compresses from beetroot juice are applied to the skin, where cracks and wounds have formed. If the expectant mother suffers from a rash or inflammation of the skin of the face, you can make a mask: mix fresh beetroot juice with oatmeal or clay in equal proportions.

During the bearing of a child, the expectant mother needs to carefully monitor her diet so that her body receives as many useful vitamins and microelements from food as possible. Therefore, the menu of a pregnant woman should include, first of all, fruits and vegetables. So ordinary beets and beetroot juice during pregnancy can become simply indispensable helpers in the prevention of many troubles. Beets can be consumed in any form, and the content of useful substances in it will not change. It is tasty, healthy and practically not capable of causing allergic reactions. But, like any other product, it must be eaten, following certain rules.

Beetroot is…

Beetroot is a perennial plant that used to be found only in India and the Far East. From this wild-growing root crop of the Amaranth family, already well-known fodder varieties originated: ordinary beets and sugar beets. Today they are successfully cultivated in all countries of the middle zone.

Table beet - an easy-to-grow regular in garden beds

In Russia, a maroon vegetable has been known since the 10th century, and in the 14th century it began to be grown in every corner of the country. The root crop completed its distribution across all continents by the beginning of the 20th century.

Scientists have proven that it is impossible to replace beets with something else that is equally beneficial to health. Not many of the vegetable crops can compete with the beets for a set of vitamins and microelements. Moreover, not only the fruits themselves are edible and valuable, but even the leaves of the plant.

It contains acids:

  • oxalic;
  • apple;
  • folic;
  • pantothenic.

Also, beetroot has a perfectly balanced content:

  • sucrose;
  • fructose;
  • carotenoids;
  • glucose.

A boiled or stewed root crop does not lose its healing qualities, which is also characteristic only of some gifts of vegetable gardens and orchards.

Both the ground part of the plant (tops) and the underground part (root crops) are suitable for consumption.

Table: composition and nutritional value of the root crop

Element Nutrient content per 100 g of edible part of the product
The nutritional value
calories 42 kcal
Squirrels 1.5 g
Fats 0.1 g
Carbohydrates 8.8 g
Alimentary fiber 2.5 g
organic acids 0.1 g
Water 86 g
Mono- and disaccharides 8.7 g
Starch 0.1 g
Ash 1 g
Vitamin PP 0.2 mg
beta carotene 0.01 mg
Vitamin A (RE) 2 mcg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.02 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.04 mg
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic) 0.1 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.07 mg
Vitamin B9 (folic) 13 mcg
Vitamin C 10 mg
Vitamin E (TE) 0.1 mg
Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) 0.4 mg
Calcium 37 mg
Magnesium 22 mg
Sodium 46 mg
Potassium 288 mg
Phosphorus 43 mg
Chlorine 437 mg
Sulfur 7 mg
trace elements
Iron 1.4 mg
Zinc 0.425 mg
Iodine 7 mcg
Copper 140 mcg
Manganese 0.66 mg
Chromium 20 mcg
Fluorine 20 mcg
Molybdenum 10 mcg
Bor 280 mcg
Vanadium 70 mcg
Cobalt 2 mcg
Nickel 14 mcg
Rubidium 453 mcg

Video: beneficial properties of beets

Benefits for expectant mothers at different times

Beets are well absorbed in the body and cause allergic reactions extremely rarely, but the problems that expectant mothers have in connection with their “interesting” position can solve many.

Various studies have revealed that it is possible and necessary to consume beets during childbearing.

What is useful for expectant mothers beets?

  1. It activates the work of the kidneys and liver, thereby contributing to the removal of heavy metals and toxins from the body. This helps fight morning sickness in early pregnancy.
  2. It affects the process of hematopoiesis, increases the production of hemoglobin in the blood, and this is an excellent way to prevent anemia.
  3. Beets regulate bowel function, preventing the formation of constipation, the accumulation of putrefactive bacteria, which is of particular importance in the third trimester, when the growing uterus begins to affect intestinal motility.
  4. In the fight against edema in the later stages, the diuretic properties of beets help.
  5. It is able to balance metabolic processes, preventing pathological weight gain.
  6. Saturates the body with magnesium, which improves heart function and helps to cope with hypertension. With the help of beets, it is possible to control blood pressure, lower it without the use of chemicals.
  7. Beetroot has the ability to lower body temperature during illness (due to the high level of vitamin C in it).
  8. Vitamin C also has a general strengthening, immunomodulatory effect, and also helps to resist depression and mood swings.
  9. The unique root crop will ensure the formation of a healthy nervous system in the baby and protect against malformations.
  10. It will give strength to the expectant mother, activating metabolic processes, increasing endurance and vitality.

Why do you want beets during pregnancy?

Some pregnant women note that they often want beets in any form during the period of bearing a baby. A similar phenomenon means that the body of a mother or baby is acutely lacking in some element or several contained in the root crop.

Do not deny yourself such culinary passions. Dishes with beets are very tasty and extremely healthy. And there is nothing strange in the fact that you want to taste them during pregnancy more than before.

Contraindications and precautions

  1. The ability of beets to lower blood pressure is dangerous for hypotension. A woman may experience weakness, dizziness, and even lose consciousness, which in her position is dangerous for two lives at once. So, if a woman has low blood pressure, eating beets during pregnancy is not recommended.
  2. The vegetable also has some laxative effect, therefore, with a tendency to diarrhea, its use should be abandoned to exclude the development of colitis and dehydration of the body.
  3. The presence of gallstone disease requires special care with the inclusion of beets in the diet. And it is absolutely recommended to refuse juice - it can provoke the movement of stones, which (depending on the size, shape and number of stones) can cause tissue rupture, acute pain and even immediate surgical intervention.
  4. With diabetes, a woman needs to carefully monitor the level of sugar in the blood, because beets cause it to increase.

It is better to eat beets boiled, raw in large quantities can cause digestive disorders. Very useful and juice squeezed from root crops

How to use?

You can use beets both fresh and after heat treatment - boiled, stewed, baked - while its nutritional value will not change. But it is better not to eat fried beets during pregnancy: there are already fewer nutrients in it, and more calories.

To prepare dishes from beets, you can safely use not only root crops, but also the tops of the plant, and its stems.


The use of raw beets requires caution, because it is in this form that the root vegetable is a strong laxative.

Boiled beets do not have an aggressive effect on the intestines. If there is a great desire to eat beetroot salad, then the pregnant woman should give preference to the boiled product.

It is enough to consume only 150 g of beets daily. During pregnancy, variety is of particular importance, so root vegetables are added to snacks, salads, soups.

vitamin salad

The composition of the vitamin salad with beets can be supplemented with an apple, boiled potatoes, canned corn or green peas, other vegetables, fruits, berries to your taste and at your discretion

The favorite salad of grated beets with garlic during pregnancy is banned because of its ability to increase the tone of the uterus and cause heartburn.

It is successfully replaced by another recipe, according to which carrots, cabbage and beets are taken in equal quantities. All this is finely rubbed on a grater, seasoned with fresh vegetable oil, apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. You can increase the vitamin value of the salad by adding a few cranberries, pomegranates or red currants to it.

Can beetroot juice be used by pregnant women?

Juice squeezed from beets is best consumed a few hours after its preparation.

Beetroot juice during pregnancy turns into the most reliable friend of the expectant mother, helping her cope with digestive problems, get rid of skin rashes, fight nausea, colds, and swelling.

A sharp weight gain in the third trimester in most women causes an increase in blood pressure. Beetroot juice will help to cope with all the unpleasant consequences of this condition. It is used externally and internally without risk to mother and fetus.

To please yourself and your baby with a healthy product, you need to know how to cook it correctly.

How to cook?

Beetroot juice is obtained by passing peeled root crops through a juicer or rubbing them on a fine grater. In the second case, the grated mass must be squeezed out using gauze. Then the drink is put in the refrigerator for 1 hour, only after that it can be drunk.

Freshly squeezed beetroot juice is not recommended, as it contains volatile substances that can harm the body.

To diversify the taste of the finished product, beetroot juice can be mixed with any other vegetable or fruit (carrot, pumpkin, apple).

Permissible dosage per day - 250 ml during the treatment of diseases, during pregnancy it is enough to drink 50 ml after breakfast.

When drinking beetroot, and especially beetroot juice, one may notice that the urine may turn pink after a while. Doctors still do not have an unequivocal opinion on this matter.

Some doctors suspect that such patients have dysbacteriosis or problems with the functioning of the kidneys, urinary system. Others explain the change in the color of urine by the presence of the strongest coloring pigment in beets.

But most experts still do not see anything terrible in this phenomenon, if other symptoms (pain, fever, nausea, digestive disorders, etc.) are not observed.

Traditional medicine for the treatment of certain diseases strongly recommends replacing expensive drugs, most of which are contraindicated during pregnancy, with beetroot juice.

Against cough

To get rid of cough for a week, drink 50 ml of beetroot juice twice a day.

With a prolonged cough, it is worth preparing a syrup based on beetroot juice:

  1. To do this, the root crop is cut in half.
  2. A recess is made in one of the halves, where a spoonful of sugar is placed.
  3. Next, the product is sent for 10 minutes to an oven preheated to a high temperature.
  4. The resulting juice is drunk for 4 days every 2 hours in a teaspoon.

From a sore throat

At the slightest suspicion of a sore throat, you should immediately start gargling with beetroot juice. The procedure is carried out three times a day using 50 ml of juice.

You can use only beetroot juice or add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to it. With the help of this tool, it is possible to stop the spread of dangerous microorganisms, get rid of plaque on the tonsils and tongue.

From pressure

Mild therapy. The duration of the course is up to 30 days, then you need to take a two-month break. Before dinner, drink a daily cocktail of 50 ml of beetroot juice and a teaspoon of honey. If the pressure is very high, then you can add another 25 ml of cranberry juice.

With a cold

Thoroughly rinse the root crop, peel.

It is very important: it is in the skin that contains the main useful substances, so you need to cut it very carefully.

Grate the vegetable, squeeze the juice with gauze or a juicer. Be sure to dilute the resulting consistency with water. It is necessary to treat the inflammatory process in the nose with cotton swabs dipped in juice. Keep cotton swabs in the nose should be no more than 20 minutes 4 times a day.

Leaves and stems of beets

Beet tops are also rich in valuable minerals. By throwing it away, housewives deprive themselves and their families of many necessary substances. As an ingredient in dishes, beet leaves are finely chopped and added to salads or soups.

You can prepare a decoction of the tops by simmering a green mass over low heat, poured with boiling water. The liquid is effective in the treatment of constipation, for use in microclysters.

And what a delicious borsch is obtained from root crops and beet leaves!

Recipe of borsch

Borscht with beet tops looks very appetizing and tastes excellent, besides, it is very useful for expectant mothers.


  • 500 g of young beets with tops;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 300 g zucchini;
  • 2-3 tomatoes;
  • 1-2 carrots;
  • 1-2 bulbs;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of 3% vinegar;
  • 1 teaspoon of oil;
  • sour cream and salt to taste.


  1. The beets are washed well, peeled and put in a saucepan along with chopped potatoes.
  2. Pour in hot water and set to boil. It is important that the root crop should remain round.
  3. It is taken out 10 minutes before readiness and rubbed on a grater.
  4. The beets return back to the pan along with finely chopped tops and fried other vegetables.
  5. Borsch is served with sour cream and always hot.

Video: beetroot with tops

Stew, which includes beet tops, can be cooked to add variety to your menu and saturate the body with the vitamins it needs during the period of bearing a child.


  • 0.5 kg of young beet tops;
  • onion - 1-2 pcs.;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • salt, pepper, sweet paprika to taste;
  • olive or vegetable oil.


  1. In a deep frying pan in oil, carefully fry finely chopped onion and sweet pepper until golden brown.
  2. While roasting, beet tops should be thoroughly washed and finely chopped.
  3. As soon as the vegetables are ready, greens and spices are added to them.
  4. Cover the pan and leave to simmer, stirring regularly, until tender.
  5. The stew is served with warmed cheese and black bread toast, always hot.

Salad from eggs and beet tops is not only vitamin, but also nutritious

For 1 boiled egg, you will need 200 g of beet tops, 200 g of tomatoes, as well as 50 g of sunflower oil and green salad, parsley, dill. Everything is finely chopped. Lemon juice is used for dressing.

Beets are simply necessary to maintain the health of a pregnant woman and the birth of a strong pink-cheeked baby. There are an incredible number of dishes in which you can add this extremely healthy root vegetable. Do not underestimate its healing properties. Indeed, it is thanks to beets that the expectant mother can cope with a whole string of typical problems during childbearing without resorting to medications and pharmacists.

It is necessary to give up bad habits and include foods that are healthy for the body at the initial stage of pregnancy planning. At least three months before the intended conception, the lack of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal growth and development of the fetus in the future should be filled.

A visit to the antenatal clinic and testing will help determine the quantitative indicators of the presence of useful substances in the body. Based on the results, the doctor will write which fruits and vegetables should be included in the diet and which ones to get rid of during the 9 months of bearing the baby.

Beets are usually included in the list of useful products. The root crop prevents indigestion, normalizes blood sugar levels, increases the metabolic rate, reduces the risk of osteoporosis and birth defects in the fetus.

Is it possible to eat beets during pregnancy?

It is allowed to consume a moderate amount of beets during pregnancy, usually up to two per day after consultation with a doctor. The vegetable has a positive effect on the digestive system of the expectant mother, cleanses the body of toxins and harmful substances and is equally useful raw or boiled.

The nutritional value

According to the USDA's National Nutrient Database, beets are an excellent source of potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and the B group of vitamins.

The red color is due to the presence in the composition of a high amount of the pigment substance betaine, which has strong anti-inflammatory properties. The dietary fiber contained in the vegetable leads to a decrease in blood sugar, cholesterol and normalization of weight.

Nutritional value and calorie content of raw beets:


Value per 100 g


Alimentary fiber

Calcium, Ca

Iron, Fe

Sodium, Na

Vitamin C


g = gram; mg = milligram; mcg = microgram.

Health benefits of beets during pregnancy

Reducing the risk of birth defects

One medium-sized beet contains 89 micrograms of folic acid, a nutrient essential for tissue growth and spinal cord development in an unborn baby during early pregnancy. Consuming beetroot juice or adding beetroot leaves to salads minimizes the risk of neural tube defects and spina bifida in the fetus.

Scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison note that the maximum amount of folic acid is observed in leaves and roots 100 days after planting. The content of the vitamin depends on the beet variety and climatic conditions of cultivation.

Immunity Boost

The immune system is responsible for protecting the body from infectious agents and harmful toxins. The presence of polyphenol and betaine antioxidants in beets supports the immunity of the expectant mother during pregnancy, reducing the risk of bacteria penetrating the hematoplacental barrier.

According to a study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, polyphenols are involved in the prevention of cardiovascular disease in humans. Beet juice and red beet root powder are useful in cancer, osteoporosis, and cases of slowly progressive complications of the nervous system.

Image: Pixabay

Prevention of osteoporosis

A common symptom of pregnancy-associated osteoporosis is severe low back pain due to reduced bone strength. During the gestation period, the disease is rare and usually occurs in the last trimester or immediately after childbirth.

Beetroot contains a sufficient amount of potassium, which helps the body absorb calcium efficiently. As a result, the leaching of mineral salts from bones and teeth is prevented, the risk of osteoporosis and musculoskeletal diseases is reduced.

Metabolic regulation

Many women experience metabolic regulation problems early and late in pregnancy. Beets are an excellent source of potassium. Consumption of beetroot juice and the inclusion of a vegetable in salads normalizes electrolytes and improves vital processes, starting from the first trimester.

The liver plays an important role in the regulation of metabolism. In 2006, the journal Phytotherapy published a study by Dr. Monica Agrawal that found that the red pigment betaine, found in beets, stimulated liver function in rats.

Editorial opinion:

If there are signs of liver intoxication during pregnancy: constant weakness, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, poor appetite or bloating, it is recommended to abandon self-medication and seek help from a therapist or nephrologist.

Normalization of blood pressure

Heart disease, including heart attacks, heart failure or stroke, affects more than 600 people per 100,000 people in Russia.

Usually during pregnancy in the first and second trimesters, systolic pressure decreases by 10-15 mm Hg. Art., without posing a threat to the expectant mother and baby. However, some women experience an increase in blood pressure due to an unhealthy lifestyle, which is characterized by swelling, headaches and nausea.

Beets can be used as prevention and normalization of blood pressure levels. Studies show that eating a raw vegetable reduces systolic blood pressure by up to 4-10 mm Hg. within 3-4 hours. Scientists attribute the effect to the concentration of nitrates in the red vegetable, which turn into nitric oxide and dilate blood vessels.

Anemia Prevention

The prevalence of iron deficiency anemia among pregnant women in Russia is 41.7%. A decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood leads to serious complications, up to the threat of miscarriage and the development of moderate preeclampsia. Newborns with low iron levels may show signs of cerebrovascular accident and weight loss.

During pregnancy, iron intake should be at least 27 mg per day. 100 g of red beet contains 0.80 mg of the mineral. Adding a plant and other foods rich in iron (strawberries, currants or boiled rice) to the diet prevents the development of anemia and promotes the regeneration of red blood cells.

Image: Vegetarian - LoveToKnow

Blood sugar regulation

Consistent consumption of sweetened foods raises blood sugar levels in pregnant women while increasing the risk of obesity and gestational diabetes. The disease occurs in about 6% of pregnancies and usually disappears after normalization of nutrition and lifestyle changes.

Adding beets to your diet will help satisfy your cravings for sweets. According to the Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine by Michael Murray and Joseph Pizzorno, the low glycemic index of the root vegetable indicates the gradual breakdown of complex carbohydrates without causing spikes in blood glucose levels.

Editorial opinion:

Store-bought packaged beetroot juice contains a high amount of added sugars. Therefore, nutritionists advise drinking a freshly squeezed version, which preserves the vitamins and minerals of a natural vegetable that are beneficial to the human body.

Cleansing the liver and blood

Betaine, which is part of the beetroot, helps cleanse the liver, reducing the risk of complications and viral infections in the fetus. Drinking beetroot juice can increase stamina and normalize blood pressure to transport blood to the rest of the body.

Beets contain another water-soluble polymer, pectin, which cleanses the liver of toxins, harmful metals, lowers cholesterol and prevents fatty acids from being deposited in the body.

Improving digestion

100 g of beets contain 2.8 g of fiber- the substance reduces the risk of chronic diseases and improves intestinal motility. Soluble dietary fibers affect the normalization of cholesterol levels in the blood, insoluble ones prevent the stagnation of feces.

Fiber is not digested in the body and, after entering the esophagus, it immediately goes to the large intestine, becoming a nutrient medium for normal intestinal microflora. Dietary fiber components protect against gastrointestinal diseases, constipation, hemorrhoids, GERD, duodenal ulcers, diverticulitis, obesity and diabetes.

Prevent swelling and joint pain

At some point in pregnancy, due to a 50% increase in blood and body fluid production, 8 out of 10 women experience swelling. Additional complication factors are summer heat, a diet low in potassium and sodium, and frequent use of caffeine.

Beets are high in betaine, a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. In recent studies in rats, taking a small amount of root extract showed a significant reduction in the oxidative process and an increase in the anti-inflammatory response. That is why the consumption of beets during pregnancy can prevent pain and swelling in the joints.

Image: website

Side effects

Before adding beets to the diet, be sure to consult with a gynecologist or nutritionist observing pregnancy. Usually, eating a vegetable during the gestation period does not lead to side effects, but there are some risks:
  • a high content of fiber and betaine in the body causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and gastrointestinal disorders;
  • oxalate, which is part of beets, increases the risk of kidney stones;
  • nitrates can cause fatigue in pregnant women;
  • freshly squeezed beetroot juice sometimes causes temporary paralysis of the vocal cords;
  • in about 14% of people, urine and stool turn red after eating beets.

5 healthy recipes

Beetroot leaves are high in folate and vitamin A, which reduce the risk of neural tube defects and promote healthy fetal growth. They are used to prepare salads or as a side dish for main dishes.


  • 2 bunches of beet leaves;
  • 1 tbsp olive oil;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • black pepper powder;
  • salt;
  • 2 lemons.
  1. Boil water in a saucepan, add salt and beet leaves. Cook for approximately 2 minutes.
  2. Drain the water and place the leaves in cold water. After 5-10 minutes, take out and chop finely.
  3. Heat up a frying pan, add olive oil and minced garlic. After one minute, add herbs, salt and pepper. Mix and add salt and pepper.
  4. Salad can be garnished with cherry tomato halves.
Cooking time: 20 minutes

Beet salad

Image: Pixabay

Beet salad is a tasty and healthy snack in the morning.


  • 450 g of grated beets;
  • 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp olive oil;
  • 1 tbsp fresh chopped parsley;
  • 1 clove of chopped garlic;
  • 2 tsp Dijon mustard;
  • 0.25 tsp sea ​​salt;
  • black pepper to taste.
  1. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl.
  2. Add seasoning according to your taste preferences.
  3. Serve fresh.
Cooking time: 20 minutes

beetroot tea

Image: Living Healthy

Beetroot tea has excellent invigorating properties, does not contain caffeine and substances harmful to the body.


  • 1 liter of pure water;
  • 4 peeled and finely chopped beets;
  • 0.5 cups of honey;
  • 200 ml lemon juice;
  • 4 sprigs of mint.
  1. Boil water in a saucepan.
  2. Add beets, lemon juice and honey. Bring to a boil again.
  3. Turn off the heat and let it brew for 20 minutes.
  4. Strain and serve with a sprig of mint.
Cooking time: 20 minutes

Image: Archana's Kitchen

An easy and healthy Indian dessert that will help you beat your sugar cravings.


  • 2 medium sized beets;
  • 1 tsp olive oil;
  • 1.5 cups + 0.25 cups of water;
  • 2 tbsp corn starch;
  • 0.5 cups of sugar;
  • a pinch of cardamom and salt;
  • cashew nuts for sprinkling.
  1. Clean and wipe the beets. Heat the oil in a saucepan, add the grated vegetable, spread evenly and leave for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Add 1 cup water, salt and mix well. Cover with a lid and cook until the beets are fully cooked.
  3. Separately, dissolve the cornstarch in 0.25 cups of water. Add mixture to saucepan and stir.
  4. Add sugar, cardamom powder and leave on fire for three minutes. Turn off and let stand for 5 minutes.
  5. Serve warm, pre-garnish with nuts.
Cooking time: 20 minutes

Image: Honest to Goodness

Boiled-dried beetroot powder contains sufficient vitamins from the raw root vegetable and is absolutely safe to consume during pregnancy.


  • one beet.
  1. Peel fresh root vegetables from the skin and cut into thin slices.
  2. Spread the beets on a baking sheet and put in the oven on a slow fire.
  3. After complete drying, mix the pieces in a meat grinder or food processor.
  4. The powder should be stored in an airtight container.
Cooking time: 12 hours

And also for the healing of wounds, burns and even the fight against dandruff. They drank it, rubbed it, dripped it and made compresses.

Beets have not lost their popularity in medicine to this day, adding nutritionists to their camp.

Now doctors are actively using methods and drugs based on improved recipes that have come down to us since ancient times.

What allows beetroot juice to have such a beneficial effect on various organs and systems of the body?

All thanks to the unique combination of vitamins and minerals, which are part of the root crop:

    1. Macro- and microelements: copper and which are easily absorbed by the body, chromium, manganese, fluorine, plus the so-called heart complex (and).
  1. Vitamins: PP, B2, B9, C, E, P and a small amount.

Due to this composition, as well as the presence of amino acids, fiber, organic iron salts, which beet juice is so rich in, it is recommended for expectant mothers to use it.

Beet juice - the program "Live healthy!"

Beet juice during pregnancy


For the fetus to develop properly, should be maintained in the blood at the proper level. For this, it is necessary, which is present in the required amount in beet juice.

Thus, to increase hemoglobin, it is enough to consume this vegetable juice regularly.

With a unique ratio of sodium and potassium, beetroot juice contributes to:

  • prevention of atherosclerosis and;
  • stabilization of the heart;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • purification of blood, the formation of red blood cells, and consequently, the improvement of its composition.

The benefits of drinking beetroot juice are not limited to improving the functioning of the circulatory system of the expectant mother. It is worth noting other features of the drink.

It is used for prevention.

Iron, which is part of the root crop, contributes to the fight against better than any supplement.

A unique property is the ability to slow down development and even neutralize cancer cells.


If abused, beetroot juice can adversely affect health. Possible side effects:

  • weakness and as a result of excessive pressure reduction;
  • activation of the process of movement of stones in the gallbladder or kidneys;
  • intestinal disorders,;
  • in rare cases, allergic reactions: burning, itching, redness, chills.

Beet juice can be poisonous! - the program "About the most important"


Particular attention should be paid to the problem that most expectant mothers face - high blood pressure.

Many probably still use grandmother's recipes, where beetroot juice acts as the main active ingredient. Scientific studies have confirmed the effectiveness of this tool.

At the same time, unlike many analogues offered by modern medicine, the juice of this root crop can solve the problem without having a detrimental effect on the liver and other organs.

Also indications for taking beetroot juice are:

  • treatment of heart diseases;
  • low hemoglobin level;
  • puffiness;
  • constipation;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • neurosis.


There is no medicine that suits everyone equally. Beetroot juice, although it is a natural product, has its own contraindications:

  • (hypotension);
  • heart defects;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • urolithiasis and kidney disease;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • diarrhea;
  • individual intolerance.

Methods of use

Beetroot juice can be obtained using a juicer, and in its absence, grate the root crop and squeeze it through cheesecloth. After which he should let it brew for 2-3 hours.

How and with what should juice be consumed? Below are a few recipes.

For preventive and cosmetic purposes(preservation of healthy skin, fight against seborrhea, etc.) should be diluted with 15-20 ml of beetroot juice, a double volume of carrot and pomegranate juices.

Drink a cocktail 2 times a day in small sips. If desired, you can sweeten the drink or add crushed ice for a trendy smoothie.

To cleanse the body from salts and various slags, a drink based on carrot juice with the addition of beetroot and cucumber juice is recommended.

To increase hemoglobin levels it is enough to regularly drink a cocktail of beetroot juice (no more than 50 ml) and any other to your taste. It can be either carrot or pumpkin, or orange or apple juice.

To fight a cold and you can use the juice without additives or with a little honey if it does not cause.

The composition is instilled into the nose 3-5 drops no more than four times a day. Please note that during the first procedure, the product should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

With sinusitis you can wash the new cavity with water with a small amount of beet juice.

Precautionary measures

Beetroot juice, with all its beneficial properties, is not a panacea. Its use, as, indeed, of any products with healing power, must be justified.

Given the high biological activity of the drink, pay attention to the precautions, and it is better to consult with the doctor.

Never drink freshly squeezed juice., it must come into contact with air to neutralize the active components that can adversely affect the condition of the teeth, pancreas and other organs.

Only after 2-3 hours is it ready for use. At this time, it is better to remove it in a cold place.

Start the course with small doses. It should be one to two teaspoons at a time otherwise side effects may occur. Gradually, you can slightly increase the dosage.

Watch your body's reaction. If uncharacteristic symptoms appear, use should be discontinued.

The main goal of the expectant mother is the birth of a healthy baby. At the same time, it is difficult to overestimate the benefits of beetroot juice and its contribution to a woman's health during pregnancy.

'Cause it's so easy replace expensive imported vitamin complexes with juice from beets accessible to everyone and familiar from childhood.

But remember, any medicine, if abused, can have a negative effect. That's why it is important to know the measure and follow the rules of admission.

Vegetables are useful for any person with their rich vitamin composition, low calorie content, as well as fiber, which fills the volume of the stomach and gives us satiety. No wonder vegetarians love them so much. Beets are one of the most popular vegetables that are consumed raw, boiled, stewed and baked. But how are pregnancy and beets combined? What should a future mother know about the role of this vegetable in her diet?

The benefits and harms of beets during pregnancy

Scientists have long proven that beets are a versatile vegetable with a lot of useful properties. In addition, these properties are not destroyed by heat treatment of the product. Therefore, the benefits of boiled beets in the diet of the expectant mother are beyond doubt.

This vegetable also contains fructose, pectins and carotenoids, vitamins C and B2, B5 and B9, E and PP, citric, malic and oxalic acids, fiber, amino acids. In addition, it contains potassium and iron, magnesium and manganese, iodine and copper, zinc and phosphorus, sulfur and chlorine. As you can see, the content of beets is a whole kingdom of substances that are useful, nutritious for the body of the pregnant woman and the fetus.

The calorie content of beets is 40 kilocalories per 100 grams, which contain 8.8 grams of carbohydrates and 1.5 grams of proteins. The low calorie content of beets allows you not to worry about being overweight when eating it.

The product during pregnancy will be useful for women suffering from constipation, as it is rich in fiber and enhances intestinal motility. Beets are the best cleanser for our body. It sanitizes the intestines by destroying putrefactive bacteria. And this is important for the body of the expectant mother. Beets regulate fat metabolism, prevent high blood pressure, which often happens to pregnant women in the third trimester. And the product also normalizes cardiac activity and treats hypertension thanks to magnesium, which is abundant in beets.

The vegetable has a diuretic effect, analgesic and anti-inflammatory. The product helps fight depression and mood swings, which are often inherent in pregnant women.

Beets are also useful for blood formation. Iron in its composition helps prevent anemia, prevent. In those pregnant women who regularly eat beets, hemoglobin cannot be low.

Folic acid in the composition of the product helps prevent fetal malformations. Without it, that is, without vitamin B9, a healthy nervous system of the child will not form.

As for the saturation of this root crop with iodine, its presence helps fight iodine deficiency.

Many years of research have confirmed the fact that beets are a strong energy source. This means that it gives strength, relieves fatigue, and including it in the diet will be useful for pregnant women who are subjected to mental stress.

The harm of beets is much less than the benefits. And these are rather exceptions to the rule. So, for example, the high content of sugar in this vegetable makes it necessary to limit its consumption to those expectant mothers who suffer from diabetes. It is also not recommended for women who are prone to diarrhea, as it produces a strong laxative effect.

Possible use of beets during pregnancy

If a pregnant woman has high blood pressure (and this often happens in the third trimester when gaining excess weight), then it is recommended to use beet juice 100 grams in the morning after a meal as a preventive measure.

With systematic constipation in pregnant women, you can do microclysters with beetroot juice.

A good healer will be beets for cold expectant mothers. Since chemical drugs are contraindicated for them, beet juice will become "naphthyzinum" for rhinitis. It should be instilled into both nostrils 3-4 drops several times a day. A good remedy for rinsing a sore throat is a solution of beet juice and boiled water 1: 2.

Beets during pregnancy can also be used externally. So, with wounds and cracks on the skin, you need to apply compresses from beetroot juice. And if the face of the expectant mother suffers from acne and inflammation, then you need to make masks by mixing fresh juice with clay or oatmeal 1: 1.

Especially for- Elena TOLOCHIK