Is it possible to increase eyelashes for yourself: a step-by-step description of the procedure. Nail extension at home

Many women are interested in how to do eyelash extensions at home. so that they look natural and emphasize the shape of the eyes. Below you will find a step-by-step master class with photos of each stage of the procedure, video tutorials, and you will also learn how to easily and quickly remove eyelashes at home without damaging the eyelid, leaving your native cilia intact and safe.

Eyes- a mirror of the female soul. A single glance can say something that cannot be expressed in words. In the process of applying makeup, special attention is paid to the eyes - because they tell about your mood. Wide-open eyes with thick and long eyelashes look very impressive and exciting. But it is difficult to achieve such eyelashes with mascara, the texture makes them stick together, not aesthetic lumps appear, and at the most inopportune moment it will flow at all. Therefore, eyelash extensions are gaining more and more popularity among the fair sex. So, how can you grow artificial eyelashes at home with your own hands?

For eyelash extension It is not necessary to go to a beauty salon. You can perform the procedure at home - the benefit of training can be done by photo or video master classes. It is necessary to arm yourself with a set of false eyelashes, they can be in bunches, or one at a time, and with special glue, give preference to hypoallergenic. These kits are commercially available and can be ordered online. However, to be sure of the quality of the products, it is better to purchase a set in a beauty salon. Please note: instructions must be included with the kit.

The action will not take much effort and time, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to carry it out alone. Ask a sister or friend for help.

First you need to thoroughly wash off all cosmetics from the eyes and apply a degreasing agent to the eyelids. Then we consider the cilia from the set: they are either glued several pieces together (hairs of different lengths are connected), or each cilium lies separately. Pay attention to whether all the tools for the procedure are present in the set.

Next, the participation of an assistant is required, and most importantly, at this moment you should try to relax. We put artificial cilia on the glue on the upper eyelid (it is better to do this with tweezers) and move from the outer edge of the eye to the inner one.
That's all science. Open your eyes and look in the mirror at charming eyes with thick and long eyelashes.

Eyelash extensions at home. Step by step photo master class:

How do you remove false eyelashes from your eyelids?

Removing lash extensions is easy too. We offer two options.
Before going to bed, lubricate the eyelids with vegetable oil. In the morning, all unnecessary cilia will remain on the cheeks and pillow. And for the sake of restoring real eyelashes, we recommend using castor or burdock oil, it will be very useful for them. In addition, these oils promote increased hair growth.

Don't want to wait all night and get your pillow dirty? Then it is advisable to use your favorite cream, the main thing is that it be oily. Apply the product to cotton wool and gently smear it on the eyelid, along the line of gluing the eyelashes. After a couple of minutes, the artificial hairs can be removed, the glue will no longer be able to hold them.


Now you know how to properly grow eyelashes at home. You can remove eyelashes in any of three ways - vegetable oil, a cotton swab with a greasy cream, or using Debonder, an artificial eyelash remover.

We learn how to grow eyelashes and piece eyelashes: photos, videos, recommendations.

We have already shown beams in great detail. Today I decided together with you to figure out how to grow eyelashes at home. Taking a break and having studied a bunch of all kinds of information on the world wide web, I present you with very useful and practical tips about home building.

Learning to grow eyelashes yourself is certainly possible, but quite difficult. I’ll make a reservation right away that for this type of activity you will simply need a large amount of patience, strength and nerves of steel. Not everyone succeeds the first time. But it's still worth a try. After all, if you succeed, you can save a decent amount of money and a lot of time that would be spent on daily painting and lengthening your own eyelashes. Have you decided? Well, let's get started then.

eyelash extension photo

Eyelash extensions at home

What you will need:

- eyelashes of different lengths (piece or bundle)

- special glue for building

- degreaser (alcohol-based solution)

- a needle or toothpick to separate the eyelashes

- tweezers

- eyelash brush

Eyelash extension

For this method of extension, you will need piece eyelashes, most often they use mink, sable and silk eyelashes. Usually use 80-120 piece eyelashes for each eye. For building, a special glue-resin is used. A small amount of glue is squeezed onto a flat surface. The eyelash is taken with tweezers and lowered with a blunt end into the glue by half.

For a more natural effect, take eyelashes of different lengths. The so-called effect of the cat's eye: the shortest cilia are glued to the inner corners of the eye, and the longest to the outer corners. Piece eyelashes are extended on their natural eyelashes - an eyelash on an eyelash. You can start building up from any edge, but it is better to glue in a spread so that the cilia do not stick to each other and the glue has time to dry. Be sure to separate your lashes. It is more correct when an artificial eyelash with glue does not touch the eyelid itself during extension, even if only by half a millimeter.

Professionals advise building up piece cilia in several approaches for each eye, the first - 25-30 eyelashes per eye, then the first trip to the second eye. And only then the second approach in the same order and quantity. This is done to prevent sticking. The third approach is to fill the gaps between the eyelashes 30-40 eyelashes. The fourth stage is visual alignment by number plus 5-10 eyelashes.

If the eyelashes are very rare, then two artificial ones are glued to one natural one, but this is not applied to all eyelashes, but only to 7-10. It turns out the visual effect of a slingshot.

We invite you to watch the entire eyelash extension procedure on the video.

Eyelash extension video

Eyelash extensions

Eyelash extensions can be easily done at home. This extension lasts up to three weeks. Usually artificial beams are used in an amount of 15 to 20 pieces per eye. The materials needed are the same as for eyelash extensions. The bundles should also be chosen in different lengths: longer on the outer corners, medium on the middle and short on the inside. The bundles are glued between their eyelashes almost on the eyelid.

It is very important to carefully remove the bundles from their box, as they may lose their shape.

And again, we offer a look at the video tutorials for eyelash extensions in bunches.

Hair extensions video

We grow eyelashes ourselves

And one more photo master class on beam eyelash extensions at home.

Any woman strives to be charming and tries to bring a zest to her image that will distinguish her from the crowd.

Owners of long and thick eyelashes amaze with a piercing look, but nature has not awarded everyone with fluffy eyelashes, and here the latest extension technologies will come to the rescue, which will add attractiveness to the fairer sex.

A similar procedure can be carried out in any beauty salon, like nail extensions, or do it yourself. Let's discuss how to grow eyelashes at home.

Choosing eyelashes for self-extension

Be smart about your lash selection. Experts recommend using materials based on PBT polyester for self-building. Cilia differ in length, thickness, degree of curvature (indicated by letters).

To build at home, you will need cilia of different lengths. When choosing a size, consider the place of soldering and the desired image. Makeup artists recommend increasing the shorter length by the middle of the century, which will emphasize naturalness. Long eyelashes at the outer corners of the eyes will help to give depth to the look.

Be careful when choosing a shape to prevent the appearance of an unnatural doll effect. Any color scheme of the material is suitable.

Purchase material in a specialized store, but do not skimp, as cheap products can have a negative effect on the retina. Eyelashes are sold in bundles or individually. In salons, products of high quality are used for building up:

  • Ardell.
  • Kodi.
  • Salon perfect.

Video tips

Safety and Precautions

When performing self-building, follow the technology and safety precautions.

Sterilize and disinfect instruments. Disinfection makes it possible to disinfect and destroy infectious agents. The tweezers, brush, and any instrument being used should be dipped in the disinfectant solution after use. It is unreliable to use a cotton swab dipped in alcohol for this purpose. Bacteria in this case will not be completely removed.

The disinfection time must comply with the instructions. It is recommended to disinfect materials with Optimax or Babydez Ultra. After thorough rinsing under running water, we proceed to sterilization, which will rid the objects of microorganisms. Sterilization can be carried out either by boiling or by steaming. After the procedures, the tweezers are cleaned with an organic solvent from the adhesive base. A liquid debonder is also suitable for disinfection.

Do not be distracted during the procedure and do not blink, do not forget to follow the rules of personal hygiene.

When buying materials, choose hypoallergenic products made from synthetic artificial material, which will prevent the appearance of allergic rashes on the skin. The glue should contain a minimum amount of formaldehyde, and the aroma should be barely perceptible.

Preparing tools and face

Before the extension procedure, purchase the necessary materials that are listed in the table.

Antibacterial hand sanitizerVegetable oilStraight type tweezers
Eye makeup removerDegreaserCurved tweezers (may be required for correction)
Gel pads (lower lashes)GluePlastic container (for glue)
Mirror that magnifies the imageAdhesive solventCardboard
Eyelash set

Step by step extension plan

In the process of building, do not worry and do not rush. By following the step-by-step instructions, you can quickly build up eyelashes with your own hands at home.

  1. Open the package with eyelashes. We first select those with which the process begins, and move the rest to the side so as not to be confused.
  2. Pour a little glue base on the cardboard.
  3. With the help of tweezers we cling to the eyelash and lower it into the adhesive base.
  4. Very quickly glue on a pre-marked place on the eyelid. You can glue the material in bunches, which will save time, however, such work does not look very impressive.

To glue the hair, painlessly bring the eyelash clamped with tweezers to the place of gluing, with the fingers of the second hand, press the hair to your eyelash. Don't release the material right away. It is recommended for a better grip to hold them for about 4-5 seconds.

Some beginners make the mistake of sticking artificial cilia under their own. In no case should you repeat such actions. Applying the material is possible only on your eyelashes. When gluing, it is important to observe symmetry, which will emphasize the naturalness of the image.

Video information

Answers on questions

Often beginners ask questions that interest them, below are the answers to the most popular of them.

How long do eyelash extensions last?

The question worries all the girls who first encountered extensions. Particularly interested are business women, whose schedule is scheduled literally every minute and they simply do not have time for daily trips to beauty salons.

Extended hairs are able to please the owner until the moment when their own cilia grow. Basically, this period is delayed for three months. After 9-11 weeks, you need to re-do the cilia in order to regain a chic look.

How to wash with extended eyelashes?

When washing, you should be as careful as possible. If you do not use mascara, ordinary warm water is enough. You should not often use soap, a variety of foams.

You should give up the habit of rubbing your eyes and exclude the use of greasy products that help dissolve the glue, otherwise the cilia will quickly fall off.

Micellar water is suitable for removing makeup, and gently remove the remnants of cosmetics with cotton swabs.

Can lash extensions be dyed with mascara?

After building up, you can use mascara, but you should think about why you need to tint already gorgeous cilia.

If staining is unavoidable and the soul asks for bright colors, it is recommended to use black, brown and purple mascara. If desired, you can use special paints that stay on the eyelashes for about 20 days.

Can you get eyelash extensions during pregnancy?

Stylists claim that the cilia and the adhesive base for extensions do not contain toxic substances that can adversely affect the fetus or the woman's well-being. Extension is possible at any time, however, remember that the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can affect the growth rate of eyelashes.

Eyelash extensions at home are within the power of any woman. Calmness, lack of haste and full observance of symmetry are considered the main rules for carrying out work. If you follow the step-by-step instructions, the result will be very effective.

For the first time, the process of building up takes a long time. Subsequent procedures are performed faster and at a high level. Self-building will save money and time on going to the salons. If desired, you can change the types of eyelashes, which will make it possible to periodically update the image.

Eyelash extensions are one of the most requested salon procedures. Now many people are thinking about how to increase eyelashes at home, while saving some of the money. Only one qualitatively performed procedure gives a woman the opportunity to become the owner of a magnificent fan of cilia. This is a great opportunity to emphasize the beauty of your eyes without the use of daily makeup, because with eyelash extensions there is no need to use mascara. Moreover, it is possible to make high-quality eyelash extensions at home. Most importantly, here you need to be patient and set aside free time for this procedure so as not to be distracted by extraneous things.

Eyelash extension at home does not allow you to achieve an effect identical to the salon, because it is impossible to perform some procedures on your own, for example, it is unlikely that you will be able to build thick eyelashes in 2 rows. Each girl is able to grow eyelashes on her own, at least partially, giving her image and look a special charm. It is very important to make the right preparation for the build-up process.

Preparatory stage


First you need to clearly define the purpose for which the girl intends for herself. Is this done to get a one-time effect for the sake of attending an important evening or for a long time? Does she strive to ensure that slightly unnatural eyelashes catch the eye of others, or does she want to achieve the effect of naturalness? After detailed answers to these important questions, it will become clear what type of eyelashes you need to purchase, how and where to stick them. At home, you can make a partial extension, it also received a different name - thinned out. It is quite capable only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe corners of the eyes. Learning how to grow with these methods is quite easy.

Now, depending on the goal, you need to choose the appropriate type. The range of this product is the richest. For the effect of naturalness, it is better to choose short cilia. To get a hypertrophied result, it is better to opt for more voluminous specimens. If for one festival, then colored specimens or with rhinestones are quite suitable - these can also be found on the shelves. After the choice has been made, you can safely proceed to the formation of a new image!

Necessary tools and extension technique


It is necessary to prepare in advance all the tools that will be used. It is advisable to lay them out in a convenient order so that everything is at hand. Here is a list of tools that you may need during this procedure:

  • purchased set of false eyelashes;
  • cotton pads or swabs;
  • high-quality glue, which is usually included in a set with artificial cilia;
  • tweezers;
  • a small piece of cardboard or plastic sheet;
  • vegetable oil.

It is advisable to moisten a cotton pad in oil. There is a small problem in using glue. Often, low-grade glue is put into the set with cilia, so it’s better to buy a separate adhesive base in order to. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the glue can cause an allergic reaction in the area of ​​​​sensitive eye skin, so allergy sufferers should not experiment by building eyelashes at home. Care must be taken to completely remove makeup by thoroughly washing the face with ordinary soap to degrease the sensitive skin around the eyes. This is required to securely fix the cilia to the eyelid with glue. You can remove your hair, stab a voluminous bang so that nothing gets into your eyes and does not interfere with the procedure. After completing all the preparations, you can proceed to the main stage.

The main rules for those who have firmly decided to grow eyelashes at home: do not be distracted, do not do everything in a hurry, do not be nervous. Learning to do it yourself is not as difficult as it seems. You need to make an effort to make the extended cilia look no worse than those made in the salon. It is necessary to carry out the procedure step by step, carefully following the recommendations. To get started, you can watch a special video where professionals increase eyelashes for girls.

In the set of cilia there are instances of different lengths, you need to choose those that will be used first. On the prepared cardboard you need to drop a little glue. Now you need to carefully pick up the build-up cilia or a bunch with tweezers, lower them into the glue, and immediately glue them to the eyelid. It is important to ensure that there is not too much glue.

It is necessary to glue them correctly on the eyelid so that you do not have to redo the work several times. To do this, it is worthwhile to plan in advance the place where they will be. If you make beam eyelash extensions, then it will take a minimum of time, but building up each eyelash separately gives a more natural and neat look to the look.

It is necessary to carefully bring the tweezers directly to the place of gluing, with the fingers of the other hand, gently press the artificial eyelash or bunch to your natural eyelashes. It is necessary to hold it for a few seconds so that the eyelash has time to grab tightly.

After that, you can safely proceed to the processing of the next zone. A very important nuance that is worth remembering: eyelashes are extended on their own, and not under them. When all the cilia are evenly and symmetrically extended, it is worth starting pasting the next century. It is important to take care of the symmetry of the eyelash extensions.

Many girls want to increase their eyelashes in a high-quality and symmetrical manner, so that it does not differ much from a salon procedure. Those who are wondering how to learn how to do it right should sign up for the appropriate courses.

Care of artificial eyelashes


After completing the extension procedure, you need to carefully look at the result in a mirror with an increase in order to see everything in more detail. Identified shortcomings need to be eliminated. In some places, excess glue may be observed or one of the cilia may peel off. You need to look again at how eyelash extensions are done at home. After that, you can repeat the steps yourself.

During the procedure, it is very important to ensure maximum hygiene. It is recommended to conduct it in a room with a minimum of distractions, because any careless movement can cause damage to the eye. You also need to make sure that the glued eyelash lies exactly on top of the real one, nowhere twisted to the very tip. For the final drying of the adhesive, it is necessary to avoid contact with water for 12 hours. At this time, you should not visit the pools, go to the bathhouse to take a steam bath, do steam baths, various masks and lotions. Eyelashes must be protected until the end of the procedure.

You should try not to blink during this cosmetic procedure, for this you need to hold the treated eyelid with your free fingers. After a successful session, you need to make a lot of efforts to maximize the beauty of the created image, observing all precautions. It is worth remembering that frequent wearing of contact lenses can also shorten the life of eyelash extensions.


During salon eyelash extensions, only high-quality silicone eyelashes with a 3D volume effect are used.

Before purchasing a package or a set, you need to decide in advance on the length, depending on the desired effect. High-quality silicone cilia are divided into the following types:

  • mink;
  • sable;
  • soft silk.

Depending on the method of gluing, the following types of eyelash extensions are distinguished:

  • beam type eyelashes - to give the look the effect of stunning volume;
  • eyelash bristles, which are rather difficult to stick, but have a more well-groomed and neat appearance.

The highest quality types of artificial eyelashes are considered to be copies of brands such as Tasu, Dolce Vita, Vivien. Of course, they cost more than ordinary Chinese fakes. It’s also not worth saving on glue for this procedure, because you can ruin your eyes and earn an allergy. It is available in white, black or waterproof. It is desirable that the adhesive used be hypoallergenic.

Eyelashes can not only be grown with your own hands, but also effectively removed. To quickly remove artificial eyelashes, you can additionally purchase a special remover liquid, which is often placed in a home extension kit. You need to stock up on a bit of patience and time, sit in a well-lit place. Eyelashes should be gently moistened with this liquid, wait a few minutes, then lightly rub with your fingers or a cotton pad.

The glue will completely dissolve with the help of a liquid, and artificial cilia will easily fall off from natural ones. It is not recommended to simply separate glued cilia, otherwise live hairs can be damaged. After all the cilia fall off, rinse your eyes with cold water. The main thing is to perform the procedure at a calm pace, slowly, carefully observing symmetry. In this case, an impressive result from the procedure will not keep you waiting.

Each time, such manipulations with eyelashes will become easier, because skills are developed in the process. The result obtained is practically no different from the salon procedure. If you learn how to do these actions yourself at home, there will be a real opportunity to save money and time. You need to try, experiment with different types of cilia to create a specific look. Success will not keep you waiting.

Before the extension procedure itself, care must be taken to strengthen the living eyelashes well by taking liquid vitamins and various vegetable oils. It is necessary to carefully try on artificial eyelashes so as not to miss the current length and eventually get a smooth smooth line. With the help of these simple recommendations, you can quite tolerably learn how to make extensions, while the result obtained will not differ in any way from the salon. You can only hone your skills with practice.

Girls at all times try to be beautiful and have a well-groomed appearance. The cosmetic industry offers a wide range of various products that allow not only to hide flaws, but also to emphasize the dignity of a young lady. Women spend a lot of time on daily makeup: from one to two hours at least. But by the evening, the perfect make up is still far from perfect. If a beauty plans to meet her beloved in the evening, go to a public place or go shopping with her friends, then her makeup will have to be restored. Recently, persistent make up is gaining popularity - for example, tattooing of eyebrows or lips, eyelash extensions. Not everyone knows how to grow eyelashes at home.

Extension methods

Many representatives of the fair sex have long appreciated all the charms of this procedure. Women regularly visit beauty salons for this purpose. Some refused the services of specialists and carry out such a procedure on their own. If you do not know how to grow eyelashes at home, then you can be sure that nothing is impossible. If you set a goal, then you will definitely succeed.

The main condition is patience, perseverance, attitude to a positive result. Don't be discouraged if you can't get it right the first time. As you gain experience, you will gradually get closer to the desired effect.

There are several techniques and extension techniques that are successfully used by girls at home. The most important thing is to decide on the expected result.

The main methods of artificial eyelash extensions involve two ways to carry out such a procedure:

  • Eyelash method- consists in attaching each hair separately. It is necessary to glue one artificial element to one own eyelash.
  • Beam extension- involves the simultaneous gluing of several eyelashes, which are collected in a bundle. This method is considered one of the easiest and fastest, since several hairs can be glued at the same time.

You can achieve different results using several different techniques and effects:

  1. natural effect- hairs of different lengths are glued, there is a smooth transition from small elements to large ones (from the inner corner of the eye to the outer one).
  2. "Fox" look- a sharp change is created (from small hairs to longer ones).
  3. "Squirrel" look- short eyelashes are glued along the ciliary row, and there are several long hairs at the outer corner of the eye. "Doll" eyes - eyelashes of the same length are built up throughout the eyelid. This technique looks somewhat artificial and is more suitable for a festive event than for daily wear.
  4. Sparse result- in the process of building long and short hairs alternate.
  5. 3D effect- allows you to create the most voluminous version of eyelash extensions. Both 2 and 3 artificial elements can be glued to one own eyelash at the same time. The main success of this type is the presence of its strong eyelashes, since weakened and thin hairs cannot withstand the weight of the glued ones and will break or fall out with them.

Advantages and disadvantages of various techniques

Starting eyelash extensions, you need to be prepared for the fact that this is a rather painstaking task. It is suitable for girls who are distinguished by high perseverance.

The disadvantages can also be attributed to a significant investment of time - especially when it comes to beginners. You can spend from 2 hours to half a day on this procedure. Therefore, it is so important to be patient and carry out the procedure calmly and slowly.

Beam eyelash extensions are a faster process. It will save you time, but this option is more suitable for a gala event or a special occasion. For daily wear, it is better to use the eyelash method. Although you will spend much more time on such a procedure, the effect is worth it, as you will get a very expressive look.

The main advantages of using false eyelashes at home include the following:

  • Saving money- you will spend much less money on the purchase of cosmetics and accessories than on regular visits to the master. Especially if you buy a ready-made set. The purchased products will be enough for you for several procedures.
  • You can carry out such a manipulation at any convenient time, without adjusting to the work schedule of the master and without waiting for his turn in the salon.
  • You will get gorgeous voluminous and thick eyelashes that no mascara can create. You can completely refuse such decorative cosmetics, since the look will already be very bright and expressive.
  • Over time, you will get used to it and will be able to carry out such a process not only for yourself, but also for close people - for example, for mom, sister or girlfriend.

If you have enough time and perseverance, then feel free to try using false eyelashes to create a charming look.

Necessary materials and equipment

Learning the technique of self-building at home is not very difficult. Most at-home eyelash extension kits include special training discs that explain in detail the procedure.

If you are going to start the process of gluing artificial hairs, you need to equip a place where you will carry out such manipulation. It is better to sit near the window, there will be natural light, so you can see all your eyelashes. If this is not possible, then take care of good lighting. There will be no perfect result in the semi-darkness.

You should have a large mirror - sit as close to it as possible to examine each hair in the eyelash row.

Clear the workplace of everything superfluous, the best option is if there are no unnecessary items on the table that could distract you or interfere with the process of eyelash extensions.

To apply false eyelashes, you will need the following tools:

  • Tweezers- with it you will capture artificial hairs.
  • brush- useful for combing eyelashes before gluing, as well as after the process is completed.
  • Special plate for glue You can use a piece of cardboard instead. It is necessary in order to squeeze out a drop of glue into which an artificial element will be dipped.
  • Protective tape- it must be used to protect the lower lash line during the extension procedure.
  • Cotton pads and cotton swabs.

It is necessary to purchase special tools that are used in the building process:

  1. Glue- This substance is transparent or black. Some beauties prefer the black shade, as it adds volume to false eyelashes. Please note that it is hypoallergenic. Otherwise, your eyes may react sharply to its composition. An allergic reaction will occur, lacrimation and burning will appear. It is better not to save on this tool and purchase a quality product.
  2. Degreaser- used to remove sebum from eyelashes and eyelids. It also improves the adhesion of the adhesive to natural hairs.
  3. Remover - a tool that is used to remove false eyelashes. It will be required to eliminate the shortcomings in the process of eyelash extensions.

Of course, you will need artificial eyelashes. There are 3 types of such hairs: mink, sable and silk. They are made from a synthetic substance, and got their name because of the similarity with animal fur and natural fiber.

mink elements considered the thickest, they are suitable for those women whose own eyelashes are thick and can withstand the weight of extensions.

sable hairs- the middle option, they are most often used for special occasions.

Silk fibers- the thinnest and suitable for daily wear. They do not weigh down the ciliary row, and you will not feel them at all.

There is also a festive option when hairs of different colors are used - for example, blue, green, brown, purple. In everyday use, they will be a little out of place - unless, of course, you are looking for an eccentric look. But for a special event (for example, for a party or a photo shoot), they can be easily used

How to build up lashes?

If you are going to start the process of eyelash extensions, do the preparatory work:

  • Lay out all the necessary items and tools on the table.
  • Decide also on the size of the eyelashes.
  • Seal the lower eyelash row with special tape.
  • If you have a bang, then it must also be stabbed so that it does not interfere with you in the process.
  • Be sure to remove all decorative cosmetics from the face, as its residues can affect the process of gluing artificial hairs.

The step-by-step process for beginner lashmakers (eyelash extension specialists) is as follows:

  • Using a degreaser, remove sebum from the eyelids and eyelashes. To do this, soak a cotton pad in the indicated product and carefully wipe the eyelids and eyelashes with it.
  • Comb your eyelashes well. Do not forget to also degrease the brush that you use for these purposes.
  • Put a drop of glue on cardboard or a special plate.
  • Using tweezers, grab the selected artificial hair in the middle and carefully place it in the glue. Make sure that a little glue has collected on the eyelash, otherwise your work will not look very neat.
  • Attach the artificial element to your natural lash and press with your fingers for a few seconds until the glue sets. Be extremely careful not to glue the eyelash to the eyelid, as this will cause discomfort in the future.
  • Following this principle, grow eyelashes along the entire eyelash row. Make sure that everything is smooth with you, otherwise you will not get a very natural result.
  • When all the lashes are glued on, wait a few more minutes for the glue to set. Then comb the hairs, giving them the final shape.
  • If you were not very careful during the work, soak a cotton swab in the remover and use it to remove ugly eyelashes or excess glue droplets.

Stages of beam volume expansion

Beam extension allows you to quickly achieve the desired result. A beam increase in the volume of eyelashes can be done by analogy with eyelash extensions. Only instead of a single hair, a bundle is immediately glued onto one of your eyelashes.

The stages of beam extension are as follows:

  • Protect the lower lashes using a special adhesive tape.
  • Carry out the degreasing process.
  • Comb the hairs, giving them the desired shape.
  • Dip a bunch of artificial elements in a drop of glue and stick them to natural eyelashes.
  • Press everything down with your fingers and wait a few seconds for the glue to dry.
  • Glue the tuft lashes along the entire lash line, observing the proportions.
  • When the gluing process is completed, comb the hairs.

Eyelash care

Eyelash extensions do not require special care, the main thing is to be careful with them and treat them with care. Mechanical impact is not allowed - for example, you can not rub your eyes. If necessary, gently scratch the eye.

Water procedures also carry out carefully. Avoid direct jet from a faucet or shower to the face, as high pressure may damage the glued elements.

It is not allowed to use decorative cosmetics with a greasy base, as well as make-up removers, which include a variety of oils. They can break down the adhesive and cause lashes to fall out.

If necessary, you can shorten or trim the eyelashes. So you can keep your eyelashes in perfect condition for a long time and less often carry out the correction procedure.

How to remove eyelash extensions yourself?

If you decide to remove eyelash extensions at home, then you will need to do it correctly.

The following actions are not allowed:

  • Try to pull them out, because at the same time as the artificial element, you will also remove your own hairs.
  • Use soap to remove hair extensions.
  • Take off when your eyes are inflamed. Wait until the inflammation process has passed.

The safest option is to use a special eyelash remover. Apply the remover to a cotton pad and use it to treat the lash line. Substances that are part of such a liquid will dissolve the glue, and false eyelashes will easily peel off.